• List of Articles انتخاب

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Determination of Optimum SVMs Based on Genetic Algorithm in Classification of Hyper spectral Imagery
        farhad samadzadegan hadise hassani
        Hyper spectral remote sensing imagery, due to its rich source of spectral information provides an efficient tool for ground classifications in complex geographical areas with similar classes. Referring to robustness of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) in high dimensional More
        Hyper spectral remote sensing imagery, due to its rich source of spectral information provides an efficient tool for ground classifications in complex geographical areas with similar classes. Referring to robustness of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) in high dimensional space, they are efficient tool for classification of hyper spectral imagery. However, there are two optimization issues which strongly effect on the SVMs performance: Optimum SVMs parameters determination and optimum feature subset selection. Traditional optimization algorithms are appropriate in limited search space but they usually trap in local optimum in high dimensional space, therefore it is inevitable to apply meta-heuristic optimization algorithms such as Genetic Algorithm to obtain global optimum solution. This paper evaluates the potential of different proposed optimization scenarios in determining of SVMs parameters and feature subset selection based on Genetic Algorithm (GA). Obtained results on AVIRIS Hyper spectral imagery demonstrate superior performance of SVMs achieved by simultaneously optimization of SVMs parameters and input feature subset. In Gaussian and Polynomial kernels, the classification accuracy improves by about 5% and15% respectively and more than 90 redundant bands are eliminated. For comparison, the evaluation is also performed by applying it to Simulated Annealing (SA) that shows a better performance of Genetic Algorithm especially in complex search space where parameter determination and feature selection are solve simultaneously. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Determining optimal support vector machines in classification of hyperspectral images based on genetic algorithm
        farhad samadzadegan Hadis Hasani
        ۱٬۳۸۵ / ۵٬۰۰۰ Today, hyperspectral images are considered a powerful and efficient tool in remote sensing due to the wealth of spectral information and provide the possibility of distinguishing between similar complications. Considering the stability of support vector m More
        ۱٬۳۸۵ / ۵٬۰۰۰ Today, hyperspectral images are considered a powerful and efficient tool in remote sensing due to the wealth of spectral information and provide the possibility of distinguishing between similar complications. Considering the stability of support vector machines in spaces with high dimensions, they are considered a suitable option in the classification of hyperspectral images. Nevertheless, the performance of these classifiers is influenced by their input parameters and feature space. In order to use support vector machines with the highest efficiency, the optimal values ​​of the parameters and also the optimal subset of the input features should be determined. In this research, the ability of the genetic algorithm as a meta-heuristic optimization technique has been used in determining the optimal values ​​of support vector machine parameters and also selecting the subset of optimal features in the classification of hyperspectral images. The practical results of applying the above method on the hyperspectral data of AVIRIS sensor show that the input features and parameters each have a great effect on the performance of support vector machines, but the best performance of the classifier is obtained by solving them simultaneously. In the simultaneous solution of parameter determination and feature selection, for Gaussian kernel and polynomial, 5% and 15% increase in accuracy was achieved by removing more than half of the image bands. Also, the gradual cooling simulation optimization algorithm was implemented in order to compare with the genetic algorithm, and the results indicate the superiority of the genetic algorithm, especially with the large and complicated search space in the simultaneous solution approach of parameter determination and feature selection. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - An Improved Method for Detecting Phishing Websites Using Data Mining on Web Pages
        mahdiye baharloo Alireza Yari
        Phishing plays a negative role in reducing the trust among the users in the business network based on the E-commerce framework. therefore, in this research, we tried to detect phishing websites using data mining. The detection of the outstanding features of phishing is More
        Phishing plays a negative role in reducing the trust among the users in the business network based on the E-commerce framework. therefore, in this research, we tried to detect phishing websites using data mining. The detection of the outstanding features of phishing is regarded as one of the important prerequisites in designing an accurate detection system. Therefore, in order to detect phishing features, a list of 30 features suggested by phishing websites was first prepared. Then, a two-stage feature reduction method based on feature selection and extraction were proposed to enhance the efficiency of phishing detection systems, which was able to reduce the number of features significantly. Finally, the performance of decision tree J48, random forest, naïve Bayes methods were evaluated{cke_protected_1}{cke_protected_2}{cke_protected_3}{cke_protected_4} on the reduced features. The results indicated that accuracy of the model created to determine the phishing websites by using the two-stage feature reduction based Wrapper and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm in the random forest method of 96.58%, which is a desirable outcome compared to other methods. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A Critical Study of Class-based Analysis about Election Behavior of New Middle Class (Iran’s Presidential Elections Seventh (1995) and Ninth (2003) Periods)
        سعید میرترابی سيد مهدي  ميرعباسي
        Between 1995 and 2003 many of critical factors for development of new middle class like economic growth, expansion of cities, improvement of education and literacy,development of political institutions and state bureaucracy and so… continued to growth and, as a result, More
        Between 1995 and 2003 many of critical factors for development of new middle class like economic growth, expansion of cities, improvement of education and literacy,development of political institutions and state bureaucracy and so… continued to growth and, as a result, we can expect for a larger middle class in this period. On the other hand, in many of class-based analyses about presidential elections results in 1995 and 1999 in Iran, scholars focused on new and recently developed middle class role in shaping election results and victories of slogans about political development. But in presidential election in 2003 (in first round) candidate who represents political development slogans lost and in second round despite of heavily rally of Reformists in support of rival candidate, winner candidate has no any relation to political wishes that usually respect to new middle class. The article, tries to explain this dilemma and shows that ”there is a structural condition that can called “Rentier state” economic structure in Iran that constrains class-based analyses in explaining election behavior of new middle class and in forecasting election results.Wecannot stress heavily on factors that relate to quantitative expansion of middle class and its role on shaping elections wishes of different groups in society.”The article stresses on structural factors related to political economy of oil in shaping social layers in oil rich countries and shows how these factors help shaping a special middle class that necessarily have not those characteristics and wishes that is relate to this social group in standard theories of political development. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Factors and barriers affecting the Rolling of civic Ethical Politics from Theory to Practice: about the Possibility of Establishing a Moral Politics based on the Philosophy of Levinas and the Experience of Mossadegh
        حسین مصباحیان
        This article seeks to shed light on the question of what is moral politics and what is its place in the political and moral thought of our time? The article argues that the separation between the two realms of politics and ethics, which Machiavelli has largely proposed, More
        This article seeks to shed light on the question of what is moral politics and what is its place in the political and moral thought of our time? The article argues that the separation between the two realms of politics and ethics, which Machiavelli has largely proposed, may and should be considered a positive achievement for both, but the simple, classical, and absolute form of this separation isn’t defensible in our contemporary political and moral thought. For this reason, this article, based on the teachings of one of the most important philosophers of ethics, "Emmanuel Levinas", has tried to help strengthen the theory called "Ethical politics" and by defining ethics as the first philosophy and politics as an instrument to actualize the foundational ethical “Hospitality”, find a way to link ethics as teleology of peace and politics as its practical agent. The second part of the paper extracts and clarifies Mohammad Mossadegh’s notion of “the relationship between ethics and politics”—which serves as the foundation and source of his political activities—from his letters, memoirs, lectures and treatises. A presumption of this paper is that Mossadegh had developed a project within the political sphere which can be deemed as ethical in certain respects. I argue that this project can in turn be interpreted as an indication of the unity between the ethical and political spheres in Mossadegh’s thought. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Evaluation of representative institutions of the Islamic Republic of Iran: analysis of the formation and expansion of the franchise in Iran in the 20th century
