• List of Articles technique

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Impact of ICT on Human Development in D-8 Countries
        Ali Rezazadeh
        The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Human Development Index (HDI) in D-8 countries over the 1990-2015 period. In this regard, GDP, openness and gross capital formation are used as control var More
        The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Human Development Index (HDI) in D-8 countries over the 1990-2015 period. In this regard, GDP, openness and gross capital formation are used as control variables, and model estimation has been done in the framework of panel cointegration technique. The results show that there is a long-run relationship between variables. Also, all variables have a positive and significant impact on human development index. Therefore, the most important policy recommendation is that D-8 countries, will further increase their human development levels with additional investments in modern information and communication technologies, along with investment in health and education.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Analysis of vulnerability of groundwater resources and analysis of the sensitivity of drastic model using map removal and single-element mapping methods using Monte Carlo technique
        hadi Modabberi Mirmoslem Rahbar hashemi mehdi ashournia
        Applying a proper management on water resources by identifying vulnerable areas as the first solution can be useful. The purpose of this study was to assess the vulnerability in the central plain of Guilan with drastic model. To identify the vulnerable areas of the cent More
        Applying a proper management on water resources by identifying vulnerable areas as the first solution can be useful. The purpose of this study was to assess the vulnerability in the central plain of Guilan with drastic model. To identify the vulnerable areas of the central plain of the Guilan plain to pollution, drastic model was used and an aquifer vulnerability map was developed. The principles of the drastic model are based on the combination of seven components, depth to static level, net nutrition, aquifer environment, soil environment, topography, unsaturated environment, and hydraulic conductivity, which after ranking and applying weight impact on each component and algebraic composition of seven components, the final result will indicate the aquifer vulnerability. For this purpose, first, the information of the seven components in the central aquifer of Guilan was collected, and after entering in the GIS software, the layers needed for the model were finally prepared. Then, by using overlapping techniques after applying the required weight coefficients for each layer, a final vulnerability map was prepared. The profile of the drastic model varied from 82 to 182 for the vulnerability of the central aquifer of Guilan. The final drastic model map showed that 48.64% of the area had a high vulnerability and 50.55% had moderate vulnerability and only a small area of the plain (0.81%) had a low vulnerability. Based on the sensitivity method of map removal and single component and using the Monte Carlo technique, the depth distance to the station level was identified as the most effective component and saturation zone as the second most effective component in the central plain of Guilan. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Identifying the factors affecting the formation of free innovation process in Iran Using fuzzy Delphi approach and Dematel technique
        ali asghar sadabadi mohammad sadegh khayyatian fatemeh mohammadi
        Free innovation is an important and evolving process in the domestic sector of national economies, leading to human prosperity and social welfare. The main purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the process of forming free innovation in Iran with fuz More
        Free innovation is an important and evolving process in the domestic sector of national economies, leading to human prosperity and social welfare. The main purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the process of forming free innovation in Iran with fuzzy Delphi analysis and Dematel technique. The statistical population of the study is all experts in the field of free innovation that 12 experts from Shahid Beheshti, Allameh Tabatabai, Tehran, Imam Sadegh (AS) universities were selected and finally 12 Delphi questionnaires were completed and analyzed by the researcher. it placed. According to the results of fuzzy Delphi technique in the panel of experts, 8 components affecting the formation of free innovation process were identified and classified into three main groups. Then, in order to investigate the effect and effectiveness of the subcomponents, these factors were measured by the dimethyl technique. The results show that among the three factors affecting the formation of the free innovation process, the environmental factor has the most impact and individual and contextual factors are in the next ranks. Also, among the 8 sub-components, the factor of culture of understanding and supporting innovation has the most impact among other factors Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Analyzing access to sport places in district 20th of Tehran Municipality
        Habibollah fasihi
        Today sport is interrelated to modern urban lifestyles. In order to develop sports and physical activity and promote active lifestyle, three important goals, called the three A, are in attention that the first is to improve accessibility. In this paper by using buffer t More
        Today sport is interrelated to modern urban lifestyles. In order to develop sports and physical activity and promote active lifestyle, three important goals, called the three A, are in attention that the first is to improve accessibility. In this paper by using buffer technique in GIS, the index of per capita access and a descriptive-analytical method Access to sports venues in the 20th district of Tehran has been analyzed. Findings of the research showed that the average per capita access to sports places was 0.6 m2, the maximum was 0.8 and at least 0.027 m2.The access rates is much lower from the global standards and the rates proposed for the Iranian cities But it is somewhat more favorable than Tehran's average. Apart from the general lack of per capita access, many inequalities are evident at the level of the study area. Although the entire area is accessible to sports venues, parts are only accessible to 1 sport place while in some parts the area access of 13 sport places are overlapped. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Risks of Cities' Public Buildings Unsuitability for Iranian Veterans Needs: Case Study of Zahedan
        The purpose of this study is to measure how appropriate the Zahedan city's body is for the disabled and veterans use and probably the risks and failures of that. According to the research hypothesis public buildings of Iran's cities is not suitable for the disabled and More
        The purpose of this study is to measure how appropriate the Zahedan city's body is for the disabled and veterans use and probably the risks and failures of that. According to the research hypothesis public buildings of Iran's cities is not suitable for the disabled and veterans' life, job and commuting. In order to test this hypothesis, the background of the effort to suit cities to the disabled and veteran needs was studied, the rules and standards of the city suitable for the disabled and veterans was searched and a theoretical framework was provided as a tool for measurement and comparison. At a later step, building condition of Zahedan was assessed and compared with scientific criteria and then analyzed. Yet to analyze data, the Weighted Sum technique for buildings was used. From the physical and managerial point of view the analytical results of this study indicated that Zahedan city is not suitable for veterans needs and generates some risks for them. Still the results of this study give recommendations for city planners and developers which contain strategies to improve criteria and physical indices, codification of law and rules and managerial plans to suit spaces for the disabled and veterans. Although this study has focused on Zahedan city, the model and process of its measurement and comparison is useful as a pretty efficient tool to suit building in other cities of Iran or the same countries. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Analysis of status of the urban areas of Ahwaz from the facilities of developing and presenting a combined model
