• List of Articles جامعه

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Quadruple Helix : new look to relation between industry and university
        saba kakapour Farnaz roozban
        The link between university and industry play critical role in national development but the synergy between them is more important and is created with attending to needs of society. Society is missing link in Triple helix model. This study investigate the role of societ More
        The link between university and industry play critical role in national development but the synergy between them is more important and is created with attending to needs of society. Society is missing link in Triple helix model. This study investigate the role of society in developed model named Quadruple helix model. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Investigating and Identifying the Causes of Rural Management Inefficiency from the Viewpoint of the Local Population of Saman County
        Asghar Norouzi Heydarali Gholamian
        Rural management can be considered planning for the village, organization, developmental action, and coordination and supervision of the work done. Also, the task of rural managers is to investigate the villagers’ needs, shortcomings, planning, and action to participate More
        Rural management can be considered planning for the village, organization, developmental action, and coordination and supervision of the work done. Also, the task of rural managers is to investigate the villagers’ needs, shortcomings, planning, and action to participate in the affairs of social, economic, development, etc. Saman County that in spite of the extensive (natural and human) capabilities faced with several problems in connection with the lack of rural, and it may be found in the management style. Therefore, this study aims to investigate and identify the factors, influencing the inefficiency of rural management from the viewpoint of local people. This study is of applied type and its method is descriptive - analytical and based on surveying. The statistics population consisted of all villagers in Saman, and they were firstly selected from among five villages to determine the sample size first by cluster sampling method and then through using the Cochran’s formula, 368 people were chosen to complete questionnaires by random sampling. The collected data were analyzed using spss20 software. The results of the linear regression test showed that the economic factor alone explains 47 % of the rural management inefficiency. The results of the t-test also showed that the socio-cultural dimension (mean 3.21), economic dimension (mean 3.18), and physical-environmental dimension (mean 3.16) had a significant impact on the inefficiency of rural managers performance. In addition, the results showed that in the economic dimension, the budgeting problems in macro level; in the socio-cultural dimension, ethnicity factor and structural failures of the elections; and in environmental dimension, lack of attention to the environment and ignorance of related issues were the most important factors. The results were also showing the place differences in the studied dimensions Manuscript profile
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        3 - Tradition and Modernity in “Neighbors” Novel
        مهبود  فاضلی فاطمه سادات  حسيني
        The relation of society and literature is one of the issues under constant research in literary studies. The relation of tradition and modernity as a social matter has been manifested in literary works too. The manifestations of these elements of these two (focusing on More
        The relation of society and literature is one of the issues under constant research in literary studies. The relation of tradition and modernity as a social matter has been manifested in literary works too. The manifestations of these elements of these two (focusing on Anthony Giddens ideas) in “Neighbors” novel and expressing the relation of elements of tradition and modernity and reflection of other authors’ ideas about these two are main purposes of this article. Anthony Giddens believes that traditions are present even in the most modern societies. Research Results show that traditional indexes of culture and society are observed more than modern elements in these contexts in the story; due to this reason, although economical and political elements are mostly modern, they are dominated by tradition and fail to verify themselves. Mahmood has a negative view of most traditions especially cultural customs; however he does not ignore criticizing modern elements too. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The Influence of the Fifth Century Social and Political Evolutions on Abu-Saeed Abol-kheir's Behavior and Speech
        طاهره  خوشحال عبدالناصر  نظرياني
        At the beginning of the fifth century, Khorasan suffered from insecurity, poverty and disorder as it was the major center of the political revolutions. Also the instability of the kings and princes led to the oppression of peoples' rights and the promotion of hypocrisy More
        At the beginning of the fifth century, Khorasan suffered from insecurity, poverty and disorder as it was the major center of the political revolutions. Also the instability of the kings and princes led to the oppression of peoples' rights and the promotion of hypocrisy and flattery as a culture. In this situation most of the scientists and the official learned men were either pawns in the hands of the authority and the political authorities, or chose to isolate themselves and seal their lips in mere silence and surrender. But Abu-Saeed Abol-Kheir, a social mystic, reacted properly against pretension and seduction by relying on a humorous and affectionate behavior and speech. At the same time he was quite aware of what others thought; counted as a clue for the guidance of people and simultaneously supporting the oppressed and devastated ones. This article intends to show the relation and accordance between the events and incidents of those days and Abu-Saeed's reactions and behaviors. In this relation we have also tried to reveal the extent he was influenced by the social and political events and issues of the time as well. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        مهدي  محبّتی
        Mathnavi is one of the great Islamic and human knowledge, compiled by Mawlana Jaloloddin Mohammad Balkhi known as Romi, that has satisfied the soul of the loving people from the biginning and guides needy people step by step in order to represent mystical position and h More
        Mathnavi is one of the great Islamic and human knowledge, compiled by Mawlana Jaloloddin Mohammad Balkhi known as Romi, that has satisfied the soul of the loving people from the biginning and guides needy people step by step in order to represent mystical position and help them to past these stages. Mathnavi is also part of human knowledge and has quality of human knowledge such as social condition, historical situation and place and time limitations. In this research the author tried to consider these limitations through one of short stories. It is clear that when a social culture and political thoughts direct the society towards a special direction, no one can save himself from these changes. The social paraphrase of the Arab and philosopher story in Mathnavi shows the influence of history, society and especial condition of Islamic culture during 5th and 7th centuries on Moulana's thoughts. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The Effect of Social Classes on the Poems of Mashrooteh Poets with A Focus on Farokhi Yazdi And Iraj Mirza
        عبدالله  حسن‌زاده میرعلی Ahmad Khatami - -
        From sociology of literature point of view, literary creation is not a personal matter, but rather a social one. Since the society plays a fundamental role in formation of individual characteristics, and the style is not separated from writers’ characteristics, we can More
        From sociology of literature point of view, literary creation is not a personal matter, but rather a social one. Since the society plays a fundamental role in formation of individual characteristics, and the style is not separated from writers’ characteristics, we can say that in creation of any literary work, society has the most significant role. The writer’s social insight and his position against different events are remarkably affected by social status and social classes. Hence, we can analyze a writer’s literary style based on the social class he belongs to. Presenting an introduction on how writers’ world view is related to their social classes according to Goldman¬’s theory of social classes, this paper also has a glance at IrajMirza and Farokhi Yazdi's social status. Then, the major stylistic differences between them will be compared. The findings show that the aforementioned writers’ outlooks are different in some domains such as social/religious criticism, freedom, patriotism, anti-colonialism, anti-authoritarianism, defiance and tendency to luxury Manuscript profile
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        7 - Analysis of Personality Disorder in “Ghale-Morghi; the Pyramidal Age” Novel
          دکتر سید علی  قاسم‌زاده
        The novel of “Ghale-Morghi, The Pyramidal Age” authored by Salman Amin, is one of the successful novels which is Concerned with unemployment and its consequences as a special social problem. Based on the American Robert Merton’s (1901– 2003) “Theory of Opportunity” thi More
        The novel of “Ghale-Morghi, The Pyramidal Age” authored by Salman Amin, is one of the successful novels which is Concerned with unemployment and its consequences as a special social problem. Based on the American Robert Merton’s (1901– 2003) “Theory of Opportunity” this research studies different types of personality and behavioral disorders within this novel. According to Merton’s theory, social problems are the result of the gap between desirable goals of the society and the ways of achieving them. By describing the desirable goals for their members, societies can also introduce their solutions and strategies; however, when there is a gap between goals and the institutionalized means of reaching them, deviation and disorder will occur. According to this theoretical model, “Ghale-Morghi, the Pyramidal Age” represents an image of a society that has determined the same accepted goals for every one; but choosing between the possible ways of reaching them is related to individual’s social status and class. Although the main character of the novel begins to discover new ways by means of Promethean rebellion; at the end, he finds no choice other than isolation and letting go of the goals.. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Sociological analysis of Shamloo's and AbuMazi's poetry based on Henry Zalamansky's theory
        marjan aliakbarzade zehtab Hossen Yazdani
        Social developments have been reflected in Iranian and Lebanese literature since the beginning of the twentieth century in an especial way, and the poems of Ahmad Shamloo in contemporary Iranian literature and the poems of Abu Mazi in contemporary Lebanese literature ha More
        Social developments have been reflected in Iranian and Lebanese literature since the beginning of the twentieth century in an especial way, and the poems of Ahmad Shamloo in contemporary Iranian literature and the poems of Abu Mazi in contemporary Lebanese literature have had special importance in terms of reflecting social developments.The present article aims to explain the reflections of social events in Shamloo and AbuMazi’s poetry based on the dominant content theory in Henri Zalamansky's sociology of literature with a descriptive-analytical approach based on the American School of Comparative Literature.The results of the research show that the contemporary social developments in Iran and Lebanon have a clear function in Shamloo and Abu Mazi's poetry and have created common themes in the poetry of these two Iranian and Lebanese poets.The two poets' response to the problems of their society - which, from Zalamansky's point of view, is reflected in various literary forms - is "the struggle for freedom". Shamloo depicts the struggle against the oppression of the Pahlavi regime and Abu Madi depicts the struggle against the oppression of the Ottoman empire.Concepts such as the hardships of immigration, patriotism, criticism of poverty and suffering of the people, complaining about the ruling tyranny, enlightenment and struggle against oppression, freedom-seeking and seeking justice are the social concepts of the poetry of these two poets. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Investigating the evolution of modern humanism of female characters in Persian novels
        Parivash Mirzaeyan jahangir safari Narges  Bagheri
        Modernity and modern humanism have played an essential role in the growth of Iranian women's minds. One of the sources which reflect the changes and developments of modernity and modern humanism is Persian novels. This article based on Anthony Giddens' viewpoint inv More
        Modernity and modern humanism have played an essential role in the growth of Iranian women's minds. One of the sources which reflect the changes and developments of modernity and modern humanism is Persian novels. This article based on Anthony Giddens' viewpoint investigates the effects of modernity on Iranian women by reviewing selected Persian novels which were published in this three periods of time: from 1300 to 1320, from 1320 to 1345 , and from 1345 to 1357 . The research demonstrates that generally in the first period, the evolution caused by the prevalence of modern humanism has not been able to liberate women thinking from traditional perspectives. In the second period, growing the popularity of modernity elements has provided a variety of human interests and desires for women. Although increasing feminist ideas shows the prevalence of modern rationalism in this period, behavioral contradictions between women reveals the superficiality of the viewpoint among them. Overindulgence in following instinctive desires in the third period indicates a jump in humanistic thinking. During this period, the passivity caused by fatalism has also been criticized by the authors. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Hegel, Marx and Gramsci on State and Civil Society
        محمدتقي  سبزه‌اي
        The purpose of this article is the comparative survey of three contrastive theoreticians- Hegel, Marx, and Gramsci- on state, civil society and their relationships. Hegel assumed the civil society as a combination of three systems; the economical, legal and cohesive (po More
        The purpose of this article is the comparative survey of three contrastive theoreticians- Hegel, Marx, and Gramsci- on state, civil society and their relationships. Hegel assumed the civil society as a combination of three systems; the economical, legal and cohesive (police and their related classes) which stand between the family and the state; which ultimately substitutes the state. Marx considers the civil society as the domain of work and everyday life, which is a totally economical and apolitical domain. Unlike Hegel and Marx, Gramci observes the civil society as a cultural sphere. The result of this theoretical comparative analysis shows that although these three contrasting theorists of philosophical principles assume a similar and common society as the base of their analysis, their conclusions on the society’s pattern structure differs with each other. Hegel substituted the three-dimensioned pattern of “family-civil society-state” with Aristotle’s classic two-dimensioned pattern of “family-city state”. Also Marx’s substructure pattern (on civil society) and superstructure (state) changed for Gramsci to the substructure (economic) and superstructure (civil society = nongovernmental organs + state). Gramci’s state is a combinative state compiled of the satisfaction of “mastery + power” and therefore it is both the substructure and the superstructure. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Historiographical & Ideological Approaches and Publicizing Indigenous Thought: Future of Western Political Thought in Iran
