• List of Articles Thought

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        1 - Introducing and Reviewing Thoughts of Muezzin Khorasani, Mystic and Poet of 11th Hegira
        تکتم  بهرامی Alireza Fouladi
        "Muhammad Ali Khorasani" with a nickname and pseudonym called "muezzin" is one of the 11th Hegira mystic and is one the Aqtab-e Zahabiye who has legated a Divan of nearly 3700 verses. The sage Khorasani was born in Säbzĕvär and joined to Zahabiye sect in his youth and a More
        "Muhammad Ali Khorasani" with a nickname and pseudonym called "muezzin" is one of the 11th Hegira mystic and is one the Aqtab-e Zahabiye who has legated a Divan of nearly 3700 verses. The sage Khorasani was born in Säbzĕvär and joined to Zahabiye sect in his youth and after Sheikh Hatam Zaravandi, leader of the sect on that time, was assigned to this position. Khorasani muezzin like many mystic-poets applied his mystical thoughts in poetry arena. Though he lived in 11th Hegira, his poems can be regarded as the continuation of Iraqi Mystical style poem. His poems are simple, fluent and adsorbent. There are lots of words about true love in his poems, and Sufi thoughts have deep reflection in its core and surface. His divan was not corrected and published, but the author has corrected it based on its 4 versions as his MA thesis and has used many of wise guidance of thoughtful master, Dr. Alireza Fuladi. It is tried in this essay to introduce this poet and provide an outline of his thoughts which are clearly and brilliantly obvious in his poems for readers, so that they can have at least a brief familiarity with this poet of Ahl-e Beit of Prophet and his thoughts. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Analysis of the Reflection of Predictive Thoughts in Iranian legends
        aliakbar ekhve asieh zabihnia omran fateme kouppa Ali pedram mirzaei
        Forecast or Apocalypse is discovery, intuition and telling about future information, regardless of whether it will occur or not. Often, apocalyptic thoughts have emerged in Iranian myths and in popular beliefs because of the humans concern for the future and disposing o More
        Forecast or Apocalypse is discovery, intuition and telling about future information, regardless of whether it will occur or not. Often, apocalyptic thoughts have emerged in Iranian myths and in popular beliefs because of the humans concern for the future and disposing of anxiety. The main motive for the emergence of these kinds of revelations, is the psychological pressures on humans; so that these thoughts play a role in promoting the future hope. In Iranian legends, various apocalyptic roles and numerous functions have been created due to the existence of the legend itself; most of these concepts are inextricably linked with the material and natural features of legend. The compatibility of natural states with their roles in popular belief is the main reason for these revelations.This research in a descriptive-analytical way, tries to answer the question: what is the most significant part of the revelations in Iranian legends? This study tries to answer the question in a descriptive - analytical way: what is the most important of all types of Revelation in Iranian legends? According to the research achievements, the most kind of revelation in iranian legends is related to “inspiration” and its least, the use of sleep language and dream as the most important manifestation of its expression. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Investigating the Role of Conceptual Metaphors in the Evolution of literary styles (Relying on Body Metaphors in Farrokhi Sistani, Anvari, and Hafiz's poems)
        Mohammad Taheri Masoumeh  Archandani
        The conceptual metaphor is the mind’s technique for conceptualizing affairs. The mind tries to conceive and contemplate some intangible affairs for itself with the help of this fundamental construct. Hence, it is expected that by changing it, we will also see a change i More
        The conceptual metaphor is the mind’s technique for conceptualizing affairs. The mind tries to conceive and contemplate some intangible affairs for itself with the help of this fundamental construct. Hence, it is expected that by changing it, we will also see a change in thought-related macro-systems. Among these macrosystems are literary styles that have many factors involved in changing them. This article tries to answer the question of how the change of conceptual metaphors in time has an effect on the change of literary styles through analytical-descriptive method. To answer it, we trace the conceptual metaphors related to the body, which include the words "hand, eye, heart and head", in a selection of poems by Farrokhi Sistani, Anvari and Hafez. By analyzing the obtained information, we conclude that conceptual metaphors have undergone significant changes over time that are in line with the evolution of literary styles and are variables affecting the evolution of styles. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Dialogue of Civilizations Objective Grounds and Theoretical Guidelines
        محمود علی‌پور
        The present paper is inspired by part of a research titled “Dialogue of Civilizations and International Communications: An Analysis of the Actual and Theoretical Grounds of Realizing a Dialogue among Civilizations”. In part one, a review of various modern schools of pol More
        The present paper is inspired by part of a research titled “Dialogue of Civilizations and International Communications: An Analysis of the Actual and Theoretical Grounds of Realizing a Dialogue among Civilizations”. In part one, a review of various modern schools of political philosophy is carried out with a view to distilling models which would be congenial to the idea of the dialogue of civilizations. These are divided into the three categories of “interest-oriented liberal”, “liberal based on an ethical relationship”, and “non-liberal based on political solidarity”. Part two is an examination of the various patterns that have emerged in the field of communications in the past thirty years, as well as a brief account of their distinctive characteristics. The first paradigmatic order mainly encompasses a model critical of the prevailing capitalist system in the world. The second paradigmatic model, as underlined by Habermas, has stronger affinities to the notion of communication. The last model is more in tune with the views of communitarians. The final part is an attempt at ascertaining the degree to which the examined theories and guidelines lend philosophical and political substance to the idea of dialogue of civilizations as a scientific theory. Based on such an approach it becomes possible to establish stronger links between communitarian notions and the idea of dialogue among civilizations. Manuscript profile
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        5 - ‘Friendship’ in Political Thought and Psychotherapy
        Being normative, political thought suggests the best form of political system. In the history of thought, ‘friendship’ has been a vital concept among the others, functioning in the formation of ideal societies. However, changes in political thought in the modern time ha More
        Being normative, political thought suggests the best form of political system. In the history of thought, ‘friendship’ has been a vital concept among the others, functioning in the formation of ideal societies. However, changes in political thought in the modern time have lead to the marginalization of friendship. But in recent decades, the notion of friendship has been renewed in the form of such concepts as ‘solidarity’. Studying the thoughts of contemporary thinkers, we can find sciences like psychotherapy as a major contribution to this renewal. Due to Jurgen Habermas’ thoughts and Eric Fromm’s theory of ‘the Sane Society’, the insights of psychotherapy have been highly influential in bringing the concept of ‘friendship’ back to the center of attention of political thought. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Political Theory: A Paradigmatic Approach
        A m
        Political Thought is usually applied to the commentaries on political Ideas and concepts. There should, however, be a distinction between political ideas and the commentaries and explanation of such ideas. In fact such commentaries should be called “Political Theories”, More
        Political Thought is usually applied to the commentaries on political Ideas and concepts. There should, however, be a distinction between political ideas and the commentaries and explanation of such ideas. In fact such commentaries should be called “Political Theories”, for they explain political thoughts and concepts and elaborate on issues regarding normative thought. In this article, after discussing some major political theories, a paradigmatic theory is introduced. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Ontological Foundations of Political Idealism in Islamic Philosophy with Focus on the Illuminationist Philosophy of Suhrawadi
        Ahmad bostani
        In this paper, we focus on the relationship between ontology and political thought in Moslem philosophers’ views, especially in Iran. According to ancient philosophical systems, the ontological point of view is very important, and every intellectual argumentation, inclu More
        In this paper, we focus on the relationship between ontology and political thought in Moslem philosophers’ views, especially in Iran. According to ancient philosophical systems, the ontological point of view is very important, and every intellectual argumentation, including political one, must be understood in the light of ontology. Islamic political philosophy consists in an idealism that rejects the political reality and opens new ideal horizons. This political idealism is based on the ontological foundations of Islamic philosophy; therefore, understanding Islamic political philosophy implies understanding its ontological and cosmological basis. This is important for the present article, especially in this point that according to Muslem philosophers an ideal political system should be of the same system as the whole cosmos. Discussing the basis of ideaism, the present paper, as a case study, aims to show that the Illuminationist philosophy of Suhrawadi has elaborated a new ontological system, based on the Light, and therefore, it can provide a new model for ideal politics. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Historiographical & Ideological Approaches and Publicizing Indigenous Thought: Future of Western Political Thought in Iran
