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        1 - The analysis of indicators of human resources in the commercialization of university research
        Amir Reza Narimani reza vaezi
        The transformation of societies and economic development, the role and the academic tasks, so that research found a special place in the tasks and functions of the university. Findings in improving the quality of human life and the development of social welfare and econ More
        The transformation of societies and economic development, the role and the academic tasks, so that research found a special place in the tasks and functions of the university. Findings in improving the quality of human life and the development of social welfare and economic development level and the international community play an important role. In this regard, many factors, including environmental, individual, organizational and many factors, are involved. In this study, we tried to identify the individual factors influencing in the commercialization of university of research. This research approach, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods.  In the qualitative section with thematic analysis, the main themes have been extracted by a semi-structured interview with experts in the field of commercialization and faculty members by using snowball sampling. In the quantitative part, a descriptive survey and factor analysis and path analysis by using a questionnaire were used. The statistical population of the study was professors of the Faculty of Environment at the University of Tehran and its validity was obtained through a panel of experts and its reliability was obtained by modeling structural equations. Their reliability coefficient is 0.838 with Cronbach's alpha. The results indicated that 9 issues of experience and knowledge, basic skills, creativity, ethics, motivational, human resource development, human resources, accountability, participation and communication network was identified and then the three main indices, professional, human resource management and interactive classification respectively. Then it was tested and verified with a quantitative method which indicates the important role of human resources professionals and committed to the commercialization of the research university. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Marketing strategies of inventions for successful entry into market
        amirhossein tayyebi mohammadreza hamidizadeh
        The share of industries and services with the highest technology in each economy is one of the indicators for assessing the degree to which a knowledge-based economy is at work. Among these, commercialization of inventions and research achievements is one of the importa More
        The share of industries and services with the highest technology in each economy is one of the indicators for assessing the degree to which a knowledge-based economy is at work. Among these, commercialization of inventions and research achievements is one of the important issues in various societies. The purpose of this research is to identify and review the most important marketing strategies for inventions from the perspective of inventors. This research is an applied research, a descriptive survey, and a research mix method that first approaches the qualitative and then quantitative approach. In the qualitative stage, marketing strategies of inventions were identified using library studies and semi-structured interviews through targeted sampling with 8 experts in the field of commercialization and technology management. Then, at a small stage, a questionnaire was used in the research sample including the inventors of the regional festival of innovations and flourishing of the Roish Khorasan inventions. According to the Morgan table, according to the analysis method, 36 inventors were considered. Data analysis was done by t-test and TOPSIS method. The results show that 91% of inventors know too much importance of commercialization and marketing of their invention. In the case of the marketing mix, it was concluded that the importance of good features products with the highest scores were 46% and after that, the price of 28%, the promotion with 18% and finally advertising place was 8% by inventors. Finally, with notice to the 10 strategy outlined in the paper, inventors chose three of strategy marketing contain participation in international technology exhibitions, participation in national technology exhibitions and Internet marketing.   Manuscript profile
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        3 - Oil Industry Research Institute, sixty years of experience and knowledge on the path to effectiveness in the oil industry
        jafar tofighi Ahmad Ruzbehani Ali  Khanagha
        With more than 60 years of experience, the Petroleum Industry Research Institute is the oldest and largest applied research and technology institute in Iran. This research institute is one of the several government research and technology institutes in Iran, which is un More
        With more than 60 years of experience, the Petroleum Industry Research Institute is the oldest and largest applied research and technology institute in Iran. This research institute is one of the several government research and technology institutes in Iran, which is under the Ministry of Oil and its activities focus on the oil and gas industry. This article is a brief overview of the major achievements of the research institute in the last 42 months that have influenced the development of Iran's oil and gas industry. After a brief introduction of the research institute, some major achievements are presented in 3 sections: "Exploration and Production", "Downstream Industries" and "Energy and Environment". The article then goes on to describe other research activities such as the commercialization of research and development results as well as social responsibilities. The ultimate goal of this paper is to show the impact of investment from public sources on research and development and its impact on the country's oil and gas industry; Which has led to the creation of significant amounts of added value and self-sufficiency of the country in some strategic products. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Entrepreneurial University, Requirements and Musts