        Most of the works on western political thought written in Iran, fall in an intermediary position between the two approaches of historiographical and ideological types. By historiography I mean an approach that, giving centrality to discussing elaborately the historical More
        Most of the works on western political thought written in Iran, fall in an intermediary position between the two approaches of historiographical and ideological types. By historiography I mean an approach that, giving centrality to discussing elaborately the historical chronology of formation of a political thought, and biographies of the scholars in the field, neglects to analyze, criticize, and evaluate it. The second type of the works on western political thought is of ideological quality that giving centrality to a particular thought follows a biased approach to it. Such works try to promote an ideology regardless of the explanatory and analytical requirement for an argument. The present article, studying features and consequences of the two approaches in Iranian works on western political thought, attempts to show the necessity for studying it with the sociological approach to thought, whose comprehensive and deep look at a political thought helps to closely understand it in its historical, cultural, political, economical, ideological aspects, and above all, its reflective view. Since a reflective view gives especial importance to the understanding and the criticism resulting from background conditions, subjective nature of cognition, and identity- cultural structures, it can help us with getting rid of the circle of imitation and repetition, and publicizing indigenous thought, more than any other models. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - A Criticism on class status in “ o’lrisch beck” ‘s flexible modernity
          reza mahmoudoghli  
        In this paper, the conception of class was criticized and studied in “o’lrisch beck”‘s view. The theoretical framework of research is based on the critical approach that aims to challenge the self-founded culture and intellect of modernity. O’lrisch beck as one of the f More
        In this paper, the conception of class was criticized and studied in “o’lrisch beck”‘s view. The theoretical framework of research is based on the critical approach that aims to challenge the self-founded culture and intellect of modernity. O’lrisch beck as one of the flexible modernity theoreticians declares the death of class, the death of collective identities, and traditional construction in transition process to flexible modernity and emphasizes on individualism in modern age. In this paper, the authors criticize this framework due to ignorance of social inequalities in modern society and shows that beck’s theory about collective identities declination has very serious inconsistencies and contradictions. The main purpose of this essay is not, rejection of the reality of social changes, but the main goal is the clarification of existing internal mistakes and contradictions of Beck’s writings, along with the defense of class analysis in sociology discussions Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The Ratio of Globalization and Justice in the Political Thought of Anthony Giddens and Emmanuel Wallerstein
        hassan abniki
        Globalization is one of the key concepts in political science and sociology, which has become one of the major discourses in the literature of these two areas of social sciences. Many thinkers referred to it as the “Discourse of Globalization,” which is a discourse that More
        Globalization is one of the key concepts in political science and sociology, which has become one of the major discourses in the literature of these two areas of social sciences. Many thinkers referred to it as the “Discourse of Globalization,” which is a discourse that can measure the proportion of many concepts in political thought in relation to it. One of these concepts is justice. Justice, with any definition, is the starting point for discussing globalization. Is it possible, in principle, to expect justice to be realized under the globalization discourse? In other words, what is the relation between justice and globalization? To answer the question, this paper addresses the views of the two thinkers of the globalization era, Anthony Giddens and Emmanuel Wallerstein. Essentially, I argue that Giddens believes in the Kantian assumption that justice is inherent in globalization, and only with the creation of a civil society in the current era, societies can attain globalization. On the other hand, Wallerstein rejected this claim and placed justice in the age of globalization under the overshoot of the capitalist system. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - The Effect of Globalization on Civil Institutions in Iran1
            Azadeh  Shabani
        In the field of social sciences and humanities in the 1980s, the phenomenon of “globalization” as well as “civil society” were in the spotlight. Meanwhile, the ratio of these two together has been at the center of attention and analysis of various scholars. The concept More
        In the field of social sciences and humanities in the 1980s, the phenomenon of “globalization” as well as “civil society” were in the spotlight. Meanwhile, the ratio of these two together has been at the center of attention and analysis of various scholars. The concept of civil society in Iran was considered in the mid-seventies (the late 1990s). In this article, using the method of critical realism, the effect of globalization on civil institutions in Iran has been analyzed and it has been shown that between 1997 and 2011 there was no relation between the transformation of civil institutions and globalization in Iran. Critical Realism means that the real, that is, civil institutions, consists of three levels ontological, actuality and factual. Public institutions (participatory) are regarded as the ontological level of the real, social institutions as the actuality level of the real and political institutions as the factual level of the real. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Legalization of Public and Private Sphere Theory, with Emphasis on Hannah Arendt’s View
        Samaneh Rahmatifar
        The comparative study on political theory of the public and private sphere with law provides a basis for restriction of law and state and redraws public-private law boundary. Research method is descriptive-analytical. That is, firstly, the private and public sphere, acc More
        The comparative study on political theory of the public and private sphere with law provides a basis for restriction of law and state and redraws public-private law boundary. Research method is descriptive-analytical. That is, firstly, the private and public sphere, according to Hannah Arendt's theories, are described by identifying its elements. And, secondly, the elements in two spheres are analyzed in accordance with law framework and its branches generally. And, finally, the level of recognition of private and public sphere in legal system of Iran is measured. The private sphere is an area of human life that is intertwined with elements such as intangible ownership and presidency of the family, and the tendency to conceal and naturally de-legalization. Civil society is a part of private sphere; it is an area of human self-control activity into non-governmental groups. The public sphere is an area of policy-making by citizens through free conversation and action. In the legal system of Iran, the private sphere is supported overall; independence of civil society is not guaranteed, despite implicit recognition. Government makes policy, then citizens work within its framework after getting governmental permission. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - The Theory of Oriental Despotism and Nature of State and Society in Pre-Modern Iran
        h k
        In its various narratives, the theory of Oriental despotism has been the dominant analytical framework for understanding the nature of state and society in pre-modern Iran. The main product of this theory's application has been presenting the state's image as an arbitra More
        In its various narratives, the theory of Oriental despotism has been the dominant analytical framework for understanding the nature of state and society in pre-modern Iran. The main product of this theory's application has been presenting the state's image as an arbitrary and strong organization in the face of a fragmented society with dependent, weak, and passive social forces. According to such an analysis, the state's fundamental features, society, and the relations between them have not undergone a qualitative change from the beginning of history until now despite all the apparent changes in Iran's history. The first purpose of this article is to present a report on the origins of oriental despotism theory, its application by Western and Iranian scholars for analysis of the Iranian history, identification of its core themes about the nature of state and society, and the reasons for its popularity in the post-revolutionary period. The essay shows that despite the long history of this theory, it has been redesigned in the context of a political-theoretical conflict between the Leftist groups and their critics during the 1950s and 1970s. The article considers the hegemony of this approach after the Islamic Revolution due to the invalidity of Orthodox Marxism's analytical framework and capabilities this theory to provide a simple yet understandable answer to the problem of economic and political underdevelopment. The second aim of this article is to reveal the inadequacy of the theory and its results in analyzing the nature of the Iranian state and society. It emphasizes that the mentioned view has practically blocked the way for a "truly" historical sociology of Iran and a correct understanding of the nature of the state, society, and their interactions with one another. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Socialization in Iranian Governmental Organizations and Its Role in Citizenship Ethics in the Islamic Iranian City
        غلامرضا مقدم سیف اله سیف اللهی محمدرضا جوادی یگانه
        Undoubtedly today's world is the world of organizations. In any organization, although individuals are the primary agents of the organization, in fact, organizations themselves have an independent legal personality that, like any society, provides the basis for interact More
        Undoubtedly today's world is the world of organizations. In any organization, although individuals are the primary agents of the organization, in fact, organizations themselves have an independent legal personality that, like any society, provides the basis for interaction between individuals and their socialization.On the other hand, today most of the Citizens' time are occupied by economic duties and presence in the workplace. Many people in this environment interact with different formal and informal groups and learn many of the values, norms and behaviors from that environment and internalize their behavior.Therefore, recognizing the increasing importance and scope of organizations and their role in the socialization of individuals, It is necessary to look at the economic and social structures of government agencies, as part of the pathology of ethics in the Islamic Iranian city.Organizations that play a large role in the citizenship ethics of their employees. Therefore, the issue of ethical training in the organization is important from both, a professional and a citizen's perspective that both of which are related to the concept of citizenship.In this study, grounded theory method was used and 25 staff members of one of the most high level governmental organizations of Iran located in Tehran were interviewed in depth.The findings show that ambiguity of ethical perception, avoidance of participation, ambiguity in role and goals and weakness of work culture are the phenomena affecting on disorganization which provide grounds for negative socialization of citizenship ethics in the city. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Necessity and methods of developing interaction and cooperation between university and industry
        mohammad saeid seif saeid jahanjiri
        Cooperation between the industrial sector and universities is undoubtedly one of the areas that is discussed in all countries and can have a decisive impact on the economy and industry of that country. Therefore, establishing a coherent and organized relationship betwee More
        Cooperation between the industrial sector and universities is undoubtedly one of the areas that is discussed in all countries and can have a decisive impact on the economy and industry of that country. Therefore, establishing a coherent and organized relationship between industries and universities is one of the basic needs of countries. This connection helps universities to align their educational and research activities with the needs of society and industry, and to develop specialists and researchers who can truly meet the needs of industry. In recent years, the cooperation between academia and industry in some areas has brought important achievements to the country, but there are still very important measures that can be taken to increase synergy and cooperation between universities and industrial units.Fortunately, in this regard, the country's universities and research institutes have started appropriate measures and have defined and implemented useful programs and models to develop community and industry relations contracts, improve internships, graduate employment, help solve national challenges and similar cases. The pathology of the relationship between academia and industry and the sharing of successful experiences of higher education institutions and executive bodies are very important in strengthening this relationship. For this purpose, in this article, a summary of the situation of the country's universities and research institutes is presented and new programs that can be effective in improving the situation are described. Manuscript profile
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        19 - The structure of the social classes of the Kurdish people and their value system
        Shuresh  Ak Amir  Maleki Mohammad Javad  Zahedi Mazandarani Yaghub  Ahmadi
        Regardless of how ideal the issue of the need for equality and destroying classes is, stratification in society is a social reality, and human societies have different hierarchies, classes and social bases. Membership in a social class, as well as having a special statu More
