• List of Articles Violence

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Encountering “Others” in Anvari's Invectives
        Reza Zarrinkamar  
        Encountering “others” is one of the humans’ basic issues in their social life while its quality and the quality of human life are directly related to each other. It involves selecting between violence and tolerance. Through studying the approach of one of the greatest p More
        Encountering “others” is one of the humans’ basic issues in their social life while its quality and the quality of human life are directly related to each other. It involves selecting between violence and tolerance. Through studying the approach of one of the greatest poets of Persian literature regarding this issue, this research tries to study how encountering “others” has been described in invectives as a genre in Persian literature. Anvari's invectives are among the most important resources for identifying his personality and viewpoint. Contrary to ode (Qasida) and Ghazal, the poet has more freedom of speech in invectives; thus, it is possible to learn more about the poet’s world and identity through studying this literary genre. studying the components of encountering “others” reveals the attitude of the poet and his discourse towards tolerance and violence. The results of this research indicate that Anvari encounters “others” in a violent way in his invectives, in a way that is far from tolerating or accepting “others”. Verbal violence will result in normalizing violence in social relations in encountering “others’ and pave the way for other types of violence like elimination and rejection. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Qualitative content analysis of President XI speeches (Hassan Rouhani) at the United Nations in an inductive approach
        abbas zohuri einoddin saieed pourali
        In this research are discussed qualitative content analysis of speeches of the President (Hassan Rouhani) in the UN General Assembly in the years 1393.1392 and 1394 . The results of this analysis show that the West organized violence in our region, such as the Attack of More
        In this research are discussed qualitative content analysis of speeches of the President (Hassan Rouhani) in the UN General Assembly in the years 1393.1392 and 1394 . The results of this analysis show that the West organized violence in our region, such as the Attack of Iraq and Afghanistan Caused violence, extremism and war in the Middle East And risk the destruction of civilization and create a terrorist state is very likely.The major powers must stop civilian and military intervention in in this region. Iran is a secure country and wants to play a constructive role in the region .Iranian people voted for the state with plan and hopes thus interactive approach of Iranian government caused to start negotiations over Iran's nuclear program with a new approach.The exact schedule and diplomatic flexibility and courage constructive dialogue of Iran led to a nuclear deal. As a result of the nuclear deal would be Cancellation of unjust sanctions, peace and stability in the region and the world and the beginning of a new chapter in Iran's relations with the world in all context. Iran intrend economic cooperation and development in the period after the agreement. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Violence in the civil state of Hobbes: Rereading Leviathan
        mohamad ali tavana  
        Leviathan is one of the first modern political philosophy texts, which attempt to replace regular civil state of market society and the bourgeois state with the state of nature in which is war of all against each other. Now, the question is: Is civil state of Hobbes is More
        Leviathan is one of the first modern political philosophy texts, which attempt to replace regular civil state of market society and the bourgeois state with the state of nature in which is war of all against each other. Now, the question is: Is civil state of Hobbes is free of violence? It seems that the transition from the state of nature to the civil state is not end of violence, but besides the obvious activist violence, it reinforces more hidden forms of violence including action-accepting and symbolic violence (Hypothesis). This article, in order to understanding and analyzing the types of violence in the civil state of Hobbes, uses the theoretical framework of Slavoj Zizek (theoretical framework). It seems that the origin of activist violence, action-accepting and symbolic in Hobbes's civil state can be found on several factors; The first is that the social phobia that is affected by the evil nature of human still continues in civil state. Second, in the civil state of Hobbes, the governor that has superior authority (sovereignty) is the exception. Third, the ruler for containing the unleashed violence of nature of state, resorts to the force of law, common law and morality, which itself is repulse, repression and Constraint. In other words, it makes a part of citizens in favor of other part, exclusion, repression or limit (the findings). The present article uses Text- author centered hermeneutic method (method). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Investigating the Feeling of Relative Deprivation among the Baluch and its Effects on Political Violence
          reza mahmoudoghli
        اعزازي، شهلا (1380) جامعه‌شناسی خانواده، تهران، روشنگران و مطالعات زنان.## اي اپتر، ديويد و چالرز اف.## اندي بين (1380) اعتراض سياسي و تغيير اجتماعي، ترجمه محمدرضا سعيدآبادي، تهران، پژوهشکده مطالعات راهبردي.## پاشایی، عباس (1369) فرهنگ اندیشه نو، تهران، مازیار.## تي More
        اعزازي، شهلا (1380) جامعه‌شناسی خانواده، تهران، روشنگران و مطالعات زنان.## اي اپتر، ديويد و چالرز اف.## اندي بين (1380) اعتراض سياسي و تغيير اجتماعي، ترجمه محمدرضا سعيدآبادي، تهران، پژوهشکده مطالعات راهبردي.## پاشایی، عباس (1369) فرهنگ اندیشه نو، تهران، مازیار.## تيلي، چارلز (1385) از بسيج تا انقلاب، ترجمه علي مرشدي¬زاد، تهران، پژوهشکده امام خميني و انقلاب اسلامي.## حافظ¬نيا، محمدرضا و مراد كاوياني (1385) «نقش هويت قومي در همبستگي ملي (مطالعه موردي: قوم بلوچ)»، مجله پژوهشي دانشگاه اصفهان، شماره 1 (پياپي 20)، صص 15-47.## ساندرز، ديويد (1380) الگوهاي بي ثباتي سياسي، ترجمه پژوهشكده مطالعات راهبردي، تهران، انتشارات پژوهشكده مطالعات راهبردي.## شيباني، مليحه (1384) «فقر محروميت و شهروندي در ايران»، رفاه اجتماعي، سال پنجم، شماره 18.## شيخ بيگلو، رعنا و دیگران (1391) «تحليل فضايي محروميت و نابرابري‌هاي توسعه در شهرستان‌هاي ايران»، رفاه اجتماعي، سال دوازدهم، شماره 46.## صالحی امیری، سیدرضا (1386) مفاهیم و نظریه‌های فرهنگی، تهران، ققنوس.## فکوهی، ناصر (1378) خشونت سیاسی: نظریات، مباحث، اشکال و راهکارها، پیام امروز.## کرد، یاسر (1389) بررسي برخي عوامل اجتماعي - فرهنگي مؤثر بر گرايش افراد به عضويت در گروه‌های تروريستي در استان سيستان و بلوچستان، پایان‌نامه کارشناسي ارشد.##، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامي ـ واحد اصفهان.## كوهن، آلوين استانفورد (1379) نظریه‌های انقلاب، ترجمه عليرضا طيب، تهران، قومس.