• List of Articles Rumi

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Three Views on Death in Persian Literature
        مرتضي  فلاح
        Death is the greatest incident in any person’s life and has constantly occupies man’s mind. In the written literary texts of Iran- both religious and non-religious; before and after Islam- most of the investigations and explorations and the concern of writers, poets an More
        Death is the greatest incident in any person’s life and has constantly occupies man’s mind. In the written literary texts of Iran- both religious and non-religious; before and after Islam- most of the investigations and explorations and the concern of writers, poets and scholars was on finding a way for escaping death or overcoming the terror derived from it. The first literary prose and poetic works seriously concerned about this topic are from the mid third century after Islam; where we can notice and see such historical concern. That is of course if we chose to dismiss the ancient Iranian literature and the initial myths and epics belonging to that period. With a brief overlook, the attempts of the Iranian Post-Islam poets and writers for overcoming death or reducing its concern and obsessions can be limited to three major ideas; first, those who have admired it and welcomed it warmly. Rumi is the greatest representative of this group. Second, those who have regarded death with hatred and for overcoming it have sought to overcome it by ‘having fun in the moment’ (Carpe Diem) intending to reduce the terror and fright of death. Khayam is the pioneer and complete representative of this group. The third group is composed of those who have had a realistic attitude towards death; they have viewed life and death as two sides of a coin, tried to utilize the blessings of this world and pay service to mankind; while at the same time have provided their required supply for this life and afterlife. These have neither sacrificed life for death nor have sacrificed death for life. Sa’adi is the greatest representative of this group. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Influence of Rumi on Fuzi Mostari about Perfect Human
        سداد  ديزدارويج
        The comparison of the attitudes of the poets and writers of different countries on the major evolutions of thought and art is one of the most significant branches in the analysis of prose and poetic texts, and also one of the major discussions in literary criticism. Com More
        The comparison of the attitudes of the poets and writers of different countries on the major evolutions of thought and art is one of the most significant branches in the analysis of prose and poetic texts, and also one of the major discussions in literary criticism. Comparative literature shows us the interaction of thoughts, literature and culture among two or even more nations; while it also reveals to what extent a culture, or thought of an individual person, or rather a nation, has been developed and influenced the world. Anyhow, this branch of literary criticism is among the most important debates and discussions in the “cross-cultural” studies too, and can even be considered as one of its major principles. Among the Bosnian poets, scholars, and writers, Fuzi Mostari enjoys a special and unique position, while he was deeply influenced by Rumi in a variety of aspects. This research was prepared through a documental and referential method, studying the valid and reliable sources and documents. A thorough study and research made it clear that Fuzi was indeed seriously influenced by Rumi in the basic principles, grounds, methods and even the devices used for discussing the concept and characteristics of “perfect human”. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Analysis of Rumi's Attitude towards Prophet Mohammad
        بخشعلی  قنبری
        Prophet Mohammad enjoys a very exclusive position for Rumi. In his eyes, compared to the other prophets, Prophet Mohammad is like a fruit created by the tree of prophecy. Therefore, although Prophet Mohammad is the last prophet, he is the most superior one. Rumi believe More
        Prophet Mohammad enjoys a very exclusive position for Rumi. In his eyes, compared to the other prophets, Prophet Mohammad is like a fruit created by the tree of prophecy. Therefore, although Prophet Mohammad is the last prophet, he is the most superior one. Rumi believes that Prophet Mohammad brought messages with himself that a human will need as long as he is alive. That is because Prophet Mohammad has opened locks which no one else ever even made any attempt to open. However, of course one can utilize them on these conditions; first; feeling the need and necessity to use them, in other words man must be aware of his spiritual and physical needs in the first place; so that this awareness leads him towards Prophet's discourses. Second; one must seek to practice them in life as an individual. Third; make a comparison between an undesired life with the desired spiritual life so that he would realize and be grateful for the Prophet. Certainly being aware of the great Prophet's position and statue can lead any individual towards this path, because regarding this stand and the Prophet's precious discourses one can use his words. There is no doubt that morality, knowledge, and mystics are among the learning issues that the contemporary human being can make most use of in life according to the Prophet's discourses. Once such points are noticed precisely, then one can point to Prophet's great deeds and services and finally utilize the related findings in life. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Analyzing Container Schema in the Representation of Water and Fire in Rumi’s Poems Based on Cognitive-Cultural Linguistics
        d vaseqhi
        The present paper aims at studying the relationship between language and cultural conceptualizations in Rumi’s poems. In order to do so, the cultural linguistics theory adapted for identifying the cultural-metaphorical system of Persian language as well as the historica More
