Measuring the sense of place belonging and identifying the components affecting it in urban body patterns "Case study: West side of Imam Khomeini Street, Ardabil"
Subject Areas : Islamic urbanism
Rouhollah Rahimi
Seyed Mohsen moosavi
Nasrin Mohammadi Irloo
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.
3 - M.A student Architecture, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.
Keywords: Place attachment- Sense of belonging- urban body- physical and social factors- Imam Khomeini Street, Ardabil.,
Abstract :
Urban bodies and their social and cultural dimensions, with a semiotic approach, play an effective role in creating a sense of belonging to a place in citizens. It is important to identify the patterns of integrated and coordinated urban bodies effective on the perception of the audience in order to create social life, social interactions and place identity. The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of urban bodies on creating a sense of belonging among citizens and to determine the patterns of urban bodies that are effective on the sense of belonging to a place, which has been studied in the body of the west side of Imam Khomeini Street in Ardabil, the main and oldest street of this city. The research method is applied and descriptive- survey type and it was carried out by a combined (quantitative- qualitative) method. To collect information, library studies and field survey methods, observation and questionnaire have been used. Based on the findings of the research, the sense of belonging to a place among citizens is influenced by the social- perceptual components of the urban body; It is possible to increase the sense of satisfaction and sense of belonging to the place among the citizens by coordinating the shops, suitable furniture, revitalizing the destroyed buildings, appropriateness in color, appropriateness in the skyline, favorable facade design and suitable vegetation. The result of the research in the case study shows that the high age, proper access and the holding of national- religious rituals have created a sense of belonging to the place. Also, structures that are familiar with the culture and identity of citizens create a sense of belonging to a place. The use of urban walls related to identity and historical and native culture for national religious rituals can encourage people to be in the street and create memories and mental images for them and consequently increase the sense of belonging to a place.
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