        Most of the works on western political thought written in Iran, fall in an intermediary position between the two approaches of historiographical and ideological types. By historiography I mean an approach that, giving centrality to discussing elaborately the historical More
        Most of the works on western political thought written in Iran, fall in an intermediary position between the two approaches of historiographical and ideological types. By historiography I mean an approach that, giving centrality to discussing elaborately the historical chronology of formation of a political thought, and biographies of the scholars in the field, neglects to analyze, criticize, and evaluate it. The second type of the works on western political thought is of ideological quality that giving centrality to a particular thought follows a biased approach to it. Such works try to promote an ideology regardless of the explanatory and analytical requirement for an argument. The present article, studying features and consequences of the two approaches in Iranian works on western political thought, attempts to show the necessity for studying it with the sociological approach to thought, whose comprehensive and deep look at a political thought helps to closely understand it in its historical, cultural, political, economical, ideological aspects, and above all, its reflective view. Since a reflective view gives especial importance to the understanding and the criticism resulting from background conditions, subjective nature of cognition, and identity- cultural structures, it can help us with getting rid of the circle of imitation and repetition, and publicizing indigenous thought, more than any other models. Manuscript profile
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        9 - The Relationship between Symbolism and Utopian Thought in Nima’s Poetry
        A m
        Nima’s especial understanding of poetry and the poets’ status has a normative signification that results in depicting a kind of utopian vision in his poems. Stressing “imagination” in poetry, Nima like European symbolists, makes closeness and sameness between poetry an More
        Nima’s especial understanding of poetry and the poets’ status has a normative signification that results in depicting a kind of utopian vision in his poems. Stressing “imagination” in poetry, Nima like European symbolists, makes closeness and sameness between poetry and truth, and then between the position of poet as poet and seer or clairvoyant. Such a closeness resulting in rejection of the present disorder, and offering an ideal world, is in line with the concept of ideology in political thought. In this way, Nima’s specific understanding of poetry gives way to a utopian thought that is known as the most obvious manifestation of social thought in his poetry. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Sohrevardi and Iranshahri’s Political Thought
        Ahmad bostani
        According to Iranshahri’s political thought, king is the shadow of God on Earth (a symbolic concept) and existence of a just and charismatic king on top of government system guarantees prosperity of the country and the people’s felicity and welfare. Firdausi in his Shah More
        According to Iranshahri’s political thought, king is the shadow of God on Earth (a symbolic concept) and existence of a just and charismatic king on top of government system guarantees prosperity of the country and the people’s felicity and welfare. Firdausi in his Shah-Nama (Epic of Kings) tried to reconstruct the doctrine of Ideal King and give an epic tone to it based on the demands of his time. Yet, Sohrevardi in the 6th century offered a reading of the same thought system which is referred here as “Gnostic-Illuminationist” reading of Iranshahri’s political thought. In this system “the world of imagination”, introduced by Sohrevardi, is a core concept; mythical aspect of the ideal kings in ancient narratives, such as Fereydun and Kay Khusraw, finds mystical reading, and terms like, Simorq (phoenix), Jam-e-Jahan-Bin (world-displaying cup), Mount Qaf, and so on get new interpretations. The present articles deals with Sohrevardi’s innovations in the area of Iranshahri’s political thought. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Political Theology of Machiavelli; Seeking Metaphysical Bases Political Thought of Machiavelli
        مجتبی  یاور
        The purpose of this study is to find the metaphysical alphabets and suppositions in political thought of Machiavelli; the alphabets which have root in his political thinking and his special status in West Political Thought. In spite of considering Machiavelli thought as More
        The purpose of this study is to find the metaphysical alphabets and suppositions in political thought of Machiavelli; the alphabets which have root in his political thinking and his special status in West Political Thought. In spite of considering Machiavelli thought as the pure realism and to give him titles like the founder of political realism, and to bring him to the threshold of Political positivist (the start of New Era) by many thought scholars, this writing is to show that the empirical reflections of Machiavelli about Politics is under effect of categories which are mainly theological remained from past eras and its strings can be seen in his thought too (like other Renaissance Humanists). It is attempted in this article under three subjects, i.e.: the seminal principle, the connection between Fortuna and Virtu and Belief in Deliverer(Saviourism), to make the theological roots of political thought of Machiavelli clear and propose a theological reading from it. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Evaluating Theoretical sample of Habermas based on the relation of Ethics and Republicanism in Political Thought of Kant
        Iraj Ranjbar  
        Habermas divides political thought into two eras of Classic and Modern, in general, to explain the relation of ethics and politics. In his view, ethics and politics had mutual relations in classic era; but, in the beginning of modern era and with creation of two methodo More
        Habermas divides political thought into two eras of Classic and Modern, in general, to explain the relation of ethics and politics. In his view, ethics and politics had mutual relations in classic era; but, in the beginning of modern era and with creation of two methodological and topical evolutions, classic “political philosophy” was replaced by science or “social philosophy” and this causes the increasing separation of ethics and politics; thus, politics which was an institution to ensure the happiness and salvation of citizens became an institution of management and controlling technique in social relations and human instincts. Habermas extended the abovementioned evolution to Kant’s Ideas, too. The purpose of current article, based on the earmarks and features of Kant political thought, is to prove that the mentioned evolution could not be extended to Kant, since in Kant political thought like classic political thought, politic is the way of development of ethical concepts, with this difference that in Kant thought the concept of “happiness” is replaced with “solipsism” and “perfection”. Manuscript profile
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        13 - The Presence of Iranshahri Political Thought in Islamic Period
        Ahmad bostani
        Iranshahri political thought is one of the most significant features of Iranian intellectual tradition. Rooted in ancient Iranian tradition of kingdom, this political doctrine presents a conception of political rule which is different from classical Islamic political ph More
        Iranshahri political thought is one of the most significant features of Iranian intellectual tradition. Rooted in ancient Iranian tradition of kingdom, this political doctrine presents a conception of political rule which is different from classical Islamic political philosophy inspired by Greek philosophers. Although the source of this doctrine is pre-Islamic Iranian civilization, one can claim that it has been continued in different forms and we can follow its traces left everywhere in Iranian intellectual history from the beginning to the present.So, study of this tradition requires a specific method of research which could explain transformation and unity of its elements. This paper aims to study the various versions of iranshahri political thought in Islamic period, especially in its middle ages, and to show different aspects of it crystallized in Muslim thinker’s political treatises. The theory of “cultural continuation of Persia” constitutes the theoretical foundation of this research and try to elucidate Islamic conceptions of iranshahri political doctrine, and “Farr” as its key concept, in the light of this theory suggested by leading figures like H. Corbin and R. Frye. We claim that the versions of iranshahri political thought in Islamic civilization can be divided in five main categories representing five conceptions of Farr -e- izadi. These five categories are represented in epic poems, mystic texts, philosophical treatises, Illuminationist wisdom and Iranian mirrors for princes. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Comparison of Authoritarian Government and the Relationship of People with Government in Ghazali and Hobbes
        mohamad ali tavana farzad azarkamand
        This article studies the basics of forming powerful government and the relationship between people with government in Ghazali and Hobbes thought. Special view of both of the thinkers to nature of human is intellectual foundation of forming authoritative government. Acco More
