• List of Articles theme

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The analysis of indicators of human resources in the commercialization of university research
        Amir Reza Narimani reza vaezi
        The transformation of societies and economic development, the role and the academic tasks, so that research found a special place in the tasks and functions of the university. Findings in improving the quality of human life and the development of social welfare and econ More
        The transformation of societies and economic development, the role and the academic tasks, so that research found a special place in the tasks and functions of the university. Findings in improving the quality of human life and the development of social welfare and economic development level and the international community play an important role. In this regard, many factors, including environmental, individual, organizational and many factors, are involved. In this study, we tried to identify the individual factors influencing in the commercialization of university of research. This research approach, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods.  In the qualitative section with thematic analysis, the main themes have been extracted by a semi-structured interview with experts in the field of commercialization and faculty members by using snowball sampling. In the quantitative part, a descriptive survey and factor analysis and path analysis by using a questionnaire were used. The statistical population of the study was professors of the Faculty of Environment at the University of Tehran and its validity was obtained through a panel of experts and its reliability was obtained by modeling structural equations. Their reliability coefficient is 0.838 with Cronbach's alpha. The results indicated that 9 issues of experience and knowledge, basic skills, creativity, ethics, motivational, human resource development, human resources, accountability, participation and communication network was identified and then the three main indices, professional, human resource management and interactive classification respectively. Then it was tested and verified with a quantitative method which indicates the important role of human resources professionals and committed to the commercialization of the research university. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Satire Techniques Representations in Theme Structure of “Farhad Hasan Zade's” Stories
          حسين  ادهمي
        Farhad Hasan Zade (Born in 1341/1962) is one of the satirists whose works are mostly within the domain of Children and Adolescent Literature. His satire stories are mainly taken from social realities enriched with social themes and a moderate criticism and represent soc More
        Farhad Hasan Zade (Born in 1341/1962) is one of the satirists whose works are mostly within the domain of Children and Adolescent Literature. His satire stories are mainly taken from social realities enriched with social themes and a moderate criticism and represent social affairs and problems. He uses satire techniques in these stories which show his mastery on common methods and patterns of satire writing. The article reviews three story collections by Farhad Hasan Zade and investigates his methods in satire writing. First section of the article introduces satire techniques in these stories and second section reviews the representation and frequency of these techniques in different parts of stories’ themes. Based on findings of this article, although Hasan Zade’s satire techniques impact on story elements like space, characterization, tone, style, language and so on, the representations of these techniques are obvious in structure of stories’ themes. These techniques are located in narration flow of stories by being present in different parts of theme (start, inconstancy, expansion, climax point, problem solving and end); they are parts of story body in climax and end points. Reviewing the frequency of representation of these techniques in different parts of theme, we may come to these conclusions: “start” and “expansion” in different parts of stories’ theme have more variety and frequency than satire techniques and in “end” point of story “raid” and “satire turn” techniques have more frequencies. The article reviews these findings and explains the relation between these techniques and structure of themes in Hasan Zade stories with descriptive-analytic method in which statistical data, tables and charts were used too. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Traces of Ideology in the Early Literary Works of Mahmoud Dowlatabadi
        قدرت الله  طاهری
        One of the greatest Iranian novelists is Mahmoud Dowlatabadi, who is celebrated enough in the literary society of Iran and to some extent in the world due to his creative works. He has also gone forward in his works step by step, like every other author. In fact, he has More
