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        1 - A Study of the Status of Shams-i-Tabrizi's Qur’anic Gnostic Interpretations
        محمّد  خدادادي مهدی  ملک‌ثابت يدالله  جلالي پندري
        Undoubtedly, one of the greatest theosophists in the arena of Islamic theosophy is Shams al –Din Muhammad, known as "Shams Tabrizi" the well-known Sufi mystic of the seventh century AH. Who caused a great spiritual change in Jalaluddin Mawlavi. His views on variety of More
        Undoubtedly, one of the greatest theosophists in the arena of Islamic theosophy is Shams al –Din Muhammad, known as "Shams Tabrizi" the well-known Sufi mystic of the seventh century AH. Who caused a great spiritual change in Jalaluddin Mawlavi. His views on variety of mystical topics available in the only text ascribed to him, "Maqalaat-e Shams" compiled by others, are highly remarkable. He has innovative, unique views on Qur’an hermeneutics and interpretation that have not been discussed yet. Interpreting Qur’an, he reveals new layers of its which astonishes every learned researcher of Islamic mysticism. In this research we first introduce Shams’s views on interpretation in general, and the necessity of considering them, then study his views on the Qur’an hermeneutics in particular, in a systematic way. He believes that the perfect man of his time is the manifest of the Qur’an. He believes that there is no end for the layers of the Qur’an, and it is superficial to claim it has seven or seventy layers. He knows the Prophet Mohammad as the first person to interpret the Qur’an. In a general classification, we can see that Shams has used four ways to interpret Quran: 1) to interpret a word as it is used for another word or concept, 2) to interpret a verse by adding a word 3) to interpret a verse through providing the certain reason for its firs revelation, and 4) to justify some terms and expressions. Manuscript profile
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        2 - A Research on Hayati Gilani's "Mathnavi-e Soleiman va Belqeis" and Contrasting it with some Books on History, (Quran) Interpretation and the Stories about the Prophets, accompanied by the poet's biography
        یوسف  اسماعیل‌زاده سیّد مهدی  نوریان علی اصغر  بابا صفری
        The age of Gourkanian state is considered as a fruitful era for Persian language and literature. The care for the poets and writers from the literary kings and princes caused the promotion of Persian Language in the territory. Abolfazl Kamal al-Din Hayati Gilani was one More
        The age of Gourkanian state is considered as a fruitful era for Persian language and literature. The care for the poets and writers from the literary kings and princes caused the promotion of Persian Language in the territory. Abolfazl Kamal al-Din Hayati Gilani was one of the famous poets of the late 10th and the early 11th centuries. He was introduced to the Gourkanian court by Abolfath Gilani. There, he acquired a lot of respect. His Mathnavi-e Soleiman va Belqeis which is a meritorious work in lyric literature, has already been ignored. In this work, Hayati focuses on Quran's abbreviation in telling the prophets' stories. This lyric- religious Mathnavi is of high value due to the poet's focus on the prophets' chastity, not including Israiiliat, referring to the resources unavailable today, and the linguistic properties, as well. The present article reviews the poet's works first, and then his Mathnavi-e Soleiman va Belqeis , contrasting it with some of the books on history, (Quran) interpretation and the prophets' stories. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Analysis of Prophet Mohammad's Ascension Position in Meiybodi's Kashf-Al-Asrar Interpretation
        مجيد  سرمدي محمود  شيخ
        Prophet Mohammad and the events of his life enjoys a particular position befor the Muslims. The Islamic scholars- whether mystic, theologist, or philosopher- have constantly made an attempt to express and reveal his character and they have spoke of his position within t More
        Prophet Mohammad and the events of his life enjoys a particular position befor the Muslims. The Islamic scholars- whether mystic, theologist, or philosopher- have constantly made an attempt to express and reveal his character and they have spoke of his position within the universe and his stand compared to the other prophets. There is no doubt that initially, this attempt had affectionate roots; but then later on its theoretical aspects and dimensions overcame its passionate aspects. The purpose of this research is to identify two significant incidents in Prophets' life that express his character better considering how they are revealed in Kashf-Al-Asrar and then show the role of the Ascent in this relation as mentioned in this book. As Meiybodi had mystical tendencies himself in the interpretation and paraphrase of the Quran and in quoting the Ascent, he is more concerned about the mystical and passionate aspects. So he merely focuses on the knowledge and superiority of Prophet in the spiritual statue. Meanwhile he does not mention the borders on the theory of "perfect human" while the central issue is "the truth about Mohammad"; a discussion which later on became one of the most basic discussions for the mystics and the theoretical sophists. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Four Birds of Prophet Ibraham in Interpretative and Gnostic Texts
        faride davoudi moghadam
        Interpreters and gnosticists said much about implications of Ayeh 260, soureh Baghareh, Accordingly, God indicates to prophet of Ibraham raising from the dead, through killing and raising from the dead of four birds. From this story which apply to prove physical resurre More
        Interpreters and gnosticists said much about implications of Ayeh 260, soureh Baghareh, Accordingly, God indicates to prophet of Ibraham raising from the dead, through killing and raising from the dead of four birds. From this story which apply to prove physical resurrection and raise from the dead, gnosticists interpret spiritually and some times give it a completely symbolic and allegory. Like these understandings can be seen in non mystic interpretive texts. In this research, this story extracted from various interpretive and mystic texts and their similarities and difference and different view points (gnostic and non gnostic interpreters) analyzed. According to this research, some Quran’s interpreter affected by prose text of sufia. Also, this project indicates mystics’ interpreter and poems ability, creativity and attempts in the way of fostering (nurturing) different meanings inspired by common Quran stories and adding excellent notes and beautiful accounts to these stories and signe. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Analyzing the Iranian, Islamic and Creek reflection components in Souhravardi’s interpretation upon the Rustam and Esfandiar Story
        حسن  شاهی‌پور
        Although, interpretation of the anecdotes has thousands – year history in the west and it is now considerable in the west literature, it has not been paid so much attention in Iran classic literature due to some reasons including their being profane. Along with the scat More
        Although, interpretation of the anecdotes has thousands – year history in the west and it is now considerable in the west literature, it has not been paid so much attention in Iran classic literature due to some reasons including their being profane. Along with the scattered and little interpretation by Sanaie, the poet of the 5th century, Sheikh Eshragh, the mystic and philosopher of the 6th century is the last person interpreted and reflected upon the Iran ancient myths. He wants to make a concrete link between three separate dimensions of Islamic culture, Iranian ancient wisdom and Creek philosophy. For he, as a believer Muslim, is familiar with Islamic culture and its components including mysticism in one hand and he is the heritance to the pre-Islamic period as Iranian generated one on the other hand and so can not ignore the Creek philosophy as the result of human valuable reason and wisdom. Souhravardi, with his especial perceptivity, has found that the three mentioned apparently opposing cultures essence is the same and in case of their unification and harmony, Men can have a great experience in Human development and leadership. This article tries to show this great genius attempts for linking the Human thinking follows reflected in his interpretation from the Rustam and Esfandiar Story, revealing and the reasons for such interpretation while showing the elements of the cultures said above. It is clear that during Souhravardi day, this story and Shahname stories were famous in such a way that,deconstructing them was not an easy task except for some specified reasons but, Sheikh Eshragh could do so by his special thought background and broke the structure of this story aimed at finding his views within the layers of it. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Revelation Magic