        Regardless of how ideal the issue of the need for equality and destroying classes is, stratification in society is a social reality, and human societies have different hierarchies, classes and social bases. Membership in a social class, as well as having a special status, determines values, goals of life and general biases towards human and social issues. The present article is aimed at analyzing the sociological structure of the class of Kurdish Mukryan society and its changes over the last half century (based on the class structure of Mahabad city), as well as the assessment of their value system. The research method is a combination method and consists of two qualitative approaches (historical analysis to examine the class structure of society) and quantitative (evaluation and evaluation of the value system of the classes). The statistical population consisted of all the people living in Mukherah. In the qualitative section of the research, the whole population was studied and in the quantitative part of the research based on cluster sampling, Mahabad city was selected as sample and appropriate sample size was determined with the maximum dispersion and error rate of 5% 356 people. In the historical analysis, based on valid documents, the class structure of the society has been studied from the past to date. In a quantitative part of the research, the data were analyzed by the standard scale of Schwartz cultural values and analyzed using one-way ANOVA test. Has been. Based on the results of the qualitative section of the research, the study population consists of four types of social strata: the ordinary people (Krimanj), Jinan, asylum (Soblaqhi) and Sadat, which has a relatively closed class structure and is more based on attribution and parenting criteria. And, in general, the characteristics of stratification in less developed societies. The findings of the quantitative research indicate that there is a significant difference in most aspects of Schwartz's cultural scale (arousal, pleasure, success, strengthism, reputation, securityism, consistency, traditionalism, benevolence, and universalism) and no difference Meaningful in the dimension of independence among the four classes. The results of the research are consistent with many of the theories presented in the study, including Marx's class theory, Weber social theory of dignity, and Pierre Bourdieu's theories, as well as the results of previous studies, such as the studies of Lansai Zadeh, Qasemi and Javaheri. Manuscript profile
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        20 - The status of civil rights based on dignity in the doctrine of responsibility to protect in the light of international law
        Doagu Hossein Seyyed Mohammad  Hashemi
        Human rights and citizenship rights are derived from the inherent and natural rights of mankind, and they have received special attention throughout history. Although after more than half a century of United Nations life, in the era that we call the age of technology an More
        Human rights and citizenship rights are derived from the inherent and natural rights of mankind, and they have received special attention throughout history. Although after more than half a century of United Nations life, in the era that we call the age of technology and communication, there are still many people from civil wars and ethnic strife, poverty and hunger, drought, lack of health, or even the most basic of living conditions. They lose their lives. The Doctrine of Responsibility for the Protection of Human Trafficking is a result of the widespread and systematic violations of fundamental human rights in the 1990s, as well as measures that provide a threat to peace reflected in the resolutions of the Security Council, in light of the Security Council's inherent duty of international peace and security, In fact, at the current stage, the response of the international community to the humanitarian disaster is reactive and passive. Still, there is a vacuum in the existence of a specific mechanism that can map the policy of a reasonable and yet reasonably effective and effective response to human crises. The "responsibility for protection" is, in fact, to provide a new, yet precisely-designed, strategy for the appropriate substitute for the "humanitarian intervention" challenge; the "responsibility for protection", however, is a completely different concept of humanitarian intervention. The set of actions to be taken under this doctrine includes three dimensions of responsibility for prevention, responsibility for responses and reconstruction responsibilities. This strictly humanitarian strategy is considered to protect and protect human rights and citizenship more and more. This strategy is a useful and effective solution for governments in crisis or crisis situations based on citizenship rights. Manuscript profile
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        21 - An Investigation of Consequentialism and Ethical Conscientiousness with Emphasis on Kant's Theory in the Society of Iranian Certified Accountants and its Impact on Adherence to Auditors' Professional Behavior
        sherly Nematolahi   Mohamadreza Vatanparast
        Morality is a pervasive subject that covers all aspects of human life. Accounting is one of the most organized and disciplined professions in the world, and because of the type and nature of the services it offers, it must have a certain reputation. The continuation of More
        Morality is a pervasive subject that covers all aspects of human life. Accounting is one of the most organized and disciplined professions in the world, and because of the type and nature of the services it offers, it must have a certain reputation. The continuation of this credibility and its validity and reliability depends on the intellectual and practical commitment of the members of the profession to its ethical and ethical standards. One of the fundamental issues in the philosophy of ethics in accounting is the discussion of the standard of ethical action and the evaluation of auditors' voluntary actions ethically. In this context, throughout history, numerous schools of thought and philosophers have emerged, one of which is Kant's moral school and moral consequentialism. In the first step, this research has investigated the place of ethical philosophies in formulating such professional behavior through library method. In the second step, using the survey method, it analyzes the auditors' views. Ethical responsibility and ethical consequence have a significant effect on the level of adherence to auditors' professional conduct. Adhering to two ethical dimensions of ethical duty and ethical consequence can also encourage auditors in the process of conducting ethical boundaries, including ethical duty-making and the result of the work presented in a way that will be relevant and credible to all. And this is related to moral consequentialism. Manuscript profile
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        22 - The role of the gentlefolks in the collapse of the Islamic Society from Quran and Hadith perspective in the years leading up to Ashura
        Elite and gentlefolks of any society that conquer to the "right" and "wrong" sides, have a very important role in the orientation of people in various events. So if the gentlefolks of right side be able to practice "guidance and education" masses, happiness in this worl More
        Elite and gentlefolks of any society that conquer to the "right" and "wrong" sides, have a very important role in the orientation of people in various events. So if the gentlefolks of right side be able to practice "guidance and education" masses, happiness in this world and the Hereafter for people will be provided, but if for any reasons, do not shirk their duties, the wrong side come into play and "crash" of the community will begin. Only half a century after the Prophet's death, Ashura event occurred in situation which a large number of companions Prophet – much of them are known as gentlefolks - were alive, but Hussein-bin-Ali in the desert of Karbala in the fight against the wrong side left alone along with his family and his loyal companions that were about 100 man and was killed. In this paper, based on Quran verses, traditions and historical sources, we review the role gentlefolks in the fall of the Islamic community Manuscript profile
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        23 - The affirmation of the good and the prohibition of evil and its effect on the social health of society in Islamic teachings With emphasis on verses and narrations
        ali maradani
        Nowadays, despite the many advances in scientific fields, we are endangering the health of the soul and body due to the lack of reliance on divine teachings in the crisis. Hence, the path to salvation of the return to Islamic teachings. The present paper, by analytical More
        Nowadays, despite the many advances in scientific fields, we are endangering the health of the soul and body due to the lack of reliance on divine teachings in the crisis. Hence, the path to salvation of the return to Islamic teachings. The present paper, by analytical method, describes with a library study the explanation of one of the important teachings of Islam in the name of oversight through the guise of good and forbidding evil and its impact on the health of the community. saving society from crises and providing community health in the light of clarifying the status of the affair with the good and forbidding it to be void and enforcing; the implementation of these two terms is a proven solution for the health of the community; whenever a person is cultivating and self-cultivating Step through internal control; t will have a significant impact on the organization of society, because avoiding sin and paying attention to positive human and practical points is an appropriate field for developing capacity and reform; Islam and its enormous effects on environmental health are evidence of the truth of this claim; Part of the mission of Hassbah's institution is in the form of good and forbidding at the beginning of Islam, monitoring food markets and health, covering meat and dairy products in the market and public places, and the other part is related to the protection of value Ethical and moral virtues in the community and prevent the commission of secrecy, insecurity and moral corruption; The practice of this promise means the friendship, the affection and the interest in the fate of others, and the negation of indifference, and ultimately, the mental and emotional peace of this empathy, which humanity today needs more than anything else.. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Sociological Analysis of Children's Civil Society in Iran
        Taghi Azad Armaki Maryam Sha’ban
        This study seeks to study and analyze the civil society related to children in Iran. In this regard, with the qualitative approach and the method of monography and content analysis, she has analyzed two examples of active children's domain associations in Iran. The resu More
        This study seeks to study and analyze the civil society related to children in Iran. In this regard, with the qualitative approach and the method of monography and content analysis, she has analyzed two examples of active children's domain associations in Iran. The results show that the "pathological approach" to child-related civil society in Iran casts a shadow, indicating the dominance of the "American-English approach" to child-related civil society in Iran. And, unlike the title of licenses, associations are directly and indirectly affiliated with government agencies and seek to attract positive reviews from organizations for the three purposes of "obtaining financial support", "gaining legitimacy" and "reputation". They are government. Therefore, these associations, in effect, seek "economic profitability"; therefore, the domination of "rationality" and "market logic" over the inherent rationality that permeates civil society in Iran, especially in related fields. They are targeted with children; and children are purposely targeted as ignorant audiences and without the "critical intellect". In addition, the civil society in Iran has neglected its primary mission to seek the rights and improve the status of children affected and at risk of being harmed, forgotten, or in the forefront of the community's economic interests. Therefore, the civil society associated with children in Iran is malformed and "sick", which requires urgent specialized resuscitation and review. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Typology of Child-Related Policies in Iran
        Maryam Sha’ban
        This research was aimed at "the typology of child-related policies in Iran." After defining the sensitive concepts of the research, they were identified by the exploratory methodology of policy making, and then we analyzed the qualitative content analysis method. Findin More
        This research was aimed at "the typology of child-related policies in Iran." After defining the sensitive concepts of the research, they were identified by the exploratory methodology of policy making, and then we analyzed the qualitative content analysis method. Findings and results show that child-related policymaking in Iran can be summarized in three phases of typology, respectively, which include domestic policy-making, include: 1. Sovereignty; 2. Government policy making; 3. Bureaucratic policy making (bureaucratic institutions); 4. Civil society (NGOs and charities), as well as policy making Foreigners included two cases: 1. The policies of the international community; 2. The policies of the Islamic world. As a result, child-related policies are widespread and broad in Iran, covering a wide range of aspects of children's lives. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Dominant Discourses on Childhood and Childhood Studies: A Review of Iranian Society
        Maryam Sha’ban
        Background and Aim: The current research seeks to identify different discourses in the field of childhood and childhood studies, as well as to discover the dominant discourse on the field of childhood in Iranian society. Method: The method of the research is qualitativ More
        Background and Aim: The current research seeks to identify different discourses in the field of childhood and childhood studies, as well as to discover the dominant discourse on the field of childhood in Iranian society. Method: The method of the research is qualitative and was done using document analysis. Results: In this research, after identifying different discourses in the field of childhood from the perspective of thinkers and texts in the field of childhood, the Iranian society have been investigated; The results show that in the Iranian society, among the three discourses, needs, law (legal) and quality of life, in the field of childhood, the legal discourse is dominant. Therefore, the dominant discourse of childhood in contemporary Iranian society is the legal discourse. Conclusion: The dominance of legal discourse on childhood and childhood studies in Iran has led to the creation of structural constraints and popular demands for more legal protection for children. The most important structural and active situation in the discourse of children's rights in Iran is the formation of the national authority of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the expansion of associations for the protection of children and their rights. Manuscript profile
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        27 - The Rights of Delinquent Children and Adolescents in Iran: An Analysis of Four Determining Areas
        Maryam Sha’ban Seyed Mohammad Hosseini
        This study seeks to investigate how four main areas of reference in Iran and the world are exposed to child delinquent. Therefore, four main areas of reference were identified that include Iranian legal regulations, Islamic religion, the Convention on the Rights of the More