## گر، تد رابرت (1377) مدلي علي از منازعات داخلي در خشونت و جامعه، ترجمه اصغر افتخاري، نشر سفير.## گیدنز ، آنتونی (1376) جامعه شناسی، ترجمه منوچهر صبوری، تهران، نشر نی.## لهسایي¬زاده، عبدالعلي (1391) «نقش محروميت نسبي در افزايش خشونت‌هاي شهري مناطق حاشیه‌نشین (مطالعه موردی: شهر کرمانشاه)»، فصلنامه مطالعات شهري، سال دوم، شماره سوم، صص 21-64.## نش، کيت (1387) جامعه‌شناسی معاصر، ترجمه محمدتقي دلفروز، تهران، کوير.## هانتینگتون، ساموئل (1392) سامان سیاسی در جوامع دستخوش دگرگونی، ترجمه محسن ثلاثی، تهران، علم.## هولنـدر ، ادوين پـل (1378) روانشناسی اجتماعی: رهبـری و قـدرت تأتیــر ارتبـاط جمعی بر افكار عمومی و فعالیت سیاسی، ترجمــة احمـد رضـوانی ، مشهــد ، شركت بـه نشـر.## Bernburg, Jon Gunnarand Thorolfur horlindsson,and Inga Dora Sigfusdottir (2009) Relative Deprivation and Adolescent Outcomes in Iceland: A Multilevel Test, The University of North Caroiina Pres.## Boswell, T. Dixon, W. (1990) “Dependency and Rebellion”, ASR, 55 (4), 540-559.## Chandra, Siddharth and AngelaWilliams Foster (2005) ‘‘The Revolution of Rising Urban Social Disorders of the 1960s”, Social Science History, 29:2, 299–332.## Davies, J. C. (1962) "Toward A Theory Of Revolution", American, Sociological Review, 27 (1) pp. 5-19.## Dawson, J. I. (2001) Latvia’s Russian minority: balancing the imperatives of regional development and environmental justice Political Geography, No. 20, pp. 787–815.## Duncan, G (1968) A dictionary of sociology. Routledge and Kegau Paul, London.## Gatti, U., Tremblay, R. E., Vitaro, F., & McDuff, P. (2005) Youth gangs, delinquency and drug use: A test of the selection, facilitation, and enhancement hypotheses. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 46.## Gurr, Ted Robert (1968) Psychologicat Factors in Civil Violenc, World Politics.## -------------------- (1970) Why Men Rebel, Princelon, n. g, Princton University Press.## -------------------- (1973) “The Renolution Change Nexlus,” Compurative Politics.## Messner, E. (1989) “Economic Discrimination and Societal Homicide Rates: Further Evidence on the Cost of Inequality”, American Sociological Review, 54 (4).## Moore, dahlia (2003) “perception of sense of control, relative deprivation, and expectationsof young jews and Palestinians in Israel”, the journal of social psychology, 143 (4) 521-540.## Muller, Edward (1988) “Democracy – Economic Development and Incom Inequality”, ASR, 53 (1), 50-68.## O’Neill, B. (2001) “Generational Patterns in the Political Opinions and Behaviour of Canadians: Separating the Wheat from the Chaff.” IRPP Policy Matters.## Vol. 2, no. 5.## Pearson, Julie A. and Michael D Fallacaro And Joseph E. Pellegrini (2009) “Perceived deprivation in Active Duty Military nurse Anesthetists”, AANA Journal, Vol. 77, No. 1.## Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Exploration of Political Violence from Della Porta’s Point of View: Hidden Violence
        Seyed Javad Salehi Fateh Moradi Niaz
        Arab uprisings, interpreted by many as spring or awakening, failed in its core objectives of achieving freedom and democracy. The path to freedom by these nations soonwas highjacked and replaced by violence. This includes Islamic Fundamentalist groups such as ISIS and a More
        Arab uprisings, interpreted by many as spring or awakening, failed in its core objectives of achieving freedom and democracy. The path to freedom by these nations soonwas highjacked and replaced by violence. This includes Islamic Fundamentalist groups such as ISIS and al-Qaeda, authoritarian regimes, and militant groups in Iraq, Syria and Yemen have displayed new dimensions of unbridled violence through the capacity of audio-visual media. In fact, violence has become an instrument for various political and military actors to represent their strength through it in these regions. Hence, the importance of this variable and the role it plays in recent developments in the countries as part of the Arab uprisings has led the authors to study the causes and consequences of the formation of violence, especially with political motives, around the question of what are the central characteristics of political violence from Dellaporta's point of view? Therefore, in this study an attempt is made to analyze this phenomenon in an intellectual and discourse format with an analytical-explanatory approach and by referring to Donatella Dellaporta's opinions in the field of political violence by referring to library and internet sources. The research hypothesis is based on the principle that political violence, especially hidden violence, is a complex and multidimensional process that has its own mechanisms. In fact, hidden political violence is the result of multi-faceted interaction and confrontation between the government and social groups and activists according to the available facilities and capacities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Political Economy of State Developmentalism in Iran: A Study of Douglas North's Theory of Open and Restricted Access in the Islamic Republic
        Ali  Ranjbarki
        This article explains the developmentalist status of political rule in the period of the Islamic Republic of Iran using the institutional theory of open and limited access "Douglas North". According to North, the elites and political rulers (ruling coalition) in a socie More
        This article explains the developmentalist status of political rule in the period of the Islamic Republic of Iran using the institutional theory of open and limited access "Douglas North". According to North, the elites and political rulers (ruling coalition) in a society have two ways of forming social order and controlling violence. On the one hand, the open access system, which has impersonal rules and regulations, the rule of law and productive rent-seeking, which guarantees public access to society's resources and assets. And, on the other hand, the limited access system, which seeks to establish personal and private relationships and rules, sheikh and disciple (Murid &Morad) networks, unproductive rent-seeking and restricting the access of others to the resources and assets of society. Empirical evidence shows that open access systems guarantee and accelerate the achievement of economic development. Restricted access systems are not inherently developmental because economic development conflicts with the personal and group interests of the ruling coalition. Hence, political rule does not make a serious effort to address the problems and shortcomings in the path of economic development. In Iran, with the formation of the Islamic Revolution, the ground was opened for further opening of the social access system. But over time, with the occurrence of various internal and external events, political rule tended to limit the country's social system. This led to a special group of Islamists (traditional and fundamentalist right) becoming the dominant coalition of the country and using various strategies and policies to try to gain access to the sources of power and assets of the country in a centralized and exclusive way. Under these institutional conditions, the behavior of the country's political rulers is shaped in such a way that their main goal is to maintain the current political system in order to guarantee monopoly and centralized power and maximum access to the country's resources and assets. Therefore, increasing and allocating unproductive rents from oil revenues and government monopolies to groups affiliated with the ruling coalition, establishing personal and private relations and organizations, and restricting the participation and access of other groups to the economic and political resources of the country are the dominant coalition strategies. These strategies hinder the continuation and acceleration of economic development in the country. Thus, the behavior and plans of political rulers are not developmental. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Arendt’s Political Thought and the Possibility of Change in International Relations