        Knowing differences between different areas in the city basis of severity of the enjoyment of the different indicators, to determine the levels of development or deprivation, reduce regional disparities and programs tailored to the conditions and features of each region More
        Knowing differences between different areas in the city basis of severity of the enjoyment of the different indicators, to determine the levels of development or deprivation, reduce regional disparities and programs tailored to the conditions and features of each region, necessity is inevitable. Therefore, the present study is a descriptive - analytical sought to achieve three aims: 1. determine the status of Ahvaz in terms of development in urban areas having different indices and the compilation model of Vikor, Topsis and Saw, 2. Offering a clear result and overall enjoyment of the situation according to results of the three models based on the techniques Kaplan, and 3. Comparing the model and also determine the a Proper Model to determine the enjoyment. The study population included 7 urban districts of Ahvaz. Data and information you need, including a 21 variable, by referring to municipal and metropolitan statistical yearbook Ahvaz is collected (about 94 years); To explain the situation to a better development of the regions of the facilities, required by GIS map is drawn. The results show that no area in the city of Ahvaz enjoys high status there, 25/57 % Regions of the two regions 4 and 1, is relatively high and the majority of the 5 regional areas, 2, 3, 8, 6, and 7 (71/43% of areas) in the state of being average and being developed. Topsis method also showed that equation changes dramatically better than other models (Vikor and Saw) for measure the status Regions have been Because the results of the model has changed drastically percent less. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Satire Techniques Representations in Theme Structure of “Farhad Hasan Zade's” Stories
          حسين  ادهمي
        Farhad Hasan Zade (Born in 1341/1962) is one of the satirists whose works are mostly within the domain of Children and Adolescent Literature. His satire stories are mainly taken from social realities enriched with social themes and a moderate criticism and represent soc More
        Farhad Hasan Zade (Born in 1341/1962) is one of the satirists whose works are mostly within the domain of Children and Adolescent Literature. His satire stories are mainly taken from social realities enriched with social themes and a moderate criticism and represent social affairs and problems. He uses satire techniques in these stories which show his mastery on common methods and patterns of satire writing. The article reviews three story collections by Farhad Hasan Zade and investigates his methods in satire writing. First section of the article introduces satire techniques in these stories and second section reviews the representation and frequency of these techniques in different parts of stories’ themes. Based on findings of this article, although Hasan Zade’s satire techniques impact on story elements like space, characterization, tone, style, language and so on, the representations of these techniques are obvious in structure of stories’ themes. These techniques are located in narration flow of stories by being present in different parts of theme (start, inconstancy, expansion, climax point, problem solving and end); they are parts of story body in climax and end points. Reviewing the frequency of representation of these techniques in different parts of theme, we may come to these conclusions: “start” and “expansion” in different parts of stories’ theme have more variety and frequency than satire techniques and in “end” point of story “raid” and “satire turn” techniques have more frequencies. The article reviews these findings and explains the relation between these techniques and structure of themes in Hasan Zade stories with descriptive-analytic method in which statistical data, tables and charts were used too. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The Review of Time Processing in Shams Ghazals: Applying Stream Of Consciousness Technique
        مینا  بهنام ابوالقاسم  قوام Mohammad taghavi محمدرضا  هاشمی
        Some of Molavi’s ghazals have specific features that guide readers’ mind through intellectual basics of stream of consciousness works. The study reviewed the category of Time in Molavi’s ghazals using theoretical bases of this technique about Time. Research hypothesis i More
        Some of Molavi’s ghazals have specific features that guide readers’ mind through intellectual basics of stream of consciousness works. The study reviewed the category of Time in Molavi’s ghazals using theoretical bases of this technique about Time. Research hypothesis is as follows: time warps, repetitive round trips to past and present time during every Ghazal and the importance of present time in creation moment of Molavi’s poem. We can divide time in his Ghazals, in a general categorization, to two linear-continuous and nonlinear- discontinuous kinds. Second kind of time closes Ghazals to stream of consciousness works. Measuring basis for time warps is start moment of Ghazal in the study. Molavi, based on rule of free association dominating his mental domain travels from present to past, past to present, and in some cases, travels to future reviewing past mementos and in some cases, time warps and round trips to past and present are so fast and continuous. This issue can affect language, narrative methods, kind of imagery and other cases in Ghazal. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Artistic Quotation in Hafez' Poetry
        عليرضا  فولادي
        Despite all the efforts made by the eloquent figures in the recognition of literary techniques, some of them are still unknown. This article introduces one of such technique known as "the artistic quotation" and elaborates the details in Hafez' poetry. What is an artis More
        Despite all the efforts made by the eloquent figures in the recognition of literary techniques, some of them are still unknown. This article introduces one of such technique known as "the artistic quotation" and elaborates the details in Hafez' poetry. What is an artistic quotation, how does its artistic aspect occur and what are its types? This article intends to respond to the mentioned questions.Our method is the descriptive method through the structuralism approach.The overall studies lead us to conclude that Hafez' artistic quotations have generally passed a balanced path both in narration and the poetic process; which is due to his tendency for moderation. And in these two-sided aspects considering the present situation, they have been united with several elements such as; the narrator, atmosphere, time and place setting, description, character, dialogue, incident, suspense, and the ornaments of the figures of speech like; metonymy, simile, style of finding the proper equivalent, metaphore, personification, paradox, irony, pun, phonemes, harmony of adjectives, equivocation, identification, convenance, contrast and many other figures of speech to be mentioned. Also examples of this technique cover a variety of divisions in his great poetry book depending on the basis of the definition in the details. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - A Critical Review and Analysis of the Narrative Technique in a Story of the Golestan of Saadi
          mostafa gorji
        One of the main subjects that has been a matter of attention to the literary researchers is reviewing the narrative techniques of the poets and writers who are well known in the field of narration. Discovering the mystery of these narratives, not only can manifest th More
        One of the main subjects that has been a matter of attention to the literary researchers is reviewing the narrative techniques of the poets and writers who are well known in the field of narration. Discovering the mystery of these narratives, not only can manifest the value of the previous works, but also helps today’s writers in achieving the effective narrative techniques. Discovering the deeper layers of the Golestan of Saadi demands deep thinking, and through reviewing and reinterpreting it, new literary potentials can be found. This research aims at a critical study and analysis of narrative discourse and the structure of narration in the story about a young boxer in the third chapter of Golestan. It shows how much Saadi has been successful in induction of his beliefs through finding the proper forms related to them and based on the assimilation of form and content, he creates a piece of work which has different dimensions of a literary work all together, a work which satisfies the audience through different eras. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Techniques of Creating Fantasy in Stories of »Mohammad Reza Shams«
