Open Access Article
1 - A Study On Visual Cryptography and Providing a Proposed Method for Color Images Cryptography
shahriyar mohammadi نغمه محمدی -
Open Access Article
2 - Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Asmari Formation in southern flank of Mish anticline (Tang-e-Ganaveh)
Farzad Moradi Abbas Sadeghi Hasan Amiri Bakhtiar -
Open Access Article
3 - A Survey to ‘the Letter by Saint Paul to the Writers’ (A manifesto Issued by Jalal Al Ahamad)
mohammadreza movahedi -
Open Access Article
4 - A Research on Hayati Gilani's "Mathnavi-e Soleiman va Belqeis" and Contrasting it with some Books on History, (Quran) Interpretation and the Stories about the Prophets, accompanied by the poet's biography
یوسف اسماعیلزاده سیّد مهدی نوریان علی اصغر بابا صفری -
Open Access Article
5 - Theoretical Explanation of “Soft Power” based on Ultra-“Nye” approach in Applying “Immaterial Resources of Power” in Foreign Policy1
asghar keivan Hosseiny راحله جمعهزاده -
Open Access Article
6 - Transition to democracy and Ethnic Conflict’s Raising and Failing
Ahmad -
Open Access Article
7 - A New Recursive Algorithm for Universal Coding of Integers
Mehdi Nangir Hamid Behroozi Mohammad Reza Aref -
Open Access Article
8 - Self-Organization Map (SOM) Algorithm for DDoS Attack Detection in Distributed Software Defined Network (D-SDN)
Mohsen Rafiee Alireza shirmarz -
Open Access Article
9 - Recognition of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Based on Electroencephalographic Signals Using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
Sara Motamed Elham Askari -
Open Access Article
10 - Pathology of retaining factors of professional staff with organizational ethics approach in National Oil Company
gholamreza amjadi Karamolah Daneshfard Amir Hossein Mohammad Davoudi -
Open Access Article
11 - Designing an ethical model for human resource development for Public Agencies
Vahid Hajilo Gholamreza Memarzadeh Mahmood Alborzi -
Open Access Article
12 - (The Ontological Foundations of man's Intervening stage in Islamic filasafy and Mysticism (‘Irfān
zhuir al-jashhi Ahmad saeidi مهدی ایمانی مقدم -
Open Access Article
13 - Study of the Function of Taking into Account Tanzil (Revelation) in the Maarej Al-Tafakor va Daghyegh Al-Tadabor
مصطفی عطار آبکناری mohammad ali ayazi kazem gazizadeh -
Open Access Article
14 - Incompleteness of Heidegger’s Interpretation of Platonic Truth: A Critical Review of Plato’s Doctrine of Truth
Said Binayemotlagh seyyed Majid Kamali -
Open Access Article
15 - Ibn Arabi and Divine Wisdom on the Word “Adam”: A Study of a Comprehensive Image of Adam in Fusus al-Hikam
Masood Ahmadi Afzadi Nawab Moqarrabi -
Open Access Article
16 - Neural Control of the Induction Motor Drive: Robust Against Rotor and Stator Resistances Variations and Suitable for Very Low and High Speeds
H. Moayedi Rad M. A. Shamsi-Nejad mohsen Farshad -
Open Access Article
17 - Simulation of Pyramidal Cells Firing Types and Adjustment of Their Characteristics by Means of Transient Potassium Currents
Z. Daneshparvar M. R. Daliri -
Open Access Article
18 - Designing a Self-Tuning Frequency Controller Based on ANNs for an Isolated Microgrid
F. Habibi H. Bevrani J. Moshtag -
Open Access Article
19 - Electrical Islanding Detection in Electrical Distribution Networks with Distributed Generation Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Network
M. Heidari Orejloo S. Gh. Seifossadat M. Razaz -
Open Access Article
20 - Evaluation of Fuzzy-Vault-based Key Agreement Schemes in Wireless Body Area Networks Using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process
