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        1 - The Relation of Temporality and Actors in Short Story of "Morde-Keshan Jozan" by Abolqasem Payande
        مولود  طلائي
        The study reviewed time and its application in “Morde-Keshan Jozan” short story by Abolqasem Payande. This basic element has specific manifests in this story. Narration process is linear that narrates present time looking to past and childhood mementoes. There is a di More
        The study reviewed time and its application in “Morde-Keshan Jozan” short story by Abolqasem Payande. This basic element has specific manifests in this story. Narration process is linear that narrates present time looking to past and childhood mementoes. There is a direct relation between the frequency of page numbers and actors’ descriptions. When author intends to highlights morality inferiorities of his contemporary era, time would get circumlocution specifically and actors would emerge more than ever; but time summarization prevents author from this opportunity; then, it seems that actors’ descriptions would be summarized simultaneously with time. Authors of the study tried to critic the temporality of narration of this story based on “Gérard Genette” theory. The relation of its actors is expressed based on “Grimas” theory in final section and then the relation of these two elements is explained. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Contemporaneity of old poems in the novel "Jazire-ye Sargardani and Sareban-e Sargardan" (Island of Wandering and Wandering camel-driver) of Simin Daneshvar
        asena abdali Jahangir  safari ebrahim  zaheri abdevand
        Contemporaneity is concerned with the application of the literature of earlier eras in contemporary literature and the harmonization of this type of literature with the spirits and minds of today's human beings This plays an important role in the creation of literary wo More
        Contemporaneity is concerned with the application of the literature of earlier eras in contemporary literature and the harmonization of this type of literature with the spirits and minds of today's human beings This plays an important role in the creation of literary works, their enrichment and the connection between culture in different periods. SiminDaneshvar is one of the storytellers who has used this method in creating her stories. In the novels"Jazire-ye Sargardani andSareban-e Sargardan" (Island of Wandering and Wandering camel-driver), the poems of various poets such as Hafez, Moulavi, Saadi and Khayyam have been contemporaryized.The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of these poems and the way of their contemporaryization in the novel based on the descriptive-analytical method. The results of the research show that Daneshvar has used Hafez's poetry more in the mentioned novel and in the new reading of old poems and harmonizing them with the atmosphere of today's Iranian society, she has given them more meaning and social-political meaning. Also, these poems have become part of the structure of his novel and have a very important role in the characterization, showing the type of thoughts and mental dependencies of the characters in the novel, plot design, strengthening the themes, describing the place, the verisimilitude and connections between Iran's cultural and social past and its present time. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Analysis of children's characters regarding the importance of childhood in Attar's Tazkereh al-Awliya
        arezo hagigi seyed mohsen sajedirad mohamad ali atashsowda
        Tazkirat al-Awliyā is one of the valuable mystical works in which Attar Neyshapouri introduces the Sufi saints by mentioning their sayings, anecdotes and wise narrations. A majority of this book consists of narratives about the life and characteristics of saints with a More
        Tazkirat al-Awliyā is one of the valuable mystical works in which Attar Neyshapouri introduces the Sufi saints by mentioning their sayings, anecdotes and wise narrations. A majority of this book consists of narratives about the life and characteristics of saints with a narrative structure. In these narratives, there are other relatively fixed characters besides the saints, one of whom are children. they have two different faces in the inner layers of their characters; sometimes they are children in their own sense; sometimes they are identical to the characters of "the Old" and "unseen language". Using purposive sampling method and content analysis, in this article we investigate the manifestations of children's characters in Tazkirat al-Awliyā and at the same time, examine the childhood, the saints' views towards children, and different manifestations of children's characters and their roles in this mystical narrative. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Facies, thickness variations and reservoir characterisation of Arab formation (Surmeh) in the Eastern part of the Persian Gulf
        Ali reza Bashari
        The Kimmerigian-Tithonian) Arab Zone are the prolific hydrocarbon bearing resrvoirs in the eastern part of the Persian Gulf,offshore,Iran.They were deposited in an arid climate which dominate during late Jurassic. The Berriasian to Thitonian Hith formation wich o More
        The Kimmerigian-Tithonian) Arab Zone are the prolific hydrocarbon bearing resrvoirs in the eastern part of the Persian Gulf,offshore,Iran.They were deposited in an arid climate which dominate during late Jurassic. The Berriasian to Thitonian Hith formation wich overlies the Arab reservoir constitutes the cap rock,wich just to the east gradually pinches out and form a N-S feather adge. The study reveals that Arab zones form a massive to interbedded anhydrite with varying proportion of limestone and dolomite and generally have regressive units which was deposited on a broad carbonate platform .This formations are thick in center (Salman field) and mostly consist of intertidal pack/grainstones with high porosity/permeability,good cap rock and also close to the source rock,which has the most hydrocarbon potential, but towards east the layers getting thinner with unsuitable cap rock and are away from source rock ,so as a result Arab formation in this part of the Persian Gulf doesn,t seem to be attractive. This study reveals that there is still some undrilled structure within this area which could be attractive for further Exploration drilling. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - An attempt to reservoir characterization of Burgan sand, in the northwest of the Persian Gulf toward Kuwait