        Reza Zamani
        This paper has two major purposes: analyzing the franchise formation in Iran (1906-1911) and its expansionin the 20th century. All theories of the franchise are categorized into six groups (enlightenment, party competition, the middle class will, redistribution, social More
        This paper has two major purposes: analyzing the franchise formation in Iran (1906-1911) and its expansionin the 20th century. All theories of the franchise are categorized into six groups (enlightenment, party competition, the middle class will, redistribution, social order, and political economy). Based on these theories, it has been shown that in the early period of the formation of elections in Iran, the trade union elections (1285) had a redistributive function and in contrast to the one-degree elections of 1290, had an enlightening function.With attention to mentioned theories, we found that the franchise adjustment in Iran in the 20th century does not have a fixed and linear trend and this level of access has varied over time. Moreover, it has been shown that both after and before the Islamic revolution, franchise expansion in Iran is compatible with both social order and redistribution theories. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Pathology of Selection and Appointment Primary School Principals in District 5 of Isfahan
        Elham Ghaderi Zefreh asghar zamani Mahtab Pouratashi
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the pathology of the system of selection and appointment of primary school principals in the academic year of 2019-2020 in District 5 of Isfahan in an applied method with a combined approach. In the qualitative section, semi- More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the pathology of the system of selection and appointment of primary school principals in the academic year of 2019-2020 in District 5 of Isfahan in an applied method with a combined approach. In the qualitative section, semi-structured interviews with snow experts were performed by sampling snowballs with 10 experts in the field of education in Isfahan, and their analysis was performed through content analysis. In a small part of 215 primary schools in Isfahan District 5, 138 schools were selected based on Krejcie and Morgan table as a sample size and data were collected through a researcher-made questionnaire and the results were analyzed at both descriptive and inferential levels. Statistics were analyzed using SPSS software. The results showed that the current situation of the system of selection and appointment of primary school principals in Isfahan District 5 is unfavorable and the main challenges include the lack of specialized fields for training principals in Farhangian University, lack of capable manpower, lack of database. , Lack of knowledge and mastery of managers with specialized courses and required for the elementary course, which can be solved with tools such as placing an internship for new managers, using experienced managers as support, creating a training center for future managers Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Investigating the role and effects of land management law in the geography of elections in the Islamic Republic of Iran
        The preliminary plan of land management in Islamic Iran was considered in the 60's and was approved as the most important law in the five-year plan of the country. This law started from the fourth plan, completed in the fifth plan and continued in the sixth plan, but un More
        The preliminary plan of land management in Islamic Iran was considered in the 60's and was approved as the most important law in the five-year plan of the country. This law started from the fourth plan, completed in the fifth plan and continued in the sixth plan, but unfortunately in the geography of provincial elections due to the partisanship of candidates, this law has not yet been implemented in the provincial development document, even the sea in land management law in Iran has been neglected, which is why the ports and islands of Islamic Iran have not been developed. And the geography of elections occasionally makes laws vulnerable. The effects of legislation in the geography of elections, if it is organized, a resistance economy occurs and guarantees 8% growth in the country. So far, this scientific attitude, which is accompanied by a philosophical thinking, has not been developed. Projects are wasted Land use planning as a long-term framework in planning should be based on various principles including defense and security considerations; environmental protection and restoration of natural resources; preservation of Islamic and Iranian identity and protection of cultural heritage; economic efficiency and effectiveness; unity And territorial integrity; expansion of social justice and regional balances; facilitation and regulation of internal and external relations of the country's economy; Be Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Designing a future-oriented electoral model in local management
        hassan kamran
        In this article, in order to present a new model in local elections, the suggestions of electoral models have been used and the city of Tehran has been selected as the study. The source of data collection was in-depth interviews with experts and analysis of laws and reg More
        In this article, in order to present a new model in local elections, the suggestions of electoral models have been used and the city of Tehran has been selected as the study. The source of data collection was in-depth interviews with experts and analysis of laws and regulations in this field, and the data were analyzed using the content analysis method. The present study with an applied-developmental approach and based on the field method to the question "How effective are the fundamental reforms in the council and municipal elections in the performance of local institutions?" Has answered. The research results show that, according to the experience of developed and successful countries in urban development and local affairs management, development steps should be taken from part to whole with experimentation and experience. In general, electoral reforms are very important in the performance of local government and increase the role of local citizens in appointing managers and commenting on the way local government is run. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Feature selection for author identification of Persian online short texts
        somayeh arefi mohamad ehsan basiri omid roozmand
        The growing use of social media and online communication to express opinions, exchange ideas, and also the expanding use of of this platforms by Persian users has increased Persian texts on the Web. This remarkable growth, along with abusive use of the writer's anonymit More
        The growing use of social media and online communication to express opinions, exchange ideas, and also the expanding use of of this platforms by Persian users has increased Persian texts on the Web. This remarkable growth, along with abusive use of the writer's anonymity, reveals the need for the author's automatic identification system in this language. In this research, the purpose of the study is to investigate the factors affecting the identification of authors of Persian reviews produced by cell-phone buyers and also to evaluate supervised and unsupervised methods. The factors considered in this research include lexical, syntactic, semantic, structural, grammatical, text-specific, and specific to social networks. After extracting these features, selecting the best features is tested by four algorithms including feature correlation, gain ratio, OneR, and principal components analysis. In the following, K-means, EM and density-based clustering will be used for clustering and Bayesian network, random forest, and Bagging will be used for categorization. The evaluation of the above algorithms on Persian comments of Samsung phone buyers indicates that the best performance among the clustering algorithms is 59/16% obtained by the EM algorithm on top-15 features selected by OneR, while the random forest algorithm using top-90 features selected by gain ratio with 79/57% achieves the best performance among the classification algorithms. Also, the comparison of features showed that syntactic features had the most effect on the identification of the author of short texts, and then, lexical, text-specific, specific to social networks, structural, grammatical and semantic features, respectively. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Studying the Relationship between "Moral Value" and "Making Informed choices" viewpoint of Nahj al-Balāghah
        mohsen javady Fatemeh marzeih Hosseini kashani
        The honorable book, Nahj al-Balāghah, is the moral and valuable treasury of Islamic school. So, explaining "what is moral value" from point of view of this great book, in presenting "Islamic moral theory" is helpful. Moral value belongs to secondary philosophical inel More
        The honorable book, Nahj al-Balāghah, is the moral and valuable treasury of Islamic school. So, explaining "what is moral value" from point of view of this great book, in presenting "Islamic moral theory" is helpful. Moral value belongs to secondary philosophical inelligibles. Therefore defining it by differentia and genus is impossible, and one of the ways to discover its essence and identity is to study the relationship between "moral value" and other different things, like act itself, act consequence, agent's intention, and his/her making informed or uninformed choices. So, one of important questions in this arena is that "how does moral value link to person's making informed choices?" The result, obtained out of investigating moral statements of Nahj al-Balāghah, and through scrutiny of the role of intellect and affection in acts moral value, is that from viewpoint of Nahj al-Balāghah, intellect is central, and affection impacts on valuableness of acts when it is dominated by intellect, though the influence of affection on moral value isn't denied and the Imām praises and disapproves some of affections and emotions and sometimes sees some role for affection in valuableness of acts Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Jurisprudential thematic diversity: challenges andanswers (analytical study of nature of judges,justice at the scholars ,statement)