        This study seeks to investigate how four main areas of reference in Iran and the world are exposed to child delinquent. Therefore, four main areas of reference were identified that include Iranian legal regulations, Islamic religion, the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Islam and the Convention on the Rights of the Child; Then they were analyzed with a qualitative approach and documentary analysis method. The results show that exposure to delinquent children is approximately the same in all four domains. Although the three areas related to Iran and the Islamic world have been centered on Law of Religion, especially Shi'ism, their roots lie in Islamic religion, and against them the Convention on the Rights of the Child as an international matter has been drafted based on the Declaration of Human Rights and the belief in Humanism, but they work very closely on how to deal with child guilty and there are no significant differences between their procedures. Therefore, all four domains regard the child as having no precise decision-making power and consider his/her delinquency a common "mistake" in his/her development. The child should be forgiven as much as possible and his/her error should be ignored; this should also have a corrective and re-interactional aspect to be done within the child's family by the child's parents or legal guardians. Unless child guilty is limited, such as harm to others, which has resulted in violations of the rights of others, all three areas emphasize efforts to minimize penalties and impose penalties for reform and resocialization. the only point of difference is in the definition of the child and the age range that makes the subject different in applying the rules related to child delinquency. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Sociological and stylistics study "I turn off the lights" with emphasis on the approach of Lucin Goldman
        neda yans kamran pashaei fakhri parvane adelzade
        Sociology of Literature is a branch of sociology that has not spread much among the social sciences in spite of the long tradition of literary and literary works in Iranian history. This lack of expansion exists both in the theoretical domain and in the field of empiric More
        Sociology of Literature is a branch of sociology that has not spread much among the social sciences in spite of the long tradition of literary and literary works in Iranian history. This lack of expansion exists both in the theoretical domain and in the field of empirical research. In the theoretical field, sociological theoretical approaches to literary works are not very clear. In empirical research, research is also limited to only long stories, and other literary types are generally absent. In this article, it is claimed that, regardless of the theoretical approach in literature and stylistics, any literary features have to be considered when analyzing by Stylists and sociologist. In this article, we examine the social, political and style aspects of the works of ZoyaPirzad, a contemporary Armenian writer, according to the method of constructivism of Goldman. In this method, the content of the literary work and its relationship with the society are studied, the effect of which has been created and instead of describing the content of literary work, the content and its relationship with the worldview in a particular era are discussed. Therefore, this novel briefly refers to the morale and living conditions of the people and the explanation of the phenomena, behaviors, constructs and ups and downs and social and political afflictions of the life of the characters of the novel. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Place of Persuasion and Imagination in Leadership in Farabi
        Fattaneh  Tavanapanah Nadia  Maftooni
        Farabi has assigned to leaders certain tasks such as the administration, training, and coaching of people, spreading virtues and morality in cities and among nations and having people accustomed to such affairs, paving the ground for legislation and enforcing the laws t More
        Farabi has assigned to leaders certain tasks such as the administration, training, and coaching of people, spreading virtues and morality in cities and among nations and having people accustomed to such affairs, paving the ground for legislation and enforcing the laws through imparting their benefits to people, and familiarizing people with theoretical issues and political knowledge. In his conceptualization of all the skills required for leadership, Farabi considers imagination and contentment, as the products of two arts of poetry and sermon to be the necessary conditions. This point can be explained by resorting to the instrumental and communicative dimensions of imagination and persuasion. These two concepts can contribute to the perfection of the end of the first leader and help him perform his duties in both conceptual and judgmental dimensions. This is because the perceptual weakness of the majority of people usually does not allow them to understand anything unless in the light of imagination and persuasion. Therefore, through knowing his subjects, a leader should use the correct way of confronting and interacting with them while employing an appropriate language for all levels of perception. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Explaining the relationship between state and society: from one-sided frameworks to reciprocal links
        sara akbari Vahid sinaee Mehdi  Najafzadeh eslami eslami
        Explaining the relationship between the state and society is one of the most important theoretical challenges in political science. In a theoretical conflict and as a result of numerous criticisms of one-dimensional explanations of society or the state, the key question More
        Explaining the relationship between the state and society is one of the most important theoretical challenges in political science. In a theoretical conflict and as a result of numerous criticisms of one-dimensional explanations of society or the state, the key question is to what extent univariate and one-sided theories have the power to explain and answer why and how the relationship between state and society is and what are their shortcomings. This article first seeks to critique the analytical tradition in the literature on government-society relations and then explain the components of historical institutionalism as one of the approaches in political science. According to this view, the government and society have mutually influenced each other in their historical process. This view sees the power of the state and the manifestation of this power in connection with the power of the society and considers the existing institutional arrangements in society and their transformation as the product of the connection of power structures in a historical process. The main components of this theory are “important milestones, path dependence, timing and sequence, events, design, and institutional transformation”.¬ The analytical framework presented in this paper is based on systematic attention to how institutional arrangements are established and consolidated in the context of time, and therefore rather than having the characteristics of specific theories, it is introduced as a general theoretical framework. It may have more power to analyze the role of institutions in the social sciences in general and political science in particular. Manuscript profile
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        31 - A survey of the roots and cultural aspects of virginity
        Marziye Zadsham Marziye Borzoeyan
        Virginity can be studied in various ways. Although virginity is a biological feature, it has been represented in different manifestations throughout history. Virginity is part of a woman's genitals. However, the conceptual meaning of virginity is not limited to women's More
        Virginity can be studied in various ways. Although virginity is a biological feature, it has been represented in different manifestations throughout history. Virginity is part of a woman's genitals. However, the conceptual meaning of virginity is not limited to women's physiology. It also has penetrated the cultural and gender relations of societies, and in many cases, has determined the customary, moral, and legal criteria and standards. This study seeks to answer the question: What are the sources and roots of virginity and its meaning in human societies? To this end, virginity was reviewed in a sample of myths, religions, some primitive and modern communities. The results suggest that the concepts of virginity in different societies are related to the mythological, historical, economic, and cultural contexts and characteristics. These components generally confirmed virginity as a virtue throughout the history of most societies. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Tehran City, A Sociological Issue
        taghi azadarmaki MALIHE AMANI
        In this study, the issue of urban in particular Tehran city has been investigated from a sociological aspect. The problem of the city for the Iranian sociology, is taken for granted and its non-realization needs review and analysis. Therefore, the present article tries More
        In this study, the issue of urban in particular Tehran city has been investigated from a sociological aspect. The problem of the city for the Iranian sociology, is taken for granted and its non-realization needs review and analysis. Therefore, the present article tries to understand why Tehran city is not an issue for social scientists and sociologists. Evidence indicates that Tehran city has been raised as a bureaucratic issue for politicians and as a political issue for intellectuals, and this view has led sociologists to look at the city as a function of politics and pathology. The study is documentary-library one with a historical approach. The results from investigating and conducting the historical studies show that during several historical periods, as the techniquecal and bureaucratic point of view, Tehran has been an issue for the governments and as a political approach has been an issue for intellectuals. The city has been the setting and moaning place of the governments; but, during each era, the social well-being of Tehran city and her social endure bore no significance. Neither, the issue of the city had a culprit in the thoughts and ideas of the intellectuals, whether left-wing or right-wing, whether poets and people of literature or philosophers. Their concerns were for the culture, the civilization and the government. Therefore, a city, like Tehran, suffers from the issue of the ignorance by the social scientist that might want to have a discussion on the relationship between the urban social living and the urban living. Hence, if we also consider the social sciences and the sociology along the intellectual movement, Tehran City has not been their issue so that most of the conducted social studies on the realm of urbanism used a pathologic approach and were dedicated to the city body rather than to the requirements of the urban life and the urban social living and their respective influential factors. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Explaining the Different Ethical Approaches to the Antecedents and Consequences of Women's Conspicuous Buying
        Ali  Afshari Hamid Reza  Saeidnia Hussein  Vazifehdoost
        This study aims to identify the factors affecting conspicuous consumption from the perspective of women with different lifestyles, including academics and seminarians, and also to investigate what actions conspicuous consumption leads to in individuals. This research is More
        This study aims to identify the factors affecting conspicuous consumption from the perspective of women with different lifestyles, including academics and seminarians, and also to investigate what actions conspicuous consumption leads to in individuals. This research is fundamental in terms of purpose and methodologically examines and analyzes the views of women on the conspicuous consumption of luxury goods using the grounded theory. The method of data collection is field and using semi-structured interview tools in two groups of the statistical population including 15 female students of Islamic Azad University, Tehran Science and Research Branch, and 15 female students of Al-Zahra seminary in Qom. The results of the study show the difference between the beliefs and views of the first and second groups regarding the concept of conspicuous consumption and show that female students of Islamic Azad University are more inclined to the conspicuous consumption of luxury goods and female students of Al-Zahra seminary are less inclined to the conspicuous consumption and seek to control it through paying attention to Islamic ethics and religious life. This difference in the views of students is based on causal factors including structural, behavioral, psychological, and social factors. This research has for the first time dealt with the concept of conspicuous consumption from two perspectives with different intellectual approaches and compares them in Iran. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Sustainable development of the neighborhood in the direction of social happiness and public happiness (Analysis of principles, dimensions and indicators)
        Shiva  Shokri Raheleh  Rostami Fatemeh  Mozaffari
        Sustainable development is a potential solution to some important social challenges such as happiness, which is an ultimate goal for human beings and happiness is often seen as an individual trait for which each person is solely responsible. However, it is also a social More
        Sustainable development is a potential solution to some important social challenges such as happiness, which is an ultimate goal for human beings and happiness is often seen as an individual trait for which each person is solely responsible. However, it is also a social trait that is influenced by external factors. The present article reviews the parameters and goals of sustainable development to achieve happiness, the most important quantitative and qualitative criteria in five areas of happiness and ecological, economic, social and cultural sustainability through them, one can evaluate and promote happiness in neighborhoods and a brief insight about the neighborhood development project . The tool can also be used in future sustainable neighborhoods for fun projects. Finally, he suggests that sustainable development should promote happiness while rebuilding local economies and ecosystems, strengthening social ties and revives or preserves desirable cultural traditions, as well as provides an alternative framework for sustainable social development that focuses on improving the opportunities for happiness and well-being of society. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Social justice and its role in social security from the perspective of the Qur'an and Islamic traditions
        Mohsen Ghafoury pour seed hamid shamerizi Kamal  Khajehpour
        One of the sublime goals that human beings have always sought to achieve for centuries; Social justice and benefiting from the results of its realization. According to the Qur'an, the establishment and implementation of justice in society is one of the most important du More
        One of the sublime goals that human beings have always sought to achieve for centuries; Social justice and benefiting from the results of its realization. According to the Qur'an, the establishment and implementation of justice in society is one of the most important duties of the divine prophets; Therefore, Islam as the most perfect divine religion and at the top of it, the holy existence of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and the Imams of the Infallibles (PBUH) as divine reformers have paid special attention to this natural principle and have explained it. Security, with all its dimensions and contexts, is one of the necessities of human individual and social life, and its absence is a great vacuum and a common chapter of many human problems in life; Therefore, it is necessary to study and explain these two categories and the relationship between them. In the present article, which has been done in a library method and in a descriptive-analytical method, while explaining the nature of social justice, its role in the security of Islamic society and in both social and economic dimensions from the perspective of the Qur'an and hadiths has been studied. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Sociological Analysis of the Story of "Sheikh Sanan's Story" in Mantagh al Tair (Based on Theory "Stigma" by Irving Goffman)
        Mohammad Khosravishakib