        حسن  شاهی‌پور
        The mystical texts while including some secrets, mystery, conceptual and meaning complications and also using the symbolic, impressive, magic and tuneful language, differ from the others literary and non-literary texts considerably. These differences are only considered More
        The mystical texts while including some secrets, mystery, conceptual and meaning complications and also using the symbolic, impressive, magic and tuneful language, differ from the others literary and non-literary texts considerably. These differences are only considered by some of the intellectuals as the differences in language structure and know the meaning related complexity originated in the especial features of that language. Opposed to the mentioned viewpoints, this essay brings the priority of the concept and meaning over the language in mystical texts into sharp focus and reveals that revelation, understanding, interpretation and explanation of the meaning have priority over the terms and appropriateness of the language. Although the new findings based on revelation of meaning and concept creates a new language, it will be different from the other languages. In this regard, the understanding and interpretation by the general interpreters upon a the Holy Quran verses as well as the Khorasan mystics and Ibne Arabi’s ones in Fososelhekam, have been studied. The result of this essay and study have shown that meaning has priority over the terms and thought, in mystical texts. It also shows that the complementary development of the mystics’ understanding of the Holy Quran till the period of Ibne Arabi and their effects and interplay on each other. Manuscript profile
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        7 - A study of the content and structure of interpretation in the spiritual Masnavi
        Maryam  Nafeli Shahrestani hosein aghahoseini
        Interpretation means returning something to its original state, the background of which is to be found in Greek hermeneutics. Hermeneutics is the theory of the act of understanding in its relation to the interpretation of texts. Mystics have paid much attention to the More
        Interpretation means returning something to its original state, the background of which is to be found in Greek hermeneutics. Hermeneutics is the theory of the act of understanding in its relation to the interpretation of texts. Mystics have paid much attention to the interpretation and content of the Qur'an. Rumi has also used interpretation in Masnavi.He looked at interpretation very broadly and did not consider interpretation specific to the Qur'an; For this reason, he has used interpretation on various topics. The research method in this article is descriptive and its purpose is to study the types of interpretations in the three books of Masnavi in terms of content and structure. The interpretations used in the three books of Masnavi based on the subject are: interpretation of Quranic verses and hadiths, interpretation of the stories of the prophets, interpretation of mystical, religious and jurisprudential, moral and philosophical issues.By examining the three books of Masnavi Manavi, 136 interpretations were extracted on these subjects, most of which consistes of interpretations of Quranic verses. Rumi has used various tricks to express interpretation; Interpretation from the language of the characters of the story, interpretation in the form of similes and metaphors, allegorical interpretation and causal interpretation are among them. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Interpretation of Religion (Din) and its Influence on the concept of Freedom in the Political Thoughts of Mohammad Mojtehed Shabestari and Mohammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi
        amir roshan محسن  شفیعی سیف آبادی
        After the triumph of Islamic Revolution in Iran, scholars in the fields of religion and politics faced many new issues in the areas of politics and interpreting religious texts. Among them Mohammad Mojtehed Shabestari and Mohammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi dealt with religious More
        After the triumph of Islamic Revolution in Iran, scholars in the fields of religion and politics faced many new issues in the areas of politics and interpreting religious texts. Among them Mohammad Mojtehed Shabestari and Mohammad Taqi Mesbah Yazdi dealt with religious texts either using traditional ways or hermeneutical ones. Having different methods, tendencies and intensions, they offered to interpretations of religious texts and issues like freedom. Using Quitin Skiner’s methodology of intentional hermeneutics, the authors of the present article try to clarify the main cause of the difference in their political views and its effect on their political views on issues like freedom. Shabestari, taking interpretative and hermeneutical method, with the purpose of preserving fate and human aspect of the believers, interprets religion in a way that can accept freedom and open socio-political conditions with tolerance. Mesbah, focusing on traditional jurisprudential ways, with the purpose of preserving the status of religion in political and social affairs as he believes that religion has perfect and comprehensive teachings and instructions for humans in achieving transcendental goals, limits human freedom and denies liberal social and political conditions. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Dialogue with the Text Skinner and Gadamer Hermenutic Cross
        The challenge of methods of proper understanding of thought, in general, and that of political thought, in particular, is a challenge that the thinkers of this field have been facing for the past several centuries. One of these methods is hermeneutics. But hermeneutics, More
        The challenge of methods of proper understanding of thought, in general, and that of political thought, in particular, is a challenge that the thinkers of this field have been facing for the past several centuries. One of these methods is hermeneutics. But hermeneutics, as a method, has at times been criticized for not enjoying the necessary objectivism. The subjective approach and individualistic method latent in it has been challenged by some rival methods. In this article, it has been attempted to attain a synthetic method in a revised form through employing comparative philosophical method and using analytical tools and concepts of Skinner and Gadamer’s hermeneutics in reading the text. The teachings of Skinner and Gadamer have been used in a comparative form so that by transition from them to a synthetic method is attained for understanding thought. In this method, while using the technique of speech act used by Skinner’s hermeneutics, the role of audience in finding the final meaning through Gadamer’s method is considered. This synthetic method of reading the text is not free from influence of revised and constructionist methods. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Improvement in Accuracy and Speed of Image Semantic Segmentation via Convolution Neural Network Encoder-Decoder
        Hanieh Zamanian Hassan Farsi Sajad Mohammadzadeh
        Recent researches on pixel-wise semantic segmentation use deep neural networks to improve accuracy and speed of these networks in order to increase the efficiency in practical applications such as automatic driving. These approaches have used deep architecture to predic More
        Recent researches on pixel-wise semantic segmentation use deep neural networks to improve accuracy and speed of these networks in order to increase the efficiency in practical applications such as automatic driving. These approaches have used deep architecture to predict pixel tags, but the obtained results seem to be undesirable. The reason for these unacceptable results is mainly due to the existence of max pooling operators, which reduces the resolution of the feature maps. In this paper, we present a convolutional neural network composed of encoder-decoder segments based on successful SegNet network. The encoder section has a depth of 2, which in the first part has 5 convolutional layers, in which each layer has 64 filters with dimensions of 3×3. In the decoding section, the dimensions of the decoding filters are adjusted according to the convolutions used at each step of the encoding. So, at each step, 64 filters with the size of 3×3 are used for coding where the weights of these filters are adjusted by network training and adapted to the educational data. Due to having the low depth of 2, and the low number of parameters in proposed network, the speed and the accuracy improve compared to the popular networks such as SegNet and DeepLab. For the CamVid dataset, after a total of 60,000 iterations, we obtain the 91% for global accuracy, which indicates improvements in the efficiency of proposed method. Manuscript profile