        The present paper aims at studying the relationship between language and cultural conceptualizations in Rumi’s poems. In order to do so, the cultural linguistics theory adapted for identifying the cultural-metaphorical system of Persian language as well as the historical and mythological model of "water and fire". Water and fire representations are quite frequent in the six chapters of Masnavi-e Ma’navi and in Divan-e Shams. Rumi has referred to the Classical elements in 1888 verses. He used water in 524 verses and fire in 574 verses. Water and fire as two opposing elements of the classical elements have two distinct characteristics in the natural world. But these two elements have supernatural features and depict a kind of long-standing contradiction of mind and love in literary concepts and metaphors, especially the mystical ones when occurred within one verse. The purpose of this study is to achieve an understanding of the cognition through the utilization of container schema of the words Del (heart), head, and eye. By investigating the functions of these schemata, a more accurate understanding of the individual and social characteristics of this poet would be obtained. The main achievements of this research are as follows: 1. In Persian literature, Del represents intuitive understanding, and the eye represents the apparent senses (five senses) and is the most frequent tool for the perception of reality. The frequency of Del schema in Rumi's poems compare to the eye schema somehow shows Rumi's intuitive personality. 2. Head in Persian is the container of concepts related to thought, but in the Rumi's poems, it is the container of the terms related to love. The concept of love as an entity in the head as the container has been expressed in different words in the poems of Rumi. Analyzing these words expresses passionate love and, to some extent, the love between friends in Rumi's emotional view. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Analyzing Container Schema in the Representation of Water and Fire in Rumi’s Poems Based on Cognitive-Cultural Linguistics
        fariba sadeghi roya sedigh ziabari reza kheirabadi
        The present paper aims at studying the relationship between language and cultural conceptualizations in Rumi’s poems. In order to do so, the cultural linguistics theory adapted for identifying the cultural-metaphorical system of Persian language as well as the historica More
        The present paper aims at studying the relationship between language and cultural conceptualizations in Rumi’s poems. In order to do so, the cultural linguistics theory adapted for identifying the cultural-metaphorical system of Persian language as well as the historical and mythological model of "water and fire". Water and fire representations are quite frequent in the six chapters of Masnavi-e Ma’navi and in Divan-e Shams. Rumi has referred to the Classical elements in 1888 verses. He used water in 524 verses and fire in 574 verses. Water and fire as two opposing elements of the classical elements have two distinct characteristics in the natural world. But these two elements have supernatural features and depict a kind of long-standing contradiction of mind and love in literary concepts and metaphors, especially the mystical ones when occurred within one verse. The purpose of this study is to achieve an understanding of the cognition through the utilization of container schema of the words Del (heart), head, and eye. By investigating the functions of these schemata, a more accurate understanding of the individual and social characteristics of this poet would be obtained. The main achievements of this research are as follows: 1. In Persian literature, Del represents intuitive understanding, and the eye represents the apparent senses (five senses) and is the most frequent tool for the perception of reality. The frequency of Del schema in Rumi's poems compare to the eye schema somehow shows Rumi's intuitive personality. 2. Head in Persian is the container of concepts related to thought, but in the Rumi's poems, it is the container of the terms related to love. The concept of love as an entity in the head as the container has been expressed in different words in the poems of Rumi. Analyzing these words expresses passionate love and, to some extent, the love between friends in Rumi's emotional view. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The Mythical Foundation of the Conceptual Metaphor of Death in Rumi's Masnavi
        Alireza Shabanlu
        According to the Islamic mysticism, the death is the main path to the truth recognition and connection to it.Death frees the soul from the cage of the body and gives meaning to life and defines his/her purpose; Hence, death is the fruit of life.This kind of thought is a More
        According to the Islamic mysticism, the death is the main path to the truth recognition and connection to it.Death frees the soul from the cage of the body and gives meaning to life and defines his/her purpose; Hence, death is the fruit of life.This kind of thought is also in some myths. Rumi is one of the mystics who has used mythological ideas in drawing the image of death.The current paper explored the death metaphors in Rumi's Masnavi using the conceptual metaphor method and theory to figure out the relationship between Rumi's thought about death and mythical ideas as well as the role of mythical beliefs in defining the path of mystical conduct.We found that Rumi, like most mystics, has recognized and dealt (especially the death of immortality) in the context of the "journey back and up to the Principle / God / Truth" and through this, has opened the path of mystical conduct and has introduced death as a method of the truth recognition and mysticism attainment with shown its key role in the process of receiving divine knowledge and mystical conduct.The basis of this metaphor is the principle of the duality of soul and body in the belief in the duality of the ancient Iranians, which spread in the region of West Asia and North Africa and southern Europe until it emerged from Plato's "The theory of Forms". Manuscript profile
