• List of Articles &#39

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Evaluation of Management of Implementation of Projects of Rural Guide Plans by PMBOK in the Fifth Development Plan of Guilan Province
        nasrollah molaeihashjin  
        Identification and exploitation of appropriate and effective mechanisms of knowledge management is one of the most serious concerns of organizations in the present era, and in this regard, the project-based organizations, such as Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation ne More
        Identification and exploitation of appropriate and effective mechanisms of knowledge management is one of the most serious concerns of organizations in the present era, and in this regard, the project-based organizations, such as Islamic Revolution Housing Foundation need systematic management of knowledge more than other organizations, because of tentativeness of their project and the ongoing challenge of limited time and resources. The present study sought to qualify the evaluation of implementation of projects of rural guide plans in Guilan Province in the Fifth Development Plan by the standards of project management to provide a knowledge for making better decisions in the future. In this standard, the project management knowledge areas have been categorized in 9 areas and 42 components including project integration management, scope management, time management, cost management, quality management, human resources management, communication management, risk management and logistics management. The results showed that integration management of project and project risk management were respectively the most and least important regions with the highest and lowest average. Furthermore, the cost management and the risk management were respectively at the best and worst situations with the lowest and highest relative deviation. The latter was in the first priority to be changed. In the end, the correlation between different areas was measured to be able to predict the positive or negative consequences of every area to be better or worse. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Assessment of satisfaction and environmental quality assessment of residential buildings (case study: institutional hospitals in Isfahan)
        masoud taghvaei Atiyeh Aliakbari
        Improving the quality of life and satisfaction of citizens from their residential environment is an important goal of urban management. One of the housing policies in Iran is institutional housing, institutional housing has been created at the national level on state ow More
        Improving the quality of life and satisfaction of citizens from their residential environment is an important goal of urban management. One of the housing policies in Iran is institutional housing, institutional housing has been created at the national level on state owned land. After years of its implementation, it is necessary to examine the results of this experience in terms of the degree of success and satisfaction in creating quality of life. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the satisfaction of organizational accommodation and the quality of their residential environment in Isfahan city according to the effective indicators of sustainable housing (environmental, accessibility, physical infrastructure, cultural, social and economic). While satisfaction has a multi-dimensional concept and is shaped by various indicators. This research is applied in a descriptive-analytical and survey nature. In collecting data and information, documentary and field methods and questionnaire tools have been used. The statistical population is the inhabitants of the Kay-Bahar organizational housing estates and the Isfahan professors' community. The sample size was determined by Cochran method, 384 people and 35 experts and 35 managers. In this study, SPSS software and chi-square test, factor analysis and SWOT technique were used. Based on the Chi 2 test, the sig value in the physical dimension is less than 0.05, which indicates the significance of the hypothesis, that is, they are satisfied in three questionnaires of the physical section in all fields. According to the factor analysis, the status of the six indicators is satisfactory for residents of institutional houses. The findings from the SWOT model showed that the review strategies with a total of 6.77 as the first priority and an aggressive strategy with a total coefficients of 6.49 in the second priority of the satisfaction of the housing. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Monitoring of Iran Monthly Temperature Trend based on database output European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA Interim Version
        The role of temperature and the importance of its transformation has led to a serious attention to this climate over the last few decades. The rising temperature in some regions of Iran and its possible implications have led to serious concerns for researchers and plann More
        The role of temperature and the importance of its transformation has led to a serious attention to this climate over the last few decades. The rising temperature in some regions of Iran and its possible implications have led to serious concerns for researchers and planners. The aim of this study is to determine the spatial transformation of Iran's temperature over the past four decades. In order to evaluate this trend, the ERA Interim European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) database was used during the 1979-2015 period with a spatial resolution of 12566 × 125/0 ° arc per month with 9966 cells. Non-parametric Mann-Kendall and Sen's Slope methods were used to reveal the temperature trend. The results showed that four months of February, March, May and October experienced a one-way (incremental) temperature trend. The highest average of the country's seasonal increase was due to the winter season and its minimum was fall season. In all months of the year, the regions of the country that were between 30 to 35 degrees north have experienced the most significant incremental trend. The cold and temperate regions of the country have been experiencing higher temperatures than other areas. Also, the negative trend of south-east and south (Bushehr coastal areas) of Iran is due to four reasons: 1. Mineralization of the climate of the area; 2. Increased airborne weather conditions; 3. Precipitation vapor; and 4. Clouds and range of temperature changes. The maximum average temperature gradient of the country was at 11.1 ° C in February, and its minimum level was as high as 0.002 ° C in November. In general, Iran's winters are getting warmer, and this will be considered a serious threat to the country's flood victims. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Promotion of principles related to construction control system based on sustainability approach and citizenship rights
        sed ahmad anvari Mostafa Behzadfar esmaeil shiee
        The rapid growth of construction in the modern world and the acceleration of the achievement of the final product have eliminated the opportunity of thinking and reflection in the layers of this industry. The purpose of this study was to investigate and evaluate the pri More
        The rapid growth of construction in the modern world and the acceleration of the achievement of the final product have eliminated the opportunity of thinking and reflection in the layers of this industry. The purpose of this study was to investigate and evaluate the principles and guidelines of construction in Iran in relation to successful international sustainable construction systems such as Leyed and Bryme, as well as the emphasis on citizenship rights in the context of neighborhood and neighborhood rights. In order to achieve this goal, the method used in this study is of a descriptive-analytical and adaptive type with a critical approach and, in terms of its kind, is a part of applied research. The results of this study indicate that the basic principles of construction in Iran (technical, sanitary, urban, etc.) have proper basic principles, but these principles require a serious overhaul regarding the changes to It has emerged in terms of environmental and urban conditions in Iran and also due to new scientific advances and the growing importance of sustainable development issues around the world. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Evaluation and Analysis of 12 District of Tehran physical resilience against earthquakes by using FANP and VIKOR
        saeed zanganeh Keramatalah Zayyari Mohammad 
        In recent years the institutions and agencies active in the field of disaster reduction activities in order to achieve a society more resilient to disasters which In the meantime earthquake due to damage large and anomalies wider society to the other events of higher pr More
        In recent years the institutions and agencies active in the field of disaster reduction activities in order to achieve a society more resilient to disasters which In the meantime earthquake due to damage large and anomalies wider society to the other events of higher priority to strengthen the resilience of communities against natural disasters. There this study in terms of purpose is applied and in terms of method is descriptive - analytical. In this study, data collection was based on library and documentary methods and for data analysis we used FANP and Vikor model is used. The results showed that 17 indicators physical resiliency can be summed up in four factors; so among other factors, accesses to basic services and physical characteristics have the greatest impact on regional physical resilience in Tehran's 12th district. By substituting the factor loadings derived from factor analysis in the process of network analysis, importance coefficiency obtained and indicators of the role of street network and building Area have most impact on the physical resilience in Tehran's 12th district. Finally, the results of VIKOR to measure the resiliency 12 District of Tehran showed that six areas in terms of the physical resilience at different levels are So that areas with the highest levels of resilience were 6 and 1, and after, respectively areas 2, 4,5 and 3 with the lowest resilience. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Redefinition of geopolitics of shia (by emphasizing on demonstration of Arba'een)
        Religion in politics and tie with power is discussable and investigable in category of geopolitical studies, in general and cultural geopolitics (geoculture), in particular. In this sense, geopolitics of shia means power and intensity of effectiveness of shia society on More
        Religion in politics and tie with power is discussable and investigable in category of geopolitical studies, in general and cultural geopolitics (geoculture), in particular. In this sense, geopolitics of shia means power and intensity of effectiveness of shia society on regional and international changes and policies. Main hypothesis of the research seeks to respond to this question that what position demonstration of Arba'een as one of symbolic teachings and elements of sect of shia has in geopolitical weight and power sources of shias? Several factors such as supreme situation of shias in the region, maximum hegemony of shias on energy sources of the middle east, capability of threatening Israeli regime, regional power of Iran, democratic nature of shia governments and in short, events of the region during these four decades (from Iranian revolution) provided field of establishing power of shias in the region. Although power basics of this geopolitics have caused and cause always to image fear of Shia from western– Arabian governments in the region, existing realities state geopolitical power of shier. The present research seeks to redefine geopolitics of Shia. Hypothesis is this, when a true understanding of geopolitics of shia is possible that a true cognition of root and real origin of power of shia is done .here, thoughts and beliefs and in other sense, shia ideology (Ashura, the pond of Khumm, Mahdiism, Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist, etc.) are the same infrastructure and real power of shia. In other sense, in fact real power of shia is due to these values and beliefs. One of these values that today, has been converted into dislpay of faith, unity and power of shias in the region and the world, is huge demonstration of Arba'een. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Spatial Analysis of Development in Rural Areas of Semnan Province Case study: Damghan city
        Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli farhad azizpour  
        Achieving the balance and reducing the inequality in rural settlements requires studying and identifying the resources and facilities of these settlements. Indeed, spatial analysis of development identifies the inequality and deprivation of different areas and prioritiz More
        Achieving the balance and reducing the inequality in rural settlements requires studying and identifying the resources and facilities of these settlements. Indeed, spatial analysis of development identifies the inequality and deprivation of different areas and prioritizes actions to improve the quality of life. The present study is based on the purpose, applied and research method of descriptive-analytic. The required data are obtained using 29 indicators in various dimensions and by documentary method. The study area is Damghan and the statistical population of the study is all the inhabited villages of Damghan. The research indicators weighted using F'ANP model and data analyzed using VIKOR multivariable decision making method. Cluster analysis used in order to classify the studied villages, from the aspect of developmental levels and analysis of their inequalities, and linear regression used to analysis the effectiveness of the components (emphasized in the conceptual model) on the final index of development in the area of the study. The results of the study indicate that the development in rural areas of the study has not been uniformly and fairly. The spatial pattern of this situation has become unbalanced. In this pattern, population and facilities in some villages are overprovision and in the others are under provision. This has caused immigration, in particular among young people, and thereby eliminating the age and gender balance, undermining the economic foundations and raising unemployment rates. Also, this developmental inequality in the rural districts of Damghan city was most affected by two factors: "access to welfare services and the level of economic participation". Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Serivili; The Captive of Twofold Contrasts (Reviewing Twofold Contrasts in The Poem of "Khanehy-e Serivili" (Serivili's Home) composed by Nima Yushij)
        siavash haghjou مرضیه  حقیقی  
        Twofold contrast is the most important basis of Structuralism that its theorists had applied it in different areas like linguistics, narratology, philosophy, cultural studies, anthropology, and psychology. Claude Lévi-Strauss used twofold contrasts to know general struc More
        Twofold contrast is the most important basis of Structuralism that its theorists had applied it in different areas like linguistics, narratology, philosophy, cultural studies, anthropology, and psychology. Claude Lévi-Strauss used twofold contrasts to know general structure of human mind behind myths and different cultural actions and believed that these contrasts were the first human effort to understand his/her surrounding environment and the human existence were involved in these unavoidable twofolds. The study applied Lévi-Strauss thoughts in reading “Serivili's Home” of Nima Yushij. Serivili, the poet, is in contrast with an evil in this poem that is in opposition with all his thoughts. Oppositions like village/city, nature/culture, modernity/tradition, and in general consciousness and unconsciousness are depicted as oppositions between the poet and evil. Serivili is involved with tensions and oppositions that are resulted from conversation with evil and this continuous tension continues to the end of poem. Disobedient mind of Nima used twofold contrasts to express his most important intellectual differences, contrasts, and oppositions with owners of political power whose thoughts come to one’s conscious mind with evil symbols. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Analytic Review of Black Romanticism in Nosrat Rahmani Compositions
        مینو  محمدی نجمه  نظری
        Political, social, and cultural situation of every era has direct effects on poets’ views. Black and pessimist Romantic literature as a literary genre has emerged in Iran’s society after one decade of mobility and tension in different social and political areas; it was More