        The story of "Sheikh Sanan" is one of the beautiful narrations in Persian literature. The application of new theories causes the mentioned anecdote to show sociological and psychological suggestions beyond its mystical text and context. Using approaches related to More
        The story of "Sheikh Sanan" is one of the beautiful narrations in Persian literature. The application of new theories causes the mentioned anecdote to show sociological and psychological suggestions beyond its mystical text and context. Using approaches related to social psychology, in addition to taking the text out of the traditional limitations, an expounding and interpretativecapability is provided to estimate the story of "Sheikh Sanan" according to Irving Goffman's " stigma" theory. In the present article, an endeavor is made to scrutinize the "story of Sheikh Sanan" by means of qualitative description and analysis. The premise is that there are variables such as "play pattern", "pattern of individual and collective kinship", "social exclusion and isolation", "loss of common identity", "learning", "knowledge and insiders", "Revelation", "habitual", "recovery of lost identity", "defense and psychological mechanisms", etc. in the mentioned narrative, has caused criticism and analysis as well as the results of applying Goffman's "stigma" theory, be believable and convincing.The presupposition is that the lack of balance between the individual "self" and the social "self" has caused the "stigma" of Sheikh Sanan. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Determining the Most Suitable Ecosystem for Community-Based Ecotourism Development: case of Siyahoo rural district in Bandar
          Ali Shahdadi  
        Sustainability in ecotourism requires comprehensive participation of the host community in ecotourism projects. Community-based ecotourism (CBET) is an approach in which the local community acts as the founder and promoter of ecotourism and it takes part in its developm More
        Sustainability in ecotourism requires comprehensive participation of the host community in ecotourism projects. Community-based ecotourism (CBET) is an approach in which the local community acts as the founder and promoter of ecotourism and it takes part in its development. This paper tried to locate community-based ecotourism as a development model in Siyahoo rural district. The paper wanted to answer: where are the most suitable ecosystems in Siyahoo rural district for developing CBET according to economic, socio-cultural, institutional-physical and environmental indices. This is an applied and developmental research, which followed a descriptive method in data collection and analyzed them quantitatively. The statistical population included the local communities, tourists, experts and elites in the tourism sector. Data were collected from four tourist rural areas (Siayhoo, Kharsin, Banglayan, and Sikhoran) in the Siyahoo rural district using interviews and questionnaires by Purposive Quota-Sampling. Participants included 370 people from the local community, 359 tourists from the Siyahoo rural district and 15 experts and elites. SPSS 22 was used to analyze the data, and the SWOT technique to determine the CBET development strategies. The findings of the assessed elements (including economic, socio-cultural, institutional-physical and environmental indices) showed that Bangelayan village had the highest capability to develop community-based ecotourism in Siyahoo. Manuscript profile
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        38 - The Sociological Impacts of Tourism in the city of Shiraz: an exploratory mixed method
        moslem bagheri payam shojaei samaneh asghari jahromi
        Nowadays, tourism is a leading industry and plays a pivotal role in the economic, social, and environmental issues of many societies. This study considered the sociological impacts of tourism and provided a comprehensive model. The paper used an exploratory research met More
        Nowadays, tourism is a leading industry and plays a pivotal role in the economic, social, and environmental issues of many societies. This study considered the sociological impacts of tourism and provided a comprehensive model. The paper used an exploratory research method. In the qualitative section, using meta-synthesis, we presented a model of psychological consequences with two concepts, six dimensions, and thirty-nine indicators. In the quantitative part, we determined the significance of the indicators of this model using the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and a survey of experts in tourism sociology in Shiraz. The results showed that improving employment, cultural activities, and the social and cultural life of the local community were the most significant positive consequences. In contrast, fraud and extortion were the most negative sociological impacts of tourism in Shiraz. Manuscript profile
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        39 - The Effects of Interactional Experience of Tourists on Their Attitudes to the Host (case study: Mashhad)
        hamed bakhshi Maryam Hashemian
        Tourist-host relations are inevitable in the destination. The tourists expect to have a good experience in their interactions with the host. However, when they encounter unpleasant actions, they get contradictory attitudes towards the destination. This paper studied the More
        Tourist-host relations are inevitable in the destination. The tourists expect to have a good experience in their interactions with the host. However, when they encounter unpleasant actions, they get contradictory attitudes towards the destination. This paper studied the effects of tourist-host interactional experience on tourists’ attitudes towards the local people. Four groups of service providers were selected: vehicle drivers, the staff of the Holy Shrine, resellers, and citizens of Mashhad. Data about the tourists’ experiences were extracted from open questions in the questionnaire. Participants’ qualitative experiences were then categorized and codified by thematic analysis in two categories of positive and negative experiences. After counting the thematic codes, attitudes of pilgrims and tourists were measured using a Likert scale. The results showed that the average score of tourists’ attitudes towards the people of Mashhad was 3.33 (1-5), which showed a neutral attitude to the hosts. Among the demographic characteristics, only age and education had significant relations with the pilgrims’ attitude. Age had a positive relation, while education had a negative relation. Besides, interactional experiences influenced the pilgrims’ and tourists’ attitudes. When they had pleasant and positive experiences with the hosts, their attitudes increased positively, while their negative and unpleasant experiences with the host, led to their negative attitudes. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Tourism Policymaking, Local Community Support, Place Image, Tourism Impacts, Tourism in Semnan
        Zohre  Kiani FeizAbadi Farnaz NikKhah Elisa  taherian
        Tourism policies widely affect the lives of local residents. On the other hand, the effectiveness of such policies depends on the local community’s support and participation. Therefore, the present study sought to investigate the influence of the Local Community’s Place More
        Tourism policies widely affect the lives of local residents. On the other hand, the effectiveness of such policies depends on the local community’s support and participation. Therefore, the present study sought to investigate the influence of the Local Community’s Place Image and their perception of tourism impacts on their support for tourism policies in Semnan. To this end, some 340 questionnaires were distributed among local residents, out of which 322 questionnaires were completed by the respondents. The collected data were then analyzed by PLS software using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results indicated that the residents’ place image had a direct significant effect on their perception of tourism impacts and consequently on their support for tourism development policies. Moreover, the findings highlighted the necessity of evaluating tourism impacts based on the perceptions of residents, because the more favorable they consider the tourism impacts, the more support they give to tourism development policies. Finally, this study suggests some policy recommendations on how to manage the local community’s place image, their perceptions of tourism impacts, and their support for tourism policy-making. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Examining the Role of a Community’s Social Media-based Destination Brand in Winning Tourists’ Hearts Towards Co-Creating Values and Visiting the Place
        Zohreh Ali Esmaili Armin Goli
        This study sought to investigate the role of a community’s social media-based destination brand in winning the tourists’ hearts and convincing them to co-create values and visit the community. The population of this applied survey study comprised of Ramsar visitors who More
        This study sought to investigate the role of a community’s social media-based destination brand in winning the tourists’ hearts and convincing them to co-create values and visit the community. The population of this applied survey study comprised of Ramsar visitors who discussed it as a travel destination on social media and had used social media to choose Ramsar as a tourist destination. In this regard, 73 media sources where Ramsar had been discussed were selected using a judgmental sampling method. The required data were collected through electronic questionnaires from 384 visitors (out of 450 visitors) who were selected through non-probability convenient sampling. The collected data were then analyzed via SmartPLS software using structural equation modeling and path analysis technique. The findings of the study suggested that a community’s social media-based destination brand had a positive impact on the visitors’ enjoyment of the place, loving the place, and positive surprise towards the destination, persuading them to participate in the co-creation of values and thus revisit the place. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Identifying and Prioritizing the Factors involved in Social Contribution of the Host Communities in Preserving UNESCO's World Heritage Sites: A Case Study of Yazd City
        Ali Asghar Shalbafian Fatemeh Khazaei Maryam Abdoli Negar Rajabi
        The UNESCO registry of communities' cultural heritage as the World Heritage Sites prepares the ground for further development of tourism industry, requiring local communities' contribution to the success of preservation programs. Given that Yazd province includes a hist More
        The UNESCO registry of communities' cultural heritage as the World Heritage Sites prepares the ground for further development of tourism industry, requiring local communities' contribution to the success of preservation programs. Given that Yazd province includes a historic city with several gardens and aqueducts that have been registered in the UNESCO World Heritage list, it demands the identification of influential factors involved in achieving maximum social contribution and improving the process of destination's strategic management. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the influential factors involved in enhancing the social contribution of the local community in preserving the world heritage sites existing in Yazd province. The study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of data collection. The study's statistical population comprised all tourism professionals and staff who were active in Yazd during winter 2019, out of which 155 individuals were selected as the sample size via stratified random sampling. After measuring the validity and reliability of the instruments, the collected data were analyzed via LISREL software and structural equation modeling. The results suggested that perception, interest, the locals' knowledge and their awareness of the contribution process, and the opportunities and awards offered by managers for contributing to preserving the world heritage sites had significant direct effects on all levels of contribution (forced, induced, & voluntary), with voluntary contribution affected the most in comparison with other levels. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Investigating the impact of community-based tourism on development of rural communities from the perspective of the local community: A Case Study of Paveh Tourist Villages
        behrooz badko
        Community-oriented tourism seeks to create economic benefits, preserve natural resources, protect the local culture, and improve the local community's quality of life, so that needs of the present and future generations are met. This type of tourism development would be More
        Community-oriented tourism seeks to create economic benefits, preserve natural resources, protect the local culture, and improve the local community's quality of life, so that needs of the present and future generations are met. This type of tourism development would bear maximum benefits if the local communities' infrastructural potentials are strengthened, and the rural community's ability to use them is improved. Therefore, this descriptive-analytical study set out to examine the impact of community-oriented tourism on the development of rural communities from the perspective of the local community. To this end, 365 questionnaires were administered to the target tourism villages (namely Hajij, Shamshir, Nasmeh, and Khaneghah) located in Paveh city, using the SPSS software to analyze the collected data. The results showed that community-based tourism promoted economic, social, cultural, and environmental indicators, leading to rural development. Moreover, the regression analysis on the intended variables suggested economic indicators played the highest role in local community development, followed by social, cultural, and environmental indicators, respectively. Kendall's tau-b test results also proved a significant correlation between local community development and community-based tourism. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Investigating the Factors Affecting the Local Community's Life Quality in Religious Tourism Destinations: A Case Study of Shiraz
        Abbas Javidian
        Religious tourism has long been welcomed by many tourists and individuals, creating changes in the host community's quality of life through changing human interactions. Therefore, this descriptive survey study sought to identify and rank the factors involved in the loca More
        Religious tourism has long been welcomed by many tourists and individuals, creating changes in the host community's quality of life through changing human interactions. Therefore, this descriptive survey study sought to identify and rank the factors involved in the local community's quality of life in Shiraz as a religious tourism destination using the fuzzy cognitive mapping approach. To this end, two types of statistical population groups were used. The first group comprised of experts in the field of religious tourism in Shiraz who were selected judiciously and purposefully to adjust and determine the intended factors. Then, a matrix questionnaire was administered to the second group which comprised thirty indigenous workers in the field of religious tourism. Then, the data and scenarios were analyzed using the fuzzy cognitive mapping technique, and the research model was designed using social network analysis. The results showed that there are several factors involved in improving the local community's quality of life in Shiraz, including increasing welfare, increasing investments, and a sense of belonging among residents and tourists, respectively. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Wisdom analysis to develop it in training staff and model presentation
