• List of Articles Body

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Five major factors of personality and positive and negative perfectionism as predictor of symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder in adolescent girls
        Niloofar Shahidpoor Fatemeh Ajhdari Farzad Amiri
        The Relationship of Body Dysmorphic Disorder Symtoms with Five Big Factors of Personality and Perfectionism in 18-22 Years Old Girls in Shiraz. Purpose: The aim of the present study is evaluation the relation of body dysmorphic disorder symptoms with five big factors o More
        The Relationship of Body Dysmorphic Disorder Symtoms with Five Big Factors of Personality and Perfectionism in 18-22 Years Old Girls in Shiraz. Purpose: The aim of the present study is evaluation the relation of body dysmorphic disorder symptoms with five big factors of personality and positive and negative perfectionism in 18-22 years old girls in Shiraz. Method: This study was descriptive- correlation type study which was and has been Performed on 300 students girls 18-22 years old of Fatemieh and Shiraz University. Which participants was selected using available convenient sampling method. Data collection instruments were questioners of Body Image Concern Inventory (BICI: Litelton,2005), short NEO form five big factors of personality (NEO- 60),Terry-short positive and negative perfectionism standard questioner and demographic questioner used. The data were analyzed by analysis with using SPSS-21 software. Findings: According to Obtained results based on Pearson correlation cofficiene showed that there is a significant positive correlation between variables neuroticism (B=0/395), extraversion (B=0/144) and agreeableness (B=0/089) with body dysmorphic disorder and there is no significant correlation between variables conscientiousness and openness with body dysmorphic disorder. Body dysmorphic disorder has a significant and negative relationship with negative perfectionism. It means that by increasing negative perfectionism, body dysmorphic disorder also increases and also, Regression analysis results show that negative perfectionism, is the most powerful predictor for body dysmorphic disorder (B=0/477). Furthermore between positive perfectionism with body dysmorphic disorder there is an indirect relationship (B=-0/224) it means that by increasing positive perfectionism component, body dysmorphic disorder decrease. Result Conclusion: obtained results showed that among five big factors of personality, the three most powerful factors of Neuroticism, agreeableness and extraversion are the most powerful predictor of body dysmorphic disorder. Also negative perfectionism can cause to increase disorders,this negative perfectionism can cause exhibit disorders;that this negative perfectionism can be in relation with personality traits variable that is an important element of predicting body dysmorphic disorder causing creation and corroboration of disorder;although personality traits possed with positive perfectionism can explain the revrse result of negative perfectionism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Symbolism in Ave Sina’s Poem of Einiyyeh, and its Effect on the Thought of Muslim Gnostics
        علی  فتح اللهی علي  نظري
        How the human soul falls from the upper world and descends in the body cage is one of the complex philosophical and Gnostic debates. The duality of subtle spirit and dirty body is a matter of debate in most philosophical and Gnostic schools. Defending the duality doctri More
        How the human soul falls from the upper world and descends in the body cage is one of the complex philosophical and Gnostic debates. The duality of subtle spirit and dirty body is a matter of debate in most philosophical and Gnostic schools. Defending the duality doctrine, like many other Muslim Gnostics, Ave Sina is considered as one of the pioneers in symbolically depicting the fall of the soul into the body. His Poem of Einiyyeh, among the works of Muslim scholars, follows such a view. The present article studies symbolism, its development, and the relevant factors in developing mystical-gnostic stories in the works of Muslim thinkers. The other focus of the research is to explore the traces of Gnosticism, neo-Platonism, and Akhavan-ol-Safa in the Poem of Einiyyeh, and their influence on its mystical concepts, and the compatibility of its symbolic language with the Sufi terms and expressions used by Muslim Gnostics, along with the study of the belonging of spirit to the upper world, its unwillingly Fall, and the duality of the soul and body. At the end, we will study the ways to set the everlasting subtle spirit free from the prison of the body. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - From the Body Part Word “Face” to Conjunction
        Sedigheh Poormaleki Mojtaba Monshizadeh Arsalan Golfam Ferdows Aghagolzadeh
        Grammaticalization is a process through which a lexical item changes into a grammatical morpheme. Semantic changes of a free morpheme along with the categorical and phonological changes result in structural function in the syntax of a language, and the former lexical it More
        Grammaticalization is a process through which a lexical item changes into a grammatical morpheme. Semantic changes of a free morpheme along with the categorical and phonological changes result in structural function in the syntax of a language, and the former lexical items are used to express abstract grammatical concepts such as tense, aspect, and mood. In all languages, body part words as a part of lexical sources are very frequent, and have a vast semantic network. The role of these free lexical items in the process of grammaticalization has been documented by various researchers, and it has been shown that some of the body part words have been changed into adposition by moving through the continuum of grammaticalization and after a change in their core meaning. This research tries to investigate the body part word "face" and the pattern of changes in this free lexical item in Persian language system within the framework of the grammaticalization process. To do so, the different simple, derived and derived compound forms of "face" in Anvari Allegory Dictionary(1383) and FarsNet have been studied to answer the following questions: 1)what is the continuum of the changes in body part word "face" in the process of grammaticalization, and 2) what are the semantic, morphosyntactic, and categorical outcomes of grammaticalization of this word? The results show that this word has undergone the grammaticalization process like other body part words and even progressed more. This word not only refers to "face" (core meaning), it has also undergone semantic generalization and hierarchical pejoration, and participated in new structures and functions. The ending point of changes of this face is its function as compound subordinate conjunction in conditional forms and contrastive expressions. This word has gone so beyond its core meaning as subordinate conjunction that no sign of the former core meaning as body part word "face" is available. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Investigating the Role of Conceptual Metaphors in the Evolution of literary styles (Relying on Body Metaphors in Farrokhi Sistani, Anvari, and Hafiz's poems)
        Mohammad Taheri Masoumeh  Archandani
        The conceptual metaphor is the mind’s technique for conceptualizing affairs. The mind tries to conceive and contemplate some intangible affairs for itself with the help of this fundamental construct. Hence, it is expected that by changing it, we will also see a change i More
        The conceptual metaphor is the mind’s technique for conceptualizing affairs. The mind tries to conceive and contemplate some intangible affairs for itself with the help of this fundamental construct. Hence, it is expected that by changing it, we will also see a change in thought-related macro-systems. Among these macrosystems are literary styles that have many factors involved in changing them. This article tries to answer the question of how the change of conceptual metaphors in time has an effect on the change of literary styles through analytical-descriptive method. To answer it, we trace the conceptual metaphors related to the body, which include the words "hand, eye, heart and head", in a selection of poems by Farrokhi Sistani, Anvari and Hafez. By analyzing the obtained information, we conclude that conceptual metaphors have undergone significant changes over time that are in line with the evolution of literary styles and are variables affecting the evolution of styles. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Relation of Bio-Politics to Global Discourses; Liberalism, Totalitarianism, and Security
        Fateh  Moradi Abasali  Rahbar
        The main aim of this paper is to investigate Liberalism, Totalitarianism, and security as discourses that related to Bio-Politics. The goal of discourse is making subject that is identified by his/her norms and controls in daily life. In this current text we want to rev More
        The main aim of this paper is to investigate Liberalism, Totalitarianism, and security as discourses that related to Bio-Politics. The goal of discourse is making subject that is identified by his/her norms and controls in daily life. In this current text we want to reveal relation of mentioned discourses to bio-politics and body-politics. Relation of discourses to body- politics have been developing in twenty century in theories and multiple texts. On the considering this texts, legislations and actions that tending to classification of bodies and population is one of main preoccupation of discourses in recent century. Norms of economical body or body which should be a productive body of capital, other body and security comes of mentioned discourses. Part of often researches have used to Michael Foucault though, therefore in recent text we used genealogy. So, our hypothesis is the Liberalism, Totalitarianism, and security are strongly to bio-politics, and originally they comes of elements of bio-politics. Consequently, current systems has been founded as bio-political discourses, due to accruing global/ local subjects. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Body Field: Structured Mean Field with Human Body Skeleton Model and Shifted Gaussian Edge Potentials
        Sara Ershadi-Nasab Shohreh Kasaei Esmaeil Sanaei Erfan Noury Hassan Hafez-kolahi
        An efficient method for simultaneous human body part segmentation and pose estimation is introduced. A conditional random field with a fully-connected graphical model is used. Possible node (image pixel) labels comprise of the human body parts and the background. In the More
        An efficient method for simultaneous human body part segmentation and pose estimation is introduced. A conditional random field with a fully-connected graphical model is used. Possible node (image pixel) labels comprise of the human body parts and the background. In the human body skeleton model, the spatial dependencies among body parts are encoded in the definition of pairwise energy functions according to the conditional random fields. Proper pairwise edge potentials between image pixels are defined according to the presence or absence of human body parts that are near to each other. Various Gaussian kernels in position, color, and histogram of oriented gradients spaces are used for defining the pairwise energy terms. Shifted Gaussian kernels are defined between each two body parts that are connected to each other according to the human body skeleton model. As shifted Gaussian kernels impose a high computational cost to the inference, an efficient inference process is proposed by a mean field approximation method that uses high dimensional shifted Gaussian filtering. The experimental results evaluated on the challenging KTH Football, Leeds Sports Pose, HumanEva, and Penn-Fudan datasets show that the proposed method increases the per-pixel accuracy measure for human body part segmentation and also improves the probability of correct parts metric of human body joint locations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Geology, alteration and mineralization studies of the Barmolk porphyry copper deposit (North of Varzeghan – East Azarbaijan Province)
        علیرضا  روان¬خواه Mohsen Moayyed علی  لطفی¬بخش
        Exploration area of Barmolk is located in the northwest of the country, East Azarbaijan province and northeast of the Varzeghan county. Northern outcrops of the area consist of Eocene volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks and Oligocene porphyry quartzmonzonite intrusion bod More
        Exploration area of Barmolk is located in the northwest of the country, East Azarbaijan province and northeast of the Varzeghan county. Northern outcrops of the area consist of Eocene volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks and Oligocene porphyry quartzmonzonite intrusion bodies, which are cut off by first and second generation non-mineralized dikes. Towards to the north, this mass is in contact with upper Cretaceous-Paleocene carbonate-flysch deposits. In addition, Plio-Quaternary injection of dacite subvolcanic domes and eruption of alkaline basalt in the studied area have taken place. Kighal porphyry extends to the southwest of Barmolk area. Phyllic, propylitic and argillic hydrothermal alterations were identified in this mass, but potassic alteration was not observed. This indicates that the Barmolk porphyry is not an independent mass and is the margin of Kighal porphyry mass. The main texture in this mass is porphyritic with fine-graind matrix. Mineralization appears to be disseminated, vein-veinlet and fracture surface filling including chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite and pyrite. Pyrite content in this mass is low, and this is one of the reasons for the lack of supergene enrichment zone. Due to the presence of lead and zinc mineralization mostly in the form of vein-veinlet in the first-generation quartzdiorite dikes (DK1) and with regards to the injection of these dikes into Sungun after supergene zone formation, the mineralization of lead and zinc can be attributed to the epithermal processes, related to the Barmolk intrusive mass. Consequently, the latter mineralization occurred after the injection of first-generation quartzdiorite dikes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The role of Steamy Soul in the relationship between the psyche and body in Avicenna's philosophical psychology