        Political, social, and cultural situation of every era has direct effects on poets’ views. Black and pessimist Romantic literature as a literary genre has emerged in Iran’s society after one decade of mobility and tension in different social and political areas; it was indeed a kind of Protest against destructive consequences of coup d'etat 1332 (1953) which suddenly sunk many social and cultural activities in complete stagnation. Poets, in this era, expressed their Protests in various kinds, sometimes semi-obvious and sometimes indirectly, though there were severe censorship and strangulation. Symbolism was one the invisible methods of fighting against censorship; however, black and romantic literature was an obvious and hidden and somehow negative battle against political blockage that reflected poet’s rebellion and Protest focusing on destructive consequences caused by coup d'etat in political, social and cultural areas. It is tried in this article to review some reasons of emergence of this literary genre and its reflection in “Nosrat Rahmani” poet as a poet of Black Poetry. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Criticism of politicization in Contemporary Novels (Case Study of a Political Novel: My Homeland’s Secrets)1
        ُseyyed ali seraj mostafa gorji
        Political Novel is one the fiction types of Persian literature with special features that is distinct from other movements of contemporary story writing. Due to its uniqueness of these kinds of stories, and their close interaction with society and social and political e More
        Political Novel is one the fiction types of Persian literature with special features that is distinct from other movements of contemporary story writing. Due to its uniqueness of these kinds of stories, and their close interaction with society and social and political events, critical discourse analysis (CDA) method is an appropriate approach in analyzing this kind of fiction. This approach focuses on form and meaning and in analyzing literary texts, it focuses also on different cultural, social, and political factors that are effective in text formation; it is for this reason that CDA theoreticians maintain that we do not deal just with lexical elements forming sentences as the main criteria for explaining meaning, that is co-text, but also beyond that, factors outside of text, i.e. situational, cultural, social and so on context. Norman Fairclough is a CDA theoretician who reviews texts in three levels, descriptive, interpretive and expressive. This method of analyzing is so useful in discovering and expressing intellectual ideas of authors and their political and social approaches. Theoretical framework of this research is based on Fairclough CDA. Research method is descriptive-analytic and it tries, based on CDA, to reflect on and reread “My Homeland's Secrets” Novel by Reza Barahini which is one the most brilliant political novels after Islamic Revolution, and reviews and analyzes main political events in Iran focusing on psychological issues like personalities and brilliant elements in it like title semiotics, images and descriptions, story’s characters (agent, passive and narrator), type of narration, design and dominant theme of story and … . Results show that this novel, as a literary text, is in interaction with Fairclough method of Discoursal action and social action and dominant hegemony and has close affinities with hegemonic discourse of three decade ago. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Criticism of the Research Approaches to the History of Iranian Play "Ta'ziyeh"
        على  شيخ‌‏مهدى مصطفی  مختاباد
        This article seeks to explain that any fundamental study about Ta'ziyeh inevitably leads to a chronological investigation of theatrical play in Iran. Therefore, this article, has reviewed the studies conducted by western and Iranian scholars in this field and the eight More
        This article seeks to explain that any fundamental study about Ta'ziyeh inevitably leads to a chronological investigation of theatrical play in Iran. Therefore, this article, has reviewed the studies conducted by western and Iranian scholars in this field and the eight approaches, using documents and the library references, and employing a historical-expository methodology. Finally, it draws the conclusion that these scholars’ persistence in finding a single origin for the Iranian theatrical play of Ta'ziyeh has led them to ignore its extensive connection with other possible original sources; hence, there remains a lot to be explored about the theatre in Iran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - A Study of Humanities Textbooks within the Framework of Halliday's Systemic Functional Grammar from the Viewpoint of Interpersonal Metafunction
        مریم  اعلايی فردوس  آقاگلزاده Mohammad دبیرمقدم ارسلان  گلفام
        In his systemic-functional grammar, Halliday believes that language is primarily aimed at conveying meaning; so speakers form the text in order to communicate what they mean. This implies that in interaction, exchanging of sounds, words or sentences is not intended; wha More
        In his systemic-functional grammar, Halliday believes that language is primarily aimed at conveying meaning; so speakers form the text in order to communicate what they mean. This implies that in interaction, exchanging of sounds, words or sentences is not intended; what matters is the exchange of meaning. The present article investigates the humanities textbooks published by SAMT within the framework of Halliday’s functional grammar, particularly. The method adopted here is descriptive–analytic. The result obtained from the interpersonal perspective suggests that writers, making frequent use of positive predicative sentences, merely present and bombard information in the form of monologues; the relationship between the reader and the writer consequently breaks off, and writers fails to achieve their end, to wit, communicating concepts to the reader, and reach a dead-end point. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - 'Other' and its Function in the Stories of Shahnameh
        كاظم  دزفوليان راد  
        'Other' is a concept attentions to which were attracted through the works of scholars such as Husserl, Heidegger and Sartre (in philosophy) and Bakhtin (in literature). Attention to it provided new perspectives for philosophical and literary debates. Using Bakhtin's vi More
        'Other' is a concept attentions to which were attracted through the works of scholars such as Husserl, Heidegger and Sartre (in philosophy) and Bakhtin (in literature). Attention to it provided new perspectives for philosophical and literary debates. Using Bakhtin's views, and the status of the 'Other' in his thinking system, the present article reads the stories of Shahnameh where Rostam is present, and offers new horizons to the readers. Considering presence or absence of the 'Other', the stories of shahnameh can be divided into three groups: a. The stories indicating exclusion or absence of the 'Other'. b. Shahnameh mostly consists of the stories of this type c. The stories stressing on non-absence and maintainance of the 'Other'. The only instance is the story of Rostam and Esfandyar, where the two opponents – both good and mythical – never wish the other to be excluded. d. The stories intermediating a & b types, like the story of Rostam and Sohrab containing the elements of both epic and tragedy. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Epistemological and Psychological Functions of Hafez's Poetry in Contemporary Human's Life
        جليل  مسعودي‌فرد
        Contemporary human being is exposed to the Globalization Phenomenon and to both its opportunities and threats. Western civilization has yielded human rights, democracy, development on one hand, and anxiety, depression and emptiness on the other hand. Living a meaningf More
        Contemporary human being is exposed to the Globalization Phenomenon and to both its opportunities and threats. Western civilization has yielded human rights, democracy, development on one hand, and anxiety, depression and emptiness on the other hand. Living a meaningful and satisfying life is a basic need from which man has already been separated. Can Persian culture and literature serve as a response to this need? Reviewing Hafez' poetry, the present article is to seek some solutions for epistemological and psychological problems of contemporary human. Hafiz' poetry is like a stream in which the modern life can purify itself. It is like a garden in which man can gain tranquility and joy. In the light of Hafez' poetry one can practice living a meaningful life. Relying on God and His grace, and treating the world as a beauty, Hafez gives meaning to the man's life. His poems, full of social and psychological messages, teach the man tranquility, friendship, tolerance, giving up hypocrisy, how to get rid of depression and disappointment. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - A Comparison between " Leili-o-Majnoon" of Abdi-beik Navidi and That of Nezami
        Farhad Doroudgarian
        Abdi-beik Navidi is among the "mostofi"-s, historians and poets of Shah-Tahmasb age. Imitating Nezami, he attempted to write "Xamse" two times in his lifetime. Despite the fact that Abdi-beik is considered as a pioneer of the movement of imitating Nezami, and in compari More
        Abdi-beik Navidi is among the "mostofi"-s, historians and poets of Shah-Tahmasb age. Imitating Nezami, he attempted to write "Xamse" two times in his lifetime. Despite the fact that Abdi-beik is considered as a pioneer of the movement of imitating Nezami, and in comparison with the other poets of his time, his work has been studied less in Iran. The focus of the present article is to inquire about the poetic characteristics of Abdi-beik's " Majnoon-o-Leili", in a comparative manner. Comparing its content and structural- linguistic features, the article also studies the poet's Kalǎmi and Shi'atic points of view, his approach towards poetry, women, love, as well as his fictional and artistic aspects of his poems, such as descriptions, images, vocabulary repertoire and so on. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - A Research on Hayati Gilani's "Mathnavi-e Soleiman va Belqeis" and Contrasting it with some Books on History, (Quran) Interpretation and the Stories about the Prophets, accompanied by the poet's biography
        یوسف  اسماعیل‌زاده سیّد مهدی  نوریان علی اصغر  بابا صفری
        The age of Gourkanian state is considered as a fruitful era for Persian language and literature. The care for the poets and writers from the literary kings and princes caused the promotion of Persian Language in the territory. Abolfazl Kamal al-Din Hayati Gilani was one More
        The age of Gourkanian state is considered as a fruitful era for Persian language and literature. The care for the poets and writers from the literary kings and princes caused the promotion of Persian Language in the territory. Abolfazl Kamal al-Din Hayati Gilani was one of the famous poets of the late 10th and the early 11th centuries. He was introduced to the Gourkanian court by Abolfath Gilani. There, he acquired a lot of respect. His Mathnavi-e Soleiman va Belqeis which is a meritorious work in lyric literature, has already been ignored. In this work, Hayati focuses on Quran's abbreviation in telling the prophets' stories. This lyric- religious Mathnavi is of high value due to the poet's focus on the prophets' chastity, not including Israiiliat, referring to the resources unavailable today, and the linguistic properties, as well. The present article reviews the poet's works first, and then his Mathnavi-e Soleiman va Belqeis , contrasting it with some of the books on history, (Quran) interpretation and the prophets' stories. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - A Survey of Relationship between Time and Suspension in the Story of "the King and the Maid"
        Zahra رجبي غلامحسين  غلامحسين‌زاده قدرت‌ الله  طاهري
        The development of new narrative techniques in the past two centuries has led to the growing progress in narratology. In this field, "Time" is one important element. The French scholar, Gerard Genet, has discussed it in terms of three categories: "Order", "Continuity", More
        The development of new narrative techniques in the past two centuries has led to the growing progress in narratology. In this field, "Time" is one important element. The French scholar, Gerard Genet, has discussed it in terms of three categories: "Order", "Continuity", and "Frequency". Exploring elements of narrative and the rules governing them will help to better understand their internal relations and mechanisms. The present article, in Genet's framework, shows that how in Mathnavi-I ma'navi, Mowlana as a classic narrator, uses all poetic-narrative potentials of "Time" in telling the story of "the King and the Maid". In the shift from the Real Time to the Narrative Time, Mowlana makes appropriate use of disturbing the linear order of the plot Time, and detailed, repeated description of some events. In this way, he creates a specific kind of Time that is directly and significantly related to developing a sense of suspension in the readers. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Analysis of Prophet Mohammad's Ascension Position in Meiybodi's Kashf-Al-Asrar Interpretation
        مجيد  سرمدي محمود  شيخ
        Prophet Mohammad and the events of his life enjoys a particular position befor the Muslims. The Islamic scholars- whether mystic, theologist, or philosopher- have constantly made an attempt to express and reveal his character and they have spoke of his position within t More
        Prophet Mohammad and the events of his life enjoys a particular position befor the Muslims. The Islamic scholars- whether mystic, theologist, or philosopher- have constantly made an attempt to express and reveal his character and they have spoke of his position within the universe and his stand compared to the other prophets. There is no doubt that initially, this attempt had affectionate roots; but then later on its theoretical aspects and dimensions overcame its passionate aspects. The purpose of this research is to identify two significant incidents in Prophets' life that express his character better considering how they are revealed in Kashf-Al-Asrar and then show the role of the Ascent in this relation as mentioned in this book. As Meiybodi had mystical tendencies himself in the interpretation and paraphrase of the Quran and in quoting the Ascent, he is more concerned about the mystical and passionate aspects. So he merely focuses on the knowledge and superiority of Prophet in the spiritual statue. Meanwhile he does not mention the borders on the theory of "perfect human" while the central issue is "the truth about Mohammad"; a discussion which later on became one of the most basic discussions for the mystics and the theoretical sophists. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Anvari’s Point of View about the Origin of Poetry and the Poet’s Social-class Identity
        مهدي  محبّتی
        The description of poetry and stating the poet's position among the social classes are the two major features in Anvari's literary point of view. Anvari succeeded to suggest and point to new and solid attitudes and views on the analysis of poetry and also the poet's c More
        The description of poetry and stating the poet's position among the social classes are the two major features in Anvari's literary point of view. Anvari succeeded to suggest and point to new and solid attitudes and views on the analysis of poetry and also the poet's class-identity due to enjoying a rational education and being quite familiar with the versified word and its fields, in addition to the pure artistic experiences he himself earned during his life by creating poetry. He founded one of the most significant sources for the sociology of poetry and the poetics in the Persian Literature by both categorizing the poets' classes and the analysis of the poet's role and position in the chain of the social needs. He then compared these productions, or better to say in this field 'the creations', with the products of the other social classes. He also studied the reasons leading to the creation of a variety of poems in the poet's mentality and mind. Anvari himself created a few long and prominent poems in this specific field of study for the first time and expressed the first descriptive-rational attitudes on the nature and essence of poetry and its various kinds. This article reflects Anvari's precise and clear thoughts and ideas about poetry and the poet's class-identity. Manuscript profile
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        20 - An Introduction to the functionalist poetics
        علیرضا  خان‌جان Zahra میرزا