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        11 - comparative research taught adam the names in interpretation of Allameh Jafari and allameh tabatabai
        Based on interpretations, something that leds the human to the highest position between creations, and puts him in the position of Caliph of Allah and the prostration of angles, depends on the same teaching of names. So, meditation and contemplation in this issue, is a More
        Based on interpretations, something that leds the human to the highest position between creations, and puts him in the position of Caliph of Allah and the prostration of angles, depends on the same teaching of names. So, meditation and contemplation in this issue, is a big step in the formation of personality and cultural infrastructure of human. This study, known as comparative research taught adam the names in interpretation of Quran of Allama Tabatabai and interpretation of Masnavi of Allameh Jafari, tried to fill the common and specific to each of the scholars Rabbani in this matter. Apart from common methods of scientific, intellectual, religious and knowledge, something that be considered as specific approach to each of these scholars Rabbani In interpreting the Quranic themes, is the interpretation of Quran to Quran commentary of Allameh Tabatabai and enter the field of psychological, anthropological and sociological, of Allameh Jafari. Including common views on the subject of these interpretations is the purpose of names here is the objective facts of the universe and the objects outside that included the intelligent creatures and purpose of the issue of teaching names is that God discovered and revealed the truth to people. Special comments of Allameh Tabatabai on this issue is that the names mentioned, and with their squash were organisms with life, science and unobtrusive behind a veil and God taught the people (Part of) the unseen of the heavens and the earth and Allameh Jafari also believes that the science of human has all the facts of the created world not the world that spirit is documented in it. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Historical analysis of Hafez's sonnets, during the reign of Shah Sheikh Abu Ishaq Inju
        Ali mohammadi amirafshin farhadiyan
        No text, as a phenomenon, is free from the influence of external elements, and without a doubt, social and political events are among the most important and effective external factors. The historical approach to Hafiz's poetry, although less well known, can help to unde More
        No text, as a phenomenon, is free from the influence of external elements, and without a doubt, social and political events are among the most important and effective external factors. The historical approach to Hafiz's poetry, although less well known, can help to understand many of the difficult, ambiguous, and seemingly scattered aspects of his poetry, relying on recorded historical facts. Among the important historical events of Hafiz's era, the events of the end of the reign of Shah Sheikh Abu Ishaq Inju, due to its profound impact on Hafiz and the change in his life path, have a special place. There was a deep friendship between Hafez and Shah Abu Ishaq, who was a chivalrous and lavish and who respected the people of grace and art, and his reign over Shiraz was one of the best days of Hafez's life. After the defeat of Shah Inju by Amir Mobarez al-Din Mohammad Mozaffari, the page of the time suddenly returned and the poet's dark days came. Undoubtedly, this change and the revolution of the time had a strong reflection in Hafez's poems, which used poetry as a tool to express ideas, positions, and even struggles. Hafez scholars who have reflected the political and historical events of HafIz's time in his works have considered a total of 50 lyric poems to be related to the end of Abu Ishaq's work. We have arranged these poems in order of utilization of the consensus of researchers, from the highest to the lowest, and after confronting each other, we have analyzed the opinions of each and its correspondence with the recorded historical events of that time. Manuscript profile
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        13 - A Study of the Idea of Crisis in Husserl’s View and its Background in the 19th Century European Philosophy
        Seyyed mas‘ud  Seyf Afshin  Mo’azzen
        At the beginning of the 20th century a vast trend which was unanimously called “the crisis of European science and culture” by its advocates emerged in Europe. Following the same trend, Husserl, one of the distinguished European thinkers of the early 20th century, intro More
        At the beginning of the 20th century a vast trend which was unanimously called “the crisis of European science and culture” by its advocates emerged in Europe. Following the same trend, Husserl, one of the distinguished European thinkers of the early 20th century, introduced phenomenology as a solution to overcome this full-scale crisis, which, in his view, dominated Europe during the second half of the 19th century. He maintained that this crisis manifested itself in the form of absence of unity and coherence in philosophy and sciences (both natural and human sciences), as well as in the alienation of sciences from people’s everyday life. Husserl argued that the roots and causes of this crisis must be sought in the scientific and philosophical approaches of the 19th century Europe. During this period and after the demise of Hegel, certain schools such as Marxism, biologism, and historical hermeneutics appeared under the influence of Hegelian schools and the idea of historical relativism that they advocated. A common feature of all of them was their interest in relativism. Each of these schools, through negating the possibility of achieving a single and certain truth and also relativising it based on its own principles provided the context for the development of the above-mentioned crisis. After disclosing the nature of crisis in the philosophical principles of the West and through presenting a critical interpretation of Cartesian fundamentalism. Husserl suggested a method called “phenomenological interpretation” in order to have access to a solid and unifying basis for sciences. In spite of the several criticisms targeting this method, it has turned into one of the most fundamental phenomenological elements which has influenced a11 the philosophical schools which were developed after this prominent philosopher. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Functions of Reason in the Field of Religion in the Views of Qadi Abd al-Jabbar Mu‘tazili and Abubakr Baqillani
        Farzaneh  Mustafapour
        The present paper investigates the functions of reason in the realm of religion in the kalami thoughts of Qadi Abd al-Jabbar Mu‘tazili and Qadi Abubakr Baqillani following a descriptive-analytic method. In doing so, it compares and examines the rational approaches of bo More
        The present paper investigates the functions of reason in the realm of religion in the kalami thoughts of Qadi Abd al-Jabbar Mu‘tazili and Qadi Abubakr Baqillani following a descriptive-analytic method. In doing so, it compares and examines the rational approaches of both thinkers to the interpretation of the Qur’an and applications of reason in inferring religious principles. The results of this study indicate that what distinguishes these two great figures from each other more than anything else is their approach to reason and the quality of its relationship with revelation. Qadi Abd al-Jabbar believes in the priority of reason and rational arguments and always resorts to reason as a tool for gaining knowledge in his kalami perception of religion. Sometimes, in cases where rational judgment is in contrast to the exoteric meaning of Qur’anic verses and traditions, he even gives the priority to reason with no reservation and firmly interprets or negates the validity of propositions which stand against reason. However, preferring tradition to the intellect and granting priority to the descended texts, including the Qur’an, traditions, and those on the acts of the Prophet’s companions are the most important epistemological principles of Baqillani. However, his philosophical system, in fact, marked the beginning of Ash‘arite kalam’s treatment of rational premises. The Ash‘arite considered rational principles to depend on beliefs and, thus, believed that it was first necessary to have faith in their content. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Function of the Intellect in the Realms of Religion and Ethics in Qadi Abduljabbar Mu‘tazili
        Farzaneh  Mustafapour Hossein  Hooshanghi Seyyed Abbas  Zahabi
        This paper examines the functions of theoretical and practical intellects in the fields of religion and ethics in the view of Qadi Abduljabbar Mu‘tazili. Based on what appears from his views regarding the explanation of ethical propositions, we can refer to three episte More
