• List of Articles character

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Determinants for entrepreneurial behavior among members of virtual agricultural social networks
        Pouria Ataei
        Entrepreneurship is an important issue that has been raised in all aspects of economic and social development. Now the most important question in the communities, especially in developing countries is how people can be entrepreneurs and how can they create entrepreneuri More
        Entrepreneurship is an important issue that has been raised in all aspects of economic and social development. Now the most important question in the communities, especially in developing countries is how people can be entrepreneurs and how can they create entrepreneurial opportunities. Nowadays because of technological development people can communicate with each other in many different ways, that virtual social network is one of them. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explain the determinants for entrepreneurial behavior of members of agricultural social networks. This study was among members of social networks "entrepreneurial knowledge exchange" The sample population was 126 people and population was 180 people. The assessment tool in this study was a questionnaire which its validity was confirmed by experts and its reliability was confirmed through pilot testing and estimated Cranach's alpha. Cranach's alpha was estimated between 0.76 - 0.93. Results showed that virtual social networking features, some entrepreneurial characteristics such as risk, identify and evaluate opportunities and incentives were entered in regression model and able to predict 76.6 percent of the variation in entrepreneurial behavior as a dependent variable. Finally, according to research findings, practical recommendations were presented. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Survey of Social Responsibility of Women Compared to Men (Case Study: Shiraz Financial Staff)
        Seyedeh zeinab ghaemi bob anari MohammadReza Meygoonpoori
        The social responsibility of the organization, which has been an issue of concern and an eye catching issue in recent years, is an essential factor for the survival of any organization. Demographic characteristics influence social responsibility. The purpose of this stu More
        The social responsibility of the organization, which has been an issue of concern and an eye catching issue in recent years, is an essential factor for the survival of any organization. Demographic characteristics influence social responsibility. The purpose of this study was to investigate the social responsibility of women in comparison with men among the financial staff of Shiraz. The purpose of this study was to conduct a survey based on the purpose of applied research. The statistical population included the financial staff of Shiraz in 1398. The sample size of the study was 96 persons. A two-part questionnaire including Carroll's (1991) demographic and social responsibility questionnaire was used for data collection. In this study, the validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed and the reliability of the questionnaire was measured by Cronbach's alpha. Data were analyzed by means of independent t-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and data were analyzed using SPSS software version 22. Findings showed that the social responsibility of the financial staff was assessed. In addition, the findings of the study showed that there is a significant difference between the level of social responsibility with the variables of gender and education so that the tendency of women to social responsibility is higher than that of men. In the face of problems, they make more responsible decisions and take responsibility There is a significant difference among financial staff with master's degree than financial staff with associate's and bachelor's degree, and the results show that education is different in the two groups of men and women so that the average group of women is larger than the average group. However, there is no significant difference between social responsibility and marital status, work experience, and age. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Effects of different levels of Ajowan Trachyspermum ammi as an alternative to antibiotics on growth performance carcass characteristics and some blood parameters of broiler chickens
        ali Reyan Mohasesi Hasan Darmani Koohi Reza Naseri Harsini Hamed Kioumarsi
        The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of different levels of powdered dried aerial parts of Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi) seeds on the performance and carcass traits of broiler chicks. In this experiment one hundred and sixty one-day-old broiler chick More
        The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of different levels of powdered dried aerial parts of Ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi) seeds on the performance and carcass traits of broiler chicks. In this experiment one hundred and sixty one-day-old broiler chicks (Ross 308) were used in a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replicates (with 10 birds each). The experimental treatments included: 1) control group (without additive2) basal diet + 0.2% Ajowan powder, 3) basal diet + 0.4% Ajowan powder, and 4) basal diet + 0.6% Ajowan powder. Results showed that the levels of 0.2 and 0.4 % had no significant effect on daily weight gain, food intake and feed efficiency. Except for carcass weight, Ajowan had no significant effect on carcass characteristics. For blood parameters, the effects of Ajowan, in most cases, were non-significant. In contrast, plasma LDL and cholesterol concentrations decreased significantly with increasing levels of Ajowan powder. According to the obtained results, based on maintaining the bird's performance at the same levels as the control group and on the other hand improving the pattern of blood lipid metabolites, it can be said that Ajowan can be a good alternative to the growth-promoting antibiotic to improve health and solve the environmental problems in this area. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The Effect of consumer innovativeness, personal characteristics on dairy new-product adoption in Mazandaran cities
        Mohsen Akbari mohammad hassan gholizade hamid kazemi
        Nowadays, inventive consumers play a prominent role in the initial acceptance of the new product and the final acceptance of the new product by other consumers who have lower Innovativeness. Accordingly, many companies are seeking to identify the useful variables for th More
        Nowadays, inventive consumers play a prominent role in the initial acceptance of the new product and the final acceptance of the new product by other consumers who have lower Innovativeness. Accordingly, many companies are seeking to identify the useful variables for the segmentation of consumers as innovative and adopter consumers. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of consumer Innovativeness and personal characteristics on the adoption of new products. In this research, the role of moderating consumer personal characteristics has been investigated on the relationship between consumer innovation and new product adoption. For this purpose, the present study was conducted with a survey methodology strategy, targeting samples of Kaleh products (in Amol, Babol and Babolsar). Accordingly, the data were collected using a convenient sampling method from 398 Kaleh consumers during 1 month. In the end, due to the nature of the causal nature of the research methodology, the results of data analysis through Smart PLS software showed that consumer Innovativeness influences the adoption of the new product and consumer characteristics impacts consumer Innovativeness, and personal characteristics does not have an effect on new product adoption. In addition, the moderation of personal characteristics on the relationship between Consumer Innovativeness and the adoption of a new product, except for "education" was not approved. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Relation of Temporality and Actors in Short Story of "Morde-Keshan Jozan" by Abolqasem Payande
        مولود  طلائي
        The study reviewed time and its application in “Morde-Keshan Jozan” short story by Abolqasem Payande. This basic element has specific manifests in this story. Narration process is linear that narrates present time looking to past and childhood mementoes. There is a di More
        The study reviewed time and its application in “Morde-Keshan Jozan” short story by Abolqasem Payande. This basic element has specific manifests in this story. Narration process is linear that narrates present time looking to past and childhood mementoes. There is a direct relation between the frequency of page numbers and actors’ descriptions. When author intends to highlights morality inferiorities of his contemporary era, time would get circumlocution specifically and actors would emerge more than ever; but time summarization prevents author from this opportunity; then, it seems that actors’ descriptions would be summarized simultaneously with time. Authors of the study tried to critic the temporality of narration of this story based on “Gérard Genette” theory. The relation of its actors is expressed based on “Grimas” theory in final section and then the relation of these two elements is explained. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Picture and Character of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) the Greatest in Persian Mystical Prose
        عفت  نادری‌نژاد mostafa gorji
        One of the main themes in the literary works of the world, particularly mystical and ethical texts, is to put the prophet’s states in writing, as the results of his experience and mystical intuition. In fact, mysticism as an artistic approach towards religion leads to e More
        One of the main themes in the literary works of the world, particularly mystical and ethical texts, is to put the prophet’s states in writing, as the results of his experience and mystical intuition. In fact, mysticism as an artistic approach towards religion leads to esthetic and artistic discussions about religious issues such as prophecy. Meanwhile, mystic Persian prose texts, which are more profound than the related poetry and more focused on the prophecy of Mohammad (Pbuh) as well as his states and statements, have the possibility to may proceed on the matter of the prophecy, specifically the last prophet’s message from different views and aspects due to the cultural and linguistic reasons. The Gnostics tried to match, on the one hand, a range of themes with holy book and prophetic tradition in a subtle way. Through referring to them, on the other hand, they aimed to achieve some credits for their speech and accounts. This paper is intending to investigate about the position, situation and state of the last prophet in the fifteen most important gnostic prose texts from the early days up to the 8th century as well as studying on the similarities and differences of Mohammad’s tradition, his speech and behavior comparatively and historically due to lack of enough comprehensive related sources. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - A Structural and Semiotic Analysis of Nezami's ‘Haft Peykar’, from a Dramatic Point of View
        بهروز  محمودی بختیاری میترا  علوی طلب
        Nezami Ganjavi has always been recognized as one of the greatest creators of fictional masterpieces of Persian literature. However, the studies on his method of narration and characterization are so few in number. On the other hand, most of the works available have deal More
        Nezami Ganjavi has always been recognized as one of the greatest creators of fictional masterpieces of Persian literature. However, the studies on his method of narration and characterization are so few in number. On the other hand, most of the works available have dealt with Nezami's life, his literary innovations, and explanations about the difficult verses of him. This shows that there is a lot to be done about his method of storytelling, as well as the patterns of his fictional narrations. This study has chosen Haft Peykar from Nezami's five "treasures", since the dramatic patterns in this work seem to be more vivid, and on the basis of the methods available in structuralism and semiotics, it has been tried to present the reader the dramatic aspects of this work. In order to achieve this aim, issues such as characterization, dramatic situation, action and results, suspense and the active characters have been taken into account so that the proper framework may be provided for further adaptations or rewritings of Haft Peykar. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Studying the Binary Oppositions in the Structure of Sanaie's Hadiqa
