• List of Articles Progress

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        1 - Karl Löwith's Idea of the Theological Implications of Enlightenment Historical-Political Thought in the Context of the German Anti-Enlightenment Tradition and its Critics
        b j m t h a a n
        From the very beginning of the eighteenth century, the "Enlightenment" became the center of European reflections. Reactions to the Enlightenment have varied. In the first half of the twentieth century in Germany, anti-Enlightenment discourse through thinkers such as H More
        From the very beginning of the eighteenth century, the "Enlightenment" became the center of European reflections. Reactions to the Enlightenment have varied. In the first half of the twentieth century in Germany, anti-Enlightenment discourse through thinkers such as Heidegger, Schmitt, Adorno, Horkheimer and Karl Löwith, raised radical criticisms of the Enlightenment in various philosophical, political, and historical fields. In this essay, based on Skinner's approach, we interpret Karl Löwith's idea about the historical-political thought of the Enlightenment. The question of this article is "in what context was Karl Löwith's idea about the theological implications of the Enlightenment historical-political thought formed and what is the author's intention?" It can be said that Löwith's idea originated in the German anti-Enlightenment tradition in the first half of the twentieth century. He sees modern philosophy of history and the concept of progress as a secularized form of the theology of history and the concept of providence. With this claim, Löwith tries to introduce the Enlightenment as illegitimate by proposing theological roots for it. It seems that the consequences of accepting Löwith's idea could challenge the assumptions of modern thought, especially about the concept of "progress", as a secularized theological concept. In the sense that modern thought cannot be considered an independent thought. In contrast, Santo Mazzarino, Hannah Arendt, and Hans Blumenberg have fundamentally criticized Löwith's theoretical-methodological foundations and challenged him. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Critical Review of the concept of "development" with emphasis on the epistemological considerations of governance in Iran
        heidar Najafi Rastaghi hamid dehghanian
        The term development is a large and multidimensional concept and the product of a fundamental transformation of thought and the historical practice of the West in management systems and governance in the post-Renaissance period is a new conception of God and religion an More
        The term development is a large and multidimensional concept and the product of a fundamental transformation of thought and the historical practice of the West in management systems and governance in the post-Renaissance period is a new conception of God and religion and the world, Existence of epistemological differences and western orientation of development patterns Based on these principles, there are value conflicts in the target countries or the so-called underdeveloped which has been denied the traditional and cultural values ​​of these countries and subsequently the emergence of various tensions and challenges in the governing systems. The main purpose of this study was to critically examine the concept of "development" with emphasis on the epistemological considerations of governance in Iran. In this regard, the method of documentary study and content analysis based on a critical approach has been used. The main question of this research can be posed as follows: "What criticisms can be made about the concept of development by emphasizing the epistemological considerations of governance in Iran?". In the findings section, the critical components of the "development" paradigm with emphasis on the epistemological considerations of governance in Iran in the four axes of "critical socio-cultural rethinking", "critical economic rethinking", "critical political rethinking" and "critical philosophical theological rethinking" include economics Designed as the custodian of social planning (instead of philosophy), globalization, de-traditionalization, cultural uniformity, linearization of development, transgression of various forms of religion, rejection of traditional society, consumerism, sensitization of culture, secularization, moral relativism, etc. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Sociological analysis of the effect of cyberspace on students' academic achievement
        sayyed atollah sinaee sara mousavi mashhadi
        The growing use of digital technologies has made cyberspace and social networks an important part of people's daily lives. In addition, digital technologies and cyberspace have revolutionized the tools, methods, and content of learning in education systems. At the same More
        The growing use of digital technologies has made cyberspace and social networks an important part of people's daily lives. In addition, digital technologies and cyberspace have revolutionized the tools, methods, and content of learning in education systems. At the same time, the study of the dimensions and effects of the widespread use of communication and information technologies has been the focus of researchers from the beginning and the present study pursues such a goal. This research was conducted by correlation research method and a questionnaire. The statistical population includes all female students in the first year of high school, district two of education in Mashhad, in the academic year 1300-1400. The sample size was selected based on Morgan formula 380 people and information was collected using available sampling method. Findings of this study show that the motivation for the development of the user group in cyberspace and social networks was higher than the average motivation for the development of the non-user group. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Explanation of Human Resource Development Model Based on Islamic-Iranian Model