        reza sadeghi shahpar zohre behnam kho
        Fantasy has various types including fairy-tales, allegorical, realistic, philosophical and grotesque and so on. Fantasies have been classified from one perspective into general and modern and from another to worldly and supernatural. It can be said that what discriminat More
        Fantasy has various types including fairy-tales, allegorical, realistic, philosophical and grotesque and so on. Fantasies have been classified from one perspective into general and modern and from another to worldly and supernatural. It can be said that what discriminates different types of fantasies from one another is the kind of imagination used in them. But what they have in common is the creation of an imaginative and fictional world. The creation of this imaginative and fictional world is done through the techniques that are not fixed and well-known in all fantasy works but can be understood through various studies. In this research, by studying four fictions of Mohammad Reza Shams, the authors have identified eleven techniques for creating fantasy, some of which are novel in comparison to previous studies like choosing the narrator and the pseudo-insane hero, anachronism, objectivization of allegories, curses, and prayers, using the archetypes and magical characters of ancient fictions, establishing a story based on proverbs and popular culture, and bringing back a decedent to life. Also, various types of fantasy, such as realistic, philosophical, fairy-like, allegorical, grotesque and fantasy of objects can be found in Shams's stories. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Investigating the Role of Conceptual Metaphors in the Evolution of literary styles (Relying on Body Metaphors in Farrokhi Sistani, Anvari, and Hafiz's poems)
        Mohammad Taheri Masoumeh  Archandani
        The conceptual metaphor is the mind’s technique for conceptualizing affairs. The mind tries to conceive and contemplate some intangible affairs for itself with the help of this fundamental construct. Hence, it is expected that by changing it, we will also see a change i More
        The conceptual metaphor is the mind’s technique for conceptualizing affairs. The mind tries to conceive and contemplate some intangible affairs for itself with the help of this fundamental construct. Hence, it is expected that by changing it, we will also see a change in thought-related macro-systems. Among these macrosystems are literary styles that have many factors involved in changing them. This article tries to answer the question of how the change of conceptual metaphors in time has an effect on the change of literary styles through analytical-descriptive method. To answer it, we trace the conceptual metaphors related to the body, which include the words "hand, eye, heart and head", in a selection of poems by Farrokhi Sistani, Anvari and Hafez. By analyzing the obtained information, we conclude that conceptual metaphors have undergone significant changes over time that are in line with the evolution of literary styles and are variables affecting the evolution of styles. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Spatial study and analysis of digital divide and levels of development (Case study: Khuzestan province)
        saeed amanpour sara Amouzegar moslem arefi
        Today, ICT is considered as one of the most important indicators of development and plays a key role in the transformation of societies. Therefore, spatial analysis of this index is one of the basic necessities to understand the geographical changes of societies that mu More
        Today, ICT is considered as one of the most important indicators of development and plays a key role in the transformation of societies. Therefore, spatial analysis of this index is one of the basic necessities to understand the geographical changes of societies that must be carefully examined. The purpose of this article, which is applied in terms of research, is to investigate the use of ICT indicators in the cities of Khuzestan province according to the extent to which they have development indicators. The technique of collecting statistics and information in this article is using documentary and library methods and studying the official publications of the country. The statistical population of the study is 24 cities of Khuzestan province and the indicators studied in this research are 18 information technology indicators and also 31 indicators to determine the levels of their development. In this study, due to development inequalities between the cities of the province, first the cities were divided into three groups based on the indicators of development: privileged, semi-privileged and deprived. To determine the amount of digital divide between cities in each group based on the degree of ICT indicators, the PROMTEHEE technique was used. The AHP method was used to weight the indicators used in the grading. The research results show that Ahvaz and Haftkol counties have the highest and lowest levels of development indicators, respectively, and Izeh, Shadegan and Indika counties have the highest counties and Abadan, Ramhormoz and Bavi counties are the most deprived in terms of ICT indicators among other counties. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - A New Method for Transformation Techniques in Secure Information Systems
        Hojatallah Hamidi
        The transformation technique relies on the comparison of parity values computed in two ways. The fault detection structures are developed and they not only detected subsystem faults but also corrected faults introduced in the data processing system. Concurrent parity va More
        The transformation technique relies on the comparison of parity values computed in two ways. The fault detection structures are developed and they not only detected subsystem faults but also corrected faults introduced in the data processing system. Concurrent parity values techniques are very useful in detecting numerical error in the data processing operations, where a single fault can propagate to many output faults. Parity values are the most effective tools used to detect faults occurring in the code stream. In this paper, we present a methodology for redundant systems that allows to detect faults. Checkpointing is the typical technique to tolerate such faults. This paper presents a checkpointing approach to operate on encoded data. The advantage of this method is that it is able to achieve very low overhead according to the specific characteristic of an application. The numerical results of the multiple checkpointing technique confirm that the technique is more efficient and reliable by not only distributing the process of checkpointing over groups of processors. This technique has been shown to improve both the reliability of the computation and the performance of the checkpointing. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Data Aggregation Tree Structure in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm
        Elham Mohsenifard Behnam Talebi
        Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of numerous tiny sensors which can be regarded as a robust tool for collecting and aggregating data in different data environments. The energy of these small sensors is supplied by a battery with limited power which cannot be rech More
        Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) consist of numerous tiny sensors which can be regarded as a robust tool for collecting and aggregating data in different data environments. The energy of these small sensors is supplied by a battery with limited power which cannot be recharged. Certain approaches are needed so that the power of the sensors can be efficiently and optimally utilized. One of the notable approaches for reducing energy consumption in WSNs is to decrease the number of packets to be transmitted in the network. Using data aggregation method, the mass of data which should be transmitted can be remarkably reduced. One of the related methods in this approach is the data aggregation tree. However, it should be noted that finding the optimization tree for data aggregation in networks with one working-station is an NP-Hard problem. In this paper, using cuckoo optimization algorithm (COA), a data aggregation tree was proposed which can optimize energy consumption in the network. The proposed method in this study was compared with genetic algorithm (GA), Power Efficient Data gathering and Aggregation Protocol- Power Aware (PEDAPPA) and energy efficient spanning tree (EESR). The results of simulations which were conducted in matlab indicated that the proposed method had better performance than GA, PEDAPPA and EESR algorithm in terms of energy consumption. Consequently, the proposed method was able to enhance network lifetime. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Energy Efficient Routing-Based Clustering Protocol Using Computational Intelligence Algorithms in Sensor-Based IoT
        Mohammad sedighimanesh Hessam  Zandhessami Mahmood  Alborzi Mohammadsadegh  Khayyatian
        Background: The main limitation of wireless IoT sensor-based networks is their energy resource, which cannot be charged or replaced because, in most applications, these sensors are usually applied in places where they are not accessible or rechargeable. Objective: The p More
        Background: The main limitation of wireless IoT sensor-based networks is their energy resource, which cannot be charged or replaced because, in most applications, these sensors are usually applied in places where they are not accessible or rechargeable. Objective: The present article's main objective is to assist in improving energy consumption in the sensor-based IoT network and thus increase the network’s lifetime. Cluster heads are used to send data to the base station. Methods: In the present paper, the type-1 fuzzy algorithm is employed to select cluster heads, and the type-2 fuzzy algorithm is used for routing between cluster heads to the base station. After selecting the cluster head using the type-1 fuzzy algorithm, the normal nodes become the members of the cluster heads and send their data to the cluster head, and then the cluster heads transfer the collected data to the main station through the path which has been determined by the type-2 fuzzy algorithm. Results: The proposed algorithm was implemented using MATLAB simulator and compared with LEACH, DEC, and DEEC protocols. The simulation results suggest that the proposed protocol among the mentioned algorithms increases the network’s lifetime in homogeneous and heterogeneous environments. Conclusion: Due to the energy limitation in sensor-based IoT networks and the impossibility of recharging the sensors in most applications, the use of computational intelligence techniques in the design and implementation of these algorithms considerably contributes to the reduction of energy consumption and ultimately the increase in network’s lifetime. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Cultural’s techniques of opponents of the Prophets In Quran
        In many verses of the Holy Quran has been implied to the group's efforts that in all periods of history have tried to prevent people from joining prophets by applying a variety of cultural ,economic ,political ,physical and military techniques.Among these techniques, re More
        In many verses of the Holy Quran has been implied to the group's efforts that in all periods of history have tried to prevent people from joining prophets by applying a variety of cultural ,economic ,political ,physical and military techniques.Among these techniques, religious and cultural tricks had a privileged positionbecausetheir marks on the body of religion andbelieversby destruction of their thought and beliefwould be more painful,deadly and more lasting and also its treatment would be more difficult and expensive. These techniques are used in new forms in each era, as we see in this period of time some updated and deceitful tricks such as development, democracy, human rights and etc are currently being used to delude people and deviate them from the religion. Therefore, considering to the teachings of the Quran is significant to Muslim who his concern is to protect religion and religious community, it is a thing which has been presented in this paper. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Islamic indicators for selecting and recruiting human resources
        Hossein Taj Abadi Kaveh Namvar
        In Islamic teachings, the process for selecting the right people is not directly expressed but there exist some overviews. In Islam, it is mentioned that the decision on hiring the employees should be fair and rational, and since the believers are more honest, employees More
        In Islamic teachings, the process for selecting the right people is not directly expressed but there exist some overviews. In Islam, it is mentioned that the decision on hiring the employees should be fair and rational, and since the believers are more honest, employees should be obliged to Islamic beliefs such as praying, fasting, zakat and so on. The human resource manager should consider such criteria while hiring the needed employees. The current research is accomplished to develop Islamic indicators of recruiting human resources and to clarify the relations among its components by conducting an explorative mixed method. The first step was a qualitative study (Delphi analysis) in order to propose the research model, and the second one was the quantitative study. To this end, a sample size of 225 employees of a public organization was randomly selected for data gathering. Obtained data resulted in one main aspect, 10 components and 24 indicators based on which a questionnaire was developed and distributed. Findings of the second step validated the proposed model since the construct of "Islamic HR Recruitment" was statistically associated with its components and indicators. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Investigating privacy in the open spaces of traditional houses in Mazandaran using space syntax technique
        Rouhollah Rahimi Seyed Mohsen  Moosavi Mahdieh Beyshami Sahar  Amini Goharrizi
        Home is the most important place to restore peace and revitalize human life. It is a place to be with family, social interactions, relax, do favorite activities and get rid of daily human tensions. With the passage of time and the advancement of technology, many definit More
        Home is the most important place to restore peace and revitalize human life. It is a place to be with family, social interactions, relax, do favorite activities and get rid of daily human tensions. With the passage of time and the advancement of technology, many definitions of our daily lives have changed. A concept that is still firmly preserved is the concept of human privacy. Traditional Iranian architects have tried to design houses while maintaining the principles of privacy in open and closed spaces of houses, but over time, with the growth of apartment living, development of construction technology and the integration of Western culture with Iranian-Islamic culture, observance of privacy in homes, especially in open spaces, has declined. Mazandaran province is one of the regions that has undergone many inappropriate construction changes. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the role and knowledge of the components affecting the syntax of space on the open spaces of traditional houses in Mazandaran. This study seeks to find physical patterns of privacy in the open spaces of Mazandaran houses by extracting patterns of privacy in Mazandaran houses. In this research, first, through field studies, patterns are found and then, using the space syntax technique and Depthmap software, the indices of depth, connection and interconnection and isoust in the building will be studied. The results of the present study showed that open space has an important and fundamental role on the level of spatial privacy and also the geometry and location of the yard relative to the building has a double effect on the visibility of observers to different spaces of the house. In such a way that the yards that have irregular geometry and are located in the middle, back and side sections, the visibility of the entrance door to different parts of the house is minimized and also the privacy is increased by increasing the depth and caution index in traditional open house he does. Manuscript profile
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        20 - The Role and Status of Upgrading Techniques in Global Value Chains