        heydar mirfakhreddin
        The change in the role of the university due to the change in economic-political orientations at the end of the Cold War, led to a change in attitudes toward research in academic centers. Given the new economic orientations that have shifted the role of economic managem More
        The change in the role of the university due to the change in economic-political orientations at the end of the Cold War, led to a change in attitudes toward research in academic centers. Given the new economic orientations that have shifted the role of economic management from government to market and have led to a change in attitudes toward research in universities and research centers, the demand has emerged that universities should minimize the public resources used in research. To compensate and play a more active role in the growth and development of society.At the same time, the formation of the knowledge-based economy has highlighted the role of knowledge as a more prominent factor in creating added value, wealth creation than the traditional factors of production in the economy, namely land, labor and capital. In addition to research and education, the university has another third role, which is to participate in the socio-economic development of society.These changes in the approach to resource allocation and the role of knowledge in wealth creation and the change in the direction of economic management have led to growing attention to the commercialization approach to research results in universities and research centers in developed countries. He concluded that research results should be sold to private and public sector companies in order to create other sources of revenue for these centers while funding research activities.Commercialization means turning research results into products, services, and processes that can be sold. Thus, this process emphasizes the application of research results and the creation of economic value for these results.As a result, fostering entrepreneurial ideas in the process of business development for wealth creation, value creation, taking advantage of comparative opportunities and advantages, and combining innovations and technologies in the direction of economic dynamism; Directing stray capital and directing investment flows in productive and entrepreneurial businesses within the university's capabilities;Social partners and students and teachers; It is recommended to prevent the erosion of entrepreneurial businesses in the light of continuous and process-oriented facilitations in the dimensions of consulting, financial, institutional, etc. Manuscript profile
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        5 - How to Allocate University Spin-off Companies Equity Among their Owners
        Bahman Facoor
        Iranian academic sector is approaching research commercialization, although, creation of university spin-offs is an initial experience in this sector. Legislation of “knowledge based firms support and commercialization of invention and innovations” has provided great op More
        Iranian academic sector is approaching research commercialization, although, creation of university spin-offs is an initial experience in this sector. Legislation of “knowledge based firms support and commercialization of invention and innovations” has provided great opportunity for the creation of this type of firms in universities and research institutes. But universities and research institutes are still required to complete their infrastructures including rules and regulations needed for the creation of spin-offs. One of the most important of these is "allocation of university spin-off equity among their owners" regulation. Owners of university spin-offs are universities and research institutes, inventor researchers, investors and external entrepreneurs. Allocation of spin-off equity among these parties satisfactorily, is one of the important challenges to spin-off creation in universities and research institutes. This article first tries to identify founders and other parties that are gradually added to owners of spin-off companies. Then stakeholder's equity determinant factors will be discussed. Finally implementation of a framework for the allocation of spin-off companies' equity among their owners will be raised. 10 universities in America, Britain and Canada with spin-off creation experience have been studied in this article. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Enhancing Transfer Capacity and Capability of Commercializing Technological Achievements of Research and Technology Organizations by Establishing Business Development Centers
        Reza Bandarian
        The goal of conducting researches in Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) is for technological innovation to create new business opportunities, renovation or revolutionizing existing businesses. To do this, RTOs put the technological ideas in the path of technol More
        The goal of conducting researches in Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs) is for technological innovation to create new business opportunities, renovation or revolutionizing existing businesses. To do this, RTOs put the technological ideas in the path of technology development and commercialization. To move in this way successfully, the balanced and consistent "scientific-technical" as well as "commercial movement of technological ideas is required. One of the best patterns to balance the commercial evolution with the "scientific-technical" path, which are seen in successful and leading RTOs around the world is establishing "technological business development center". The mission of business development centers in RTOs is to implement the commercialization requirements in the process of technology development and provide consultancy and technical, economic and commercial assistance, regarding their technological achievements to those currently entering the commercialization phase. These services include the fundamental principles of business development based on their technological achievements of their organization and for their potential and current customers. This article first points out the necessity and importance of the technological business development center in RTOs and then presents the definition and functions of those centers in RTOs. Finally ends with conclusion Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Review of the Commercialization Linear Model