        This paper examines the functions of theoretical and practical intellects in the fields of religion and ethics in the view of Qadi Abduljabbar Mu‘tazili. Based on what appears from his views regarding the explanation of ethical propositions, we can refer to three epistemological, motivational, and ontological approaches. The writers have investigated three categories in the field of epistemology: knowledge of fundamental values, goodness and ugliness of acts, and unveiling of ethical principles based on basic propositions; two functions of the intellect in the field of motivation: the origin of human ethical implications and the basis of Man’s responsibility, and the human voluntary and rational choice in the field of ontology. He maintains that the intellect plays an essential and fundamental role in each of them, and that moral principles have been explained based on rational reasoning. Regarding the functions of the intellect in the domain of understanding religion, the writers initially deal with God’s Oneness and Justice in the light of rational reason and, then, relying on religious principles and through granting a central role to the intellect, they interpret some Qur’anic verses. Finally, they try to interpret some cases which are in contrast to the intellect with reference to certain examples. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Muslim Philosophers’ Reading of Milesian Pre-Socratic Philosophers
        Mansour Nasiri Mahdi Askari
        Early philosophers are of particular importance in the history of philosophy. This is because they led the first stages of the development of philosophical concepts and thoughts. Among them, three Milesian philosophers enjoy great significance. The question that they po More
        Early philosophers are of particular importance in the history of philosophy. This is because they led the first stages of the development of philosophical concepts and thoughts. Among them, three Milesian philosophers enjoy great significance. The question that they posed prompted later philosophers to try hard to provide a worthy response for it. They posed the question of: “What is the origin of the world?” During the period of the translation of philosophical texts into Arabic, Muslim philosophers became familiar with these three thinkers to some extent and quoted and, in some cases, interpreted their ideas. The present paper is intended to introduce Muslim philosophers’ interpretation of the views of Milesian pre-Socratic philosophers and demonstrate how justified they were in their interpretation. A short response to this question is that Muslim philosophers provided a completely non-historical interpretation, which is open to historical criticism. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Philosophers and the Esoteric Interpretation of the Qur’an in Ibn Rushd
        Roohallah  ‘Alizadeh
        Like other Islamic philosophers, Abulwalid Muhammed Ibn Rushd, the most prominent philosopher of the West of the Islamic world thought about the relationship between religion and philosophy and created some important works in this regard. From among them, we can refer t More
        Like other Islamic philosophers, Abulwalid Muhammed Ibn Rushd, the most prominent philosopher of the West of the Islamic world thought about the relationship between religion and philosophy and created some important works in this regard. From among them, we can refer to Fasl al-maqal, al-kashf ‘an manahij al-adillah fi ‘aqa’id al-malah and Tahafut al-tahafat. In Ibn Rushd’s view, religion and philosophy are in harmony and bear no opposition against each other. In this regard, he argues, “Since Shari‘ah is the truth and invites people to a kind of rational reasoning which is fulfilled by the truth, both are the truth, and the truth is not in contrast to the truth. Rather, both agree with each other and acknowledge each other.” However, saying that philosophy is not in opposition to religion pertains to the innermost of religion and Qur’anic verses because philosophy and rational thinking are sometimes in contrast to the external meaning of religious ideas and verses. Ibn Rushd’s solution for removing such contrasts is to attain the inner meaning of the verses through interpretation. Of course, like Farabi, Ibn Rushd does not believe in the unity of religion and philosophy and merely thinks about their consistency with each other and lack of opposition between them. This is because philosophy and religion have to be independent from each other for the sake of their own safety. Thus we must not mix their related discussions with each other. In the present article, the writers have tackled the problem of the harmony between philosophy and religion from Ibn Rushd’s view in general, and explored his theory of interpretation, in particular. Finally, they argue that one of the most important goals of Ibn Rushd in propounding the discussion of the lack of opposition among religion, philosophy, and interpretation was defending philosophy and giving the right of interpretation to the people of reasoning, who are the same philosophers. Manuscript profile
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        18 - An Introspective Analysis of Faith in Mulla Sadra’s Interpretation of the Qur’an
        Seyyed Muhammed Kazem  ‘Alavi
        Although faith constitutes the core of religious discussions, it holds its specific place in interpretive and kalami-philosophical discussions, and different scholars have dealt with it from different perspectives. Mulla Sadra also tackled the central problem of faith i More
        Although faith constitutes the core of religious discussions, it holds its specific place in interpretive and kalami-philosophical discussions, and different scholars have dealt with it from different perspectives. Mulla Sadra also tackled the central problem of faith in his interpretation. He founded his philosophical system, the Transcendent Philosophy, based on a thorough examination of various Islamic philosophical trends. However, in his interpretation, he was in a better position to provide a comprehensive view of this topic. The analysis of faith in Mulla Sadra’s interpretation manifests his transcendent approach. Here, the writer explores Mulla Sadra’s methodology in this regard. Given the kalami origin of the problem of faith, Mulla Sadra initially examines various kalami and religious views of this issue based on three kalami features: assent by heart, verbal affirmation, and practical action. From among them, he only sees assent by heart as a factor involved in the nature of faith. At the final stage, he presents a fundamental and transcendent analysis of faith in which he considers it an introspective truth and treats it like other inner affairs. This analysis consists of four parts: In the first one, faith is examined with respect to three areas of knowledge, state, and practice. In the second and third parts, by separating the two “initiation” and “return” processes, he explores the quality of the successive order of these two processes with regard to each other and acknowledges the superiority of the process of return and, as a result, knowledge. At the final stage, he distinguishes “transactive knowledge” from “unveiled knowledge” and considers the acquisition of unveiled knowledge as the main purpose of knowledge seekers. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Impact of Qur’anic Teachings on Suhrawardi’s Illuminationist Philosophy
        Qasim  Pourhassan Seyyed Mostafa  Babaei
        Obviously, all Islamic philosophers, affiliated with any of the three well-known philosophical schools, have been greatly influenced by Qur’anic teachings in the development of their philosophical thoughts. However, among them, Suhrawardi was the first Islamic philosoph More
        Obviously, all Islamic philosophers, affiliated with any of the three well-known philosophical schools, have been greatly influenced by Qur’anic teachings in the development of their philosophical thoughts. However, among them, Suhrawardi was the first Islamic philosopher who benefitted extensively from the Holy Qur’an in the development of his Illuminationist philosophy. His use of this heavenly Book is different from that of others both quantitatively and qualitatively (in terms of interpretation). He based many of his ideas, arguments, and judgments on the teachings of the Qur’an. Here, the authors have tried to briefly explain the impact of Qur’anic teachings on Suhrawardi’s Illuminationist philosophy with regard to the four categories of luminous wisdom, light of all lights, intellects, and the soul. This is because a detailed discussion of this topic demands sufficient time and extensive knowledge. Manuscript profile
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        20 - The Role of Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophical Thought in Understanding Religious Texts