        vahid nasehi far saeid Askari Masule
        This study seeks to explain human resource development models based on Islamic-Iranian model of progress in line with a generalized model in the selective ministries of Iran. The research method is descriptive-survey and is based on cross-sectional data. The questions a More
        This study seeks to explain human resource development models based on Islamic-Iranian model of progress in line with a generalized model in the selective ministries of Iran. The research method is descriptive-survey and is based on cross-sectional data. The questions are descriptive and hypotheses are relational. The main question of the research involves how the integrated model of development of human resources based on Islamic-Iranian model of progress in the ministries of Iran is. The population mean test was used to test the hypotheses and Friedman test was used to prioritize variables. Thirteen hypotheses were defined based on the models of previous studies. The population of the study includes all vice presidents and directors of human resources development who are at service for the year ended in 1395 in the selected governmental ministries. The findings of the hypotheses testing indicate the confirmation of all the variables influencing the research model. According to the results of the confirmatory factor analysis, from the organizational perspective factors like organizational justice, cross-organizational factors, training, hardware factors of the working environment, indigenousness of the model, knowledge management, national factors and software factors of the working environment and from individual perspective factors like faith-centeredness and engagement of the employees are effective on the development of human resources based on Islamic-Iranian approach of progress. Finally, the final version of the research model extracted by using confirmatory factor analysis and its fitting was approved. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Ranking and leveling the progress and development of the provinces of the country by territorial justice approach in the fields of the "social, cultural and political", "economic and productive" and "infrastructure and technical"
        The different rate of having in factors, including natural, economic, social and political factors, causes or increases regional inequality. Attention to balanced and all-embracing development approach in the provinces, reducing inhomogeneity and inequality, and creatin More
        The different rate of having in factors, including natural, economic, social and political factors, causes or increases regional inequality. Attention to balanced and all-embracing development approach in the provinces, reducing inhomogeneity and inequality, and creating territorial justice, policy and planning for the realization of goals that vary with regard to the structural features, facilities and constraints of each province, requires studying and recognizing the characteristics of each province according to its position in the whole country. In this research, the status of different provinces of the country in the fileds of "social, cultural and economic", "economic and productive" and "infrastructure and technology" were reviewed and compared, in terms of development and progress, by K-means as one of the Clustering Analysis methods. The results of the ranking of the province indicate different positions of the provinces. By determining the level of progress of the province at the five levels, the priorities of the provinces are determined. For example, while the province of Isfahan is classified as a developd province for its infrastructure, it is a developing province in the economic and social indicators. Or Tehran province, while it is a developed province in the infrastructural and economic indicators, it is an undeveloped province, in the social indicators, at the same time. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Ranking of Growth, Development and Progress of the Provinces of the Country in Different Areas
        Considering the balanced and comprehensive development of the provinces of the country, reducing heterogeneity and inequality, policy making and planning to achieve goals that vary according to the structural characteristics, facilities and constraints of each province, More
        Considering the balanced and comprehensive development of the provinces of the country, reducing heterogeneity and inequality, policy making and planning to achieve goals that vary according to the structural characteristics, facilities and constraints of each province, requires the study and recognition of the characteristics of each province according to its location in the whole system of the country. In this research, different provinces of the country have been ranked by the TOPSIS and SAW methods in the fileds of "social, cultural and political", "economic and production" and "infrastructure and technical". The results of the ranking of the provinces, indicate that the provinces have different positions. For example, the provinces of Semnan, Ilam and South Khorasan ranked first to third in the fileds of social, cultural and political issues, but the provinces of Fars, Mazandaran and Khorasan Razavi were top ranked in the fileds of economy and production, and the provinces of Isfahan, Mazandaran and Qom ranked first to third in terms of infrastructure and technical indicators. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Frequency survey of motive components of progress in elementary books with emphasizing on Quranic trainingsand interpretations