        One of the greatest Iranian novelists is Mahmoud Dowlatabadi, who is celebrated enough in the literary society of Iran and to some extent in the world due to his creative works. He has also gone forward in his works step by step, like every other author. In fact, he has been affected by various and continually renovating discourses of contemporary history of Iran in such a manner that a part of his works has been written in response to theses discourses. In this research, the direct and indirect impacts of ideology and common discourses on Dowlatabadi’s novelettes in 40th and 50th decades are studied in terms of their being between novel and short story. These works were promising with a great author regarding to the writing of Kelidar, Missing Soluch, Bygone Days of the Elderly, although they might have a range of weak points as well. Furthermore, in choosing the themes and the characters which he has created and developed through his novelette, he may have been influenced by the ideology and discourses of his own time without being conscious. Finally, the topics used in his novelettes as well as the characters are not in harmony with their roots and their local culture, that is, they are not created for the referred culture and the characters just speak in Persian and wear local cloths without having any other common root with the country they live. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Mystical Contents on Saeb’s Sonnets
        حسين  فقيهي حسن  شاهی‌پور
        Saeb Tabrizi was a talented literary man who earned fame in his own time in India, Iran and mid-Asia. As a matter of fact, once Saeb created new methods in poetry, and simultaneously discussed precise moral, social, mystical and thoughtful points, he gained such honor a More
        Saeb Tabrizi was a talented literary man who earned fame in his own time in India, Iran and mid-Asia. As a matter of fact, once Saeb created new methods in poetry, and simultaneously discussed precise moral, social, mystical and thoughtful points, he gained such honor and position. These features granted a particular grandeur and magnificence to his poetry; especially his sonnets. Saeb’s poetic style goes back to the methods used by the poets of the Safavi era; possessing rich, subtle and specific themes, thoughts and also rare visions and imaginations; specifically true in the case of his parables or equivalents. Many of the scholars and researchers have merely considered the subtle literary themes, in addition to the imaginative and abstract words in the survey and study of Saeb’s sonnets. Yet they have constantly neglected one point; his poetic verses enjoy pure and prominent mystical and Gnostic expressions. Actually Saeb has never been considered as a mystical poet faithful to Gnostic and mystical thoughts in the Safavi era. The writer of this paper intends to prove that Saeb’s poetry not only enjoys literary, social, thoughtful, and moral aspects, but also bears grand mystical themes. Saeb is actually a very modest poet whose sonnets are a manifestation of Gnostic thoughts and attitudes. Anyhow, no one regarded him as a mystical poet and he was always introduced as a poet following the Indian School innovating creative methods and offering rare and witty contents. Saeb himself never regarded himself mystical either. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - A Comparative Study of Education in Saadi’s Works and Tagor's Poems
        Ahmad حسنی رنجبر کاینا  ابراهیمی
        Undountedly different nations owe their educational doctrines to their intellectual characters. In order to understand the educational doctrine in Iran and other countries that is close or similar to Iran, studying Saadi’s and Tagor’s thoughts considered to be reasonabl More
        Undountedly different nations owe their educational doctrines to their intellectual characters. In order to understand the educational doctrine in Iran and other countries that is close or similar to Iran, studying Saadi’s and Tagor’s thoughts considered to be reasonable and significant. This research aims at dealing with this fundamental question that “what are the similarities and differences between the lyrical themes in Saadi’s works and Tagor’s poems?” Undoubtedly, the effect of cultural, climate, scientific, political and social factors has important role in forming these ideas, and is the reason of the similarities and differences in fundamental themes like paying attention to the nature of education, the value of life, death, aging, word, and etc. However, each one of these poets sometimes has his own ideas regarding a specific subject which is quite the opposite or independent of the other. In this article, the ups and downs of these poets’ ideas and their concordance and independence will be studied. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Nature of the Dark Romanticism in the Persian Poetry of the 1950s
          Reza Satari  
        One of the most important literary currents that was strengthened in Iran's poetry in the 1950s following the coup d'état of August 19, 1953 was romanticism that prevailed the field of poetry. Dark themes became commonplace with extreme and unprecedented emotions; theme More