        Ayda Matin Shadi Mohammad zadeh
        The master key of the world today is the creation of value. The entry approach to the today’s business world is technology and the master key of the technology is commercialization and value added created by it. Commercialization is the conversion process of the new tec More
        The master key of the world today is the creation of value. The entry approach to the today’s business world is technology and the master key of the technology is commercialization and value added created by it. Commercialization is the conversion process of the new technologies to the commercially successful products. Commercialization is containing different arrays of technical, commercial and financial process which converts the new technology into the useful products or services. In other word, commercialization of research findings is the link between technology and market and the focus of it is on the end rings of value chain. Since delivering a product to the market can be the guarantee of organization success and survival, commercialization, the technical knowledge is known as a vital factor. In research organizations, research doesn’t have meaning without product commercialization. Because producing or testing an idea seems useless without access to the product special customers. In order to apply the concept of commercialization in organizations, it’s necessary to be familiar with the commercialization models. A classification of commercialization models are classified into two categories: linear and functional. Due to the importance of linear models, in this article after checking the concept of commercialization, we will check the most important commercial linear models. The linear models are the Goldsmith, Kokobu, Cooper, Rothwell & Zegfeld model, Andrew & Sirkin, Jolley, and the Yeong–Deok Lee models. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Commercialization in Innovation Management and Introduce Major Commercialization Models for High Tech Industries
        Jahangir Yadoollahi Farsi Zahra Kalanhaei
        Today, the biggest challenge which researchers, companies and investors are faced with is how and by using which strategies they can make new science and technologies profitable. So we should find the problem in commercialization process and state of the opportunity exp More
        Today, the biggest challenge which researchers, companies and investors are faced with is how and by using which strategies they can make new science and technologies profitable. So we should find the problem in commercialization process and state of the opportunity exploitation. The decision of the “right” time to exploit opportunities is an important one in creating a successful business. Commercialization is the important part of innovation process and it’s an inevitable phase of idea to the market journey for every products. Commercialization is an attempt to profit from innovation by incorporating new technologies into products, processes, and services and selling them in the marketplace. For many new technologies, commercialization implies scaling up from prototype to volume manufacturing and committing greater resources to marketing and sales activities. Commercialization strategies indicate different ways of exploitation of researches and technologies that researchers and start-up companies need them for transferring knowledge from concept to the market. On the other hand, decisions to commercialize new technology are closely linked to characteristics of the innovation system in which the firm operates. Choosing a proper Commercialization strategy and also a model is one of the most crucial decisions a firm makes in terms of its ability to profit from technologies developed within the firm. In this article, we define commercialization process and the importance of this issue. Then we introduce some models and strategies used for technology commercialization. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Successful Technology Commercialization Through Team Approach
        Mostafa Baghdadi Marziyah Sahverdi
        Ideation, research, and technological innovation is valuable when leads to wealth creation. Commercialization is a way for linking science to economy and create wealth from innovation. Several factors, such as creative thinking, appropriate know-how, entrepreneurial thi More
        Ideation, research, and technological innovation is valuable when leads to wealth creation. Commercialization is a way for linking science to economy and create wealth from innovation. Several factors, such as creative thinking, appropriate know-how, entrepreneurial thinking and spirit, and financial resources, need to get together to gain success in technology development and commercialization. But rarely an individual can have all these features. So the best solution for successful commercialization is formation of a team of four different characters with the above properties: These characters are inventor/innovator, investor, technologist and entrepreneure. This paper implies definition and concepts of commercialization, and thirteen steps in commercialization process, from ideation to success development and growth. Then introduces “innovation team” as one of the solutions for successful commercialization and describes the characteristics of team members and their roles at different stages of commercialization. In order to achieve more and better results in the area of commercialization, at the end of the paper there are recommendations with regard to Iran’s conditions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - The Importance of Multiplicity and Variety of Resources in Success of Forming Process in Research Spin-Off (RSO) Companies
        Mazaher Ziyaei
        The importance of creating Research Spin Off (RSO) companies as the most tangible tool in commercialization of research achievements, increasingly catches more attentions. But it is the most complex tool, too. The main aspect of this complexity is multiplicity and varie More
