Indigenous model of commercialization of complex technologies based on partnership in the ICT sector
Subject Areas : ICT
Mahdi Fardinia
Fatemeh saghafi
Jalal Haghighat Monfared
1 - Ialamic Azad University
2 - Associate Prof. of University of Tehran
3 - .
Keywords: ICT industry, Commercialization, Partnership, Content analysis, Death Valley,
Abstract :
The ICT industry is one of the most complex industries with superior technologies. Sustainable growth of companies in this industry is ensured by successful commercialization, which due to the complexity of the field, knowledge sharing between companies is essential. A careful review of the literature showed that there is no model for how to succeed in commercialization and its relationship with interorganizational participation in the ICT sector. Therefore, this issue was determined as the goal of the research. By reviewing the research background; Factors affecting the success of participation-based commercialization including internal and external drivers, participation, esources, dynamic capabilities, executive mechanisms and extraction performance were drawn in the form of a conceptual model. Then, by studying multy-case study, technological projects of ICT Research Institute, including (Antivirus Padvish, Native search engine project, SOC native operations center, communication equipment POTN) and content analysis, main and secondary themes of the model were extracted. Then, using a focus group consisting of experts, the results were validated and themes (propositions) were confirmed. The relationship between the components was also confirmed in the panel of experts. The final model is a combination of these factors that, according to the indigenous experiences of Iran, has led to the success of commercialization and can be the basis for policy-making for successful knowledge-based products.
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