        Homeira  Moshirzadeh Arya Moknat
        According to mainstream IR theories and, in particular, realism, violence is and will remain to be an essential and inseparable part of international relations. All variations of realism view human nature and/or intentional system as inherently violent. Hannah Arendt’s More
        According to mainstream IR theories and, in particular, realism, violence is and will remain to be an essential and inseparable part of international relations. All variations of realism view human nature and/or intentional system as inherently violent. Hannah Arendt’s theory of political power as a non-violent and collective human action challenges this fundamental assumption and offers a new perspective on what constitutes the essence of politics. Arendt’s idea of “human condition” rejects all forms of essentialism with regard to human beings and opens up a theoretical space for a new understanding of international relations where human beings become the primary political agents (despite the fact that she sees the existing international relations more from a realist point of view). Contrary to mainstream IR theories in general, and to realism in particular, for Arendt the individuals, rather than the states, are ultimately the main players in international relations. In this paper, we bind different aspects of Arendt’s political thought together to offer a new theoretical perspective for a possible change in world politics. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Murder in marriage bed; believing in sheding adulterer’s and adulteress blood with immunity; an explicit instance of family violence
        Mohaddseh  Sadeghian Lamarasaki Kiomars   Kalantari Iraj  Golduzian
        Family violence is a result of complicated factors which in some cases, lack of criminalization, lack of explicit point of view in law and the silence of the legislator contribute to its expansion. Unfortunately despite all the criticisms, the legislator named again adu More
        Family violence is a result of complicated factors which in some cases, lack of criminalization, lack of explicit point of view in law and the silence of the legislator contribute to its expansion. Unfortunately despite all the criticisms, the legislator named again adulterer an adulteress as instances of Mahdour al-Dam in article 203 of the new law of Islamic punishment and has issued the permission of murder in bed for husband, which can be considered and studied as a significant example of family violence. In this research, authors are recogniting the subjects of murder in bed, believing in sheding adulterer’s and adulteress blood with immunity and they believe that this subject is a clear example of family violence. Meantime, a question arises that “How the husband can kill both of them without any trial and hearing defencive reasons and evidences?”. According to the words of Islamic jurisprudents, it is clear that they arenot in agreement on the giving the permission of murder in bed to the husband. Finally it should be recalled that the legislator should do his best to remove legal articles which themselves can be the basis of crime and can increase allowance of private justice and personal revenges and family violence cases. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Legal Approaches to Protecting Children against Violence In Educational Environments
        Mohamad Mahdi Meghdadi
        Education as a fundamental right of children's human rights represents the development of human societies and the growth and excellence of children in today's societies. Undoubtedly educational environments in order to realize such a right should have a safe and desirab More
        Education as a fundamental right of children's human rights represents the development of human societies and the growth and excellence of children in today's societies. Undoubtedly educational environments in order to realize such a right should have a safe and desirable space to increase the mental health of children in learning the knowledge and realization of their education and upbringing. Hence, the phenomenon of violence in such environments has become increasingly evolving in spite of educational and corrective approaches to child behavior and discipline in the prevailing educational environment. in this study, by studying and explaining violence against children in educational settings based on the documents of the International Human Rights Law, as well as the Iranian legal system's standards regarding the right of children and their support, they are working to prevent and prevent the occurrence of such a phenomenon. Provided in educational environments. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Legal Approaches to Protecting Children against Violence In Educational Environments
        Mohamad Mahdi Meghdadi Mohamad Mahdi Badami
        Education as a fundamental right of children's human rights represents the development of human societies and the growth and excellence of children in today's societies. Undoubtedly educational environments in order to realize such a right should have a safe and desirab More
        Education as a fundamental right of children's human rights represents the development of human societies and the growth and excellence of children in today's societies. Undoubtedly educational environments in order to realize such a right should have a safe and desirable space to increase the mental health of children in learning the knowledge and realization of their education and upbringing. Hence, the phenomenon of violence in such environments has become increasingly evolving in spite of educational and corrective approaches to child behavior and discipline in the prevailing educational environment. in this study, by studying and explaining violence against children in educational settings based on the documents of the International Human Rights Law, as well as the Iranian legal system's standards regarding the right of children and their support, they are working to prevent and prevent the occurrence of such a phenomenon. Provided in educational environments. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - An Analytical Study of Important Cultural Factors Deterring Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure
        Arian Petoft
        Nowadays, one of the most known types of violence against children around the world is child sexual abuse, which is typically a reflection of the causes of social problem. The customs and traditions of society sometimes make the people to conceal sexual violence against More
        Nowadays, one of the most known types of violence against children around the world is child sexual abuse, which is typically a reflection of the causes of social problem. The customs and traditions of society sometimes make the people to conceal sexual violence against children. Many cases of sexual abuse have not been reported due to concealment and fear of being exposed, and its deleterious effects on children remain concealed. As one of the most dangerous forms of violence against children is their sexual abuse, it is important to examine cultural normative factors and can help us in pathology and in providing appropriate solutions. Therefore, the present article seeks to answer the key question of what cultural norms can make us to conceal child sexual abuse cases and consequently facilitate and increase sexual violence against children and adolescents. Understanding the values generally held by people of a particular culture allows us to eliminate the social barriers to disclosing child sexual abuse. Overall, this article found that the important cultural factors are: family honor and dignity, chastity, gender discrimination, high costs of disclosure, traditional and racial difference, deviant religious beliefs and non-effective adherence to reasonable cultural norms. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - The Effect of Visual Media on the Occurrence of Deviations and Crimes in Children and Teenagers and Ways to Prevent it
        Fatemeh  Afshari javad afshari
        Background and Aim: One of the most important influencing factors in the lives of today's societies is visual media, which, in addition to having positive effects in reducing social harms, have a negative role in creating deviations and crimes and one of the vulnerable More
        Background and Aim: One of the most important influencing factors in the lives of today's societies is visual media, which, in addition to having positive effects in reducing social harms, have a negative role in creating deviations and crimes and one of the vulnerable groups in this field are children and teenagers. This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the impact of visual media on the occurrence of deviations and crimes among children and teenagers and discussing ways to prevent it. Method: The present study was conducted using descriptive-analytical method and using documentary (library) resoureces. Results: Visual media, by getting the audience used to the events, desensitization and inattention, etc., provide the basis for learning violence from the media. Younger people are much more influenced by the media, and this is due to their realism, their incomplete cognitive ability, and their inability to relate the scenes of the program to the final result. With the development of global media outside the control of governments, such as satellites and the Internet, and providing inappropriate models, negative training, airing programs with no purpose, not paying attention to the age of the audience, and not showing the results of actions, the role of the mentioned media in the spread of crimes and deviations such as violence, running away from home, free sexual relations, and sexual addiction are undeniable, especially among young people. Conclusion: Due to the negative impact of visual media on children and teenagers in terms of creating grounds for deviance and committing crimes, it is necessary for the government, people, family and mass media to make a joint effort to deal with the content of inappropriate and replace it with healthy programs and entertainment. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace at relationship between role ambiguity and physical and psychological violence in workplace
        نرگس السادات مرتضوی hamidreza oreyzi
        The purpose of this study was to investigate moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace at relationship between role ambiguity and physical and psychological violence in the workplace. The researchers and authors believed that role ambiguity results from a lack o More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace at relationship between role ambiguity and physical and psychological violence in the workplace. The researchers and authors believed that role ambiguity results from a lack of information and therefore missing clarity in a specific job position that leads to be employee's uncertain at the workplace. Uncertainty at the workplace is the most important determinant of job stress that can lead to role ambiguity, decreased employee's job satisfaction, physical and psychological violence and thus reduce the efficiency. The current study is of the correlational studies and Participants in this study were 279 employees of Iran's Polyacryl Company that Sample Available were selected. The instruments used included the Uncertainty at the workplace scale, Role ambiguity scale and physical and psychological violence Questionnaire(Menard & Met al ,2011). Data was analyzed using the hierarchical regression and moderate analysis. The findings indicated that, their physical and psychological violence increases, when uncertainty at the workplace is high. Also moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace at relationship between Manuscript profile
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        14 - Moderating Effect of Uncertainty at the Workplace at Relationship between Role Ambiguity and Physical and Psychological Violence
        Nargessadat Mortazavi hamidreza oreyzi
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace in relationship between role ambiguity and physical and psychological violence in the workplace. The method of this study is cross-sectional and participants in this study More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace in relationship between role ambiguity and physical and psychological violence in the workplace. The method of this study is cross-sectional and participants in this study were 279 employees of Iran’s Polyacryl Company selected using convenient sampling. The instruments used including the Uncertainty at the Workplace Scale, Role Ambiguity Scale, and Physical and Psychological Violence Questionnaire (Menard & Met al ,2011). Data was analyzed using the hierarchical regression and moderate analysis. The findings indicated that participants, physical and psychological violence increased, when uncertainty at the workplace was high. Also moderating effect of uncertainty at the workplace in relationship between role ambiguity and physical and psychological violence in the workplace was confirmed. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Survey on some manifestations of moderateness and violence in Nizami Ganjavi’s Khamsa