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        7 - Recognizing mystical and demonic states according to "Teresaof Avila" and "JalālaldīnRūmī"
        Bakhshali  Ghanbari
        Human inner can have three states; psychological, mystical and satanic states. Cognition of these states, especially mystical and satanic states has been one of the important topics of mystical epistemology, and the mystics themselves have been awared in this matter. Te More
        Human inner can have three states; psychological, mystical and satanic states. Cognition of these states, especially mystical and satanic states has been one of the important topics of mystical epistemology, and the mystics themselves have been awared in this matter. Teresaof Avila (1515-1582 AD) and JalālaldīnRūmī (604-672 AH) have more or less dealt with this matter in their works. Extracting and comparing the opinions of these two mystics can help more in recognition of the true and false mystical states.The study of this issue showed that both mystics consider the God as the main source of the true mystical state and the devil and the illusion of man as the source of false stateandemerge the consolations to human beings can be given withthemysticalstates; which are also divided into two categories: mystical and satanic. Apparently Teresa and Rumi both believe that genuine status can be realize to the future, but the false states remain in the realm of mental or expressive matters. Teresa's speeches are more precise and slight than Rumi in this feild.Both mystics suggest personal testing in some cases to distinguish true states from false states; That is, until the person himself hasn’t spent through such states, he can not recognize other cases.In this feild, Rumi mentions the authenticity recognition of a mystical state through another mystical state, which is similar to Teresa’s idea. According to both mystics, real statefrees the human from the captivity of the world, whereas the false statecaptureshuman into the world and carnal desires. Enjoying the criterions of the lack clarity of inductions, false, (locution) and their similarity to the dream, the availability of false state and far from the availability of mystical states and the possibility of verifying them in prayer and supplication can help in recognizing these states. Unexpected, the non-attribution of pure states to oneself and turning one's attention to God, reinforcing morality and religiosity are the indicators of mystical states. Manuscript profile
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        8 - A study of the content and structure of interpretation in the spiritual Masnavi
        Maryam  Nafeli Shahrestani hosein aghahoseini
        Interpretation means returning something to its original state, the background of which is to be found in Greek hermeneutics. Hermeneutics is the theory of the act of understanding in its relation to the interpretation of texts. Mystics have paid much attention to the More
        Interpretation means returning something to its original state, the background of which is to be found in Greek hermeneutics. Hermeneutics is the theory of the act of understanding in its relation to the interpretation of texts. Mystics have paid much attention to the interpretation and content of the Qur'an. Rumi has also used interpretation in Masnavi.He looked at interpretation very broadly and did not consider interpretation specific to the Qur'an; For this reason, he has used interpretation on various topics. The research method in this article is descriptive and its purpose is to study the types of interpretations in the three books of Masnavi in terms of content and structure. The interpretations used in the three books of Masnavi based on the subject are: interpretation of Quranic verses and hadiths, interpretation of the stories of the prophets, interpretation of mystical, religious and jurisprudential, moral and philosophical issues.By examining the three books of Masnavi Manavi, 136 interpretations were extracted on these subjects, most of which consistes of interpretations of Quranic verses. Rumi has used various tricks to express interpretation; Interpretation from the language of the characters of the story, interpretation in the form of similes and metaphors, allegorical interpretation and causal interpretation are among them. Manuscript profile
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        9 - The interaction of reason and love from Rumi's point of view in Masnavi
        zahra babapour mohammad reza sarfi Enayatullah Sharifpour
        Rumi has called for love with his joyous poems and is the leader of love in Persian literature. Love is a great force that permeates Rumi's soul. Wisdom and love are very important topics in Rumi's Masnavi. It is noteworthy to study Rumi's intellectual level of reason a More
        Rumi has called for love with his joyous poems and is the leader of love in Persian literature. Love is a great force that permeates Rumi's soul. Wisdom and love are very important topics in Rumi's Masnavi. It is noteworthy to study Rumi's intellectual level of reason and love. The sages say that man's privilege is to reason, but mystics consider man's privilege to be love. In this article, an attempt is made to examine Rumi's view on reason and love and the relationship between the two. Rumi is not only irrational, but he has received the best praise from reason and his opposition to philosophical reason. But since this divine blessing has become the cause of discord among the people and instead of guiding and guiding them, it has become a tool for the destruction of society, it has been opposed to it, and in fact, its irrationality is a kind of social reaction and indicates It is a sublime system of thought that seeks to free the intellect from the shackles of the soul.. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - The Role of mediate rumination of Anger in the Relationship between alexithymia and Communication Skills
        مصطفی ملکی Hosein Mohagheghi Safdar Nabizadeh
        The purpose of this study was to present a conceptual model and test it for communication skills based on anger rumination and alexithymia. The method of this study was descriptive and the statistical population of this study included all students of the Hamedan in the More
