• List of Articles سعدی

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Impressibility of Sa’di from Firdausi based on the Theory of Transtextualite
        زينب  نوروزي وحید  علی بیگی سرهالی
        The works of Sa’di are among the best masterpieces of classic Persian texts who is the full-fledged representative of Persian Culture and Literature. He had been under effect of old texts and there is an obvious relation between Sa’di prosaic works and older works befor More
        The works of Sa’di are among the best masterpieces of classic Persian texts who is the full-fledged representative of Persian Culture and Literature. He had been under effect of old texts and there is an obvious relation between Sa’di prosaic works and older works before him. One of these works is Shahname by Firdausi. The aim of this study is to show and prove this textual relation between Sa’di works and Shahnameh of Firdausi which is based on the Theory of Transtextualite by Gérard Genette which is a perfect theory regarding the intertextual relations; we reviewed all links between Sa’di and Firdausi works in all aspects and came to this conclusion that Sa’di works are a complete sample of Transtextualite which is proved by providing evidences, analytic-descriptive method and their explanations and interpretations; so the full presence of Transtextualite in Sa’di works is proved in this regard. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Stylistic Study of Modality in Golestan of Sa’di In the Framework of Systemic Functional Grammar
        Ahmad Tamimdari نیره  صدری
        The most part of Golestan-e Sa’di involves literary pedagogical genre in moral kind. The inclusion of “moral musts” in pedagogical works and their relation with the concept of compulsion can make a clear and commanding tone in speech and then will cause hatred in audien More
        The most part of Golestan-e Sa’di involves literary pedagogical genre in moral kind. The inclusion of “moral musts” in pedagogical works and their relation with the concept of compulsion can make a clear and commanding tone in speech and then will cause hatred in audience and his speech will have no effect then. Within the grammatical category of Modality in the framework of systemic functional grammar and as a stylistic study, the article attempts to answer this question that what techniques did Sa’di use in Golestan in composing pedagogical themes so that no only his speech and work is not tiring, but also he attracted a lot of audiences along history. After stating the problem, reviewing the literature regarding modality in Iran and brief introducing of functional stylistics, the article describes the modality category from Halliday perspective. After that, some examples of stylistic analysis are provided in some selected texts like Golestan, based on the modality variable, along with the chart of data statistics and after that the analysis of data is provided and finally the results and findings are stated. The statistical results of the study show that different facilities of modality is used in the explanation of pedagogical themes in Golestan that simultaneously keeps the origin of pedagogical themes and makes the speech indirect and decreases its directness and increases the subtilty of speech tone and finally its impression. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Aesthetic Functions of Predisposition of Verb In Sa’di’s Sonnets
        سوسن  جبری  
        Syntactic structures somehow reflect our perception of outer and inner facts, and express the relations established by our minds among the things and concepts in terms of linguistic forms. Such a process is unconscious. Poets, however, employ the syntactic patterns to s More
        Syntactic structures somehow reflect our perception of outer and inner facts, and express the relations established by our minds among the things and concepts in terms of linguistic forms. Such a process is unconscious. Poets, however, employ the syntactic patterns to some degree consciously so that they would effectively express their thoughts and emotions. Predisposition of verb is a defamiliarized syntactic pattern whose functions here have been studied in Sa’di’s sonnets. Structure functions of this pattern are to create forceful musical effects, keeping sentences length short, extendibility, completing the meaning, and structural cohesion. Predisposition of verb has also semantic functions including meaning extension, emphasis, magnification, minimization, generalizing palace and time, brevity, interpretability, suspension and expectance, prominence of descriptions, movement and dynamism, emotional incitement, creating images and pleasure, semantic cohesion. Thus, predisposition of verb is considered as one of the reasons for the beauty of Sa’di’s sonnets which along his skillful use of other linguistic techniques make readers share in poet’s thought and emotions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Three Views on Death in Persian Literature
        مرتضي  فلاح
        Death is the greatest incident in any person’s life and has constantly occupies man’s mind. In the written literary texts of Iran- both religious and non-religious; before and after Islam- most of the investigations and explorations and the concern of writers, poets an More