        One of the most important literary currents that was strengthened in Iran's poetry in the 1950s following the coup d'état of August 19, 1953 was romanticism that prevailed the field of poetry. Dark themes became commonplace with extreme and unprecedented emotions; themes that diverted this version of romanticism from the essence of lyric which often meant that the poets either speak of death of love, or brought it down to its lowest level. These poems, belonging to a current known as dark romanticism, reflect themes such as thoughts of death, feeling of being cursed, rebellion, declaring sin, disbelief and immorality, Satanism, despair, and so on. Some scholars have defined these poems as lyrical romanticism, while lyrical and dark romanticism have fundamental differences, including in their world views, themes and contextual factors. In this article, after examining the nature of dark romanticism and its sentimentalism in Iran, common dark themes in the poems of some poets such as Nader Naderpour, Nosrat Rahmani, Karo, Hasan Honarmandi, Hamid Mosadegh and Forough Farrokhzad are evaluated. The results of the study shows that, with regard to the focus on themes such as thinking of death, disappointment and despair, rebellion and being cursed, fear, satanism, addiction and inebriation, and opposing the ethics and social norms, disbelief and denunciation of love in the poetry of dark romanticism, these poems cannot be identified as lyrical romanticism. Accordingly, romantic and sensual poetry of the 1950s was divided into two categories which is lyrical and non-lyrical romanticism. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The Analysis of the Themes and Linguistic Elements in the Satirical poems of Gholam Reza Rouhani
          ali akbar bagheri khalili Ahmad qanipour malakshah
        The satire of "Gholam reza Rouhani", while reflecting the social conditions of Iran during the first Pahlavi and early Pahlavi II periods, is an illustration of the author's co-existence and sympathy with the masses and is linguistically and sociologically significant. More
        The satire of "Gholam reza Rouhani", while reflecting the social conditions of Iran during the first Pahlavi and early Pahlavi II periods, is an illustration of the author's co-existence and sympathy with the masses and is linguistically and sociologically significant. The present article, with a descriptive-analytical approach, aims to investigate the most important theme of satire in Rouhani's poems, his attitude towards social issues and their representation in his works. While presenting critical views on society and politics, Rouhani uses different linguistic and expressive elements to make the representations more artistic and influential. For instance, using lexical combination and semantic contradiction provides the appropriate framework for challenging discriminations as well as socio-political and ideological contradictions. The abundance of the folk words and compounds as a mean of expressing social issues in a popular language is one of the linguistic features of Rouhani’s satire. Since Rouhani's satire is simile-based, simile is more powerful in representing social issues and also in understanding it by the masses. Criticisms of the environmental conditions such as urban pollution and the lack of required infrastructures, the unveiling incident, the world war and its impacts on Iran, economic problems and some social issues, such as westernization, women's rights, unemployment and the bureaucratic complexity are some of the issues that are reflected in Rouhani’s satire. The analysis of the poet's satirical works reveals his social action to be modifing, changing or rejecting the hegemonic discourses. In some cases, such as the progress, education, and employment of women or the protection of national commodities, the poet often criticizes and rejects the situation of society and seeks to change that. Manuscript profile
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        8 - The Stucture of “Gioumard” Myth Based on Lévi-Strauss’ Theory
        rahman zabihi parvin paykani
        In this study, based on the structuralist theory of Claude Lévi-Strauss, and by using a descriptive-analytic method, the mytheme, binary oppositions and the main structure of the narratives about Gioumard myth in the ancient texts will be explained and analyzed. In this More
        In this study, based on the structuralist theory of Claude Lévi-Strauss, and by using a descriptive-analytic method, the mytheme, binary oppositions and the main structure of the narratives about Gioumard myth in the ancient texts will be explained and analyzed. In this article, the function of Mithra, Mashi and Mashyaneh myth, the two main oppositions in Gioumard myth i.e. death/ rebirth, and supernatural/ natural creation will be explained and it will be shown that Gioumard’s confrontation with devil reflects the battle of good and evil which is the basis of Iranian thoughts about dualistic world- view. The everlasting battle between Gioumard as the representative of humans with Ahriman, demonstrates the continuity of life and death circle since Gioumard defeat Ahriman in his life and by his death he gives Ahriman the chance to win. Then, Ahriman unknowingly reaches the end of “the limited time” and loses the battle. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The study of religious, ethical and religious beliefs in popular literature in Shahrbabak
        fatemeh riahi ata mohammad radmanesh Mahboubeh  Khorasani
        The moral and moral themes are part of folk literature, which represents the pure and pure faith of the public throughout history. The folk literature of each region is the heritage of the previous generations; it is rooted in the local and local traditions of that clim More