        محمد امير  عبيدي‌نيا علي  دلائي ميلان
        'Binary oppositions' is considered as one of the basic concepts of structural and post-structural critique, and theories of linguistics and semiotics. It is rooted in mythological and cultural beliefs of the humans. Binary oppositions can be found throughout Hadiqa. At More
        'Binary oppositions' is considered as one of the basic concepts of structural and post-structural critique, and theories of linguistics and semiotics. It is rooted in mythological and cultural beliefs of the humans. Binary oppositions can be found throughout Hadiqa. At the level of its surface structure, the phrases, headings, the relations between lines and their arrangements show binary oppositions. At its deep structure, there can be found such oppositions among the successively expressed contents. At the surface structure of its narratives, the characters are of binary oppositions. Their deep structure also centers on this concept. The present article first studies and analyzes the term 'binary oppositions' concerning with different theories, and then classifies the origins of the binary oppositions in both the surface and deep structures of Hadiqa, especially considering its characterization. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Analysis of Prophet Mohammad's Ascension Position in Meiybodi's Kashf-Al-Asrar Interpretation
        مجيد  سرمدي محمود  شيخ
        Prophet Mohammad and the events of his life enjoys a particular position befor the Muslims. The Islamic scholars- whether mystic, theologist, or philosopher- have constantly made an attempt to express and reveal his character and they have spoke of his position within t More
        Prophet Mohammad and the events of his life enjoys a particular position befor the Muslims. The Islamic scholars- whether mystic, theologist, or philosopher- have constantly made an attempt to express and reveal his character and they have spoke of his position within the universe and his stand compared to the other prophets. There is no doubt that initially, this attempt had affectionate roots; but then later on its theoretical aspects and dimensions overcame its passionate aspects. The purpose of this research is to identify two significant incidents in Prophets' life that express his character better considering how they are revealed in Kashf-Al-Asrar and then show the role of the Ascent in this relation as mentioned in this book. As Meiybodi had mystical tendencies himself in the interpretation and paraphrase of the Quran and in quoting the Ascent, he is more concerned about the mystical and passionate aspects. So he merely focuses on the knowledge and superiority of Prophet in the spiritual statue. Meanwhile he does not mention the borders on the theory of "perfect human" while the central issue is "the truth about Mohammad"; a discussion which later on became one of the most basic discussions for the mystics and the theoretical sophists. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        علي  حسين‌پور
        Beside the three form of epic (national epic, historical epic, religious epic) the fourth form of epic can be accepted that is "mystical epic". This kind of epic can be found in mystical composed after fifth century. In this kind of epic sufi or mystic like a hero fight More
        Beside the three form of epic (national epic, historical epic, religious epic) the fourth form of epic can be accepted that is "mystical epic". This kind of epic can be found in mystical composed after fifth century. In this kind of epic sufi or mystic like a hero fights against inner devils and in a bloodshed war gains uper hand over enemies. We can find this king of epic in mystical poems of Attar, Sanaee and especially in Mowlana's odds. This article attempts to consider the meaning and concept of mystical epic and the reflection of this kind of epic in Mowlan's odds "Shams Nameh" and study the Mowlan's mystical epic in three field; "the epic characteristic, the epic imaginary and epic statement". Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Comparative Analysis of "Tiny Characters" in Folk Legends of Iran, Germany and Japan
        minoo hamedanizadeh soheila farhangi
        “Tiny characters” are among lovely and specific characters in world folk legends. They are very small children who have vegetable or human roots and are born into families that have longed for children, like “Nokhodi” in Iranian folklore legends. These characters can b More
        “Tiny characters” are among lovely and specific characters in world folk legends. They are very small children who have vegetable or human roots and are born into families that have longed for children, like “Nokhodi” in Iranian folklore legends. These characters can be seen not only in the tales of our country but also in the legends of other nations and can be considered and studied. Thus, this research aims to study and analyze Tiny characters, comparing them and defining their characteristics.Here to achieve this goal, we used Iranians’ folk legends, gathered by Fazl-o-allah Mohtadi (Sobhi), such as “Nokhodoo”, “Jastik Nokhodi” and “Nokhodi and Deev”. Also German folk legends written by Grimm Brothers, such as “Tom thumb”, “Thumb and Thumbling”; and Japanese folk legends written by Shogo Hirata and Florence Sakade, such as “Peach boy, Little One-Inch, Little One-Inch ” are used.This research tries to show the similarities and differences of Tiny characters in the folk legends of Iran and the world with a descriptive-analytical method and with the approach of comparative literature. These similarities can be found in the vegetable origin of most of these characters and their ethical features such as confidence, responsibility, braveness, intelligence, justice seeking, fighting against oppression and so on. There are also small differences in the type of their birth, how to achieve the goals, etc., which can be considered. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Handwritten Digits Recognition Using an Ensemble Technique Based on the Firefly Algorithm
        Azar Mahmoodzadeh Hamed Agahi Marzieh  Salehi
        This paper develops a multi-step procedure for classifying Farsi handwritten digits using a combination of classifiers. Generally, the technique relies on extracting a set of characteristics from handwritten samples, training multiple classifiers to learn to discriminat More
        This paper develops a multi-step procedure for classifying Farsi handwritten digits using a combination of classifiers. Generally, the technique relies on extracting a set of characteristics from handwritten samples, training multiple classifiers to learn to discriminate between digits, and finally combining the classifiers to enhance the overall system performance. First, a pre-processing course is performed to prepare the images for the main steps. Then three structural and statistical characteristics are extracted which include several features, among which a multi-objective genetic algorithm selects those more effective ones in order to reduce the computational complexity of the classification step. For the base classification, a decision tree (DT), an artificial neural networks (ANN) and a k-nearest neighbor (KNN) models are employed. Finally, the outcomes of the classifiers are fed into a classifier ensemble system to make the final decision. This hybrid system assigns different weights for each class selected by each classifier. These voting weights are adjusted by a metaheuristic firefly algorithm which optimizes the accuracy of the overall system. The performance of the implemented approach on the standard HODA dataset is compared with the base classifiers and some state-of-the-art methods. Evaluation of the proposed technique demonstrates that the proposed hybrid system attains high performance indices including accuracy of 98.88% with only eleven features. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Contemporaneity of old poems in the novel "Jazire-ye Sargardani and Sareban-e Sargardan" (Island of Wandering and Wandering camel-driver) of Simin Daneshvar
        asena abdali Jahangir  safari ebrahim  zaheri abdevand
        Contemporaneity is concerned with the application of the literature of earlier eras in contemporary literature and the harmonization of this type of literature with the spirits and minds of today's human beings This plays an important role in the creation of literary wo More
        Contemporaneity is concerned with the application of the literature of earlier eras in contemporary literature and the harmonization of this type of literature with the spirits and minds of today's human beings This plays an important role in the creation of literary works, their enrichment and the connection between culture in different periods. SiminDaneshvar is one of the storytellers who has used this method in creating her stories. In the novels"Jazire-ye Sargardani andSareban-e Sargardan" (Island of Wandering and Wandering camel-driver), the poems of various poets such as Hafez, Moulavi, Saadi and Khayyam have been contemporaryized.The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of these poems and the way of their contemporaryization in the novel based on the descriptive-analytical method. The results of the research show that Daneshvar has used Hafez's poetry more in the mentioned novel and in the new reading of old poems and harmonizing them with the atmosphere of today's Iranian society, she has given them more meaning and social-political meaning. Also, these poems have become part of the structure of his novel and have a very important role in the characterization, showing the type of thoughts and mental dependencies of the characters in the novel, plot design, strengthening the themes, describing the place, the verisimilitude and connections between Iran's cultural and social past and its present time. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - The Role of Islamic Culture and Ethics on the Development of the Personality of the Woman and the Family
        Shahrbanoo  chatri
        Throughout history, women had not had a high rank and would often face cruelty. However, by daily increasing awareness of man and rapid social and human advances, the question aroused as to what is the real rank of women in society and family. In the present era, recogn More
        Throughout history, women had not had a high rank and would often face cruelty. However, by daily increasing awareness of man and rapid social and human advances, the question aroused as to what is the real rank of women in society and family. In the present era, recognizing woman’s character is important from the standpoint of Islam. In Islamic community and as a consequence of the subtle school of Islam, woman educates and raises religious and hard- working people in addition to recovering her subtle statue in family. In this regard, the present research aims at investigating the role of Islamic culture in developing family and woman’s character. The present research is of the practical ones. The method of the present study is surveying. Throughout history, women have proven their value with deserve. Although the life teachings of Islam has had much influence in the way of making the personality of women alive, many facts have been concealed behind ignorance and superstition and women’s society has not yet been able to benefit Islamic culture as it should. The findings of the present research displayed that the Islamic culture has affected the progress and advance of woman’ character and family to a great extent. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Checking the place of Intention in The Moral System of Allameh Tabatabaee and Michael Slote
        zahra khazaie Maryam  Larijani maryam sadat nabavi meybodi
        Intention as a mentally process have a important place in ethics. In order to analysis of the intention and checking in the role of its semantic, ontology and valorization in morality has been paid attention to two famous philosophy that’s mean Allameh Tabatabaee and M More