        The purpose of this study was to present a conceptual model and test it for communication skills based on anger rumination and alexithymia. The method of this study was descriptive and the statistical population of this study included all students of the Hamedan in the academic year 1397-1398, among these students, 270 persons were selected through an accessible sampling method. The research tools included alexithymia scale, communication skills scale, and anger rumination scale. The relationships of variables were examined by the structural equation. Results showed that the alexithymia has a direct correlation with anger rumination and communication skills dissatisfaction and has indirect relationship with communication skills through anger rumination. Anger rumination also has a direct relation with communication skills. In general, communication skills are influenced by emotions in relationships in this way, there is a negative correlation with the anger rumination and alexithymia and these variables can have a role in reducing the amount of communication skills of individuals by affecting interpersonal interactions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The Role of Communication Skills based on Anger Rumination and Alexithymia
        Mostafa Maleki Hosein Mohagheghi Safdar Nabizadeh
        The purpose of this study was to present a conceptual model and test it for communication skills based on anger rumination and alexithymia. The method of this study was descriptive and the population of this study included all students of the Hamedan in the academic yea More
        The purpose of this study was to present a conceptual model and test it for communication skills based on anger rumination and alexithymia. The method of this study was descriptive and the population of this study included all students of the Hamedan in the academic year 1397-1398, among these students, 270 subjects were selected through an accessible sampling method. The research tools included Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20, Communication Skills Scale, and Anger Rumination Scale. The relationships between variables were examined by the structural equation modeling. Results showed that the alexithymia had a direct correlation with anger rumination and communication skills dissatisfaction and has indirect relationship with communication skills through anger rumination. Anger rumination also had a direct relation with communication skills. In general, communication skills were influenced by emotions in relationships. There was a negative correlation with the anger rumination and alexithymia and these variables can have a role in reducing the amount of communication skills of individuals by affecting interpersonal interactions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Mystical secrets and expressive secrets in Rumi's Masnavi
        fazel abbaszade Mehrdad Aghaei
        At the beginning of the Masnavi, Rumi describes the mystical thirst for the separation of the spiritual soul from its origin with the sorrowful language of the reed, with the heartfelt melody and sincere sighs of the reed. This letter is an excerpt from the six books More
        At the beginning of the Masnavi, Rumi describes the mystical thirst for the separation of the spiritual soul from its origin with the sorrowful language of the reed, with the heartfelt melody and sincere sighs of the reed. This letter is an excerpt from the six books of the spiritual Masnavi and also an explicit proof of all the poems of this literary and mystical treasure, which paints a picture of separation and mourning from the very beginning. The point to be considered is the meaning of the words "anecdote" and "complaint" in the first verse of Masnavi, which has been described by several commentators and each of them has had a specific interpretation of it. This article intends to evaluate and critique some of the meanings proposed by a number of commentators by descriptive-analytical method and in proving the alleged meanings and concepts, the subject is divided into two axes: the vertical context of the letter and the proportional and contradictory context of the word. Discuss and analyze with mystical houses, valleys and authorities. The results of the research indicate that the mystical topics in any literary work, including the spiritual Masnavi, are so extensive and rich in content that everyone can understand it to the best of their knowledge. The concept of "complaint" in the letter is not a protest complaint expressed by some commentators, but "disgust" of separation, "description of the pain of longing" and "lamentation" and romantic prayers that Rumi in the vertical axis of its poetry. Has decrypted. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Human Rational Soul in Rumi
        Nafise  Hashemi Golpaygani
        When discussing the rational soul, Muslim philosophers deal with certain problems such as the eternity or originatedness, immateriality or materiality, and the subsistence or annihilation of the soul after death. As a prominent Muslim gnostic, Rumi tried to provide some More
        When discussing the rational soul, Muslim philosophers deal with certain problems such as the eternity or originatedness, immateriality or materiality, and the subsistence or annihilation of the soul after death. As a prominent Muslim gnostic, Rumi tried to provide some answers to similar philosophical questions. However, it is noted that his approach was to some extent different from that of philosophers. In his view, the core of the problem was the perfection of the soul through wayfaring, abandoning the world of matter, and union with the Essence of the Truth at the level of oneness and divinity. Since knowledge is at the heart of gaining proximity to God, Rumi focused his efforts on defining the soul in the light of intuitive knowledge and explained the difference among human beings in terms of their specific differences. He believed in the union of the soul with the Essence of the Truth and maintained that this union has some effects on the soul. Manuscript profile