        Farhad Shafiepour Motlagh Abbas Hgoltash
        The purpose of this study was to analyze wisdom in order to develop it in educational staff (teachers) and to present a model. Mixed research method has been used for the study. The research environment consisted of all education teachers in Mahallat city (840 people) i More
        The purpose of this study was to analyze wisdom in order to develop it in educational staff (teachers) and to present a model. Mixed research method has been used for the study. The research environment consisted of all education teachers in Mahallat city (840 people) in the quantitative section and 70 people in the qualitative section of all teachers in Mahallat city and articles and documents published during the last 20 years (2001-2021).The sampling method was continuous in the quantitative part with one-stage-random cluster method (237 people) and in the qualitative part in a targeted manner until the data saturation with 18 people. For data analysis, one-sample t-test was used in quantitative part and coding method was used in qualitative part. In general, the results showed that the average level of teachers' wisdom is moderate. Model of improving teachers' wisdom in the causal conditions section under the name of benevolence with 4 central codes, in the strategic conditions section under the name of balancing the learning space with 6 central codes, in the contextual section called teacher ranking with 3 central codes, in the intervention section called Individual life problems have 3 central codes and in the consequences section under the name of teaching efficiency, it has 3 central codes (power to influence students, class vitality, reduction of academic failure). Manuscript profile
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        46 - Modifying social impact assessment to enhance the effectiveness of company social investment strategies in contributing to local community development
        Frank  Vanclay Ilya  Gulakov Jos  Arts sh n
        Good practice social impact assessment (SIA) should lead to improved local community development outcomes. However, the social benefits alleged to flow from projects are often not as evident to affected communities as the project’s adverse impacts. Projects still give i More
        Good practice social impact assessment (SIA) should lead to improved local community development outcomes. However, the social benefits alleged to flow from projects are often not as evident to affected communities as the project’s adverse impacts. Projects still give inadequate attention to social issues and fail to achieve social development outcomes. Using a prominent gas project in Russia, the Nord Stream 2 project, as an illustrative example, we explore the potential of environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) to enhance the effectiveness of project contributions to local community development. We analyse the main steps of the community development process for the Nord Stream 2 project, and consider how it benefitted from the SIA process. We also reflect on the potential further contribution of SIA to community development. Even though SIA and community development are interrelated, we conclude that SIA, as currently practiced, is constrained in its ability to contribute to community development outcomes. Adjustments to the SIA and corporate social investment frameworks are needed to make them more effective in achieving social development outcomes. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Theoretical Foundations of Sociology from Viewpoint of Quran
        Mohsen Sadeghi amini Seyed abdolvahab  Taleghani zahra faghih imani
        The relationship between Islam and humanities is a fundamental issue, discussed by scholars under the general theme of the Islamisation of Knowledge, especially after the Islamic Revolution of Iran. In order to comment on Islam’s point of view about sociology and possi More
        The relationship between Islam and humanities is a fundamental issue, discussed by scholars under the general theme of the Islamisation of Knowledge, especially after the Islamic Revolution of Iran. In order to comment on Islam’s point of view about sociology and possibility of Islamisation of the field, however, it is necessary to first explain the ontology of the society from Islam’s viewpoint and then to assess the feasibility of codification of scientific propositions based on the viewpoint of this religion about society. Through a documentary method, this research tries to present the viewpoint of Islam about society and its law-governedness by studying the basic religious texts such as Quran and Hadith (i.e. Tradition). It will be seen that there are four groups of verses implying a law-governed society, among which the first group includes nineteen sets of verses that directly signify law-governed society. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Designing a model for creating a company's value set, taking into account the customer's ethical value and social ethical value
        Keyvan  Mohbed Hashem  NikouMaram Karim  Hamdi
        The overall purpose of this study is to provide a model for creating a set of company value, customer ethical value and social ethical value with a positive marketing approach. Data is in the category of exploratory (qualitative-quantitative) research and is done in two More
        The overall purpose of this study is to provide a model for creating a set of company value, customer ethical value and social ethical value with a positive marketing approach. Data is in the category of exploratory (qualitative-quantitative) research and is done in two phases. In the first phase, using the opinion of 15 experts and relying on study sources, the model framework was presented and validated. The statistical community in the second phase is the group of customers of entrepreneurial insurance services. In order to collect information and analyze the data, in the qualitative phase, the method based on data theory was used and in the quantitative phase, the method of structural equation modeling was used. Likert spectra were used. According to the results in the first and second part, social marketing has the greatest impact and role on positive marketing and positive marketing has the greatest impact and role on the value of the company. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Enmity and soft war from the perspective of Nahj al-Balaghah
        Maryam   Azizi
        One of the points that Imam Ali (AS) emphasizes in relation to the enemy is that one should constantly maintain vigilance against the enemy and should never underestimate the enemy. Soft war is the most extensive effort against nations in the form of various political p More
        One of the points that Imam Ali (AS) emphasizes in relation to the enemy is that one should constantly maintain vigilance against the enemy and should never underestimate the enemy. Soft war is the most extensive effort against nations in the form of various political plans. , Security, economic, etc. has entered the implementation phase. There are various definitions of soft warfare; Some have equated soft warfare with soft power or psychological operations. While there is a big difference between soft warfare and other categories. Soft warfare is neither soft power nor psychological operations, but a complex phenomenon that goes far beyond that. To deal with this phenomenon, comprehensive models and solutions must be presented; In this article, while presenting a conceptual model, various aspects of coping will be discussed. The method of the present research is library method. While presenting the topic of hostility, it has defined and stated the history of soft war based on the valuable book of Nahjul Balagha. The results of this research indicate that the enemy can mislead man through soft war; Among the solutions of Imam Hammam, we can mention reactionary or anti-propaganda measures and active or propaganda measures. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Pathology of social issues analysis in Iran and its solutions
        Mahboubeh  Zafari
        The social problem as social harm A century ago, the functional approach of structure-society was revived as an organism. One view led to the theory of community pathology; A theoretical model in which a social problem, such as a disease that impairs the functioning of More
        The social problem as social harm A century ago, the functional approach of structure-society was revived as an organism. One view led to the theory of community pathology; A theoretical model in which a social problem, such as a disease that impairs the functioning of the human body, disrupts the normal functioning of society. This model considers crime, apostasy, and premarital intercourse to be the damage of the Greek word meaning social disease, which endangers the health of society; And in reviewing past research, it has been found that poorer and dirtier areas and neighborhoods with narrow alleys are more prone to crime and social perversion. According to the theory of broken windows, houses that look bad and broken are a better place to do social harm. Even in houses that are not suitable in terms of lighting and facilities, they have a better shape to create a deviation than houses with a better shape. People in alleys and dark neighborhoods with no facilities and with fewer facilities and areas with less care are more prone to abnormalities and deviations and the formation of a social problem and social harm. The purpose of this study is to analyze the social problems in Iran and its solutions. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Iran's Energy Geopolitics and EU’s Approach
        آرمین امینی الهام  حسین‌خانی
        Since the common denominator among EU members is increasing dependence on imported oil and gas, security of energy supply is a major concern for the European Union. When assured about security and effectiveness of energy market, those countries will be able to continue More
        Since the common denominator among EU members is increasing dependence on imported oil and gas, security of energy supply is a major concern for the European Union. When assured about security and effectiveness of energy market, those countries will be able to continue increasing consumption of energy. However, the rising energy price, especially with regard to natural gas, has led to questions about future situation of energy supply security for the EU members. Therefore, this paper first focuses on the rising demand for gas and the risks of overdependence of the EU members on gas supply from Russian Gazprom Company, which may lead to repetition of Ukraine experience and the international gas crisis in 2006 and 2009. It then analyzes geopolitical and international aspects of future energy supply security for the EU and strategic plans developed by its members to handle these challenges. In conclusion, the paper introduces Iran as a good alternative source for ensuring energy security of the EU due to its geoeconomic conditions. Manuscript profile
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        52 - A New Structure for UN Security Council; The Need of Hegemony of Power
        Siamak Soltani Saleh  Rezaie Pishrobat
        Wisdom of League of Nations has failed because of inability to set a leadership for world order and award appropriate monetary to that day’s powers and bring again the disaster of war. These shortcomings with wisdom resolved with implementation of Veto in the UN system, More
        Wisdom of League of Nations has failed because of inability to set a leadership for world order and award appropriate monetary to that day’s powers and bring again the disaster of war. These shortcomings with wisdom resolved with implementation of Veto in the UN system, and the World found a new approach. But over time, the emergence of new powers followed by weakness of old ones and reaching most countries to the maturity of the collective life, resolves the global need for a leadership and the international community which still retains its old structure, dropped in another type of silliness which necessarily do not resolved by discussion. It is necessary to avoid another disastrous war, contribute all the international powers to the bureau of the international community in the Security Council and gave all of them clear shared responsibility to run the game of the world. (Such shared responsibilities may be Spiritual indices come every state and over the number of votes and the votes of every state in the decision making processes). Manuscript profile
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        53 - A study of social issues in Sanai's works
        Masoud  Jahanbani Maryam   Azizi Abdul Rasool  Abbasi Nasrabad Sofla
        Each literary work expresses a part of the hidden and visible social realities resulting from political, social and cultural changes. Thus, literature is a form of expressing society and presenting the facts of life in order to expand the horizons of society's conscious More
        Each literary work expresses a part of the hidden and visible social realities resulting from political, social and cultural changes. Thus, literature is a form of expressing society and presenting the facts of life in order to expand the horizons of society's consciousness. Poetry is a mental event that is influenced by issues around the poet and the poet's language is the language of society. Persian-speaking poets in each period, accordingly, have reflected corners of their community space. Among the historical-literary periods of Iran in the sixth century, due to the rule of the Turks and the ups and downs resulting from this rule, has provided a suitable platform for social research. Sanai's works are like a mirror in which the weaknesses of the social life system of the people of that period can be clearly seen. These works are really the manifestations of the society of that time because the information it provides is completely real. One of the most important findings of this research is that Sanai was deeply acquainted with the culture and political and social currents of his time due to his attitude and social and popular personality due to his travels and life in different cities, so his works in a way Uniquely socially and culturally rich. Therefore, various social issues are reflected in his works. The author, in this article, collected data using documents, books and various articles, and then analyzed it. It seeks to enumerate the most important social and cultural issues and anomalies that Sanai expresses in his works. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Theory of Revolution in the Prism of Historical Sociology of International Relations (HSIR)
        Mehdi Zibaei Shahla Najafi
        The literature on revolution has gone through four theoretical waves in explaining diverse revolutions. Although these waves belong to different terms, all of them have essentialist ontology and they are seeking to find impressive attributes in breaking out and prosperi More