        mozhde alizadeh
        Discovering motive components of progress from Islamic trainings’ texts and utilizing them in training books is an important issue for developing and success of students. Thus the aim of this research is to examine frequency survey of motive components of progress in El More
        Discovering motive components of progress from Islamic trainings’ texts and utilizing them in training books is an important issue for developing and success of students. Thus the aim of this research is to examine frequency survey of motive components of progress in Elementary books of Farsi and Heavenly gifts (new editions of 1393-1395) with emphasizing on Qur’anic trainings and interpretations. Moreover, the method of research is content analysis. Analysis method of data is descriptive statistic. Therefore, statistical society also are elementary books of Farsi and Heavenly gifts. The statistic samples also was the statistic society. The tools of research were list of content analysis which, its narration was confirmed by religious experts and scholars. Therefore, the results of this research proofs that the said books were averagely pay attention to motivation of progress. In this case the most attention was in Farsi book of Elementary third grade and Heavenly gifts of Elementary sixth grade, and the less attention was in Farsi book of Elementary first grade and Heavenly gifts of Elementary second grade. Furthermore, from motive components of progress the most attention were goes to faith in God, trust in God, praying and then components of patience, resistance and endurance and hard working. Also, the less attention were belong to components of self-controlling, competition (in scientific and sport fields) and responsibility (accepting responsibility of our mistakes and behaviors). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Mediation of achievement motivation in the relationship between sports identity and athletic performance of adolescent athletes
        Fatemah Keshir nokandeh Morteza Homayounnia Firoozjah Alireza Homayouni
        The aim of this study was to mediate the role of achievement motivation in the relationship between sports identity and athletic performance of adolescent athletes. The research was a descriptive correlational study based on structural equation modeling. The statistical More
        The aim of this study was to mediate the role of achievement motivation in the relationship between sports identity and athletic performance of adolescent athletes. The research was a descriptive correlational study based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the present study included all male adolescents aged 15 to 18 years in Gorgan and 220 adolescent athletes were selected as sample. Data collection tools included three questionnaires to examine research variables. Findings showed that there is a significant positive relationship between sports identity and achievement motivation with sports performance and the research model was confirmed in general 41% of sports performance can be explained by sports identity and achievement motivation. Also, the variables of sports identity and achievement motivation have a significant direct effect on sports performance. The results of this study emphasize the need for the role of identity and motivation and ultimately sports performance in athletes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Investigating the relationship between the social status of the family and individual variables with the academic progress of students in Yasouj city
        Maryam  Samanpour
        The research conducted on the effect of parents' literacy level on students' academic progress shows that the father's literacy level has a definite effect on the success and failure of students, and the mother's literacy level also has no effect on success or failure. More
        The research conducted on the effect of parents' literacy level on students' academic progress shows that the father's literacy level has a definite effect on the success and failure of students, and the mother's literacy level also has no effect on success or failure. There is a significant relationship between the amount of parents' studies and the academic progress of students in Yasouj city. Also, in this research, the definite effect of parents' literacy level on educational progress, academic decline, behavioral problems and academic problems of students is confirmed, and the level of parental literacy has a direct and positive relationship with students' educational progress. My statistical population in this research includes 50 students of Yasuj city who were busy studying in the academic year of 2004-2015 and their number is 2000 and the statistical sample is 50 students who were selected from the community by simple random sampling. And the research tool includes a questionnaire for students. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - تعیین رابطه بین پیشرفت تحصیلی و استرس دانش آموزان سوم راهنمایی شهرستان دنا
        Attaullah  Saeedi Jo Ali sinaii
        Education of students has always been the focus of experts and experts. In fact, in order to create a suitable platform for having a healthy and dynamic society, special attention should be paid to education. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationshi More