        Zahra Ayagh Mahsa Farkhondeh Esmaeil Malek Akhlagh
        In the current era, with joining developing country to the global markets, companies in these countries are facing with competition pressure. Studies show that the best way for producing qualified products is moving toward skillful and smart activities. Since modern int More
        In the current era, with joining developing country to the global markets, companies in these countries are facing with competition pressure. Studies show that the best way for producing qualified products is moving toward skillful and smart activities. Since modern international commerce has provided the possibility of purchasing wide range of products, production and consumption are both taking place within far geographical distances. Therefore, in order to permanently exist in dynamic world markets, companies and industries do not have other chances except implementing upgraded techniques along the production process. Value chain analysis has important role in perception of effective implementation of such technique to successfully protect companies in global economy, because in global value chain framework, company can enhance added value and gain competitive advantages by using appropriate techniques through operations and production process improvement. The purpose of this study is the explanation of the role and status of upgrading techniques in global value chain. So at first the definition of upgrading concepts and existence technique is presented, then the role of upgrading technique in global value chain management is investigated through expressing global value chain basics and its models. Studies indicate that, product and process upgrading in hierarchical and quasi-hierarchical global value chain, and functional upgrading technique in market-driven global value chain model, act more efficiently; whereas in the chain of network–based relationship, producers and consumers use their competency and competitiveness complementarily for upgrading and innovation. Manuscript profile
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        21 - A Performance Assessment Model for Business Intelligence by using Fuzzy Analysis
        MohammadHosein Ronaghi Kamran Feyzi
        Business intelligence (BI) is the tool used by enterprises to collect, manage and analyze structural and non-structural data and also information by taking advantage of modern information technology. It utilizes a substantial amount of collected data during the daily op More
        Business intelligence (BI) is the tool used by enterprises to collect, manage and analyze structural and non-structural data and also information by taking advantage of modern information technology. It utilizes a substantial amount of collected data during the daily operational processes, and transforms the data into information and knowledge to avoid the supposition and ignorance of the enterprises. In the last decade, Business intelligence has evolved as one of the critical applications in organizations to provide useful insight, support decision-making, and drive organizational performance. However, to avoid the ineffective experiences during the deployment, it is important to clarify the impact factors of a BI system and find out a Suitable assessment method to evaluate the performance of BI systems. Evaluating the effectiveness of business intelligence systems is vital to our understanding of the value and efficacy of management actions and investments. This research is a descriptive survey. We construct an Assessment model to assess the performance of business intelligence systems based on the outcomes of previous researches. Furthermore, an expert questionnaire using fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to filter out useful performance indicators. The analytic hierarchy process is a structured technique for organizing and analyzing complex decisions. Finally, we analyze a real case by using the constructed assessment model for Business Intelligence systems. We choose an automotive parts manufacturer as a case. The survey sample population consisted of 66 randomly taken employees and managers of the case. The results indicate that the performance of Business Intelligence system in our case was suitable. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Advanced Searching of Patent Documents
        Payan Amini MOrteza Rasti bozorgi Keyvan Asghari
        Patents are considered as the most important kind of Intellectual Properties (IPs). The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is the logical and legal way of protecting the IPs. Patents and related documents are regarded as the best and rich source of technical and scienti More
        Patents are considered as the most important kind of Intellectual Properties (IPs). The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) is the logical and legal way of protecting the IPs. Patents and related documents are regarded as the best and rich source of technical and scientific information. In most developing countries, as well as in Iran, the patent information has not found their true operational values. To be able to reach and have access to this information, and consequently assess the state-of-the-art information, a professional searching process should be conducted. It can be showed that patent searching is a professional task and needs experience and skills. This paper discusses the important aspects of the patent documents and the mechanism of skilled searching method, and illustrates examples of searching frameworks for better mining of scientific information. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Ranking of Supplier Selection Indicators for Outsourcing Services under Uncertainty
        Mostafa Ebrahim pour Azbary atefeh abdollahi Mohsen Akbari keramat gholami
        Nowadays, organizations look at supplier selection with different attitudes and use various methods to evaluate and select suppliers. Most of private, public, profit, and charity businesses as well as educational and research institutes, using the available advantages, More
        Nowadays, organizations look at supplier selection with different attitudes and use various methods to evaluate and select suppliers. Most of private, public, profit, and charity businesses as well as educational and research institutes, using the available advantages, have considered outsourcing strategy among their macro-goals at all organizational dimensions. Meanwhile, suitable supplier selection is one of the strategic keys of supply chain for the success of organizations. In terms of purpose and method, the present study is quantitative and descriptive-analytical, respectively. This study aimed to identify the most important criteria and sub-criteria in selecting suppliers and investigate ranking the criteria and sub-criteria of interest to specify which sub-criterion provides the possibility for more improvement in the defined main criteria. For this purpose, supplier selection indicators were obtained investigating literature and interview with experts. Then, data were tested using a combination of multi-criteria decision-making techniquesThe results of this study showed that the main criteria on which a government agency concentrates while selecting suitable supplier for outsourcing services include service quality, flexibility, and delivery followed by the four remaining criteria according to various values that V dedicates to itself. Manuscript profile
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        24 - A brief, structural approach to Nafsa tul-Masdoor Zeydari
        abolfazl ghanizadeh
        The aim of structuralism in literature is to analyze texts and literary genres, and to examine the external parameters involved in the formation of a literary genre. The structuralists have introduced guidelines to describe writers' works, have introduced aesthetic aspe More
        The aim of structuralism in literature is to analyze texts and literary genres, and to examine the external parameters involved in the formation of a literary genre. The structuralists have introduced guidelines to describe writers' works, have introduced aesthetic aspects of works and have compared them with other works. They have also criticized works with a focus on the power of literary figures. The classical literary works require such studies more than contemporary works. As such, this article examines Nafsa tul-Masdoor from a structural perspective, and it analyzes the external parameters (social, political values, intellectual foundations of the writer, the history will) as well as internal parameters (form, technique and content) involved in the formation of this work. The figure of speech in Nafsa tul-Masdoor is technical and the literary studies to date have been limited to description and exposition. I hope this structural work help scholars although the data are limited. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Spiritual Rhetorics effects in the Poems of Rafiq Esfahani