        The literature on revolution has gone through four theoretical waves in explaining diverse revolutions. Although these waves belong to different terms, all of them have essentialist ontology and they are seeking to find impressive attributes in breaking out and prospering incidents. The precedent for bringing revolutions into focus in Historical Sociology (HS) turns to Brinton Moor, Charles Tilly, and ThedaSkocpol endeavors that by concentrating on structure and interior causation paid less attention to exterior conditions; but their works broke the closed-loop and made a weak relation between revolutions and international. However their manners in methodological point of view were closely connected with previous theoretical waves; since from HS perspective, the revolutions are stemmed from accumulated incidents which are made from social relations within a supranational context. The object of the current work is to examine the evolution of the international factor in revolution theories in the light of historical sociology theorists. According to the findings, the international factor has gone through three major evolutions in the insight of historical sociology theorists. First, in the 70s, from a structural point of view, it refers to the influence of the international system on revolutions. Second, the international factor enters the text from the margins of the relevant literature, and the inter-state perspective is highlighted; in the transition to the third step, not only inter-state communication is considered, but the inter-social attitude and the relations between the people and the network. Manuscript profile
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        55 - The role of science and technology museums in the interaction of universities and society
        bakhtiyar mahmodpour
        The aim of the present study is to investigate the impact of museums, especially science museums, science centers and other science promotion institutions on the interaction of the university system and society. To this aim, first in the section of theoretical foundatio More
        The aim of the present study is to investigate the impact of museums, especially science museums, science centers and other science promotion institutions on the interaction of the university system and society. To this aim, first in the section of theoretical foundation, by reviewing the history of universities and the evolution in the role and functions of science museums throughout history to their interactive and communicative role between the scientific community and the general public as one of the most central roles. Science museums emphasize. In the following, by explaining and expanding the concept of science promotion to its functions and effects in society, it offers various models of science promotion. Then, using the inductive method, he will discuss the relations, role and effects of science museums and science centers in the interaction between the university system and the social space and, consequently, the development of the country. Finally, while rereading the Iranian experience of the National Museum of Science and Technology in establishing a relationship between the university system and society, based on the results, suggestions to improve the performance of science and technology museums and science centers to grow and expand two-way communication between the university community and Different sections of society are presented in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development Manuscript profile
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        56 - The Rights of Children with Disabilities in Iran: An Analysis of Determining Areas
        Maryam Sha’ban
        Background and Aim: The present study seeks to identify, interpret and analyze the rights of children with disabilities in Iran. In this regard, the decisive fields of jurisprudence and law have been identified and analyzed at the domestic and international level. Met More
        Background and Aim: The present study seeks to identify, interpret and analyze the rights of children with disabilities in Iran. In this regard, the decisive fields of jurisprudence and law have been identified and analyzed at the domestic and international level. Method: The research approach is qualitative and the research method is exploratory and documentary analysis. After identifying the documents related to the subject and issue of the research, they have been studied, analyzed and reviewed. Results: The results of the research show that at the international level and the Islamic Covenant on the Rights of the Child and in the internal laws and regulations of the Iranian society, the society and the political power structure are responsible for formulating and implementing protective policies for disabled children and these policies are also aimed at reducing harm, rehabilitating and Treatment of the disabled. In fact, they are considered a "posteriori strategy" towards the disabled. But in the religion of Islam, centered on Shiism as the dominant religion in Iran, dealing with the child is about potentially being a child, not actually being a child; This means that the children of future generations are considered and "foreseeable" in the current generation. It is as if the scope of childhood includes history and generations and is a "transhistorical" and “trans-generational" issue. Islam has emphasized on the "future and posterity" and respecting the potential rights of the next generations and has a "preventive" approach. Conclusion: The dominant strategy of the teachings of Islam in relation to children with disabilities can be inferred as "a priori and a posteriori strategy". In addition to the governing authority, community activists are responsible for the realization of plans related to this strategy for disabled children. Manuscript profile
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        57 - The Relationship Between Innovations in Power and Governance in the Thought of "Michel Foucault" and "Gilles Deleuze"
        Mohammad Malekifar Ali Mokhtari hamdallah akvani Abuzar  Fatahizadeh
        The dominant view among liberal and Marxist thinkers indicates that the ruling power seeks to adopt a legal order within a specific territory. Therefore, the ruling power is considered as a system of legal obligations and prohibitions that are applied withinthe law. But More
        The dominant view among liberal and Marxist thinkers indicates that the ruling power seeks to adopt a legal order within a specific territory. Therefore, the ruling power is considered as a system of legal obligations and prohibitions that are applied withinthe law. But thinkers such as "Michel Foucault" and "Gilles Deleuze" recognize a gap in governance mechanisms. Foucault believes that since the 17thand 18thcenturies, instead of legal prohibitions, the government sought to shape its subjects in a positive way and tried to cultivate normal and obedient subjects. In the continuation of Foucault's studies, Gilles Deleuze continues that 20thcentury governments by regulatory ways, tryto lead the subjects towards their goals. In consequence, this article tries to address the question of what factor causes change in the way of governance in Foucault's and Deleuze's thought? The phenomenological examination of the opinions of these two thinkers shows that the root of innovation to governancelies in power. Manuscript profile
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        58 - Investigating how literature influences the moral beliefs of children and teenagers
        Nazfar Nazem Hossein  Aghajani Mersa Ali Baseri
        Today, studying as one of the important sources of obtaining information is not only an individual practice that can continue due to personal interest and taste, but also social necessities, the historical and cultural situation of the society, the needs of the social s More
        Today, studying as one of the important sources of obtaining information is not only an individual practice that can continue due to personal interest and taste, but also social necessities, the historical and cultural situation of the society, the needs of the social system, individual interests and motivations, possibilities and abilities. system and availability of books are decisive factors in reading. Paying attention to the study becomes more important when it is related to a certain age group and is related to the needs and desires of that group. The present research is devoted to investigating the types of literary tendencies of teenagers in Isfahan city in 2017. The importance of the issue is determined from the fact that the adolescent age group is in the stage of mental and physical maturity and it is very important to address their needs and desires in order to shape their personality and identity. This research has been done in a combined method of sequential qualitative-quantitative type. The findings of the qualitative part show that the causal conditions such as around adolescence, the family's cultural consumption and socialization have turned the study into a temporary and problematic matter, which is based on cultural-socio-economic obstacles and the issue of adolescence and in the intervention conditions. The expansion of media, books along with movies and the promotion of information literacy of teenagers leads the literary tendencies of teenagers towards translation with genres of excitement, humor and fantasy. This issue, considering the chosen strategy of teenagers for studying, has consequences such as a lifestyle based on questioning. , fragmented identity or youth passivity leads. Quantitative method was used to deepen the data analysis of the first stage. Therefore, the collection of quantitative data was done by setting up a questionnaire derived from the qualitative method, in the form of 6 survey and using the multi-stage cluster sampling method, according to the education regions of Isfahan city, among high school 384 students/youths. In the quantitative part, the hypotheses were tested with spss software. Then, the structural hypotheses of the research were tested in structural modeling using amos software. The findings of the research show that the amount of reading is most related to the independent variable of attitude to books, adolescent characteristics, and then socialization by the family. In terms of tendency towards exciting, humorous and imaginative genres, the main variables affecting attitude to reading are adolescent characteristics. and the needs of adolescence. And the only independent variable that has an impact on translation is the characteristics of teenagers. Other variables have the same effect on writing and translation. Manuscript profile
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        59 - The influence of governance in education
        Mohammad  Nik Fekar
        In the whole world, education is accepted as a matter of sovereignty, and it is the same in Iran. The governance engineering of education must change, but for the benefit of the people, not for the benefit of the education mafia; Therefore, popularization should be with More
        In the whole world, education is accepted as a matter of sovereignty, and it is the same in Iran. The governance engineering of education must change, but for the benefit of the people, not for the benefit of the education mafia; Therefore, popularization should be within the framework of educational policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran, for this reason, any decision that violates the educational policies of the system is rejected, even if it increases people's participation in education. The discussion of the relationship between the government institution and education is, in fact, in the form of the influence of each on the other, so we understand the above discussion by separating the influence of each one separately. In this review, educational institution means scientific institutes that are effective in the academic development of people in a classical way in the society, including education and education in elementary, middle, secondary, higher education and education in fields. And the institution of government means the governing body over the real relations of people in the society. Therefore, it will include the policies of the executive branch and related institutions as well as the legislative branch and other power centers in this institution. Manuscript profile
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        60 - Explaining the factors affecting academic work ethics Mohagheg Ardabili University Society
        abazar ashtari Taha  Ashayeri
        The main purpose of the reseaThe main purpose of the research is to study the factors affecting academic work ethics in the academic community of Mohaghegh Ardabili (1401- 1400). The research method is survey type (quantitative), questionnaire, its statistical populatio More
        The main purpose of the reseaThe main purpose of the research is to study the factors affecting academic work ethics in the academic community of Mohaghegh Ardabili (1401- 1400). The research method is survey type (quantitative), questionnaire, its statistical population is 6000 people, of which 384 people are distributed among them in a Cochrane and random cluster method. Validity and reliability of the research has also been confirmed. The results show that there is a significant difference in the level of work ethic according to the marital status, and its value among the married group (1,8) differs more than the others according to the level of education, and its value among the group with a doctorate level of education (2,1) compared to others. There are more academic groups. The level of work ethic varies according to the type of job, and its value is higher among the occupational group of teachers (2,6) and students (2,2) than other occupational groups. The level of work ethic varies according to the type of class and its value is higher among the upper class (3,1) than the middle and lower class. The results show that between job satisfaction (0,35); Job stress (-0,31); Job burnout (-0,34); organizational commitment (0,56); Organizational identity (0,30) and religious beliefs (0,28) have a significant relationship with work ethics. The regression results show that the multiple correlation coefficient equals 0,601; The explanatory coefficient is equal to 0.532 and the corrected explanatory coefficient is equal to 0,483.rch is to study the factors affecting academic work ethics in the academic community of Mohaghegh Ardabili (1400-1401). The research method is survey type (quantitative), questionnaire, its statistical population is 6000 people, of which 384 people are distributed among them in a Cochrane and random cluster method. Validity and reliability of the research has also been confirmed. The results show that there is a significant difference in the level of work ethic according to the marital status, and its value among the married group (1.8) differs more than the others according to the level of education, and its value among the group with a doctorate level of education (2.1) compared to others. There are more academic groups. The level of work ethic varies according to the type of job, and its value is higher among the occupational group of teachers (2.6) and students (2.2) than other occupational groups. The level of work ethic varies according to the type of class and its value is higher among the upper class (3.1) than the middle and lower class. The results show that between job satisfaction (0.35); Job stress (-0.31); Job burnout (-0.34); organizational commitment (0.56); Organizational identity (0.30) and religious beliefs (0.28) have a significant relationship with work ethics. The regression results show that the multiple correlation coefficient equals 0.601; The explanatory coefficient is equal to 0.532 and the corrected explanatory coefficient is equal to 0.483. Manuscript profile
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        61 - Analysis Of The Sociological Differences Of Prison From The Perspective Of Durkheim And Foucault
        Mehrdad  Ghani Alireza  Mohammad Beyki
        The punishment of prison as the most obvious form of deprivation of freedom has always been discussed and disputed.Despite the positive functions of the prison, such as the ability to reform and subjugate criminals, throughout history, and due to the consequences it h More