        Emphasizing the necessity for changing the logical approach to the definition of the nature of poetry from Aristotle's logical dichotomy to the Fuzzy relativist logic, the present paper will first deal with three different viewpoints in the field of poetics. Attempts wi More
        Emphasizing the necessity for changing the logical approach to the definition of the nature of poetry from Aristotle's logical dichotomy to the Fuzzy relativist logic, the present paper will first deal with three different viewpoints in the field of poetics. Attempts will also be made to employ the approach which does not take into consideration literature and poetry in particular, as being different from other types of communicative acts. It will thus be possible to analyze poetry within the framework of a general theory. Based on Haliday's functional systemic theory (1985, 1994) and taking into consideration the pattern proposed by Mohajer and Nabavi (1376), The present paper attempts to provide a functionalist analysis of the discourse of the poetry, as well as linguistic and paralinguistic parameters, based on Manuscript profile
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        21 - Prophet Mohammad in the Paraphrasing Attitude of Shams-Eddin Mohammad Tabrizi
        mostafa gorji
        Most of the Persian literary texts, speak about the prophets and their stories, and the mystical texts have focused on this issue seriously. In Shams's “Maqalat”, due to his paraphrasing mind-structure, the events mentioned in the history of the prophets' lives is parap More
        Most of the Persian literary texts, speak about the prophets and their stories, and the mystical texts have focused on this issue seriously. In Shams's “Maqalat”, due to his paraphrasing mind-structure, the events mentioned in the history of the prophets' lives is paraphrased and at the same time, their sayings are interpreted according to the author's beliefs and ideology. These Maqalat were written either on the basis of reasoning and solid proofs, and also for elaborating the author's attitude, or for blessing, rejoice, as flashes of mind or for introducing a perfect human in all aspects. In this regard, Prophet Mohammad is the high and superior example of such a human. This article discusses the Prophet's features from this perspective within Sham's Maqalat. It then shows the paradoxical points in Sham's works. The important point is that in this work, Shams has had in mind the most general topics in the domain of prophetical manners to even answers for some of the taboo questions; which are at times innovative and new. For example, there is even a comparison made between the author himself with Prophet Mohammad or other prophets and at times, he disagrees with them. The implicit comparison of Rumi with the Prophet of Islam is another one of the issues mentioned. The other matters discussed include; major features of Prophet Mohammad, Mohammad's obvious sciences, the value of the voiceless Quran versus the speaking Quran, the magnificence of the Quran for the sake of Mohammad and not for the sake of God, God's special guest, the beloved Mohammad in the cloth of the lover, Mohammad's spiritual light, Prophet Mohammad as the great starter of life in the universe, other people as wandering birds, God's need for Prophet Mohammad, the inherent knowledge imparted by God (known as "Elme-Ladonni") etc. The article surveys and interprets all the mentioned issues. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Criticism and Analysis of Massnavi's Allegorical Narratives on Prophet Mohammad's Character
        فاطمه  كوپا
        The literary language is one of the linguistic genres that speaks of a specific experimental and conceptual domain. The reason is that one can merely discover the literary language of objects within the domain of conceptual texts, and within the allusive and symbolic re More
        The literary language is one of the linguistic genres that speaks of a specific experimental and conceptual domain. The reason is that one can merely discover the literary language of objects within the domain of conceptual texts, and within the allusive and symbolic relations. What is in fact considered as the pleasant and nice part of the literary word roots from these deep and internal layers of the conceptual and passionate parts of the work as reflected in the language. One of the means and functional devices of the literary word that possesses a vast potential in the symbolical expression of pictures and concepts is "allegory” which has found a considerable power in Rumi's Massnavi Ma'anavi. Apparently, the structure of the stories in Massnavi shows that the speaker has had the concealed and inner concepts of the words in mind. The order of the elements, the incidents and the phrases within the allegorical narratives in Massnavi is in a manner through which the audience will be led towards the concealed and implied concepts in the depth of the narratives; due to the coordination between the artist and the art-seeker. This research intends to respond to two questions; 1. What is the precise concept of allegory and allegorical literature? Moreover, what are its practical functioning fields and areas? 2. In what method has Rumi utilized the allegorical potential of the narratives related to Prophet Mohammad? The criteria for choosing and selecting the narratives have been the prominence of the narratives in enjoying allegory. Manuscript profile
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        faride davoudi moghadam
        In the history of mysticism, some mystics for their praise of Eblis (satan) are known as defenders of satan. People like Hallaj, Aeinol-Ghozat Hamedani, Ahmand Al-Ghazali, Kharaghani and so, have defended Satan in two following ways. One, because of putting it in tr More
        In the history of mysticism, some mystics for their praise of Eblis (satan) are known as defenders of satan. People like Hallaj, Aeinol-Ghozat Hamedani, Ahmand Al-Ghazali, Kharaghani and so, have defended Satan in two following ways. One, because of putting it in trial by God (ebtela) and the other, because of deep devotion and intuition of Satan. Sanaaei Ghaznavi with his following ode (ghazal) is considered to be one of those Satan defenders: با او دلم به مهر و مودت يگانه بود سيمرغ عشق را دل من آشيانه بود The aim of this research is to put light on this problem, whether we are able to consider Sanaaei as a Satan defender with referring to only an ode (Ghazal) which is attributed to him, whereas he has got many other poems against Satan. So, whether we are right to consider him as a pro-Satan or anti-Satan with referring to his texts and verses which are collected in his Masnavis, Diwan and Hadigahtol-Haghigheh. With surveying his texts, we are coming to know that Sanaaei could not be considered as Satan defender, but, on the other hand this ode also is expressed in all his manuscripts. Manuscript profile
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        24 - A Reflection on the Grotesque Instances In Jami' Al-Tawarikh
        Mahsa  Masaei zohre allahdadi dastjerdi
        Grotesque is a concept and attitude in art and literature to which some features are assigned such as contradiction, horrifying, marvelous, abnormal, ridiculous and some how tasteless, grudge, disgust, and so on. A theme or subject that due to being unfamiliar, and stra More
        Grotesque is a concept and attitude in art and literature to which some features are assigned such as contradiction, horrifying, marvelous, abnormal, ridiculous and some how tasteless, grudge, disgust, and so on. A theme or subject that due to being unfamiliar, and strange, or because of excessive exaggeration and amazement evokes an obscure or confusing feeling in the audience or transfer controversial concepts and feelings to the audience. The Genghis attack, the Mongol dynasty, and its consequences paved the way for the genesis of grotesque concepts and images of this era. In this research, in addition to introducing grotesque, some of its instances and evidences are studied in one of the most important historical- literary works of the Mongol era. The results show that the section on the history of Mongols and Ilkhanate in Jami' al-tawarikh includes such unreasonable, uneven narratives, and superstitious affairs about Mongols that accepting them as the history is so difficult. It seems that the author was obliged to hypocrisy, flattery and recording some extreme and unacceptable issues - which can be called grotesque. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Recalling the Political Philosophy of Historical Socrates/Plato's Socrates
        سيدمحمود  نجاتي حسيني
        Although hard to believe, the distinction between historical Socrates and Plato's Socrates is an issue in the history of political philosophy that has only been marginally dealt with in literature. But the present article makes this issue its focal and central subject. More
        Although hard to believe, the distinction between historical Socrates and Plato's Socrates is an issue in the history of political philosophy that has only been marginally dealt with in literature. But the present article makes this issue its focal and central subject. The subject of the article is that, in an in-depth comparison, the political philosophy of Socrates and Plato are both divergent (historical Socrates vs. real Plato) and convergent (Plato's Socrates vs. Socrates' Plato). The starting point of the issue is that through researching and scrutinizing the speeches and writings of Socrates and Plato, one can trace the convergence and divergence in their logos and dialogues. Therefore, semiotics of logo-dialogue of historical Socrates vs. Plato's Socrates, as well as the logo-dialogue of Socrates' Plato vs. real Plato, will lead to the exploration of two basic classical philosophies. This article tries to prove these claims and assumptions through hermeneutic and semiotic analysis. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Political Ideonomy of "Basic Needs" model (the relationship between development and political thought in Basic Needs model 1(
        مهدی مظفری نیا    
        The condition of success and reasons of failure of development strategies and plans, has been one of the most important “development studies” issues. It has been explained in different ways; such as that there is strong relationship between efficiency of development str More
        The condition of success and reasons of failure of development strategies and plans, has been one of the most important “development studies” issues. It has been explained in different ways; such as that there is strong relationship between efficiency of development strategies and plans and development theories. According of paradigmatic-implicative theory, which has explained the relation of development theories and political thought and identifies the development theory as one of the practical implication of political thought, one of the conditions of success of development strategies and development plans can be referred to the political thought foundation. So we explore the political thought supporting the Basic Needs model. We use “qualitative content analysis” method for showing the political foundation of Basic Needs model, which is one of the most important development models In 1970s, is based on “the least advantaged are benefitted and not hurt or forgotten”, in correspondence with John Rawls's "Justice as Fair". Manuscript profile
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        27 - The study of Relationship of the ''Politics'' and the ''Happiness'' From viewpoint of Aristotle and Ibn Miskeweyh
        The Relationship of the ''Politics'' and the ''Happiness'' is one of issues that are traditionally focus of social ethics thinkers. The study and compaire of two big thinkers ideal –one from of ancient Greece and the other from Islamic philosophies- is important. The pr More
        The Relationship of the ''Politics'' and the ''Happiness'' is one of issues that are traditionally focus of social ethics thinkers. The study and compaire of two big thinkers ideal –one from of ancient Greece and the other from Islamic philosophies- is important. The present research has been aim to clear the circumstance of the relationship of this two topics in analytical-applicational ways and also to explain the points of their ideas participations and differences in this text. Both Aristotle and Ibn Miskeweyh believies the earning to happiness is aim of the politics and political society and proponde the elements of earning to happiness, principles of obtaining to desirable political society, similarly. In attention to effect Aristotle viewpoints upon Ibn Miskeweyh thouthghs, the difference between this two thinkers ideologies, has been cause difference in some of the discussions. Aristotle believies criteria of desirability in political society and earning to happiness is living on base of virtue, but in according to Ibn Miskewayh's monalistic ideology, he believies the religion is inseparable element of politics and introduced the best politics is divine politics Manuscript profile
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        28 - The Criminology of Religious Terrorism in Shi'a Ethics
          Sayed Mahmood  MirKhalili      
        According to some writers, mid 1970s, with the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, a new generation of terrorism is being created and any liberation action in Shi'a governments of the Middle East, as a result of Iran's provocation and it is an example of religiou More
        According to some writers, mid 1970s, with the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, a new generation of terrorism is being created and any liberation action in Shi'a governments of the Middle East, as a result of Iran's provocation and it is an example of religious terrorism. So the authors of this article referring to historical facts and applied ethics, will show that what is now known as " Shi'a terrorism" is Origins in the term evangelical "holy assassination". Sanctuary from religious immorality as a result of fundamentalism Jewish thoughts and of Christianity and this term is the first time, in their religious books, they have come up against them and Islamic Shi'a Ethics, has offered her plans to forbid such behaviors. Ethical Implications Based on Imam's Behavior (Peace be upon them) and thus adhere to the teachings of the Holy Qur'an whereby all human beings are equal and the surprise of killing them, it is prohibited and prohibited with any excuse and motive Manuscript profile
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        29 - Explaining and comparative critique of the paradoxes between the teachings of Immanuel Kant and Islam
        seyed hashem golestani narges keshti arai  
        In order to educate the development of human personality and modify his behavior, philosophy of education is value-based education. In the religion of Islam, attention to values in the worldly and human wisdom has been considered both together and neglected from any one More
        In order to educate the development of human personality and modify his behavior, philosophy of education is value-based education. In the religion of Islam, attention to values in the worldly and human wisdom has been considered both together and neglected from any one, in order to guarantee the happiness of his life in both physical and spiritual fields. This article is a descriptive method Provides an explanatory and comparative critique of the affinities and paradoxes between the teachings of Immanuel Kant and Islam. Findings show that Kant's education system originates from his moral philosophy. Kant considers the most important part of education as ethical education, the child should be accustomed to act in accordance with the general principles that it has found to be logical. This reflects the importance that Kant holds for man, his wisdom, and his will. Attention to Islamic education also leads to the formation of a human being that all of his existential dimensions are considered and not only considered cognitive, material or social, but all human areas have been considered. Manuscript profile
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        30 - constitutionial and jurisprudential buoldings provide a judgs knowledge as a conflict of interest and evidence
        مهدی بهره مند ahmadreza tavakoli mohammadhadi mahdavi
        In this paper, the conflict between the judge's knowledge and other evidence of legal proof with an approach to the jurisprudential and ethical principles has been investigated. In the process of this research, the ethical, legal and jurisprudential issues and concepts More
