The study of Trauma Caused by War in the Novel "Zamin-e Soukhteh"
Subject Areas : Literary Criticism and Theory
Asad Abshirini
Ghodrat Ghasemipour
Zahra Sawaedi
1 - Assistant Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz.
2 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz.
3 - PhD Student of Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran.
Keywords: Trauma, War, Characterization, Ahmad Mahmoud, Zamin-e Soukte.,
Abstract :
Trauma is a theory in psychology referring to any psychological pressure which the human mind is unable to accept and analyze it. The wounds inflicted on a person's mind would leave a deep impact on him and may lead his life and destiny to a different direction. There are different factors can cause trauma. One of them is war events which has an enduring effect on human's psyche. Therefore, due to the numerous wars that have plagued our country throughout the history, especially the eight-year imposed war, the literary narrative of trauma has found its way into the works of some Iranian writers.The present research was conducted in an analytical-descriptive way and it aims to investigate the literary expressions of this psychological damage in the novel "Zamin Soukhteh" by Ahmad Mahmoud and analyze the damage caused to the psyche of each of the characters. In this regard, first, we have discussed the theoretical issues about trauma, then we have analyzed and examined its effect on the characters of the mentioned novel. At the end, it was concluded that the reaction of each character is different from the other; In this way, due to the psychological wounds inflicted on them, the "Shahed" character is hospitalized in a mental asylum; "Nene Baran" distances herself from his previous personality; "Narges" falls into acute depression and "Golabetoon" completely loses his emotions. Obviously, in addition to the important fictional works in praise of the heroes who appeared in the holy defense, this novel can also be worth studying from the perspective of theoretical framework.
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