        Education of students has always been the focus of experts and experts. In fact, in order to create a suitable platform for having a healthy and dynamic society, special attention should be paid to education. The purpose of this research was to determine the relationship between academic progress and stress of the third middle school students of Dana city. The statistical population of the research included 100 male and female students of the third middle school of Dana city in the academic year of 1400. The research method was a descriptive survey, and the data collection tool was Perceived Stress Questionnaire-14 (PSS-14) by Cohen, Kamark and Mermelstein (1983) and student scores. The data was analyzed using the statistical methods of Pearson's correlation coefficient and multiple regression. The results of the research showed that stress has a significant relationship with students' academic progress. Based on this finding, we conclude that stress and academic progress are completely interdependent. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The Possibility of Proposing the History of the Excluded in the Thought of Gianni Vattimo
        kamyar safaei Abbas  Manouchehri
        The critique of the progress-based philosophy of history has been one of the most significant themes of the contemporary political philosophy. It has revealed, In the aftermath of the researches that have accomplished in the field of post-colonial studies, that unilinea More
        The critique of the progress-based philosophy of history has been one of the most significant themes of the contemporary political philosophy. It has revealed, In the aftermath of the researches that have accomplished in the field of post-colonial studies, that unilinear history has heavy eurocentric presuppositions that have been at the service of the real history of the suppression of the non-western excluded people. Furthermore the concrete elements of the dissolution of the western progress- based history of philosophy and accordingly the possibility of proposing the history of the excluded such as the decline of the colonialism and the formation of nation-states have been discussed in these researches. In this paper, however, firstly we are trying, on the basis of the Thought of contemporary philosopher Gianni Vattimo, to go beyond the merely concrete discussion about this topic and reveal the ontological impossibility of metaphysical/ universal and progress-based philosophy of history, through demonstrating the relation between progress-based philosophy of history and objectivistic metaphysics. Secondly, on the basis of this point and through the hermeneutic nihilism, we want to present the idea of post-history as the theoretical ground for the possibility of proposing the history of the excluded. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - The effect of collaborative learning (Jigsaw) on the academic achievement of fifth grade female students in Yasuj city
        Abdul Hossein Peshgo Sakineh  Shahin Nesab Tayyaba  Rozestan
        The general purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of collaborative learning (Jigsaw) on the academic progress of fifth grade female students in Yasouj city, which was carried out in a quasi-experimental method using a pre-test and post-test design with a More
        The general purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of collaborative learning (Jigsaw) on the academic progress of fifth grade female students in Yasouj city, which was carried out in a quasi-experimental method using a pre-test and post-test design with a control group. The statistical population includes all 324 fifth grade female students in Yasouj city. The statistical sample of this research was 52 students who were selected in two groups by multistage cluster random method. The students of the experimental group were taught 10 sessions in the collaborative method (jigsaw) in the science lesson. The tool for collecting information on the academic achievement test was 20 questions of academic achievement, after confirming the validity and reliability of that test. The results of the present study indicated that t has a significant effect on the academic progress of students in the analysis of the research findings of the collaborative learning method (Jigsaw) test. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - A comparative study of emotional intelligence with academic progress of primary school students in Yasouj city
        Zainab   Farahpour Zarifeh  Zamanian Nejad Rasool  Zamanian Nejad
        Today's world is changing. Life is getting more complicated and it doesn't give us time to think anymore. In this situation, we really need to have a high power and a high skill to establish a relationship with this globalized world and those who can win the game in thi More
        Today's world is changing. Life is getting more complicated and it doesn't give us time to think anymore. In this situation, we really need to have a high power and a high skill to establish a relationship with this globalized world and those who can win the game in this global market who have a high skill in emotional intelligence. The purpose of this research is to compare emotional intelligence with academic progress of primary school students in Yasouj city. The measurement tool in the current research is a standard questionnaire that determines the comparative study of emotional intelligence with the academic progress of the studied elementary school students. The statistical population of this research is all primary school students of Yasouj city who were selected by simple random method. The results of the research showed that there is a difference between emotional intelligence and academic progress of male and female students. That is, with the increase of emotional intelligence, the academic success of students also increases. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - A comparison of spiritual intelligence with academic progress of primary school students in Yasouj city