        This article studies the basics of forming powerful government and the relationship between people with government in Ghazali and Hobbes thought. Special view of both of the thinkers to nature of human is intellectual foundation of forming authoritative government. According to the four human traits, Ghazali tries to educate the divine human that acts passively under divine governance. Since religion and politics don’t separate from each other in Ghazali’s view, so in government, divinity of these traits joins to politics and powerful government. But Hobbes believed that human have power demand and warrior nature in addition, in primary and natural human condition, the war has been going on against each other. And human try to rescue themselves according to their wisdom. So, they established an authoritative government with their foresight. Therefore, the subject of both of them is largely same, but their processing is different. It means that both of these intellectuals lived in restless period, and the necessity of security causes them to resort to authoritative government. On the other hand, both of these intellectuals assign passive roles for people; however, Ghazali’s argumentation method is canonical and Hobbes’s method is rational. Moreover it seems that the rational theory of Hobbes – accepting the possibility of insurgence-paves the way for going beyond the authoritative government, although the canonical theory of Hobbes leads to one type of reproduction of authoritative government. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Imam Khomeini`s Epistemology and Political Thoughts Focusing on Velayat Faghih Principle
        مسعود بيات داوود بيات
        Undoubtedly, political thoughts bears frameworks and basis without which one can`t recognize correct knowledge of them. In this regard, Imam Khomeini`s thoughts are not exception. Thus researcher in this paper attempts to investigate its effects on Imam Khomeini’s polit More
        Undoubtedly, political thoughts bears frameworks and basis without which one can`t recognize correct knowledge of them. In this regard, Imam Khomeini`s thoughts are not exception. Thus researcher in this paper attempts to investigate its effects on Imam Khomeini’s political thought which are manifested in Velayat Faqih thought. As a thesis it seems that Imam Khomeini, based on Spiritual-Gnostic insight inspired from Mollasadra thoughts, considers politics beneath the religious principles and he attempts to define piety and it`s requirements that which covers politics as a part of his duties. Practical result of such combination is devoting practical politics field and statesmanship to Juris consults and theologians as Velayat Faghih form. In his insight, Islamic governor shall obey justice as much as possible since it`s requirement for governance and guardianship and despotism makes us fall from it. Thus focusing on governor’s responsibility before public, he denies dictatorship and autocracy. In this research, we utilized note taking and library study to gather data and epistemological methodology and thought interpretation based on rational structures and requirements as a part of intellectual approach as a research method. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Plato's Utopia in the Paradigmatic Narrative (Based on the Republic’s Dialogue)
        حجت زمانی راد Mohammad کمالی گوکی Abolfazl Shakoori
        Ontology, epistemology and anthropology are considered as the basis for any theory in the humanities, as there is no theory, explicit or implicit, that is not based on these basic metaphysical principles. Also, the political thought as a normative concept, always arises More
        Ontology, epistemology and anthropology are considered as the basis for any theory in the humanities, as there is no theory, explicit or implicit, that is not based on these basic metaphysical principles. Also, the political thought as a normative concept, always arises in relation to the context and the time and its contemporary crisis, reflecting these crises and based on the fundamental philosophical foundations, determine its favorable conditions that derived from normative criteria and articulates, its specific formations from patterns of authority. Comparing ideas in political thought with each other that can be based on their metaphysical principles and norms, is considered to be a category of political thought. According to such a process of political theory, political thought is a paradigmatic narrative. This article seeks to provide a the Paradigmatic Narrative from political thought of Plato, based on the Republic's dialogue. And by demonstrating the metaphysical fundamentals of his contemporary crisis, analysis the positive and negative ratio of plato's utopia with those crisis and fundamentals. The moral crisis and the decline of Athens in the Peloponnesian War and the emergence of sophists, remains the central crisis of Plato. The idea world is located in the center of Plato's epistemology and ontology. The Platonic utopia is based on the philosopher-king rule, that was following the presidential paradigm, only will be understood through Plato’s contemporary crisis and his methaphysical foundations. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Republicanism’s Status in Mohammad Ali Forogh’ political thought
        Rouzbeh Parham nia Iraj Ranjbar
        Investigating the relationship between monarchy and republicanism in Mohammad Ali Forouqi's political thought is the purpose of the present research. The opposition of monarchy and republicanism, as two politically distinct models for regulating power_based terms and re More
        Investigating the relationship between monarchy and republicanism in Mohammad Ali Forouqi's political thought is the purpose of the present research. The opposition of monarchy and republicanism, as two politically distinct models for regulating power_based terms and relationships within human society has been one of the oldest intellectual conflicts in the domain of political thought. Possessing some realistic insights, Forouqi considers unsociability and irregularity as parts of primary nature of human beings; some violent nature contaminated by lethal instincts of self-conceit and selfishness, ambition of which seems to be endless unless it is overshadowed by some monarchical systems and governance by clever and pretentious kings. Monarchy was not considered as an ideal perfection by Forouqi, but his pessimistic view of humans, on one hand, and social circumstances and political chaos prevailing during his time, on the other hand, led him to perceive politically that the grounds for republicanism_based political order would be provided solely by destroying primary nature and essence of humans and replacing them with secondary nature under monarchical systems. With such a perception of monarchy_republicanism relationship within political thought in mind, present research examines mentioned dichotomous position in the realm of Forouqi’s political thought. By applying Sprigens’ theoretical framework, this research concludes that through observing and recognizing crisis and suffering prevailing on the society he was living in, Forouqi identified political order of monarchy as an interest_based requirement appropriate to Iranian society while his politically ideal norm was formed by his deep cognition of the logic governing modern terms and relations and emergence of a novel order based on the rule of law; A norm that, in his view, would result in mere political chaos and instability within a society lacking primary components of republicanism_based political order. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Siyasat-nama and Discursive Turn in Iranian Political Thought; the Speech Act Analysis of Siyar al-mulûk
        hamdollah akvani
        The relation between author and social context in discourse turn of Iranian and Islamic political thought is a matter of great concern. The social contexts of 7th to 9th centuries created new condition which in turn paved the ground for change and development of Irania More
        The relation between author and social context in discourse turn of Iranian and Islamic political thought is a matter of great concern. The social contexts of 7th to 9th centuries created new condition which in turn paved the ground for change and development of Iranian and Islamic political philosophy and its discursive turn. In response to this change and political contexts of Iranian-Islamic society, emerged three schools of thought among the thinkers of this period. Al-Mawardi and introducing of caliphate system, Al-Ghazali with Islamic justification of authority of the Kings in order to reconcile between caliphate and kingship and, finally, Nizam al-Mulk by Siyasatnama (The Book of Government) who tried to pass the caliphate system and articulate a new discourse. Relying on the Iranian tradition of Ideal King, Nizam al-Mulk tries to justify kingship with an expedient approach. Such a conflict is distinguishable in Siyasatnama. Within this book, there is a conflict between three discourses: caliphate, kingship and religious discourse of resistance. This paper is going to verify the hypothesis that Nizam al-Mulk has played the role of “poiltical subjective” in the discursive transformation from writing Shariatnama (Islamic laws) to Andarzname (Book of advice). He uses three lingual strategies in order to play subjective situation role: to omit caliphate discourse by “concealing” it, and highlight the kingship discourse by excluding other discourses of resistance that are traceable in the book. The methodology of the article is a combination of Laclau and Mouffe discourse theory and micro-level approach of Van leeuwen discourse Analysis. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Political Ideonomy of "Basic Needs" model (the relationship between development and political thought in Basic Needs model 1(
        مهدی مظفری نیا    
        The condition of success and reasons of failure of development strategies and plans, has been one of the most important “development studies” issues. It has been explained in different ways; such as that there is strong relationship between efficiency of development str More
        The condition of success and reasons of failure of development strategies and plans, has been one of the most important “development studies” issues. It has been explained in different ways; such as that there is strong relationship between efficiency of development strategies and plans and development theories. According of paradigmatic-implicative theory, which has explained the relation of development theories and political thought and identifies the development theory as one of the practical implication of political thought, one of the conditions of success of development strategies and development plans can be referred to the political thought foundation. So we explore the political thought supporting the Basic Needs model. We use “qualitative content analysis” method for showing the political foundation of Basic Needs model, which is one of the most important development models In 1970s, is based on “the least advantaged are benefitted and not hurt or forgotten”, in correspondence with John Rawls's "Justice as Fair". Manuscript profile
