A reflection on the interpretation of similar verses in Shia commentary texts
Subject Areas : Islamic theologyMuhaddith Taqvai Nakhjiri 1 , Seyyed Taghi Kabiri 2 , Fatemeh Khalili 3
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Keywords: Similar verses, strong verses, interpretation, Shiite interpretations,
Abstract :
Dividing the verses of the Qur'an into strong and similar has been the preparation of the holy law in the seventh blessed verse of Surah Al-Imran. But this separation in the beginning set the stage for different opinions and opinions about the interpretation and interpretation of similar verses. Courts are not subject to such sensitivity due to the direct, emphatic and explicit reference. But considering the hidden religious, religious, epistemological and scientific characteristics in similar verses, research on these verses is always necessary and important. Understanding the importance of this issue, the present research, using a qualitative method and based on descriptive-analytical approach, has discussed some considerations about the interpretation of similar verses in Shiite exegetical texts. The results of the discussion show that, first of all, most commentators of the Qur'an try to base the interpretation of the parallels on the basis of what is clearly and strictly defined in the verses. Also, some of these interpretations, according to the mystical, philosophical or religious epistemology they are inclined towards, try to reveal the metaphorical and figurative forms that are hidden in the heart of these verses with such tendencies. Reflecting on the type of similarity that exists in these verses is a common feature of all exegetical texts, that is, they pay special attention to the reason for the similarity based on whether it is appropriate, complete, or difficult.
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