        Death is the greatest incident in any person’s life and has constantly occupies man’s mind. In the written literary texts of Iran- both religious and non-religious; before and after Islam- most of the investigations and explorations and the concern of writers, poets and scholars was on finding a way for escaping death or overcoming the terror derived from it. The first literary prose and poetic works seriously concerned about this topic are from the mid third century after Islam; where we can notice and see such historical concern. That is of course if we chose to dismiss the ancient Iranian literature and the initial myths and epics belonging to that period. With a brief overlook, the attempts of the Iranian Post-Islam poets and writers for overcoming death or reducing its concern and obsessions can be limited to three major ideas; first, those who have admired it and welcomed it warmly. Rumi is the greatest representative of this group. Second, those who have regarded death with hatred and for overcoming it have sought to overcome it by ‘having fun in the moment’ (Carpe Diem) intending to reduce the terror and fright of death. Khayam is the pioneer and complete representative of this group. The third group is composed of those who have had a realistic attitude towards death; they have viewed life and death as two sides of a coin, tried to utilize the blessings of this world and pay service to mankind; while at the same time have provided their required supply for this life and afterlife. These have neither sacrificed life for death nor have sacrificed death for life. Sa’adi is the greatest representative of this group. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Prolepsis in Sa'di's Tales the Stories of the West
        مسعود  نوروزیان شادمان  شکروی افسانه  صحتي
        Insofar as it is related to techniques of story writing such as diction, omission, etc. short stories in the west have evolved to a great extent. These elements, that is, literary devices, can also be seen in the Persian classical works of literature. Terms such as Poin More
        Insofar as it is related to techniques of story writing such as diction, omission, etc. short stories in the west have evolved to a great extent. These elements, that is, literary devices, can also be seen in the Persian classical works of literature. Terms such as Point of departure, and prolepsis, found in the works of great writers such as chekov, Allen Poe, Pomasant can also be found in Sa'di's "Golestan". Point of departure in stories will lead to the emergence of perception, and neurological curves in the shortest period possible. The present paper is aimed at comparing Golestan with the stories of the west in this regard. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - A Comparative Study of Education in Saadi’s Works and Tagor's Poems
        Ahmad حسنی رنجبر کاینا  ابراهیمی
        Undountedly different nations owe their educational doctrines to their intellectual characters. In order to understand the educational doctrine in Iran and other countries that is close or similar to Iran, studying Saadi’s and Tagor’s thoughts considered to be reasonabl More
        Undountedly different nations owe their educational doctrines to their intellectual characters. In order to understand the educational doctrine in Iran and other countries that is close or similar to Iran, studying Saadi’s and Tagor’s thoughts considered to be reasonable and significant. This research aims at dealing with this fundamental question that “what are the similarities and differences between the lyrical themes in Saadi’s works and Tagor’s poems?” Undoubtedly, the effect of cultural, climate, scientific, political and social factors has important role in forming these ideas, and is the reason of the similarities and differences in fundamental themes like paying attention to the nature of education, the value of life, death, aging, word, and etc. However, each one of these poets sometimes has his own ideas regarding a specific subject which is quite the opposite or independent of the other. In this article, the ups and downs of these poets’ ideas and their concordance and independence will be studied. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - A Critical Review and Analysis of the Narrative Technique in a Story of the Golestan of Saadi
          mostafa gorji
        One of the main subjects that has been a matter of attention to the literary researchers is reviewing the narrative techniques of the poets and writers who are well known in the field of narration. Discovering the mystery of these narratives, not only can manifest th More