        Seyyed Hossein  Azimidokht
        This study aims to explore Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical thoughts, portray the salient features of his philosophy, and demonstrate the influence of philosophical thought on his understanding and interpretation of religious texts. Using a descriptive-analytic method, the a More
        This study aims to explore Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical thoughts, portray the salient features of his philosophy, and demonstrate the influence of philosophical thought on his understanding and interpretation of religious texts. Using a descriptive-analytic method, the author describes some of the elements of Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophy in the fields of theology, cosmology, and anthropology and, in this way, tries to explain his hermeneutic principles in the perception of religious texts. Next, he presents some of his interpretations of such texts in order to reveal the influence of Sadrian philosophical trend and hermeneutic principles in understanding religious texts. Given his prominent role in the development of Shī‘ī philosophy and wisdom, it seems necessary to deliberate over his philosophical theories and works and examine his methods and principles of interpretation in the field of Sadrian studies. The findings of this study indicate that Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical thought, in general, and his philosophical views, in particular, as well as his hermeneutic principles, which originate in the Transcendent Philosophy, and utilizing certain concepts in explaining philosophical problems distinguish him from other thinkers in the presentation and analysis of religious categories. Finally, the author concludes that benefitting from philosophical and metaphysical categories and theories, while being harmful in certain respects, could result in having a different understanding of religious texts. Manuscript profile
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        21 - A Comparative Study of the Views of Mullā Ṣadrā and ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī Regarding Ambiguous Verses in the Qur’an
        Davood  Saemi
        According to Mullā Ṣadrā and ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī, Qur’anic verses enjoy both exoteric and esoteric meanings. When dealing with ambiguous verses, one must focus on their exoteric meanings and not to ignore them. In the view of both philosophers, the understanding of ambi More
        According to Mullā Ṣadrā and ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī, Qur’anic verses enjoy both exoteric and esoteric meanings. When dealing with ambiguous verses, one must focus on their exoteric meanings and not to ignore them. In the view of both philosophers, the understanding of ambiguous or metaphorical verses is relative and depends on individuals’ virtues and level of knowledge. They believe that knowledgeable people know the different meanings of ambiguous verses and, in fact, do not see any ambiguity there. However, based on the theory of specific oneness, Mullā Ṣadrā contends that all levels of being, from the highest to the lowest, enjoy existential hierarchy. Therefore, he maintains that, without needing to interpret ambiguous verses or the idea of incarnation regarding the essence of the Almighty, one can maintain the exoteric meaning of the verses based on the philosophical-gnostic principles of the specific oneness of being and interpret the meanings of ambiguous verses based on their surface meanings. In this way, the word “ambiguous” is semantically expanded. Nevertheless, ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī believes in referring ambiguities to clear definitions and interprets ambiguous verses based on clear ones. He acknowledges the possibility of interpretation of all Qur’anic verses, whether ambiguous and straight forward, and states that all ambiguous verses can be clarified by referring to unambiguous ones. In this study, the author sides with Mullā Ṣadrā’s view in comparison to ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī’s because he finds it of a more solid and principled basis. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Development of a framework for implementation of World-class Maintenance Systems using Interpretive Structural Modeling approach ( ISM )
          Mohammad Hussein Karimi gavareshki Jafar Gheidar- kheljani
        Considering worldwide development of Maintenance Management models, it is essential for organizations to pay attention to environmental differences among various organizations in order to achieve success and make their required model compatible with specific circumstanc More
        Considering worldwide development of Maintenance Management models, it is essential for organizations to pay attention to environmental differences among various organizations in order to achieve success and make their required model compatible with specific circumstances of their own organization. In the following research, developing one executive model of maintenance management has occurred applying ISM interpretational structuring theory. In order to achieve this; firstly, the components that have composed maintenance management model have been revealed applying prior studies and interviews. The conclusion of this stage is identifying 56 sub-component and 14 component in the form of 6 essential components. In the next stage, in order to create communication and sequence between the components and constituents, interpretational structuring model has been applied. In the mentioned procedure, the structure of maintenance management has been extracted based on reporters' ideas and performed analysis. The results indicate that six basic components (leadership, foundation, methodologies and foundations, support, improvement and Excellency) constitute fundamental basis of every maintenance management in every organization and other components and sub-components being researched are initiated from these six components and eventually, they would lead to improvement and Excellency of the organization. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Analysis of the relation of investment criteria in the development of technology based on plan, project and portfolio Using ISM and DEMATEL
        mohamadali afsharkazemi   hamed soufi
        Today, technology development success is a multi-dimensional concept that is linked to the dynamics and complexity of the environment. Hence, identifying fundamental performance indicators for investing in technology development is important. The purpose of this study i More
        Today, technology development success is a multi-dimensional concept that is linked to the dynamics and complexity of the environment. Hence, identifying fundamental performance indicators for investing in technology development is important. The purpose of this study is to achieve quantitative and qualitative analysis of key indicators together in the correct decision-making path for investment in technology development. In this research, the criteria for success with the new approach in terms of plan, project and portfolio differences are identified, categorized and their significance is measured by a questionnaire. In the following, the relationships between the criteria with two qualitative and quantitative approaches were determined and analyzed using interpretive structural modeling and DEMATEL technique using the opinions of industrial and academic experts in two separate groups. By comparing the results of the two groups, the difference Opinions in the judgments of academic and industrial experts are characterized by two quantitative and qualitative approaches. Achieving an analytical qualitative model of how the indicators interact, as well as determining the magnitude of the impact intensity and impact and the importance of each of them based on the level of interactions, the academic and industrial viewpoints, and the determination of the suitability of the judgments of the two groups, one of the research achievements. Correct analysis based on qualitative and quantitative results of research can be a basis for decision makers to develop different scenarios in the direction of making investments Successful in the field of technology development. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Qualitative Analysis of the Socio-Economic Impacts of Construction of ShahidBagheri Square Multi-storey Parking
        Aadel  Abdollahi
        This study was aimed to analyze the social and economic impacts of the construction of multi-storey parking in ShahidBagheri Square, South Yaftabad District, Tehran. The methodology of this study was qualitative and the data were collected through observation and interv More
