The role of Sheikh Mohammad Khalsizadeh's different thinking in the development of the political trend
Subject Areas :ALIREZA MOQADDASI Mahmoudjig 1 , sina forouzesh 2 , Gholamhossein Zargarinejad 3
1 - PhD student of Islamic history, Tehran Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor of the Faculty: Literature, Humanities and Social Sciences
3 - Professor, Department of History, Science and Research Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Keywords: political innovation, Sheikh Mohammad Khalsizadeh, Naqsh, alternative thought movement, political reform.,
Abstract :
Alireza Moqaddasi Mahmoudjig Gholamhossein Zargarinejad Sina Forouzesh Abstract Among the religious and social reformer religious scholars, we can mention Sheikh Mohammad Khalsizadeh, who is mentioned in this article. He is under the influence of culture and thought. More or less modern after the constitution and especially inspired by reform and social changes. It was the era of Reza Shah Pahlavi and after that.Paradoxically, on the one hand, he was against the changes and reforms of Reza Shahi, and often also The tool of religion and preserving the sanctity of your religion and Sharia to confront the modernization of the government. On the other hand, he was directly and indirectly under the influence of the same modern (or semi-modern) terms. by resorting to the creation of neoideological works and dealing with important issues such as demystifying the official readings of the clerics of his time, the position of women, the religious pathology of society, the etiology of degeneration, the backwardness of Iranians, the relationship between religion and modernity, the connection between religion and wisdom And other approaches that were in some way in the orbit of religious reformation, are among the first reformers and thinkers of contemporary religious new thinking.In this research, we are looking for what conditions influenced thinkers like Khalasizadeh, or what mechanisms and elements were the basis of this intellectual transformation in their thought.
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