        Intention as a mentally process have a important place in ethics. In order to analysis of the intention and checking in the role of its semantic, ontology and valorization in morality has been paid attention to two famous philosophy that’s mean Allameh Tabatabaee and Michael Slote. So the role of intention in moral agent and action and its relation with character has been explored. At the end, similar approach understood regarding definition of the intention in both. But about the role of semantic, valorization and ontology of intention have been seen differences in morality. This suggests their difference in the content of their thought. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Presenting an Elite Maintenance Ethical Model for Iranian Public Agencies
        Ayob  Sarafraz Gholamreza  Memarzadeh Naser  Hamidi
        One of the most important factors influencing the success of organizations is the useful and efficient human resources. In addition to facilitating elite retention, ethical governance in the organization reduces conflicts and increases productivity. For this reason, in More
        One of the most important factors influencing the success of organizations is the useful and efficient human resources. In addition to facilitating elite retention, ethical governance in the organization reduces conflicts and increases productivity. For this reason, in this paper, a model for elite maintenance in Iranian public agencies is designed based on the ethics and specific culture of the Iranian society. This research is a combination of two quantitative and qualitative approaches. It is also applied in terms of purpose and is descriptive-exploratory in terms of nature. The research method is thematic analysis. The data collection method was a deep interview with 13 experts. The results are categorized into four main themes, including organizational, individual, psychological and occupational themes. Ten companies were selected as sample by cluster sampling and the questionnaires were distributed among managers and their human resources experts. According to research findings in organizational aspect, factors such as organizational justice, organizational support, participation and organizational culture are important in maintaining the elites. From the psychological point of view, the reverence of the elites and in terms of job, job independence, challenge, and quality play an important role in maintaining the elite. Also, paying attention to individual features of the elite, especially risk-taking, is a very important factor in keeping them alive. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - A philosophical approach to the intersection of ethics and emotion
        Seyyed Ahmad  Fazeli Mojtaba  Jafari
        Emotions are concerned about by philosophers because knowledge, happiness, and ethics that have been a longstanding concern of philosophy, have some intersects with emotions. They have, therefore, tried to show the value and place of emotions in the acquisition of knowl More
        Emotions are concerned about by philosophers because knowledge, happiness, and ethics that have been a longstanding concern of philosophy, have some intersects with emotions. They have, therefore, tried to show the value and place of emotions in the acquisition of knowledge of happiness and moral life. Their focus, in comparison with scientists, is more on an abstract analysis of emotions. Exploring the nature of emotion leads to several philosophical issues, such as: What are the differences between emotions? Is it evaluating, that is, whether it has to be taken as evaluative judgments, or perceptions, or something else? What is the epistemological status of emotions and their relation to evaluative judgments? What is the relationship between motivation and emotion? And finally, what its role in the moral life, and what effect does it have on the development of virtues and moral character?. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Indicators of Mahdavi's rule of peace and security
        Ehsan  Samani
        from a long time ago, one of the basic concerns of mankind has been the creation of a safe environment and free of conflict, and in that regard, he has taken measures and efforts, including the establishment of institutions such as the Community of Nations, the United More
        from a long time ago, one of the basic concerns of mankind has been the creation of a safe environment and free of conflict, and in that regard, he has taken measures and efforts, including the establishment of institutions such as the Community of Nations, the United Nations, the Security Council... but he has not only failed to provide world peace that we saw more and more terrible wars. The roots of insecurity and war should be sought in the kind of political systems. Poverty, ignorance and despotism are the roots of insecurity, oppression and and international conflict. Liberal democracy has also failed to eliminate these factors. It seems that the supreme goal can be approached with the pattern of Mahdavi's universal government and its special features. Of course, these attributes Completely are dedicated to the Mahdavi's universal government, but Islamic governments, before they emerge, by pattern of that government, can -According to their efforts- achieve a certain degree of this attributes , and equally bring peace and security to their communities. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Analysis of children's characters regarding the importance of childhood in Attar's Tazkereh al-Awliya
        arezo hagigi seyed mohsen sajedirad mohamad ali atashsowda
        Tazkirat al-Awliyā is one of the valuable mystical works in which Attar Neyshapouri introduces the Sufi saints by mentioning their sayings, anecdotes and wise narrations. A majority of this book consists of narratives about the life and characteristics of saints with a More
        Tazkirat al-Awliyā is one of the valuable mystical works in which Attar Neyshapouri introduces the Sufi saints by mentioning their sayings, anecdotes and wise narrations. A majority of this book consists of narratives about the life and characteristics of saints with a narrative structure. In these narratives, there are other relatively fixed characters besides the saints, one of whom are children. they have two different faces in the inner layers of their characters; sometimes they are children in their own sense; sometimes they are identical to the characters of "the Old" and "unseen language". Using purposive sampling method and content analysis, in this article we investigate the manifestations of children's characters in Tazkirat al-Awliyā and at the same time, examine the childhood, the saints' views towards children, and different manifestations of children's characters and their roles in this mystical narrative. Manuscript profile
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        20 - An Investigation of Effective Individual and Behavioral Characteristics of New Technology-Based Firms' Managers
        Gholamreza Malekzadeh Azadeh Kiyani nejad
        In the paper effective individual and behavioral characteristics of the new technology based firms' managers in a supportive environment such as Science and Technology Parkas and Technology Incubators are investigated and based on the results of the research, effective More
        In the paper effective individual and behavioral characteristics of the new technology based firms' managers in a supportive environment such as Science and Technology Parkas and Technology Incubators are investigated and based on the results of the research, effective individual and behavioral characteristics for success of these managers and also their companies are presented. Also, in this study, researchers have tried to determine effective characteristics and indicators which are used in selecting and appointing the managers of such firms, and therefore improve the process of managers' selection. Sample firms are located in Khorasan Science and Technology Park (KSTP) which is one of the new supportive environments in the country. For this study, among the multiple personality characteristics and features, six individual and behavioral indicators were selected and highlighted which include: 1) confidence, 2) leadership abilities, 3) creativity and innovation, 4) participation and devolution, 5) human relationship skills and 6) internal control. Selection of these individual and behavioral indicators and characteristics are based on the results of the other researches and studies. After determining these characteristics through the review of literature, an evaluation questionnaire was designed and distributed to sample firms' managers and necessary information was obtained. By analyzing these results, the effective indicators and characteristics for success of managers were identified. The results shows that the first and sixth hypotheses of the research hypotheses are correct, i.e. confidence and internal controls are most effective indicators for success of these firms' managers. This research has not considered Employees' satisfaction. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Psychometric Properties of Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration Scale
        razieh sheikholeslami Farzaneh Yazdani Zeinabossadat Razavi Estahbanati
        The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS). Two hundred and fifteen students were selected from Shiraz University by means of multistage cluster sampling method, and f More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS). Two hundred and fifteen students were selected from Shiraz University by means of multistage cluster sampling method, and following scales were given them to responds Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (Chen, et.al, 2015), To confirm Vatality of the Scale (Ryan & Frederick, 1997), Aggression Questionnaire (Buss & Perry, 1992), and Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diner, et.al, 1985). To determine the validity of the Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Frustration Scale, confirmatory factor analysis by structural equation modeling using AMOS software and convergent and divergent validity methods were used. Also, positive correlation between needs satisfaction, state vitality, and life satisfaction, negative correlation between needs frustration, and these variables, and positive correlation between needs frustration and aggression, confirmed the convergent and divergent validity of this scale. To determine the reliability, Cronbach's coefficient alpha was used. Range of coefficients was 0.68 to 0.85. Results indicated that BPNSFS is a valid instrument for the use in Iranian society. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Mediating role of loving Styles in the relationship between Personality characteristics and marital satisfaction
        Faezeh Salayani MohammadJavad Asghari EbrahimAbad Seyed Kazem Rasoolzadeh Tabatabaei Razieh Abbaszadeh Rougoushouee
        Marital satisfaction is one of the most dimensions creating couples’ relationship stability. Personality traits and love styles have an impact on marital relationships. The aim of this study was to determine the mediating role of loving style in relationship between per More
        Marital satisfaction is one of the most dimensions creating couples’ relationship stability. Personality traits and love styles have an impact on marital relationships. The aim of this study was to determine the mediating role of loving style in relationship between personality characteristics and marital satisfaction among married individuals in Mashhad. This study was a descriptive-correlational study. In this study, 344 married individuals in Mashhad, were selected through cluster sampling and they completed loving style scale, NEO-FFI and Enrich marital satisfaction. Pearson’s correlation, stepwise regression and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were used to analyze the data through SPSS and AMOS software. The results showed that there were significant correlations between personality characteristics, loving styles and marital satisfaction (p<0/05). Regression analysis showed that personality characteristics and loving styles predicted 34 percent variances of marital satisfaction (p<0/001). Results also showed personality characteristics effect through love styles on marital satisfaction. Conceptual model of marital satisfaction was fit. According to finding loving styles and personality characteristics can predict marital satisfaction among married individuals. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Causal Explanation of Dimensions of academic dishonesty Base on Moral Character and Self- Deception
        Dr Barani farhad khormaei