        In this paper, the conflict between the judge's knowledge and other evidence of legal proof with an approach to the jurisprudential and ethical principles has been investigated. In the process of this research, the ethical, legal and jurisprudential issues and concepts in the direction of realization of the research foundations and the subject are presented and according to The moral principles, jurisprudential arguments, and the principled rules of the authority of the judge's knowledge have been violated, with the statement that when claims with supposed arguments such as confessions and binetry that are incompletely explicable can be proved, then the first is the knowledge of the judge who has the whole Kashfit Is true. Therefore, during the process of hearing and issuing a vote, the necessity and necessity of realizing the persuasion of the judge's conscience is inevitable for the discovery of the truth, and this persuasion is based on moral standards such as patience, justice, justice, equality, and so on. Why The lack of these matters can be a barrier to the judge's knowledge of his conscience, for example, a judge who does not have a moral and social justice, will not be the judge of justice in the first instance. The priority of science has been proved by the judge's suspect and prioritization of Binet and the Emirates, Rahjān and the priority of the judge's knowledge. After verifying the priority of the judge's knowledge, based on the principles of jurisprudence and ethics that underlie their judgments, they can be innovated and redistributed. This study, as a judge and court judge, especially where the legislator has held silence as a conflict, finds that the judge can handle the priority of judge's judgment. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Explaining Islamic-Iranian Patterns of Education Based on Educational Options by Mulla Sadra
        Somayyeh Marhaba Najmeh  Vakili Mohsen  Imani
        Education is one of the issues that has been paid special attention to religious and non-religious philosophies for a long time. It is important to study the Islamic-Iranian model for the development of human beings in the science of education. The Islamic-Iranian patte More
        Education is one of the issues that has been paid special attention to religious and non-religious philosophies for a long time. It is important to study the Islamic-Iranian model for the development of human beings in the science of education. The Islamic-Iranian pattern is a theoretical model with normative function. This pattern can be presented in mathematical or logical language and it is necessary to use the methods of today's science to explain complex matters. Islamic-Iranian theory is a theory based on the principles of Islam's insight and within the framework of Islamic ethics and law and is in accordance with Iran's conditions. The study of Mulla Sadra's thoughts suggests that in the thought of Mulla Sadra, man has a vertical movement and flow in the levels of existence. Sadra's anthropology is the point of convergence between religious, ethical, philosophical and mystical anthropology, according to ontological and epistemological foundations, such as the originality of existence, the essential motion, etc., the comprehensiveness of man according to the different degrees and categories, which are the lowest Levels, ie, Jimdi, begin to the last stage, namely, immortality, rational thinking and rational perception. So it deserves to reach the highest degree of being or to be at the lowest level with the opportunity of burning. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Investigating the Position of Women's Rights in the Citizenship Bill with an Emphasis on Women's Political Rights
        Arezoo  Hosseinieh Ali  Hajipour Kanderud
        Citizenship Charter Reflects Government Concern Over Public Awareness on Citizenship and Proposes Respect for Human Rights. In this regard, one of the most important pillars of the civil rights charter is the issue of women's rights. The purpose of the present study is More
        Citizenship Charter Reflects Government Concern Over Public Awareness on Citizenship and Proposes Respect for Human Rights. In this regard, one of the most important pillars of the civil rights charter is the issue of women's rights. The purpose of the present study is to investigate and analyze the level of attention to women's citizenship rights in the context of the Citizenship Charter. The above study shows that women's citizenship rights are accepted in the Charter of Citizenship to an acceptable extent, but there is no guarantee of proper implementation on the one hand and some practical challenges and on the other hand desirable and realistic research of women's rights in Iran with serious obstacles. Is facing Manuscript profile
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        33 - Investigating the Moral Challenges of the Right to Silence of the Accused in the Iranian Legal System
        Seyed Alireza  Mousavi Masoud  Ghasemi Mohammad Javad  Jafari
        One of the most obvious rights of the accused, which is considered in international documents and legal systems, as well as in the Iranian legal system, is the right of the accused to remain silent at various stages of the proceedings. It has been disputed that some con More
        One of the most obvious rights of the accused, which is considered in international documents and legal systems, as well as in the Iranian legal system, is the right of the accused to remain silent at various stages of the proceedings. It has been disputed that some consider the observance of the right to silence to cause delays in the trial, the escape of the accused and professional perpetrators from the grip of justice, etc. Failure to comply with the defendant's right to remain silent has provided for an executive guarantee There are obstacles and problems in the implementation of the right of silence of the accused in the various stages of the proceedings in the Iranian legal system, which should be considered as a challenge. Obstacles and Challenges It should not be overlooked. In the following study, descriptive and library methods have been used. The truth is that predicting ethical and legislative mechanisms, judicial, administrative and disciplinary to facilitate the implementation of the right to remain silent at various stages of the proceedings, recognizing solutions to address existing challenges, takes a very useful and effective step to make the criminal justice system fair. Be.. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Strengthen lawyer intervention in the preliminary investigation phase From the point of view of subject matter rights and ethical requirements
        amir vatani Hossein  Aghaei Jannat Makan Mohammad Amin  Darvish
        In the criminal proceedings, the preliminary investigative phase, considering the features and features of this phase, is of particular importance in the subsequent proceedings, in particular the rights of the accused, and the legal influence of the lawyer in guaranteei More
        In the criminal proceedings, the preliminary investigative phase, considering the features and features of this phase, is of particular importance in the subsequent proceedings, in particular the rights of the accused, and the legal influence of the lawyer in guaranteeing and protecting these rights. The presence of a lawyer in the preliminary investigation phase provides both legal and ethical requirements, respecting the rights of individuals, and equipping them with the opportunity to defend and to exercise their rights. The Criminal Procedure Code adopted in 2013 has effective innovations on the right of the accused to have a lawyer in the preliminary investigation stage, and the presence of a lawyer in the supervised phase, unlimited attendance, the right to study and access to the case, and the need to appoint a lawyer. , From the point of view of guaranteed subject matter rights, and obtaining the latest defense of the lawyer, admonition of the lawyer to the interrogator, maintaining the dignity and dignity of the individual, and segregation from the prosecution to facilitate the intervention of the lawyer in the light of ethical requirements, including the most obvious signs of strengthening the intervention of the lawyer. is considered. In this article, about the right of the accused to have a lawyer during the preliminary investigation phase, with emphasis on the drafting of this law, its specific rules and provisions are analyzed and described. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Qualified Leader for Utopia (In respect with Molla Sadra's Selfknowledge(
        مهدی ایمانی مقدم
        Existance of a governer is a rational necessity and virtue and justice is it's most important characterisity in a society with Islamic identity. Holy Quran gradated headship from topmost God's headship to downward prophet's headship and then Imam's headship and in Imam' More
        Existance of a governer is a rational necessity and virtue and justice is it's most important characterisity in a society with Islamic identity. Holy Quran gradated headship from topmost God's headship to downward prophet's headship and then Imam's headship and in Imam's expenation Faqih's headship introduced as their complete reason for people. The question is what is the fact of headship with graded flow that begins from the real God's headship and ends to believer's headship? To answer this Question should be recognized God's successor that have divine aspect and mundane, and this makes importat understanding the deep human's existance layer. Since human being's creation with beginning of thought and wisdom, philosophers remarked the selfknowledge's issue and philosoper Mollasadra structured selfknowledge realm with his firm transcendent wisdom foundations like his other solicitude and innovation and based on revelation and intuition introduced characteristics of qualified leadership oneslef. Society by his approach is a set of human being oneselfs and is a position for human being's oneself's evolution and there is correspondence between educative and political society priorities; He also constructed transcendent wisdom principals like originality and gradation in existance and between symmetry good and existance to explain the fact of oneself and fact of society, and according to that known as maturity of society in following of excellence to construct utopia that "wisdom Theologian" gave sprit and exhilaration to that society like heart and strongly stand against moral vices to influence society's framework. Thus qualification the leadership of utopia is it's leader based on human being's evolution. This paper is result of research and studying in different Mollasadra's work and deduction of his thought in his social and political works Manuscript profile
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        36 - A comparison of the philosophical views of Omar Khayyam and Abul Ala Al-Ma'rri
        The summary of the article that you will read in these pages entitled: "philosophical views of Abul Ala Al-Ma'rri and Omar Khayyam" contains a comparison between these two great poets of Arab and Persia lands and it's among comparative literature research which has alwa More
        The summary of the article that you will read in these pages entitled: "philosophical views of Abul Ala Al-Ma'rri and Omar Khayyam" contains a comparison between these two great poets of Arab and Persia lands and it's among comparative literature research which has always been of great interest to researchers of Arab and Persia literature world. Many articles have been written so far on the influence of Abul Ala Al-Ma'rri on Khayyam, because every researcher who studies on the life and works of these two great poets would undoubtedly find a close similarity between them, as in most cases, Khayyam's ghost appears in front of them by studying Abul Ala Al's words. Because these two poets with the same philosophical viewpoints were often unanimous, concordant and agreed. Although, they occasionally fell apart. Before entering the world of philosophy of these two poets, what should be considered in this comparison are the political, social, economic and intellectual conditions of the two poets' time which played an important role in the formation of their personality. As far as, it can be stated that all the ideas and thoughts of the two poets were rooted in their time's circumstances Manuscript profile
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        37 - Criticism and response to the hypocrisy of the doctor who is killing the infallibles based on the views of the Shia theologians
        Mahdi MohammadZadeh BaniTarafi
        The research on Imams and Shiite jurisprudence has long advocated Sunnis, as the Mu'tazilite theologian, Judge Abdul Jabbar, has criticized the Imam's votes in his books, including al-Moghuni. From the same time, the Shi'a welcomed the texts, while respecting the writer More
        The research on Imams and Shiite jurisprudence has long advocated Sunnis, as the Mu'tazilite theologian, Judge Abdul Jabbar, has criticized the Imam's votes in his books, including al-Moghuni. From the same time, the Shi'a welcomed the texts, while respecting the writer, to criticize them; it has been written or written. As Seyyed Mortazi, in his works, has answered these doubts. In the present era, which has been accepted as the main religion of religion and religion in Islamic countries, these religious debates have replaced their common points in the principles of the doctrines and emphasized them. In Saudi Arabia, the Wahhabi intellectual movements, which do not believe in the approximation of religions, with the strong support of sovereignty, bring the most cowardly accusations to the Shi'a religion, and raise doubts that it is based on the odor and color of the verse. The Book of the Principles of Religion, Al-Shi'a al-Amamiya, Asheni Shirhiya, the doctoral dissertation of Naser al-Bakari of the Saudi Wahhabi scholars, as well as the book's name, explores Shiite intellectual, cultural, and religious foundations. The author, according to the doubt raised in "Ismat" in this book, has tried to answer the doubts of two Shiite religious theologians, Seyyed Mortazi and Jorjani. Considering that Jorjani's votes have not been mentioned in the Book of Khorai, and it seems that he was unaware of his existence, this article is the first paper based on the opinions expressed on Shiite beliefs in ancient Persian books as the basis of the answer. It seems to me that the Wahhabi scholars have raised doubts about Arabic books. In this article, in addition to the votes of these two great Shiites, the votes of other Shia jurisprudents and theologians are also mentioned. Manuscript profile
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        38 - The conceptual model of realism Emphasizing the political thought and behavior of Imam Ali
        Abbasali Rahbar Mahmoud  Shariati
        The relationship between religion and politics in the thought of Imam Ali has been an ontological and consistency column of the relationship between society and government. However, this framework, in symmetry to the pattern of realism in the intellectual system of Imam More
        The relationship between religion and politics in the thought of Imam Ali has been an ontological and consistency column of the relationship between society and government. However, this framework, in symmetry to the pattern of realism in the intellectual system of Imam, is, as a concept, effective in creating legitimacy, participation, and advancement in the political system that can be planed, understood and labeled. In the framework, the process of conceptualizing realism by relying on rationality in two levels of thought, with emphasis on concepts such as human dignity, the right to choose people, the implementation of justice and the necessity of the state; and at the level of behavior with an emphasis on the political action of the Imam in determining the caliph, Adoption of arbitration and coexistence with religions will be formulated. This paper tries to achieve two important goals by applying Skinner's interpretation theory: On the other hand, the concept of realism can be understood in the thoughts and behavior of Imam Ali and, on the other hand, the effectiveness of realism in the balance of the part and the coherence of social forces are measured. Obviously, achieving these goals involves the implementation of a range of concepts and subjects. As a result, it is important to understand the framework of the discussion of the plan. 1) Attachment of Realism to Rationality 2) Relevance of Realism with Ideal 3) Conceptualization of Realism 4) Positioning of the environmental conditions and social contexts of the target. Manuscript profile
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        39 - “FATRAT” in the table criticis