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        14 - The Effectiveness of Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy on Improving Rumination in Sexually Abused Children: A Single-Subject Research with one and two year follow-up
        Sepide ghazi zade Ali Mashhadi Zahra Tabibi Atefe Soltani far
        Introduction: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of TF-CBT on Improving Rumination in sexually abused children. Methods: This quasi-experimental research was a single-subject research design with multiple baselines with follow-up. The statistical populati More
        Introduction: This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of TF-CBT on Improving Rumination in sexually abused children. Methods: This quasi-experimental research was a single-subject research design with multiple baselines with follow-up. The statistical population consisted of all children of 9-12 years old, who have been sexually abused that referred to the Center of Clinical Tests of Forensic Medicine in 2016. In this study, sampling was purposeful, and 2 children were selected. The participants in situations of baseline, even sessions of intervention and one, two years after intervention responded to the Children’s Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ-K). Sixteen treatment sessions were administrated for each subject. Data analysis by using visual analysis chart, percentage of recovery and PND was done. Results: The results showed that TF-CBT significantly improved rumination in clients at the end and in the process has been followed. Conclusion: It could be concluded that TF-CBT is effectively improving rumination in sexually abused children and vulnerable children need specialists. Manuscript profile
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        15 - The role and stance of bees in the illustrations of Masnavi M'anavi
        Ruhollah Karimi Noureddinvand Amirhossein saeedipour
        Abstract In the worldview of mystical and ethical poets, image is one of the most effective strategies to express the transcendent mystical and moral concepts. Rumi, one of the most famous illustrators in the realm of mystical literature, while telling his stories and More
        Abstract In the worldview of mystical and ethical poets, image is one of the most effective strategies to express the transcendent mystical and moral concepts. Rumi, one of the most famous illustrators in the realm of mystical literature, while telling his stories and mystical and instructive and teachings in Masnavi M'anavi, has made the concepts tangible for his audience with his intelligent and artistic performance in using images. Amongst most of his poems, especially in Masnavi, nature and its phenomena have a special stance. One of the creatures that Rumi specifically illustrates and mentions in Masnavi is bee and its belongings (nectar, honey, wax and sting).Being aware of the importance of this insect in the Holy Qur'an and emphasizing on some of the most important aspects of its life, Rumi has established a link between this creature and some aspects of human life and used this insect to create real and virtual images of Masnavi to express mystical and moral concepts.Referring to Rumi's illustrations of bees in Masnavi by analyzing its imagery, this study tried to analyze the profound mystical and moral meanings and concepts hidden in these images and achieve knowledge and awareness of this creature and its images in Masnavi through their investigation and expansion. Manuscript profile
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        16 - The place of science, practice and faith in Rumi's Masnavi Community Verified icon
        zahra babapour mohammad reza sarfi enayatollah sharifpour
        Mystical literature, especially Rumi, has taken its soul and attraction from faith and knowledge. The humanistic spirit of literature is the spirit of faith and mysticism. Masnavi of this literary masterpiece is full of the spirit of faith and awareness. The content and More
        Mystical literature, especially Rumi, has taken its soul and attraction from faith and knowledge. The humanistic spirit of literature is the spirit of faith and mysticism. Masnavi of this literary masterpiece is full of the spirit of faith and awareness. The content and lip of our mystical literature originates from faith and awareness. It can lead man to a single truth. What kind of science does Rumi consider as a way forward and which one does he prefer to the other in relation to science and faith? Rumi has always made a close connection between science and faith and considers faith as a great blessing and the light that increases man's insight and the wise man is a light to guide him who understands the truth by believing in God. He believes that science and faith should be a ladder for the spiritual excellence of man and man should study the lessons of knowledge and divine love along with science and seek resurrection that will lead him to moral and spiritual stability. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Specific Names Used for "Wind" in Rumi's Masnavi Ma'anavi
        Farshad Eskandari Sharafi Hossein   Sahragard
        Masnavi Manavi, as the most prominent mystical poetry work of Persian literature and among the most significant works of the Iraqi Style Period, has many Arabic words. The high frequency of Arabic words in this work suggests that the use of Arabic words is a stylistic c More