        One of the main subjects that has been a matter of attention to the literary researchers is reviewing the narrative techniques of the poets and writers who are well known in the field of narration. Discovering the mystery of these narratives, not only can manifest the value of the previous works, but also helps today’s writers in achieving the effective narrative techniques. Discovering the deeper layers of the Golestan of Saadi demands deep thinking, and through reviewing and reinterpreting it, new literary potentials can be found. This research aims at a critical study and analysis of narrative discourse and the structure of narration in the story about a young boxer in the third chapter of Golestan. It shows how much Saadi has been successful in induction of his beliefs through finding the proper forms related to them and based on the assimilation of form and content, he creates a piece of work which has different dimensions of a literary work all together, a work which satisfies the audience through different eras. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Conceptual Blending of War, Hunting and Love in Saadi’s Ghazals Based on Fauconnier and Turner
          nasrin fahgih malek marzban
        The aim of this research is to explain the conceptual blending of war and hunting, and to analyze the specific dimentions of this blending in Saadi’s Ghazals based on Fauconnier and Turner. One of the frequent cognitive concepts in Saadi’s Ghazals is war and hunting as More
        The aim of this research is to explain the conceptual blending of war and hunting, and to analyze the specific dimentions of this blending in Saadi’s Ghazals based on Fauconnier and Turner. One of the frequent cognitive concepts in Saadi’s Ghazals is war and hunting as the input domain of love. The theory of conceptual blending is an effective instrument for understanding the interaction between a conceptual system with its domains. Fauconnier and Turner introduced the theory of multispace or network model. In the network model, the common concepts of two input domains create a generic space. Moreover, the interaction between these two input domains creates a blended space in which the conceptual structure can not be percieved only from the input spaces. In this research we will show that most concepts of love are related to the beloved and specific terms used to describe him/her. In the blended domain, there are some paradoxical concepts like considering death as eternal life, or captivity as freedom. After demonstrating the dimentions of conceptual blending of war and hunting , we will try to find out how the resulted paradox in the blended domain is created. The hypothesis is that this paradox is resulted from the effects of mystical concepts of love in Sufi discourse on the poet’s mental models, even if the Ghazal is categorized as a love one. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The Influence of Poets of Shiraz (Sa’adi and Hafez) on Russian Poems
          Janolah Karimi Motahhar
        In this article some Russian poets like Mikhail Alekseevich Kuzmin, Igor Vasilyevich Sourianin, Dmitri Borisovich Kedrin and Ilia Lovich Slivinski who are inspired by poets of Shiraz, Sa’adi and Hafez are introduced, and their poems with themes similar to Persian litera More
        In this article some Russian poets like Mikhail Alekseevich Kuzmin, Igor Vasilyevich Sourianin, Dmitri Borisovich Kedrin and Ilia Lovich Slivinski who are inspired by poets of Shiraz, Sa’adi and Hafez are introduced, and their poems with themes similar to Persian literature and aforementioned Shirazi poets’ thoughts will be analyzed. This article aims at studying the Russian poets’ approach towards Sa’adi and Hafez’s poetry, and those motifs in their poems that the Russian poets were interested in. For example, how are the moral themes reflected? In addition to ethics, have they shown any interest to the literary styles? Since some Russian poets got familiar with the style of Ghazal in Iranian poetry, have they used this style under the influence of Persian poets? Who are those Russian poets that used this style, and which Iranian poets had influenced them more? This article focuses on the period in Russian literature in which the greatest attention had been paid to the poets of Shiraz, and looks for reasons for this tendency. Some famous Russian poets of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries of the Russian literature have paid special attention to the ideas of Sa’adi and Hafez. This study reveals that there are various kinds of effects and tendencies. The reasons for the Russian poets’ interest and tendency towards the poets of Shiraz (Sa’adi and Hafez) is discussed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Analysis of Rhetorical Fields in Saadi's Works and Their Generalization in Persian Language and Literature
        farhad mohammadi
        In order to understand the rhetoric of the Persian language and to discover its rules and principles, it is necessary to study and analyze its syntactic structures. By this manner, the order of syntactic structures in normal status can be recognized the changes that hap More
