Characteristics of optimal management in the field system Relying on the views of the Supreme Leader
Subject Areas :
sayyed mojtaba jalali
ali taheridehnavi
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Education, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahrekord Branch, Shahrekord University, Shahrekord, Iran
2 - Master of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Islamic Law, Shiraz Branch, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
Keywords: seminary, good management, Supreme Leader, characteristics.,
Abstract :
Theological seminaries are considered as very important centers for the education and training of students of religious sciences and a platform for the training of jurists and imitators, so the realization of its serious goals will be possible in the shadow of knowledgeable management of its ideal management characteristics and excellent goals. Was. The present study seeks to explain and evaluate the characteristics of good management of the seminary by descriptive-analytical method, relying mainly on the orders of the Supreme Leader. This work, while explaining the important characteristics in order to achieve the sacred goals of the seminary, such as; Jurisprudence-based management, ethics and spirituality, jihadi component, adherence to the principles and values of the revolution, central independence, centralized management, comprehensive awareness of the management system, reliance on manager training and hostility, believes that in the field of these characteristics with harm Cognitions and recognizing the obstacles in the way can be used by using useful and effective solutions such as: ethics-based jurisprudence, obtaining performance guarantees, applied spirituality with jihadi actions, changing the status from passivity to active, operationalization of structural and material independence with jihadi action, management The Righteous Council has dealt with hostility in two areas: defense and aggression, in order to achieve it..
قرآن کریم
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