        Masnavi Manavi, as the most prominent mystical poetry work of Persian literature and among the most significant works of the Iraqi Style Period, has many Arabic words. The high frequency of Arabic words in this work suggests that the use of Arabic words is a stylistic component of Rumi's poetic language in Masnavi. Rumi, being aware of the semantic capacities of Arabic words, has used them to create and express various mystical and moral meanings, compensating for the lack of Persian equivalents for conveying his various and lofty ideas. "Wind" is one of the words of Masnavi, which has gained a high frequency through Rumi's special view of the elements of nature and their maximum use in creating mystical and moral meanings, and several specific names have been used for it. This study, by applying a descriptive-analytical method and using library sources, has explored the specific names of "Wind" in the six books of Masnavi Manavi. The results reveal that Rumi used 7 specific names for "Wind" in Masnavi, all of which being derived from Arabic. In terms of frequency, these names include Saba (18 times), "Sarsar" (12 times), "Nasim" (8 times), "Samum" (7 times), "Reeh" (6 times), "Dabour" (5 times) and Shamal (3 times). Each of these specific names of "Wind" in Masnavi has several secondary meanings, among which Saba with 13 and Shamal with 2 secondary meanings, have the most and the least semantic maps and functions in Masnavi. Manuscript profile
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        18 - A study on narcissism and projection in the story of the Hunting and lion of Rumi's Masnavi
        Mohammad karimi Badrieh  Ghavami
        The word narcissism was first used by Freud. Of course, others, before Freud, used it in the sense of selfishness and humiliation to describe the psychological attitude in clinical psychology. This personality disorder often leads to projection. Projection is one of the More
        The word narcissism was first used by Freud. Of course, others, before Freud, used it in the sense of selfishness and humiliation to describe the psychological attitude in clinical psychology. This personality disorder often leads to projection. Projection is one of the psychological mechanisms through which one can understand the conscience and inside of human beings and gain a relative knowledge of their personality. Mawlana Jalaluddin Mohammad Balkhi (Rumi) in his works, especially in Masnavi, has paid attention to the psychological aspect of human behavior. This study tries to analyze narcissism and projection as one of the new concepts of psychology in the story of the Hunting and lion of Masnavi, with a descriptive-analytical approach and using library resources. The findings show that Rumi considers narcissistic personality to be the general problem of humanity and wants to find a solution to it. The whole of Masnavi is a struggle against narcissism and pride. In the story of the lion meets himself and comes to his truth. In fact, the rabbit did not kill the lion, the lion's anger and narcissism and his lack of trust in God caused his negligence and eventual destruction. The issue of meeting in Rumi's language is sometimes expressed with interpretations and signs such as water, spring, stream, face, seeing one's reflection in water, etc., which evokes the myth of Narcissus in the world of myth. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Structural Comparison of Common Anecdotes of Sanai's Hadiqat and Rumi's Mathnawi
        sepide partovi mahdi kargar
        Many Persian literary narratives have their origin in the past of Persian literature, the sources of which have been identified in contemporary area. In the present study, the common anecdotes of Sanai's Hadiqat and Rumi's Mathnawi have been investigated through library More
        Many Persian literary narratives have their origin in the past of Persian literature, the sources of which have been identified in contemporary area. In the present study, the common anecdotes of Sanai's Hadiqat and Rumi's Mathnawi have been investigated through library method by study of books, articles and related researches, text analysis and through comparative approach so that the anecdotes with a common theme and different structure can be compared and the differences highlighted. According to studies, the use of storytelling techniques in Rumi's anecdotes is more visible, because his use of superstructure elements of the story, especially perspective, character and dialogue is much more, and in contrast, the element of time and place has been rarely used; while in Hadiqat, these two elements are highly used. One of the main manipulation of Rumi in references is making dynamic the static characters as well as adding various types of dialogue and different characters. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Social factors affecting personality development from Rumi's point of view in Masnavi
        Samad  Abbaszadeh Gorjan Mohammad Farahmand Ebrahim Danesh Faramarz  Jalalat
        Since Rumi's Masnavi is an educational-mystical work, the poet has tried to express his advice and counsel on social issues in the form of stories, anecdotes and allegories, as well as his mystical thoughts and ideas. Therefore, the stories, anecdotes and allegories of More
        Since Rumi's Masnavi is an educational-mystical work, the poet has tried to express his advice and counsel on social issues in the form of stories, anecdotes and allegories, as well as his mystical thoughts and ideas. Therefore, the stories, anecdotes and allegories of Masnavi are very diverse. This diversity causes the multiplicity and diversity of characters in Masnavi; What is the basis of any story is its characters who are the cause or routine of events. In fact, the fictional world of Masnavi is full of characters that Rumi selects from different social classes and strata and consciously places them in line with his theological, mystical and philosophical thoughts, views and beliefs. Rumi cleverly considers the psycho-class traits of the characters in the world of his stories, and the fictional characters also play their role in proportion to those traits and characteristics. This article examines some of the most important social factors influencing the evolution and characterization of Rumi and the characteristics of the characters in Masnavi stories. The results of this study show that: Rumi in many stories of Masnavi with simple anecdotes and stories and generally taken from the life of the masses to reflective approaches and conclusions in the action and reaction of the character Rumi's interpretive and semantic mind is always looking for spiritual qualities behind the objects and characters of the story and material and tangible matters in order to make the reader and the audience read the colorful meanings that are worthy of the followers of the path. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Comparison of anger rumination and interpersonal conflict in employees with and without depressive disorder symptoms