        mm aa aa aa Mohammadkazem Rahmansetayesh
        jurisprudential views showing the structure of justice include the apparent behavioral goodness,pertinacious queen in human soul,shunning the forbidden deeds, lack of debauchery in behavior, and loyalty to the basis of religion which face with jurisprudential uses and c More
        jurisprudential views showing the structure of justice include the apparent behavioral goodness,pertinacious queen in human soul,shunning the forbidden deeds, lack of debauchery in behavior, and loyalty to the basis of religion which face with jurisprudential uses and challenges and the analysis of each of them returns to the three basic elements of goodness in appearance, how to act or the influence of the queen of justice. The mentioned concepts and the absolute induction in imams jurisprudenc texts bring new meanings of the justice related to the ‘certain quantity’to the mind which will respond to the internal and external challenges of the quotations of the jurists . The analysis and answerTo each of them have been presented and described in this paper in detail. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The conceptual model of realism Emphasizing the political thought and behavior of Imam Ali
        Abbasali Rahbar Mahmoud  Shariati
        The relationship between religion and politics in the thought of Imam Ali has been an ontological and consistency column of the relationship between society and government. However, this framework, in symmetry to the pattern of realism in the intellectual system of Imam More
        The relationship between religion and politics in the thought of Imam Ali has been an ontological and consistency column of the relationship between society and government. However, this framework, in symmetry to the pattern of realism in the intellectual system of Imam, is, as a concept, effective in creating legitimacy, participation, and advancement in the political system that can be planed, understood and labeled. In the framework, the process of conceptualizing realism by relying on rationality in two levels of thought, with emphasis on concepts such as human dignity, the right to choose people, the implementation of justice and the necessity of the state; and at the level of behavior with an emphasis on the political action of the Imam in determining the caliph, Adoption of arbitration and coexistence with religions will be formulated. This paper tries to achieve two important goals by applying Skinner's interpretation theory: On the other hand, the concept of realism can be understood in the thoughts and behavior of Imam Ali and, on the other hand, the effectiveness of realism in the balance of the part and the coherence of social forces are measured. Obviously, achieving these goals involves the implementation of a range of concepts and subjects. As a result, it is important to understand the framework of the discussion of the plan. 1) Attachment of Realism to Rationality 2) Relevance of Realism with Ideal 3) Conceptualization of Realism 4) Positioning of the environmental conditions and social contexts of the target. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Identifying Priorities for Acquisition of Technology in an Industrial Organization Case Study of Middle-Class Vessels
        Hosein Esbati Seyed Habibollah Tabatabaeiyan
        3000 km of coastline, access to the sea on the north and south of the country, access to the open water (Indian Ocean), are the advantages of the geographical area of marine and maritime industries that made a special place in the economy of the country. Transit maritim More
        3000 km of coastline, access to the sea on the north and south of the country, access to the open water (Indian Ocean), are the advantages of the geographical area of marine and maritime industries that made a special place in the economy of the country. Transit maritime economy and maximum utilization of sea resources has confirmed the need to replacement of worn out vessels with Landing Crafts. For that matter, the most important goals of this R&D are sea freight, transition and achieving the capacity of producing landing craft vessel. Investors and suppliers to meet the needs of customers in a competitive environment must decide: 1) domestic production, 2) transfer of technology, and 3) a combination of both. This paper has initially studied definitions of technology and technology transfer and different aspects of technology acquisition process, the identification, selection, transfer, exploitation and dissemination. The decision models presented by little and Ford have been studied, based on the data, a model for the study was provided. In the first phase, the project was developed Executive structure of acquisition and division of Duties. The second step is the most important activities, assessment capabilities and industry suppliers that are identified and assessed. Data were analyzed by Ford Models. These results, created clear images for useful decision-making executives, Acquisition of the landing Craft boats were through a joint partnership action. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of access, internal development and transfer, has been studied. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Designing Model For Prioritize And Selection Projects Portfolio in a Joint Stock Company Based on Analytic Network Process (ANP)
        کبری يزدانی Hossein Ali  Hassan pour
        Established large companies always need a lot of costs that are not met, therefore, the creation of joint stock companies is an effective method for doing business. In addition, changes in the business environment makes companies to move forward and requires that they b More
        Established large companies always need a lot of costs that are not met, therefore, the creation of joint stock companies is an effective method for doing business. In addition, changes in the business environment makes companies to move forward and requires that they become associated with these changes. This requires an effective strategy and considering the fact that many of the strategies are not entered into the implementation phase, portfolio management as a new model of management to implement strategies to help companies comes to mind. In this paper, using literature review and study framework and using interviews and questionnaires, the model is designed for a Joint Stock Company. This includes : strategic plan portfolio, defined portfolio, strategic change management, network structure portfolio, prioritize and select projects based on ANP, measuring earned value project portfolio, collection and delivery information stakeholders confirmed the basket by stakeholders, ratification and implementation of the project portfolio, portfolio monitoring and feedback ". The validity and reliability of the proposed model by collecting 14 questionnaires and Cronbach's alpha coefficient formula and the carcass is proved. In this paper, a field study is conducted in a Joint Stock Company. The criteria necessary for prioritizing and selecting projects that include criteria of economic profit and human resources as well as criteria related to social aspects were extracted and using network analysis process, the selected projects were prioritized based on criteria. The reliability and validity research using Cronbach's alpha formula and carcass were examined. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Ranking of Supplier Selection Indicators for Outsourcing Services under Uncertainty
        Mostafa Ebrahim pour Azbary atefeh abdollahi Mohsen Akbari keramat gholami
        Nowadays, organizations look at supplier selection with different attitudes and use various methods to evaluate and select suppliers. Most of private, public, profit, and charity businesses as well as educational and research institutes, using the available advantages, More
        Nowadays, organizations look at supplier selection with different attitudes and use various methods to evaluate and select suppliers. Most of private, public, profit, and charity businesses as well as educational and research institutes, using the available advantages, have considered outsourcing strategy among their macro-goals at all organizational dimensions. Meanwhile, suitable supplier selection is one of the strategic keys of supply chain for the success of organizations. In terms of purpose and method, the present study is quantitative and descriptive-analytical, respectively. This study aimed to identify the most important criteria and sub-criteria in selecting suppliers and investigate ranking the criteria and sub-criteria of interest to specify which sub-criterion provides the possibility for more improvement in the defined main criteria. For this purpose, supplier selection indicators were obtained investigating literature and interview with experts. Then, data were tested using a combination of multi-criteria decision-making techniquesThe results of this study showed that the main criteria on which a government agency concentrates while selecting suitable supplier for outsourcing services include service quality, flexibility, and delivery followed by the four remaining criteria according to various values that V dedicates to itself. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - A comparative Study of the Effectiveness of Pre-Marriage Education by the Method of Awareness Program on Dysfunctional Marital Beliefs in People Applying for Marriage
        محمدمهدی کریمی نیا Saeed Balochzadeh-Khorshaneh
