The Exploration of Political Violence from Della Porta’s Point of View: Hidden Violence
Subject Areas : Research in Theoritical Politics
Seyed Javad Salehi
Fateh Moradi Niaz
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Law and Political Science, Shiraz University, Iran.
2 - M.A student in Middle East and North African Studies, Shiraz University, Iran.
Keywords: Violence Theory, Political Violence Della Porta, Fundamentalism, Ethnic-Religious Conflict ,
Abstract :
Arab uprisings, interpreted by many as spring or awakening, failed in its core objectives of achieving freedom and democracy. The path to freedom by these nations soonwas highjacked and replaced by violence. This includes Islamic Fundamentalist groups such as ISIS and al-Qaeda, authoritarian regimes, and militant groups in Iraq, Syria and Yemen have displayed new dimensions of unbridled violence through the capacity of audio-visual media. In fact, violence has become an instrument for various political and military actors to represent their strength through it in these regions. Hence, the importance of this variable and the role it plays in recent developments in the countries as part of the Arab uprisings has led the authors to study the causes and consequences of the formation of violence, especially with political motives, around the question of what are the central characteristics of political violence from Dellaporta's point of view? Therefore, in this study an attempt is made to analyze this phenomenon in an intellectual and discourse format with an analytical-explanatory approach and by referring to Donatella Dellaporta's opinions in the field of political violence by referring to library and internet sources. The research hypothesis is based on the principle that political violence, especially hidden violence, is a complex and multidimensional process that has its own mechanisms. In fact, hidden political violence is the result of multi-faceted interaction and confrontation between the government and social groups and activists according to the available facilities and capacities.
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