        Mehdi  Zohravand Zahra  Rezaei parviz sabahi
        <p>The aim of the present study was to compare the rumination of anger and interpersonal conflict in the workplace between employees with and without depression symptoms. The present research method was descriptive and causal-comparative and practical in terms of its pu More
        <p>The aim of the present study was to compare the rumination of anger and interpersonal conflict in the workplace between employees with and without depression symptoms. The present research method was descriptive and causal-comparative and practical in terms of its purpose. The target population was all the employees of Arak University, Islamic Azad University of Arak Branch and Payam Noor University of Arak in 1400. Based on available sampling method, 112 people were selected and placed in two groups of 56 people with and without depression symptoms. The data were analyzed through multivariate variance analysis and SPSS-23 statistical software. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the components of thoughts of anger, thoughts of revenge, memories of anger and conflict with colleagues between the two groups with and without depression symptoms. So that the group with depression symptoms had obtained higher scores of all these components than the group without depression symptoms. There was no significant difference between these two groups between the two components of knowing the causes and conflict with the supervisor (p&lt;0.05). It can be said that by identifying factors affecting depression in the workplace (such as anger and conflicts in the workplace), depression in employees can be prevented.</p> Manuscript profile
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        22 - Rumi's rational methodology in order to prove human free will in Masnavi
        Abolfazl  Afsharipour reza Haidari Nori reza fahimi
        The issue of determinism and free will is one of the most complex points of theology in the religion of Islam. According to the diverse interpretations of different theological sects and intellectual and religious schools, including mystics, from the verses of the Holy More
        The issue of determinism and free will is one of the most complex points of theology in the religion of Islam. According to the diverse interpretations of different theological sects and intellectual and religious schools, including mystics, from the verses of the Holy Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet; it has been followed different and sometimes contradictory interpretations; to the extent that each of the intellectual societies, including the Ash'arites and Mu’tazilites, have been in constant search to prove their beliefs according to their own intellectual and ideological basis. Meanwhile, Muslim mystics, including Maulana Jalaluddin, due to his great work, Masnavi, mentions one of the strong and convincing reasons in order to prove free will and human will that the use the rational method of the thought power is in absorbing desires and seeking phenomena which is referred to as "common value". By the rational methodology, Rumi seeks to prove the subject of free will and the negation of determinism, and in the light of human free will, he proves the power of thought. The findings of this research, which has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner and based on library and documentary studies, show that the power of thought in human has been considered as a force to prove the power of free will in Rumi's theology. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Comparison of body image, rumination, and social anxiety in people with sexual boredom and normal people
        seyyede mahsa mousavi seyfollah Aghajani Sahar  Asgari ghale bin
        Introduction: People suffering from gender boredom obviously suffer from constant discomfort due to the inadequacy of the gender role and current feelings, abundant and continuous interest in identifying with the opposite sex without taking advantage of the specific cul More
        Introduction: People suffering from gender boredom obviously suffer from constant discomfort due to the inadequacy of the gender role and current feelings, abundant and continuous interest in identifying with the opposite sex without taking advantage of the specific cultural and social benefits of that sex. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of comparingto compare body image, rumination, and social anxiety in people suffering from sexual boredom and normal people. Method: The current research was descriptive and causal-comparative. The statistical population included all people with gender dysphoria and trans-sexual members of the support association for sexual dysphoria patients in Tehran province. All normal people living in Tehran province were the normal people of in this study. The number of 50 affected people and 50 normal people were selected according to the available methods. the body image concern questionnaires of Littleton et al. (2005), rumination by Nolen Hoeksma and Maro (1991), and social anxiety by Connor (2000) were used tTo collect data, the body image concern questionnaires of Littleton et al. (2005), rumination by Nolen Hoeksma and Maro (1991) and social anxiety by Connor (2000) were used. The collected data were analyzed using multivariate analysis of variance inand SPSS24 software. Findings: The results showed a statistically significant difference between the two groups in body image concern (F=90.46 and P<0.01), rumination (F=115.01 and P<0.01), and social anxiety. (F=87.95 and P>0.01). Conclusion: based on the results,The results showed that people with gender boredom have lower body image and higher rumination and social anxiety than non-sufferers. Changing cultural beliefs and increasing social acceptance can play an important role in improving body image, rumination, and social anxiety. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Investigating the Relationship Between Rumination and Perceived Stress with Life Satisfaction in Married Women in Shiraz