        Avicenna is one of the Muslim philosophers among philosophers who has been given attention to the relationship between the psyche and body. Since he believes that the soul is spirituality created and he believes that the duality of body and psyche is from the beginning More
        Avicenna is one of the Muslim philosophers among philosophers who has been given attention to the relationship between the psyche and body. Since he believes that the soul is spirituality created and he believes that the duality of body and psyche is from the beginning of creation. He is obliged to accept a mediator in the issue of the existence of a relationship between body and psyche because the spiritual and immaterial psyche cannot be connected to a dirty body and an element without a mediator. Therefore, the existence of a tender mass which is above the body and low psyche is necessary. Avicenna calls this mediator the steamy soul. The steamy soul arises from the tender part of humours and body steams. Therefore, the steamy soul proportion to the tender part of humours is similar to the proportion of the concentration of humours. As the combination and humours misciblity in every part of body parts develop the temperament which fits that particular organ, steams and tenders which have arisen from quadruple humours are combined and miscibled and develop the temperament which fits the steamy soul. Therefore, thinking, employment and interest of the psyche to the body and any of body parts or body organs will be in this way. From Avicenna’s perspective, the first member which take soul is the heart. heart is the source and mine of , the steamy soul birth. The present paper addresses content analysis method to introduce Avicenna’s perspective about the steamy soul, its origin and reason for its existence, functions and its role in sensory perceptions Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Contexts of Quran in Tafreshi and Meibodyʼs Composition
        seyed Mohsen Mehrabi Mohammad Amir  Obeidi Nia Rahim  Koushesh Shabestari
        At past to now, attention to Quranʼs verse had been in authors up to investigation of Quran has been one of the important manner in religion studies. This manner receives to pick in 7 th. century in several sections such as words, reporting, inspiration. Wordʼs influenc More
        At past to now, attention to Quranʼs verse had been in authors up to investigation of Quran has been one of the important manner in religion studies. This manner receives to pick in 7 th. century in several sections such as words, reporting, inspiration. Wordʼs influences is in 3 manners such as translate and resultanate. Reporting influence divided in sack, explantation, relying. One of the kinds in Persian prose is composition which in Safavi era is favorite. In this paper, we investigate two books in safavi era ( Meibody and Tafreshi ) base on describe. The results of paper show that Meibody as judge attends to Quran more than Tafreshi. He uses at words, definition, sack and relying, but Tafreshi without exaggeration uses at Quranʼs verse in definition and relying. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Effect of beta-alanine supplementation on carnosine amount and muscle strength of the upper and lower extremities of bodybuilding athletes
        Amir Abbasi Shahin Riyahi Malayeri Seyed Kazem Mousavi Sadati
        Background: The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effect of one session of exhaustive activity with supplementation of beta-alanine on the level of carnosine and muscle strength of upper and lower extremities of bodybuilding athletes. Materials and Met More
        Background: The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effect of one session of exhaustive activity with supplementation of beta-alanine on the level of carnosine and muscle strength of upper and lower extremities of bodybuilding athletes. Materials and Methods: Twenty bodybuilders were randomly divided into two equal groups of 10 who were taking supplemental beta-alanine and placebo. The experimental group consumed beta-alanine for 21 days and the placebo group received dextrose. The level of carnosine and muscle strength of the upper and lower extremities were measured before and after supplementation. Blood sampling was done before and after supplementation after session of exhaustive workout. Paired t-test and ANCOVA were used for data analysis using SPSS 21 software at a significant level (p <0.05). Results: The results of paired t-test showed that in all three variables of lactate, carnosine and growth hormone only in the beta-alanine group, a significant change was observed between pre-test and post-test (P <0.05). And amount of these variables in the post-test showed a significant difference compared to the pre-test. Also, ANCOVA test results indicated that there was a significant difference between the two groups of beta-alanine and placebo in all three variables (P <0.05). Conclusion: Beta-alanine supplementation with an exhaustive exercise session increases the level of carnosine in blood and hence increases the fatigue tolerance of bodybuilding athletes and ultimately improves the muscle strength of the upper and lower extremities of athletes and bodybuilders. Therefore, bodybuilders can use this supplement to improve their performance. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Historical Development of the Problem of Vaporous Spirit in Sadrian Philosophy
        Mohammad Miri
        The present paper is devoted to a historical study of some of the developments made by Mulla Sadra regarding the problem of vaporous spirit. Since this spirit is the mediator of the soul’s administration of the corporeal body, he assimilates it sometimes to cloud – whic More
        The present paper is devoted to a historical study of some of the developments made by Mulla Sadra regarding the problem of vaporous spirit. Since this spirit is the mediator of the soul’s administration of the corporeal body, he assimilates it sometimes to cloud – which is a gnostic term, sometimes to a heavenly body, and sometimes to the “Throne” or the “Divine Seat”. This is because all of them share the quality of being the intermediary between their higher and lower levels and affect the process of transferring emanation and prudence from their higher worlds to their lower worlds. These similies of Mulla Sadra can be interpreted in line with the principle of the correspondence of the macrocosmos and the microcosmos. Some of these similies as well as his use of the above principle in discussing the vaporous spirit were unprecedented in the history of Islamic philosophy. Mulla Sadra’s other historical innovation was the idea of the gradedness of Man’s existence. In fact, based on his graded view of Man, he considers the vaporous spirit to be the intermediary between the imaginal level and the corporeal body. In this way, he explains the place of the vaporous spirit and its grades in the graded human existence. Accordingly, he solves the problem of establishing a relationship between the immaterial soul and the corporeal body by resorting to the vaporous spirit in a way to avoid the objection advanced against the Peripatetics in this regard. In the Sadrian view, the vaporous spirit is the main body of the soul, and the corporeal body is the sheath and cover of this spirit. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - The Body-Soul Relation in the Transcendent Philosophy and Ibn Arabi’s School
        Mohammad Miri
        There are several similarities between the philosophical view of the Transcendent Philosophy and the gnostic view of Ibn Arabi’s school of the quality of the body-soul relation. Both of them, based on certain considerations, believe in the oneness of the body and soul. More
        There are several similarities between the philosophical view of the Transcendent Philosophy and the gnostic view of Ibn Arabi’s school of the quality of the body-soul relation. Both of them, based on certain considerations, believe in the oneness of the body and soul. At the same time, while accepting the existence of a huge gap between the rational soul and corporeal body, they emphasize that the existence of the steam-like spirit is not enough to establish the body-soul relation and argue that the existence of an Ideal body and level, which stands between the steam-like spirit and rational soul, is necessary for this relation to be realized. Accordingly, based on the views of both schools, the intellectual and rational soul possesses three bodies which appear alongside each other vertically. That is, it first belongs to the Ideal body, then to the steam-like spirit, and then to corporeal body. In other words, the rational soul administers the corporeal body through two intermediaries, namely, the Ideal body and the steam-like spirit. Moreover, both the Transcendent Philosophy and Ibn Arabi’s school explain the place of the rational soul, Ideal body, steam-like spirit, and corporeal body as the levels of the microcosm and the correspondence of each with the levels of macrocosm based on the principle of the “correspondence of macrocosm and microcosm”. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Psychology in Ibn Sina and Ibn Miskawayah
        Seyyed Ahmad  Hosseinee Maryam  Gomari
        The most important basis of Ibn Miskawayah’s philosophy of ethics is his psychology. In his discussions of ethics, he intends to introduce the exclusive characteristic of human beings; he demonstrates that there exists in Man something superior to the corporeal body, na More
        The most important basis of Ibn Miskawayah’s philosophy of ethics is his psychology. In his discussions of ethics, he intends to introduce the exclusive characteristic of human beings; he demonstrates that there exists in Man something superior to the corporeal body, namely, the soul. By means of their rational soul, human beings can attain a transcendent life as befits the station of being a human. In order to present his view of the quality of Man’s access to happiness, Ibn Miskawayah initially proves the existence of the immaterial human soul and then explains its exclusive features. However, since a comparative study contributes to a better understanding of philosophical theories, the writers have introduced Ibn Miskawayah’s psychological theories in comparison to those of Ibn Sina. The present paper examines the concept of the soul in the views of these two distinguished philosophers and also refers to the whatness of the soul, existence, origination, the soul-body relation, and the faculties and subsistence of the soul. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - A Critical Evaluation of Ibn Sina’s Arguments on the Presential Perception of Essence
        somayyeh ajalli sahar kavandi
        According to Islamic philosophers, the soul’s self-perception is of the type of presential knowledge. In other words, the soul’s awareness of its own essence, unlike what Descartes states in his concept of Cogito, does not occur through external objects, body organs, or More
        According to Islamic philosophers, the soul’s self-perception is of the type of presential knowledge. In other words, the soul’s awareness of its own essence, unlike what Descartes states in his concept of Cogito, does not occur through external objects, body organs, or soulish acts. Rather, the soul perceives its self free from its acts and states and with no reliance on the activities of material body. The prominent Islamic philosopher, Ibn Sina, has posed different arguments in order to demonstrate this claim, the most important of which is the argument of “floating man” or “suspended man”. However, an evaluation of such arguments seems to reveal that they are not capable of demonstrating their claim and, under the best circumstances, they can merely prove the difference between the soul’s self-knowledge and its knowledge of other objects. Therefore, it seems that either more solid arguments are necessary to demonstrate the soul’s independence in self-perception or the soul should not be considered independent of the body and, particularly, the brain in this regard. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Factors Influencing Hakim Zonouzi’s View of Corporeal Resurrection
        Mohammad Mahdi  Meshkati Ali  Mostajeran Gortanee
        The philosophical explanation of corporeal resurrection is one of the most important philosophical problems which has attracted the attention of researchers during the post-Sadra era. Given the existing ambiguities and questions in this respect, the legacy of earlier ph More