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        20 - Dialogue with the Text Skinner and Gadamer Hermenutic Cross
        The challenge of methods of proper understanding of thought, in general, and that of political thought, in particular, is a challenge that the thinkers of this field have been facing for the past several centuries. One of these methods is hermeneutics. But hermeneutics, More
        The challenge of methods of proper understanding of thought, in general, and that of political thought, in particular, is a challenge that the thinkers of this field have been facing for the past several centuries. One of these methods is hermeneutics. But hermeneutics, as a method, has at times been criticized for not enjoying the necessary objectivism. The subjective approach and individualistic method latent in it has been challenged by some rival methods. In this article, it has been attempted to attain a synthetic method in a revised form through employing comparative philosophical method and using analytical tools and concepts of Skinner and Gadamer’s hermeneutics in reading the text. The teachings of Skinner and Gadamer have been used in a comparative form so that by transition from them to a synthetic method is attained for understanding thought. In this method, while using the technique of speech act used by Skinner’s hermeneutics, the role of audience in finding the final meaning through Gadamer’s method is considered. This synthetic method of reading the text is not free from influence of revised and constructionist methods. Manuscript profile
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        21 - A Study on Hafiz’s Political Thought Based On Spragens Theory
        Ali Bagheri Dolatabadi seyyed shahrokh mousavian
        From the past times, Iranian poets have been main factor and mediator between people and governors. Life style of poets (based on direct relations with government and governor) always protect these relations. Hafiz was not only an exception to this rule, but his life ha More
        From the past times, Iranian poets have been main factor and mediator between people and governors. Life style of poets (based on direct relations with government and governor) always protect these relations. Hafiz was not only an exception to this rule, but his life has strangely tied to the changes of the time and the Dismissal and appointment of the rulers. The main question of the research is how did these developments affect the political thought of Hafez and what was the solution to ending the problems of society in terms of Hafez? To answer the above question, we described the characteristics of Hafez's political thought, based on the application of the Spragens theory (Understanding the problem, Understanding the cause, ideal society, solution). According to the theoretical framework, the findings of the research show that Hafez saw his society political problem in murder, imprisonment, extortion, slander, corruption, insecurity and instability. He considered Hypocrisy and Abuse of power as a factor behind the emergence of protests in society. Hafez's ideal society, in various political, social and cultural spheres, was characterized by avoiding from doing bad things, the emphasis on contentment and modest life, not attention to jealous people, and disregarding the world and power. From the standpoint of Hafez, the solution to these problems is in reformism, the Cultural Revolution, tolerance, Attention to learning from history and Listening to the advices. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Capability-Virtue Political Judgment in the Thought of "Martha Nussbaum"
        Mahmoud Alipour Saiedalireza Hosseinibeheshti
        One of the issues raised in the late political philosophy is the revival of the linguistic concept called "political judgment". Political judgment can be considered as the expression of one's understanding and perception of a political event or situation. Based on this More
        One of the issues raised in the late political philosophy is the revival of the linguistic concept called "political judgment". Political judgment can be considered as the expression of one's understanding and perception of a political event or situation. Based on this definition, the essence ofPolitical thingis defined based on speech, decision and judgment in political life. Historically/ conceptually, political Judgment has gone through two major Transformation. One: in the form of Platonic awe and following predetermined criteria (idea-centric), And the second in the form of devalued face of the world of politics and centralization, interpretation and benefit of man as the standard of everything (relativistic). Nussbaum's normative approach proposes a third and distinct type of judgment under the title of "virtuosity-ability". Therefore, the question arises, what is the nature of political Judgment in Nussbaum's thought, and where is the position of "ability-virtue" in it? In her view, political judgment is related to "valuable and virtuous political feelings and emotions", and on the other hand, to "capability approach" in the sense of what citizens can and should do. From this point of view, Nussbaum tries to criticize the standard-oriented and non-normative Judgment by proposing political liberalism against comprehensive liberalism. And on the other hand, she is against imposing those judgments on the political decision-making situations of citizens. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Arendt’s Political Thought and the Possibility of Change in International Relations
        Homeira  Moshirzadeh Arya Moknat
        According to mainstream IR theories and, in particular, realism, violence is and will remain to be an essential and inseparable part of international relations. All variations of realism view human nature and/or intentional system as inherently violent. Hannah Arendt’s More
        According to mainstream IR theories and, in particular, realism, violence is and will remain to be an essential and inseparable part of international relations. All variations of realism view human nature and/or intentional system as inherently violent. Hannah Arendt’s theory of political power as a non-violent and collective human action challenges this fundamental assumption and offers a new perspective on what constitutes the essence of politics. Arendt’s idea of “human condition” rejects all forms of essentialism with regard to human beings and opens up a theoretical space for a new understanding of international relations where human beings become the primary political agents (despite the fact that she sees the existing international relations more from a realist point of view). Contrary to mainstream IR theories in general, and to realism in particular, for Arendt the individuals, rather than the states, are ultimately the main players in international relations. In this paper, we bind different aspects of Arendt’s political thought together to offer a new theoretical perspective for a possible change in world politics. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Application of Conceptual History in Understanding Political Thought and Action
        hossein sharifara morteza Bahrani seyed khodayar Mortazavi alasl Farid khatami
        Conceptual history is a theoretical approach to the modern understanding of political thought and action over time and in the context of sociopolitical transformations. In this approach, concepts are rooted in social developments; In such a way that with the change and More
        Conceptual history is a theoretical approach to the modern understanding of political thought and action over time and in the context of sociopolitical transformations. In this approach, concepts are rooted in social developments; In such a way that with the change and development in the society and the field of action, the concepts also change in terms of meaning and function. The question of this essay is how to understand and interpret the relationship between political practice and political theory and whether conceptual history can explain this relationship in a way that the researcher, besides exploring it, fulfills his responsibility of constructing a better society and a better world. The assumption is that conceptual history can both present the most appropriate interpretation of the quality of existence of affairs and opens horizon of future for intervening social affairs; in a way that the realm of the researcher’s action in a position of a theoretical actor is determined. Using descriptive and analytical method, this essay introduces conceptual history. This article seeks to comprehend and interpret conceptual history in the context of modern understanding. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Explanation of sociological and ethical bed the foundations of dialogue in the thought of Imam Khomeini (RA)
        This article pays with sociological explanation, to examine foundations of dialogue in the thought of Imam Khomeini (RA), using the method of documents, content analysis of texts, and emphasized the literature of derived for the Koran, and Max Weber's theory of charisma More
        This article pays with sociological explanation, to examine foundations of dialogue in the thought of Imam Khomeini (RA), using the method of documents, content analysis of texts, and emphasized the literature of derived for the Koran, and Max Weber's theory of charismatic leadership and Crane Brinton's theory of revolution. In the documents taking notes from most of works of Imam Khomeini (RA). The Imam greatness is that we can show originality thought in his work, so pay attention to Imam Khomeini's thought is needed more than the past.The Imam with ethics and his transcendent character could convert intellectual discipline to social order with new structure, and he challenged with critical analysis the discourse of previous them. So we can say, Imam has dialogue follow from prophets and from dialogue method is used further in explanation and reform and Distribution , of course if there is no result, he did insurrection and war. Imam with his interactive approach, thought of unilateral and biased deposited to Museum of history of thought. He has done affairs in diplomatic exchanges according to ethical principles and good of society and disposal of corruption. So in the analysis of their ideas, it should be noted, the proven principles of their thought. Design of religious thought and ethics in the world and globalization of Islam, awareness, distinguish real Islam from American Islam, special attention to human resources, application of concepts based on Islam, mutual respect and observance of justice between governments, thought expedient, pondering and realism, believing people, Futurology are foundations of his dialogue Manuscript profile