        Introduction: Although, Investigating the separated dimensions of academic dishonesty is important to identify its causes and reduce this behavior, But researches have investigated this behavior by a general construct. The purpose of this study was Causal explanation of More
        Introduction: Although, Investigating the separated dimensions of academic dishonesty is important to identify its causes and reduce this behavior, But researches have investigated this behavior by a general construct. The purpose of this study was Causal explanation of the dimensions of academic dishonesty among a group of undergraduate students at Shiraz University. Method: Participants were 303 (185 girls and 111 boys) undergraduates at Shiraz University (during 1397-98 academic year) who were selected using a multi-stage cluster random sampling method. They completed the moral character scale of Khoramei & Ghaemi (2018), self- deception of Sirvent et al. (2019), and Academic Dishonesty scales of Bashir & Bala (2018). For analyzing the research model, structural equation modeling and Amos 24 software was used. Results: The results showed that the research model fits well with the data collected. Findings showed that moral character predicted Dimensions of academic dishonesty directly and indirectly (through self- deception). Also, the maximum variance was explained by lying about academic assignments and the minimum variance by Cheating in Examination in the model. Conclusion: In general, the findings of the present study illustrate the role of moral character and self-deception in explaining the dimensions of academic dishonesty, and especially the dimension of lying about academic assignments. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Mediating Role of Loving Styles in the Relationship between Personality Characteristics and Marital Satisfaction
        Faeze Salayani MohammadJavad Asghari EbrahimAbad Kazem Rasoolzadeh Tabatabaei Razieh Abbaszadeh Rougoushouee
        The aim of this study was to determine the mediating role of loving in relationship between personality characteristics and marital satisfaction among married individuals in Mashhad. This study was a descriptive-correlational study. In this study, 344 married individual More
        The aim of this study was to determine the mediating role of loving in relationship between personality characteristics and marital satisfaction among married individuals in Mashhad. This study was a descriptive-correlational study. In this study, 344 married individuals in Mashhad, were selected through available sampling and they completed Love Attitude Scale (LAS), NEO-Five Factor Inventory (FFI) and Enrich Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire. Pearson’s correlation, stepwise regression analysis and path analysis were used to analyze the data through SPSS and AMOS software. The results showed that there were significant correlations between personality characteristics and, eros, ludos, Storge, Pragma and Agape loving styles with marital satisfaction (p<0/01). Regression analysis also showed that eros style, neuroticism, Pragma style, ludos styles, agreeableness and extraversion predicted 34 percent variances of marital satisfaction. Results also revealed the mediating effect of eros, Pragma and ludos love styles on the relationship between neuroticism and extraversion with marital satisfaction (p<0/05). According to the findings, marital satisfaction is influenced by loving styles and personality characteristics. Manuscript profile
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        25 - The Relationship between Moral Characters and the Academic Dishonesty Dimensions with Mediating Role of Self-Deception
        Dr Barani farhad khormaei
        The purpose of this study was causal explanation of the dimensions of academic dishonesty among a group of undergraduate students at Shiraz University. Participants were 303 (185 girls and 118 boys) undergraduates at Shiraz University (during 2019-2020 academic year) wh More
        The purpose of this study was causal explanation of the dimensions of academic dishonesty among a group of undergraduate students at Shiraz University. Participants were 303 (185 girls and 118 boys) undergraduates at Shiraz University (during 2019-2020 academic year) who were selected using a multi-stage cluster random sampling method. They completed the moral character scale of Khoramei & Ghaemi (2018), self-deception of Sirvent et al. (2019), and Academic Dishonesty scales of Bashir & Bala (2018). For analyzing the research model, structural equation modeling and Amos 24 software was used. The results showed that the research model fits well with the data collected. Findings showed that moral character predicted dimensions of academic dishonesty directly and indirectly (through self- deception). Also, the maximum variance was explained by lying about academic assignments and the minimum variance by cheating in examination in the model. In general, the findings of the present study illustrate the role of moral character and self-deception in explaining the dimensions of academic dishonesty, and especially Manuscript profile
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        26 - Check out the vague angles of Sultan Sanjar character Based on ancient literary and historical texts
        leila amiri soheila amiri
        Kings, as one of the most prominent figures in politics, have been highly praised by poets of the courtiers, but whether there has been a common or even unpopular face behind this popular and idealistic face in medieval affairs, or Not? The current research is to invest More
        Kings, as one of the most prominent figures in politics, have been highly praised by poets of the courtiers, but whether there has been a common or even unpopular face behind this popular and idealistic face in medieval affairs, or Not? The current research is to investigate the qualitative, analytical, descriptive and textual research methods of unknown and vague angles of Sultan Sanjar's personality based on ancient historical and literary texts such as four articles, Jahan-e-Shah's history, Seljuk-e-Payam, Raheh Anvari, Sana'i, Amir Mo'azi and Abdul Wassi Jabali will be released. The findings show that Sultan Sanjar had a gray personality, not entirely positive, not quite negative, neither was the age of the Anoushiran, nor the time of Zahak. In Armani Sanjar's design, positive features such as poetry and the emergence of a manifestation, and Abdulvaas Jebli and Anvari, praised him with poetic exaggeration, and in his negative and unpleasant face, Amir Mo'azi, though unwittingly, The poet Adib Saber called for political and spy purposes, and even Mohammad Ghazali wrote an outrageous letter about the disturbed circumstances of the afternoon and the plight of the people. Manuscript profile
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        27 - A Comparative Study of Colors’ Function in stories of “Vis and Ramin” and “Tristan and Iseult”
        alimohammad rezaeihaftador
        Abstract After that a number of psychologists paid attention to outstanding presence of colors in human’s life for the first time in recent years, purposeful use of this element increased in literature. However, due to effective presence of color in daily life of huma More
        Abstract After that a number of psychologists paid attention to outstanding presence of colors in human’s life for the first time in recent years, purposeful use of this element increased in literature. However, due to effective presence of color in daily life of human, we witness it in literary classic texts. In present research, function of colors in “Vis and Ramin” epopee by Gorgani and the story of “Tristan and Iseult” by Joseph Bedier have been compared via a comparative approach and an analytic-descriptive method. The most frequent colors in a poetry by Fakhraddin is yellow and black and in a work by Bedier has been black and red. The common function observed in all colors is the descriptive aspect. As well, explanation of biological and psychological conditions of characters, inducing internal emotions and giving objectivity to abstract concepts have taken occurred by colors. Despite of common functions of colors in the two works, there are different points. In an epopee by Fakhraddin As’ad, red color shows liveliness and happiness and modesty. Moreover, in this epopee, the internal negative emotions and setting ethical concepts have taken place by using yellow color. In Tristan and Iseult, describing the concept of will and in “Vis and Ramin” indicating the gayness and vitality of characters have been known as the functions of green color Totally, the colors used in these two stories are non-symbolic, explicit and direct and this represents the realist of authors Manuscript profile
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        28 - Linguistic and ideological characteristics of Banoo-Goshasb-Name
        somayeh sharoni mohammad reza salehi mazandarani
        Banoo-Goshasb-Name is an epic poem whose subject matter is the life and prowess of Banoo-Goshasb, the daughter of Rostam, and is the only Iranian national epic that its hero is a heroine lady. In scientific research, the determination of the true value of a work depen More
        Banoo-Goshasb-Name is an epic poem whose subject matter is the life and prowess of Banoo-Goshasb, the daughter of Rostam, and is the only Iranian national epic that its hero is a heroine lady. In scientific research, the determination of the true value of a work depends to a large extent on stylistics studies; therefore, the style of the epic poems has always been of interest to Persian literature scholars and in many researches they have been dealing with the epic and especially the epics that have been written in imitation of Shahnameh in subsequent periods. This research, which has been conducted with a thorough study based on stylistic studies, aims to show the linguistic and ideological characteristics of Banoo-Goshasb-Name as one of the epic poems of Iran. An accurate and detailed examination of all verses of this poem, based on the narrators' stories and what was said on the language of the legacies of the Persian culture of Iran, showed that this work, whose author is unknown, was among poems that has been somewhat successful in imitation of Ferdowsi. The themes of romance and grandeur, indulgence, the influence of religious thoughts and prayers, the passing of the code of marriage by the priests, patriarchy, and the mention of some ethical points are among the most important contents and ideologies of this poem. Manuscript profile
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        29 - The ancient resurrection of Jung's model in awakening the devil Mu'awiyah is the time of prayer
        azadeh ebrahimipoor
        Archetypes are the eternal primordial forms common in the collective minds and subconscious of human beings that manifest themselves in the common beliefs of that period in each period, and their attitudes can increase our knowledge of deep cultural, literary and religi More
        Archetypes are the eternal primordial forms common in the collective minds and subconscious of human beings that manifest themselves in the common beliefs of that period in each period, and their attitudes can increase our knowledge of deep cultural, literary and religious currents in historical periods. . In his works, Jung mentions several archetypes and considers each of them individually and in general connection as one of the most meaningful manifestations of the collective unconscious. In this article, Jung archetypes in the form of a story from the second book of Masnavi (Awakening of Iblis Mu'awiyah is the time of prayer) are analyzed. In this study, Jung's school of psychoanalysis is viewed from the perspective of Rumi's poetic world and it is found that this category Archetypes have had a significant impact on the mind and language of this poet. Also, the influence of archetypes such as love, death, rebirth, hero, etc., which have always occupied the human mind, has been studied in Rumi's poetry. has taken. Manuscript profile
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        30 - The effect of good character of managers on organizational commitment of employees (Case study: Islamic Republic of Iran’s Customs Administration)
        Abstract This study aims to review related literature about good character and organizational commitment to design a structural model to investigate the effect of good character of managers on organizational commitment of employees. The research model has been develope More