        The philosophical explanation of corporeal resurrection is one of the most important philosophical problems which has attracted the attention of researchers during the post-Sadra era. Given the existing ambiguities and questions in this respect, the legacy of earlier philosophers, particularly Mulla Sadra, in relation to this problem, and the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy, such as the trans-substantial motion and the gradedness of existence, Hakim Agha Ali Modarres Zonouzi has carefully investigated the issue of corporeal resurrection and provided a new analysis in this regard. His view is based on three premises: firstly, after death, the soul leaves certain soulish effects and forms in trust with the cells and elements of the body. Secondly, such effects result in the trans-substantial motion and the change and evolution of the body. Thirdly, after the perfection of the body in the light of its trans-substantial motion, it joins its own specific soul so that no other soul would be appropriate enough to unite with it. Hakim Zonouzi managed to demonstrate his new explanation for corporeal resurrection relying on certain philosophical principles and analytic studies of authentic hadith sources. The present paper investigates some of Hakim Zonouzi’s philosophical principles such as the union of the body and the soul, the true and unitary texture of the form, and the quality of its subsistence in two states. Finally, it elaborates on consolidating Hakim Zonouzi’s specific theory based on a tradition from Imam Sadiq (a). Manuscript profile
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        16 - Truth of Man and the True Man in Abulhassan ‘Amiri and Mulla Sadra
        Hassan  Rahbar
        The discussion of man’s existence and his truth and station in the world of creation has always attracted the attention of philosophers as one of the important philosophical issues. Muslim philosophers have also dealt with the problem of man in their discussions. The fu More
        The discussion of man’s existence and his truth and station in the world of creation has always attracted the attention of philosophers as one of the important philosophical issues. Muslim philosophers have also dealt with the problem of man in their discussions. The fundamental point in philosophical anthropology is to speak about the truth of man as a distinct and chosen existent among all others. Abulhassan ‘Amiri Nishaburi, the Iranian Muslim philosopher, is one of the thinkers who has posed certain discussions regarding the truth of man in his philosophical works. As a result, here the writers have compared his views in this regard with those of Mulla Sadra as a distinguished philosopher with some novel theories about the truth of man. In doing so, they have tried to analyze their ideas and reveal their points of agreement and disagreement. Here, their conception of man as a creature of God composed of soul and body, their conception of the soul as the truth of man and, as a result, their opposition to materialistic approaches can be considered to be among their common points. On the other hand, their views concerning the body-soul relationship and its quality can be viewed as their points of difference. Mulla Sadra believes that the body-soul relationship is a necessary and ontological one, and introduces the steam-like spirit as the mediator between the two. Then, by posing the theory of corporeal origination, he provides a more comprehensive theory. Nevertheless, ‘Amiri considers this relationship to be an accidental one and does provide a clear explanation to justify his position in this regard. It is emphasized that both of them conceive of the intellect as one of the levels of the soul, the element distinguishing man from other existents, and the criterion for the truth of man. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Duality of Mind-Body in Homer, Plato, and Aristotle
        Yashar Jeirani
        The present paper explores the mind-body problem in Homer, Plato, and Aristotle. Here, the writers claim that the opposing ideas of Plato and Aristotle concerning the ontology of body and soul is ultimately rooted in the dualist interpretation of the ontology of the sou More
        The present paper explores the mind-body problem in Homer, Plato, and Aristotle. Here, the writers claim that the opposing ideas of Plato and Aristotle concerning the ontology of body and soul is ultimately rooted in the dualist interpretation of the ontology of the soul in the mythical era, particularly in Homer’s period. In other words, the philosophical opposition between Plato and Aristotle concerning the ontology of the soul and body has its origin in Homerian dual and opposing interpretation of the concept of the soul. In addition, by substantiating this view, the writers have tried to take a small step towards understanding the relationship between the mythical legacy of ancient Greece and its period of humanistic philosophy, particularly that of Plato and Aristotle. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Subsistence of the Soul in School of Khorasan: Self-Knowledge in Mīrzā Mahdī Isfahānī, Shaykh Mujtabā Qazvīnī, and Ayatullah Murvārīd
        Ibrahim Alipour  Ghorbani Ghomi
        The School of Khorasan follows an anti-philosophy approach and believes in the separation of the fields of revelation, intellect, and gnosis from each other. It also attends to the surface meaning of religious texts and has a different view of the soul and its subsisten More
        The School of Khorasan follows an anti-philosophy approach and believes in the separation of the fields of revelation, intellect, and gnosis from each other. It also attends to the surface meaning of religious texts and has a different view of the soul and its subsistence. The advocates of this School believe that the soul is a delicate body which is different from the soul only in terms of its accidents. They also maintain that it receives certain perfections such as knowledge and intellect, which are luminar (nūrī), immaterial, single, and external realities, merely through Almighty’s blessing. Man will always remain a corporeal being not only at the moment of creation but also to the end of what they unite with. In the School of Khorasan, self-knowledge is a necessary introduction to demonstrating the subsistence of the soul so that immortality is considered to be secondary to the knowledge of the truth. The soul, which lives with the body in worldly life, continues its life in the intermediate world needless of the body and independently in a body-like form. However, it is returned to the worldly body in the Hereafter and is rewarded or punished alongside it. This view suffers from some problems as follows: 1) equating the soul with body requires spiritual and corporeal resurrections to refer to the same process; 2) the approach of this school lacks internal consistency at times, and some diversity and conflict of ideas can be observed there, and 3) some of the concepts and related problems have not been explained correctly. Following an analytic library method, the present study explains and evaluates the views of three prominent figures of this school regarding the truth of the soul and its subsistence. Manuscript profile
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        19 - A Response to an Old Problem about Mulla Sadra’s Encounter with Suhrawardi’s Arguments on Denying the Pre-Existence of the Soul
        Ali  Shirvani Mojtaba  Afsharpour
        There are some disagreements among philosophers on the pre-existence of the soul, that is, the existence of the soul before joining the body, whether it is originated or pre-eternal. Mulla Sadra maintains that the soul – the soul qua soul – originates in the trans-subst More
        There are some disagreements among philosophers on the pre-existence of the soul, that is, the existence of the soul before joining the body, whether it is originated or pre-eternal. Mulla Sadra maintains that the soul – the soul qua soul – originates in the trans-substantial motion of the body (corporeal origination) through particular individuation. However, he agrees with its pre-existence and considers it to be a rational one. When discussing this issue, he investigates, criticizes, and rejects Suhrawardi’s arguments on denying pre-existence. The commentators of Mulla Sadra’s words have always asked the question of why he did not agree with Suhrawardi’s arguments on denying the soul’s pre-existence based on his own particular individuation so that they would appear unanimous with respect to this problem. At least, this is what one could understand from Suhrawardi’s words and arguments. Accordingly, some of the early and contemporary commentators criticized him and believed that his objections to Suhrawardi’s words were unfounded. In this paper, while briefly referring to the fundamental principles of Suhrawardi’s arguments and Mulla Sadra’s related criticisms, the writers explain the main reason why Mulla Sadra refused to accept Suhrawardi’s view about the pre-existence of the soul. Manuscript profile
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        20 - An Analysis of Ibn Sina’s View Regarding the Relationship between the Body, Death, and Otherworldly Life
        Furugh al-Sadat  Rahimpoor Zahra Heidary Heidary
        There is no doubt about the co-existence of the body and the soul in worldly life. However, there are some debates on the accompaniment of worldly body and the soul in other worldly life. Based on Ibn Sina’s principles, worldly life cannot have an otherworldly life; how More
        There is no doubt about the co-existence of the body and the soul in worldly life. However, there are some debates on the accompaniment of worldly body and the soul in other worldly life. Based on Ibn Sina’s principles, worldly life cannot have an otherworldly life; however, some effects of the worldly life of the body stay with the soul until eternity and affect Man’s otherworldly and eternal life. In Ibn Sina’s view, the body plays an essential role in the occurrence of death. This is because its change and annihilation are the reasons behind the separation of the soul from the body and, as a result, the end of worldly life. Upon the beginning of the otherworldly stage of life, the unity of the soul with the material body is ruptured; however, the effects of some of the worldly acts and behaviors of the body are not destroyed and, rather, affect the quality of the final destiny of human beings and their lives in some way. The actualization of complete connection with the Active Intellect, which becomes possible through overcoming all physical barriers and limitations and the true perception of spiritual pleasures and the essence of the soul are among such effects. The behaviors rooted in the bodily configurations that have penetrated the soul remain until the next life and play a role in providing the context for the happiness and misery of the soul and determining the quantity and quality of its otherworldly rewards and punishments. Manuscript profile
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        21 - The Role of the Ideal Level of the Soul in Establishing the Soul-Body Relation in Mulla Sadra’s Philosophy
        Mohammad Miri
        Unlike his preceding philosophers, Mulla Sadra believes that the distance between the rational soul and the corporeal body is too big to be filled merely with the steam-like soul. In addition to the steam-like soul, he considers the existence of Ideal existence as a lin More
        Unlike his preceding philosophers, Mulla Sadra believes that the distance between the rational soul and the corporeal body is too big to be filled merely with the steam-like soul. In addition to the steam-like soul, he considers the existence of Ideal existence as a link between the rational and corporeal levels to be necessary. Mulla Sadra’s graded view of human existence led him, firstly, to introduce Man as having three supreme (rational), low (material), and mid (Ideal) levels. Secondly, he maintained that Man’s Ideal and imaginal level is the link connecting the two higher and lower levels. In order to explain the place of Ideal level in human existence, he resorts to the principle of the “conformity between the macrocosm and microcosm” and considers the two rational and Ideal levels in the human microcosm to be similar to the Heaven and Throne in the macrocosm. As acknowledged by Mulla Sadra himself, he is greatly influenced by gnostics regarding the discussion of Man’s Ideal level. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Abscess and Butterfly or Bird and Cage? A Comparative Assessment of the Ideas of Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra on the Body-Soul Relation
        Abdolrazzaq  Hesamifar
        ’s philosophies and the way its relationship with the body is explained and justified. It also asks the following questions: Do these two philosophers have the same view of the nature of the soul and its relationship with the body or do they hold different views? Whose More
        ’s philosophies and the way its relationship with the body is explained and justified. It also asks the following questions: Do these two philosophers have the same view of the nature of the soul and its relationship with the body or do they hold different views? Whose view is more compatible with the Islamic-Qur’anic style of thinking? Here, the writers argue that, while Ibn Sina has adduced some strong arguments in order to justify the immateriality and spiritual subsistence of the soul, a great part of them, if not all of them, are influenced by the Platonic-Neo-Platonic approach to the nature of the soul and the soul-body relation. They also emphasize that, although Ibn Sina has offered some subtle ideas and innovations in this regard, the general framework and structure of his discussion is what we have seen in the Platonic-Neo-Platonic tradition. On the other hand, although Mulla Sadra pays particular attention to Ibn Sina’s arguments regarding the immateriality and subsistence of the soul and provides a new interpretation of the issue, through relying on the theories of the trans-substantial motion, the corporeal origination of the soul, and its spiritual subsistence, he provides an approach that can only arise from the magnificent tree of the Transcendent Philosophy. This approach is consistent not only with the rational transcendent view, but also with the Qur’anic-Islamic view concerning the nature of the soul and its relationship with the body. Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra’s view of the soul-body relation can be assimilated to the relationship between the “bird and cage” and the “abscess and butterfly”. In other words, in Mulla Sadra’s eyes, at the moment of origination, the soul is at the final stage of the development of material forms and the first stage of perceptive forms. Moreover, its being at this final moment is considered to be its last corporeal crust and the first spiritual core. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra on the Soul-Body Relation: An Evaluation of the Efficiency of their Principles in Attaining their Ends