        Abdol Majid  Taleb Tash
        Historians reported that during a period of the Prophetic of the The Prophet Muhammad, Gabriel did not descend which in the term of theologians is called the FATRAT. This period is as length as the secret invitation. This similarity was motivated for this research. This More
        Historians reported that during a period of the Prophetic of the The Prophet Muhammad, Gabriel did not descend which in the term of theologians is called the FATRAT. This period is as length as the secret invitation. This similarity was motivated for this research. This research performed through Descriptive and analytical method. Three views as theological problems obtained. The famous promise is believed that time of FATRAT is three years. The second promise says that Gabriel’s downfall did not stop. The third promise says: Gabriel’s descending was stopped for three till forty days. Reference of the first group, that was the source of blame of Orientalists, and has concluded that the Prophet hesitated, was week. The second view was not correct either. The third view is acceptable which is agreeing with the narrative and historical reasons and in the process of descending is normal. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Prophetic Image of the Prophet of Islam in Divan Ismail Esfahani and Saif Fergani
        Zahra  Sheihaki   Behrouz  roumiani
        Belief in prophecy is one of the principles of the religion of Islam. Faithful scholars have shown the qualities of the Prophet, Timmans and his joy for the emergence of beliefs and proximity to the prophetic tradition and persuading them to obey the carnal messenger. S More
        Belief in prophecy is one of the principles of the religion of Islam. Faithful scholars have shown the qualities of the Prophet, Timmans and his joy for the emergence of beliefs and proximity to the prophetic tradition and persuading them to obey the carnal messenger. Sayf, a mystic poet of Ferghana's profession, is familiar with the deep moral, religious, and historical events of the Prophet's epoch and, with particular attention to the sources of the soul and interpretation, with a comprehensive and artistic expression, has drawn the great events of the life of the Prophet into the field of purification and erosion. The image that he presents in Khatamalanbine's style expresses the deep devotion of this well-known poet to the Prophet Mohammad. In these lines, poetic evidence is extracted from the image of the Messenger of Nikki from the Divan Saif Farghani and descriptively-analytically, in terms of individual and social characteristics, attributes, titles, miracles and... Examined and categorized. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Validity of the Qur'anic Document and Validity from the Viewpoint of the Separation School (Emphasizing on Mehdi Esfahani's views)
        The Qur'an is the first and foremost source in the interpretation of the teachings of Islam, the validity of which is accepted by the majority of Muslim thinkers, but historically some - whether Sunnis or Shiites like the Qur'an and the Akhbaris - in either or Both have More
        The Qur'an is the first and foremost source in the interpretation of the teachings of Islam, the validity of which is accepted by the majority of Muslim thinkers, but historically some - whether Sunnis or Shiites like the Qur'an and the Akhbaris - in either or Both have been in doubt or denied. The school of separation led by Mirza Mehdi Esfahani has had a particular interest in the source of traditions, but has a different position on the validity of the Qur'an as the epistemic source of religion. This article will show that the separatist schools, especially their first spectrum, either questioned or denied the validity or validity of the Qur'anic scripture, or they needed it. The first part of the article explains the position of some of the schools of distinction regarding the damage to the validity of the Qur'anic document by proposing a theory of distortion and its criticism. The second part of the article is devoted to examining and criticizing their position on undermining the validity of the Qur'anic verses by focusing on such arguments as: the division of human science into divine and human, the divisive aspect of the Qur'anic traditions, the separation of texts from appearance. Manuscript profile
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        42 - The affirmation of the good and the prohibition of evil and its effect on the social health of society in Islamic teachings With emphasis on verses and narrations
        ali maradani
        Nowadays, despite the many advances in scientific fields, we are endangering the health of the soul and body due to the lack of reliance on divine teachings in the crisis. Hence, the path to salvation of the return to Islamic teachings. The present paper, by analytical More
        Nowadays, despite the many advances in scientific fields, we are endangering the health of the soul and body due to the lack of reliance on divine teachings in the crisis. Hence, the path to salvation of the return to Islamic teachings. The present paper, by analytical method, describes with a library study the explanation of one of the important teachings of Islam in the name of oversight through the guise of good and forbidding evil and its impact on the health of the community. saving society from crises and providing community health in the light of clarifying the status of the affair with the good and forbidding it to be void and enforcing; the implementation of these two terms is a proven solution for the health of the community; whenever a person is cultivating and self-cultivating Step through internal control; t will have a significant impact on the organization of society, because avoiding sin and paying attention to positive human and practical points is an appropriate field for developing capacity and reform; Islam and its enormous effects on environmental health are evidence of the truth of this claim; Part of the mission of Hassbah's institution is in the form of good and forbidding at the beginning of Islam, monitoring food markets and health, covering meat and dairy products in the market and public places, and the other part is related to the protection of value Ethical and moral virtues in the community and prevent the commission of secrecy, insecurity and moral corruption; The practice of this promise means the friendship, the affection and the interest in the fate of others, and the negation of indifference, and ultimately, the mental and emotional peace of this empathy, which humanity today needs more than anything else.. Manuscript profile
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        43 - The Qur'an, divine wisdom and difficult tasks
        ablodali pakzad
        Man is an obligated being, and the forged duties for man by God are the platform of perfection, the guarantor of human rights, and the cause of attaining the rewards of the Hereafter. In some verses of the Qur'an, difficult tasks are mentioned for the Jewish people (Ba More
        Man is an obligated being, and the forged duties for man by God are the platform of perfection, the guarantor of human rights, and the cause of attaining the rewards of the Hereafter. In some verses of the Qur'an, difficult tasks are mentioned for the Jewish people (Baqarah / 54-Nisa '/ 160) and in Surah Al-Baqarah / 286, the Prophet of Islam asks God to remove the difficult tasks; in contrast, there are verses that speak of the ease of the task ( Baqarah / 185) and it is not obligatory for a large extent (less than the endurance) (Baqarah / 286) and in the Haraji religion (Hajj / 78). Relying on the verses of the Qur'an in a library method and with an analytical descriptive approach, this article seeks to explain the view of the Qur'an on the issue of duty and the conflict between the two categories of verses and causes difficult tasks. One of the findings of this article is that the divine duties are divided into two types: primary and criminal. The Prophet of Islam does not have it. If man inconsistencies with basic duties and transgresses God's limits, God will impose criminal duties on human beings to return to God, show servitude, remove the veils, spiritual turmoil and the example of others. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Investigating and analyzing the confinement of names and attributes of god in Sa'adi s works
        anvar zieaee
        The term nouns and attributes, like most Islamic terminology, have a Quranic origin. Among the prevailing ideas in Islamic theology are promises of the arrest of divine names and attributes, including those from the hadith, the Za'ir and even the Ash'arites. Matrides be More
        The term nouns and attributes, like most Islamic terminology, have a Quranic origin. Among the prevailing ideas in Islamic theology are promises of the arrest of divine names and attributes, including those from the hadith, the Za'ir and even the Ash'arites. Matrides believe that God should be named and described only by the names and attributes in the book and the tradition, and that they know the names and other attributes of heresy. From the Mu'tazilite point of view, the divine attributes and attributes are not forbidden, and the name and attribution of transcendence to the names and attributes not mentioned in the Qur'an and traditions is valid, while mystics and Sufis and many close to them believe that God Any good name can be read. Saadi, inspired by the Ash'arites' beliefs, repeatedly reads God in the names and descriptions mentioned in the book and tradition. Therefore, in this research, considering the Ash'arism of Saadi's professionalism, we will examine descriptive-analytic method by extracting nouns and attributes in general, to see to what extent Sa'adi's thoughts and beliefs regarding the arrest of Asmau are discussed. The traits correspond to the Ash'arites. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Judge Abdul Jabbar Mu'tazili's view on seeing God is based on the rule of denial
        sed reza fatemi Einollah khademi
        The possibility of seeing God with the body by man or not, has always been a matter of great concern among theologians as well as various Muslim sects, which can be understood from their conflicting views. Some differences, such as the similarity of human acceptance of More
        The possibility of seeing God with the body by man or not, has always been a matter of great concern among theologians as well as various Muslim sects, which can be understood from their conflicting views. Some differences, such as the similarity of human acceptance of God, eventually led to skepticism, and some others, such as assumptions, became algebraic. Judge Abdul Jabbar Mu'tazili in this regard, the method of interpretation, along with the adoption of the rationalist method of the Mu'tazilites; Choose the premise of reason in the book, tradition, consensus, and reason. He also proved the concept of denying the sight of God by presenting a rational reason - confrontation - and six narrative reasons - according to the verses of the Holy Quran. The authors have made a serious critique of his views, which have not been seen intuitively or by heart. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Standardize the Vienna Matrix Test for Iran (WMTI) for Students between Ages 13-18 Years
        Javad Ejei Masoud Gholamali Lavasani Marzieyeh Rezaiee Zahra Akbari
        Current study was conducted to standardize Vienna Matrix Test for Iran (WMTI). For Iranian students between ages 13-18. Intended population in this study was all students (males and females) who were studying in middle and high schools during the academic year 2010-2011 More
        Current study was conducted to standardize Vienna Matrix Test for Iran (WMTI). For Iranian students between ages 13-18. Intended population in this study was all students (males and females) who were studying in middle and high schools during the academic year 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. Multistage random sampling procedure was used to select 2849 students (1267 male and 1582 female) from five province in Iran: Tehran, Khorasan-e-Razavi, Kermanshah, GiIan, and Bushehr. At the beginning Formans original from that was based on Rasch's statistic model was administered on student population. From 42 statements 28 statements were selected based on the model and was used for Vienna Matrix Test for Iranian (WMTI). Norm tables for the age group 13 to 18 were developed. Finally mean differences between girls and boys was calculated by means of one-way analysis of variance. Result showed the age and gender effect. Intelligent quotient increased as chronological age increases. Girls also were higher than boys in intellectual functioning in overall Manuscript profile
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        47 - Explaining the effect of parents' level of education on the self-concept of high school students based on the mediating role of parent-child relationship quality
        Arezoosadat Malaknia Kianoosh Hashemian Khadijeh Abolmaalialhoseyni
        Abstract The aim of the study was to explain the effect of parents' education on the self-concept of high school students by evaluating the mediating role of the quality of parent-child relationship. The statistical population of high school students was in the academi More
        Abstract The aim of the study was to explain the effect of parents' education on the self-concept of high school students by evaluating the mediating role of the quality of parent-child relationship. The statistical population of high school students was in the academic year of 1996-97 in Tehran. they had. Questionnaire of the Socio-Economic Movement Database (2016) Questionnaire for evaluating the parent-child relationship between Fine, Morland and Schoubel (1983), Self-concept questionnaire Sarasut (1957). Structural equation modeling was used for analysis. The results showed that the overall effect of father's education (P <0.05, β = 0.163) and maternal education (P <0.05, β = 0.270) on children's self-concept is positive and significant. The direct level of paternal education (P <0.01, β = 0.069) is positive and significant on children's self-concept. Also, the effect of paternal-child relationship quality (P <0.01, β = 0.31) and the quality of mother-child relationship - The child (P <0.01, β = 0.163) has a positive and significant effect on the self-concept of the children. Children are positive and significant at the level of 0.01, and the quality of the father-child relationship, unlike the quality of the mother-child relationship, mediates the effect of education on students' self-concept. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Study of the word "Baz" based on syntagmatic axis in Bal'ami History
        ebrahim estaji ریحانه صادقی
        Bal'ami History is one of the most precious old resources of Dari Farsi proses. We are researching about the effective role of prefix "Baz" in this masterpiece of Dari Farsi prose and the most important historical resource to highlight the different meanings of each w More
        Bal'ami History is one of the most precious old resources of Dari Farsi proses. We are researching about the effective role of prefix "Baz" in this masterpiece of Dari Farsi prose and the most important historical resource to highlight the different meanings of each word in semantic system and in relation to the chain of speech and to eradicate the semantic ambiguity of the sentence. Accurate acquaintance of Farsi poetry and prose needs cognition of grammatical topics in the sentence. Using prefix "Baz" in different ways in the sentences have made new verbs with new meanings. In Bal'ami History the "Baz" is used in the form of name, infinitive, adjective, adverb, preposition and prefix of compound verbs. In the form of prefix of compound verbs "Baz" is in two forms, one is changed the meaning of the verb and the other doesn’t. More important point is that using the same compound verb made by prefix in different sentences resulted variety of meaning and different usages witch shows that Bal'ami's Goal was to say the precise meaning of the verb in the text of the sentence. This shows the superiority and skill of this artist and literary lover. Manuscript profile
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        49 - A hermeneutical approach to Ode of Ivan Mada'in by Bahtari
        DR abolfazl ghanizadeh
        An artistic genre sends an overt or covert massage. The apparent structure of text creates a message based on the ethical and mental interests of the reader. The search of meaning in every unwritten word helps understanding the work. Accordingly, considering the histori More