        The importance of creating Research Spin Off (RSO) companies as the most tangible tool in commercialization of research achievements, increasingly catches more attentions. But it is the most complex tool, too. The main aspect of this complexity is multiplicity and variety of resources which should be available at the right time and portion for success of the process. The aim of this article is showing this multiplicity and variety of resources and their role in policy making for successful RSO companies, by having a glance at Iran’s circumstances. It starts by having a look at the RSO concepts and the studies of their formation in an "open innovation model", then the two aspects of this process; knowledge and the financial and necessary resources for developing in these companies are studied. It shows that financing is not the only needed resource at the beginning stages, but a variety of technical, financial, social and human resources are needed, too. The existence of experienced consultant teams, access to scientific, technologic, industrial and commercial networks and experts of technology transferring, commercialization and management of growth companies are some of them. In conclusion it emphasizes that in Iran only some resources for the start stages are considered but more resources are needed in the middle and final stages of process . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Spin-off companies establishment process in Universities and Research institutions
        Bahman Facoor
        University spin-off companies can be established based on research findings with contribution of relevant research groups and probably parent universities and research institutions. These companies are considered one of the most important mechanisms for research commerc More
        University spin-off companies can be established based on research findings with contribution of relevant research groups and probably parent universities and research institutions. These companies are considered one of the most important mechanisms for research commercialization and most profitable for parent institutions and on the other hand will cause economic development. This article is aimed to submit a university spin-off establishment process for use in universities and research institutions. To prepare this guide line the findings from papers in addition of current process that are used in other countries universities with successful experience in research commercialization and spin-off creation has been used. The following steps are defined as spin- off company creation process: Primary decision for spin-off creation (Idea generation and opportunity identification), Primary evaluation of spin-off creation feasibility, Primary approval of universities and research institutions for spin-off creation, Search for executives and agreement with them, Primary search for partners and investors and negotiation with them, Preparation of the main business plan, Evaluation of the main business plan by universities or research institutions, partners and investors, Definition and formation of company management structure and registration of company, Final agreement with partners and investors about the amount and manner of their participation and equities, Technology licensing from universities or research institutions, Universities or research institutions approval for attendance of founder researchers in company according to agreed plan, Preparation of company legal documents, Definition and formation of company board of directors. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Corporate Entrepreneurship; a Solution for Commercialization of Technological Research Findings in Research and Technology Organizations (RTOs)
        Reza Bandarian
        RTOs' missions are for technology development and carry out complicated commercialization processes. Commercialization of technological research findings is so costly for RTOs that they can not carry out commercialization process by themselves. In the other hand, indust More
        RTOs' missions are for technology development and carry out complicated commercialization processes. Commercialization of technological research findings is so costly for RTOs that they can not carry out commercialization process by themselves. In the other hand, industries which are in competitive environment, for sustainable growth require superior new products and technologies which enable them in competitive scope. Industries often have frequent financial and human resources and this leads to their advantage to commercialization process, because those assets provide possibility for adapting huge risk. The lost ring in this chain is the link between RTOs as the developer of technology and industries as the adapter of technology. Entrepreneurship could solve this problem by providing this lost ring and linking RTOs and industries. Corporate entrepreneurship is one of the entrepreneurship types and is defined as some entrepreneurship among the available corporate companies. Entrepreneurship looks for introducing new products and organizational systems in the scope of corporate. Entrepreneurship has five different kinds and each of them carries out entrepreneurship in its own style. Among these, Acquisitive and Opportunistic entrepreneurship have the highest fitness to enrich and enhance coexisting relation between industries and RTOs to commercialize technological findings. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Definition of University Spin-off Companies; Importance and Typology
        Bahman Facoor
        Creation of university spin-off companies as an academically entrepreneurship activity can be considered as a growing mechanism for university technology transfer. In comparison with technology licensing, Spin-off companies create higher financial return for owners of t More
        Creation of university spin-off companies as an academically entrepreneurship activity can be considered as a growing mechanism for university technology transfer. In comparison with technology licensing, Spin-off companies create higher financial return for owners of technology and will play an important role to regional and national economic development. This paper is to define university spin-offs in more detail and make clear the importance of these companies. University authorities‌ are interested in these companies, but need to know about different types of these companies for establishment and management university spin-offs. So, in this paper we have also tried to submit a comprehensive categorization of university spin-offs. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Technology Commercialization as the Effective Function in Technology and Economy Development