        In order to understand the rhetoric of the Persian language and to discover its rules and principles, it is necessary to study and analyze its syntactic structures. By this manner, the order of syntactic structures in normal status can be recognized the changes that happen due to rhetorical purposes could be distinguished; because the syntax structures, which are the various orders of the components, are forming according to meaning and rhetorical purposes. Any kind of "change in the grammatical position of the components", "change in sentence form" and any "deletion or addition" in the word are the result of rhetorical purposes. This article focuses on Sa'di's work as a prominent example of Persian rhetoric, examining the most important fields of rhetoric through which the transfer of meaning and the induction of rhetorical goals take place. The purpose of this research is to identify the general fields of Persian language syntax in inducing rhetorical goals, each of which can include many instances. It also attempts to show what meanings and purposes are usually expressed with each of these capacities. The results show that "displacement of word components", "change in structure and formation of sentences” and "syntactic increase and decrease" are the main means used to express rhetorical purposes in Persian syntax. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Comparative Study of Applied Ethics in Sahifeh Sajjadiyeh and Boostan Saadi
        Leila Moradi Seyed Mohammad  Amiri Mahboubeh Khorasani
        Applied ethics is a branch of normative ethics that is distinguished from the two branches of meta-ethics and normative theories by focusing on details. There is no consensus on the nature, content and methods of reasoning. One of the key issues in the literature and th More
        Applied ethics is a branch of normative ethics that is distinguished from the two branches of meta-ethics and normative theories by focusing on details. There is no consensus on the nature, content and methods of reasoning. One of the key issues in the literature and the statements of the Imam (PBUH), which has been considered, is applied ethics. Applied ethics in the Islamic world of monotheism and the explanation of the human relationship with God in the Islamic teachings are of prime importance. In the literary and Islamic teachings, the main sources of religion, namely, the Quran, are the tradition of adhering to the components and practicalities of the necessary ethics for the goodness of his innocence in the two mortal worlds and the rest. Applied ethics with human pathology and knowledge of evil spirits in the soul, seeks to correct internal diseases. In this paper, we will review the comparative application of ethics in Sajjadiyeh and Bostan Saadi. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Managerial ethics in Marzbannameh and the advice of the kings
        Tavagh  Galdi Golshahi
        Nasihat al-Muluk Saadi and Marzbanehnameh, the work of Marzbaneh Banurstam, which was later adorned and written by Varavini in complex technical prose, are two works of historical treasure of Persian literature, each of which in its own style, principles and principles More
        Nasihat al-Muluk Saadi and Marzbanehnameh, the work of Marzbaneh Banurstam, which was later adorned and written by Varavini in complex technical prose, are two works of historical treasure of Persian literature, each of which in its own style, principles and principles of management. And have shown the ethical models of management, which at that time were very similar and symmetrical with the ways of governing and governing. In both works, the necessity of observing and protecting the moral and religious teachings and the creature of the king to the virtues and desirable moral qualities such as benevolence and forgiveness, justice and fairness, moderation, cheerfulness and democracy and the like, are warned. Also, paying attention to those around and subordinates, how to deal with them, the quality of interaction and treatment with different sections and classes of people, as well as how to deal with enemies and ill-wishers, have been the most important issues that these two works have addressed. The study of these works clearly shows that Saadi in his advice to the kings, without any hesitation, has expressed his intention in the form of very clear and explicit advice addressed to the ruler and sultan of the society, while in Marzbanameh, this is important using technical language. And it is very busy and full of different literary industries and in the form of allegories and legends from the language of different animals and beasts and in the envelope of multifaceted and cryptic words, which, of course, despite the differences and differences in the two works, can be close and He found many similarities in their general and fundamental concepts and themes, which were how to manage, policy and governance. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Investigating and analyzing the confinement of names and attributes of god in Sa'adi s works
        anvar zieaee
        The term nouns and attributes, like most Islamic terminology, have a Quranic origin. Among the prevailing ideas in Islamic theology are promises of the arrest of divine names and attributes, including those from the hadith, the Za'ir and even the Ash'arites. Matrides be More