        Abstract This study aims to review related literature about good character and organizational commitment to design a structural model to investigate the effect of good character of managers on organizational commitment of employees. The research model has been developed based on relationships among research variables and previous studies and has been tested by using regression analysis. The population was all personnel of Iran’s Customs Administration. To collect data, a field survey was performed on 106 people. Data was analyzed using SPSS software. Results indicated that dimensions of good character of manger (passion, humor, compassion, humility, courage, integrity, and wisdom) have positive and significant impact on organizational commitment. Finally, it was indicated that passion, compassion, humility, humor, integrity, courage, and wisdom, respectively, had the higher effects. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Comparsion of Harmonic Propagation and Whack-a-mole Phenomena Compensation on Radial Distribution Feeder Using Parallel Active Power Filter with Constant and Controlled Gains
        H. R. Ezzati A. Yazdian Varjani
        In order to damping harmonic propagation effect, the active power filters (APF) are installed on distribution systems. This installation also may cause harmonic oscillation effect named Whack-a-mole. In this paper using simulation results, the two mentioned effects are More
        In order to damping harmonic propagation effect, the active power filters (APF) are installed on distribution systems. This installation also may cause harmonic oscillation effect named Whack-a-mole. In this paper using simulation results, the two mentioned effects are decreased efficiently for a ten-bus power radial distribution feeder for any nonlinear load connections (harmonic current or voltage source) by using constant gain Kv=1/Zc The characteristic impedance, Zc, is nondeterministic and variable, so the APF's gain should be controlled actively. In this paper the parallel active filter gain is designed such that by producing proper compensating current, the harmonic distortion on APF bus is controlled and the harmonic propagation and oscillation effects are prevented by keeping the harmonic distortion in an allowable interval. By adjusting APF gain, the effective compensation current will decrease and so the power loss and cost, the benefit of applying adjustable gain APF. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Nastaliq CAPTCHA
        M. H. Shirali-Shahreza Mohammad Shirali-Shahreza
        Nowadays, many daily human activities such as education, trade, talks, etc are done by using the Internet. In such things as registration on Internet web sites, hackers write programs to make automatic false registration that waste the resources of the web sites while i More
        Nowadays, many daily human activities such as education, trade, talks, etc are done by using the Internet. In such things as registration on Internet web sites, hackers write programs to make automatic false registration that waste the resources of the web sites while it may also stop it from functioning. Therefore, human users should be distinguished from computer programs. To this end, this paper presents a method for distinction of Persian and Arabic-language users from computer programs based on Persian and Arabic texts using Nastaliq font. In this method, the image of a Persian or Arabic word written in Nastaliq font is chosen from a dictionary, and it is shown to the user, then he is asked to type it. Considering that the presently available Persian and Arabic OCR programs cannot identify these words, the word can be identified only by a Persian or Arabic-language user. The proposed method has been implemented by the Java language. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Investigation of New Structures for Carbon Nanotube FETs
        R. Faez S. E. Hosseini
        A carbon nanotube field effect transistor (CNTFET) with Schottky contacts for the drain and the source has been investigated. It is shown that the saturation region of the transistor output characteristics is small. This limits the application of the transistor. To impr More
        A carbon nanotube field effect transistor (CNTFET) with Schottky contacts for the drain and the source has been investigated. It is shown that the saturation region of the transistor output characteristics is small. This limits the application of the transistor. To improve the saturation range in the output characteristics, new structures are proposed, and the simulation results are compared. The proposed structures have supperior output characteristics. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Overcurrent Relay Coordination Using Improved Hyper-Spherical Search Algorithm Considering Different Relay Characteristics and Pickup Current
        A. Hassani Ahangar H. Nafisi H. Karami G. Gharehpetian
        Minimization of the discrimination time between the backup and main overcurrent relay is one of the most critical issue in relay coordination of power system. Determination of time setting multipliers (TSMs) using evolutionary algorithms has been studied in previous pap More
        Minimization of the discrimination time between the backup and main overcurrent relay is one of the most critical issue in relay coordination of power system. Determination of time setting multipliers (TSMs) using evolutionary algorithms has been studied in previous papers. In this paper, TSM, various characteristics of the overcurrent relays and pickup currents are simultaneously considered to improve coordination of main and backup overcurrent relays. Furthermore, the coordination problem can also be considered as an optimization problem which can be solved using artificial intelligent methods. Recently, a novel optimization algorithm, called hyper-sphere search (HSS) algorithm, has been introduced. In this paper, Improved HSS (IHSS) is introduced. Based on the problems mentioned in this paper, the IHSS algorithm is more appropriate for obtaining the characteristics of the overcurrent relays, pickup currents and their TSMs. The result of IHSS is compared with HSS algorithm which has been used in previous studies. The simulation results on the test network show the efficiency of using IHSS and considering pickup currents in term of better relays coordination. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Impact of Learner’s Characteristics, Training Design and Work Environment on the Transfer of Learning in Banking Industry
        The aim of this study was conducted to determine the impact of trainee characteristics, training design and working environment on the transfer of learning in banking industry. The research method was descriptive, non-experimental causal study. The population was includ More
        The aim of this study was conducted to determine the impact of trainee characteristics, training design and working environment on the transfer of learning in banking industry. The research method was descriptive, non-experimental causal study. The population was included 74 employees who have participated in the Banking 1 training courses for 80 hours in 1391 at Fereshtegan Finance & Credit Institute. To this aim, a random sample of 55 employees who participated in the course, were selected. To measure trainee characteristics, training design and work environment, a researcher-made questionnaire was applied. The Validity of the questionnaire was approved by scholars in the field of Management and also Educational Sciences. Its reliability was found to be 0.85. To measure the transfer of learning a researcher-made questionnaire used and its validity was verified by organization’s experts and was finally confirmed by academicians of educational sciences and its reliability was 0.75. Analyzing data was performed by using single-sample t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and simple and multiple regressions. Results showed that behavior change in Fereshtegan Finance & Credit Institute is undesirable and has a gap with the ideal mean. Main findings showed that there is not a significant relationship between the transfer of learning and trainee characteristics with components such as individual conditions, motivation, self-efficacy and the perception of training productivity and so cannot predict the transfer of learning. Regarding sub-hypotheses, there is a significant relationship between training design and the transfer of learning and as a result it can be predicted. No significant relationship was found between the transfer of learning and working environment with components of “supports for working environment” and “environmental incentives” and so cannot predict the transfer of learning. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Identify the elements of a systematic model of competency-based training with a grounded theory approach (Case study: Ports and Maritime Organization, Shahid Rajaee Port)
        Homan Shafighian Nadergholi GHourchian Mehdi Bagheri
        The purpose of this study was to identify the dimensions, components and indicators of model of competency-based training of Shahid Rajaee port staff. The Research is applied in terms of purpose, in terms of data is qualitative, and in terms of nature is descriptive. Th More
        The purpose of this study was to identify the dimensions, components and indicators of model of competency-based training of Shahid Rajaee port staff. The Research is applied in terms of purpose, in terms of data is qualitative, and in terms of nature is descriptive. The statistical population consisted of key experts and informants in the subject area of the research who were selected based on informed approach and purposeful and snowball method. Data collection was done by library method (surveying) and field method (interviewing and Delphi). Interviews with focal subjects and theoretical saturation techniques, specific coding procedures, and validity of data collection techniques from multiple sources, negative case analysis, and method flexibility were used to validate the findings. Finally, theoretical coding technique was used to analyze the data. The results showed that the systematic model of competency-based training of Shahid Rajaee port staff has 8 dimensions, 27 components and 83 indicators that are the components of the final paradigm model: Causal conditions (learning environment); Interfering conditions (Competency-Based Characteristics of Learners); Contextual conditions (context of learning process); Core category (competency-based training); Strategies (Developing a Competency Model, ...); Consequences (effective training, Desire for Self-Development, etc.). Manuscript profile
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        37 - Prediction of Schizophrenia Neuropsychological Characteristics Based on Social Cognition Aspects in a Non-Clinical Sample
        gholamhossein javanmard
        Abstract: The aim of the present study was to investigate the mutual relationship between characteristics of schizophrenia (Sc) with theory of mind and alexithymia, as social cognitive as-pects, in a nonclinical group. The research method was descriptive-correlational d More
        Abstract: The aim of the present study was to investigate the mutual relationship between characteristics of schizophrenia (Sc) with theory of mind and alexithymia, as social cognitive as-pects, in a nonclinical group. The research method was descriptive-correlational design of regression prediction. To do so, 200 university students (100 males, 100 females) were selec-ted by multistage cluster sampling from the two universities of Bonab city, East Azarbayjan province in Iran (Payame Noor and University of Bonab). Having any physical or psycho-neurological chronic illnesses was the elimi-nation criterion in the study. To collect data the 78-item scale of MMPI-2 for schizophrenia, Reading Mind from Eyes Test (RMET), and Alexithymia Questionnaire (FTAS-20) were used. Data were analyzed by Pearson's cor-relation test, linear regression analysis, and mul-tiple simultaneus regression analysis. According to the results, the predictive role of theory of mind and alexithymia in characteristics of schi-zophrenia were confirmed. Separately, theory of mind explained 19% and alexithymia explained 57% of the variance of neuro-psychological characteristics of schizophrenia. Studying the combined contribution of theory of mind and alexithymia in schizophrenic characteristics in-dicated that, among the two variables, only the predictive variable affecting features of schizo-phrenia was alexithymia (with beta=0.58). Manuscript profile