        The moral and moral themes are part of folk literature, which represents the pure and pure faith of the public throughout history. The folk literature of each region is the heritage of the previous generations; it is rooted in the local and local traditions of that climate, and the folk literature expresses the beliefs and customs of each region. Religious beliefs have a special place among the people of Shahrbabak and are evident in various forms in the literature and poetry of these people. The study of religious and ethical beliefs is one of the aspects of folk poetry that has been neglected. This article seeks to examine the religious and moral approach in the folk poetry of Shahrbabak and show that in addition to love and descriptiveness, the themes of belief are also seen in folk poems, and this may be the function of public art that has been able to Draw different themes together. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Mystical Spiritual Dangers in Poem Concepts in Brotherhood Poems
        Leila  Sayegani Habib  Jadidol-eslami Ghale No
        Undoubtedly, Mehdi Akhavan Saleh is one of the most important post-half-generation poets whose poems, according to most scholars of contemporary Iranian literature, are a poetic and artistic combination of the classical Persian poetry tradition and new poetry. Akhavan S More
        Undoubtedly, Mehdi Akhavan Saleh is one of the most important post-half-generation poets whose poems, according to most scholars of contemporary Iranian literature, are a poetic and artistic combination of the classical Persian poetry tradition and new poetry. Akhavan Saleh is a representative of a generation of poets who is committed to the community and its developments, and literally, his poetry enjoys particular ghana. In fact, he is a poet who cares both in literary form and in his poetry content. Hence, by understanding such features in his poetry, many have tried to discover and examine the dimensions of the Akhavan-Sale literature with new readings. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Identifying and Analyzing the Relationships of Successful Factors of Success with the Fuzzy Dematel Method, Case Study: Tehran Municipality Cultural and Cultural Organization
        hadi heidari gharehbolagh meysam ghaffari
        The critical success factors for any business are a limited number of areas where satisfactory results in those domains will ensure successful competitive performance for organizations. In fact, the critical success factors for each organization's bottleneck are achievi More
        The critical success factors for any business are a limited number of areas where satisfactory results in those domains will ensure successful competitive performance for organizations. In fact, the critical success factors for each organization's bottleneck are achieving strategic interests. Key strengths and merits and weaknesses in these areas are known as bottlenecks. In this paper, a method is proposed based on the theme analysis, in which the critical factors of the cultural and artistic organization of the municipality of Tehran as well as the critical factors of the success of the regions are identified and elaborated. Then, during the design of the performance management system of the Tehran Municipality's Cultural and Artistic Organization, and as a result, the need to design key performance indicators and results, critical success factors as sources for extracting these indicators were considered by the researchers of this management system. In the results obtained, the factors influencing the implementation of innovative and effective programs, the delineation of the mission and cultural goals of the organization, the human resources system and reward system, the recognition of the cultural and artistic needs of the people of Tehran, the effectiveness of internal elements, increasing the influence of people in the city of Tehran And satisfaction of the audience as the critical success factors of the cultural-artistic organization of the municipality of Tehran were identified. Finally, for the analysis of the relationships between the critical factors, the fuzzy dematel method was used. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Reflections of literary traditionalism in shafies poem
        yaghub noruzi javad khalili
        Reflections of literary traditionalism in shafies poem Shafies profound knowledge about iranian classic literature and his continuous investigation on this literature cause a vast influnce from convention.this influnce is abvious in two dimention:deep structure and sur More
        Reflections of literary traditionalism in shafies poem Shafies profound knowledge about iranian classic literature and his continuous investigation on this literature cause a vast influnce from convention.this influnce is abvious in two dimention:deep structure and surface stracture.we can see influnce in poetic languge : idioms ,words and terms and in poetic imagery.as well as in themes,content and poetic motifs clear influnce of conventions.shafiei in a more instancs bring a distich and semistich from classic iranian poets.in some case loan a words ,phrases and terms from themes and sometimes bring a them af classic poets in his poems.imagery is one of the other aspect that poet influnced by classic iranian poets.Our goal in this article is to examine all aspects of this impact and attention to the tradition. To this end, all of the items mentioned in Shafi'i poetry were investigated and illustrated by these influences and tendencies toward tradition Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Reflection on the content of the Holy Defense Poetry