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        26 - Explaining Islamic-Iranian Patterns of Education Based on Educational Options by Mulla Sadra
        Somayyeh Marhaba Najmeh  Vakili Mohsen  Imani
        Education is one of the issues that has been paid special attention to religious and non-religious philosophies for a long time. It is important to study the Islamic-Iranian model for the development of human beings in the science of education. The Islamic-Iranian patte More
        Education is one of the issues that has been paid special attention to religious and non-religious philosophies for a long time. It is important to study the Islamic-Iranian model for the development of human beings in the science of education. The Islamic-Iranian pattern is a theoretical model with normative function. This pattern can be presented in mathematical or logical language and it is necessary to use the methods of today's science to explain complex matters. Islamic-Iranian theory is a theory based on the principles of Islam's insight and within the framework of Islamic ethics and law and is in accordance with Iran's conditions. The study of Mulla Sadra's thoughts suggests that in the thought of Mulla Sadra, man has a vertical movement and flow in the levels of existence. Sadra's anthropology is the point of convergence between religious, ethical, philosophical and mystical anthropology, according to ontological and epistemological foundations, such as the originality of existence, the essential motion, etc., the comprehensiveness of man according to the different degrees and categories, which are the lowest Levels, ie, Jimdi, begin to the last stage, namely, immortality, rational thinking and rational perception. So it deserves to reach the highest degree of being or to be at the lowest level with the opportunity of burning. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Moral and jurisprudential analysis of the punishment of innate apostate
        adel asghrpoortoloay rahim vakilzadh
        Innate apostasy is one of the crimes that, if proven, is punishable by particular punishments in the criminal system of Islam. The question arises as to whether in the true sense of innate apostasy, being Muslim parents of an apostate is enough. Or, in addition to it, More
        Innate apostasy is one of the crimes that, if proven, is punishable by particular punishments in the criminal system of Islam. The question arises as to whether in the true sense of innate apostasy, being Muslim parents of an apostate is enough. Or, in addition to it, is it necessary to fully describe Islam for the person after puberty and the revelation of disbelief later on? In this article, we describe the role of defining and describing Islam for an apostate and the role of repentance in it with a descriptive-analytical approach. The results show that in addition to being Muslim parents of an apostate, the continuity of their being Muslim and the description of Islam and its provisions for a person during puberty are among the conditions for the realization of innate apostasy. Also, with regard to the question of whether the punishment of an apostate is in conflict with freedom of thought and the freedom of accepting religion, we have come to the conclusion that what is described as an apostate’s punishment is in cases that the enemy and disagreeing apostate seeks to destroy society and its scientific environment and violate the rights of others, instead of using logical reasoning and scientific methods Manuscript profile
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        28 - The Impact of Intellectual Schools on Sheikh Ahmad Ahsāei: A Review
        Sheikh Ahmad Ahsaei could be considered as one of the prolific authors who had a special school of thought. Many debates on his beliefs and ideas is still on desk and some are extremist and others deal with him leniency. Sheikh Ahmad's eminent characteristics is his div More
        Sheikh Ahmad Ahsaei could be considered as one of the prolific authors who had a special school of thought. Many debates on his beliefs and ideas is still on desk and some are extremist and others deal with him leniency. Sheikh Ahmad's eminent characteristics is his diversity and variety of works. The main objection of his contemporary scholars to him was the contradiction of his thoughts to the Kitāb and Sunna and the religious incontrovertible belief, which returns to his methodology of study. Although Sheikh Ahmad introduced Qur'an and Hadith as the criteria of evaluation of Islamic belief and even his own ideas, he did not refuse to exert philosophical and mystical phrase and in many cases tried to reconcile the Qur'anic thoughts with them. In fact, he interpreted the religious facts with the human sciences such as astronomy and philosophical naturalism. He unintentionally was impressed by various human science and explained the Divine beliefs by them, which in turn was condemned by himself. It could be traced the influence of Suhriwardī's Ishrāq philosophy, Mānī beliefs, Isma'ilite esotericism, and Tasawwuf (Islamic mysticism) in his works. Also, abnormalities and ambiguities of his thoughts, cause in deviation of Bābism Manuscript profile
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        29 - Study of the position of resurrection in the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi by looking at the verses of the Holy Qur'an
        ali  zatali Mohammad Reza   Mohammad Reza  Qari
        The debate about the post-death world is one of the most important issues. Poets and writers have not neglected this subject in different periods of Persian literature and paid attention to it in their works. Among these poets, Ferdowsi is a prominent poet and epic poet More
        The debate about the post-death world is one of the most important issues. Poets and writers have not neglected this subject in different periods of Persian literature and paid attention to it in their works. Among these poets, Ferdowsi is a prominent poet and epic poet of Iran, who has paid attention to this issue in the place of Shahnameh. Although this valuable book has more mythological aspect and the sources used by the poet (mostly) of pre-Islamic oral stories, which have been transmitted from one generation to the next by chest to Ferdowsi and his followers , But since his poet, in addition to the aspects of storytelling and artistic creation, ... has considered the aspect of the torture and awareness of life in the world and then of the reader and the audience Prevents people from having friendship and heartfelt . He looks at the problem of death and the life of the future with a wise vision. Among the significant issues considered in the Shahnameh, and its speaker in ups and downs and happiness and failures, in wars and reconciliations, and ... has addressed it And this research is intended to investigate and address it. The discussion of human death and the certainty of the world after death (resurrection of thought) is in the eyes of the author of Shahnameh and its adaptation to the verses of the Qur'an. This research was conducted in a library study method and descriptive analytical method. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Riaz al-Arifin and Manghaj al-Salakin (content research in the Middle Ages of Shiite mysticism)
        Mohsen  Momen
        Epistemologists have sought to introduce the unknown and mysterious ways to the beginners and seekers through their instructions and writings. A considerable number of works have been published, but still many copies are in the vacancy rooms of loneliness, waiting for b More
        Epistemologists have sought to introduce the unknown and mysterious ways to the beginners and seekers through their instructions and writings. A considerable number of works have been published, but still many copies are in the vacancy rooms of loneliness, waiting for being investigated by some with passionate of learning. This article tries to introduce “Riaz al-Arifin” and “Manghaj al-Salikin” written by Mirza Muhammad bin Sultan Muhammad Ardabili, a famous scholar of Shiite universe and scholar of the 11th century, expressing his views, thoughts and works. His Sufism instructions are a combination of the path of the wise and the path of descendants, but in the Shari'a-minded frame. He sees present and presence, at its highest level during praying ceremony like Namaz. His literary and linguistic intuition have also been discussed and analyzed. Unfortunately, we know very little about him, but discussable issues are a lot. Manuscript profile
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        31 - The Analysis of Love in Orfi Shirazi Lyrics with an Approach to Iran ‎ Thinking System
        mohsen berahmand
        In the Safavid era the Safavid kings encouraged poets to compose poems in the eulogy of the Prophet (PBUH) and had a negative reaction to the themes of love, thus poetry lost its boom and many poets emigrated from Iran to India and this gave rise to a new style nowadays More
        In the Safavid era the Safavid kings encouraged poets to compose poems in the eulogy of the Prophet (PBUH) and had a negative reaction to the themes of love, thus poetry lost its boom and many poets emigrated from Iran to India and this gave rise to a new style nowadays referred to as Indian style. Orfi Shirazi is one of the first poets to play an important role in the construction and development of this style. This is a content analysis paper based on library resources. We have attempted to analyze the first one hundred lyrics of Shirazi Orfi from his book of poem to examine love in his thinking system. The results show that his lyrics are manifestations of love in the form of self-harming thoughts, expressing the hardships and pitfalls of love, the warmth of love and the burning of love, the high value of love, the mystical conduct associated with love, parting, the pain and sadness of love, the gay relationship, describing the behavioral characteristics of the lover, addressing expressions such as eye and gaze description, facial expression, lips and mouth, eyelashes, and stature. Manuscript profile