        saeed karimi qare baba
        Persian old literature has always proclaimed kindness and moderateness and has avoided violence, dispute and vengeance. Therefore, Iran society and history has passed through different and stressful paths. Literature represents a vague and blurred image of uncontrolled More
        Persian old literature has always proclaimed kindness and moderateness and has avoided violence, dispute and vengeance. Therefore, Iran society and history has passed through different and stressful paths. Literature represents a vague and blurred image of uncontrolled violence in its deep layers though disputes and war has woven with Iranian society warp and woof. Nizami Ganjavi is one of the Iranian poets and advocate of peace that love and friendship is felt in his poems. However, in the depth of his works, the traces of the mentality based on violence and lack of moderateness can be found unintentionally. For instance, war is one of the main content of Nizami poems and even the traces of violence can be seen in the realm of love. The lover Majnun tends to act violently for possessing of Leila, in Makhzanoal- Asrar(Treasure of Mysteries) two scholars with different scientific viewpoints debated so that they are ready to kill each other and finally, Alexander destructs the Zoroastrian temples violently and abolishes their religious rituals and put fire on their magnificent cities and transfers Iranians academic texts to Macedonia. On other hand, the manifestations of moderateness in Nizami verse are wonderful. Shirin invites Khosrow to moderation and hospitality of the people. Bahram prevents war with his compatriots with intelligent planning and the kings respond the protestors. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Protection of Children from Violence in The Context of International Instruments
        Arian Petoft
        Because in preadolescence and adolescence, various physical and mental dimensions of the child are being formed and developed, childhood is the most sensitive and influential period of each person's life. Therefore, maintaining and guaranteeing the growth and physical a More
        Because in preadolescence and adolescence, various physical and mental dimensions of the child are being formed and developed, childhood is the most sensitive and influential period of each person's life. Therefore, maintaining and guaranteeing the growth and physical and mental health of the child is very important. Children should never experience domestic and social violence, and this is at the heart of international directives. Current international law obliges governments to protect all children from all forms of violence. Violence against children knows no bounds, and today it transcends race, class, religion, and culture, and there are children in all countries of the world who are always exposed to fear and experience of violence. In any case, this article is an attempt to provide a comprehensive answer to the question of what are the most important legal protections of international instruments, especially the Convention and the Declaration against Cases of Violence against Children. Thus, the present study step by step identifies and explains the most important fundamental rights of children in the context of international law. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Domestic Legal Order in Response to Violence against Children
        Arian Petoft
        Background and Aim: Childhood is the most sensitive period of human life in which various physical and mental dimensions of individuals are formed and developed. Hence, it is crucially important to maintain children's physical-mental health. In the present article, an a More
        Background and Aim: Childhood is the most sensitive period of human life in which various physical and mental dimensions of individuals are formed and developed. Hence, it is crucially important to maintain children's physical-mental health. In the present article, an attempt is made to depict the general outline of the domestic legal normative order in response to violence against children. Method: This study has been done in a descriptive-analytical way by using the library resources and especially laws. Results: Children should never be exposed to violent domestic or social situations and experience child abuse. Since children today will be responsible for society in the future, and the progress and development of the country depend on their proper upbringing and development; therefore, the issue of violence against children, which causes great harm to it, is of special concern to Iran's laws. Conclusion: In the current legal system, the response to violence against children knows no boundaries; today, there are various examples, such as violent physical and psychological punishment, parental neglect, exploitation, unhealthy cyberspace, drop out, pornography and pressures of poverty. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Holy Quran’s Strategy in Preventing Social Anger from Turning into Violence
        hosein shojaei mohammad hossein akhavan
        Social anger is a known phenomenon in the world. It is in itself neither positive nor a negative phenomenon. How it is expressed and it effects determine whether it is good or bad. This paper, with a focus on the relation between people and government, tries to determin More
        Social anger is a known phenomenon in the world. It is in itself neither positive nor a negative phenomenon. How it is expressed and it effects determine whether it is good or bad. This paper, with a focus on the relation between people and government, tries to determine the boundaries of the negative or positive aspects of expression of social anger and introduce Quranic strategies acting on which can prevent social anger from turning into destructive acts of violence. This paper, written using the library research method, describes positive social anger as one that leads to reforming and improving the conduct of rulers and directing them to the path of accountability and responding to people’s demands. It also describes negative social anger as one that, due to indifference of rulers, turns into violence and involves disintegration of social cohesion and spread of chaos in society. The paper concludes that the Quran’s strategy for preventing social anger from turning into violence can be summarized in four stages and, naturally, if governments act on them, they could avoid facing the consequences (of negative social anger). The four stages are: 1- Allowing criticism and expression of anger; 2- Receiving and analyzing the criticisms meticulously; 3- Having dialogue and humbly accepting faults; 4- Making efforts for reform. Manuscript profile