        Ali reza Bashari
        The Sand tongues of the Albian Kazhdumi Formation is a major prodactive reservoir in North West part of the Persian Gulf towards Kuwait . High porosity and high permeability of these sandstones together with existence of shale either as source rock or cap rock in More
        The Sand tongues of the Albian Kazhdumi Formation is a major prodactive reservoir in North West part of the Persian Gulf towards Kuwait . High porosity and high permeability of these sandstones together with existence of shale either as source rock or cap rock in this formation, have provided all conditions needed for hydrocarbon accumulation. A rapid sea level fall in ealry Albian initiated the deposition of Burgan clastic reservoirs over the Shuaiba Carbonates. The lower Burgan Formation was deposited in a lowstand systems tract represented by massive sandstone reservoirs. High frequency sealevel changes have resulted in deposition of shoreface sands and extensive marine shales within an overall fluvial setting. The middle part Burgan was deposited in a transgressive systems tract. The upper part witnessed a relative sealevel fall in a lowstand systems tract with deposition of sand prone facies in estuarine channels. The clastic cycle was terminated by initiation of Mauddud carbonate sedimentations in transgressive systems tract. A combined effect of allocyclic nesting of sequence stratigraphic packages and autocyclic ramp profile were the primary factors controlling the lithofacies association. This Formation has been informally subdivided into: Lower Interval (C) mainly shaly sands, middle Interval (B) clean sands “main reservoir” and upper Interval (A) interbedded shale & sands. Petrographic analysis shows that the reservoir consists of quartz-rich sands, (typically>70%) and feldspar poor (mainly <5%). Nine authigenetic minerals in the Burgan sands have been identified: quartz, calcite, siderite, pyrite, glauconite along with four groups of the clay minerals. XRD analysis of clay fraction indicates the presence of four clay mineral groups in the Burgan reservoirs : kaolin, illite , chlorite and expandible- lattice mixed –layer, illite/ smectite. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Hydrodynamic activity in the Mishrif reservoirs: an approach to characterize Sarvak formation , in eastern part of the Persian Gulf
        Ali reza Bashari
        The hydrodynamic activity and its effects on oil water contact of oil fields in Sirri district ( Eastern Part of the Persian Gulf), has been revealed by drilling and coring of third well of Mishrif reservoir, (SiDA1) on 1976. Discovery of Sirri –D1 ( Dena) i More
        The hydrodynamic activity and its effects on oil water contact of oil fields in Sirri district ( Eastern Part of the Persian Gulf), has been revealed by drilling and coring of third well of Mishrif reservoir, (SiDA1) on 1976. Discovery of Sirri –D1 ( Dena) in 1972 and SiD-2 confirm existence of oil only 5 meter at the top of structure. Field development started in 1975 and showed the existence of tilted, oil- water contact along fairly south –north direction with slopes up to 12:1000, particulary on the western flank of structure. Slope and direction of water level of Sirri-C ( Sivand) which is close to Sirri-D (Dena) , contain the same slope in both field, at the eastern border of field. The oil –water contact of Sirr- E, (Alvand) field has been constructed with good accuracy and fair probability in 1978. As a result, this modeling was confirm with actual result after full field development of this field on 2002. An entirely original study has been undertaken on residual oil of core, which permitted to characterize various zone as well as modern and fossil interfaces, and proved Hydrodynamic activity in the Mishrif reservoir in western part of Persian Gulf ( Sirri District). This study was carried out, with an approach to combined reservoir characterization , and revealed accuracy of results after full development of these fields. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Researching on traditionary elements of Quran stories
        علي اصغر  حبيبي
        Objective(s): The main part of the Quran is devoted to state real story of nation's and prophet's. God selects the story method as an efficient instead of goal, in expression of different education. In this process the goal of Quran from writing stories not being entert More
        Objective(s): The main part of the Quran is devoted to state real story of nation's and prophet's. God selects the story method as an efficient instead of goal, in expression of different education. In this process the goal of Quran from writing stories not being entertainment, special and unique style from anecdote expression, with the goal of warning and guidance is adopt with profit of anecdote elements. In this essay by stressing on examples we research in diverse sides (technological. subjective, topical - semantic) in the stories of Quran with the goal of analyzing different dimensions of stories of Quran. And the particular method of writing stories of Quran investigates with comparison of it with writing stories. Method: The method used in this research is descriptive – analytical method. Conclusion: obtained that in spite of basic difference of Storytelling of Quran with what to be in mind in story literature, story elements in Quran are cause of ideal showing and artistically construction and it displays as special method in writing stories that is exclusive to Quran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Terminology to Support Manufacturing Process Characterization and Assessment for Sustainable Production
        HamidReza Sabbaghi Ali Abbasian
        Common terminology is essential for accurate communication among researchers, scientists, engineers, and other decision makers. To assist manufacturing process characterization, a common understanding of terminology is imperative for efficient and effective communicatio More
