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      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Role of "Allameh Tabatabai" Credit Theory in Realization of Transcendent Socio-Political Philosophy
        Hassan Owraei Tahereh Kamalizadeh Maryam Saneapour
        Despite the welcome of scholars and thinkers in the Islamic world and the writing of numerous commentaries and interpretations, many functions of the system of Transcendent philosophy have not yet received enough attention. The socio-political dimensions of Transcendent More
        Despite the welcome of scholars and thinkers in the Islamic world and the writing of numerous commentaries and interpretations, many functions of the system of Transcendent philosophy have not yet received enough attention. The socio-political dimensions of Transcendent philosophy are the most important neglected aspects of this school. Sayyed Mohammad Hossain Tabatabaei is one of the greatest followers of the Sadra's school who, by proposing the theory of credit, marked the extension of Transcendent philosophy in the socio-political path. This article examines the theory of credit perceptions and its role in explaining socio-political philosophy in the context of Transcendent philosophy. Credit perceptions are the mediators between human needs and his actions to meet those needs, and based on this, credit theory can be considered as the link between theoretical philosophy and practical philosophy. According to this theory, society is an irreducible reality to individuals and depends on the realization of a human group that has mutual influence and effect, the realization of this group is subject to the principle of employment. The principle of mutual employment requires mutual interaction and understanding, and consequently requires the creation of language and the continued validity of social structures, justice, power, and ultimately politics. Then, social systems are organized based on the rules and rational orders arising from nature for the good and development of the individual and society. The originality of society from the perspective of Allameh and the series of pre-social credentials in the later credentials provides a more accurate explanation of the perfectionist movement of the universe from plurality to unity and the orientation of individuals towards perfection in the context of transcendent socio-political philosophy and within the framework of Sharia. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Application of Allameh Tabatabai and Allameh Mesbah Yazdi's views on the origin of obligation and moral value
        seyed morteza hoseini motlagh Mehdi  Imani Moghaddam
        The general philosophers of Muslim ethics, in accordance with the application and permanence of Islamic law and the eternal authority of the tradition of the Infallibles (pbuh) and also in accordance with rational reasoning and stability of human nature and despite the More
        The general philosophers of Muslim ethics, in accordance with the application and permanence of Islamic law and the eternal authority of the tradition of the Infallibles (pbuh) and also in accordance with rational reasoning and stability of human nature and despite the difference in the method of explanation, consider the criteria for values and They have become moral norms. Two great philosophers of Shiite ethics in the contemporary period, namely Allameh Tabatabai and Allameh Mesbah Yazdi, have theorized in their seemingly different explanation of moral realism and the application of moral criteria; The present article seeks to prove that these two explanations can be referred to a single explanation.Allameh Tabatabai (in the common interpretation of his theory) considers moral necessity as a matter of credit and considers the real and developmental necessity between the action of the active force and its objective effect, figuratively (meaning unity in meaning and difference in instance) to the resulting mental and sensual necessity. It has spread from the idea of a mental end, but Allameh Mesbah has reached the necessity of moral requirements due to the necessity of comparison to others. By considering the necessity of comparative necessity and referring it to the necessity of others, these two theories can be considered as different interpretations of a truth. The present research has explained this important point. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Functions of practical reason and explaining the principles of moral practice from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai
        Nasibeh Nikpoor Narges  Keshti Arai Seyed Hossein  vaezi
        The aim of this study was to investigate the function of practical reason from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai and to formulate the principles of moral practice based on it, using a descriptive-analytical method of qualitative content analysis. He considers theoret More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the function of practical reason from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabai and to formulate the principles of moral practice based on it, using a descriptive-analytical method of qualitative content analysis. He considers theoretical intellect as having the function of true perception, distinguishing right from wrong, and the function of practical intellect as credit perception and distinguishing good from evil, and issues rulings related to voluntary actions. In this regard, the research findings indicate that practical intellect has three functions of perception (science), recognition of should and should not, is the ruling to perform action. In the field of perception (science), practical intellect operates with divine inspiration and the construction of credit perception. In the part of discernment, in order to achieve moral goodness, one should use the healthy nature and the divine law, which is the guardian religion, and in the function of the ruling to perform an action, practical intellect with the help of active force and during the stages of need, create inner feeling. Credit perception, giving the relation must (necessity), enthusiasm, will, command to do the action, and finally, by doing the action, pleasure is achieved for human beings. It is a moral act that seeks the pleasure of the hereafter, not the worldly. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Comparing Imam Khomeini's (RA) interpretation of Surah Hamad with Allameh Tabataba'i
        Aqila  Musa Nia Ali Akbar  Afrasiab pour maryam Bakhtiar
        The most important source of Islamic religious teachings is the Qur'an, whose interpretation and study of chapters and verses has been the focus of discussion in scientific and religious circles since the beginning of Islam. One of the most important surahs of the Qur'a More
        The most important source of Islamic religious teachings is the Qur'an, whose interpretation and study of chapters and verses has been the focus of discussion in scientific and religious circles since the beginning of Islam. One of the most important surahs of the Qur'an is surah Hamd, which religious scholars and commentators, even if they have not interpreted all the chpters and verses of the Qur'an, have paid special attention to the interpretation of this chapter and explained it with various methods. Imam Khomeini as one of the influential personalities in the last century and Allameh Tabatabai, one of the prominent commentators of the Holy Quran, have been considered in various ways and one of the prominent examples of Imam Khomeini's works is the interpretation of Artistic interpretation of Surah Hamad. In this research, which is in the form of library, analytical and descriptive methods, the characteristics of Imam Tafsir's interpretation in this field are examined and the differences between their interpretations and Allameh Tabatabai's interpretations are explained. One of their differences is the different methods of interpretation in this surah. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Philosophical and educational thoughts of Mulla Sadra and Allameh Tabatabai in order to provide a model of moral education
        Seyed Nuraddin  Hosseini Ali Asghar mashinchi Mokhtar ranjbar
        <p>The purpose of this research is to study the philosophical and educational thoughts of Mulla Sadra and Allameh Tabatabai in order to provide a model of moral education. In terms of goals, this research is practical and in terms of the method of data collection, it is More
        <p>The purpose of this research is to study the philosophical and educational thoughts of Mulla Sadra and Allameh Tabatabai in order to provide a model of moral education. In terms of goals, this research is practical and in terms of the method of data collection, it is a comparative content analysis, and for this purpose, data was first collected based on data sheets and information records. and education by Mulla Sadra and Allameh Tabatabai, their number was 80 volumes, and the ones that had the most relevance to the topic were selected with a purposeful and criteria-based sampling method. And it was done in a coding way. The tool used is in the form of recording information and extracting fiche from authentic sources, articles and documents, which is done in a library or documentary way. The method of data analysis was the method of coding (open coding, axial coding and selective coding). The findings showed that the previous research by other researchers was somewhat consistent with the results obtained in this research and some indicators and the component obtained in the present research is confirmed by the previous findings. After examining and studying the theoretical foundations and research background and documents with articles and researchers, 7 dimensions, 28 components and 72 indicators were identified in the form of the department's findings, that philosophical thought has4components and 12 indicators, educational thought has 4 components and 10 indicators, and Political4components and 9 indicators, optimal education 4components and 11 indicators, unification of attributes4 components and 9 indicators,happiness 4 components and 11 indicators and sublime wisdom 4 components and 10 indicators were identified.</p> Manuscript profile