        Reza Radfar Abbas Khamseh Hesameddin Madani
        Nowadays, research has been received a great attention due to innovation and also the innovation is being observed because of economic wealth. In present world, the concept of research has lost its meaning from the cultural point of view, while its and economical functi More
        Nowadays, research has been received a great attention due to innovation and also the innovation is being observed because of economic wealth. In present world, the concept of research has lost its meaning from the cultural point of view, while its and economical function has been greatly magnified. Commercialization is the important part of innovation process and no technology and product would come into market successfully without it. Producing contexts for knowledge and technology, can create noticeable economical values for organizations, and also leads to economical and technological growth of the society. In this paper, we try to introduce the technology commercialization and its process, and also reviewing the importance of technology commercialization and its role in development of new technologies. Along with it, the important functions which are effective in technology commercialization and its success, classification, and technology commercialization risks will be reviewed. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Technology Clusters and their Impacts on the Commercialization of Technology in Iran
        Saeed Samadi Amin Kolahdozan Maryam Esfandiyari
        According to definition, knowledge based economic development is creating value in society by means of wisdom, knowledge and technology. Some infrastructures for commercializing research outcomes and facilitating technological exchanges are required in order to form a s More
        According to definition, knowledge based economic development is creating value in society by means of wisdom, knowledge and technology. Some infrastructures for commercializing research outcomes and facilitating technological exchanges are required in order to form a system for getting to this point In other hand, Technology Clusters are geographic concentrations of interconnected knowledge-based and innovative companies who work closely with each other, local suppliers, infrastructure providers, educational institutions, and other relevant agencies. Cluster-based development is based on the premise that a company (and their region) can realize higher levels of competitiveness when it looks beyond its own limited capacity and strategically partners with other companies and support institutions to address challenges and solve problems that it is unable to solve when operating as an isolated entity. It is an approach that encourages companies who compete to come together and identify ways in which they can cooperate to their mutual benefit This paper, with a review to basic concepts, presents the main components and requirements of technology clusters along with a compatible model to use it more effectively for commercialization of technology and R&D outcomes in Iran. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Investigation of Nano Technology Development and It is Managerial Challenges in Iran
        Ali Forghani Reza Ansari
        Nano Technology is known as one of the origins of the technological changes and industrial revolution in recent years. Because of this fact, many countries have started to enable themselves in this field of technology. In 1980s, this technology got involved in industry More
        Nano Technology is known as one of the origins of the technological changes and industrial revolution in recent years. Because of this fact, many countries have started to enable themselves in this field of technology. In 1980s, this technology got involved in industry and has been assigned a lot of research budgets by itself. Now this technology is in the primary stages of growth and it would be impossible to predict it is trends precisely. But no one can be inattentive to its evolution in our country. In this paper we have considered the necessity of Nano Technology development in the country and three factors have been identified; the first factor is the economic opportunities, the second one deals with commercialization polices, and the third one is intellectual property rights. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Technomart, the Missing Link in Knowledg- based Economy
        Saeed Samadi Amin Kolahdooz Seyed reza Hoseini
        Knowledge- based economic development has been defined as creating value in the society through wisdom , knowledge and technology. Establishing a system output of which is such a development needs infrastructures for commercialization research outcomes and facilitating More
        Knowledge- based economic development has been defined as creating value in the society through wisdom , knowledge and technology. Establishing a system output of which is such a development needs infrastructures for commercialization research outcomes and facilitating technological exchanges. Science & Technology Parks (STPs) have been founded in order to lesson the mismatch between university researches and its turning into technology. However the process of Technology commercial development witch in turn includes 5 sub- process (generation, transfer, attraction and domestication, distribution and documentation) is still inharmoniously and incompletely going on A stale- of the- art structure facilitating technology exchange, and extremely facilitates the connection between technology resources and users. This paper is portraying the techno mart as one of the vital structures in developing and commercializing the technology and fields of its services and then examining the typology of its relationship with science & technology parks, universities and research institutes. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Determining the Process of Technological Innovation: from Generation to Commercialization and Diffusion of the Idea