        Furugh al-Sadat  Rahimpoor
        One of the differences between Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra in the field of anthropology pertains to their approach to soul-body relation. This difference is rooted in the principles underlying the philosophical school of each of them. The soul-body relation, according to M More
        One of the differences between Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra in the field of anthropology pertains to their approach to soul-body relation. This difference is rooted in the principles underlying the philosophical school of each of them. The soul-body relation, according to Mulla Sadra, is an essential and existential relation, which is the reason why he argues for the elemental body functioning as the material cause of the soul’s physical level. In contrast, based on Ibn Sina’s views, the soul needs the body merely for the acquisition of existential perfections and not for its very existence. Moreover, he maintains that there is no essential causation between the body and the soul. Next, Ibn Sina holds that the soul and the body enjoy composition by way of unification, and so does Mulla Sadra; however, he maintains that it is only through accepting some of the basic principles of the Transcendent Philosophy that one can justify this union. The next problem is that if the body and the soul have an ontological relationship with each other rather than an accidental one, is it possible for the soul’s dependence on the body to be disrupted? Besides, if it is certainly obvious that the soul is graded, should one not consider the body to be graded so that it could maintain its unity with the soul at its different levels? Due to the differences between the underlying principles of their philosophies, Mulla Sadra and Ibn Sina provide different responses to the above questions. This paper aims to study such responses analytically and evaluate the efficiency of these underlying principles in addressing their intended targets. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Mulla Sadra’s View of Time in the Hereafter
        Hadi  Jafary Furugh al-Sadat  Rahimpoor
        The attention to the specific features of the Hereafter, such as time, and its comparison with worldly conditions can be witnessed in many of Mulla Sadra’s works. Given the presupposition that corporeal resurrection and the existence of other-worldly body are necessary More
        The attention to the specific features of the Hereafter, such as time, and its comparison with worldly conditions can be witnessed in many of Mulla Sadra’s works. Given the presupposition that corporeal resurrection and the existence of other-worldly body are necessary in the Transcendent Philosophy, the question is whether time also exists in the Hereafter. If the answer is yes, what are its qualities and quantities, and how does it differ from worldly time? The present paper is intended to provide some responses to such questions about time and concludes that the existence of a kind of time which matches the Hereafter and the other-worldly corporeal existence is necessary for believing in corporeal resurrection. This kind of time enjoys a more perfect and intensive level of the worldly existence of time and possesses some other-worldly features such as the relativity of feeling the passage of time, influence of the extent and level of individual’s immateriality in the slowness or speed of the passage of time during other-worldly events, and correspondence of the perception of passage of time with the domination of angelic aspect over each individual (in the course of worldly life). Manuscript profile
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        25 - Shared Model of the Body-Centered Arguments of the Immateriality of the Soul in Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra
        Majid  Yaryan Furugh al-Sadat  Rahimpoor Mehdi Emam Jome
        Some Islamic philosophers, such as Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra, have dealt with the characteristics of the soul, including the demonstration of its immateriality, in their anthropological discussions. A study of the works of these two philosophers indicates that the positi More
        Some Islamic philosophers, such as Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra, have dealt with the characteristics of the soul, including the demonstration of its immateriality, in their anthropological discussions. A study of the works of these two philosophers indicates that the positive arguments of the immateriality of the soul are all based on the negation of the characteristics of the body and bodily matter. In other words, they denote that the soul lacks bodily features and, hence, demonstrates that it is immaterial. For example, bodily matter enjoys quantity, position, change, divisibility, and finitude of acts; it is vulnerable to weakness, aging, and tiredness. Moreover, the knowledge of the body and its acts is of the acquired type and is conditioned by place and position. These two philosophers demonstrate the immateriality of the soul by negating and denying the above characteristics to it. Thus the knowledge of the soul and demonstration of its immaterial nature would be impossible without the knowledge of the body and disallowing any bodily features for it. In this paper, in addition to revising the arguments of the demonstration of the immateriality of the soul and determining the key place of the body therein, it has been tried to design and provide a general model entailing all such arguments. Manuscript profile
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        26 - A Critical Study of Functionalism with a Glance at Mulla Sadra’s Self-Knowledge
        Reza  Safari Kandsari
        The relationship between the body and the soul is one of the complex issues in philosophy. The Cartesian and Platonic dualism is one of the solutions offered for this problem. Descartes and Plato believed that the soul and body are two different substances and enjoy the More
        The relationship between the body and the soul is one of the complex issues in philosophy. The Cartesian and Platonic dualism is one of the solutions offered for this problem. Descartes and Plato believed that the soul and body are two different substances and enjoy their own particular domains and features. Contemporary philosophers of the mind have also introduced a number of views in order to resolve the problems of substantial dualism. The theories of behaviorism and the identity of the mind and body deny the substantive nature of the soul and employ the words “mind” and “mental states” instead of the word “soul” and maintain that mental states are the same behavioral and brain-related states. However, while acknowledging the problems of dualism, the behavioral approaches, and the standpoint of the identity of the mind and brain, the advocates of functionalism provide an impartial interpretation of the mind (its being abstract or concrete) and believe that mental states are the same functional states which perform certain functional roles based on mental input and output and other mental states. Islamic philosophers and mutikallimun have also tackled the enigma of the soul and body and Plato’s substantial dualism. Ibn Sina and Suhrawardi deny the priority of the soul to the body (Platonic theory) but consider the essence of the soul and body to be immaterial and corporeal, respectively. Most mutikallimun reject the idea of the soul as an immaterial and self-subsistent substance and view it as a delicate kind of body. In line with functionalists, Mulla Sadra was well aware of the problems associated with considering the soul as an immaterial or corporeal substance and argued that the essence of the soul is not purely immaterial or material; rather, it is initially corporeal and then becomes immaterial through trans-substantial motion. He also stated that, based on the shadowy true unity, the soul is an intermediate world inclusive of both materiality and immateriality and becomes material and immaterial based on the states of its grades. Although both functionalists and Mulla Sadra reject the mind’s (the soul in Mulla Sadra’s view) being purely immaterial or corporeal, Mulla Sadra provided a more accurate explanation of the body-soul relation in comparison to functionalists, who hold a physicalist view of the mind. This is because he does not limit being exclusively to nature. Manuscript profile
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        27 - A Critical Study of the Differences Between Elemental and Ideal Bodies in Mullā Ṣadrā
        Hosain  Karimi
        One of the classifications of the reality of the body in philosophical sources and works divides it into Ideal and elemental types. There is no conflict among contemporary philosophers regarding the essence of this division itself; however, they have referred to some di More
        One of the classifications of the reality of the body in philosophical sources and works divides it into Ideal and elemental types. There is no conflict among contemporary philosophers regarding the essence of this division itself; however, they have referred to some differences between elemental and Ideal bodies, some of which are based on the principles related to the discussion of material and immaterial entities. Philosophers have provided different definitions for the material and immaterial. One of the important problems in the discussion of the differences between elemental and Ideal bodies is the problem of the existence of potency. Nevertheless, some other differences between them have been mentioned that cannot be completely based on the discussion of material and immaterial entities. Mullā Ṣadrā has extensively dealt with this philosophical problem in his works and referred to 15 differences between these two realities. The study of these differences can provide a better understanding of the reality of elemental and Ideal bodies. The present study indicates that some of these differences are correct; some are incorrect, and some others demand further explanation. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Ontological Functions of the Corporeal Dimension of Man in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View
        Hadi  Jafary Ali  Arshad Riahi
        Man’s corporeal dimension is of great significance from various angles in Mullā Ṣadrā’s anthropology. In this paper, the authors deal with one of its important dimensions, that is, its ontological functions. Mullā Ṣadrā has not allocated any independent section to the f More
        Man’s corporeal dimension is of great significance from various angles in Mullā Ṣadrā’s anthropology. In this paper, the authors deal with one of its important dimensions, that is, its ontological functions. Mullā Ṣadrā has not allocated any independent section to the functions of Man’s corporeal dimension in his works and has not even directly referred to it. However, these functions can be inferred from his views. A study of his works indicate that Man’s corporeal dimension performs some important functions from an ontological perspective. In this regard reference can be made to the following functions: developing belief, promotion and evolution of Man, having free will, performing opposite acts, completing mental and rational acts, constructing and improving the world, realizing the noblest order, granting identity to the soul, and developing the identity of the perfect Man and some apparently contradictory roles such as becoming the source of evil and the source of freedom from evil. This study, which has been conducted following the library and content analysis methods, in addition to demonstrating the significance and necessity of Man’s corporeal dimension in the world of creation, illustrates that the functions of this dimension have various aspects from an ontological viewpoint and pertain to a number of important realms in the world of being. Manuscript profile
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        29 - A Comparison of the Body-Soul Relationship in Philosophical Behaviorism and Sadrian Philosophy
        Naeimeh  Najmi Nejad Morteza Rezaee
        The discussion of the relationship between the soul and body has always been a challenging problem. The most important problem with this discussion is the quality of the relationship between the soul as an immaterial existence with the body as a material existence. Many More