        Leila adlparvar
        From the aesthetic point of view, it is the knowledge by which the beauties of speech are revealed. Rafiq Esfahani is one of the poets whose interest in the Rhetorics spiritual industries has been used in the poetry to exert modest beauty in his poetry. In this descript More
        From the aesthetic point of view, it is the knowledge by which the beauties of speech are revealed. Rafiq Esfahani is one of the poets whose interest in the Rhetorics spiritual industries has been used in the poetry to exert modest beauty in his poetry. In this descriptive-analytical method, the author of this study is to determine and study the Rhetorics spiritual arrays in the court of Rafiq Esfahani. The main question of the study is what are the important Rhetorics arrays used in his court? By studying the poetry of Rafiq Esfahani, we find that Rhetorics spiritual arrays have played a significant role in creating the images and beauty of his words. To express his thoughts and thoughts In addition to the imagination, he has used other exquisite industries such as: Equivoque, Apostrophe, Rhetorical Question, Verse , subtraction, Zeugma and Merismus , Conglobatio, Allusion , Allusion,Epanados, Amplification, Congeries and ... Manuscript profile
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        26 - Assessment & Select IRAN Car Factories Technology Level with approach (FANP-DEMATEL -PANDA)
          Habibollah Javanmard
        In the present era, measuring technology performance is one of the best ways to obtain information for decision making in organizations. It also plays a vital role in the success of organizations. Yet, many organizations have not developed and adopted official processe More
        In the present era, measuring technology performance is one of the best ways to obtain information for decision making in organizations. It also plays a vital role in the success of organizations. Yet, many organizations have not developed and adopted official processes for technology performance assessment. While measuring technology performance, managers have always looked for some methods in order to assess performance. The purpose of the present study is to provide a hybrid model for the assessment and selection of appropriate technology in Pars Khodro car factories, to identify assessment indices of technology level, to weigh and rank them using Fuzzy ANP Technique, to determine the effectiveness and impressionability of the indices using DEMATEL Technique.The population of the present study included 20 senior production and information technology managers of the mentioned factories. The results of this study can present a comprehensive view regarding assessment of technological capability and capability of the decision makers of car industry in Iran. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Modeling of the Factors affecting customer loyalty on internet brand using Fuzzy DEMATEL technique Mobin Net company
        شادی پارسایی منش Ali Bonyadi Naeini
        Regard to the wide growth of world wide web and their settlement in Figurative space and web meaning (web 2.0) and the development of internet job and business the Electronic Commerce has made a new way for job and business and the Internet Commerce has special importan More
        Regard to the wide growth of world wide web and their settlement in Figurative space and web meaning (web 2.0) and the development of internet job and business the Electronic Commerce has made a new way for job and business and the Internet Commerce has special importance because of having high competition in this age. The Internet has caused many changes in companies and costumers' behavior for buying. On the other hand, the brand is also important for companies. For this reason, it is important to study and create an online brand. In this thesis using an evaluation method to find out Factors affecting customer loyalty on internet brand by DEMATEL technique in Mobin Net company for modeling internet brand. In this study, we use DEMATEL technique for evaluating Factors affecting customer loyalty, regard to the wide growth of world wide web this method propones a new vision to increase internet brand loyalty. In this study, two series of questionnaires were distributed, and after identifying the primary factors, matrix questionnaires were designed, and sent those for 14 loyal expert Individuals who familiar with the marketing and branding in this company. In this thesis, after identifying and evaluation of the primary factors, the most effective factors on Internet brand loyalty are including trust, satisfaction, brand credibility, Brand evaluation, Brand Personality, customer care, responsiveness, brand loyalty ,that they have the most strong relationship with loyalty, finally we modeling of the factors affecting customer loyalty on internet brand Manuscript profile
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        28 - Identifying Evaluation Criteria for the Political Behaviors of Chief Administrative Officers at Bank Maskan Iran Using DEMATEL - Fuzzy Delphi Technique
        Naser Poursadegh Rashid Zolfaghare zaferani Amir Rezaee
        The role of effective and efficient management is becoming more important in today’s competitive world which is undoubtedly full of complexity, ambiguity, and uncertainty in challenging situations, competitions, and conflicts. People associate power with many advantages More
        The role of effective and efficient management is becoming more important in today’s competitive world which is undoubtedly full of complexity, ambiguity, and uncertainty in challenging situations, competitions, and conflicts. People associate power with many advantages; therefore, they make many efforts to gain it in organizations. Battling for power raises the discussion of political behaviors in organizations. The aim of this study was to present a multi-index decision-making fuzzy hybrid model of qualitative analysis to identify the dimensions and indices of political behavior occurrence among CAOs at the branches of Bank Maskan in Tehran by using a fuzzy Delphi technique. Moreover, the decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) technique was employed to determine how influential and influenceable the indices were. The statistical population included 20 CAOs (Bank Maskan) with at least 10 years of executive and management experience. The research results indicated that Personal Characteristics became known as the most influential dimension with the highest value of (R-J) (1.244) among the evaluation criteria for political behaviors of CAOs at Bank Maskan. Moreover, Occupational Attitudes became identified as the most influenceable dimension according to the lowest value of (R-J) (1.358). Given the highest value of (R+J), Personal Characteristics interacted the most with other dimensions (1.244). Manuscript profile
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        29 - Analyzing and prioritizing of Effective Factors on Conceptual Construct of Talent Management in Creative Industries
        sayyed mohammad sadegh davoudi mahdi hamzehpoor علی سبحانی متین
        Today’S world is shifting the boundaries of truth amazingly, with reaching out the modern technologies including soft technologies, that are based on the intellectual property; human capital. And in the meantime, creativity, innovation, and in one word, "human talent" i More
        Today’S world is shifting the boundaries of truth amazingly, with reaching out the modern technologies including soft technologies, that are based on the intellectual property; human capital. And in the meantime, creativity, innovation, and in one word, "human talent" is the mainstay of these stunning developments. The softening of industry and the emergence of soft industries such as cultural and creative industries are the pivotal phenomenon of industries and technologies of our era. Accordingly, the issue of the talent management and factors affecting these industries, that are considered the industries of the whole brain, are of the great strategic importance. In this research, these factors were analyzed and prioritized in terms of effectiveness by identifying and explaining the twelve factors affecting the talent management, through strategy of the operational research and especially the DEMATEL technique, the most important of which include: " Approach of the Organizational Leaders and Managers ", "Organizational Culture", "Personnel Empowerment and Training Programs," "Organizational Learning," "Government Rules and Regulations," and "Human Capital Characteristics". Manuscript profile