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        38 - Comparison of the Ideal and Actual Affective States of Opiate-Dependent Addicts and Non-Addicts and Their Relationship to Personality Characteristics
        S. Said  Pournaghash Tehrani
        Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess the ideal and actual affective states of opiate-dependent addicts and non-addict group and their relationship to personality characteristics. The retrospective research method was used in the present study .The statistic More
        Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess the ideal and actual affective states of opiate-dependent addicts and non-addict group and their relationship to personality characteristics. The retrospective research method was used in the present study .The statistical population consisted of all opiate-dependent individuals who themselves had referred to rehabilitation centers in Tehran in 2012. A sample of 30 opiate-dependents was chosen. Also, 30 non-addicts were selected by convenience sampling who were matched on age. The two groups filled out Affect Valuation Index (AVI) and Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI). Analyzing the data showed that there was a significant difference between the two groups in all subscales of the AVI (ideal) except for the subscale of HA. Also, significant differences were observed between the two groups in the subscales of P, LA, and N of actual AVI. Furthermore, there were significant differences in the NS, RD, and SD subscales of TCI. Regarding the differences between the addict and non-addict groups, significant differences existed in all subscales of actual AVI and ideal AVI except for the LAN and HAN subscales. In short, in terms of ideal and actual affective states and personality characteristics, there were differences between opiate-dependent individuals and non-addict groups. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Concept of Ethos in Aristotle’s Theory of Tragedy and its Historical Reflection
        Mohammad Hashemi Amir Maziyar
        In Aristotle’s view, an ideal tragic hero must be neither a villain nor a virtuous man but a character who stands between these two extremes based on a conscious process of choice. In order to explain ethos, the study inquires about the roles of conscious ethical choice More
        In Aristotle’s view, an ideal tragic hero must be neither a villain nor a virtuous man but a character who stands between these two extremes based on a conscious process of choice. In order to explain ethos, the study inquires about the roles of conscious ethical choice, external virtues, and the similarities between the hero and the addressee in the unity of action and hero in Aristotle’s view. Moreover, it asks about the basis upon which the historical reflection of this unity can be studied. This paper aims to investigate the relationship between Aristotle’s theory of tragedy and philosophy of ethics and its historical reflection relying on the relationship between act and moral character in his Poetics and the related sections in his other treatises. Here, the author demonstrates that action and hero in a tragedy together present some imitations of the essence and ethical nature of the world. The historical reflection of Aristotle’s ethical approach to tragedy can be studied based on the theories related to the principiality of ethics and the relationship between art and ethics. This qualitative study has been conducted following a descriptive-analytic method. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Facies, thickness variations and reservoir characterisation of Arab formation (Surmeh) in the Eastern part of the Persian Gulf
        Ali reza Bashari
        The Kimmerigian-Tithonian) Arab Zone are the prolific hydrocarbon bearing resrvoirs in the eastern part of the Persian Gulf,offshore,Iran.They were deposited in an arid climate which dominate during late Jurassic. The Berriasian to Thitonian Hith formation wich o More
        The Kimmerigian-Tithonian) Arab Zone are the prolific hydrocarbon bearing resrvoirs in the eastern part of the Persian Gulf,offshore,Iran.They were deposited in an arid climate which dominate during late Jurassic. The Berriasian to Thitonian Hith formation wich overlies the Arab reservoir constitutes the cap rock,wich just to the east gradually pinches out and form a N-S feather adge. The study reveals that Arab zones form a massive to interbedded anhydrite with varying proportion of limestone and dolomite and generally have regressive units which was deposited on a broad carbonate platform .This formations are thick in center (Salman field) and mostly consist of intertidal pack/grainstones with high porosity/permeability,good cap rock and also close to the source rock,which has the most hydrocarbon potential, but towards east the layers getting thinner with unsuitable cap rock and are away from source rock ,so as a result Arab formation in this part of the Persian Gulf doesn,t seem to be attractive. This study reveals that there is still some undrilled structure within this area which could be attractive for further Exploration drilling. Manuscript profile
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        41 - An attempt to reservoir characterization of Burgan sand, in the northwest of the Persian Gulf toward Kuwait
        Ali reza Bashari
        The Sand tongues of the Albian Kazhdumi Formation is a major prodactive reservoir in North West part of the Persian Gulf towards Kuwait . High porosity and high permeability of these sandstones together with existence of shale either as source rock or cap rock in More
        The Sand tongues of the Albian Kazhdumi Formation is a major prodactive reservoir in North West part of the Persian Gulf towards Kuwait . High porosity and high permeability of these sandstones together with existence of shale either as source rock or cap rock in this formation, have provided all conditions needed for hydrocarbon accumulation. A rapid sea level fall in ealry Albian initiated the deposition of Burgan clastic reservoirs over the Shuaiba Carbonates. The lower Burgan Formation was deposited in a lowstand systems tract represented by massive sandstone reservoirs. High frequency sealevel changes have resulted in deposition of shoreface sands and extensive marine shales within an overall fluvial setting. The middle part Burgan was deposited in a transgressive systems tract. The upper part witnessed a relative sealevel fall in a lowstand systems tract with deposition of sand prone facies in estuarine channels. The clastic cycle was terminated by initiation of Mauddud carbonate sedimentations in transgressive systems tract. A combined effect of allocyclic nesting of sequence stratigraphic packages and autocyclic ramp profile were the primary factors controlling the lithofacies association. This Formation has been informally subdivided into: Lower Interval (C) mainly shaly sands, middle Interval (B) clean sands “main reservoir” and upper Interval (A) interbedded shale & sands. Petrographic analysis shows that the reservoir consists of quartz-rich sands, (typically>70%) and feldspar poor (mainly <5%). Nine authigenetic minerals in the Burgan sands have been identified: quartz, calcite, siderite, pyrite, glauconite along with four groups of the clay minerals. XRD analysis of clay fraction indicates the presence of four clay mineral groups in the Burgan reservoirs : kaolin, illite , chlorite and expandible- lattice mixed –layer, illite/ smectite. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Hydrodynamic activity in the Mishrif reservoirs: an approach to characterize Sarvak formation , in eastern part of the Persian Gulf
        Ali reza Bashari
        The hydrodynamic activity and its effects on oil water contact of oil fields in Sirri district ( Eastern Part of the Persian Gulf), has been revealed by drilling and coring of third well of Mishrif reservoir, (SiDA1) on 1976. Discovery of Sirri –D1 ( Dena) i More
        The hydrodynamic activity and its effects on oil water contact of oil fields in Sirri district ( Eastern Part of the Persian Gulf), has been revealed by drilling and coring of third well of Mishrif reservoir, (SiDA1) on 1976. Discovery of Sirri –D1 ( Dena) in 1972 and SiD-2 confirm existence of oil only 5 meter at the top of structure. Field development started in 1975 and showed the existence of tilted, oil- water contact along fairly south –north direction with slopes up to 12:1000, particulary on the western flank of structure. Slope and direction of water level of Sirri-C ( Sivand) which is close to Sirri-D (Dena) , contain the same slope in both field, at the eastern border of field. The oil –water contact of Sirr- E, (Alvand) field has been constructed with good accuracy and fair probability in 1978. As a result, this modeling was confirm with actual result after full field development of this field on 2002. An entirely original study has been undertaken on residual oil of core, which permitted to characterize various zone as well as modern and fossil interfaces, and proved Hydrodynamic activity in the Mishrif reservoir in western part of Persian Gulf ( Sirri District). This study was carried out, with an approach to combined reservoir characterization , and revealed accuracy of results after full development of these fields. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Designing a Strategic Model of the Antecedents of Customer’s Experience in the Tourism Industry
        soghra taghipour Samad Aali Alireza  Bafandeh Zendeh Hakimeh  Niki
        This study sought to identify the antecedents of customers’ experience in the tourism industry using a mixed-method approach. To this end, first, 246 domestic and foreign relevant articles published from 2010 to 2020 were collected in the qualitative phase using the met More
        This study sought to identify the antecedents of customers’ experience in the tourism industry using a mixed-method approach. To this end, first, 246 domestic and foreign relevant articles published from 2010 to 2020 were collected in the qualitative phase using the meta-synthesis method, out of which 52 articles were selected and analyzed via the content analysis method. Then, a questionnaire was developed based on the results of the content analysis conducted on the articles mentioned, applying the opinions of 10 experts and specialists in marketing and tourism. The researcher-developed questionnaire was then administered to 440 Iranian tourists who had traveled to Turkey, Malaysia, Azerbaijan, and UAE over the last five years (2016-2021). On the other hand, each construct of the proposed model was examined in terms of mono-dimensionality through a separate measurement model using Kline's method (2005) to ensure that the factor loading of the indicators and the correlation coefficient between factors do not exceed 0.5 and 0.85, respectively. Then, the reliability and validity of the constructs together with the construct validity, convergent validity, and divergent validity were measured, and Cronbach's alpha, Composite Reliability (CR), and Average Variance Extracted (AVE) were calculated. Finally, the model concerning the tourist experience antecedents was developed. According to the results of the study, a model comprising of four main components, including tourist management, tourism destinations’ management, tourism resource management, and tourism product management were developed based on the antecedents of the tourist experience using a mixed method approach (which is one of the innovations of the study). Manuscript profile
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        44 - Characteristics of optimal management in the field system Relying on the views of the Supreme Leader
        sayyed mojtaba jalali ali taheridehnavi
        Theological seminaries are considered as very important centers for the education and training of students of religious sciences and a platform for the training of jurists and imitators, so the realization of its serious goals will be possible in the shadow of knowledge More