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        32 - The idea of returning to the Qur'an in establishing a divine government (Focusing on the views of Martyr Motahhari and Imam Khomeini)
        ehsan shakeri khoei reza nasiri hamed amir kordkarimi
        The idea of returning to the Qur'an is one of the efforts made by some scholars of the Islamic world to establish divine governments in Islamic societies And the elimination of crises arising from the domination of tyrannical governments. In a way, it can be said that t More
        The idea of returning to the Qur'an is one of the efforts made by some scholars of the Islamic world to establish divine governments in Islamic societies And the elimination of crises arising from the domination of tyrannical governments. In a way, it can be said that the thought of returning from Seyyed Jamaluddin Asadabadi began with The efforts of great thinkers such as Shahid Motahari and Imam Khomeini have continued.These two great thinkers of the Islamic world, with heartfelt belief and faith in the knot of the Holy Book, tried in practice To make Muslims aware of the effect of the Qur'an in resolving the crises of Islamic societies.With this explanation, we are going to use the theory of crises analytically, Let us examine the impact of this idea on the formation of the Islamic Revolution and say,Creating a revolutionary wave in Iran, due to the valuable efforts of these two great worlds in the practice of Quranic concepts And referring to the Qur'an, which was initially proposed in society with the aim of establishing an Islamic government centered on Velayat-e-Faqih And then it has evolved by relying on Quranic teachings; As Imam Khomeini (ra) says somewhere:"Basically, the book of our revolution is the Quran.". Manuscript profile
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        33 - Providing university management model based on green thinking
        Golshan Moradi nader soleymani hamid shafizadeh
        Globalization, increasing pollution and creating environmental concerns, in today's knowledge-based, competitive, accountable and participatory environment, forced university management to make changes in applying management models, accepting green strategies and app More
        Globalization, increasing pollution and creating environmental concerns, in today's knowledge-based, competitive, accountable and participatory environment, forced university management to make changes in applying management models, accepting green strategies and applying green management as a new paradigm in all its organizational activities. For this purpose, the present study was conducted to provide a university management model based on green thinking. This research is "fundamental-applied" in terms of purpose, as well as "qualitative" in terms of data type and in terms of implementation is based on the data-driven theory ". The researcher conducts Semistructured interviews until reaching data saturation with 15 participants based on purposeful and snowball samplings from the managers and experts of the Environmental Protection Organization, the Renewable Energy Organization, Ministry of Oil, as well as managers of the country's green universities. Analysis of obtained data was performed in three stages of open, axial, and selective coding. The qualitative research model was designed base on this analysis. The results of research extract 576 primary codes from interviews as well as 43 concepts and 16 categories which are conceptualized and categorized in the form of Strauss and Corbin paradigm model including nuclear phenomenon, causal factors, contextual conditions, interfering factors, strategies, and consequences Manuscript profile
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        34 - Model of meaning relationship of "High quality public places" from Islamic-Iranian thought perspective
        Mohsen Rafieian Mojtaba Rafieian Mohamadreza Bemanian
        This article is written because of the lack of a model for understanding the relationship of the meaning of public space in the perceivers's minds. The results of the study showed that there are two types of levels in any observer's mind that the first are straight More
        This article is written because of the lack of a model for understanding the relationship of the meaning of public space in the perceivers's minds. The results of the study showed that there are two types of levels in any observer's mind that the first are straight, immediate and referential, and the second are implicit, secondary and normative. In fact the secondary thought are a basis for knowing a place as high quality or not. For example everyone considers a clean public place or a place with law as a desirable place. However these places could have not been known as a quality places, if they are impure (according to Islamic rules) or there is a sin in it. With this example, it is cleared out that the secondary meaning plays an important role in the qualitative judgment of public places. Therefore in suggested model, a first levels are around the circle and the secondary are in a center of that and also this model is arranged by some components that has some properties such as a) Transcendental and uplifting, b) Being complementary and c) Hierarchy.in an example meaning relationship could be like atent with a main coulmn and some strings, implicit, secondary and normative meanings are like a main coulmn and straight, immediate and referential meanings are like strings. Finally,quality of holdfast arrange around it. Manuscript profile
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        35 - A Study of the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Tendency and Organizational Performance (Case Study: Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Thought
        Mojtaba Nahid ali davari Firouzeh Sajednia
        One of the most important concerns which have coerced organizations to illustrate tendency toward entrepreneurial activities is survival and growth. This is, thus, to assert that time is ripe for investigating the relationships between entrepreneurial behavior and perfo More
        One of the most important concerns which have coerced organizations to illustrate tendency toward entrepreneurial activities is survival and growth. This is, thus, to assert that time is ripe for investigating the relationships between entrepreneurial behavior and performance. This study is aimed at investigating the relationship between entrepreneurial orientations and organizational performance of the Islamic Research Institute for Culture and Thought in 2013. To do so, descriptive and correlative research methodologies were used to examine the relationships among these variables. Statistical population of this study contains a number of university staffs at different managerial levels, members of Faculty Board, and experts, who are estimated to constitute 110 persons from the total number of 320. Pearson correlation and multivariable regression methods were used to analyze data. Moreover, Structural Equation Model (SEM) was employed to affirm the model. Results show that there is a positive and direct relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and organizational performance. In addition, there is indirect relationship among innovation, leadership, risk-taking, and aggressive competition as aspects of entrepreneurial orientation, on the one hand, and organizational performance, on the other. However, there was no relationship between independence and organizational performance. Therefore, development of attitude and attention to entrepreneurial orientation in an organization can be effective in elevating organizational performance. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Predicting Suicidal Thoughts Based on Parental Psychological Control: The Mediating role of Mindfulness
        zahra eghdami Mahboubeh Fouladchang
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of mindfulness in the relationship between parental psychological control and suicidal ideation. Participants included 375 undergraduate students (204 girls and 171 boys) from Shiraz University who were sel More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of mindfulness in the relationship between parental psychological control and suicidal ideation. Participants included 375 undergraduate students (204 girls and 171 boys) from Shiraz University who were selected using multistage random cluster sampling. They completed the dependency-oriented and achievement-oriented psychological control scale, five facet mindfulness questionnaire, and beck scale for suicide ideation. Reliability of research instruments was determined by Cronbach's alpha and validity by confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency. The results of structural equation modeling showed that the proposed model fits well with the data of this study and that parental psychological control negatively predicts the dimensions of mindfulness. The findings also showed that parental psychological control has an indirect effect (through mindfulness) on suicidal thoughts. It is concluded that the parents' induction of shame and guilt in order to achievement or dependency of children can prevent mindfulness and then determine suicidal thoughts. Manuscript profile
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        37 - A Study of the Reason for the Unpopularity of Philosophy during the Umayyad Period in Andalusia
        Musa Alreza  Bakhshi Ostad Abdol Hosein  Latifi
        Under the reign of the Umayyad Dynasty, Andalusia managed to take the philosophical lead in Europe during a time when Europe was suffering from Medieval stasis. Moreover, it could compete with Baghdad over the leadership of the world of Islam, the peak of which was in t More