        The term nouns and attributes, like most Islamic terminology, have a Quranic origin. Among the prevailing ideas in Islamic theology are promises of the arrest of divine names and attributes, including those from the hadith, the Za'ir and even the Ash'arites. Matrides believe that God should be named and described only by the names and attributes in the book and the tradition, and that they know the names and other attributes of heresy. From the Mu'tazilite point of view, the divine attributes and attributes are not forbidden, and the name and attribution of transcendence to the names and attributes not mentioned in the Qur'an and traditions is valid, while mystics and Sufis and many close to them believe that God Any good name can be read. Saadi, inspired by the Ash'arites' beliefs, repeatedly reads God in the names and descriptions mentioned in the book and tradition. Therefore, in this research, considering the Ash'arism of Saadi's professionalism, we will examine descriptive-analytic method by extracting nouns and attributes in general, to see to what extent Sa'adi's thoughts and beliefs regarding the arrest of Asmau are discussed. The traits correspond to the Ash'arites. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - The Investigation of transtextuality relation between Rahi Moayeri’s Ode and Sadi’
        hoshang mohammadi afshar Mobin Salehi nia
        Every one of distinguished poets of Persian literature has been master in some types of literary. In such a way that they have changed that type of literary into a good standard for other literary works. Furthermore, their works as a mother text have attracted poe More
        Every one of distinguished poets of Persian literature has been master in some types of literary. In such a way that they have changed that type of literary into a good standard for other literary works. Furthermore, their works as a mother text have attracted poets, writers, and other artists. One of this great poets , “Sa’adi-e Shirazi “, is as a certain literary Persian master. Also many poets are influenced by Sa’adi’s style in the way that they versify. One of the contemporary sonneteers who is more influenced by Sa’adi in his style of poems, selecting the terms, composition, content, and the type of his glance is ‘Mohammad Hosein Rahy Moayeri’. This article tries to investigate Rahy Moayeri’s impression from Sa’adi in ode based on Gerard Genette’s transtextuality theory . This theory surveys all correlations between one text and other texts as well as it characterizes the quality of the influence of “pretextuality” and “hypertextuality” and analyzes the aspects of a text. In result, what we can understand includes something such as: Rahi’s attitude to Sa’adi’s ode, the use of terms and combinations in an un explicit and implicit way, and the processing of the subject and content, the type of Rahi’s look into Sa’adi’s poets in different topics, and the quality of imitation or the changing of looking into Sa’adi’s contents . These are compiled based on analytical- descriptive way and library method. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Investigating the similarity of detailsin saadis sonnets
        zahra dehghani
      • Open Access Article

        16 - بررسی تطبیقی نگاه سعدی و منوچهری به طبیعت
        خسرو محمودی
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Metaphorical Synesthesia or Cross-Modal Correspondences? A Cognitive-Semantic Approach to Multi-Modal Expressions in Sa’adi’s Boostan
        Mahmood Naghizadeh
        Synesthesia or sensory fusion is represented through cross-modal expressions in language. In synesthesia, there is a kind of meaning transfer between words of different modalities. The present study aims at exploring mechanisms involved in transferring predicates from o More
        Synesthesia or sensory fusion is represented through cross-modal expressions in language. In synesthesia, there is a kind of meaning transfer between words of different modalities. The present study aims at exploring mechanisms involved in transferring predicates from one sense modality to another. And also we explore factors involved in interpreting cross-modal expressions in Sa’adi’s Boostan using tenets of cognitive semantics such as embodied meaning, cultural factors and evaluative content of sensory terms along with the role human's mental architecture in deriving different literal and non-literal meanings from these expressions. The data include cross-modal expressions collected from Sa’adi’s Boostan and analysis is carried out in a descriptive method. Results show that our understanding of meaning transfer between sensory modalities is syncretic rather than metaphorical. Therefore, predicate transfer in cross-modal expressions in Sa’adi’s Boostan is done through mechanisms such as experiential correlations between different concepts, conceptual metonymy and evaluative valence of sense words. Furthermore, there are psychologically primitive concepts for sense words in Sa’adi’s Boostan that span all domains of sensory experience and are activated in presence of certain stimuli to trigger derivation of various literal meanings. Finally, Iranian Culture and lifestyle in Saadi's period play their role as a filter for preventing elements that are not in accordance with Persian culture from appearing in linguistic realization. Manuscript profile