        This study was aimed to analyze the social and economic impacts of the construction of multi-storey parking in ShahidBagheri Square, South Yaftabad District, Tehran. The methodology of this study was qualitative and the data were collected through observation and interview techniques with a focus on the interpretations of the participants. The data collection process continued until it reached a theoretical saturation. In this process, 47 technical experts, officials, key informants and local residents were interviewed both in person and within a discussions group. The Findingsrevealed that not only the effectiveness of this construction project but also the manageability of its impacts depend on consideration of socio-economic status of Yaftabad neighborhood residents. Therefore, suggestions derived from present study are as follow:Renting parking lots based on the common price in the South Yaftabad neighborhood with a fair pricing mechanism;Strengthening intra- and inter-organizational coordination by emphasizing on social participation; Incorporating construction of a neighborhood hall -SarayeMahalle- into this project for addressing the social and cultural needs of the residents;Utilizing the parking building as a local cultural heritage bulletin; Preventing spaces from gettingunprotected and indefensibleby including green spaces or playgrounds in building plan; reinforcing social interactions and local identity byturning some parts of the parking to a local hangout as a hub of local and social communication. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Two Interpretations of a Poem Entitled “Kakki”
        Fatemeh  Rakei
        NimaYoushij’s emphasis on employing expansive and multifarious symbols in his poems, especially unique symbols and idiosyncratic ones from his mother tongue grants a special succulence and freshness to the third period of his poetic life which starts with “Khab-e Zemest More
        NimaYoushij’s emphasis on employing expansive and multifarious symbols in his poems, especially unique symbols and idiosyncratic ones from his mother tongue grants a special succulence and freshness to the third period of his poetic life which starts with “Khab-e Zemestani” (literally Hibernation) from 1951 on. These types of poems, due to suffocating political conditions, mostly possess social and political messages that Nima has composed them symbolically. To me, it is possible to attain those messages or at least to touch the conceptions at the time of composing these poems through employing Friedrich Schleiermacher’s hermeneutical method. On the other hand, Nima as a symbolist poet insists on composing poems in a misty ambience through giving multifarious meanings to his poems and believes that ambiguity is one of the specifications of any poem; for this very reason, one of an interpreter’s duties is to discern the different meanings of Nima’s symbolic poems. According to different meanings for the word “Kakki” from various glossaries and the viewpoints of natives of Mazandaran, interviewed, as well as some words of this poem like “parivar” (literally fairy like), feminine nature to the poem is induced. In this article, a different interpretation for “Kakki” rather than its first common interpretation is presented. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Presenting a Model to Explain the Empowerment of Knowledge Capitals with Using Interpretative Structural Modeling
        Ebrahim Rajabpour  
        With the emergence of the knowledge economy, human capabilities known as the most unique and sustainable competitive advantage for organizations in the current rapidly changing environment. Therefore, in this period it is essential and undeniable to paying special atten More
        With the emergence of the knowledge economy, human capabilities known as the most unique and sustainable competitive advantage for organizations in the current rapidly changing environment. Therefore, in this period it is essential and undeniable to paying special attention in the knowledge and skills of human resources and empowerment of these unmatched capitals in organizations. The aim of this study was to identify factors influencing the empowerment of knowledge capitals and ultimately provide a model for Research Institution of Petroleum Industry, using interpretative structural modeling. With comprehensive review of the literature, eight factors were identified to explain the empowerment of the Petroleum Industry Research; then using interpretation of structural modeling, factors graded at five levels. Then, after determining the levels each of the factors and taking into account the availability of the final matrix, the final model of interpretation were drawn. The results showed that factors such as training and development, characteristics of personality, organizational structure and the nature of the job effect more than other factors in relation to empowerment in Research Institute of Petroleum Industry. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Compilation of artificial neural networks and the thinned Fault likelihood auto-tracking algorithm, for identification, interpretation and extraction of faults
        Alireza Ghazanfari Hoseyn Mohammadrezaei Hamidreza Ansari
        Fault identification and investigating their evolution is of special importance in the exploration and development of hydrocarbon resources. Success in exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields, need to recognition of petroleum systems and in this regard one of More
        Fault identification and investigating their evolution is of special importance in the exploration and development of hydrocarbon resources. Success in exploration and development of hydrocarbon fields, need to recognition of petroleum systems and in this regard one of the most important topics is identifying faults and their extension condition as a main fluid migration path, specially in deeper zones. Faults and fractures have crucial role in making high permeable and porous segments and cut reservoir and cap rock in the fluid migration path. In addition, for maximizing the production of hydrocarbon from reservoirs and also for reducing the risk of drilling, it is necessary to gain information about geometry and nature of faults of reservoirs. In this paper, the purpose is investigating the performance of combination of neural networks and Fault Likelihood auto-tracking algorithm for identification and interpretation of faults in seismic data. At first using the Dip-steering feature of software, the early filter for accurate identification of dip of structures in the data, have been designed and applied. Then with designing and applying the appropriate filters, the seismic data have been improved. After that proper seismic attributes for fault identification have been calculated from seismic data. With picking fault and non-fault points from data, a supervised neural network using the selected attributes was formed and after training the network, the appropriate output achieved. Then the output of neural network has been used as a input for Thinned Fault Likelihood auto-tracking algorithm. The output of this part contains a volume of tracked faults. Finally using sub-tools of TFL and optimal setting of parameters, 3D fault planes has been interpreted and extracted. Manuscript profile
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        28 - A model for developing disabled tourism in the city of Yazd
        Mir Mohhammad  Asadi Mehdi Bassouli Yasamin Boroumandzad
        Traveling always brings with itself a sense of rejuvenation, hope, and abandonment from daily activities. Most experts recommend traveling to the elderly, the disabled, and the veterans. The main issue for disabled people is their being ignored in the Iranian tourism ne More
        Traveling always brings with itself a sense of rejuvenation, hope, and abandonment from daily activities. Most experts recommend traveling to the elderly, the disabled, and the veterans. The main issue for disabled people is their being ignored in the Iranian tourism network. Many urban and public spaces lack the proper facilities and are hard to use. People with disabilities have less or limited opportunities to enjoy tourism activities. Disabled tourism needs particular attention since Yazd was named a World Heritage by UNESCO. This research designed a model of the factors that influenced developing disabled tourism in Yazd. Reviewing the literature, we identified 15 essential factors, which were revised and modified into 13 after interviews with some experts. Using cognitive mapping technique and interpretive structural modeling, we designed a model for essential factors. The results showed that the most critical factors in developing disabled tourism included the role of the government in promoting such tourism, a customized transportation system for the disabled, and security. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Thematic research methodology in the Holy Quran: the designing a practical method for interdisciplinary researches