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        30 - Qualitative Analysis of the Socio-Economic Impacts of Construction of ShahidBagheri Square Multi-storey Parking
        Aadel  Abdollahi
        This study was aimed to analyze the social and economic impacts of the construction of multi-storey parking in ShahidBagheri Square, South Yaftabad District, Tehran. The methodology of this study was qualitative and the data were collected through observation and interv More
        This study was aimed to analyze the social and economic impacts of the construction of multi-storey parking in ShahidBagheri Square, South Yaftabad District, Tehran. The methodology of this study was qualitative and the data were collected through observation and interview techniques with a focus on the interpretations of the participants. The data collection process continued until it reached a theoretical saturation. In this process, 47 technical experts, officials, key informants and local residents were interviewed both in person and within a discussions group. The Findingsrevealed that not only the effectiveness of this construction project but also the manageability of its impacts depend on consideration of socio-economic status of Yaftabad neighborhood residents. Therefore, suggestions derived from present study are as follow:Renting parking lots based on the common price in the South Yaftabad neighborhood with a fair pricing mechanism;Strengthening intra- and inter-organizational coordination by emphasizing on social participation; Incorporating construction of a neighborhood hall -SarayeMahalle- into this project for addressing the social and cultural needs of the residents;Utilizing the parking building as a local cultural heritage bulletin; Preventing spaces from gettingunprotected and indefensibleby including green spaces or playgrounds in building plan; reinforcing social interactions and local identity byturning some parts of the parking to a local hangout as a hub of local and social communication. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Analysis and Simulation of the Microwave Heating Process in Crude Oils using FDTD Technique
        A. Mohammadi
        A new method to simulate the microwave heating process in crude oils has been presented. Using convolution ( or differential) relation between E and H fields, (FD)2TD method is extracted by modifying the conventional FDTD technique for depressive materials. It is shown More
        A new method to simulate the microwave heating process in crude oils has been presented. Using convolution ( or differential) relation between E and H fields, (FD)2TD method is extracted by modifying the conventional FDTD technique for depressive materials. It is shown that the computer time and memory requirements to analyze and simulate the microwave heating process are extensively reduced. Eventually, the advantages of the technique to simulate the microwave heating process in crude oils are presented. Manuscript profile
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        32 - TiR-UWB Communication System Analysis and Compensation in an Imperfect CSI Scenario
        H. Khaleghi Bizaki S. Alizadeh M. Okhovvat
        Time reversal method has been recently considered with great interest due to its ability of the receiver complexity mitigation in the UWB communication systems. However, the channel imperfection (Imperfect CSI) has the destroyed effects on the time-reversed UWB communic More
        Time reversal method has been recently considered with great interest due to its ability of the receiver complexity mitigation in the UWB communication systems. However, the channel imperfection (Imperfect CSI) has the destroyed effects on the time-reversed UWB communication system performance. In this paper, at first the BER equations have been calculated in the TiR-UWB systems with the simple matched filter receiver in an imperfect CSI scenario. Then, a two-stage algorithm is proposed to improve the TiR-UWB in such conditions. First stage of mentioned algorithm provides the pre-filter coefficients derivation based on MMSE criteria via channel estimation error covariance matrix and then, an iterative routine is obtained in second stage via the simple matched filter receiver based on the derived coefficients in first stage. Finally, exhaustive simulations are done to demonstrate the performance advantage attained by the improved algorithm. As an especial case, the TiR-UWB system performance is improved by the proposed algorithm in 3 steps. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Choosing the Most Desirable Manager Development Learning Methods Using TOPSIS Technique(Case study: National Iranian Oil Refining & Distribution Company (NIORDC)
        Yasamin Javadi Mahdieh Asadi Hamidreza Yazdani
        The present research was conducted to select desirable learning methods for managerial development based on effective criteria and dimensions using TOPSIS technique. Given the purpose, an applied method of research is used. To collect data, a survey descrip More
        The present research was conducted to select desirable learning methods for managerial development based on effective criteria and dimensions using TOPSIS technique. Given the purpose, an applied method of research is used. To collect data, a survey descriptive method of research is used. The National Iranian Petroleum Refining and Distribution Company (NIORDC) was selected as the statistical population and 15 managers and experts in the field related to managers' learning and development were selected for interviews using purposive sampling. Data collection is performed using both library or documentary methods to review the literature and field study includes structured interviews, distribution and collection of the questioner. The validity of the questioner has been assessed and also approved by the experts due to its consistency with the literature. The reliability of the questioner has been approved by repeat testing. Best Worst method (BWM) as well as Expert choice software have been used for analyzing data and determining the coefficiency of influencing criteria of needs assessment methods and identification of their priorities. TOPSIS technique and Excel have been also used to determine Closeness Coefficient and the priority of each learning methods. Research Findings indicate that the game and simulation method is the most desirable learning method to implement the development programs of managers in the company. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Management of Iranian-Islamic Cities with a Knowledge-based City Approach (Case Study: Shiraz)
        Mehrab Shahrivar hossein kalantari khalil abad Gholamreza Latifi
        The city of knowledge is one of the created concepts of the new millennium. Although signs of the concept of the city of knowledge can be traced back to a decade ago, but since the 21st century, cities around the world have moved towards the concept of knowledge-based d More
        The city of knowledge is one of the created concepts of the new millennium. Although signs of the concept of the city of knowledge can be traced back to a decade ago, but since the 21st century, cities around the world have moved towards the concept of knowledge-based development. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and analyze the level of managerial capabilities and technological capabilities and infrastructure of the knowledge-based city in Shiraz, which was done using a mixed research method (qualitative and quantitative). The dimensions and components of the knowledge-based city were first measured through a qualitative study (content analysis) based on the qualitative characteristics of the research and then a quantitative study was performed using the IPA technique (importance and performance). After these studies, the importance of the components identified in the first stage of the research was determined. Using data analysis, the priority matrix for improving knowledge-based indicators in Shiraz was also determined. The results also showed that the most important priority of Shiraz is awareness and increasing the knowledge of citizens with weight (0.158). On the other hand, decreasing paper services by weight (0.138) and increasing online services by weight (0.112) were correlated with each other as the second and third priorities. In addition, during this study, it was found that the educational infrastructure of Shiraz is in a good condition in terms of knowledge principles. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Identifying and Prioritizing Development Steps of Cultural Tourism in Lorestan Province Rural Areas