        Theological seminaries are considered as very important centers for the education and training of students of religious sciences and a platform for the training of jurists and imitators, so the realization of its serious goals will be possible in the shadow of knowledgeable management of its ideal management characteristics and excellent goals. Was. The present study seeks to explain and evaluate the characteristics of good management of the seminary by descriptive-analytical method, relying mainly on the orders of the Supreme Leader. This work, while explaining the important characteristics in order to achieve the sacred goals of the seminary, such as; Jurisprudence-based management, ethics and spirituality, jihadi component, adherence to the principles and values of the revolution, central independence, centralized management, comprehensive awareness of the management system, reliance on manager training and hostility, believes that in the field of these characteristics with harm Cognitions and recognizing the obstacles in the way can be used by using useful and effective solutions such as: ethics-based jurisprudence, obtaining performance guarantees, applied spirituality with jihadi actions, changing the status from passivity to active, operationalization of structural and material independence with jihadi action, management The Righteous Council has dealt with hostility in two areas: defense and aggression, in order to achieve it.. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Researching on traditionary elements of Quran stories
        علي اصغر  حبيبي
        Objective(s): The main part of the Quran is devoted to state real story of nation's and prophet's. God selects the story method as an efficient instead of goal, in expression of different education. In this process the goal of Quran from writing stories not being entert More
        Objective(s): The main part of the Quran is devoted to state real story of nation's and prophet's. God selects the story method as an efficient instead of goal, in expression of different education. In this process the goal of Quran from writing stories not being entertainment, special and unique style from anecdote expression, with the goal of warning and guidance is adopt with profit of anecdote elements. In this essay by stressing on examples we research in diverse sides (technological. subjective, topical - semantic) in the stories of Quran with the goal of analyzing different dimensions of stories of Quran. And the particular method of writing stories of Quran investigates with comparison of it with writing stories. Method: The method used in this research is descriptive – analytical method. Conclusion: obtained that in spite of basic difference of Storytelling of Quran with what to be in mind in story literature, story elements in Quran are cause of ideal showing and artistically construction and it displays as special method in writing stories that is exclusive to Quran. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Terminology to Support Manufacturing Process Characterization and Assessment for Sustainable Production
        HamidReza Sabbaghi Ali Abbasian
        Common terminology is essential for accurate communication among researchers, scientists, engineers, and other decision makers. To assist manufacturing process characterization, a common understanding of terminology is imperative for efficient and effective communicatio More
        Common terminology is essential for accurate communication among researchers, scientists, engineers, and other decision makers. To assist manufacturing process characterization, a common understanding of terminology is imperative for efficient and effective communication in industry; it can also facilitate automation and interoperability of software tools. Manufacturing process characterization enables the assessment and improvement of unit manufacturing processes, products, and systems from a sustain- ability perspective. To develop and implement sustainability-related standards and best practices in industry, naming conventions and definitions of common terms are needed. Presently, many terms used are ill-defined, vague, or overlap in meaning. Although there are ongoing standards efforts related to terminology identification and definition, an identified common set is yet to be developed. The objective of this work was to facilitate ongoing standards development efforts by harmonizing the varied array of terms used to describe production processes. As a result of a review of the literature, a concise set of 47 terms focusing on process characterization and able to describe sustainable production was generated; terms unique to individual production processes were omitted. The terms were orga- nized into six categories to define the overarching concepts: Scope, Boundary, Material, Measurement, Model, and Flow. Definitions of the terms were then derived from the literature in sustainable manufacturing and chemical and process industries, process characterization and planning, organization standards, and life cycle assessment and management. The reported terms and definitions are not unique to sustainable production, and could foster wide- spread use of the concepts to improve the economic, environmental, and social performance of industry. In the future, the terminology described could be standardized through international standards orga- nizations. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Terminology to Support Manufacturing Process Characterization and Assessment for Sustainable Production
        HamidReza Sabbaghi Ali Abbasian
        Common terminology is essential for accurate communication among researchers, scientists, engineers, and other decision makers. To assist manufacturing process characterization, a common understanding of terminology is imperative for efficient and effective communicatio More
        Common terminology is essential for accurate communication among researchers, scientists, engineers, and other decision makers. To assist manufacturing process characterization, a common understanding of terminology is imperative for efficient and effective communication in industry; it can also facilitate automation and interoperability of software tools. Manufacturing process characterization enables the assessment and improvement of unit manufacturing processes, products, and systems from a sustain- ability perspective. To develop and implement sustainability-related standards and best practices in industry, naming conventions and definitions of common terms are needed. Presently, many terms used are ill-defined, vague, or overlap in meaning. Although there are ongoing standards efforts related to terminology identification and definition, an identified common set is yet to be developed. The objective of this work was to facilitate ongoing standards development efforts by harmonizing the varied array of terms used to describe production processes. As a result of a review of the literature, a concise set of 47 terms focusing on process characterization and able to describe sustainable production was generated; terms unique to individual production processes were omitted. The terms were orga- nized into six categories to define the overarching concepts: Scope, Boundary, Material, Measurement, Model, and Flow. Definitions of the terms were then derived from the literature in sustainable manufacturing and chemical and process industries, process characterization and planning, organization standards, and life cycle assessment and management. The reported terms and definitions are not unique to sustainable production, and could foster wide- spread use of the concepts to improve the economic, environmental, and social performance of industry. In the future, the terminology described could be standardized through international standards orga- nizations. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Examining the moral and intellectual characteristics of the perfect man in the works of certain Attar
        Shahrokh Hekmat
        The search for the perfect man and following him has always been the human aspiration throughout history. Attar always thinks of human perfection by establishing divine prophets and believes that access to the world of science, knowledge and truth is possible only by ar More
        The search for the perfect man and following him has always been the human aspiration throughout history. Attar always thinks of human perfection by establishing divine prophets and believes that access to the world of science, knowledge and truth is possible only by arresting a perfect human being. Attar, a famous poet of the seventh century, is a heartbroken old man who, with divine loves to walk the path of truth, has lit the light of the Shari'a and placed it in the way of the Taliban of truth, to seek the seven valleys of mysticism from desire to poverty and destruction. Go home. He always thinks of human perfection and in all his works he raises the issue of a perfect human being. Sheikh Attar is a great poet and mystic who has both theoretical and practical mysticism and has established a connection between them and has expressed many moral points carefully, which may have acted as a moral teacher in his works in this regard. Is. Using the method of allegory, he has been able to reveal both mystical issues and moral points derived from Quranic culture and religious orders. This article intends to express Attar Neyshabouri's attitude and thought about the moral and intellectual characteristics of a perfect human being and how to go through the stages of perfection in Attar's certain works through a descriptive-analytical method. Manuscript profile
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        49 - An examination of the effects of online streaming platforms based on social media on consumers' impulsive purchases based on communication source characteristics and product features
        Hossein Hajibabaei Mahziyar   Akbari
        The increasing growth and development of new technologies based on Internet communication has caused the creation and formation of a highly interactive marketing communication channel in the context of social media. Online streaming based on social media is a new, effic More
        The increasing growth and development of new technologies based on Internet communication has caused the creation and formation of a highly interactive marketing communication channel in the context of social media. Online streaming based on social media is a new, efficient and attractive platform that in recent years we have seen an increase in its use for advertising purposes, which indicates the creation of countless opportunities for business growth in the context of these channels. Using the stimulus, organism, and response model, this research investigates the factors affecting people's impulsive purchases in online streaming platforms, focusing on the features of the streamer and the product itself. This research is applied, descriptive and survey, and collected information from the audience of online streams using an online questionnaire. The results of structural equation modeling showed that the attractiveness and expertise of the streamer (characteristics related to the source) have an effect on the perceived enjoyment, and things such as the perceived usefulness of the product, ease of purchase, and the price of the product (characteristics related to the product) have an effect and they influence the perceived usefulness, and the intention to buy without an individual's plan in online streaming environments Manuscript profile
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        50 - Wisdom and Philosophizing the Religious Teachings of Islam By the criterion of verbal characteristics
        Masoumeh Sadat  Hosseini Mirsafi
        Man, having an individual and social field, has always preferred sociality to loneliness during his life. Since the choice of social life is optional and, to the extent that it is optional, it is also religious; Therefore, man needs religion in order to advance the goal More
        Man, having an individual and social field, has always preferred sociality to loneliness during his life. Since the choice of social life is optional and, to the extent that it is optional, it is also religious; Therefore, man needs religion in order to advance the goals of his social life. The emergence of many moral virtues and vices and worship with the support of belief, is formed in the context of society and in relation to the social life of human beings and has its effects on society and social issues. In this article, in order to answer the question "What is the wisdom and philosophizing of the religious teachings of Islam with the criterion of verbal characteristics?", The author uses the criterion of verbal characteristics to explain the wisdom and purposes of the teachings of worship. Is. Findings of this research, after extracting verbal features and devotional teachings based on the verses of the Holy Quran and the narrations of the Infallibles (peace be upon them), are the expression of the philosophy and wisdom of these teachings in the form of ultimate goals and intermediate goals. It is expressed to achieve worldly and otherworldly interests. This research is an applied research in terms of purpose and a qualitative research in terms of data collection. In terms of research method, it is descriptive-analytical. Manuscript profile