        Yaser Ghasemi nejad
        Not only innovation being the foundation and basis for technology, but also is considering as a driver of technological changes in organization. That means the transition and evolution of technology depends to the creativity and innovation. Thus industrial organizations More
        Not only innovation being the foundation and basis for technology, but also is considering as a driver of technological changes in organization. That means the transition and evolution of technology depends to the creativity and innovation. Thus industrial organizations by the process of new and innovative products and services make changes in technology frontiers. Considering researches have been done in a context of innovation, we can see that lots of researchers referred to the importance of innovation process to intensify competitiveness and productivity. But, in related to determining the critical phases in process of technological innovation, a comprehensive research has not been observed. In this research with using Content Analysis Method, a new category of critical dimensions, components, and indicators in technological innovation process of organization, has been represented by surveying the past studies in relation with innovation process. With revision and surveying the theories of different researchers in relation with the subject of technological innovation process, research's result subdivided in three dimensions accompanied with its components and indicators namely “Idea Generation”, “Idea Implementation”, and “Commercialization and Diffusion”. Based on this research organizations should more focus on idea evaluation and implementation dimension. Finally indicators like “growing process of idea concepts in a practical and usable way”, “identification of problems and needs of the organization”, “employee’s freedom in doing work process”, and also “using marketing knowledge, and selling and diffusion skills” have been the most important indicators affecting in Implementation of technological innovation process Manuscript profile
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        19 - Explain the gap in entrepreneurship and technology commercialization in cooperation between industry and university
        yazdan moradi siamak noori
        T he present study aimed to evaluate the analysis of studies in the field of cooperation between industry and university Over the past three decades have done so through a gap in cooperation between them be explained. This study used a descriptive-analytic review of re More
        T he present study aimed to evaluate the analysis of studies in the field of cooperation between industry and university Over the past three decades have done so through a gap in cooperation between them be explained. This study used a descriptive-analytic review of research methods. And previous studies have been done and then get the experts from Through in-depth interviews with experts from both university and industry organizations.Continued Interviews conducted on the basis of theoretical adequacy of the data was stopped on 18 interviews. Of these, 8 out of university professors and experts in the subject, 3 persons CEO industrial companies,4 people, government officials and three experts in the field of entrepreneurship and CEO of intermediary companies participated in interviews. The results show that although University-industry cooperation in education, research and Knowledge-based entrepreneurship & technology commercialization is raised but over time the share of education and too research reduced and a desire for cooperation of Knowledge-based entrepreneurship and technology commercialization has increased. Review current approaches in cooperation between industry and universities prefer to Ability of the private sector and companies of intermediate (hub), especially in knowledge-based entrepreneurship and technology commercialization. The results show that the role of local patterns and human resources entrepreneur who has Commitment and sense of responsibility towards the country, industry and university cooperation with industry and university was found in successful models. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Provide a Pattern Sustainable Tourism Development with Emphasis on Technology Commercialization in Iran
        shirin amirhosseini سید محمدرضا حسینی Roohalla samiee
        In today's era, many development planners and policymakers refer to tourism as the main pillar of economic development and believe that the basic method of tourism development is to achieve sustainable development, and the develop ent of sustainable tourism increases ta More
        In today's era, many development planners and policymakers refer to tourism as the main pillar of economic development and believe that the basic method of tourism development is to achieve sustainable development, and the develop ent of sustainable tourism increases tax revenues, exports and economic growth of countries. The aim of the this research was to present a model of sustainable tourism development with an emphasis on technology commercialization in Iran, which was done in a combined manner and is practical in terms of purpose and based on the descriptive-correlation method. Factors affecting the development of tourism were identified with an emphasis on technology commercialization based on in-depth interviews with 11 academic and organizational experts. The output of this stage was 35 components in the form of 4 dimensions: technology, economic, market awareness, laws and guidelines, That were leveled with interpretive structural modeling method and clustered with Mic Mac analysis, which was analyzed using Excel software. The results showed that the economic dimensions, market knowledge, rules and guidelines are in the first level, and the technological dimension is in the second level. The economic dimension is in the dependent cluster, the dimensions of market knowledge, rules and guidelines are in the linked cluster and the technology dimension is in the independent cluster. Based on the results of the research, it is suggested that information and communication technology tools should be seen in all official and unofficial tourism. Manuscript profile