        The current research was conducted with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of pre-marriage trainings using the method of interpersonal awareness and choice program and the multi-dimensional local-oriented approach on couples' dysfunctional beliefs in people applying More
        The current research was conducted with the aim of comparing the effectiveness of pre-marriage trainings using the method of interpersonal awareness and choice program and the multi-dimensional local-oriented approach on couples' dysfunctional beliefs in people applying for marriage. The method of the present research is a semi-experimental type with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The statistical population of the present study included all the people who applied for marriage in Arak city, and among them, 60 people were randomly selected in three experimental groups of the awareness and selection program. Interpersonal, indigenous education group and control group were included. In this study, the content of the pre-marriage training sessions based on the principles and techniques of the interpersonal awareness and choice program (PICK) in two 90-minute sessions per week and multi-dimensional indigenous education in ten 40-minute sessions Done. The data collection tool was communication beliefs inventory and analysis of covariance was used to analyze the data. Based on the results, there was a significant difference between the effectiveness of pre-marriage education by the method of interpersonal awareness and selection program and the multidimensional local-oriented approach on communication beliefs in two beliefs related to the belief of expectation of mind reading and the belief that the spouse will not change. Another result is that in the program of pre-marriage education by the method of awareness and interpersonal choices program, people learned that communication and compatibility with the future spouse is much more complicated than matching or having no dissimilarity with him and it is necessary to behave with including self-sacrifice in improving relationships and increasing satisfaction, play their role. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Evaluation and selection of development projects of steel using grey systems theory, vague sets theory, and zero one goal programming: A hybrid approach
        حسین  صفری محمد هادی  خلوصی سمیه  خلوصی
        One of issues that managers face is decision about selecting a set of most appropriate projects. Choosing more effective projects and allocating resource optimally is part of strategic decisions in an organization which requires the judgment of specialists in evaluation More
        One of issues that managers face is decision about selecting a set of most appropriate projects. Choosing more effective projects and allocating resource optimally is part of strategic decisions in an organization which requires the judgment of specialists in evaluation process. In many cases, judgments of decision makers in evaluation have some uncertainty. Methods which take into account the ambiguity in human judgments accurately would be very desirable. The aim of this research is to propose a suitable approach for evaluation development projects and finally select the most suitable ones, based on qualitative and quantitative indices. Proposed approach takes into account the ambiguity in human judgments by using grey systems theory and vague sets theory which both are the fuzzy sets theory expanded. This hybrid approach would make it possible to select the most appropriate projects based on both qualitative and quantitative indices Manuscript profile
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        19 - Choose the best suppliers with a decision support system based on self-organizing neural networks in Oil Projects
        Meysam Jafari Eskandari mostafa yousefi
        One of the most essential activities to create the appropriate supply chain is supplier selection process. The system must be capable of providing buyer's requirements in terms of quality products, at affordable prices and at the appropriate time and volume. The nature More
        One of the most essential activities to create the appropriate supply chain is supplier selection process. The system must be capable of providing buyer's requirements in terms of quality products, at affordable prices and at the appropriate time and volume. The nature of these decisions is usually complex and unstructured. In this study, self-organizing neural networks for decision making for the supplier selection decision is provided in a decision support system environment. Using self-organizing neural networks as a clustering techniques, suppliers clustered. new supplier standards compared with spikes winner and will decide on accepting or rejecting provider. The output of the model is supplier selection and evaluation by appropriate conditions for new suppliers. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Portfolio Selection under Trading Constraints and Data Uncertainty Using Robust Optimization Approach and NSGA-II Algorithm
        Pejman Peykani     Alireza Jandaghian
        Portfolio is a collection or combination of investments in financial and non-financial assets that may be carried out by an individual or organization. How to select and optimize of portfolio is very important. One of the most important points that should be considered More
        Portfolio is a collection or combination of investments in financial and non-financial assets that may be carried out by an individual or organization. How to select and optimize of portfolio is very important. One of the most important points that should be considered in the proposed approach for portfolio selection, is uncertainty. Because, one of the most important features of financial markets is their uncertainty. Thus, the purpose of this study is to present a bi-objective model for portfolio selection that is capable to be used under uncertainty of financial data and for this purpose, a robust optimization approach has been used. It should be noted that return and conditional value at risk (CVaR) are considered as model objectives, and the constraints of the number of shares and the purchasing volume of each share have been added to the model. Also, due to the complexity of the proposed model, a NSGA-II meta-heuristic algorithm has been used to solve the suggested model of research. Finally, the presented model was solved by using the actual data of 200 stocks of Tehran stock market for the period of 2017 and the results were analyzed. The results indicate the efficiency of the proposed approach portfolio selection according to the investor's preferences and constraints under uncertainty of financial data. Manuscript profile
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        21 - A systematic review of artificial neural network applications in supply chain management
          Aref  Toghroljerdi pooria malekinejad
        Nowadays, the success rate of companies/organizations in the competitive market is the performance of their supply chain managment. Various techniques have been utilized to improve it, which one of the most widely used methods to solve these problems is artificial neura More
        Nowadays, the success rate of companies/organizations in the competitive market is the performance of their supply chain managment. Various techniques have been utilized to improve it, which one of the most widely used methods to solve these problems is artificial neural network. The purpose of this study is to systematically review the various applications of artificial neural networks in solving the problems of different parts of the supply chain. Hence, by using the literature review, the key vocabulary of the link between the two domains was identified. Using the keywords extracted from the research literature, a search was made between the Scopus databases and Web-based Science. By searching in these databases, articles related to the application of artificial neural network in different areas of supply chain have been extracted. Finally, the articles were filtered using a variety of tools and then high-ranking papers were identified. Using important articles identified, various categories of artificial neural network applications were implemented in supply chain management. The results of this study indicate that artificial neural networks have been most used in solving engineering, computer science and business issues Manuscript profile
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        22 - طراحی مجدد شبکه و برنامه¬ریزی زنجیره تأمین محصولات غذایی با لحاظ کردن امنیت غذایی و جریان¬های مالی
          mir saman pishvaee
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        23 - Analysing students' learning through morning exercise using data mining techniques
        behzad lak narges abbasi
        Since school has identified as one of the major agents in the socialization process, it has found remarkable position in the educational system of any country. Improving student learning is also a key factor to enhance the educational system quality in schools. As regul More
        Since school has identified as one of the major agents in the socialization process, it has found remarkable position in the educational system of any country. Improving student learning is also a key factor to enhance the educational system quality in schools. As regular exercise has profoundly positive impact on learning, this paper mainly aims to provide an approach to enhance students' learning process through morning exercise based on artificial neural network (ANN) technique and intelligent water drop optimization algorithm. This study is a quantitative research, which is purposefully a descriptive-analytical and methodologically a practical study. To that end, ANN technique was used to classify and extract the results, as well as, intelligent water drop optimization algorithm was employed for feature selection. In ANN, eleven neurons were selected as the appropriate number of hidden layer neurons; a combination of two linear and sigmoidal activation functions were employed as interlayer transmission functions; a training function was applied to train the network; and a maximum 3000 duplicates was proposed for the training algorithm on dataset. The accuracy of the proposed method was 68%, which has improved by about 2.2% compared to the basic method, i.e., exercise has a positive effect on students' learning. The results showed a proper performance of the optimal classification on the dataset with homogeneous parameters as well as a better performance of the artificial neural networks than the novel methods. Accordingly, the proposed method can have an appropriate improvement in terms of output accuracy in strengthening the learning process. Manuscript profile