        The discussion of the relationship between the soul and body has always been a challenging problem. The most important problem with this discussion is the quality of the relationship between the soul as an immaterial existence with the body as a material existence. Many thinkers have presented some theories in response to this problem. Following a descriptive-analytic approach, the present study examines and compares behaviorism, which provides some of the important theories in the philosophy of the mind, with the view of Mullā Ṣadrā as the most prominent Islamic Philosopher. The findings of the study indicate that both behaviorist and Mullā Ṣadrā believe in the oneness of the soul and body. However, behaviorists conceive of the soul and mental states as nothing but external human behavior. This approach in fact rejects the immateriality of the soul and its mental states, while Mullā Ṣadrā considers the relationship between the body and the soul as integration through unification based on some of his own principles including the graded trans-substantial motion and the soul’s corporeal origination. In his view, the soul, while being a single substance, enjoys both a material and corporeal level and different levels of immateriality – including Ideal and rational types – because of its graded nature. In other words, there is a single conjunctive truth that appears in the form of the body at lower levels and as the soul at higher levels. Manuscript profile
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        30 - A Critical Study of Ibn Sīnā’s Arguments on the Materialism of Particular Perceptive Experience with an Emphasis on the Problem of “Explanatory Gap”
        Ahmad Va’ezi Mehdi  Karimi
        By doubting the materiality of perceptions based on the problem of explanatory gap, a rational basis is provided for criticizing Ibn Sīnā’s arguments regarding the impossibility of the immateriality of particular perceptions, the demonstration of possibility, and also t More
        By doubting the materiality of perceptions based on the problem of explanatory gap, a rational basis is provided for criticizing Ibn Sīnā’s arguments regarding the impossibility of the immateriality of particular perceptions, the demonstration of possibility, and also the necessity of the immateriality of different types of perception. The material interpretation of particular perceptions – whether sensory or imaginal – is among Ibn Sīnā’s views in the ontology of perception. Through providing some arguments on the impossibility of the immateriality of particular perceptive experiences, he believes that the only possible state with respect to such experiences is their immateriality. On the other hand, hypothesizing the existence of a possible world in which a metaphysical state such as pain can be imagined in the absence of a neural process makes the distinction between mental state and neural process possible. This explanatory gap between them makes the immateriality of perception possible through negating the identity of these two phenomena. Given the distinction between physical and metaphysical states and the necessity of the immateriality of perception based on various philosophical arguments, the materiality of particular perception is debatable. Therefore, Mullā Ṣadrā’s idea of the immateriality of sensory and imaginal perception, similar to rational perceptions, presents a more comprehensive explanation of perception and the soul. This paper focus on a study of the whatness and ontology of particular perceptions, the discussion of which is subcategorized under the problem of the soul-body relation in the process of perception. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Effectiveness of Narrative Therapy on Body Dysmorphic Concern & Perceived Self-efficacy of Female Students with Obesity & Overweight
        Mahak Nagizadeh-Alamdari hadi AkbariNejhad
        The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of narrative therapy on body dysmorphic concern and perceived self-efficacy of female students with obesity & overweight. The method of this study was semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test and follow up with More
        The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of narrative therapy on body dysmorphic concern and perceived self-efficacy of female students with obesity & overweight. The method of this study was semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test and follow up with the control group. The population of the study consisted of obese female secondary school students in Jolfa city in the academic year 2019-2020. In total, 30 people selected by available sampling method and randomly divided into two groups. Members of both experimental groups received their own treatment respectively in 8 sessions of 1.5 hours. Measurement tools were body image concern inventory and Scherer self-efficacy questionnaire. Analysis of findings through repeated measures analysis of variance test. The mean of body dysmorphic concern and perceived self-efficacy of the experimental group in the pre-test were (57.60) and (48.93), respectively; The mean of body dysmorphic concern and perceived self-efficacy in the control group were (61.40) and (49.20), respectively. The results showed that in the post-test, the body dysmorphic concern score of the experimental group (51.40) decreased compared to the control group (64.40) (P<0.001); and the perceived self-efficacy score of the experimental group (56.33) compared to the group The control (49/27) was higher (P<0.001). The results also showed that in the follow-up phase, the effect of narrative therapy on body dysmorphic concern (51.47) and perceived self-efficacy (56.47) is lasting (P<0.001). . Manuscript profile
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        32 - Evaluation of Fuzzy-Vault-based Key Agreement Schemes in Wireless Body Area Networks Using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process
        M. Ebrahimi H. R. Ahmadi M. Abbasnejad Ara
        Wireless body area networks (WBAN) may be deployed on each person’s body for pervasive and real time health monitoring. As WBANs deal with personal health data, securing the data during communication is essential. Therefore, enabling secure communication in this area ha More
        Wireless body area networks (WBAN) may be deployed on each person’s body for pervasive and real time health monitoring. As WBANs deal with personal health data, securing the data during communication is essential. Therefore, enabling secure communication in this area has been considered as an important challenge. Due to the WBAN characteristics and constraints caused by the small size of the nodes, selection of the best key agreement scheme is very important. This paper intends to evaluate different key agreement schemes in WBANs and find the best one. To achieve this goal, three schemes from existing research named OPFKA, PSKA and ECG-IJS are considered and a fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) method is employed to find the best scheme. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Prediction of sexual satisfaction based on body image and perfectionism amongst pregnant women
        morteza Andalib Kourayem maryam morsali saeed mahmoodinia
        Introduction: The purpose of this study was to predict sexual satisfaction based on the components of body image and perfectionism in pregnant women. Methods: The research method was descriptive correlational. The study population was pregnant women residing in Tehran More
        Introduction: The purpose of this study was to predict sexual satisfaction based on the components of body image and perfectionism in pregnant women. Methods: The research method was descriptive correlational. The study population was pregnant women residing in Tehran in May and June. The sample size was 160 according to Tabachnik and Fidel formula and were selected by available sampling. The instruments of this study were sexual satisfaction questionnaires of Hudson et al, (1981), body image of Fisher (1970, perfectionism of Hewitt and Felt (1991). Results: Results of simple and multiple regression analysis showed that sexual satisfaction of pregnant women was predictable based on body image. So that the relationship between body image and sexual satisfaction is positive and among the components of body image, only the lower limb dimension has a positive and significant relationship with sexual satisfaction.Conclusion: Sexual satisfaction of women is predictable based on perfectionism and there is a positive and significant correlation between social orientation and orbital self-perfectionism with sexual satisfaction of pregnant women. Women's sexual satisfaction is predictable based on perfectionism and body image. The role of perfectionism is more important than body image. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Demonstration of Change in Metaphysical Worlds Based on Two Different Foundations
        Seyedeh Zahra Mousavi Baygi Seyyed Morteza Hosseini Shahrudi Abbas Javareshkiyan
        Several problems have been produced in the process of philosophy’s interaction with religious theorems. One of the new discussions that has attracted great attention during the last decades pertains to purgatorial and otherworldly perfection of the souls. On the one han More
        Several problems have been produced in the process of philosophy’s interaction with religious theorems. One of the new discussions that has attracted great attention during the last decades pertains to purgatorial and otherworldly perfection of the souls. On the one hand, based on the principles and explicit theories of most philosophers and Mullā Ṣadrā’s words, the perfection of the soul after its separation from the elemental body is impossible. On the other hand, some sentences in Qur’anic verses and Islamic traditions refer to the perfection of the soul in metaphysical worlds. Such differences have persuaded researchers and thinkers to find some solutions. Following an analytic-inferential method, this paper seeks to provide an answer to the question of whether the soul is subject to any change and motion after its separation from the body based on both common philosophical principles and Mullā Ṣadrā’s gnostic approach. The findings of this study indicate that, based on philosophers’ principles, changes in the states of souls after death is an acceptable view of the type of sequence of forms and manifestation of developed habits and forms in the world of nature. Moreover, according to a gnostic reading of the Transcendent Philosophy, changes in metaphysical worlds are certain and of the same type of change in the material world. However, in this approach change and motion are not used in their common philosophical senses and are, rather, used in the sense of departure from undifferentiation to differentiation and manifestation. In this way, the authors provide a rational explanation of change and motion in this paper relying on philosophical principles and through presenting a new definition of motion. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Group Therapy on Binge Eating and Body Image Concerns in Sufferers of Binge Eating Disorder
        Sadrollah Khosravi sahar esmaeili
        The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy on binge eating and body image concerns in sufferers of binge eating disorder. The research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest with experimental and control gro More
        The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy on binge eating and body image concerns in sufferers of binge eating disorder. The research method was quasi-experimental with pretest-posttest with experimental and control groups. The population of the study consisted of all the clients who were referred to Shiraz weight loss clinics from January to March 2018. Among the patients diagnosed with binge eating disorder, 30 clients were selected using purposive sampling method and administered Binge Eating Scale and Body Image Concern Inventory as pre-tests. They were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group received 8 sessions of 90-minutes acceptance and commitment therapy, and were tested again. The results showed that there was a significant difference between pre-test and post-test in the level of binge eating disorder symptoms and body image concerns in this group. This study showed that acceptance and commitment group therapy is effective in reducing binge eating and body image concerns in sufferers of binge eating disorder. Manuscript profile
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        36 - The relationship between physical mechanics and upper limb injuries in professional badminton players
        Karim   Refahi Abdolrasoul  Daneshjoo Seyed Kazem  Mousavi Sadati Fahimeh   Pourahmad
        Background: Badminton booklet is a high-risk sport in the field of upper limb injuries. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between physical mechanics and upper limb injuries in professional badminton players. Materials and Methods: 20 prof More
        Background: Badminton booklet is a high-risk sport in the field of upper limb injuries. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between physical mechanics and upper limb injuries in professional badminton players. Materials and Methods: 20 professional open badminton players from the national badminton league with a history of shoulder injuries with age (28.41 1 1.12 years), weight (71.23 7 7.22 kg), height (36 5 5.88) / 175 m), playing history (4.6 ± 1.5 years), as well as 20 healthy open badminton players with age (27.63 2 2.3 years), weight (68.88 6 6.20 kg), height ( 20.4 ± 177 meters), games (2.3 / 2.5 years), participated in this study. The subjects' shoulder kinematic indices were evaluated. Data were analyzed by chi-square and logistic regression. Results: According to the results of the study, the relationship between physical mechanics and shoulder injuries was observed in both healthy and injured groups (P = 0.003) Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, the anatomical factors of cinema are exposed to injury and athletes are considered to be related to anomalies and minor injuries, and because kinematic indicators are among the factors that have been damaged in predicting injury. , Can be considered. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, the anatomical factors of cinema are exposed to injury and athletes are considered to be related to anomalies and minor injuries, and because kinematic indicators are among the factors that have been damaged in predicting injury Can be considered. by badminton coaches. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Trans-Substantial Motion of the Soul and its Consequences in the Sadrian Study of the Soul