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        21 - An Analysis of the Effectiveness of National Measures Taken in the Field of University-Industry Cooperation; Identify, Prioritize and Provide Solutions for Excellence
        Seyed Maseood  Ghoreishi mehdi majidpour babak negahdari morteza mousakhani
        In the upstream documents of the country, the issue of responding to scientific and research centers to the demand of industries and organizations has been emphasized; Therefore, the cooperation between the university and industry has become very important. Numerous nat More
        In the upstream documents of the country, the issue of responding to scientific and research centers to the demand of industries and organizations has been emphasized; Therefore, the cooperation between the university and industry has become very important. Numerous national measures have been taken in cooperation with the university and industry, which need to be evaluated. Two main goals are pursued; One is to discover the extent to which the goals and functions of the actions taken in the field of university-industry relations have been achieved, and the other is to provide executive solutions to improve the current path and move towards the excellence of university-industry cooperation. In this research, using methods such as library studies, interviews with experts and the focus group, first the measures taken in the field of cooperation between the university and the statistics industry and then by surveying experts, the effectiveness of each measure in terms of each criterion and The rate of fulfillment of each criterion was calculated in terms of measures taken and analyzed using statistical mean method. It can be said that none of the measures that have been taken so far in the field of industry-university relationship have had the desired efficiency and also the efficiency criteria have not been met to an acceptable level in most of the executive measures. At the end, several proposals were presented, including the establishment of the executive headquarters of university-industry cooperation and the privatization of offices related to industry and university entrepreneurship Manuscript profile
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        22 - The Methods of Intellectual Education based on Plotinus' Emanation-Centered Approach
        gholami akbar Reza Ali Nowrozi Mohammad-Hossein Heidari MOJTABA Sepahi
        The purpose of this study was to analyze the concept of intellectual life in Plotinus' grace-oriented approach in order to infer the methods of intellectual education in response to the challenge of marketization of knowledge in education today. The present study is a q More
        The purpose of this study was to analyze the concept of intellectual life in Plotinus' grace-oriented approach in order to infer the methods of intellectual education in response to the challenge of marketization of knowledge in education today. The present study is a qualitative research using conceptual analysis and practical analogy of Frankna. Inference of methods in the form of practical deductions consists of a normative premise indicating intermediate goals or principles of education, a factual premise that expresses the techniques and methods of achieving education goals, and a conclusion being a normative recommendation of a method to achieve educational goals. The results of this study showed that the methods of rational training based on existential change included benevolence, activism, and methods based on epistemological transformation including rational and intuitive reflections and the method of insight and introspection and methods based on moderation and practical wisdom included the practice of wisdom and self-purification. Therefore, knowledge with the focus on true rationality and by applying the methods extracted in Plotinus' thought has the capacity to resist the phenomenon of commercialization of knowledge in education today. These methods can be used as a tool against the manifestations of instrumental rationality such as wealth-centered thinking, cultural industry, superficiality and power-centeredness. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Indigenous model of commercialization of complex technologies based on partnership in the ICT sector
        Mahdi Fardinia Fatemeh saghafi Jalal Haghighat Monfared
        The ICT industry is one of the most complex industries with superior technologies. Sustainable growth of companies in this industry is ensured by successful commercialization, which due to the complexity of the field, knowledge sharing between companies is essential. A More
        The ICT industry is one of the most complex industries with superior technologies. Sustainable growth of companies in this industry is ensured by successful commercialization, which due to the complexity of the field, knowledge sharing between companies is essential. A careful review of the literature showed that there is no model for how to succeed in commercialization and its relationship with interorganizational participation in the ICT sector. Therefore, this issue was determined as the goal of the research. By reviewing the research background; Factors affecting the success of participation-based commercialization including internal and external drivers, participation, esources, dynamic capabilities, executive mechanisms and extraction performance were drawn in the form of a conceptual model. Then, by studying multy-case study, technological projects of ICT Research Institute, including (Antivirus Padvish, Native search engine project, SOC native operations center, communication equipment POTN) and content analysis, main and secondary themes of the model were extracted. Then, using a focus group consisting of experts, the results were validated and themes (propositions) were confirmed. The relationship between the components was also confirmed in the panel of experts. The final model is a combination of these factors that, according to the indigenous experiences of Iran, has led to the success of commercialization and can be the basis for policy-making for successful knowledge-based products. Manuscript profile