        Yousef Karami CHemeh
        Abstract In every work of art, there are two components: form and content. This is also true poetry and studies-by the poetry, the two components will be given. Look at the history of Persian literature shows that poets also those that consider both the form and conten More
        Abstract In every work of art, there are two components: form and content. This is also true poetry and studies-by the poetry, the two components will be given. Look at the history of Persian literature shows that poets also those that consider both the form and content of his poetry and the other one to win it had gone down. In this study, overall vision and comprehensive content of the imposed war is studied. What was at first a kind of poetry known as the Sacred Defense poetry, concept and content of the poem was similar. The author uses library resources and content analysis has tried to unsubscribe and similar roots in the lyrical content is determined war. The most important themes and concepts presented in Sacred Defense poetry, martyrs and martyrdom in Karbala event and the culture of Ashura, hope for the future and expect the Messiah, patriotism, ranting and epics, appealed to the decline of values, and so on. The themes in the teachings Iranian poets - have taken advantage of Islamic and indeed a large part of the content of Sacred Defense poetry, ritual. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - New research on the effects of the Quranic verses On the HAMIDI MGHAMAT
        Ahmad Khajehim ریحانه صادقی
        HAMIDI MGHAMAT is one of the valuable books of technical prose in Persian literature that Judge Hamid al-Din (d. 559) has devoted his extensive knowledge to various fields. This text was adorned by the late professor and researcher of Dr. Anabzinejad correcting and addi More
        HAMIDI MGHAMAT is one of the valuable books of technical prose in Persian literature that Judge Hamid al-Din (d. 559) has devoted his extensive knowledge to various fields. This text was adorned by the late professor and researcher of Dr. Anabzinejad correcting and adding suspensions to the ornament and is now one of the most authoritative manuscripts cited and available to scholars, professors and academics. The present study attempts to analyze the text of the authorities in a descriptive and analytical way to express different reflections of verses and themes of the Holy Quran which have not been mentioned in any source. The results of the study show that the verses of the verse are based on the verses in the direct application of the verses as well as the use of the content and content of the verses, the combination of several verses to convey their message and even the use of the structural style of the Holy Quran Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Content Analysis of Cloudy Years Novel
        maryam mohammadzadeh jamileh khaknejad
        Due to this fact that content analysis is the process of evaluating the literary works from two perspectives of theme and topic; in this study, we analyzed the content of the “Cloudy Years” novel in order to introduce Iranian fictional literature, that its numerous dim More
        Due to this fact that content analysis is the process of evaluating the literary works from two perspectives of theme and topic; in this study, we analyzed the content of the “Cloudy Years” novel in order to introduce Iranian fictional literature, that its numerous dimensions are still unclear. Findings show that the socialism and belief in social commitment as the primary function of art and literature have led Ali Ashraf Darvishian -contemporary popular and committed author- to follow them in most of his works in order to consider the meaning related contents and contexts in his stories that. The main subject of cloudy years is political struggle and in terms of the theme it can be investigated from several political, social and historical aspects. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Role-Playing mechanisms of NGOs in public policy making in Iran
        Hadi Lotfi Karamollah Daneshfard Morteza Mousakhani
        Background and Aim: One of the most important public policy actors that have an increasing role in our society and other societies that are moving towards democracy are non-governmental organizations. This study aims to explain the role-playing mechanisms of non-governm More