        Saeed Masoodipoor Mahdi Sepehri
        One of the gaps in the Islamic human sciences production is the lack of practical research methods that have reliable fundamentals. One of the important resources in Naghl-research in Interdisciplinary is holy Quran. So it is needful to explain methodology for researchi More
        One of the gaps in the Islamic human sciences production is the lack of practical research methods that have reliable fundamentals. One of the important resources in Naghl-research in Interdisciplinary is holy Quran. So it is needful to explain methodology for researching in holy Quran. This research attempts to introduce thematic research method based on the interpretation of the Quran to Quran known as best approach in the Quran interpretation. First the fundamental of the method was explained and some related subject was presented such as the definition of religion, the relationship between reason and Naghl as components of religion, the relationship between Holy Quran and Sonnet as components of Naghl, the relationship between the problems in the Islamic Human Sciences and conventional Humanities and so on. One of neglect in Naghl-research is improper relationship between domain of Naghl and subjects for research. This makes that the issues which are outside the domain of Naghl survey in Naghl. Finally, some critical points for researching in Naghl were presented and a practical pattern with eight steps for thematic researching in Holy Quran was offered. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Classification of Scientific Elucidations of the Holy Quran
        shadi nafisi
        Scientific interpretation is one of the methods for interpreting the Holy Quran that has flourished in the contemporary era with numerous works. In this method, the findings of empirical sciences are used to better elucidate the verses of the Quran. Identifying this exp More
        Scientific interpretation is one of the methods for interpreting the Holy Quran that has flourished in the contemporary era with numerous works. In this method, the findings of empirical sciences are used to better elucidate the verses of the Quran. Identifying this explanatory role of science can lead to a better understanding of the relation of science and the Quran. This article by employing the analytical-descriptive method, this explanatory role is investigated at three levels: Explaining the concepts of the words of ayahs, explaining the concepts of the sentences of the Quran, and the representing the new referents. While the explanatory role of science can further help human beings have a clearer understanding of religious facts, the scientific interpretations at the level of explaining the words of ayahs, lead to widening or narrowing the meaning, or strengthens one, in the process of preferring one meaning out of multiple meanings possible for one ayah .The elucidating role of scientific data in the study of sentences of the Quran can be classified into seven groups: clarifying the meaning, the basis of resemblance, the basis of division, the process, the reason for specification of the mention, relation and ultimate preference of a possibility. Meanwhile, some of the scientific interpretations seem to be more consistent with the literal meaning of the verse, making the complicated interpretations of the past seem unjustifiable. Moreover, some of the other scientific interpretations widen the scope of the meaning by suggesting a new possible interpretation beside those of the past. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Frequency survey of motive components of progress in elementary books with emphasizing on Quranic trainingsand interpretations
        mozhde alizadeh
        Discovering motive components of progress from Islamic trainings’ texts and utilizing them in training books is an important issue for developing and success of students. Thus the aim of this research is to examine frequency survey of motive components of progress in El More
        Discovering motive components of progress from Islamic trainings’ texts and utilizing them in training books is an important issue for developing and success of students. Thus the aim of this research is to examine frequency survey of motive components of progress in Elementary books of Farsi and Heavenly gifts (new editions of 1393-1395) with emphasizing on Qur’anic trainings and interpretations. Moreover, the method of research is content analysis. Analysis method of data is descriptive statistic. Therefore, statistical society also are elementary books of Farsi and Heavenly gifts. The statistic samples also was the statistic society. The tools of research were list of content analysis which, its narration was confirmed by religious experts and scholars. Therefore, the results of this research proofs that the said books were averagely pay attention to motivation of progress. In this case the most attention was in Farsi book of Elementary third grade and Heavenly gifts of Elementary sixth grade, and the less attention was in Farsi book of Elementary first grade and Heavenly gifts of Elementary second grade. Furthermore, from motive components of progress the most attention were goes to faith in God, trust in God, praying and then components of patience, resistance and endurance and hard working. Also, the less attention were belong to components of self-controlling, competition (in scientific and sport fields) and responsibility (accepting responsibility of our mistakes and behaviors). Manuscript profile
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        32 - Necessity and Possibility of Judicial Supervision over Security Council’s Performance in UN Legal System
        حسین شریفی طرازکوهی ساسان  مدرس سبزواری
        The issue of judicial supervision over the Security Council has two different, but interrelated aspects. First of all, the “necessity” of such supervision should be discussed. The present article assumes that the Security Council should be committed to the principles of More
        The issue of judicial supervision over the Security Council has two different, but interrelated aspects. First of all, the “necessity” of such supervision should be discussed. The present article assumes that the Security Council should be committed to the principles of international law, the goals of the United Nations, sovereign rights of member states, fundamental human rights guarantees, as well as the basic structure for the division of powers among various organs of the UN. Then it studies the Security Council’s procedure to show that this institution has been frequently found in violation of the aforesaid legal bounds. Security Council’s inattention to the limits of its powers can cast doubts on credibility of the entire UN system. It has been also shown that the “necessity” of judicial supervision can be proven on the basis of the requirements of the “rule of law.” Another aspect of this issue is the “possibility” of judicial supervision in view of the current state of international law. The present paper has shown that although the Charter of the United Nations has remained silent on this issue, it can be confirmed if final goals of this document are taken as basis for its interpretation. Manuscript profile
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        33 - The Role of Strategic Language in the Interpretation of International Legal Texts and instruments
        Ali Mashhadi Seyed Mohammad Hoosein Mirzadeh
        Nowadays, strategic using of language in the interpretation of texts and instruments in international law has been examined by the scholars of interdisciplinary studies. Along these lines, we can consider the usefulness of cognitive - pragmatic framing in studying legal More
        Nowadays, strategic using of language in the interpretation of texts and instruments in international law has been examined by the scholars of interdisciplinary studies. Along these lines, we can consider the usefulness of cognitive - pragmatic framing in studying legal interpretation. In cognitive framing, the question is that whether there is any relationship between strategic studies and international law texts. This article while examining this question claims that cognitive framing and strategic use of language have to do with how documents in international law are interpreted. For instance, the term “liberalization” stands for “military intervention” or "border wall" is used instead of "security fence". The strategic use of language shows that states are able to imply positive or negative framings to the minds of their audience and influence the interpretation of international legal texts and instruments. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Integration of petrophysical and Seismic data: an Attempt to Geological model, Ilam reservoir oil field, Sirri District , in the Persian Gulf.