        Under the reign of the Umayyad Dynasty, Andalusia managed to take the philosophical lead in Europe during a time when Europe was suffering from Medieval stasis. Moreover, it could compete with Baghdad over the leadership of the world of Islam, the peak of which was in the fourth century (AH). However, in spite of the scientific progress of Muslims and the favorable cultural atmosphere of this period, philosophy did not receive much attention and even had to deal with severe challenges. Accordingly, the authors of this paper decided to focus on this lack of attention to philosophy, which was not in conformity with the flourishing of Islamic civilization in Andalusia at that time, through analyzing the related historical resources and documents. Their findings indicate that, after conquering Andalusia, Muslims stepped into a land where the church had harshly suppressed rationalism. The same was also the case with the neighboring countries there. Nevertheless, the most important reason for the lack of interest in philosophy in Andalusia was the establishment of Maliki school of thought, which, following a Zahirite approach, did not allow rationalism to flourish there. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Historical Time and Philosophical Time in Ibrahimi Dinani’s View
        M‘asumeh  Qorbani Anderehci
        Perception of time is of an intellectual nature, and the human mind can easily divide it into seconds and minutes, for example, and measure it. However, when speaking of the truth of time, one is in fact faced with a complex and difficult mystery. The attempts at disamb More
        Perception of time is of an intellectual nature, and the human mind can easily divide it into seconds and minutes, for example, and measure it. However, when speaking of the truth of time, one is in fact faced with a complex and difficult mystery. The attempts at disambiguating this mystery has resulted in wide-spread disagreements among philosophers and thinkers so that some of them hold that time exists while some others deny its existence. Gholam Hossein Ebrahimi Dinani, a contemporary Iranian thinker, conceives of time as an ontological entity. He has reanalyzed and reinterpreted the views of several thinkers regarding time and believes that everything in the world of being is manifested and emerges through the channel of human consciousness. He emphasizes that the relationship between Man and time is so strong that its rupture is meaningless. Dinani maintains that time has two dimensions: one is the material dimension, which is realized in the material world, and the other is the Ideal dimension, which is indeed perceived as a path towards the world of meaning. The latter, while being material, is of an Ideal nature. In his view, time in its material dimension is the same as the measure of motion, and time in the world of thought is identical with the form of human perception. Manuscript profile
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        39 - The Problem of Predestination and Free Will and Mulla Sadra’s Innovative Solution
        Akbar  Faydei
        The problem of Divine Decree and Ordinance and its relationship with human acts has occupied the minds of Muslim thinkers since long ago. The undeniable universality of God’s Decree and Ordinance and its consistency or inconsistency with man’s free will have resulted in More
        The problem of Divine Decree and Ordinance and its relationship with human acts has occupied the minds of Muslim thinkers since long ago. The undeniable universality of God’s Decree and Ordinance and its consistency or inconsistency with man’s free will have resulted in the formation of the problem of predestination and free will and the rise of three major kalami and religious views of predestination, entrusting, and amr bayn al-amrayn (neither predestination nor entrusting, but something between them). Through explaining the problem of predestination and free will and rejecting the views of determinists and the followers of entrusting, the writer of this paper tries to demonstrate the consistency of the Divine Decree and Ordinance with man’s will based on the teachings of the Shi‘a school of thought and the truth of the theory of intermediate position and Mulla Sadra’s innovative interpretation of the issue. Manuscript profile
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        40 - A Study of the Logic of Mulla Sadra’s Four-Fold Journeys and their Implications for a New and Comprehensive Pattern for Explaining the Stages of Intellectual Thought
        ابراهیم خانی Majid Sadeghi Hasan abadi Mehdi Emam Jome
        The four-fold gnostic journeys provide a well-known model for explaining the stages of tawhidi (monotheistic) wayfaring. However, a study of the logic of such journeys and an investigation of the reasons for dividing mystic wayfaring into these four-fold stages reveals More
        The four-fold gnostic journeys provide a well-known model for explaining the stages of tawhidi (monotheistic) wayfaring. However, a study of the logic of such journeys and an investigation of the reasons for dividing mystic wayfaring into these four-fold stages reveals that this model enjoys a desirable capacity for clarifying the stages of thinking in theoretical wayfaring. In this paper, in order to provide an extensive explanation of the model of four-fold journeys for thought, the writers initially explore their logic through referring to the background of the four-fold gnostic journeys. After clarifying the essence of these journeys, they demonstrate that the stages of desirable thinking in the process of solving any scientific problem could consist of the same stages as the four gnostic journeys. Following a detailed explanation of this similarity, the four journeys of thought in Sadrian philosophy and in relation to the problem of anthropology are briefly explored. Finally, the writers examine some of the general principles of the model of the four-fold journeys in the realm of thinking and elaborate on the educational advantages of using this particular model. Manuscript profile
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        41 - The Role of Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophical Thought in Understanding Religious Texts
        Seyyed Hossein  Azimidokht
        This study aims to explore Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical thoughts, portray the salient features of his philosophy, and demonstrate the influence of philosophical thought on his understanding and interpretation of religious texts. Using a descriptive-analytic method, the a More
        This study aims to explore Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical thoughts, portray the salient features of his philosophy, and demonstrate the influence of philosophical thought on his understanding and interpretation of religious texts. Using a descriptive-analytic method, the author describes some of the elements of Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophy in the fields of theology, cosmology, and anthropology and, in this way, tries to explain his hermeneutic principles in the perception of religious texts. Next, he presents some of his interpretations of such texts in order to reveal the influence of Sadrian philosophical trend and hermeneutic principles in understanding religious texts. Given his prominent role in the development of Shī‘ī philosophy and wisdom, it seems necessary to deliberate over his philosophical theories and works and examine his methods and principles of interpretation in the field of Sadrian studies. The findings of this study indicate that Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical thought, in general, and his philosophical views, in particular, as well as his hermeneutic principles, which originate in the Transcendent Philosophy, and utilizing certain concepts in explaining philosophical problems distinguish him from other thinkers in the presentation and analysis of religious categories. Finally, the author concludes that benefitting from philosophical and metaphysical categories and theories, while being harmful in certain respects, could result in having a different understanding of religious texts. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Study procedure Tolerance of thoughts and behavior Based on Islamic teachings
        mohammad saeeid shafiei shirin shafiei
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        43 - The Penalty of Apostates and the Quranic Verse Forbidding Compulsion in Islam (Conflict and Conformity)
        Faranak Pousti Ahmad Bagheri
        <p>The right to freedom is a basic human right. As every human being has the genetic will and the power to choose, he/she should have the legislative right to choose, and there should not be any obstacle in front of him/her. Freedom has many aspects, one of which is fre More
        <p>The right to freedom is a basic human right. As every human being has the genetic will and the power to choose, he/she should have the legislative right to choose, and there should not be any obstacle in front of him/her. Freedom has many aspects, one of which is freedom of thought, suggesting that every human being is entitled to think and research about everything. The other aspect is freedom of opinion, denoting that human beings are free to choose their religion and beliefs, and they should not be obliged to do so. The third aspect is freedom of speech and expression of views and opinions. Finally, the fourth aspect is freedom in action and behaviour, implying that every human being is entitled to act as he/she wishes. One of the objections raised by the opponents of freedom to prove violence and lack of freedom in Islam is the jurisprudential ruling on the murder of apostates. They maintain that if compulsion in belief is forbidden and Islam is accepted freely and voluntarily, then withdrawal from a belief should also be free. Thus, determining this kind of severe penalty for disaffiliation from religion is a reason to adhere to a belief based on coercion and imposition.</p> Manuscript profile
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        44 - Analysis of the Principles of Islamic Education in the Mystical Thoughts of Imam Khomeini(RA)
        jamshid Sadri hatef siahkoohian Seyed Hojjat  Mahdavi Saeedi Ahya Dakmaei
        The educational foundations of Imam Khomeini's mysticism are based on the Shari'a. In this mystical system, religious virtues are not separated from the virtues of mystical education. These virtues can lead man to both religious and mystical ethics. It is in religious v More