        Pairy  Darabi
        Students have different abilities in learning the taught lessons, some are prone to learning and some lack the necessary talent to learn. The aim of the current research is to compare spiritual intelligence with academic progress of primary school students in Yasouj cit More
        Students have different abilities in learning the taught lessons, some are prone to learning and some lack the necessary talent to learn. The aim of the current research is to compare spiritual intelligence with academic progress of primary school students in Yasouj city. The population under study is 397 students (205 girls and 192 boys) of primary school in Yasouj city, who were randomly selected and their IQ was measured using Raven's test. The criterion of their academic progress was the average scores of the first, second, and third months, after removing discipline and sports scores. The obtained results show that the students' IQ had a positive and significant effect on their academic progress, and factors such as parents' education and occupation also had a statistically significant relationship with academic progress and intelligence. (P<0.001) Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Investigating the effect of anxiety on the academic progress of first year elementary school students of Shahid Eftekhari School in Yasouj
        Waliullah  Salehi Dehnu Maherkhsar   Safai Farida  Arjamand Golrokh   Hadipur
        The purpose of the present study was to investigate the epidemiology of stress, anxiety and depression in elementary school students of Shahid Eftekhari School in Yasouj. In this research, 605 students (264 girls and 341 boys) aged 14 to 19 from all grades of primary sc More
        The purpose of the present study was to investigate the epidemiology of stress, anxiety and depression in elementary school students of Shahid Eftekhari School in Yasouj. In this research, 605 students (264 girls and 341 boys) aged 14 to 19 from all grades of primary school in Yasouj city participated. To collect information, three tests, Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), Kettle Anxiety Scale and Children's Depression Scale (CDS-A) were used. Because the PSS and CDS-A tests did not have Iranian standards, these tests were also validated using the obtained data. The reliability obtained for PSS was 0.76 by dividing Spearman-Brown and 0.77 using Cronbach's alpha, and 0.90 and 0.89 for CDS-A, respectively. Then, to determine the validity of these two tests, the correlation of each item with the total of each test was taken, which were significant at the P<0.001 level. Factor analysis was also used and the examination of the items that had the highest load on each of the items showed that the items of these two tests have good discriminating power and are reliable for measuring the desired goals. Epidemiological results show that the prevalence of stress is 9.1% in boys and 22% in girls, and 14.7% in the total sample, where the prevalence of girls is 2.5 times that of boys. In relation to anxiety, the prevalence was investigated in three levels: hidden, overt and general. In this case, hidden anxiety was 10.3% in boys and 13.6% in the whole sample. Overt anxiety was 7% in boys and 13.4% in the whole sample, and general anxiety was 11.1% in boys and 23.5% in girls and 16.5% in the whole sample. Here too, the prevalence of girls was higher than boys in all three levels (hidden 1.7 times that of boys, overt 3 times and overall 1.2 times that of boys). The prevalence of depression was 8.5% in boys and 24.2% in girls and 15.4% in the whole sample. This rate shows that girls are more affected than boys and this rate is 2.8 times. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Investigating the relationship between the social status of the family and individual variables with the academic progress of students
        Zahra  Biraminia
        The research conducted on the effect of parents' literacy level on students' academic progress shows that the father's literacy level has a definite effect on the students' success and failure, and the mother's literacy level is not without influence on success or failu More
        The research conducted on the effect of parents' literacy level on students' academic progress shows that the father's literacy level has a definite effect on the students' success and failure, and the mother's literacy level is not without influence on success or failure. There is a significant relationship between the level of parents' studies and the academic achievement of students of Islamic Azad University, Kerman branch. Also, in this research, the effect of parents' literacy level on academic progress, academic failure, behavioral problems and academic problems of students is confirmed, and the level of parental literacy has a direct and positive relationship with students' educational progress. My statistical population in this research includes 50 students of Islamic Azad University, Kerman branch, who were busy studying in the academic year of 2001-1400, and their number is 2000, and the statistical sample is 50 students who were selected from the community by simple random sampling. . And the research tool includes a questionnaire for students. Manuscript profile
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        17 - The effect of collaborative teaching method on the academic progress of chemistry course of first year female students of Yasouj city high school
