comparative research taught adam the names in interpretation of Allameh Jafari and allameh tabatabai
Subject Areas : Islamic theology
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Keywords: Science of names , Adam (AS), interpretation of almiza, interpretation ofallameh Jafari ,
Abstract :
Based on interpretations, something that leds the human to the highest position between creations, and puts him in the position of Caliph of Allah and the prostration of angles, depends on the same teaching of names. So, meditation and contemplation in this issue, is a big step in the formation of personality and cultural infrastructure of human. This study, known as comparative research taught adam the names in interpretation of Quran of Allama Tabatabai and interpretation of Masnavi of Allameh Jafari, tried to fill the common and specific to each of the scholars Rabbani in this matter. Apart from common methods of scientific, intellectual, religious and knowledge, something that be considered as specific approach to each of these scholars Rabbani In interpreting the Quranic themes, is the interpretation of Quran to Quran commentary of Allameh Tabatabai and enter the field of psychological, anthropological and sociological, of Allameh Jafari. Including common views on the subject of these interpretations is the purpose of names here is the objective facts of the universe and the objects outside that included the intelligent creatures and purpose of the issue of teaching names is that God discovered and revealed the truth to people. Special comments of Allameh Tabatabai on this issue is that the names mentioned, and with their squash were organisms with life, science and unobtrusive behind a veil and God taught the people (Part of) the unseen of the heavens and the earth and Allameh Jafari also believes that the science of human has all the facts of the created world not the world that spirit is documented in it.
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