        The educational foundations of Imam Khomeini's mysticism are based on the Shari'a. In this mystical system, religious virtues are not separated from the virtues of mystical education. These virtues can lead man to both religious and mystical ethics. It is in religious virtues that the virtues of mystical education find meaning. The subject of mystical education has a very high status and status. Undoubtedly, one of the intellectual dimensions of the founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam, which is one of his most fundamental approaches, is the category of education and self-cultivation. God descends and ignores the ungodly powers; Therefore, he considered it necessary for all members of society to pay attention to this matter and considered it necessary for those who deal with educating people. mentioned. Imam's mystical training plays an important role in building transcendent human beings. Imam's mystical thought in the field of Islamic education and self-purification should provide implications for moral education with emphasis on Imam's mystical thought. The research method of the article is qualitative and analytical. His thoughts were extracted as a result of the mystical training of the Imam to make human beings who, by cultivating and purifying their souls, achieved inner transformation and spirituality and attained nearness to God. Manuscript profile
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        45 - The mediating role of self-criticism in the relationship between narcissism and suicidal thoughts in adolescents
        Mohammad Basereh Shahram Mami
        The purpose of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of self-criticism in the relationship between narcissism and suicidal thoughts in adolescents. The current research method is descriptive and correlational. The statistical population in this researc More
        The purpose of the present study was to investigate the mediating role of self-criticism in the relationship between narcissism and suicidal thoughts in adolescents. The current research method is descriptive and correlational. The statistical population in this research was all boys and girls aged 14 to 18 in Ilam city, 374 of whom were selected using Cochran's sample size determination form by convenience sampling method. The information of this research was collected through Thompson Self-Criticism Questionnaire 2004(LOSC), Ames Narcissism Questionnaire 2006(NPI-16) and Beck Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire 1979(BSSI). Structural equation analysis (SEM) and Sobel test were used for data analysis. The results showed that the direct effect of narcissism and suicidal thoughts (P=0.001), narcissism and self-criticism (P=0.005), self-criticism and suicidal thoughts (P=0.002) and the indirect effect of narcissism and suicidal thoughts with mediation Self-criticism is meaningful. The research model had a favorable value and the research results showed that there is a significant relationship between narcissism and suicidal thoughts based on the mediating role of self-criticism in teenagers، In other words, with the increase of self-criticism in narcissistic teenagers, the amount of suicidal thoughts increases. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Rumi's rational methodology in order to prove human free will in Masnavi
        Abolfazl  Afsharipour reza Haidari Nori reza fahimi
        The issue of determinism and free will is one of the most complex points of theology in the religion of Islam. According to the diverse interpretations of different theological sects and intellectual and religious schools, including mystics, from the verses of the Holy More
        The issue of determinism and free will is one of the most complex points of theology in the religion of Islam. According to the diverse interpretations of different theological sects and intellectual and religious schools, including mystics, from the verses of the Holy Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet; it has been followed different and sometimes contradictory interpretations; to the extent that each of the intellectual societies, including the Ash'arites and Mu’tazilites, have been in constant search to prove their beliefs according to their own intellectual and ideological basis. Meanwhile, Muslim mystics, including Maulana Jalaluddin, due to his great work, Masnavi, mentions one of the strong and convincing reasons in order to prove free will and human will that the use the rational method of the thought power is in absorbing desires and seeking phenomena which is referred to as "common value". By the rational methodology, Rumi seeks to prove the subject of free will and the negation of determinism, and in the light of human free will, he proves the power of thought. The findings of this research, which has been done in a descriptive-analytical manner and based on library and documentary studies, show that the power of thought in human has been considered as a force to prove the power of free will in Rumi's theology. Manuscript profile
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        47 - The Semantic Emergence of "Exploratory-Intuitive Architecture" from the Analysis of the Ideas and Opinions of Iran's Contemporary Famous Architects in Cultural Works, based on the Reflection of Environmental Aesthetics in the Genius Loci
        Rezvaneh Mansouri Farah  Habib Azadeh  Shahcheraghi
        The purpose of this study is to explain the semantic conceptual model of "Disciplinary-Architecture" to analyze the ideas and opinions of contemporary Iranian architects in the cultural space based on environmental aesthetic reflection in the genios loci. The presen More
        The purpose of this study is to explain the semantic conceptual model of "Disciplinary-Architecture" to analyze the ideas and opinions of contemporary Iranian architects in the cultural space based on environmental aesthetic reflection in the genios loci. The present study is practical in terms of purpose and has been analyzed with an inductive approach. In nature, qualitatively describes existing information and component inductive analysis in theoretical subject matter. The method of collecting information by library relying on valid documents using the logical analysis method describes and analyzes theoretical propositions. The propositions have then been extracted, categorized and analyzed from the point of view of a number of contemporary Iranian architects and the views of the field of research. From the findings he suggested that the genios loci of communication with spiritual worlds and the underlying layers of the human soul can be possible. Because intuition is one of the semantic components due to sensory diversity and plurality in simple detail while complexity, in the form of a united whole, the aesthetic concerns of users. In this way, the discovery and intuition with the ability to safely predict the exciting at the same time have an impact on the integration of shared patterns of human emotions and senses. The criteria set forth in explaining a new model of environmental aesthetics in achieving the genios loci through "intuitive-intuitive architecture" lead to "extensive understanding" in contemporary architectural artifacts. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        48 - Investigating the formation of fake news and examining modern forms of fake news
        Hadi Abangah Azgomi
        News reporters are a special group in the jurisprudence and hadith of Shia Islam, whose way of thinking has cast a shadow over the people and seminaries for years. The founder of this sect was Mohammad Amin Esterabadi, who, by residing in Medina and writing the book "Fa More
        News reporters are a special group in the jurisprudence and hadith of Shia Islam, whose way of thinking has cast a shadow over the people and seminaries for years. The founder of this sect was Mohammad Amin Esterabadi, who, by residing in Medina and writing the book "Fawaed al-Madaniyah," spread his beliefs in Iraq and Iran. He considered deduction and ijtihad to be "innovation" and rejected them, believing that only the apparent meaning of hadith should be adhered to and that only the infallible Imams (AS) could interpret the Quran and hadith, which is beyond the capacity of ordinary people. He also disregarded reason and consensus. His opinions were similar to Sunni Ahl al-Hadith to some extent, although he differed from them in terms of belief. The thought of Esterabadi news reporting led to more attention being paid to hadith books, but it resulted in harmful effects such as regression, sectarianism, and superficiality, which hindered rational thinking. Of course, the thought of Esterabadi news reporting was limited and restricted by the efforts of scholars, but its effects can still be seen to some extent: the emergence of modern news reporting in today's world from Egypt to Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, etc., and cultural news reporting among elites and people are examples of this category. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        49 - The components of Khwaja Nizam al-Mulk's political thought and its impact on Iranshahri's intellectual foundations
        zohreh Alavidaghigh mohamad sepehri mehrnaz behroozi
        <p>The thought of every nation is formed throughout history and it is affected by many phenomena along the way. Generations, personalities, governments and all are effective as creators of ideas in the emergence of growth and with the decline or decline of ideas; For th More
        <p>The thought of every nation is formed throughout history and it is affected by many phenomena along the way. Generations, personalities, governments and all are effective as creators of ideas in the emergence of growth and with the decline or decline of ideas; For this reason, the thought of every nation is a composite collection made of countless parts and elements. Khwaja Nizam al-Mulk is one of the important and influential ministers in the political, social and cultural relations of the Seljuk government, who played an important and determining role in the bureaucracy of that government. Examining Khawaja's policy paper shows that his political thought is heavily influenced by Iranshahri's intellectual foundations. The central question of the current research is that what elements does Khwaja Nizam al-Mulk's political thought contain? The proposed hypothesis is that the ruler and the type of government are the most important indicators of Khajah's political thoughts. The following text is organized by referring to library sources and descriptive-analytical method.</p> Manuscript profile