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        19 - An Analysis the Experience of Domestic Violence Against Working Women (Case Study of Working Women in Tehran)
        Akram  Ghelichkhan zahra abdoli
        Domestic violence against women is a type of aggressive behavior that occurs in close family relationships. Domestic violence against women is one of the harshest results of cultural, social and economic inequalities in different societies, that has irreparable conseque More
        Domestic violence against women is a type of aggressive behavior that occurs in close family relationships. Domestic violence against women is one of the harshest results of cultural, social and economic inequalities in different societies, that has irreparable consequences on the victom. it seems that working women are no exception to the experience of this type of violence and access to resources has caused they face domestic violence. The purpose of this study is to qualitatively analyzing the experience of domestic violence of working women and women's perception of this violence in Tehran. In the methodology section; Qualitative methodology and grounded theory (GT) strategy were applied. The interviewees were selected purposefully and 12 employed women for more than three months were examined. 7 main categories and one core category were extracted through data encoding. Physical violence, psychological violence, sexual violence, economic violence, social violence, verbal violence, psychological stress. The results show that working women in Tehran have a diverse perception of domestic violence and experience different types of violence. It seems that type and amount of economic and social violence are different among working women and housewives. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Psychological consequences of violence against women and girls
        Kazem Khorramdel Zahra Zare
        Aim: Violence against women and girls has existed in all human societies despite differences between religions and intellectual, cultural, economic and social differences, and is a global, transhistorical and transcultural phenomenon that dates back to human history. Th More
        Aim: Violence against women and girls has existed in all human societies despite differences between religions and intellectual, cultural, economic and social differences, and is a global, transhistorical and transcultural phenomenon that dates back to human history. This consequence prevents the full participation of women in society and poses a serious threat to human rights and health. Violence has significant effects on women's physical and mental health. Despite extensive research on the consequences of violence on women's mental health, the rate of violence during quarantine has increased, and this study examines the extent of violence against women and girls and its psychological consequences during quarantine. Research Method: This is a descriptive-analytical cross-sectional study. The instruments used in this study include the Demographic Questionnaire, the Standard Violence Against Women Questionnaire and the Hopkins Index (HSCL). Finally, the data obtained from the study were analyzed by SPSS 26 software. (P <0.01) Results: Based on Pearson correlation, it was found that there is a positive and significant relationship between all dimensions of mental health and violence, and exposure to various types of violence leads to a decrease in mental health in various dimensions. Conclusion: Violence is a strong predictor of mental health in various dimensions and considering the important role of women in the family and the impact of their health on family and community health, it is necessary to take measures to reduce violence and improve women's mental health. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Family Cohesion and Parent Abuse: The Mediating Role of Domestic Violence, Marital Conflict, Self-Esteem and Resilience
        Zabihollah Abbaspour Razieh Nazarian Samani Khadijeh Shiralinia
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of domestic violence, marital conflict, self-esteem and resilience in the relationship between family cohesion and parent abuse in first and second grade male and female high school students in Shahrekord. The More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of domestic violence, marital conflict, self-esteem and resilience in the relationship between family cohesion and parent abuse in first and second grade male and female high school students in Shahrekord. The statistical population of this study was all male and female high school students in Shahrekord and their mothers, 779 of whom were selected by convenience sampling. Instruments in this study were Parent Abuse Scale (PAP-bv), Parent Abuse Scale (PAP-gm), Child Exposure to Domestic Violence (VCED), Parental Marital Conflict Scale (PMCS), Samani Family Cohesion Questionnaire (SFC) Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RIS). The model evaluation was made by path analysis method. The results of correlation coefficients showed that there were significant positive correlations between domestic violence and marital conflict and parent abuse, and that there were significant negative correlations between family cohesion, self-esteem and resilience and parent abuse. The final model showed good fitness. The results of path analysis showed that family cohesion has a direct and indirect effect on parent abuse through domestic violence, marital conflict, self-esteem and resilience. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Examining the legal foundations of eliminating discrimination and violence against women with a view to the commitments of the Afghan government
        mojgan moshfeghi peyman bolori salman valizadeh
        Violence against women is a serious and global human rights problem. However, this problem is more common in underdeveloped countries such as Afghanistan, and it is widely used against women in the family, workplace, and society in various ways. However, in this country More
        Violence against women is a serious and global human rights problem. However, this problem is more common in underdeveloped countries such as Afghanistan, and it is widely used against women in the family, workplace, and society in various ways. However, in this country, in line with the legal protection of women, measures such as; Including articles protecting women against violence against them in the constitution, the approval of most human rights conventions, the preparation of national documents and strategies, etc. have been done. In this research, a descriptive-analytical method has been used to examine the legal foundations of eliminating discrimination and violence against women by looking at the commitments of the Afghan government. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Sociological Explanation of Women's Violence Against Men