        Rouhollah  Souri Hamed  Komijani
        The soul goes through elemental, natural, mineral, vegetative, animal (Ideal immateriality), and rational (intellectual immateriality) stages in the cradle of its fluid existence. Therefore, the soul’s belonging to the body is a part of its identity and, thus, it can be More
        The soul goes through elemental, natural, mineral, vegetative, animal (Ideal immateriality), and rational (intellectual immateriality) stages in the cradle of its fluid existence. Therefore, the soul’s belonging to the body is a part of its identity and, thus, it can be said that the soul is a material-immaterial substance. Given the existential fluidity of the soul, Mullā Ṣadrā has reinterpreted its various characteristics. Accordingly, the soul’s faculties are levels of its continuous truth that flourish one after each other. Moreover, natural death is the result of the soul’s ontological gradedness and losing interest in elemental body. At some stages of this ontological becoming, the soul attains immateriality and, hence, its survival after death become necessary. Because gradedness and, as a result, attaining immateriality are essential to the soul, its incarnation and return to elemental body is unjustifiable. Therefore, after death, the soul begins its purgatorial life in an Ideal body that is created based on its moral habits, and the natural form that is created in the matter of elemental body opens the path towards purgatorial perfection before it. One of the most important consequences of the soul’s trans-substantial motion is its entrance into divine worlds and annihilation in active, attributive, and essential oneness. Interestingly enough, based on the trans-substantial motion, this significant achievement is possible at the moment of the soul’s belonging to elemental body and is not necessarily limited to the moment of occurrence of natural death. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Investigating the Relationship Between Self¬-¬Compassion and Body Management in Women
        Seyed Mehdi Hosseini Fahimeh Momen
        This study aimed to investigate the relationship between self-compassion and body management in women. The present study was descriptive and correlational. The study's statistical population consisted of all women in Shiraz in 2021. Among them, 300 women were selected f More
        This study aimed to investigate the relationship between self-compassion and body management in women. The present study was descriptive and correlational. The study's statistical population consisted of all women in Shiraz in 2021. Among them, 300 women were selected from the statistical population by available sampling method as the sample size. Data were collected using Self-Compassion Questionnaire (Reiss, Puminer, Neff, and Wanguchta (2011) (SCS-SF)) and Online Object Awareness Questionnaire (McKinley and Hyde (2001)). Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation analysis and SPSS statistical software. Findings from Pearson correlation analysis, related to examining the significant relationship between self-compassion and changes in body management in women, showed a significant negative relationship between the components, including self-kindness, self-judgment, human sharing, isolation, mindfulness, extreme assimilation, and changes in body management. The present study results emphasize the role and importance of self-compassion in dealing with behaviors related to body management. Cultivating a compassionate mind can control the negative behavioral consequences associated with maladaptive body management, which can have many practical implications for women. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Developing a tool to make the organization smarter in measuring the maturity level of project management and offering improvement approaches
        Fatemeh Noori Amin Habib Raad
        The project's role in the prosperity of the organization and in achieving its major goals is undeniable. Due to the fact that it is necessary to provide a method to assess the level of organizational maturity in project management and provide solutions to improve it. In More
        The project's role in the prosperity of the organization and in achieving its major goals is undeniable. Due to the fact that it is necessary to provide a method to assess the level of organizational maturity in project management and provide solutions to improve it. In this research, first the maturity level of project management in the Gas Turbine Institute is evaluated and then the improvement strategies are identified and presented as a model. Based on the development and maturity model upgrade of the Crawford project management solutions were evaluated by a researcher-made questionnaire in 5 levels (the lowest one being PMBOK, and the highest one being continuous improvement). According to the research findings, the result of the project management maturity was obtained in the third level (the stage of standard institutionalizations and project management process). After identifying project management level development approaches through interviews and analyzing the questionnaire data, for the importance of making optimal use of organizational resources, approaches were prioritized using the utility function based on time, required resources, and their significance. According to experts, the main priorities are: holding daily meetings of project teams - clarifying stakeholder expectations and documenting them - holding regular meetings of project stakeholders with project models - determining indicators and control areas - minute budgeting. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Measuring the sense of place belonging and identifying the components affecting it in urban body patterns "Case study: West side of Imam Khomeini Street, Ardabil"
        Rouhollah   Rahimi Seyed Mohsen  moosavi Nasrin  Mohammadi Irloo
        Urban bodies and their social and cultural dimensions, with a semiotic approach, play an effective role in creating a sense of belonging to a place in citizens. It is important to identify the patterns of integrated and coordinated urban bodies effective on the percepti More
        Urban bodies and their social and cultural dimensions, with a semiotic approach, play an effective role in creating a sense of belonging to a place in citizens. It is important to identify the patterns of integrated and coordinated urban bodies effective on the perception of the audience in order to create social life, social interactions and place identity. The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of urban bodies on creating a sense of belonging among citizens and to determine the patterns of urban bodies that are effective on the sense of belonging to a place, which has been studied in the body of the west side of Imam Khomeini Street in Ardabil, the main and oldest street of this city. The research method is applied and descriptive- survey type and it was carried out by a combined (quantitative- qualitative) method. To collect information, library studies and field survey methods, observation and questionnaire have been used. Based on the findings of the research, the sense of belonging to a place among citizens is influenced by the social- perceptual components of the urban body; It is possible to increase the sense of satisfaction and sense of belonging to the place among the citizens by coordinating the shops, suitable furniture, revitalizing the destroyed buildings, appropriateness in color, appropriateness in the skyline, favorable facade design and suitable vegetation. The result of the research in the case study shows that the high age, proper access and the holding of national- religious rituals have created a sense of belonging to the place. Also, structures that are familiar with the culture and identity of citizens create a sense of belonging to a place. The use of urban walls related to identity and historical and native culture for national religious rituals can encourage people to be in the street and create memories and mental images for them and consequently increase the sense of belonging to a place. Manuscript profile
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        41 - An Analysis of WTO Reform Process
        Mahmoodreza Jalili Mehdi Fakheri
        World Trade Organization reform has been discussed since its establishment. Issues such as the reform of special and differential treatment and also the reform of the consensus decision-making system have been among the most important cases of attention. The constant co More
        World Trade Organization reform has been discussed since its establishment. Issues such as the reform of special and differential treatment and also the reform of the consensus decision-making system have been among the most important cases of attention. The constant conflict between developed and developing countries, which led to the collapse of the Doha Round negotiations and the failure of the reforms debate in WTO, can be attributed to the different perspectives of these two country groups on the main purpose of WTO. Developed countries believe that the final aim of WTO is to facilitate free trade between countries, they also demand that WTO should expand free trade to e-commerce and intellectual property. On the other hand, developing countries believe the final goal of the WTO is to accelerate the development of all countries. They also expect WTO to announce the approval of an overall result of the Doha Development Round negotiations as a precondition for new negotiations of WTO reform. In addition, after the U.S crisis in WTO Dispute Settlement Body (DSB), the reform of DSB has become one of the most challenging pillars of the WTO reform process. Making consensus in the decisions has faced a deadlock in the decision-making mechanism of WTO. For instance, some of the recent issues in international trade, such as e-commerce have created different conditions in WTO in comparison to time WTO was established. Furthermore, in recent years some events like the Coronavirus pandemic and changing of the president of the United States, have made WTO reform inevitable. Manuscript profile
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        42 - An Analysis of the Ascension of the Holy Prophet (ṣ) of Islam Based on the Philosophical Principles of Ibn Sīnā and Mullā Ṣadrā
        Maryam Samadieh Abdulrazzaq  Hessamifar
        In the view of Ibn Sīnā and Mullā Ṣadrā, the Prophet’s ascension was an indisputable truth, and those who deny it are among unbelievers and deviators from the right path. Ibn Sīnā believes that the Prophet’s ascension was not corporeal because the body cannot traverse a More
        In the view of Ibn Sīnā and Mullā Ṣadrā, the Prophet’s ascension was an indisputable truth, and those who deny it are among unbelievers and deviators from the right path. Ibn Sīnā believes that the Prophet’s ascension was not corporeal because the body cannot traverse a very long distance in a moment. Thus, it was intellectual and spiritual. In other words, as the route of the Prophet’s ascension passed through immaterial worlds, one cannot consider this journey a corporeal one. However, Mullā Ṣadrā explicitly speaks of the corporeal quality of the Prophet’s presence in ascension. He believes in the corporeal presence of the Prophet (ṣ) in his heavenly journey as well as the corporeal nature of what happened to him in the night of ascension. Nevertheless, their corporeality is in proportion to the worlds in which the Prophet (ṣ) travelled. Mullā Ṣadrā considers three types of body for human beings: rational, Ideal, and elemental. He maintains that earthly journey is of the elemental type, and heavenly journey is of the Ideal and rational types. He also believes that the Prophet (ṣ) wore the corporeal attire in conformity with the worlds to and through which he travelled. This paper investigates and analyzes the quality of the Prophet’s presence in the night of ascension and the otherworldly things that happened to him during that night following a descriptive-analytic approach and based on the views of Ibn Sīnā and Mullā Ṣadrā. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Death in the View of Abul-ḥassan ‘Āmirī (with a Focus on its Historical Place)
        Einullah  Khademi
        Death as one of the most definite and certain events in human life has always attracted the attention of numerous thinkers. Modern philosophers have shown special attention to it particularly in their discussion of the meaning of life. Abul-ḥassan al-‘Āmirī is one of th More
        Death as one of the most definite and certain events in human life has always attracted the attention of numerous thinkers. Modern philosophers have shown special attention to it particularly in their discussion of the meaning of life. Abul-ḥassan al-‘Āmirī is one of the thinkers in the Islamic tradition whose view of death is of great historical significance. ‘Āmirī mainly pays attention to death while focusing on sensory soul and defines death as the annihilation and separation of sensory soul from the body. He considers sensory soul as the link between the soul (as an immaterial thing) and body (as a material thing) that is annihilated along with the body at the time of death. However, the rational soul is not destroyed. It can be said that ‘Āmirī had a medical approach to the problem of death and was influenced by religious texts at the same time. From the philosophical and religious aspect, ‘Āmirī rejected the M‘utazilites’ view of death and used the term nuz’ (dying) in order to provide a more profound concept and understanding of death. He also presents some arguments for the immortality of the soul and, at the same time, benefits from the concept of “vision” and its different types for a better perception of death. He believes that fear of death is one of the obstacles to a deep understanding of death and maintains that the attention to the necessary joys of life and luminous world and a change of view of death are critical for a more accurate encounter with this issue. One of the weak points of ‘Āmirī’s discussion of death could be lack of a focus on different types of death, particularly voluntary death. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Effect of 8-week simultaneous metabolic resistance training and Chlorogenic acid supplement on the expression level of BMP2, BMP4, BMP6, and BMP7: A randomized open label clinical trial