        Alireza Bashari
        Ilam Formation is deposited at the late Cretaceous (Santonian) in a neritic/pelagic environment. Following the Ilam deposition, a general deepening has occurred and the Gurpi formation (shaly layer) was deposited. Ilam has thickness variation between 75-110m and st More
        Ilam Formation is deposited at the late Cretaceous (Santonian) in a neritic/pelagic environment. Following the Ilam deposition, a general deepening has occurred and the Gurpi formation (shaly layer) was deposited. Ilam has thickness variation between 75-110m and structure has created as a result of upward movement of deep seated salt. Ilam reservoir in this field is regarded as a secondary hydrocarbon potential, and since now, no oil has been produced from this horizon. petrophysical and Seismic interpretation has been done for the Ilam reservoir, the geological models (structural and property models) are generated, with both deterministic and stochastic approaches. The seismic attributes as secondary variables, improved the kriging and Sequential Gaussian Simulation (SGS) algorithm results for modeling of Ilam. This study reveals that Water Saturation is generally high, indicating that Ilam reservoir has low hydrocarbon potential, within the five reservoir potential zones, the zone 5 indicated a good original oil in place potential, especially in the western and central parts of the field. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Ruling Divorce: Quranic Principles and Reasons
        Seyyed MohammadKazem  Hoseini Faezeh  Moghtadaee
        Women's Rights and the Issue of Women's Rights in Divorce in the commentaries on verses 228 to 241 of Surah Al-Baqarah, there are common concepts and interpretations between Shiite and Sunni jurists. The two well-known concepts of abstinence in the interpretations of th More
        Women's Rights and the Issue of Women's Rights in Divorce in the commentaries on verses 228 to 241 of Surah Al-Baqarah, there are common concepts and interpretations between Shiite and Sunni jurists. The two well-known concepts of abstinence in the interpretations of the differences refer to the divorce of the Shari'a and the right of a woman to divorce in times of hardship. The famous word is used 38 times in the Holy Quran, 15 of which are related to family and marriage. In verses 228 to 241 of Surah Al-Baqarah, the famous word is repeated 12 times and emphasizes the importance of rulings such as' iddah, divorce, breastfeeding, etc., so that it does not exceed the shari'ah limits and is treated according to the famous (confirmation of sharia and custom). The legal provisions of the Civil Code of the Islamic Republic of Iran are also taken from the verses related to divorce and include the well-known principles in women's rights and divorce and allow the rulers to issue a divorce decree if the conditions for this type of divorce are approved. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Interpretation, Correction and Revision, Supplementary Decisions, Recognition and Enforement of Arbitration’s Award Under Iran’s Law and UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules
        Ehsan Abbasi
        Since Arbitration is one of the most efficient and modern ways to settle a dispute, particularly those of commercial lawsuits, in view of the fact that our country is considered consumer and developing, it seems essential that jurists must become familiar with laws and More
        Since Arbitration is one of the most efficient and modern ways to settle a dispute, particularly those of commercial lawsuits, in view of the fact that our country is considered consumer and developing, it seems essential that jurists must become familiar with laws and regulations of arbitration. This was not an area under discussion by researchers; in fact, one would say there is almost no independent study for arbitration here. This article has a descriptive-analytical approach using library method to examine the questions. The findings in this research show International Commercial Arbitration Bill follows the Model Commercial Arbitration Bill; it forms rules about interpretation, correction, revision, recognition and enforcement of arbitration’s award which is the innovations of new law. Arbitration’s award has different aspects; one is interpretation, correction and revision, supplementary decisions, recognition and enforcement of an award. Exploring the issue may raise some questions; what would be the referring text for interpretation, correction and revision, supplementary decisions, recognition and enforcement of arbitration’s award under Iran’s law and UNCITRAL arbitration rules? What qualification would be needed to be met for that? What approach would be the approach of arbitration’s award under Iran’s law and UNCITRAL arbitration rules? How would be the recognition and enforcement of an award under Iran’s law and UNCITRAL arbitration rules? This article tries to analyze and answer these questions and some more. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Comparing Imam Khomeini's (RA) interpretation of Surah Hamad with Allameh Tabataba'i
        Aqila  Musa Nia Ali Akbar  Afrasiab pour maryam Bakhtiar
        The most important source of Islamic religious teachings is the Qur'an, whose interpretation and study of chapters and verses has been the focus of discussion in scientific and religious circles since the beginning of Islam. One of the most important surahs of the Qur'a More
        The most important source of Islamic religious teachings is the Qur'an, whose interpretation and study of chapters and verses has been the focus of discussion in scientific and religious circles since the beginning of Islam. One of the most important surahs of the Qur'an is surah Hamd, which religious scholars and commentators, even if they have not interpreted all the chpters and verses of the Qur'an, have paid special attention to the interpretation of this chapter and explained it with various methods. Imam Khomeini as one of the influential personalities in the last century and Allameh Tabatabai, one of the prominent commentators of the Holy Quran, have been considered in various ways and one of the prominent examples of Imam Khomeini's works is the interpretation of Artistic interpretation of Surah Hamad. In this research, which is in the form of library, analytical and descriptive methods, the characteristics of Imam Tafsir's interpretation in this field are examined and the differences between their interpretations and Allameh Tabatabai's interpretations are explained. One of their differences is the different methods of interpretation in this surah. Manuscript profile
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        38 - A reflection on the interpretation of similar verses in Shia commentary texts
        Muhaddith  Taqvai Nakhjiri Seyyed Taghi  Kabiri Fatemeh   Khalili
        <p>Dividing the verses of the Qur'an into strong and similar has been the preparation of the holy law in the seventh blessed verse of Surah Al-Imran. But this separation in the beginning set the stage for different opinions and opinions about the interpretation and inte More
        <p>Dividing the verses of the Qur'an into strong and similar has been the preparation of the holy law in the seventh blessed verse of Surah Al-Imran. But this separation in the beginning set the stage for different opinions and opinions about the interpretation and interpretation of similar verses. Courts are not subject to such sensitivity due to the direct, emphatic and explicit reference. But considering the hidden religious, religious, epistemological and scientific characteristics in similar verses, research on these verses is always necessary and important. Understanding the importance of this issue, the present research, using a qualitative method and based on descriptive-analytical approach, has discussed some considerations about the interpretation of similar verses in Shiite exegetical texts. The results of the discussion show that, first of all, most commentators of the Qur'an try to base the interpretation of the parallels on the basis of what is clearly and strictly defined in the verses. Also, some of these interpretations, according to the mystical, philosophical or religious epistemology they are inclined towards, try to reveal the metaphorical and figurative forms that are hidden in the heart of these verses with such tendencies. Reflecting on the type of similarity that exists in these verses is a common feature of all exegetical texts, that is, they pay special attention to the reason for the similarity based on whether it is appropriate, complete, or difficult.</p> Manuscript profile
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        39 - Examining the status of Imam Masoum from the perspective of the inner world
        Tayyebeh  me’mariyan Ma’someh Alsadat  hosseini mirsafi mohamadreza shirazi
        <p>Imamate is the first controversial issue in the history of Islam. After the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), sects and categories emerged among Muslims, among which esotericism was one of the main characteristics of Ismailia among Islamic sects and sects. The main q More
        <p>Imamate is the first controversial issue in the history of Islam. After the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), sects and categories emerged among Muslims, among which esotericism was one of the main characteristics of Ismailia among Islamic sects and sects. The main question of the research is: What are the esoteric thoughts about Imam Masoom? In the esoteric thought, the imam is the absolute representative of God in religious and non-religious matters (outward and inward), and the interpretation of the Qur'an is reserved for the infallible imam, and any kind of learning related to the Sharia or beliefs is possible only through the imam or his representative. The findings of this research show that by examining the early formation and evolution of this religion and the historical conditions affecting it, the reasons and trends of Ismailia's tendency towards esotericism emerged. In the same period, according to the requirements of the discourse governing the Islamic society, the Ismailis decided to present evidence from the Qur'an and the Sunnah to prove their religious and political claims. Therefore, they investigated the position of the infallible Imam in the Qur'an and stated that the words of the Qur'an have an inner meaning that only a few know.</p> Manuscript profile