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        24 - A New Combined Strategy for Estimation of Individual Power Quality Parameters Using Adaptive Neural Network
        H. R. Mohammadi A. Yazdian Varjani H. mokhtari
        With respect to increment of power quality problems and also increasing application of sensitive devices to such problems, the power quality enhancement becomes a serious concern. The series-shunt and combined compensators can be used for compensation of voltage, curren More
        With respect to increment of power quality problems and also increasing application of sensitive devices to such problems, the power quality enhancement becomes a serious concern. The series-shunt and combined compensators can be used for compensation of voltage, current, or both voltage and current. One of the most important stages for precise and optimized compensation of power quality parameters is the fast and accurate estimation of individual parameters. In this paper, a new combined strategy based on a unified adaptive estimator is proposed which is capable of detection and accurate estimation of individual power quality parameters. In comparison to other estimation methods, the proposed method has a simple structure, low computation, high precision and is capable of individual power quality parameters estimation. Therefore, the proposed method can be used for on-line application such as selective compensation in series, shunt active power filters, and unified power quality conditioner. The exclusive properties of the proposed strategy will be shown by simulation results in transient and steady state conditions. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Ensemble Feature Selection Strategy Based on Hierarchical Clustering in Electronic Nose
        M. A. Bagheri Gh. A. Montazer
        The redundancy problem of sensor response in electronic noses is still remarkable due to the cross-selectivity of chemical gas sensors which can degrade the classification performance. In such situations, a more efficient multiple classifier system can be obtained in ra More
        The redundancy problem of sensor response in electronic noses is still remarkable due to the cross-selectivity of chemical gas sensors which can degrade the classification performance. In such situations, a more efficient multiple classifier system can be obtained in random feature space rather than in the original one. Ensemble Feature Selection (EFS) methods assume that there is redundancy in the overall feature set and better performance can be achieved by choosing different subsets of input features for multiple classifiers. By combining these classifiers the higher recognition rate can be achieved. In this paper, we propose a feature subset selection method based on hierarchical clustering of transient features in order to enhance the classifier diversity and efficiency of learning algorithms. Our algorithm is tested on the UCI benchmark data sets and then used to design an odor recognition system. The experimental results of proposed method based on hierarchical clustering feature subset selection and multiple classifier system demonstrate the more efficient classification performance. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Enhancing Speed, Area and Power Consumption of Carry Select Adders Using a New Grouping Structure
        A.  Mohammad Nezhad M.  Taghizadeh Firoozjaee
        Design of low-cost and high-speed datapath is very important for current computing systems. The adders are the essential parts of datapaths in computing systems. Among different types of adders, the carry select adder (CSeA) has a high speed while having the area overhe More
        Design of low-cost and high-speed datapath is very important for current computing systems. The adders are the essential parts of datapaths in computing systems. Among different types of adders, the carry select adder (CSeA) has a high speed while having the area overhead, as well. A factor influencing the speed of this adder is the incorporated grouping structure dependent to its components' delay. In this paper, at first, the delay and area of different existing CSeA architectures are reduced by utilizing a fast and small multiplexer. Then, a new grouping structure is proposed for more delay reduction based on a delay analysis. Implementation and experimental results show that applying the proposed grouping and modifications on different CSeA architectures leads to a high delay reduction in the add operation compared to the best existing grouping structure. For example, the amount of delay reduction in the investigated 32-bit CSeA architectures is more than 33%. In addition, the average reduction of power-delay-product criterion for 32-bit and 64-bit CSeAs utilizing the proposed grouping equals45% and 35%, respectively, compared to the CSeAs incorporating the current best grouping. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Robot Path Planning using Clonal Selection Algorithm
        S.A. daneshnia S. Golzari A. Harifi A. A.  Rezaee
        Path planning of mobile robot is one of the most important topics in mobile robotic discussion. The aim of this study is to find a continuous path from an initial position to the final target; So that, it should be free of collision and optimal or near to optimal. Since More
        Path planning of mobile robot is one of the most important topics in mobile robotic discussion. The aim of this study is to find a continuous path from an initial position to the final target; So that, it should be free of collision and optimal or near to optimal. Since path planning problem of robot is one type of optimization problems, the evolutionary algorithms can be used to solve this problem. Nowadays, clonal selection algorithm is frequently used to solve the problems because of having valuable computational characteristics. But very little attempts have been done in the field of using this method to solve robot path planning problem. Few accomplished attempts are actually a kind of improved genetic algorithm. In this research, an efficient method for robot path planning in the presence of obstacles is designed using all the features of the clonal selection algorithm. The proposed method is evaluated in various environments with different runs in terms of the proposed path length criteria and the number of generations needed to generate the path. Based on the results of experiments, the proposed method shows better performance than the genetic algorithm in all environments and all the evaluation parameters. Especially, by increasing the number of obstacles vertices and also concave obstacles, the proposed method shows much more efficient performance than the genetic algorithm. Also, comparing the performance of the proposed method with the BPSO algorithm (presented in another study) indicates the superiority of path planning algorithm based on the clonal selection. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Semi-Supervised Ensemble Using Confidence Based Selection Metric in Nnon-Stationary Data Streams
        shirin khezri jafar tanha ali ahmadi arash Sharifi
        In this article, we propose a novel Semi-Supervised Ensemble classifier using Confidence Based Selection metric, named SSE-CBS. The proposed approach uses labeled and unlabeled data, which aims at reacting to different types of concept drift. SSE-CBS combines an accurac More
        In this article, we propose a novel Semi-Supervised Ensemble classifier using Confidence Based Selection metric, named SSE-CBS. The proposed approach uses labeled and unlabeled data, which aims at reacting to different types of concept drift. SSE-CBS combines an accuracy-based weighting mechanism known from block-based ensembles with the incremental nature of Hoeffding Tree. The proposed algorithm is experimentally compared to the state-of-the-art stream methods, including supervised, semi-supervised, single classifiers, and block-based ensembles in different drift scenarios. Out of all the compared algorithms, SSE-CBS outperforms other semi-supervised ensemble approaches. Experimental results show that SSE-CBS can be considered suitable for scenarios, involving many types of drift in limited labeled data. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Efficient Recognition of Human Actions by Limiting the Search Space in Deep Learning Methods
        m. koohzadi N. Moghadam
        The efficiency of human action recognition systems depends on extracting appropriate representations from the video data. In recent years, deep learning methods have been proposed to extract efficient spatial-temporal representations. Deep learning methods, on the other More
        The efficiency of human action recognition systems depends on extracting appropriate representations from the video data. In recent years, deep learning methods have been proposed to extract efficient spatial-temporal representations. Deep learning methods, on the other hand, have a high computational complexity for development over temporal domain. Challenges such as the sparsity and limitation of discriminative data, and highly noise factors increase the computational complexity of representing human actions. Therefore, creating a high accurate representation requires a very high computational cost. In this paper, spatial and temporal deep learning networks have been enhanced by adding appropriate feature selection mechanisms to reduce the search space. In this regard, non-online and online feature selection mechanisms have been studied to identify human actions with less computational complexity and higher accuracy. The results showed that the non-linear feature selection mechanism leads to a significant reduction in computational complexity and the online feature selection mechanism increases the accuracy while controlling the computational complexity. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Outlier Detection in High Dimensional Data Using Entropy-Based Locally Relevant Subspace Selection