        The punishment of prison as the most obvious form of deprivation of freedom has always been discussed and disputed.Despite the positive functions of the prison, such as the ability to reform and subjugate criminals, throughout history, and due to the consequences it has left in the society, it has sometimes been criticized and disagreed with.Especially in modern society and the emergence of theorists in favor of reducing punishments such as imprisonment, the processing of this issue has gained strength. In this article, the differences of prison sociology from the perspective of Emile Durkheim and Michel Foucault were analyzed What is clear is the agreement of the two theorists regarding the positive functions of the prison in order to reduce crimes and prevent crime in the society, and the same is the reason for the continuation of the prison, but what is the point of disagreement is the acceptance of administrativeization and rationality in the punishment process. It is possible that Durkheim has addressed the issue more fully in this aspect and has accepted this issue. Although it emphasizes the emotional aspect of punishment more. But if we pay attention to Foucault's theory, which is a rational attitude, we will not see anything from emotional and moral aspects in it. In his description, Foucault focuses on closed institutions, especially prisons.He explains how correctional techniques and crime techniques. They consciously affect the penal systems. Foucault's statement is a description of the introduction of technology and the administrative process of the criminal realm. In his description of the prison, he ignores its social meaning, which can be understood through public opinion, and sees it as a technical institution. Manuscript profile
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        62 - Functions of constructive anticipation in reforming social abnormalcies
        Mohammad Reza  Zamiri morteza zamiri
        The most important responsibly of waiter (Muntadir) during the time of occultation is constructive anticipation, an anticipation which leads a person to self-construction and community building and frees him from silence and stillness, and strengthens him in preparing h More
        The most important responsibly of waiter (Muntadir) during the time of occultation is constructive anticipation, an anticipation which leads a person to self-construction and community building and frees him from silence and stillness, and strengthens him in preparing himself for the universal government of Imam of the time (aj) in both motivational and behavioral dimensions. The basic condition of preparation for reappearance is purging the society from all kinds of pollution and moral and social abnormalcies. The main question of this research is “what is the function of constructive anticipation in reforming and eliminating social abnormalcies?” After scientific analysis through descriptive and analytical methods and using library and documentary means, it has been concluded that the school of anticipation (Intidar), with having Mahdavi socialization and reinforcement of personality, will battle with existing abnormalcies and then measures will be taken in order to bring balancing as well as structural reformation of abnormalcies of society. And in this regard we have obtained the following analytical model with the explanations which will be mentioned in the text: Anticipation « Mahdavi socialization « Reinforcement of Personality « Battle against and contradiction with existing abnormalcies «controlling and supervising the social abnormalcies «balancing and structural reformation of abnormalcies of society. Manuscript profile
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        63 - Investigating the economic development components of the tourism industry in Kermanshah
        Fatemeh  Jalaeipour Meysam  Mousaei nayereh pirahari mansour vosooghi Mansour  Sharifi
        The main purpose of the article is to examine the economic development components of the tourism industry in Kermanshah. Tourism is a temporal and short trip in which a tourist goes toward the regions outside of their place of residence and work for touring and explorin More
        The main purpose of the article is to examine the economic development components of the tourism industry in Kermanshah. Tourism is a temporal and short trip in which a tourist goes toward the regions outside of their place of residence and work for touring and exploring. Tourism has been deemed as the temporal moving of people to a place that is outside of their usual place of residence and work. In a way that travelers do actions and special facilities during their stay in destination and the special facilities will be provided to meet their needs. Tourism has been existed by its special forms in humane societies based on the motivation, root of travelling and moving traditionally and has been placed in the route of evolution. An important change in tourism can be recognized along with the industrial revolution that paved the way for a considerable change in life, especially in transportation. Todays, tourism activities are deemed as the fourth part of human activities after agriculture, industry and services, and experts predict that, it will turn out to be the most lucrative industry in the world by 2020. The results of this research showed that in the development of the tourism industry, one should pay attention to its strong points in Kermanshah, including the existence of historical monuments and rich cultural heritage, along with the existence of civil infrastructures, and use the potential capacity of this industry's development. By designing such a model, it is expected that the development of tourism will significantly increase the level of income, employment and productivity Manuscript profile
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        64 - Explaining the principles of "social security" in Nahj al-Balaghah and its realization in society with a neglect approach
        alinaghi lezgi alireza akbar zadeh Mohammad karaminia reza ojagh
        Security is one of the most important human needs and motivations. For a country, ensuring the security of society and its individuals has a fundamental and important role. In today's advanced societies, governments are responsible for pursuing and securing it. Today, g More
        Security is one of the most important human needs and motivations. For a country, ensuring the security of society and its individuals has a fundamental and important role. In today's advanced societies, governments are responsible for pursuing and securing it. Today, governments have become the most important political unit in the field of domestic and foreign relations, and their most important goal is to try to provide comprehensive security and expand its scope. On the other hand, people expect the most from the political institutions of society in terms of providing physical security along with economic well-being and social identity. Social security in the present age is one of the necessities of social life according to Islamic teachings and based on moral concepts in Islamic society. The present article examines the principles of social security in Nahj al-Balaghah and then proposes solutions to achieve this in society with a "neglect" approach. This article has been done in a library method with a descriptive-analytical method. Manuscript profile
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        65 - Investigating the economic development components of the tourism industry in Kermanshah
        Fatemeh  Jalaeipour میثم موسائی nayereh pirahari mansour vosooghi Mansour  Sharifi
        Fatemeh Jalaeipour Meysam Mousaei Nayer Pirahari Mansour Vosooghi Mansour Sharifi Abstract The main purpose of the article is to examine the economic development components of the tourism industry in Kermanshah. Tourism is a temporal and short trip in w More
        Fatemeh Jalaeipour Meysam Mousaei Nayer Pirahari Mansour Vosooghi Mansour Sharifi Abstract The main purpose of the article is to examine the economic development components of the tourism industry in Kermanshah. Tourism is a temporal and short trip in which a tourist goes toward the regions outside of their place of residence and work for touring and exploring. Tourism has been deemed as the temporal moving of people to a place that is outside of their usual place of residence and work. In a way that travelers do actions and special facilities during their stay in destination and the special facilities will be provided to meet their needs. Tourism has been existed by its special forms in humane societies based on the motivation, root of travelling and moving traditionally and has been placed in the route of evolution. An important change in tourism can be recognized along with the industrial revolution that paved the way for a considerable change in life, especially in transportation. Todays, tourism activities are deemed as the fourth part of human activities after agriculture, industry and services, and experts predict that, it will turn out to be the most lucrative industry in the world by 2020.The results of this research showed that in the development of the tourism industry, one should pay attention to its strong points in Kermanshah, including the existence of historical monuments and rich cultural heritage, along with the existence of civil infrastructures, and use the potential capacity of this industry's development. By designing such a model, it is expected that the development of tourism will significantly increase the level of income, employment and productivity. Manuscript profile
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        66 - The Multiple Formations of Religious Education`s Curricula Against Social Forces in Islamic Schools During the Second Pahlavi Period
        irandokht fayyaz zahra minaei narges sajadeh mohammadreza javadi yehaneh
        This article illustrates how the curricula of religious education were formed vis-a-vis social forces in the Islamic schools during the second Pahlavi reign. Utilizing historical discourse analysis and examining four schools as case studies, we argue that these encoun More
        This article illustrates how the curricula of religious education were formed vis-a-vis social forces in the Islamic schools during the second Pahlavi reign. Utilizing historical discourse analysis and examining four schools as case studies, we argue that these encounters led to four kinds of knowledge formation: "the generalization of religious knowledge" in the schools of the Islamic Education Society, "rational verification of religious knowledge" in Alavi School, "scholarly comparison of religious knowledge" in Kamal School, and "the systematization of religious knowledge" in the Refah school. The first formation faced the foundations of other rival religious discourses by emphasizing the Qur'an, the confrontation of jurisprudence against popular religion and superstitions, and confronting civil laws to eliminate corruption and achieve progress. The second formation was shaped along with a philosophical approach in encountering with the principles of Marxism and of Baha'iism, and providing a wise religion for immunity from corruptive lifestyles and using Islamic ethics against human social laws. The third formation was shaped by looking for compromise between science and religion versus religious superstitions and the materialists, a chosen jurisprudence versus the formal jurisprudence, and the confrontation with the modern state through a militant religion. The final formation was formed by using theology against other competing discourses, designing efficient social systems versus the modern government, and self-making for providing a good environment as opposed to isolated individual life forms. According to the results of each formation, there can be four inspirations as follows: turning from the internal religious language to the general and extra-religious language, turning from the affirmative language in Muslim philosophy to the speculative language in general philosophy, turning from the necessary relationship between science and religion to a possible relationship, and turning from the absolute inclusion of morality in religion to mutual partial relationship between them. Manuscript profile
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        67 - Principle of Impartiality and Neutrality in the Exercise of Discretionary Powers in the Light of a Decision by the Administrative Court
        Seyyed shahaboddin Musavizade merkie
        Discretionary power is a power granted by the legislator to public authorities with the aim of serving the public interest. This power is exercised in various areas, including the recruitment of volunteers in government agencies. According to the Universal Declaration o More
        Discretionary power is a power granted by the legislator to public authorities with the aim of serving the public interest. This power is exercised in various areas, including the recruitment of volunteers in government agencies. According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, individuals have the right to equal access to public employment in their own country. According to the Law on the Administration of Public Services, the principle of meritocracy applies to entry into executive agencies. However, placing criteria such as religious beliefs in addition to acceptance in the entrance competition has a legal basis according to the Law on the Administration of Public Services. The question now is how can these two important issues (meritocracy and compliance with selection criteria) be achieved? This article attempts to answer this question by describing and analyzing a decision by an administrative court through a library study using data extraction tools. The results showed that compliance with the principles of impartiality and neutrality by executive agencies and supervision by administrative courts are good tools for achieving the legislative goal of granting discretionary powers to administrative authorities. Manuscript profile
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        68 - Analysis of the character of Khaled, the protagonist of the novel Neighbours, the Story of a City and the Burnt Earth by Ahmad Mahmoud from the sociological perspective of George Lukács
        Fariborz  Jafari Ahmadi Faramarz Shirinbayan Mohammad Saleh  Amiri
        <p>The purpose of sociology of literature is to express the links between society and literature and also to reveal how social realities are reflected in literary works, especially in novels. Luk&aacute;cs, as one of the greatest theorists in the field of sociology of l More
        <p>The purpose of sociology of literature is to express the links between society and literature and also to reveal how social realities are reflected in literary works, especially in novels. Luk&aacute;cs, as one of the greatest theorists in the field of sociology of literature, tried to show the mutual influence between social structures and literary structures. He considers the novel to be a reflection of the social life of the author's era and also a product of his particular worldview. Ahmad Mahmoud is one of the realist story writers, whose main focus is to express the type of social life of the people of his time, and this issue can be seen in his works. Therefore, the three novels Neighbors, The Story of a City and Burnt Earth can be analyzed based on the sociological theory of George Luk&aacute;cs and the following hypotheses can be put forward: 1- Social novels can be used to reform and improve structures. and cultural-social attitudes are effective. 2- Contemporary novels can not only be a mirror of the whole society with their realistic view, but they can also influence the society from a cultural-social and even political point of view. to be influential and cause intellectual changes in their readers. 3- According to the sociological theories of George Luk&aacute;cs, the sociological analysis of these three novels can be a guide to identify his worldview.</p> Manuscript profile