        An artistic genre sends an overt or covert massage. The apparent structure of text creates a message based on the ethical and mental interests of the reader. The search of meaning in every unwritten word helps understanding the work. Accordingly, considering the historical atmosphere, hermeneutics deals with the author, text and reader and determines the aesthetical types of the text. This article employs hermeneutics to interpret the aesthetic aspects of Ode of Ivan Mada'in by Bahtari. As hermeneutics is a new topic in linguistics and Persian literature, there is no previous study on the area. This study might provide a platform for future scholars and needless to say, the efforts of other scholars would give way to deeper insight. As hermeneutics is a new topic in linguistics and Persian literature, there is no previous study on the area. This study might provide a platform for future scholars and needless to say, the efforts of other scholars would give way to deeper insight. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Four Music in the chehl asrar
        seyed ali asgar tabatabaeinia
        Fitness and coordination between poem formations and its entanglement with content and maximum use of literary capacity can in a wide range enhance emotional images from "This, not that" to "the very this one". Based on this approach, the aim of following research, is a More
        Fitness and coordination between poem formations and its entanglement with content and maximum use of literary capacity can in a wide range enhance emotional images from "This, not that" to "the very this one". Based on this approach, the aim of following research, is an analysis of how did Mir Seyyed Ali Hamadani present his mystical thoughts in four musical areas, literary illustrations, and aesthetically standards of Music? And how did he use expressive language facilities in the service of presenting especial mystical world viewing and expressing creative imagery, rebuilding and reopening his different criteria of his thoughts? In outer Music area (meter), according to his composition of sophisticated use of phonetic and meter, he can be considered as the poet of "Bahr Raml". In the field of music (rhyme and row), audio line and strengthening the vertical axis of symmetry are implied with exquisite imagery, highlighting the implications of closer union with the singer, trying to instill concepts. Inner music with focus on repetition, makes the echo of concepts more prominent in the minds of audience and in spiritual music concepts, with rhetorical common language, the reader is led through the understanding of literary art to literary enjoy. This research is descriptive and data are investigated by using content analysis method. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Studying the social station Sindokht, Roodabeh, Gordafarid and Tahmineh in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh
        zohreh parsian Shahnaz  Valipour Hafshejani
        In this article there has been an overall look at some of great women's social life in Shahnameh (Sindokht, Roodabeh, Tahmineh, Gordafrid) considering their story in the book; it shows an important and influential role they played in social, political and even military More
        In this article there has been an overall look at some of great women's social life in Shahnameh (Sindokht, Roodabeh, Tahmineh, Gordafrid) considering their story in the book; it shows an important and influential role they played in social, political and even military fields alongside men. The picture of an ideal woman in Shahnameh is not just a wife at home or a beautiful wife who only gives birth to the children. Great women in Shahnameh are wise and clever people who show their ability by solving social and political challenges; and even sometimes they will be more successful than men and manage the situation. In such a way that will compensate men's silliness and mismanagement. These women they are honest in their love, they never stop safeguarding their homeland even if they resort to politics, conspiring or cheating others. Finally it can be said that each of these women has special characteristics that All these characteristics together present a perfect woman in Shahnameh. Sindokht is a symbol of wisdom and intellect in management, gordafarid is a brave person and a politician, Roodabeh typifies liveliness, freedom and honesty and Tahmineh represents love and parenting. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Side music in Sheikh Baha'i quatrains
        Leila adlparvar zeynab rahmanian
        Music is one of the most important pillars of poetry that makes it enjoyable. Music in poetry has different aspects such as inner music, exterior, and side. One of the aesthetic elements of the poem, especially the classical formats, is the use of side-by-side music tha More
        Music is one of the most important pillars of poetry that makes it enjoyable. Music in poetry has different aspects such as inner music, exterior, and side. One of the aesthetic elements of the poem, especially the classical formats, is the use of side-by-side music that results from the repetition of poetic vocabulary at the end of each beat, especially rhyme and row. The poets try to come closer to their goal of expressing the poetic meanings, with respect to the connection between the music of the poem and other elements. In this descriptive and analytical study, the side music in Sheikh Baha'i poetry is examined. The results indicate that in the quatrains of Sheikh Baha'i there are pronouns of the nominal rhyme, the present verb which has a higher frequency of nominal rhyme than the other types of rhyme, and in the other quatrains the present tense has a higher frequency. Most rows are simple and one-part, and two-part and three-part rows are rarely used. Manuscript profile
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        53 - 1 The poet's mission in the literary theory of Hakim Nezami Ganjavi
        mehdi okhravi
        Hakim Nezami Ganjavi is one of the thinkers who has a specific style and idea for his artistic and poetic activities. And clearly expresses his beliefs and convictions in any field. In today's hustle and bustle of literary schools about the mission of poetry, the poet p More
        Hakim Nezami Ganjavi is one of the thinkers who has a specific style and idea for his artistic and poetic activities. And clearly expresses his beliefs and convictions in any field. In today's hustle and bustle of literary schools about the mission of poetry, the poet pays close attention to a literary perspective such as Nezami. And expresses the precise thoughts of a classical and ideological poet, as an intellectual and philosophical structure alongside the early and late literary schools, and shows the position of the content of the word and the mission of the orator in a particular period. Our task in this research is to extract and compile Hakim Ganjeh's view on the poet's mission, within the intellectual framework of Ganjavi and his temporal and spatial realm. Examining the direct and sometimes indirect allusions of the poet through his works throughout Khamseh and Divan, showed well that he has a great mission for the heavenly essence of poetry, which prevents the poet from absurdity, linguistic style and nonsense. . He considers the most important missions of the poet to be hope, happiness, religiosity, knowledge, honor of speech, spreading wisdom, cultivating religion and praising God, and explains the importance of each in his own style and manner. Manuscript profile
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        54 - The Relation between Rural Woman 's Trust in MENARID Projects and their Participation in Future Empowerment Projects: Experience of Kermashah Province
        shahpar geravandi Susan Noorbakhsh
        Previous experience in development project and trust their building has always played a major role in local people's participation in future rural development projects. Nevertheless, planners and policy makers often neglect such experiences and implement development pro More
        Previous experience in development project and trust their building has always played a major role in local people's participation in future rural development projects. Nevertheless, planners and policy makers often neglect such experiences and implement development programs in areas with negative experience. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation was to test the hypothesis of a significant relationship between rural woman's trust in MENARID projects and their participation in future empowerment projects in Kermanshah Provinc. For this purpose, a descriptive cross-sectional descriptive survey method was used and information was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. The study population was women involved in the Menarid Project (N = 270), 160 of whom were studied using simple random sampling. In this study, simple linear regression coefficient using SPSS statistical software was used to analyze the data. According to the findings, the Menarid project has been able to build moderate to high trust in rural women. The results of Pearson correlation between the two variables of trust and participation indicate that the two variables have a positive and significant correlation and 54% of the changes in the dependent variable of participation in future empowerment projects are explained by trust in previous projects. Finally, suggestions were made to planners and officials. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Editor's Notes
        Hossein  Kalbasi Ashtari
        Student's Thesis Research on Basically Problems
        Student's Thesis Research on Basically Problems Manuscript profile
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        56 - A New Approach Based on Failure Mode and Effects Analysis and Kepland to Extract and Prioritize the Effective risks on Project Completion Time
        mojtaba salehi
        Abstract Projects are planned based on estimated amounts that are the result of having little information about the future plans. According to the uncertainty of planning, time delays and costs of uncertainty are inevitable. The main objective of this study is to prese More
        Abstract Projects are planned based on estimated amounts that are the result of having little information about the future plans. According to the uncertainty of planning, time delays and costs of uncertainty are inevitable. The main objective of this study is to present a new approach based on failure mode and effects analysis and fuzzy logic to identify the affecting risks on duration of projects and ranking them using Kepland technique. In addition, in this research Shannon entropy is used for calculation of the weights of indexes. So after the study of related researches as well as through interviews and Delphi technique, some risks were identified. Then, based on three indicators of risk in the FMEA (severity, probability of occurrence, probability of detection), three questionnaire was prepared and their validity was confirmed by experts and reliability was calculated by Cronbach coefficient using SPSS software. The population of the study is 22 managers and experts that work on Debal Khazaei Company. Using triangular fuzzy numbers, the verbal variables of questionnaires became fuzzy numbers. Shannon entropy is used for calculation of weight of each index. Then, using decision making methods, ELECTRE TAXONOMY, TOPSIS and SAW, the risks are ranked. Finally, because of the relative difference of ranking in different techniques, Kapland technique is used to combine the results. TO help for developing the strategies of responding to the risks, some suggestions are presented. The contribution of this research is the simultaneous use of FMEA and Shannon's entropy to analisys the importance of risks and the ranking of them using Kepland technique. Manuscript profile
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        57 - An Introduction to the Production of Islamic Knowledge
        Mostafa Jafarpishe محمد سعید جبل عاملی
        In the composition of "Islamic knowledge" it is discussed what facts and news propositions can be deduced from Islamic sources so that they can be attributed to the Islamic religion according to scientific criteria and proper research methods and the documents are permi More
        In the composition of "Islamic knowledge" it is discussed what facts and news propositions can be deduced from Islamic sources so that they can be attributed to the Islamic religion according to scientific criteria and proper research methods and the documents are permitted and to be considered legitimate and correct. Here, it refers to the ontological knowledge that can be extracted from the sources of Qur'an and Sunnah. Hence, to the difference between Islamic knowledge based on the ontological statements of Islam, and Islamic knowledge in the absolute sense of theology (the statements contained in the Islamic religion, both related to existence and what relates to its laws and Shari'ah and its legal rules), has been paid attention. So the realm of discussion has a limitation in one aspect and a development in another. Relatively limited to Islamic ontological knowledge, the domain of debate is limited and expanded to include all branches of Islamic knowledge related to being. In this article, the term "Islamic knowledge" is the science that first derives from the religion of Islam, the Qur'an and the Sunnah and can be attributed to this religion. Secondly, it is related to the ontological propositions and the realities of the universe in general and extensively. Therefore, the descriptive and recommendation statements of the Qur'an and Sunnah are directly outside the scope of this article. Describing the value of knowledge and its necessity, defining Islamic knowledge and its possibility, and explaining the role of rationality in the system of Islamic thought, has provided the conditions for introducing the authentic foundations and strategic principles of Islamic knowledge with the Ijtihadist approach. These principles can be the basis for learning and developing Islamic knowledge. Manuscript profile
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        58 - Assessing the impact of passion on social media on intention of revisit tourists with a mediating role of customer interaction with customer (Case study: Tourists of Isfahan city)
        Yazdan Shirmohammadi Ramadan  Gholami Awati Maryam  Mohammadi Moghaddam
        Today, social media has become an opportunity for organizations and tourism destinations and regarding to the importance of Customer Loyalty, Organizations are always looking for ways to reach this kind of customers. Including; Customer-to-customer interactions are very More
        Today, social media has become an opportunity for organizations and tourism destinations and regarding to the importance of Customer Loyalty, Organizations are always looking for ways to reach this kind of customers. Including; Customer-to-customer interactions are very important to marketers. To the extent that some researchers believe that positive interactions between customers with each other is one of the most effective and efficient ways to create loyalty to the organization. The present study seeks to evaluate the impact of passion on social media on the intention to revisit tourists with the mediating role of customer interaction with customer. The present research is practical in terms of purpose and descriptive survey in terms of method. The statistical population of the study is the tourists of Isfahan City in the first six months of 1398, whose number was estimated to be 210 by simple sampling method and through Cochran's formula. A researcher-made questionnaire was used in order to gathering information. Statistical analyzes were performed using SPSS and Amos software and the regression method was used in the hypothesis path analysis test. The findings show that, in general, the desire to work on the Facebook social media affects the intention of visiting tourists. And when the mediating role of the interaction of the tourist with each other is also considered, this effect still exists and in some cases this effect will be even greater. Among the research components; Customer satisfaction, perceived enjoyment, sense of usefulness and extraversion has a greater impact on the tourist's revisitability. Manuscript profile
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        59 - The effect of external pressures and internal motivation on the company's performance with regard to the role of acceptance of green supply chain management in the dairy industry
        Mohamad Taghi Taghavi fard AMIR MOHAMMAD KHANI