        Common terminology is essential for accurate communication among researchers, scientists, engineers, and other decision makers. To assist manufacturing process characterization, a common understanding of terminology is imperative for efficient and effective communication in industry; it can also facilitate automation and interoperability of software tools. Manufacturing process characterization enables the assessment and improvement of unit manufacturing processes, products, and systems from a sustain- ability perspective. To develop and implement sustainability-related standards and best practices in industry, naming conventions and definitions of common terms are needed. Presently, many terms used are ill-defined, vague, or overlap in meaning. Although there are ongoing standards efforts related to terminology identification and definition, an identified common set is yet to be developed. The objective of this work was to facilitate ongoing standards development efforts by harmonizing the varied array of terms used to describe production processes. As a result of a review of the literature, a concise set of 47 terms focusing on process characterization and able to describe sustainable production was generated; terms unique to individual production processes were omitted. The terms were orga- nized into six categories to define the overarching concepts: Scope, Boundary, Material, Measurement, Model, and Flow. Definitions of the terms were then derived from the literature in sustainable manufacturing and chemical and process industries, process characterization and planning, organization standards, and life cycle assessment and management. The reported terms and definitions are not unique to sustainable production, and could foster wide- spread use of the concepts to improve the economic, environmental, and social performance of industry. In the future, the terminology described could be standardized through international standards orga- nizations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Terminology to Support Manufacturing Process Characterization and Assessment for Sustainable Production
        HamidReza Sabbaghi Ali Abbasian
        Common terminology is essential for accurate communication among researchers, scientists, engineers, and other decision makers. To assist manufacturing process characterization, a common understanding of terminology is imperative for efficient and effective communicatio More
        Common terminology is essential for accurate communication among researchers, scientists, engineers, and other decision makers. To assist manufacturing process characterization, a common understanding of terminology is imperative for efficient and effective communication in industry; it can also facilitate automation and interoperability of software tools. Manufacturing process characterization enables the assessment and improvement of unit manufacturing processes, products, and systems from a sustain- ability perspective. To develop and implement sustainability-related standards and best practices in industry, naming conventions and definitions of common terms are needed. Presently, many terms used are ill-defined, vague, or overlap in meaning. Although there are ongoing standards efforts related to terminology identification and definition, an identified common set is yet to be developed. The objective of this work was to facilitate ongoing standards development efforts by harmonizing the varied array of terms used to describe production processes. As a result of a review of the literature, a concise set of 47 terms focusing on process characterization and able to describe sustainable production was generated; terms unique to individual production processes were omitted. The terms were orga- nized into six categories to define the overarching concepts: Scope, Boundary, Material, Measurement, Model, and Flow. Definitions of the terms were then derived from the literature in sustainable manufacturing and chemical and process industries, process characterization and planning, organization standards, and life cycle assessment and management. The reported terms and definitions are not unique to sustainable production, and could foster wide- spread use of the concepts to improve the economic, environmental, and social performance of industry. In the future, the terminology described could be standardized through international standards orga- nizations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - The study of Trauma Caused by War in the Novel "Zamin-e Soukhteh"
        Asad Abshirini Ghodrat Ghasemipour Zahra Sawaedi
        Trauma is a theory in psychology referring to any psychological pressure which the human mind is unable to accept and analyze it. The wounds inflicted on a person's mind would leave a deep impact on him and may lead his life and destiny to a different direction. There a More
        Trauma is a theory in psychology referring to any psychological pressure which the human mind is unable to accept and analyze it. The wounds inflicted on a person's mind would leave a deep impact on him and may lead his life and destiny to a different direction. There are different factors can cause trauma. One of them is war events which has an enduring effect on human's psyche. Therefore, due to the numerous wars that have plagued our country throughout the history, especially the eight-year imposed war, the literary narrative of trauma has found its way into the works of some Iranian writers.The present research was conducted in an analytical-descriptive way and it aims to investigate the literary expressions of this psychological damage in the novel "Zamin Soukhteh" by Ahmad Mahmoud and analyze the damage caused to the psyche of each of the characters. In this regard, first, we have discussed the theoretical issues about trauma, then we have analyzed and examined its effect on the characters of the mentioned novel. At the end, it was concluded that the reaction of each character is different from the other; In this way, due to the psychological wounds inflicted on them, the "Shahed" character is hospitalized in a mental asylum; "Nene Baran" distances herself from his previous personality; "Narges" falls into acute depression and "Golabetoon" completely loses his emotions. Obviously, in addition to the important fictional works in praise of the heroes who appeared in the holy defense, this novel can also be worth studying from the perspective of theoretical framework. Manuscript profile