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        51 - The study of Trauma Caused by War in the Novel "Zamin-e Soukhteh"
        Asad Abshirini Ghodrat Ghasemipour Zahra Sawaedi
        Trauma is a theory in psychology referring to any psychological pressure which the human mind is unable to accept and analyze it. The wounds inflicted on a person's mind would leave a deep impact on him and may lead his life and destiny to a different direction. There a More
        Trauma is a theory in psychology referring to any psychological pressure which the human mind is unable to accept and analyze it. The wounds inflicted on a person's mind would leave a deep impact on him and may lead his life and destiny to a different direction. There are different factors can cause trauma. One of them is war events which has an enduring effect on human's psyche. Therefore, due to the numerous wars that have plagued our country throughout the history, especially the eight-year imposed war, the literary narrative of trauma has found its way into the works of some Iranian writers.The present research was conducted in an analytical-descriptive way and it aims to investigate the literary expressions of this psychological damage in the novel "Zamin Soukhteh" by Ahmad Mahmoud and analyze the damage caused to the psyche of each of the characters. In this regard, first, we have discussed the theoretical issues about trauma, then we have analyzed and examined its effect on the characters of the mentioned novel. At the end, it was concluded that the reaction of each character is different from the other; In this way, due to the psychological wounds inflicted on them, the "Shahed" character is hospitalized in a mental asylum; "Nene Baran" distances herself from his previous personality; "Narges" falls into acute depression and "Golabetoon" completely loses his emotions. Obviously, in addition to the important fictional works in praise of the heroes who appeared in the holy defense, this novel can also be worth studying from the perspective of theoretical framework. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Cultural behavioral characteristics and social developments of Makarians from the Naseri period to the end of the first Pahlavi period
        Ahmad choopanialton Gholamhossein   Zargarinejad Reza  Shabani Samaghabadi
        The present research describes in a descriptive-analytical way the cultural characteristics of the behavior and social developments of the Makarians from the Naseri era to the end of the first Pahlavi period. The main question is, what are the changes in the cultural, b More
        The present research describes in a descriptive-analytical way the cultural characteristics of the behavior and social developments of the Makarians from the Naseri era to the end of the first Pahlavi period. The main question is, what are the changes in the cultural, behavioral characteristics and social developments of Makarians in the mentioned period? The results and findings show that this region is influenced by the periods of political order in Iran, the structure of the political system and the mixed patterns of the nation from the social, geographical and geopolitical perspectives. They interact with each other, and with the passage of time, they find similarities in certain tendencies, and the Kurdish community in Makrian was not an exception to this rule, and its residents observed specific values and norms. Among the Makrians, there was a kind of group feeling in the sense of a moral sense that originated from ethnic and cultural homogeneity, and these moral and cultural feelings in the Makrians and at the local level and among the population living in this area sometimes lead to unity or Sometimes a group feeling was formed between the Makri Kurds and the Turks of Qarapapak against the central government, because they were alternately looted by the governments. The structure of lord-serf, religious-religious and ethnic-national culture was at the top of the pyramid of this society, and based on that, ethnic, local, family, tribal, tribal, and religious-ideological loyalties took on a more exclusive form in the heart of such a conflict situation. And the contrast was evident. Manuscript profile
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        53 - Reservoir characteristics prediction using the geostatistical model. Case study: Bangestan reservoir, Ziloi Field, SW Iran
        Somaieh Khoram abadi Bahman Soleimani Hussin Sheikhzadeh
        The geostatistical model is considered as a useful tool for predicting the oil potential of reservoirs. In the present study, an attempt is made to review the importance of the geostatistical model in the reservoir characteristics, to model and examine the changes in th More
        The geostatistical model is considered as a useful tool for predicting the oil potential of reservoirs. In the present study, an attempt is made to review the importance of the geostatistical model in the reservoir characteristics, to model and examine the changes in the petrophysical parameters of the Bangestan reservoir in the Ziloi field despite the limited number of boreholes. This carbonate reservoir consists of Ilam, Surgah and Sarvak formations and was divided into eight zones. In the modeling process, the information required for the 3D model, including geophysical interpretations, well description information, and 2D maps along with their quality control (QC), were entered into the RMS software. The construction model was prepared based on the top levels of the structures and the depth information of the wells entering the reservoir. These data were used indirectly or directly in software with high grading capability to create levels. The depth level map of the top of Ilam Formation was entered into the model as an interpretation level, digitalization and as a base contour map. Isochore maps of other zones were prepared using the depths of wells entering different parts of the reservoir. The prediction of the distribution pattern of changes in the petrophysical features of the reservoir was prepared based on geostatistical methods, average porosity maps, and water saturation. According to the results of the modeling, it was revealed that the Ziloi field has a structural complexity, caused the heterogeneity of the reservoir and increased the risk of predicting the behavior of the reservoir. Comparison of reservoir zones showed that zone 3 has better hydrocarbon potential than other zones. One of the effective factors to improve its reservoir quality is the dolomitization process. Changes in the distribution values of water saturation and porosity showed that the reservoir properties improve from the southeast to the northwest of the field. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Investigating the moderating effect of managers' ethical characteristics on the relationship between debt volume and profit quality
        seyyed javad mirabbasi Azita Jahanshad
        <p>The primary goal of financial reporting in capital markets is to support certain judgments and decisions, so the quality of profit is primarily concerned because of the view that high quality information leads to better judgments and decisions. Meanwhile, the ethical More
        <p>The primary goal of financial reporting in capital markets is to support certain judgments and decisions, so the quality of profit is primarily concerned because of the view that high quality information leads to better judgments and decisions. Meanwhile, the ethical characteristics of managers are effective and neglected factors in this field, therefore, the present study examines the moderating effect of ethical characteristics of managers on the relationship between the amount of debts and the quality of profits. This research has been carried out in the framework of inductive-inductive arguments. In this research, library and field methods were used to collect information. The theoretical foundations and researches carried out were used as a library basis. The statistical population of this research includes all the companies accepted in the Tehran Stock Exchange during the financial periods of 1392-1401. According to the systematic elimination method, 217 final samples were selected. According to the findings of the research, the ability of managers has a moderating effect on the non-linear relationship between debt volume and profit quality. Also, managers' short-sightedness has a moderating effect on the non-linear relationship between debt volume and profit quality, which research literature predicts a positive relationship between debt and profit management through accruals, and finally, managers' representative behavior has a moderating effect on the non-linear relationship between debt volume and profit quality. has it.</p> Manuscript profile
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        55 - The effect of ethical characteristics of managers on the relationship between conservatism and cost of equity
        Saied  AhmadVand Azita Jahanshad
        <p>One of the tools and mechanisms of drafting accounting standards is conservatism. Conservatism has been proposed as a useful tool for the board of directors in order to fully implement key tasks such as determining strategies, comprehensive supervision of the company More
        <p>One of the tools and mechanisms of drafting accounting standards is conservatism. Conservatism has been proposed as a useful tool for the board of directors in order to fully implement key tasks such as determining strategies, comprehensive supervision of the company's executive directors, and ensuring accountability to shareholders and stakeholders in recent years. Conservatism is placed as a criterion of pessimism in front of the manager's optimism to increase the quality of profit. Studies show that managers do not always behave in a completely rational way, and under the influence of characteristics such as optimism, overconfidence, etc., they may make irrational decisions that have an important impact on the company's financial and operational activities. On the other hand, one of the basic elements in making investment decisions is the cost of equity, which decreases the economic added value of companies. In order to maintain the value of the economic unit, the management should try to bring the expected return to at least the level of the cost of equity. In this, the key to success is reducing the cost of equity. Therefore, this research seeks to answer the question of whether the moral characteristics of managers have an effect on the non-linear relationship between accounting conservatism and the cost of equity? This research has been carried out in the framework of inductive-inductive arguments. In this research, library and field methods were used to collect information. The theoretical bases and researches carried out were used as a library basis. The statistical population of this research includes all the companies accepted in the Tehran Stock Exchange during the financial periods of 1392-1401. According to Cochran's formula, the number of samples used in this research has been obtained for an error of 0.085 (about 8.5%). According to the findings of the research, with the increase of managers' overconfidence, the relationship between managers' conservatism and the cost of equity will weaken, and there is an inverse relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Also, with the increase in managers' optimism, the relationship between the conservatism of managers and the cost of equity is strengthened, and there is a direct relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Also, with the increase of overconfidence, the cost of equity will decrease and there is an inverse relationship between the independent and dependent variables. Also, with the increase of the company size variable, the relationship between managers' conservatism and the cost of equity weakens, and there is an inverse relationship between the independent and dependent variable. This variable supports the linear relationship between managers' conservatism and the cost of equity.</p> Manuscript profile