        Background and Aim: One of the most important public policy actors that have an increasing role in our society and other societies that are moving towards democracy are non-governmental organizations. This study aims to explain the role-playing mechanisms of non-governmental organizations in the Iranian public policy-making process. Method: After reviewing the theoretical and research background in the exploratory phase, the theoretical model of the research was developed and after in-depth interviews with experts in policy-making and engineering system, open and axial data coding with maxqda software and with The Corbin Strauss model was used using the theme analysis method. The resulting model was then tested and validated with a questionnaire among the members of the board of directors of the engineering system of the provinces by structural equation modeling and smart-pls software. Results: The results of the study led to the identification of 57 sub-categories in 5 categories: causal conditions, intervening factors, environmental and political conditions, strategy and outcome. Results: Changing the approach of society and the main actors of the policy (government and parliament) to civil society and the role of the NGOs along with adopting the right strategy on both sides and also strengthening the structure and process of the NGOs can provide the basis for improving this role Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Identify factors affecting the success of pension funds (using the technique of content analysis)
        Mohammad kashi mohsen rasoulian
        One of the main concerns and future threats to the economies of developing countries is the performance of pension funds. Today, pension funds are considered by policymakers in the public sector as a good choice for implementing economic programs. Therefore, this study More
        One of the main concerns and future threats to the economies of developing countries is the performance of pension funds. Today, pension funds are considered by policymakers in the public sector as a good choice for implementing economic programs. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the factors affecting the success of pension funds. The research method is applied in terms of purpose, which due to the complexity in identifying and extracting the desired components, the qualitative-content analysis method has been used. The study population includes university professors, experts and pension fund managers who were selected to collect information through a semi-structured interview method, which was selected through the available sampling method. Data analysis showed that after ten interviews, categories were formed and reached theoretical saturation. The main achievement of this research is identifying 19 effective factors in 4 main management groups; Technical and specialized; It is external and economic. If these factors are taken into consideration in the formulation of policies and policies of the country, the disruption in the national economy and its dependence can be reduced and controlled by the planned programs. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Identifying The Faculty Development Based On Entrepreneurship ‎ ‎(Case study: Payame Noor University, Hormozgan Province)‎
        Yusef Mahmoodi khamiripoor Nadergholi GHourchian mohamadnoor rahmani
        Faculty development based on entrepreneurship can lead to the evolution and ‎promotion of educational and research areas in according to entrepreneurial goals, and ‎then it can be expected that the output of these developments, researchers and ‎innovative students, whic More
        Faculty development based on entrepreneurship can lead to the evolution and ‎promotion of educational and research areas in according to entrepreneurial goals, and ‎then it can be expected that the output of these developments, researchers and ‎innovative students, which defines the power, the problem. And provide creative ‎solutions for business and industry goals and continuous quality development in ‎various activities and missions of the university. Faculty development based on ‎entrepreneurship approach is an attempt by the academic system to reform the ‎knowledge, attitude and skills of professors in the form of training, retraining, study ‎opportunities, scholarships and in according to entrepreneurial goals. To succeed in ‎advancing the process of Faculty development based on entrepreneurship to optimal ‎policy, a set of key factors should be identified. In this article, the researcher uses the ‎analysis of the theme to identify the factors affecting the Faculty development based ‎on entrepreneurship at the University of Hormozgan province. For this purpose, with ‎interviews conducted with expert people in this field.71 basic themes, along with 25 ‎organized themes, were identified based on the deduction of the researcher in 5 ‎inclusive dimensions including individual development, organizational development, ‎Educational development and professional development were categorized and ‎eventually resulted in scientific and operational suggestions.‎ Manuscript profile
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        19 - An Introduction and review of a manuscript of Divan of Darki-ye qomi with an emphasis on poetic forms
        MohammadReza Masoumi
        One of the poets belonging to the Indian School of Persian poetry in the 17th and 18th centuries is Molla Mohammad Amin Darki-ye qomi. Biographers have reported on him as a poet with lots of verses including some 20 to 30 thousand couplets. A manuscript copy of his Diva More