        Maryam Takhty Farshad  Ghazalian Shahram   Soheili khosrow   Ebrahim
        Background: BMP has critical role in development, growth, and differentiation of cell. There is enough evidence regarding the role of BMPs in lipid accumulation and homeostasis The current study aimed to evaluate the simultaneous effect of eight weeks of metabolic resis More
        Background: BMP has critical role in development, growth, and differentiation of cell. There is enough evidence regarding the role of BMPs in lipid accumulation and homeostasis The current study aimed to evaluate the simultaneous effect of eight weeks of metabolic resistance training (MRT) and Chlorogenic Acid (CGA) supplementation on expression level of BMP2, BMP4, BMP6, and BMP7 in overweight women. Materials and Methods: We carried-out a randomized clinical trial performed on 40 overweight women in Iran 2020. We randomly assigned the study participants into four groups including combined 8-week course of metabolic resistance training (MRT) training and 400 mg chlorogenic acid (CGA) supplementation, 8-week course of MRT, CGA supplement, and the control group. Intervention included three MRT training sessions per week and the duration of each session was 45 minutes. The training exercise intervention was 10 minutes of warm-up, 30 minutes of metabolic resistance training, and 5 minutes of cool-down. The supplementation arms were also received 400 mg / day CGA extracted from green coffee beans. Expression level of BMP2,4,6, and 7 was the main interested outcome that assessed pre and post intervention. Results: We observed significant decrease in BMP2 level in combined intervention group in compared with the control group (Regression coefficient= -2.7, 95% CI=-5.0, -0.4). Moreover, we observed that combined intervention has decreased BMP4 level and the observed difference was statistically significant (Regression coefficient= -6.2, -1.7, -10.6). No significant effect for MRT and CGA group was reported regarding BMP2, and BMP4. Neither combined nor separate form of CGA and MRT had no significant effect on BMP6 and BMP7 (P-value>0.05). Conclusion: Simultaneous MRT exercises and CGA supplementation prohibited expression levels of BMP2, and BMP4. However, they had no significant effect separately. There was no association between the interventions and expression level of BMP6, and BMP7. Abstract Background and Objective: BMP has critical role in development, growth, and differentiation of cell. There is enough evidence regarding the role of BMPs in lipid accumulation and homeostasis The current study aimed to evaluate the simultaneous effect of eight weeks of metabolic resistance training (MRT) and Chlorogenic Acid (CGA) supplementation on expression level of BMP2, BMP4, BMP6, and BMP7 in overweight women. Material and methods: We carried-out a randomized clinical trial performed on 40 overweight women in Iran 2020. We randomly assigned the study participants into four groups including combined 8-week course of metabolic resistance training (MRT) training and 400 mg chlorogenic acid (CGA) supplementation, 8-week course of MRT, CGA supplement, and the control group. Intervention included three MRT training sessions per week and the duration of each session was 45 minutes. The training exercise intervention was 10 minutes of warm-up, 30 minutes of metabolic resistance training, and 5 minutes of cool-down. The supplementation arms were also received 400 mg / day CGA extracted from green coffee beans. Expression level of BMP2,4,6, and 7 was the main interested outcome that assessed pre and post intervention. Results: We observed significant decrease in BMP2 level in combined intervention group in compared with the control group (Regression coefficient= -2.7, 95% CI=-5.0, -0.4). Moreover, we observed that combined intervention has decreased BMP4 level and the observed difference was statistically significant (Regression coefficient= -6.2, -1.7, -10.6). No significant effect for MRT and CGA group was reported regarding BMP2, and BMP4. Neither combined nor separate form of CGA and MRT had no significant effect on BMP6 and BMP7 (P-value>0.05). Conclusion: Simultaneous MRT exercises and CGA supplementation prohibited expression levels of BMP2, and BMP4. However, they had no significant effect separately. There was no association between the interventions and expression level of BMP6, and BMP7. Manuscript profile
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        45 - LSBB Voltage Level Shifter based on Body Biasing
        Reza Darvish khalilabadi amir bavafa toosi
        Designers of modern digital and analog systems have been using multiple voltage levels in one circuit to increase performance. To convert voltage levels in high-performance circuits, it is necessary to use voltage level shifter (LS) circuits with high speed and low powe More
        Designers of modern digital and analog systems have been using multiple voltage levels in one circuit to increase performance. To convert voltage levels in high-performance circuits, it is necessary to use voltage level shifter (LS) circuits with high speed and low power consumption. In this article, a high-performance LS circuit called LSBB (Level Shifter based on Body Biasing) is presented. LSBB consists of three parts: body biasing, current mirror circuit, and pull-up and pull-down circuit. The main idea of this design is to use the biasing circuit to depend on the base of the body of the transistors of the input stages to the VDDL voltage. This dependence leads to changes in the threshold voltage and as a result changes in the delay and power consumption to increase the performance of the circuit. Implementation in 180 nm TSMC technology and simulation with VDDL equal to 0.4 V, VDDH equal to 1.8 V and input frequency 1 MHz indicates the correct operation and high-performance of the proposed circuit, the delay values are 21.9 nS, the power consumption is 129 nW and the PDP equal to 2825 nW*nS confirms the high-performance of LSBB. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Comparative Study of the Quality of the Soul-Body Relation in Mullā Ṣadrā and E. J. Lowe
        Parvin  Nickseresht Ghasem Kakaie Mohammadbagher  Abbasi
        <p>One of the fundamental questions in philosophical anthropology pertains to the quality of the relationship between the soul and the body as two separate substances. This question has also been targeted in both Islamic philosophy and the philosophy of the mind. In Isl More
        <p>One of the fundamental questions in philosophical anthropology pertains to the quality of the relationship between the soul and the body as two separate substances. This question has also been targeted in both Islamic philosophy and the philosophy of the mind. In Islamic philosophy, through propounding the principle of the corporeal origination and spiritual subsistence of the soul, Mullā Ṣadrā has tried to provide a decisive answer to this question. On the other hand, Edward Jonathan Lowe, one of the distinguished authorities in the field of the philosophy of the mind, has tried to resolve this challenge through negating the absolute immateriality of the soul. Following a descriptive-analytic method and through library research, the present study was carried out to investigate and evaluate the views of these two philosophers in order to find out whether they have been successful in solving this problem. The findings of the study indicate that, although it initially appears that both of them have been able to overcome this dilemma through providing similar responses, some deliberation over their approaches reveals that their answers suffer from certain problems that must be resolved.</p> Manuscript profile
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        47 - The Mediating Role of Self-compassion in the Relationship Between Self-concept and Body Image and Social Anxiety in Female Students of Isfahan University of Technology
        Behnoush Harouni hassan khoshakhlagh
        Social anxiety disorder refers to an overt and persistent fear of social or functional situations. Self-concept can play a significant role in explaining social anxiety. This study aimed to determine the mediating role of self-compassion in the relationship between self More
        Social anxiety disorder refers to an overt and persistent fear of social or functional situations. Self-concept can play a significant role in explaining social anxiety. This study aimed to determine the mediating role of self-compassion in the relationship between self-concept and social anxiety of female students of the Isfahan University of Technology. The present study indicated a correlation scheme and the method of structural equations was used based on the partial least squares approach. A sample of 300 female students from the Isfahan University of Technology was selected by voluntary sampling method. The Nef Self-Compassion Scale, Beck, et al.'s (1990) Self-Esteem Scale, and Connor et al.'s (2000) Social Anxiety Inventory were used to collect data. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS software version 25 and AMOS version 22. The results showed that compassion reduces social anxiety by 22.3% of the path between self-concept and social anxiety. In addition, self-compassion has a minor mediating role in the relationship between self-concept and social anxiety (p <0.05). Self-compassion has a minor mediating role in the social anxiety of female students (p <0.05). Self-concept has a negative effect on students' social anxiety (p <0.05). Finally, the importance of self-concept in explaining social anxiety and self-compassion has a mediating role between self-concept and social anxiety. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Transition from Monarchical Rule to Innovative Governance Based on the Techniques of Transparency and Control (From Abbas Mirza to Amir Kabir)
        hadi keshavarz
        This study aims to analyze the governance patterns in Iran before and after the Iran-Russia wars, and their relationship with the environment. Two major governance patterns and two different rationalities in the exercise of power, in terms of method, scope, and perspect More
        This study aims to analyze the governance patterns in Iran before and after the Iran-Russia wars, and their relationship with the environment. Two major governance patterns and two different rationalities in the exercise of power, in terms of method, scope, and perspective, are discussed. Using a descriptive-analytical approach and documents, the governance process is examined from the perspective of Michel Foucault's governmentality framework, and the relationship between the environment, politics, and the formation of a new rationality in governance in Iran is explored. The research question is: "How did the formation and establishment of new governance mechanisms and techniques in Iran after the Iran-Russia wars take place, and what impact did it have on the relationship between the environment, politics, and the formation of new governance innovations in Iran? " The study argues that "with an awareness of the failure of governance based on the monarchy system, reformists gradually exposed society to the power of control and guidance of the population by creating new techniques and institutions, and established new governance innovations. " In general, two strategies can be identified in the administration of the territory after the Iran-Russia wars: the traditional strategy of the monarchy based on divine-political obligation and the strategy of new governance innovations based on new techniques, each leaving a different form of the relationship between the environment and politics in terms of the mode of exercising power, the scope of power, and the control perspective. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Comparison of body image, rumination, and social anxiety in people with sexual boredom and normal people
        seyyede mahsa mousavi seyfollah Aghajani Sahar  Asgari ghale bin
        Introduction: People suffering from gender boredom obviously suffer from constant discomfort due to the inadequacy of the gender role and current feelings, abundant and continuous interest in identifying with the opposite sex without taking advantage of the specific cul More