        Parvaneh  Danesh mihamad javad zahedi mazandarani nazanin khosh sima
        The general view of family violence is usually referred to violence by men against women or other family members, but reports in this field show that sometimes men are victimized by women's violence. The main objective of this research is the sociological explanation o More
        The general view of family violence is usually referred to violence by men against women or other family members, but reports in this field show that sometimes men are victimized by women's violence. The main objective of this research is the sociological explanation of women's violence against men. This research was conducted in a qualitative method and data was analyzed with the method of ground theory. The sample includes married men who have experienced violence in Tehran. The method of selecting the samples was purposeful and the sample volume reached saturation during the research after the 10th interview. The analyzes were done by three types of open coding, central coding and selective coding. The findings of the research include: background conditions affecting women's violence against men, including: 1- cultural issues, 2- social issues, 3- financial issues, 4- occupational and organizational conditions, 5- mental and psychological problems in the family, 6- history of addiction. In the family, 7- Knowledge of life skills; Intervening factors affecting the strategy of women's violence against men include: 1- personality difference, 2- cultural difference, 3- age difference, 4- difference in financial issues, 5- difference in the type of need, 6- marital beliefs, 7- gender beliefs; Causal conditions affecting women's violence against men include: 1- broken relationships, 2- intertwined relationships, 3- inappropriate family experiences, 4- occupational-organizational factors, 5- communication problems at work, 6- social factors, 7- cultural factors; Action and interaction strategies are: 1- Unhealthy communication behaviors 2- Retaliatory interaction pattern 3- Lack of love and intimacy; The consequences are: 1- Psychological injuries 2- The lack of power of the man in the family 3- Separation 4- Risky behaviors 5- Damage to the children 6- Weakening of the family foundation 7- Lack of household financial management; The research results show the existence of violence against men in the family and the consequences of this type of violence weaken the family institution. Manuscript profile
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        24 - An Analytical Study of the Theory of Violence in Carl Schmidt's Political Theory
        Samad  Zahiri Sattar  Zanganeh Tabar reza nasiri hamed
        Violence is one of the most important aspects of the history of human political life which appears in the form of physical and mental suffering in a person. Political thinkers and theorists have tried to explain the phenomenon of violence within their political theory. More
        Violence is one of the most important aspects of the history of human political life which appears in the form of physical and mental suffering in a person. Political thinkers and theorists have tried to explain the phenomenon of violence within their political theory. Carl Schmitt is one of the most important political and legal theorists of the twentieth century who has explained the concept of violence. Schmitt divides human life into diverse and relatively independent realms of thought and action, including ethics, aesthetics, economics, etc. The realm of politics and "political" is one of these realms with the criterion of friend-enemy distinction. The political premise of the state and the state is the manifestation of the nature of politics. Politics is also the decision of the ruling person in an exceptional situation. The ruler is the one who decides in exceptional circumstances. The government, or the ruling person, has a complete monopoly on the use of violence. The ruler, who decides and assigns tasks for it from outside the legal system, is forced to use violence, which is called sovereign violence. This article attempts to explain the theory of violence in Carl Schmitt political thought. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Description of Domestic Violence in the Iranian Family
        Mohsen Sohanian Haghighi Iraj Faizi
        Family is one of the main social institutions and therefore, issues related to the family are considered the most important social issues. Domestic violence is the more important family problems. The purpose of this study is to provide a generalizable description of the More
        Family is one of the main social institutions and therefore, issues related to the family are considered the most important social issues. Domestic violence is the more important family problems. The purpose of this study is to provide a generalizable description of the situation of domestic violence among Iranian family members, in general and in different dimensions of violence (physical, psychological, verbal, economic and sexual). The statistical population in this study is all people over 15 years old in the Iranian society in 1397 (2018) and the sample size is 5027 people, of which 3815 are married and 1212 are single. According to the results total index of the prevalence of violence between couples is 81.1% and its average intensity is 9.06 on the scale. of 0 to 100. Also, total index of the prevalence of violence between parents and children is 84.5% and its average severity is 13 on the scale. of 0 to 100. Among the various dimensions of domestic violence between couples, psychological violence with a prevalence of 75.5% and an average intensity of 14.42 has the highest prevalence and severity. Also, among the various dimensions of domestic violence between parents and children, psychological violence with a prevalence of 81.6% and an average intensity of 23.84 has the highest prevalence and severity. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Investigating Twitter campaigns of Violence Against Women
        shima nasertork ali delavar afsaneh mozaffari tahmores shiri
        One of the most important topics that social networks -Twitter- have paid attention to is violence against women in Iran. The most important theoretical support in the emergence of these campaigns is the reflection of the texts about violence against women. One of the m More