        One of the poets belonging to the Indian School of Persian poetry in the 17th and 18th centuries is Molla Mohammad Amin Darki-ye qomi. Biographers have reported on him as a poet with lots of verses including some 20 to 30 thousand couplets. A manuscript copy of his Divan is kept with Malek National Library, registered under No. 5146. The present study, as a descriptive-analytical research, was conducted following a correction of the poet's Divan and dealt with introducing and reviewing the said-above manuscript. The findings indicate that the manuscript in question included some 6300 couplets of Darki-ye qomi's Divan in such poetic forms as Qasideh(ode), Qet'eh(fragment), Ghazal(sonnet), Masnavi(couplet-poem), Tarji'band and Tarkibband(refrain). Darki has versified admirations of great figures and religious personalities into Qasidehs, chronograms into Qet'ehs, lyric themes into Ghazals, and Saghinameh into Tarji'bands. He was a creative poet in terms of imagination and theme generation with a moderate and fluent style. A typical characteristic of Darki-ye qomi's poems is the repetition of rhymes and a high probability of employing radifs. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Identifying Goals of Strategic Alliances Case: Medical Tourism Businesses in Iran
        Ali Asghar Shalbafian Hashem   Aghazadeh hamid Reza Zargham Broujeni Ali  Heidari
        Strategic alliances stand among the most prominent collaborations between businesses. In service businesses such as tourism, due to heterogeneity in key elements, dominance of SMEs and high sensitivity of the industry regarding the environmental changes, strategic allia More
        Strategic alliances stand among the most prominent collaborations between businesses. In service businesses such as tourism, due to heterogeneity in key elements, dominance of SMEs and high sensitivity of the industry regarding the environmental changes, strategic alliances experienced more referrals. There seems to be no comprehensive study on how strategic alliances form in niche areas of tourism, like medical tourism, in Iran. This study focused on identifying the formation of strategic alliances among Iranian medical tourism businesses. Using snowball sampling, 17 experts in medical tourism were selected. Through semi-structured interviews, the data was gathered, and it was analyzed with MAXQDA10 software using theme analysis. Results showed that the goals behind the formation of medical tourism businesses could be categorized in eight key themes: 1) lifting legal barriers; 2) the contingencies of industry; 3) personal interests; 4) organizational goals; 5) customer-related goals; 6) strategic goals; 7) economic goals; 8) securing national interests. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Introducing Mentoring Model By Improving Human Resources Practices Approach, (Case Study: National Iranian South Oilfields Company)
        Ali Ghasemi Ghasemvand Vahid Chenari Mehrdad  Hamrahi aliakbar ahmadi
        The purpose of this research is introducing mentoring model by improving Human Resources Practices approach in National Iranian South Oilfields Company. This research is done according to qualitative and quantitative approach (Mixed method). In qualitative step finding More
        The purpose of this research is introducing mentoring model by improving Human Resources Practices approach in National Iranian South Oilfields Company. This research is done according to qualitative and quantitative approach (Mixed method). In qualitative step finding necessary factors and bases for model were done by use of interview with 11 people of experts that were chosen by use of snowball sampling method and theme analysis was used and this research is an exploratory research. To survey the validation of the research qualitative data gathering tool expert`s opinions were used and to survey the reliability of the theme analysis findings Kappa Index was used and 96 initial codes in the form of 12 themes and in fact necessary bases for designing model were found that consists of: organizational relationships, mentoring assessment, organizational education, organizational commitment, personnel empowerment, organizational chart, organizational factors, knowledge management, career path management, human resources management, organizational performance results and mentor`s individual characteristics. In quantitative step for model validation Structural Equations were used. In this research by use of stratified random sampling and according to Cochran formula, out of 105 people in the statistical population, the number of sample should be 83 people that 100 questionnaires were distributed for precaution. Research model according to qualitative analysis findings and results of Structural Equations and according to finding necessary bases for implementation of mentoring and by use of Partial Minimum Square Technique was examined and finally mentoring model by improving Haman Resource Practices Approach and suggestions for creating the necessary conditions and context for the implementation of mentoring were introduced. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Comparative Analysis of Quran Verses and Hadith in the Books Golestan and Marzban nameh Written by Sa’di
          Elham Moeinian
        Narrative verses of the Holy Quran have always been a source of inspiration for Persian Muslim literates and poets and have benefited from the vast sea of Quran knowledge according to their literary works, their cognizance and insight. Sa’di Shirazi and Sa’d-al-din Vara More