        Introduction: People suffering from gender boredom obviously suffer from constant discomfort due to the inadequacy of the gender role and current feelings, abundant and continuous interest in identifying with the opposite sex without taking advantage of the specific cultural and social benefits of that sex. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of comparingto compare body image, rumination, and social anxiety in people suffering from sexual boredom and normal people. Method: The current research was descriptive and causal-comparative. The statistical population included all people with gender dysphoria and trans-sexual members of the support association for sexual dysphoria patients in Tehran province. All normal people living in Tehran province were the normal people of in this study. The number of 50 affected people and 50 normal people were selected according to the available methods. the body image concern questionnaires of Littleton et al. (2005), rumination by Nolen Hoeksma and Maro (1991), and social anxiety by Connor (2000) were used tTo collect data, the body image concern questionnaires of Littleton et al. (2005), rumination by Nolen Hoeksma and Maro (1991) and social anxiety by Connor (2000) were used. The collected data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance inand SPSS24 software. Findings: The results showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups in body image concern (F=90.46 and P<0.01), rumination (F=115.01 and P<0.01), and social anxiety. (F=87.95 and P>0.01). Conclusion: based on the results,The results showed that people with gender boredom have lower body image and higher rumination and social anxiety than non-sufferers. Changing cultural beliefs and increasing social acceptance can play an important role in improving body image, rumination, and social anxiety. Manuscript profile
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        50 - The Relationship Between Body Image and Sexual Function and Marital Adjustment with the Mediating Role of Mental Health
        بیتا نصرالهی samira ghadimi
        <p>This study was conducted with the aim of determining the relationship between body image and sexual function and marital adjustment with the mediating role of mental health in married women of Tehran. The statistical population of the research was formed by all the m More
        <p>This study was conducted with the aim of determining the relationship between body image and sexual function and marital adjustment with the mediating role of mental health in married women of Tehran. The statistical population of the research was formed by all the married women of Tehran city in 1400-1401.From statistical population, 406 people were selected and studied as available sampling. To collect the data, Bron et al.'s Body Image Questionnaires (MBSRQ), Rosen et al.'s Women's Sexual Function (FSFI), Goldenberg's Mental Health (GHQ-28) and Graham B. Spanier's Marital Adjustment Questionnaire (DAS) were used. After collecting and extracting the data, the structural equation modeling method was used to test the hypotheses of the current research. In this research, AMOS software version 25 and SPSS version 24 were used.The results showed that:Body image had a positive and significand direct effect on sexual function (p&lt;0/05, &beta;=0/31) and marital adjustment (p&lt;0/01, &beta;=0/117). mental health had a negative and significant direct effect on sexual function (p&lt;0/01, &beta;=-0/37) and also on marital adjustment (p&lt;0/01, &beta;=-0/548). mental health had a positively and significantly mediates the indirect effect of body image on sexual function (p&lt;0/01, &beta;=0/111) as well as the indirect effect of body image on marital adjustment (p&lt;0/01, &beta;=0/164). In general, the results showed that body image had an effect on sexual function and marital adjustment both directly and through the mediation of mental health &ndash; it fits with the collected data.</p> Manuscript profile
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        51 - Aristotelean Roots of the Soul’s Corporeal Origination in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View
        Hamideh  Ansari Hassan Fathi Morteza  Shajari
        Philosophers have presented different views about the whatness and truth of the soul based on dualism (immateriality of the soul based on the pre-eternity and origination of the soul before the existence of the body or along with it) or monism (corporeal origination of More
        Philosophers have presented different views about the whatness and truth of the soul based on dualism (immateriality of the soul based on the pre-eternity and origination of the soul before the existence of the body or along with it) or monism (corporeal origination of the soul). Mullā Ṣadrā believes that the soul is corporeally originated. The principles of the Transcendent Philosophy, including the trans-substantial motion, the principiality and gradedness of being, and the corporeal origination of the soul, have made it possible to demonstrate corporeal resurrection. Aristotle also believes that the origination of the soul is corporeal. However, the extent to which Mullā Ṣadrā is influenced by Aristotle’s ideas in this regard has never been studied so far. This paper is intended to explain the Aristotelean roots of Mullā Ṣadrā’s discussion of corporeal origination following a comparative-analytic method. The findings of this study indicate that in defining the soul as a “natural and organic body” and, following it, considering the soul as a formal substance and a primary perfection of the body, as well as believing in the unitary synthesis of the body and the soul and the unity of the faculties of the soul, all indicating the corporeal origination of the soul, Mullā Ṣadrā is under the influence of Aristotle. Nevertheless, Aristotle’s approach suffers from some ambiguity because of the existing implicitness in some of his words and not referring to an explicit standpoint regarding the principiality of existence or quiddity, presence of motion in substance, and gradedness of existence. Manuscript profile
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        52 - he moral role of the Holy Quran in the health of the human body
        Enayat  Sharifi
        Physical health is considered as one of the other health along with spiritual, mental and social health in many systems and schools. Trying to explain an intellectual and cognitive system called "ethical system" consisting of three related and coherent elements; It is t More
        Physical health is considered as one of the other health along with spiritual, mental and social health in many systems and schools. Trying to explain an intellectual and cognitive system called "ethical system" consisting of three related and coherent elements; It is the plan, the basics and the principles, and it aims to improve and promote the spiritual health of human being with the water treatment method. Therefore, this research aims to answer the basic question of how the moral system of the Qur'an affects the human body and health through a descriptive and analytical method The moral system of the Qur'an with two methods; Prevention and treatment aim to ensure the health of the human body. Raising awareness, removing moral vices, observing hygiene and cleanliness in dimensions, cleanliness of the body and clothes, sexual hygiene and nutritional hygiene are among the preventive methods of the moral system of the Quran in the health of the body. are The treatment methods are divided into two parts: the treatment method through inner and spiritual means and the treatment method through external means. Piousness, peace of mind, prayer, Quran, prayer, repentance and asking for forgiveness are among the methods of inner means, and fasting, avoiding extravagance and overeating are also the most important material means for the health of the body. Manuscript profile
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        53 - Investigation of the Level of Consumption and the Effects of Sports Supplements on the Satisfaction and Performance Quality of Bodybuilding Athletes
        Mohamad  Ilanloo Alireza  Eizadi Behzad Divkan
        Background: The use of different kinds of dietary supplements is rising dramatically on a global scale these days. These substances include multifunctional performance-enhancing supplements, herbal supplements, and everyday vitamins. The main objective of this research More
        Background: The use of different kinds of dietary supplements is rising dramatically on a global scale these days. These substances include multifunctional performance-enhancing supplements, herbal supplements, and everyday vitamins. The main objective of this research is to find out how bodybuilding athletes' performance quality, muscle efficiency, and degree of satisfaction are affected by sports supplements. Materials and Methods: This study used a survey approach conducted in the field using a standardized questionnaire in conjunction with a descriptive-analytical research design. The study's statistical population included 131 participants who were among the top ten bodybuilding competitors at national championships. For statistical analysis, Friedman and linear regression tests were used after the data was collected. Results: The study results suggest that the majority of respondents concur that the use of sports supplements directly affects the functioning of body muscles. Moreover, the prolonged use of supplements that enhance weight and muscle volume has an increased effect on the performance of these athletes. The benefits of sports supplements are particularly noticeable throughout the second to fourth years of training for bodybuilding athletes as they continue to use these supplements. Conclusion: Evidence suggests that sports supplements have a discernible influence on muscle efficiency and the performance of bodybuilding athletes. Nevertheless, the use of sports supplements does not have a substantial impact on athlete satisfaction. Manuscript profile
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        54 - The effect of selected taekwondo exercises and ginseng consumption on body composition and some selected factors of physical fitness of overweight girls
        Behzad Divkan Soheila Azarkhosh Parisa   Goudarzi
        Background: The Aim of The Study Was to Investigate the Effect of Selected Taekwondo Exercises and Ginseng Supplement Consumption on Body Composition and Some Selected Factors of Physical and Movement Fitness of Overweight Girls. Materials and Methods: The Research Is More
        Background: The Aim of The Study Was to Investigate the Effect of Selected Taekwondo Exercises and Ginseng Supplement Consumption on Body Composition and Some Selected Factors of Physical and Movement Fitness of Overweight Girls. Materials and Methods: The Research Is a Semi-Experimental Research That Was Conducted in The Field Method, For This Purpose, 28 Overweight Girls Interested in Taekwondo in Tehran, Who Had At Least Three Years of Taekwondo Experience. By Cluster Sampling Method and Using G-POWER Software, They Were Selected Purposefully and Randomly Divided Equally in to Four Experimental and Control Groups of Seven People. Taekwondo Training Program as Well as HIIT Training Program Including 8 Weeks of Training Were Implemented. HIIT Training Includes a rest Test, Meaning 6 Intervals Of 35 Meters, With A 10-Second Rest At The End Of Each Interval. After Eight Weeks of Training, All Dependent Variables of The Research Were Measured Using Standard Tests in The Statistics Section, T Test, Variance Analysis and LSD Post Hoc Test Were Used. Results: The Results of One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Showed that the Percentage of Body Fat in The Experimental Groups Decreased Compared to The Control Group and Showed a Significant Difference (P≤0.05). Also, In the Supplement Group, Due to The Consumption of Ginseng Supplement and Its Relationship with The Increase in Muscle Volume and Strength, An Increase in Sargent's Jump Was Reported (P≤0.05). Conclusion: It Was Found that the Reason Can Be Considered the Nature of The HIIT Exercise That Has Been Performed Under High Pressure. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Intellect between existence and non-existence with the body in resurrection and arguments about it from the point of view of Fakhr Razi and Sadr al-Mutalahin
        Abdulrahman Sadigh Mohammad Aziz  Javanpour Heravi Mohammad Ali Rabbipour
        The purpose of the present research is to understand the nature of reason and destiny and its end in resurrection and to present different meanings and interpretations about proving the survival of reason, which has been the subject of discussion since the past. Based o More
        The purpose of the present research is to understand the nature of reason and destiny and its end in resurrection and to present different meanings and interpretations about proving the survival of reason, which has been the subject of discussion since the past. Based on this, this research has been written by examining the verses of the Quran, especially the verses related to the creation and the definite destiny of man, and examining the sayings of scholars and philosophers. During the review of the sources, the certainty of reason in the existence of man in the second life (the Day of Resurrection) was proved with rational and narrative reasons by referring to the verses of the Holy Quran and inspiration from the descriptions of philosophers and scholars. One of the reasons cited in verse 27 of Surah S, and one of the convincing intellectual reasons is that God did not create man and the world in vain, and reason and logic do not accept that the oppressor and the oppressed are equal in judgment, so the resurrection and reckoning is a definite obligation for every human being; In this way, it is proved that reason is with man on the day of resurrection, because its absence removes responsibility and accountability from him, and by losing it, a person's humanity and identity are lost, and if this is the case, there will be no judgment and accountability, and this is impossible based on the sayings of the Most High, reason and logic. This is a deterrent answer to the words of the deniers who say that there is no resurrection and that man is destroyed by death and suffers eternal destruction. So, based on the general results, there is reason and resurrection, and reason does not disappear with death, and resurrection is for the realization of justice in the reward of the righteous and the punishment of the wicked. Manuscript profile