        Mahboobeh Riahi Madvar Ahmad Akbari B. Nasersharif
        One of the challenges of high dimensional outlier detection problem is the curse of dimensionality which irrelevant dimensions (features) lead to hidden outliers. To solve this problem, some dimensions that contain valuable information to detect outliers are searched to More
        One of the challenges of high dimensional outlier detection problem is the curse of dimensionality which irrelevant dimensions (features) lead to hidden outliers. To solve this problem, some dimensions that contain valuable information to detect outliers are searched to make outliers more prominent and detectable by mapping the dataset into the subspace which is constituted of these relevant dimensions/features. This paper proposes an outlier detection method in high dimensional data by introducing a new locally relevant subspace selection and developing a local density-based outlier scoring. First, we present a locally relevant subspace selection method based on local entropy to select a relevant subspace for each data point due to its neighbors. Then, each data point is scored in its relevant subspace using a density-based local outlier scoring method. Our adaptive-bandwidth kernel density estimation method eliminates the slight difference between the density of a normal data point and its neighbors. Thus, normal data are not wrongly detected as outliers. At the same time, our method underestimates the actual density of outlier data points to make them more prominent. The experimental results on several real datasets show that our local entropy-based subspace selection algorithm and the proposed outlier scoring can achieve a high accuracy detection rate for the outlier data. Manuscript profile
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        31 - examination The Impact of Knowledge Productivity on Employee Empowerment in Insurance Company
        Marziyeh Dehghani Nayeri Yousef Mohammadi moghaddam nader sheikholeslami
        The current research is in correlation method, and it is quantitative and qualitative about kind of data. The statistical society is insurance company which are The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of knowledge productivity on the factors of human res More
        The current research is in correlation method, and it is quantitative and qualitative about kind of data. The statistical society is insurance company which are The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of knowledge productivity on the factors of human resources empowerment of the employees of the insurance company. The statistical population of the study was selected from insurance employees (380 persons) by Cochran formula of 191 persons using simple random sampling. A questionnaire consisted of three parts: Demographic information, Spritzer empowerment questionnaire, Knowledge productivity questionnaire (Qualitative Interview Questionnaire). Results were analyzed in two levels of descriptive and inferential statistics by LISREL software.  Relationship between knowledge productivity and job meaningfulness (r = 0.83), between knowledge productivity and competence feeling (r = 0.86), between knowledge productivity with feeling of independence (r = 0.92), between knowledge productivity and feeling effective In the job (r = 0.90), there is a strong and positive relationship between knowledge productivity and a sense of trust in colleagues (r = 0.92), as well as between each component of knowledge productivity with empowerment. The relation between incremental innovation and empowerment (r = 0.66) and between fundamental innovation and empowerment (r = 0.92) was obtained. As a result, knowledge productivity is directly related to the empowerment of employees, but it does not have an impact on staff empowerment. So these factors are not conducive to empowering employees. According to the research findings, suggestions have been made to enrich staff empowerment and give importance. Manuscript profile
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        Ali Kafami Ladani nahid Amrolahi Biuki Mohammad Shaker Ardakani Mehdi  Golverdi
        Abstract Given the importance of the competency approach as a tool in the hands of organizations and human resource managers in order to provide, maintain and develop human resources, and align them with the strategies and goals of the organization, design a compe More
        Abstract Given the importance of the competency approach as a tool in the hands of organizations and human resource managers in order to provide, maintain and develop human resources, and align them with the strategies and goals of the organization, design a competency profile model for large companies today, become an essential demand. This research has been done with the aim of providing a competency profile model for employees in the Entekhab service industrial group and focusing on call center and technician’s staffs. This research is applied in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of method. Qualitative data of this study were collected through semi-structured interviews with managers, supervisors and senior experts, technicians, from different provinces and supervisors and managers of the call center of the Entekhab service industrial group. After identifying the competency codes, and compiling the sub-main and main themes, a questionnaire was prepared and approved by experts in order to ensure that these codes fit with the themes. 35 codes, 8 sub-themes and 2 main themes were the findings of this study. After validation of experts, the final competency profile model was designed. The main themes of the competency profile model of the call center staff and technicians of the Entekhab service industrial group include two main themes of individual competence and organizational competence and 8 sub-competencies including: personality traits, communication skills, systems thinking and decision making, professional ethics, carte blanche and Participation, leadership ability, organizational improvement and development, and executive and operational capacity were determined Manuscript profile
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        33 - Concept of Ethos in Aristotle’s Theory of Tragedy and its Historical Reflection
        Mohammad Hashemi Amir Maziyar
        In Aristotle’s view, an ideal tragic hero must be neither a villain nor a virtuous man but a character who stands between these two extremes based on a conscious process of choice. In order to explain ethos, the study inquires about the roles of conscious ethical choice More
        In Aristotle’s view, an ideal tragic hero must be neither a villain nor a virtuous man but a character who stands between these two extremes based on a conscious process of choice. In order to explain ethos, the study inquires about the roles of conscious ethical choice, external virtues, and the similarities between the hero and the addressee in the unity of action and hero in Aristotle’s view. Moreover, it asks about the basis upon which the historical reflection of this unity can be studied. This paper aims to investigate the relationship between Aristotle’s theory of tragedy and philosophy of ethics and its historical reflection relying on the relationship between act and moral character in his Poetics and the related sections in his other treatises. Here, the author demonstrates that action and hero in a tragedy together present some imitations of the essence and ethical nature of the world. The historical reflection of Aristotle’s ethical approach to tragedy can be studied based on the theories related to the principiality of ethics and the relationship between art and ethics. This qualitative study has been conducted following a descriptive-analytic method. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Re-reading Discipline in Schools Based on the Analysis of the Paradox of Freedom and Authority
        Marziye aali Parisa kazemi
        This article analyzes the critiques about discipline presented by the theorists of the de-schooling movement about school functions and, based on them, deals with reconstruction of school discipline and its realization. The method used for analyzing the critiques is ana More
        This article analyzes the critiques about discipline presented by the theorists of the de-schooling movement about school functions and, based on them, deals with reconstruction of school discipline and its realization. The method used for analyzing the critiques is analytical-descriptive and which is used for reconstructing is the synthetic method. The findings of study on limits of freedom and authority in schools from the perspective of critics include: freedom to realize oneself and denying authoritarianism; freedom to act in situation; accepting the authority of life structures; freedom to gain experience and knowledge; and accepting adult patronizing authority. Findings of the reconstruction phase include: attention and emphasis on student-teacher mutual responsibility; redefining the role of the teacher so as to allow two-way and free interaction with the student; providing contents and adopting methods for presenting them based on knowledge-based principles; and considering students as active and selective actors. Regarding these components and in order to achieve them, the school in this new definition should be able to select students and teachers at macro and micro levels; in other words, it should be an independent or autonomous school. Selection at the micro level, such as student and teacher selection, is not possible without selection at the macro level of the school, such as content and curriculum. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Coastal and marine tourism scheme in the Coast of Ramsar (based on choice of tourists)