        Azrae Rozehdar
        The aim is the effect of collaborative teaching method on the academic progress of chemistry course of first year female students of Yasouj high school. The research method was semi-experimental, and the data collection tool was the social skills questionnaire, as well More
        The aim is the effect of collaborative teaching method on the academic progress of chemistry course of first year female students of Yasouj high school. The research method was semi-experimental, and the data collection tool was the social skills questionnaire, as well as the grade point average of the students was used to check their academic progress. The statistical population of this research was all male students in the first grade of Yasouj secondary school in the academic year of 1401-02. The number of them was estimated to be 61 and the entire statistical population was selected as the research sample. The assumptions were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods of one-way covariance analysis, and the results showed; The cooperative learning method does not affect the academic progress of students in general; The results also showed that the cooperative learning method has a significant effect on the development of students' participation skills in group activities. Manuscript profile
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        18 - The Value-Creating Effect of Parenting Literacy on the Academic Resilience and Academic Progress with the Mediation of Responsibility
        mm delaviz homam moayedfar ghamar Kiyani
        parenting literacy is a new model in upbringing sciences and educational management that parents can support their children in various matters by improving their knowledge and skills, and parents have the greatest social influence on their children even beyond teachers More
        parenting literacy is a new model in upbringing sciences and educational management that parents can support their children in various matters by improving their knowledge and skills, and parents have the greatest social influence on their children even beyond teachers and schools. This study examines the relationship between parental literacy and academic resilience with the mediation of responsibility among secondary school students in Karaj city. The method of this research is multivariate correlation and structural equation type. In total, 389 participants, students and 389 of their mothers, were selected by random stratified cluster sampling method based on gender in the academic year of 1401-1400, and they were asked to fill in the Alabama Parents' Literacy Questionnaires (Frick,1996), the responsibility of Nemati teenagers (1378), academic resilience of Samuels (2008) and the Saleh i’s academic progress questionnaire (2014) answered. The findings showed that parental literacy and its components have a direct effect on academic reflection and responsibility(p<0.05). Responsibility has a direct effect on academic resilience(p<0.05). parenting literacy has an indirect effect on academic resilience and academic progress through the mediation of responsibility(p<0.05), so it can be concluded that parenting literacy and its components can increase responsibility in students Manuscript profile
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        19 - Investigating the relationship between the components of academic guidance and the attitude and academic progress of 10th grade students in Flowerjan city in the academic year of 2019-2020
        Fateme Izadi garmaseh لطفعلی  عابدی
        Fateme Izadi Garmaseh Lotfali Abedi Abstract The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between the components of academic guidance with the attitude and academic progress of tenth grade students in Flowerjan city in the academic year of More
        Fateme Izadi Garmaseh Lotfali Abedi Abstract The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between the components of academic guidance with the attitude and academic progress of tenth grade students in Flowerjan city in the academic year of 2019-1400. The method used in the research was causal-comparative. The statistical population of the research included all the second high school male students of Flowerjan city in the academic year of 2019-2019 in the number of 2885 people, of which 120 people were selected as a sample using a random cluster sampling method. The measurement tool used to measure the academic guidance, the score obtained in the sample sheet number 6 of the students' academic guidance, to measure the academic progress, the grade point average at the end of the academic year of the students in the chosen field in the 10th grade, which was recorded in their files, and for The measurement of academic attitude was the academic attitude questionnaire (Akbari 2014; quoted by Pasha Sharifi et al., 2015) to examine students' views.The obtained results showed that: 1) there is a significant relationship between academic guidance and its components (performance, ability, desire, teacher's grade, parents' grade and own grade) with students' academic progress. 2) There is a significant relationship between students' academic guidance and its components (ability, desire, advisor's grade, parents' grade, and their own grade) and their attitude towards their field of study. 3) There is a significant positive relationship between students' academic progress and attitude 4) The regression results showed that approximately 26% of the variance of dependent variables (educational progress and attitude towards the field of study) is explained by the independent variable (educational guidance and its components) Manuscript profile