        zeinab asadporiyan yaser mohamadi mehdi rahimian
        This study sought to identify and prioritize the development steps of cultural tourism in rural areas of Lorestan province using the qualitative-quantitative method and exploratory approach. To this end, at the first stage, 19 semi-structured interviews were conducted w More
        This study sought to identify and prioritize the development steps of cultural tourism in rural areas of Lorestan province using the qualitative-quantitative method and exploratory approach. To this end, at the first stage, 19 semi-structured interviews were conducted with cultural tourism experts to identify the steps involved in cultural tourism development, out of which thirty-three solutions were identified in four main steps via open, axial, and selective coding. At the second stage, the Delphi-Fuzzy technique was applied in two stages to reach a consensus among the experts and prioritize cultural tourism development steps through the defuzzification process. The results showed that the identified strategies for cultural tourism development in Lorestan province could be categorized into four main steps: "Education and Innovation," "Physical Infrastructure," "Supportive-Institutional," and "Cultural-Advertising." Moreover, since the defuzzificated mean difference of the experts' opinion was less than 0.25 in two steps, all the identified solutions were proved to be valid. The results also indicated that the first and foremost step in tourism development was "education and innovation," followed by physical infrastructure, supportive-institutional, and cultural-promotional steps, respectively. Furthermore, at each step, the most important solutions were found to be advertising for tourism villages, identifying villages with tourism potentials, providing banking facilities for villagers to help them develop tourism, and building cultural elements and particular architectures in rural areas, respectively. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Social Impact Assessment of BRT Line Displacement in Mowlavi Street
        Zahra  Khastoo
        Deputy of Transportation and Traffic of Tehran Municipal Region 12 has presented a plan to displace the BRT line from the south side of Mowlavi Street to the middle in order to increase safety and organize public transportation. This paper aims to study the social and c More
        Deputy of Transportation and Traffic of Tehran Municipal Region 12 has presented a plan to displace the BRT line from the south side of Mowlavi Street to the middle in order to increase safety and organize public transportation. This paper aims to study the social and cultural impacts of this intervention on the social life of Mowlavi Street in accordance with the stakeholders’ needs, situations, and opinions. The main methodology of this research is based on qualitative approach and phenomenological method using in-depth interview and focus group techniques. Accordingly, relying on the theoretical framework of livability. several concepts such as sustainability, sustainable transportation, quality of life and safety have been brought forth. The findings indicate that the displacement of Mowlavi BRT line can increase street safety; however, this requires a high level of organizational cooperation of Traffic Police on this street. On the other hand, one-way to two-way street conversion which is also aligned with the local residents’ and businesses’ social and economic benefits in Harandi and Takhti neighborhoods, can increase the transportation demand for Mowlavi Street. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Presenting the structural model of the green human resource management implementation process using the fuzzy interpretive structural modeling method
        mohammadhossein kabgani,
        Green human resources management, as a strong tool that takes the role of human factors, can help organizations to fulfill their social responsibilities in order to protect the environment. This research has been carried out with the aim of systematically reviewing prev More
        Green human resources management, as a strong tool that takes the role of human factors, can help organizations to fulfill their social responsibilities in order to protect the environment. This research has been carried out with the aim of systematically reviewing previous researches in the field of green human resources management, as well as identifying key elements and providing a structural model to implement the green human resources management process in the chemical and petrochemical industries of Bushehr province. By studying thematic literature and using the textual content analysis approach, six basic indicators were counted, and in order to localize them in order to implement green human resources management in the chemical and petrochemical industries, the Delphi technique was used in three rounds. The statistical population of the research was formed by managers and experts familiar with the subject and working in the field of petrochemical industries. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data, and its validity and reliability were also confirmed. In order to design the structural model of the effective indicators for the implementation of the green human resources management process, the interpretive structural modeling approach in the fuzzy environment was used to manage linguistic ambiguities in judgments. The results of the modeling and analysis of Mik Mak showed that individual, group and organizational indicators are among the basic and influential indicators in the field of Sabza's human resources management; Therefore, managers are suggested to emphasize and pay more attention to this group of indicators. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Transition from Monarchical Rule to Innovative Governance Based on the Techniques of Transparency and Control (From Abbas Mirza to Amir Kabir)
        hadi keshavarz
        This study aims to analyze the governance patterns in Iran before and after the Iran-Russia wars, and their relationship with the environment. Two major governance patterns and two different rationalities in the exercise of power, in terms of method, scope, and perspect More
        This study aims to analyze the governance patterns in Iran before and after the Iran-Russia wars, and their relationship with the environment. Two major governance patterns and two different rationalities in the exercise of power, in terms of method, scope, and perspective, are discussed. Using a descriptive-analytical approach and documents, the governance process is examined from the perspective of Michel Foucault's governmentality framework, and the relationship between the environment, politics, and the formation of a new rationality in governance in Iran is explored. The research question is: "How did the formation and establishment of new governance mechanisms and techniques in Iran after the Iran-Russia wars take place, and what impact did it have on the relationship between the environment, politics, and the formation of new governance innovations in Iran? " The study argues that "with an awareness of the failure of governance based on the monarchy system, reformists gradually exposed society to the power of control and guidance of the population by creating new techniques and institutions, and established new governance innovations. " In general, two strategies can be identified in the administration of the territory after the Iran-Russia wars: the traditional strategy of the monarchy based on divine-political obligation and the strategy of new governance innovations based on new techniques, each leaving a different form of the relationship between the environment and politics in terms of the mode of exercising power, the scope of power, and the control perspective. Manuscript profile