Analysis of the relation of investment criteria in the development of technology based on plan, project and portfolio Using ISM and DEMATEL
Subject Areas :
mohamadali afsharkazemi
hamed soufi
2 - University of Tehran
3 -
Keywords: Technology development, Key criteria for success, Multiplicity decision, Structural interpretation model, causal and impaired analysis.,
Abstract :
Today, technology development success is a multi-dimensional concept that is linked to the dynamics and complexity of the environment. Hence, identifying fundamental performance indicators for investing in technology development is important. The purpose of this study is to achieve quantitative and qualitative analysis of key indicators together in the correct decision-making path for investment in technology development. In this research, the criteria for success with the new approach in terms of plan, project and portfolio differences are identified, categorized and their significance is measured by a questionnaire. In the following, the relationships between the criteria with two qualitative and quantitative approaches were determined and analyzed using interpretive structural modeling and DEMATEL technique using the opinions of industrial and academic experts in two separate groups. By comparing the results of the two groups, the difference Opinions in the judgments of academic and industrial experts are characterized by two quantitative and qualitative approaches. Achieving an analytical qualitative model of how the indicators interact, as well as determining the magnitude of the impact intensity and impact and the importance of each of them based on the level of interactions, the academic and industrial viewpoints, and the determination of the suitability of the judgments of the two groups, one of the research achievements. Correct analysis based on qualitative and quantitative results of research can be a basis for decision makers to develop different scenarios in the direction of making investments Successful in the field of technology development.
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