        Fatemeh Dinakani reza chalmeh fatemeh abdolahi
        <p>The aim of the present research was to explain the relationship between rumination and perceived stress with life satisfaction in married women in Shiraz. The research method was a descriptive and survey-based. The statistical population included all the women of Shi More
        <p>The aim of the present research was to explain the relationship between rumination and perceived stress with life satisfaction in married women in Shiraz. The research method was a descriptive and survey-based. The statistical population included all the women of Shiraz city, and 210 individuals were selected as the statistical sample size using a convenience sampling. Data were collected using the Hoeksma and Maro's Rumination Questionnaire (1991), Cohen et al.'s Perceived Stress Questionnaire (1983) and Diener Ammons Larsen and Griffin's Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (1985). The findings revealed that among the dimensions of rumination, the two components of preoccupation and depression had a negative and significant relationship with life satisfaction. However, there was no significant relationship between reflection and life satisfaction. In conclusion, the overall score of rumination was negatively and significantly related to life satisfaction, and ultimately, perceived stress is not a significant predictor of life satisfaction.</p> Manuscript profile
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        25 - A comparative study of the plague of greed and greed in educational Masnavas with an approach to the Tragedy of Attar and Maulana's spiritual Masnava
        Mojtaba  Arefkhani farzad abasi mahbobehe Zia Khodadadian
        In the explanation of moral foundations and concepts, especially moral vices, the most useful categories are in the expression of definition, cause and treatment methods. What is evident in the expression of greed and greed in the view of these two mystics and poets is More
        In the explanation of moral foundations and concepts, especially moral vices, the most useful categories are in the expression of definition, cause and treatment methods. What is evident in the expression of greed and greed in the view of these two mystics and poets is the benefit, citation and attention to Quranic concepts and Islamic narrations. It is in this context that both mystics consider greed and greed in human existence as other institutional instincts in his nature and nature, with the difference that Maulavi points to two types of greed, acceptable and reprehensible, but Attar relies on the reprehensibility of this trait. Condemnation of greed and greed and advice Avoiding it by remembering death and remembering God and having contentment is common in the words of both poets. Maulavi's different view on greed is to pay attention to greed and the consequences of it. Maulavi has given a more detailed description of greed and greed than Attar in Masnavi, which of course It is not possible to make small mistakes on the book of calamities, which is smaller than Masnavi. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Comparative study of seven mystical stages in the works of Maulavi and Attar
        Leila Farzaneh Hossein-Qoli Sayyadi Seyyed Mahmoud Reza Gheibi
        <p>The seven stages of mysticism are among the most important and thought-provoking topics in mystical cirrhosis. Examining and understanding their meaning and concept, the seeker and the path of the truth helps to follow this path with more awareness. Provide mystics a More
        <p>The seven stages of mysticism are among the most important and thought-provoking topics in mystical cirrhosis. Examining and understanding their meaning and concept, the seeker and the path of the truth helps to follow this path with more awareness. Provide mystics and Sufis. Also, clarifying the concepts of each of these officials according to the views of Attar and Rumi and expressing how these concepts are used in mystical and moral stories are two other goals of this research. Showed that in some cases the views of Attar and Rumi are different. Sufis and mystics each have opposing views on the journey to God and meeting God. What arose at the beginning of the official emergence of Western-influenced Sufism in Iran and its sphere of ritual and linguistic influence until it reached Rumi and Attar, although beautiful in appearance and constantly in conflict with the Shari'a, is an amalgam of philosophical views. Greek and eclectic were other ideas, forming parallel and sometimes contradictory currents, which played a significant role in the continuation of Sufism..</p> Manuscript profile
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        27 - The world of light in the poetry of Rumi and Suhrawardi
        mohammad thaghi khammar behrouz romiani mostafa salari
        <p>The innovations and innovations of Rumi, the famous Iranian poet and mystic, have made him especially prominent among Iranian poets. The symbolism of cities, in his works, is one of his most beautiful works. In a general division, the symbolic cities mentioned in Rum More
        <p>The innovations and innovations of Rumi, the famous Iranian poet and mystic, have made him especially prominent among Iranian poets. The symbolism of cities, in his works, is one of his most beautiful works. In a general division, the symbolic cities mentioned in Rumi's works can be classified into two categories: "City of Light" and "City of Darkness". In Suhrawardi's works, the same procedure can be seen in the form of Suhrawardi's allegories and specific symbols. This research, which is based on the theory of comparative literature, shows that two prominent Iranian thinkers, while benefiting from Iranian and Islamic sources, have created different contexts from the perspective of symbolism.</p> Manuscript profile