        One of the most important topics that social networks -Twitter- have paid attention to is violence against women in Iran. The most important theoretical support in the emergence of these campaigns is the reflection of the texts about violence against women. One of the most important factors in the emergence of such waves is the important activists in the field of these social networks, who use their followers to reflect these contents. The most important campaigns in terms of the number of tweets and retweets was the "Girls of the Revolution" campaign. The aim of the research is to analyze the performance of Twitter in reflecting the content of violence against women in Iran based on the most important campaigns that have emerged in the last decade. This issue was analyzed based on the theoretical foundations of types of violence and networked movements. The research method is the content analysis of tweets and hashtags related to campaigns from 2016 to 2016. The research results showed that the most important themes are about social and political violence against women. In this regard, some campaigns and hashtags have caused insecurities in the society the most important of which was the campaign of the girls of Enghelab Street in terms of the number of tweets and retweets. the analysis of the themes of tweets showed the absence of news, posts and tweets of people related to campaigns and hashtags. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Domestic Violence Against Men )Case Study: The Flakei Marginal Region of Khorram Abad City)
        vali bahrami Sara salimi fatemeh vandabrahim
        Domestic violence against men has many dysfunctional consequences that affect not only the individual and the family, but also the middle and macro levels of society. Therefore, the present study aims to identify the components of women's violence against men in the mar More
        Domestic violence against men has many dysfunctional consequences that affect not only the individual and the family, but also the middle and macro levels of society. Therefore, the present study aims to identify the components of women's violence against men in the marginal region of Falkei, Khorram Abad city. The studied sample is all married men in the marginal region of Falkei, Khorram Abad city. Targeted sampling has been done. Ten men with experience of violence were interviewed. The type of interviews was semi-structured. Data analysis was done using thematic analysis and after coding the data, 241 open codes, 20 sub-categories and 6 main categories were extracted. To validate the data, variety of techniques were applied such as re-examining the participants, re-examining by experts, using external referees and clarifying citation and transferability. Findings shows that violence against men arises from "double work, the label of irresponsibility, rolelessness in the decision-making process, threats of suicide and divorce, comparison, humiliation and blame, and sexual deprivation". The results of this research show that women have created the necessary grounds for violence against men by economic bottlenecks, comparisons, verbal violence and as a result increasing tension. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Psychological Consequences of Violence Against Women and Girls
        Zahra Zare Kazem Khorramdel
        <p>Violence against women and girls persists across all human societies despite differences in religions and other intellectual, cultural, economic, and social factors. It is a global, transhistorical and transcultural phenomenon with roots in the history of humanity. T More
        <p>Violence against women and girls persists across all human societies despite differences in religions and other intellectual, cultural, economic, and social factors. It is a global, transhistorical and transcultural phenomenon with roots in the history of humanity. This consequence prevents the full participation of women in society and poses a serious threat to human rights and health. Violence has significant effects on women's physical and mental health. Despite extensive research on the consequences of violence on women's mental health, the prevalence of violence has increased during the COVID-19 quarantine period. This study examines the extent of violence against women and girls and its psychological consequences during quarantine. This is a descriptive-analytical cross-sectional study. The instruments used in this study include a Demographic Questionnaire, Standard Violence Against Women Questionnaire and the Hopkins Index (HSCL). Data analysis was conducted by SPSS 26 software. (P &lt;0.01). Pearson correlation analysis revealed a positive and significant relationship between all dimensions of mental health and violence. Exposure to various types of violence leads to a decline in mental health across different dimensions. Violence emerges as a robust predictor of mental health in various dimensions. Considering the important role of women in the family and the impact of their health on family and community well-being, it is imperative to take measures to reduce violence and enhance women's mental health.</p> Manuscript profile
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        29 - Ethical Misconduct with a Focus on Covert Violence Against Women in the Novel "The Terrible Tehran" by Moshfeq Kazemi
        Elham Ahmadi kobra nodehi arastoo mirani
        Women are among the vulnerable groups in society who have historically faced widespread violations of rights and extensive violence. An important issue in this context is the various perspectives and theories that organizations, institutions, real and legal personalitie More
        Women are among the vulnerable groups in society who have historically faced widespread violations of rights and extensive violence. An important issue in this context is the various perspectives and theories that organizations, institutions, real and legal personalities, and writers have each attempted to portray the nature of violence against women and combat it. Writers have typically used the format of social novels to describe the situation of women and the violence exerted upon them. This article explores Moshfeq Kazemi's "The Terrible Tehran," which is considered the first social novel in Iran. The main question of this paper is: "What are the main ethical misconducts focused on covert violence against women in 'The Terrible Tehran'?" The central hypothesis of the current article emphasizes that Moshfeq Kazemi depicts a frightening Tehran after the Constitutional Revolution and the early Pahlavi era, essentially mourning the plight of Iranian women and a patriarchal society through two major indicators: covert verbal and non-verbal violence. The findings of the article using a descriptive-analytical method and utilizing written and digital sources indicate that ethical misconduct against women in the novel "The Terrible Tehran" includes major indicators of covert verbal and non-verbal violence. Based on this, humiliation, slander, insult, threat, lying, taunting, and mockery fall under covert verbal violence, and ignoring women's personhood, supporting erroneous marriage customs, endorsement of polygamy, sexual violence, and hypocrisy are forms of covert non-verbal violence. Manuscript profile