          Hamid Amirnejad Mohammad 
        The profits of the coastal tourism industry are such that many people would invest in it. Considering the potential of the southern shores of the Caspian Sea, this study measured the views of tourists to improve the factors of the coastal industry. With a random sample More
        The profits of the coastal tourism industry are such that many people would invest in it. Considering the potential of the southern shores of the Caspian Sea, this study measured the views of tourists to improve the factors of the coastal industry. With a random sample in the city of Ramsar, this study used a choice experiment model and advanced econometric regressions such as conditional Logit. The aim was to improve the utility of tourists and to suggest a functional model for the development of Ramsar coastal tourism by creating sustainable employment. To develop models, we conducted field interviews on Ramsar beaches in the spring and summer of 2018. The results showed that improving the sanitation facilities and the recreational facilities plus beach prospects had a positive impact on the ultimate utility of the tourists. The tourists would spend forty percent more if the current situation improved by fifty percent. To develop a desirable model for tourists, our recommendations to the investors were to improve: a) the beach and sea landscape 25 percent; b) the health and wellness facilities 50 percent; c) the recreational facilities 50 percent. Manuscript profile
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        36 - The effect of strategic choices and management control systems on organizational performance in Iran
        Hossine Rahmanseresht seyyede somsye ghorbi
        This research was conducted to study the effect of strategic choices and management control systems on organizational performance in small and medium-sized companies in Iran. In this article, contingency theory is used as the theoretical framework of the research. This More
        This research was conducted to study the effect of strategic choices and management control systems on organizational performance in small and medium-sized companies in Iran. In this article, contingency theory is used as the theoretical framework of the research. This is a quantitative study in terms of research type. The survey method has been used as a research strategy and data collection method. The main tool of data collection in the research is a standard questionnaire, which is adapted based on the questionnaire used in the research of Junkira et al. (2018). Smart pls software was used for data analysis. The results of the research show that more competitive forces cause the formation of the strategy chosen by organizations, however, contrary to what the theoretical foundations predict, those companies that operate in more competitive environments choose a cost leadership strategy instead of choosing a differentiation strategy. . The design and use of management control systems is influenced by the strategy chosen by the company. In addition, the use of contemporary management methods is associated with differentiation strategy. The choice of strategy and management control systems in the organization has a significant positive effect on organizational performance. In addition, those companies that combine the differentiation strategy with contemporary management practices perform better than the other companies studied. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Evaluation of science and technology parks of selected countries with partner selection approach
        mohammadreza rostamkhani Parastoo  Mohammadi
        Which of the existing science and technology parks in the world are the most suitable options for creating international interaction? This article tries to find the answer to this question for one of the university parks in Iran using the partner selection approach. In More
        Which of the existing science and technology parks in the world are the most suitable options for creating international interaction? This article tries to find the answer to this question for one of the university parks in Iran using the partner selection approach. In order to limit the scope of the evaluation of the existing parks in the world, first, 20 countries that have made up 90% of Iran's foreign trade volume in the past 5 years have been identified, then based on the needs assessment of the firms located in the studied science and technology park that have the capacity and the willingness of international cooperation, the countries under review were ranked from six aspects like as: economic, political, cultural, security, technological and geographical criteria and in 13 sub-criteria using the combined method of The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and TOPSIS . Seven countries with a significant score among 20 countries were selected as samples to evaluate their science and technology parks. 19 well-known parks in these 7 countries were scored and ranked using 12 criteria, from the perspective of people involved in park affairs, and with the combined method of AHP and TOPSIS. As a result of this ranking, the following parks were identified as a higher priority for cooperation: Dubai Silicon Oasis Park, Tsinghua University Science Park in China, Teknopark İstanbul, Sharjah Research, Technology and Innovation Park, Dubai Science Park, Knowledge Oasis Muscat (Madaen). Manuscript profile
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        38 - Designing Service Outsourcing System in Support Organizations (Case Study: Imam Khomeini Relief Committee of Fars Province)
        yalda sharafiyan Habib Allah Ranaei Kordshouli Moslem Alimohamadloo
        Abstract Objective: Economic complexity has led to the inefficiency of organizations, and they seek to strengthen their core competencies in order to achieve this goal by delegating some of their tasks in the form of outsourcing. The purpose of this study is to design More
        Abstract Objective: Economic complexity has led to the inefficiency of organizations, and they seek to strengthen their core competencies in order to achieve this goal by delegating some of their tasks in the form of outsourcing. The purpose of this study is to design a system of outsourcing of services, including the principles, processes and various activities of outsourcing services in Imam Khomeini Relief Committee in Fars province. Method: This research is cross-sectional in terms of practical purpose, type, case study, and time. The qualitative and quantitative analysis method is mixed and quantified in a way that has been proposed based on literature review and data extraction and with observation and in-depth interviews of the focus group of relief committee experts, processes specific to the relief committee and the characteristics of each stage of The process is approved in the proposed model and converted to the final and localized model. Findings: Findings in the form of providing a comprehensive system for outsourcing services in Imam Khomeini Relief Committee (RA) in a process with six steps, including preparing the outsourcing plan, identifying comparable services, identifying the index and selection of service providers, assignment of outstanding services, reorganization of the department after transfer and monitoring, monitoring and control of assigned services and the whole system, from the input stage, process, output and feedback in the form of A standard model of outsourcing is appropriate for this institution, along with the indicators of each stage. Keywords: outsourcing, outsourcing services, provider selection, monitoring of outsourcing services, Imam Khomeini Relief Committee Manuscript profile
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        39 - Predicting the workload of virtual machines in order to reduce energy consumption in cloud data centers using the combination of deep learning models
        Zeinab Khodaverdian Hossein Sadr Mojdeh Nazari Soleimandarabi Seyed Ahmad Edalatpanah
        Cloud computing service models are growing rapidly, and inefficient use of resources in cloud data centers leads to high energy consumption and increased costs. Plans of resource allocation aiming to reduce energy consumption in cloud data centers has been conducted usi More
        Cloud computing service models are growing rapidly, and inefficient use of resources in cloud data centers leads to high energy consumption and increased costs. Plans of resource allocation aiming to reduce energy consumption in cloud data centers has been conducted using live migration of Virtual Machines (VMs) and their consolidation into the small number of Physical Machines (PMs). However, the selection of the appropriate VM for migration is an important challenge. To solve this issue, VMs can be classified according to the pattern of user requests into Delay-sensitive (Interactive) or Delay-Insensitive classes, and thereafter suitable VMs can be selected for migration. This is possible by virtual machine workload prediction .In fact, workload predicting and predicting analysis is a pre-migration process of a virtual machine. In this paper, In order to classification of VMs in the Microsoft Azure cloud service, a hybrid model based on Convolution Neural Network (CNN) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) is proposed. Microsoft Azure Dataset is a labeled dataset and the workload of virtual machines in this dataset are in two labeled Delay-sensitive (Interactive) or Delay-Insensitive. But the distribution of samples in this dataset is unbalanced. In fact, many samples are in the Delay-Insensitive class. Therefore, Random Over-Sampling (ROS) method is used in this paper to overcome this challenge. Based on the empirical results, the proposed model obtained an accuracy of 94.42 which clearly demonstrates the superiority of our proposed model compared to other existing models. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Fake Websites Detection Improvement Using Multi-Layer Artificial Neural Network Classifier with Ant Lion Optimizer Algorithm