        Narrative verses of the Holy Quran have always been a source of inspiration for Persian Muslim literates and poets and have benefited from the vast sea of Quran knowledge according to their literary works, their cognizance and insight. Sa’di Shirazi and Sa’d-al-din Varavini have used precious concepts of the divine word in their works and have used the verses of Quran as a gem to adorn their sweet sayings, so that by recalling the prophetic hadith, divine verses and stories, the reader will be guided to understand the Ethics and humane values, and will be encouraged do the good deeds. Marzban nameh and Golestan are of the most important works of Persian literature in the type of technical prose in the Sixth and Seventh century and since one of the important features of the prose of this period is the use of Quran verses and hadiths, this study by using descriptive- comparative method, investigates the frequency of Quran verses and hadiths applied in these two books; besides it presents various examples of verses, hadiths, Quranic themes and Arabic quotations and statements, and also studies the ways by which these verses and hadiths are shown in these two books. One of the results of this study shows that Sa’di and Varavini have been successful in integrating Arabic themes and statements with Persian prose Manuscript profile
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        23 - Identifying and prioritizing the drivers of entrepreneurship Devalopment in the Sports Industry using the OPA technique
        Ali Alvandi maryam rahmaty sayyad emad hosseini
        Sports entrepreneurship is one of the types of entrepreneurship that has many direct and indirect economic effects on society. Over the past few years, the world of sports has witnessed changes in sports economic policies, which has highlighted the need for the sports i More
        Sports entrepreneurship is one of the types of entrepreneurship that has many direct and indirect economic effects on society. Over the past few years, the world of sports has witnessed changes in sports economic policies, which has highlighted the need for the sports industry to reduce its dependence on government budgets. In this regard, the present study was conducted with the aim of Identifying and prioritizing the drivers of sports entrepreneurship development of sports entrepreneurship in professional clubs of the Premier Football League. This study is a mixed exploratory research that has been presented in the qualitative section using the Theme analysis technique and based on semi-structured interviews with 20 experts; in the quantitative part, then in the quantitative part, in order to prioritize the components of sports entrepreneurship, OPA technique and Lingo software were used. Accordingly, "advertising through the media, online sales, private stadiums, construction of sports complexes, talent development and grassroots teams, construction of non-sports complexes, fans, deputize, making a football documentary; and veterans" were ranked one to ten, respectively. Findings of this study can help the managers of Iranian Premier League clubs to solve the economic problems of the clubs by providing the ground for entrepreneurship development among the clubs of the Premier Football League, in addition to providing various solutions for creating entrepreneurship. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        24 - Model of capacity building for the development of professional ethics in organizations active in the public sector
        Gholamreza  memarzadeh Tehran Amir masoud Natanzi karamolah Daneshfard Nazanin Pilevari
        One of the concerns of effective managers at different levels is how to create suitable platforms for human factors working in all professions so that they deal with their professional issues with a sense of responsibility and commitment and observe the ethical principl More
        One of the concerns of effective managers at different levels is how to create suitable platforms for human factors working in all professions so that they deal with their professional issues with a sense of responsibility and commitment and observe the ethical principles governing their jobs and professions. The traditional concept of 3E (Economy, efficiency and effectiveness) in government management was changed to 4E and the ethical aspect of the activities of government employees was also added. Professional ethics is one of the basic issues of all human societies. Currently, unfortunately, in our society, less attention is paid to professional ethics in the work environment. In this study, "absorption and acceptance of professional ethics," "problem solving experience in professional ethics," and "professional ethics policy-making" were the components of the conceptual research model describing the development of professional ethics in the public sector. To reach the research objectives, 312 questionnaires were distributed, and the research sample encompassed 300 academic experts, professionals of state organizations involved in public sector services, especially the municipality, and professors and students in the fields of educational sciences, public administration, and educational management, who were selected using non-random purposive (Judgment) sampling and snowball sampling methods. According to the research results, the model of professional ethics development in the public sector consists of the following variables: "Professional ethics policy-making," "absorption and acceptance of professional ethics," " problem solving experience in professional ethics," Manuscript profile