        Despite the interest of prospective managers and researchers, the implementation of green supply chain management in the country's dairy industry has not been satisfactory. The real challenge for the country's managers is to prioritize the implementation of green supply More
        Despite the interest of prospective managers and researchers, the implementation of green supply chain management in the country's dairy industry has not been satisfactory. The real challenge for the country's managers is to prioritize the implementation of green supply chain management to achieve the best possible advantage in the implementation of green supply chain management in the country's dairy industry. In this paper, the effect of external pressures and internal motivation on the company's performance with respect to the role of acceptance of green supply chain management in the dairy industry. The statistical population of the study is dairy companies in Iran in which 82 managers of the company were analyzed as a sample. The non-probability and available sampling method and data collection tool was a questionnaire. Structural equation modeling and SmartPLS software were used to analyze the data. The research findings show that market pressures and suppliers are effective in accepting green supply chain management in the dairy industry. In addition, it was found that the adoption of green supply chain management in the dairy industry has an impact on environmental, operational and economic performance. However, the effect of controlling pressures on the acceptance of green supply chain management in the dairy industry was not confirmed. The research results highlight the managerial commitment and the key role of suppliers in the successful adoption of green supply chain management Manuscript profile
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        60 - Designing an evaluation model of the effective factors on customers’ satisfaction with a system dynamics approach in the ceramic tile industry of Yazd province
        amir ehsan Ishaqiyeh Firouzabadi
        Abstract IntroductionTherefore, the purpose of this study is to present a simulated model of factors affecting customer satisfaction based on dynamic methodology in order to analyze the factors and also improve customer satisfaction. Method:This research is applied More
        Abstract IntroductionTherefore, the purpose of this study is to present a simulated model of factors affecting customer satisfaction based on dynamic methodology in order to analyze the factors and also improve customer satisfaction. Method:This research is applied in terms of purpose and analytical-descriptive in terms of data collection from the survey branch. First, the initial and proposed model was drawn based on the research background and literature. The statistical population in the present study includes three groups of experts and specialists, information and data and personnel of the ceramic tile industry in Yazd province. At first, a panel of experts (15-20) people were selected and dynamic and key variables affecting the model were identified through semi-structured interviews.While collecting statistical data and financial information, a questionnaire was prepared using the opinion of experts and measured using factor analysis. Results: through simulation by Vensim, show that factors that increase customer satisfaction include quality, product diversity, and on-time delivery and factors that decrease customer satisfaction include ceramic tile import from other countries, low quality, high price, and lack of on-time delivery. Conclusion: Therefore, companies' attention to the model presented in this study can have a significant effect on increasing customer satisfaction. Managers can also play an effective role in increasing customer satisfaction by adopting strategic and creative policies. Manuscript profile
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        61 - Web Robot Detection Using Fuzzy Rough Set Theory
        S. Rahimi J. Hamidzadeh
        Web robots are software programs that traverse the internet autonomously. Their most important task is to fetch information and send it to the origin server. The high consumption of network bandwidth by them and server performance reduction, have caused the web robot de More
        Web robots are software programs that traverse the internet autonomously. Their most important task is to fetch information and send it to the origin server. The high consumption of network bandwidth by them and server performance reduction, have caused the web robot detection problem. In this paper, fuzzy rough set theory has been used for web robot detection. The proposed method includes 4 phases. In the first phase, user sessions have identified using fuzzy rough set clustering. In the second phase, a vector of 10 features is extracted for each session. In the third phase, the identified sessions are labeled using a heuristic method. In the fourth phase, these labels are improved using fuzzy rough set classification. The proposed method performance has been evaluated on a real world dataset. The experimental results have been compared with state-of-the-art methods, and show the superiority of the proposed method in terms of F-measure. Manuscript profile
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        62 - Educational Need Assessment and Investigating the Needed Skills of Independent Auditors, Financial Managers and Financial Analysts in Iran Based on Katz Model
        Saber Sheri Anaghiz Nezam Aldin Rahimeian Jamshid Salehi Sadaghiyani Abotaleb Khorasani
        The present study was conducted to investigate the needed skills of independent auditors, financial managers and financial analysts in Tehran Stock Exchange. In this research, a "Katz skills model", which includes technical, human, and conceptual skills, is used to asse More
        The present study was conducted to investigate the needed skills of independent auditors, financial managers and financial analysts in Tehran Stock Exchange. In this research, a "Katz skills model", which includes technical, human, and conceptual skills, is used to assess the required skills. This research is a descriptive-survey method. The statistical population consists of all independent auditors, financial managers and financial analysts employed in the accepted companies of Tehran Stock Exchange between 1382 and 1392. The sample size was 456 people. The research instrument was a questionnaire whose reliability was calculated by SPSS software and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 92%.The results of the research showed that in first question, the need for the population of research in technical is more than other needs. In the second question, there was no relationship observed between education and the skills of people. The results of the third question showed that there was no relationship between the years of service and the skills of people. Also, the results of question 4 indicated that there was no relationship between the field of professional activity domain and the skills of people. Manuscript profile
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        63 - Providing a Model for Continuing the Use of E-learning in Work Environments (Case study: Headquarters of the State Tax Administration)
        Hanieh Shami zanjani Mostafa Niknami Nadergholi Ghorchian Amir hosein Mohammad davoudi
        This research aims to provide a model for the continued use of e-learning in work environments (Headquarters of the State Tax Administration). The present study is a descriptive survey type in terms of the applied purpose, in terms of the type of mixed data. For collect More
        This research aims to provide a model for the continued use of e-learning in work environments (Headquarters of the State Tax Administration). The present study is a descriptive survey type in terms of the applied purpose, in terms of the type of mixed data. For collecting data, a library method, a semi-structured interview, a researcher-made questionnaire, and factors affecting continuity were used. The formal validity of the questionnaire was obtained through pilot implementation, content validity through comprehensive literature review and judgment of experts, and construct validity using a confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis. The reliability of the questionnaire was estimated to be 0.93 by calculating the Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Qualitative data analysis was done through coding. Quantitative data analysis was performed using SPSS and LISREL software. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics including exploratory factor analysis to determine the factors and components of the model and the confirmatory factor analysis using the structural equation modeling technique for presenting the model through LISREL software have been used. The findings showed that the quality of the system experts, organizational support and expected performance with frequency 12, have the first priority, respectively, in system factors, organizational factors and individual factors. Also, the age of 7 is among the demographic (demographic) factors of the first priority. The share of "system factors", "organizational factors", "human factors" and "demographic factors" was 48%, 36%, 28% and 19% respectively for continued use of e-learning. Finally, a model for continuing use of e-learning in the headquarters of the State Tax Administration was presented based on its effective factors and its components. Manuscript profile
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        64 - Identifying and Explaining the Competencies of the Managers of Entrepreneurial Universities with an Organizational Learning Approach (Case Study: Azad Universities of Khorasan Razavi)
        Fatemeh Toosi Elham  Fariborzi Mahmood Ghorbani
        The aim of this study was to identify and explain the competencies of entrepreneurial university managers in the framework of qualitative approach and content analysis. The statistical population consisted of 20experts in the field of entrepreneurship education or activ More
        The aim of this study was to identify and explain the competencies of entrepreneurial university managers in the framework of qualitative approach and content analysis. The statistical population consisted of 20experts in the field of entrepreneurship education or active members in entrepreneurship centers. Delphi questionnaire, dimensions and components were compiled based on the consensus of experts. The questionnaire was distributed among the statistical community. Entrepreneurial University and the number of 11 dimensions and 11 components for the organizational learning variable were obtained. Finally, after the end of the third year, the conceptual model of the research included 22 dimensions and 34 components for the entrepreneurial university variable and 6 dimensions and 6components for the organizational learning variable that formed the final questionnaire.Managers of entrepreneurial universities in the behavioral dimension of entrepreneurial university and in the components of managers with teamwork skills, manager There are creative and innovative, managers with the spirit of adaptation to the environment, managers with the spirit of risk-taking and innovative and creative faculty members. Behavioral dimension in entrepreneurial university from the point of view of experts: 1. Managers with the spirit of extraversion and adaptation to the environment 2.Kartimi encouragement in the university 3. Managers with a spirit of risk-taking 4. Managers with teamwork skills 5. Managers with a spirit of creativity and innovation 6. Managers with the characteristics of innovative people. In terms of prioritizing the components of the behavioral dimension in organizational learning according to experts: 1. Encourage members to work in a team. Manuscript profile
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        65 - Right to health in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran
        SaSaman Allallahveysi ali gorji aznadreyani
        The right to health is part of the fundamental rights of citizens in any political community. Every citizen as a member of the community, regardless of racial, religious, political or cultural considerations, has the right and deserve the right to enjoy this right by vi More
        The right to health is part of the fundamental rights of citizens in any political community. Every citizen as a member of the community, regardless of racial, religious, political or cultural considerations, has the right and deserve the right to enjoy this right by virtue of the existence of a citizenship relationship. The right to health includes all medical services, adequate food, affordable housing, clean environment and .... Various and influential factors on health make it difficult to define the right, and countries are required to make fundamental decisions to ensure these facilities, which Iran has recognized in the constitution by ratifying health laws and regulations. Manuscript profile
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        66 - Historical Discourse Analysis of the Birth of Modern School in Terms of Power Relations
        The main purpose of this paper is to examine the historical discourse of the birth of the modern school in terms of power relations around the lives of children. The method used in this essay is Critical Discourse Analysis of Michel Foucault. In order to achieve the pur More
        The main purpose of this paper is to examine the historical discourse of the birth of the modern school in terms of power relations around the lives of children. The method used in this essay is Critical Discourse Analysis of Michel Foucault. In order to achieve the purpose of the study, the formation of new schools is analyzed from Foucault's point of view and his commentators. According to this description, a transformation has occurred from a body-based abstinence to institutional development of child care and school development. The most important discourse developments include the advent of modern childcare practices, the concealment of punitive care around children, and ultimately the expansion of modern power over the child's soul. Then, the power relations were analyzed based on a documentary analysis of the discursive approach to childhood and education. The results show that the birth of modern school and different branches of knowledge such as child psychology and sociology that shaped educational knowledge were the result of the evolution of the underlying social, economic, and demographic policies and disciplinary technologies and did not necessarily lead to the freedom of children. Therefore, the lives of children depend on the liberation not from institutions, but from the domination systems. Manuscript profile
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        67 - Explanation of Mortimer Adler's epistemological perspective on the Paideia curriculum
        The main purpose of this paper is to explain the epistemological foundations of the Paideia project and its critique. Philosophical foundations, psychological foundations, sociological foundations, and historical foundations are considered as the basic foundations of ed More
        The main purpose of this paper is to explain the epistemological foundations of the Paideia project and its critique. Philosophical foundations, psychological foundations, sociological foundations, and historical foundations are considered as the basic foundations of education, especially in the field of curriculum, and the epistemological basis can be analyzed in the context of philosophical foundations... In this article, Adler's epistemological perspective on the twentieth century is examined, and the connection between this theory and his proposed curriculum, Paideia, is explained. The research method in the present article is descriptive-analytical and critique based on contemporary perspectives. According to the findings of the present article, there is a coherent relationship between the levels of good for the mind and the forms of knowledge that are presented in Adler's epistemological perspective and the levels of learning in his proposed curriculum. However, critiques based on contemporary views can be made on his epistemological perspective. Adler did not pay attention to tacit knowledge. Secondly, he did not refer to the point of science in the discussion of "universality" and "stability" and therefore situated in challenge of "the dynamics of science. Third, he did not develop the skills proposed in the Paideia curriculum based on the epistemological form of "knowing how". Manuscript profile
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        68 - A Reflection on the Critical Themes about Hegelian Education with Regard to Phenomenology of Spirit
          khosrow Bagheri Meysam Sefidhkhosh