        Farhang Padidaran Moghaddam Mahshid Sadeghi B.
        In phishing attacks, a fake site is forged from the main site, which looks very similar to the original one. To direct users to these sites, Phishers or online thieves usually put fake links in emails and send them to their victims, and try to deceive users with social More
        In phishing attacks, a fake site is forged from the main site, which looks very similar to the original one. To direct users to these sites, Phishers or online thieves usually put fake links in emails and send them to their victims, and try to deceive users with social engineering methods and persuade them to click on fake links. Phishing attacks have significant financial losses, and most attacks focus on banks and financial gateways. Machine learning methods are an effective way to detect phishing attacks, but this is subject to selecting the optimal feature. Feature selection allows only important features to be considered as learning input and reduces the detection error of phishing attacks. In the proposed method, a multilayer artificial neural network classifier is used to reduce the detection error of phishing attacks, the feature selection phase is performed by the ant lion optimization (ALO) algorithm. Evaluations and experiments on the Rami dataset, which is related to phishing, show that the proposed method has an accuracy of about 98.53% and has less error than the multilayer artificial neural network. The proposed method is more accurate in detecting phishing attacks than BPNN, SVM, NB, C4.5, RF, and kNN learning methods with feature selection mechanism by PSO algorithm. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Editor's Note
        S. Mohammad Khamenei
        در سال جاری، انتخابات دورۀ جدید مجلس شورای اسلامی انجام خواهد شد و بیاری خداوند حکیم و رحیم و شعور بارز ملت انتخابگر، مجلسی در خور یک نظام اسلامی و انقلابی بر روی کار خواهد آمد. آنچه بیش از هرچیز از لحاظ نظری ضرورت و اهمیت دارد، درک و توجه به معنی «وکالت» یعنی همان نمای More
        در سال جاری، انتخابات دورۀ جدید مجلس شورای اسلامی انجام خواهد شد و بیاری خداوند حکیم و رحیم و شعور بارز ملت انتخابگر، مجلسی در خور یک نظام اسلامی و انقلابی بر روی کار خواهد آمد. آنچه بیش از هرچیز از لحاظ نظری ضرورت و اهمیت دارد، درک و توجه به معنی «وکالت» یعنی همان نمایندگی است که پایه و جوهر اصلی مجلس شورای اسلامی است. وکالت، در یک تعریف قانونی، عبارتست از واگذاری موقت (در مورد مجلس، چهارساله) حقوق و داشته‌های اجتماعی و ضروری خود، از طرف شخص یا اشخاصی، به شخص یا اشخاص دیگر، بگونه‌یی که عمل و امضا و گفتار وکیل، همان تأثیر عمل و امضا و گفتار موکّل را داشته باشد. بنابرین اگر کسی به شخص دیگری وکالت دهد که اموال و دیگر شئون و حقوق او را حتی برخلاف مصلحت موکل انجام دهد، تمام اقدامات وکیل نافذ و مؤثر خواهد بود و حتی ممکن است وکیل دانسته یا ندانسته حقوق و اموال و حتی امور دیگر موکل را برخلاف منافع و مصلحت موکل، ضایع نماید. این حقیقت در انتخابات قوۀ مقننه یا مجریه و دیگر انتخابهای عمومی کشور هم صادق است و افراد ملت که شخص معینی را منصب وکالت میدهند و او را به عرصۀ ادارۀ جامعه و کشور خود میفرستند، در واقع تمام اختیار جان، مال و ناموس و شئونات شخصی و ملی خود را بشرط رعایت مصلحت موکل، به او میسپارند تا با خیال راحت و اطمینان کامل از وکیل و امانت و مهارت و سلامت اخلاقی و روحی و سیاسی او، به دیگر کارهای خود بپردازند. بدیهی است که بحکم عقل و فهم انسانی، تفویض امور مهم حیاتی خود و واگذاری اختیار جان و مال و ... به یک وکیل، بایستی پس از احراز امانت و توانایی و تجربه و تخصص وکیل باشد، همچنانکه هیچکس گوهر گرانبها را به دست افراد ناشناخته نمیدهد. از اینجاست که هر شهروند رأی‌دهنده در انتخابات بایستی به کسی رأی بدهد که او را امین در حفظ حقوق و هستی اجتماعی خود میداند و به توانایی او یقین دارد و از راه تجربه و شناخت خود یا معرفی شخص یا جریانی مطمئن، به صلاحیت شخص وکیل رسیده است. بسیاری از مشکلات اقتصادی و حقوقی و اعتقادی که در دولتهای گذشته بر سر این ملت آمده، همه از ناآگاهی و تقصیر و کوتاهی در شناخت دقیق نمایندگان بوده است. پیروی بی‌مطالعه از رأی و نظر دیگران در انتخاب نماینده یا تکیه بر احساسات منفی یا مثبت خود به یک جریان سیاسی، اشتباه بزرگی است که موجب زیانهای مالی و بروز فقر اقتصادی و اخلاقی و اعتقادی در جامعه میگردد، و زیاندیده‌گان بجای اعتراض به این و آن یا به خود مجلس یا دولت، باید خود را ملامت کنند که چشم‌بسته و ناشناخته همۀ حقوق و مصالح و آسایش خود را برای چهار سال به شخص یا اشخاصی بنام وکیل (در مجلس یا در دولت) سپرده‌اند؛ «فَلا یلومَنَّ الا انفسهم!». Manuscript profile
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        42 - Etiology of Robot Crimes: With Emphasis on Rational Choice Theory
        mahboub afrasiab kamran shirzad
        Nowadays, artificial intelligence has become increasingly important as a technological advancement. Different applications of artificial intelligence in different realms, while being the source of services for humans, but the emergence of robotic crimes has posed challe More
        Nowadays, artificial intelligence has become increasingly important as a technological advancement. Different applications of artificial intelligence in different realms, while being the source of services for humans, but the emergence of robotic crimes has posed challenges for humans. Therefore, the main issue in this area is the intervention of robots in criminal behavior. Regarding the crimes of the first generation of robots / non-intelligent robots, it should be said that robots have no role in committing a crime and are only a tool in the hands of the programmer. However, the generation of intelligent robots are active and rational social actors who move beyond the will of the programmer and seek to make moral decisions. The study, which seeks to analyze the crimes of robots in the light of rational choice theory, concludes that intelligent robots are among the white-collar criminals among criminals who pay the most attention to cost-benefit analyzes. In addition, the first generation of robots lack the ability to measure the benefits and costs of crime Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        43 - Editor's Note
        S. Mohammad Khamenei
        حکومت مردمی، در اصطلاح، حکومتی است که براساس اراده و انتخاب افراد جامعه باشد و مدیران کشور، نمایندگی و نیابت مردم را داشته باشند. این شکل حکومت ـ که در اصل و تاریخ خود، آوردۀ اسلام و ادیان واقعی گذشته است و ریشه در کرامت ذاتی انسان دارد، که قرآن به آن اشاره کرده ـ بر اس More
        حکومت مردمی، در اصطلاح، حکومتی است که براساس اراده و انتخاب افراد جامعه باشد و مدیران کشور، نمایندگی و نیابت مردم را داشته باشند. این شکل حکومت ـ که در اصل و تاریخ خود، آوردۀ اسلام و ادیان واقعی گذشته است و ریشه در کرامت ذاتی انسان دارد، که قرآن به آن اشاره کرده ـ بر اساس کرامت انسان و آزادی و آزادگی ذاتی است که به انسان داده شده است، از اینروست که کسی حق ندارد اراده و قدرت خود را بر افراد دیگر تحمیل نماید. اما تحقیق نشان میدهد که این اصل، مطلق نیست و شرایطی دارد، یعنی همانگونه که معمولاً عقل و بلوغ را شرط میدانند و محجورین و افراد نابالغ یا سفیه، حق انتخاب ندارند، شروط ضروری دیگری هم هست که رعایت نکردن آنها سبب تسلط افراد قدرت‌طلب، بر حکومت، از راه فریبکاری و جلب آراء و ارادۀ مردم میگردد. چون دادن وکالت و نمایندگی در واقع بمعنای «واگذاری تمام سرنوشت و مصالح خود بمدت چهار سال به شخص وکیل یا وزیر است»، بنابرین لزوماً مشروط به آگاهی و بصیرت و شناخت رأی‌دهندگان میباشد و باید مردم از صلاحیت و صلاح نمایندۀ خود مطمئن و به صحت تشخیص و ممیزی دستگاههای نظارتی اعتماد داشته باشند و خادم و خائن را از هم تمییز دهند، وگرنه آینده و روزگار خود را تباه خواهند کرد. از سوی دیگر، آگاهی اکثریت افراد جامعه شاذ و نادر است؛ بایستی در کنار مردم، مشاوران و مرشدان آگاه یا نهادهایی هوشیار و دشمن‌شناس باشند که افرادی صالح را که نامزد انتخاب میشوند، بشناسند و از آنها حمایت، یا آنها را معرفی کنند. علاوه بر این، مرشدان صادق و آگاه، ضروری است که شورای نگهبان و دستگاههای نظارت کننده نیز، بسبب خطراتی که در اندک تسامح یا کلی‌نگری وجود دارد، علاوه بر ظواهر اشخاص، به قرائنی که حاکی از نادرستی و انحرافات جزئی سیاسی آنها باشد نیز توجه کنند، زیرا برخلاف آنچه در امور عادی و معاشرت با مردم اصالة‌الصحة جاری است، در عرصۀ سیاست و گزینش افرادی برای ادارۀ کشور، اصل عقلایی و درست، اصالة‌الفساد است و این اصل ضامن سلامت و اعتبار حکومت و راحت مردم جامعه خواهد شد. امید است مسئولین و معتمدین مردم در شناخت بهتر مردم از نامزدهای انتخابات، کوتاهی ننمایند. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        44 - Providing a New Solution in Selecting Suitable Databases for Storing Big Data in the National Information Network
        Mohammad Reza Ahmadi davood maleki ehsan arianyan
        The development of infrastructure and applications, especially public services in the form of cloud computing, traditional models of database services and their storage methods have faced sever limitations and challenges. The increasing development of data service produ More
        The development of infrastructure and applications, especially public services in the form of cloud computing, traditional models of database services and their storage methods have faced sever limitations and challenges. The increasing development of data service productive tools and the need to store the results of large-scale processing resulting from various activities in the national network of information and data produced by the private sector and pervasive social networks has made the process of migrating to new databases with appropriate features inevitable. With the expansion and change in the size and composition of data and the formation of big data, traditional practices and patterns do not meet new needs. Therefore, it is necessary to use data storage systems in new and scalable formats and models. This paper reviews the essential solution regarding the structural dimensions and different functions of traditional databases and modern storage systems and technical solutions for migrating from traditional databases to modern ones suitable for big data. Also, the basic features regarding the connection of traditional and modern databases for storing and processing data obtained from the national information network are presented and the parameters and capabilities of databases in the standard platform context and Hadoop context are examined. As a practical example, a combination of traditional and modern databases using the balanced scorecard method is presented as well as evaluated and compared. Manuscript profile