        The aim of this study is to review the critical themes on Hegelian education based on the concept of education in Hegelian Phenomenology. For this purpose, this research has reviewed the critiques of Hegelian education by Conceptual Analysis method. "Normative education More
        The aim of this study is to review the critical themes on Hegelian education based on the concept of education in Hegelian Phenomenology. For this purpose, this research has reviewed the critiques of Hegelian education by Conceptual Analysis method. "Normative education with emphasis on both teaching and learning poles" and "Rejecting the absolute freedom in education", are among the strengths reviewed. Education in Hegel's Phenomenology is based on the interaction of two poles of teaching and learning in order to achieve the desirable educational aims. Therefore the absolute/ negative freedom of individuals for respect to norms and educational values gives its place to positive freedom. "Totalitarianism in education" and "Ambiguity on freedom in childhood education", are two weaknesses in Hegel's education that have critically been reviewed. With this interpretation that totalitarianism in education does not only mean ignoring the other, but also the wisdom in Hegel is intertwined with the idea of the other and it develops by this interaction with others. However, the concept of freedom in childhood for recognizing the totality of the wisdom requires a reconstructive interpretation of Hegelian education. Manuscript profile
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        69 - An Explanation of Children's Literature in the Educational Realm: From Actual Challenges to the Ahead Horizons
        Narges Sajadieh Zohreh Sadeghi
        Children's literature has consistently been one of the best means for child education. However, despite its effectiveness, this means has always confronted conceptual challenges regarding its nature; challenges that undermine it compared to other educational means. This More
        Children's literature has consistently been one of the best means for child education. However, despite its effectiveness, this means has always confronted conceptual challenges regarding its nature; challenges that undermine it compared to other educational means. This article intended to look at "children's literature" from an educational perspective and while formulating present conceptual challenges, prepares some solutions for them in order to maintain children’s literature as an educational means. Applying the conceptualization method, we formulated these conceptual challenges and then, based on the Islamic action approach and applying implicit deductive method, we proposed some solutions for them. The main conceptual challenges formulated in terms of dualism concerning instructional-literary, global-local, expression of reality-censorship, and fantasy-reality. At the second step, we identified our position about these challenges: literary structure-educational content, and literary creation-educational reading as the solutions of the first challenge; recognition of a multi-layered human identity, and intellectual dynamics of identity-layers as the solution of the second challenge; gradual encountering with reality as the solution of the third challenge; and a bound between fantasy and reality as the solution of the fourth challenge. These solutions can redefine the position of children's literature in the field of education and open new horizons in front of educators. Manuscript profile
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        70 - Factors affecting women empowerment with an emphasis on tourism (Case study: Sisakht city)
        The present study aims to identify and analyze the factors, affecting empowerment of women with an emphasis on tourism in Sishokht. This is an analytical descriptive study. The research population includes, 2000 women over the age of 15. The sample size of 322 women was More
        The present study aims to identify and analyze the factors, affecting empowerment of women with an emphasis on tourism in Sishokht. This is an analytical descriptive study. The research population includes, 2000 women over the age of 15. The sample size of 322 women was selected through simple random sampling. A researcher made questionnaire was used as a main tool for gathering data which its content validity was confirmed by university professors. The calculated Cronbach's alpha, for Leading factors was 817% and for Restricting factors was 756%, which prooved the research instrument has the needed reliability. The results of data analysis, by using factorial analysis, suggested that leading factors by the sum of 0.56 determined dependent variance, with four factors, have a role in women's empowerment; economic factors by identifying 18.341 of total variance of dependent variables, is the first and most important factor. Limiting factors with the sum of 0.58, identified as a dependent variance which have role, with six factors, in restricting tourism development and women's empowerment, and economic factor by 14.221, which is identifying the total variance of dependent variables, was considered as the first factor in limiting factors. Manuscript profile
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        71 - Identifying and Prioritizing Different Aspects of Tourist's Experience Quality from Viewpoints of Foreign Tourists Traveled to Shiraz
        mahdi farmani Mohammad ghaffari Navid Shafiei mostafa zandinasab
        Nowadays, tourist experience and tourist destination choice are the main focal points in the tourism industry and tourism-related subjects addressed at universities. As modern tourists are value-oriented, tourist destinations could only be successful if they create valu More
        Nowadays, tourist experience and tourist destination choice are the main focal points in the tourism industry and tourism-related subjects addressed at universities. As modern tourists are value-oriented, tourist destinations could only be successful if they create value for their visitors. Moreover, the Quality of tourists' experiences is a key competitive advantage for tourist destinations. This descriptive-survey study, therefore, sought to identify and prioritize different aspects of tourist experience quality from the viewpoint of tourists visiting Shiraz. The statistical population of this study comprised of those foreign tourists who visited Shiraz in April and May of 2019 and stayed at the Grand Hotel of Shiraz. To collect the required data, a questionnaire was administered on 400 visitors who were selected via convenience sampling. The questionnaire's construct validity was measured and approved by experts, and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's Alpha. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted to identify different aspects of tourist experience quality and validate the identified aspects, respectively, using SPSS and LISREL software. Moreover, to prioritize the aspects, the Shannon Entropy method was implemented in EXCEL software. The study's findings indicated that tourist experience quality consisted of ten aspects. It was also found that perceived interactive experience ranked first in that list from the respondents' standpoint. Manuscript profile
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        72 - The Pathology of Effective Factors Influencing the Religious Upbringing of the Girls
        Elham Hadyan rasnani
        One of the issues which has been neglected in the family and has paralyzed the religious upbringing of the children on the issue of modesty and hijab, is paying no attention or less attention to modesty and the failure to cultivate this belief in children at the very fi More
        One of the issues which has been neglected in the family and has paralyzed the religious upbringing of the children on the issue of modesty and hijab, is paying no attention or less attention to modesty and the failure to cultivate this belief in children at the very first days of birth and also to the periodical feature of upbringing in general. Other damaging factors in this area, are as follows: different way of thinking between parents in the family, failure in conveying a sense of value for hijab to the children by setting discourse in the family and failure in considering children’s upbringing course of time. Media and kinship relations are among other factors, whose ways of dealing be neglected, will lead to undesirable consequences in the religious upbringing of girls especially on the issue of modesty and hijab. This research tends to identify some of these damages in order to present solutions from Quran and Hadith for modifying the undesirable consequences. This study is practical in its kind and aims at investigating the proposed damages in the factors influencing the religious upbringing of the girls on the issue of modesty and hijab in the scope of the family. The method of the research is analytical-descriptive and aims at identifying damages that have influenced the religious upbringing of the family, on the issue of modesty and hijab and have led to neglect the time of childhood, which is counted as the best time for teaching and conveying valuable concepts of religion to children, and presenting modifying solutions from Qur'an and Hadith to resolve this issue. Manuscript profile
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        73 - Analysis and Examination of Claim on Abolition of Mut’ah
        Seyed Hossein  Altaha Somayyeh  Nouri Mahdi Asadi
        Whether Nikah Mut'ah (temporary marriage) was abolished by revelation of a verse of Quran has been a source of conflicting Fatwas and extensive debates between Shia and Sunni jurists given the different foundations of jurisprudence in Shia and Sunni Islam. This research More
        Whether Nikah Mut'ah (temporary marriage) was abolished by revelation of a verse of Quran has been a source of conflicting Fatwas and extensive debates between Shia and Sunni jurists given the different foundations of jurisprudence in Shia and Sunni Islam. This research seeks to investigate and analyze Shia and Sunni scholars’ views in this regard. The conclusion of this research after analysis of the jurists’ reasons is that on the one hand, Sunni scholars refer to Quranic verses that either are not meant for Naskh (abrogation) or are for conveying a ruling. Accepting some interpretations of the verses would even entail insulting the Holy Prophet (PBUH) as Sunnis have said that women who have married the Prophet (PBUH) via Nikah Mut'ah can neither be considered Zawjah (wife) nor Milk Yameen (slave). As for narrations, aside from their weak Isnaad (chain of transmission), they contradict Hadiths about Mut’ah being halal and continuing to be Mubah during the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH) and afterwards. Given the unanimous view of Sunni and Imamiyah scholars about the authenticity of the Hadthis, those that consider Nikah Mut’ah as being halal are preferred. Even if one does not take these two aspects into account, there would be yet another problem arising from the stark contradiction of these narrations, because accepting all of them requires accepting numerus rulings on Mut’ah. Manuscript profile
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        74 - Qur’an-Specific Cultural Items in Translation
        abolfazl sanjarani nazanin ghodrat
        One of the areas in which most of the translators of the Holy Qur’an have stumbled over, is related to the rendering of items belonging to the unique culture of the Noble Qur’an and Islam. In the translation of these Quran-specific cultural items, every translator with More
        One of the areas in which most of the translators of the Holy Qur’an have stumbled over, is related to the rendering of items belonging to the unique culture of the Noble Qur’an and Islam. In the translation of these Quran-specific cultural items, every translator with different ideological background adopts different strategies. So this paper is to work on the fifty Qur'an specific-cultural items in all surah(s) of the Holy Qur'an along with their English translations by three different translators A. Yusuf Ali, A.J. Arbery, and T. Saffarzadeh. The present study concerns with the Mona Baker’s (1992) theoretical model for translating culture-specific items to determine the strategies and techniques which the three translators of the Noble Book have adopted in dealing with Qur’an-specific cultural items. The results indicate that that the strategy of translation by a more general word has been the most frequently used strategy and the strategy of translation by paraphrasing using a related word is the least-frequent strategy either in the work of each translator separately and in the works of all the three translators as the whole. As a result, the translators tend to use more generic terms and to be more target-oriented. Manuscript profile
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        75 - A Comparative Study of Iran's Social Security Law in the Field of Women's Rights with the Documents of International Labour Organization
        Fatemeh Sarreshteh Izadmouoa
        Governments have always paid attention to international rules and documents and try to incorporate them as much as possible in their domestic laws and policies. Along these lines, this article tries to study working women's rights from the viewpoint of the Iran's Social More
        Governments have always paid attention to international rules and documents and try to incorporate them as much as possible in their domestic laws and policies. Along these lines, this article tries to study working women's rights from the viewpoint of the Iran's Social Security Law in comparison with the International Labor Organization's documents. The key question of this article is that "to what extent Iranian laws, especially its social security law regarding women, are compatible with International Labor Organization's documents?" To answer this question, the authors indicate that "in article 20 of the I.R. Iran's Constitution, women enjoy all human rights, specifically the right to social security on equal terms with men in compliance with Islamic criteria. In public law as well as in social security law, gender has no place and its subject is every individual as a human being. The findings of this research show that social security law being influenced by the constitutional and civil laws in some social security services is consistent with International Labor Organization's documents and in some other, is incompatible with them. Manuscript profile
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        76 - Studying Peace in the Documents and Procedures of FIFA
        Hamidreza Akbarpoor
        The Fédération Internationale de Football Association is a non-governmental international organization that plays an active role in the international society, particularly in the realization of its goals including peacebuilding. This study aimed to examine the role of " More
        The Fédération Internationale de Football Association is a non-governmental international organization that plays an active role in the international society, particularly in the realization of its goals including peacebuilding. This study aimed to examine the role of "FIFA" in building and establishing peace and the way a sports organization could influence world peacebuilding. A further question was the basis of FIFA’s participation in world peace. The answer to this question lies in 1980s when FIFA reconsidered its macro-level goals and was converted into a multi-aspect organization. Accordingly, the participation of FIFA began in 1980s in collaboration with other international organizations active in peacebuilding such as the United Nations and its sub-organizations such as United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace and UNICEF as well as non-governmental organizations such as Football for Peace. Several articles in FIFA’s Statue specify its active presence in different fields including human rights and elimination of racial and gender discriminations. This, in its turn, provides a space for peacebuilding in difficult conditions. The procedures of FIFA also indicate its high potential and influential role in peacebuilding and establishing peace in crisis-ridden areas in the Balkans, Palestine, Afghanistan, Africa, and other places in the world through joint programs such as “Unity for Peace, United for Peace”, “Football Friends”, “Football for Hope” and “Football for Peace”. Today, FIFA’s outlook is focused more than ever on peace and activities for peacebuilding. This is more tangible considering the developments in relations with other organizations active in peacebuilding and the significance of FIFA’s social responsibility. Manuscript profile