M. Ebrahimi H. R. Ahmadi M. Abbasnejad Ara -
Open Access Article
21 - Application of Wide-Area Synchrophasor Measurement System to Alleviate Blackouts by Rotor Angle Instability
S. Kiarostami S. Kiarostami -
Open Access Article
22 - SAHAR: An Architecture to Strengthen the Control Plane of the Software-Defined Network Against Denial of Service Attacks
mehran shetabi Ahmad Akbari -
Open Access Article
23 - DRSS-Based Localization Using Convex Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks
Hassan Nazari M. R. Danaee M. Sepahvand -
Open Access Article
24 - Semi-Supervised Self-Training Classification Based on Neighborhood Construction
mona emadi jafar tanha Mohammadebrahim Shiri Mehdi Hosseinzadeh Aghdam -
Open Access Article
25 - Breast Cancer Classification Approaches - A Comparative Analysis
Mohan Kumar Sunil Kumar Khatri Masoud Mohammadian -
Open Access Article
26 - Application of Artificial Intelligence during History matching in One of fractured oil Reservoirs
ناصر اخلاقی ریاض خراط صدیقه مهدوی -
Open Access Article
27 - Application of Artificial Intelligence during History matching in One of fractured oil Reservoirs
ناصر اخلاقی Reyaz kharata Sedigheh Mahdavi -
Open Access Article
28 - Qom Formation, Microfacies, Depositional sequence, Maragh area.
Amrolah Safari Hossein Ghanbarloo Ebrahim Mohammadi -
Open Access Article
29 - An Investigation of Foundations of Quran’s Reference Status in Critique of Hadiths Based on Seerah of the Infallible (AS)
Ahmad jamali mohammad kazem rahman setaiesh -
Open Access Article
30 - The Role of Religious Beliefs of Khwajah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī in his Association with and Dissociation from the Ismā‘īlīs
Seyyed Mohsen Hosseini Einullah Khademi Hoorieh Shojaee Baghini Mohammad Vahid Samimi -
Open Access Article
31 - Dynamic Load Balancing Improvement in Software-Defined Networks Using Fuzzy Multi-Objective Programming Algorithms
Mohammadreza Forghani Mohammadreza Soltanaghaei koupaei Farsad Zamani Boroujeni -
Open Access Article
32 - Analysis of the sonnet "Chehrey-e Aftab Penhan ast (The face of the sun is hidden)" by Hossein Monzavi based on the semiotic approach of "Michael Riffaterre" poem
fahimeh shafiee Hengameh Ashoori -
Open Access Article
33 - Presenting a model for managing organizational trust in order to improve productivity and social accountability (Study case: Foundation of the Weakened of the Islamic Revolution)
Mohammad Reza Haji anzehaei Mehdi Irannejad Parizi Reza Najafbagy -
Open Access Article
34 - Global record of oceanic anoxic event in the carbonates of the Daryian Formation in the northern High Zagros, Zargran mountain (Gadvan)
Mazaher Yavari M. Yazdi Hormoz Ghalavand Mohammad Hossein Adabi -
Open Access Article
35 - Covert Communication Using Jointly Spread Spectrum and Artificial Noise
Morteza Shafiee Neyestanak Iman Kazemi -
Open Access Article
36 - An Intrusion Detection System based on Deep Learning for CAN Bus
Fatemeh Asghariyan Mohsen Raji -
Open Access Article
37 - developments of proof of the truthful (Burhān-i ṣiddīqīn) in Ashʿarite philosophical theology
Hamid Ataei Nazari -
Open Access Article
38 - Message Extraction for 9th Pulse Standard of eLoran Navigation System
Mehri Lotfalizade Morteza Shafiee Neyestanak Mohammad Bagher Nezafati -
Open Access Article
39 - Application of Sporomorph EcoGroups (SEGs) and parent plants of miospores in palaeoenvironmental recontruction of the Qadir Member (Nayband Formation), south of Tabas
Firoozeh Hashemi Yazdi F. Sajjadi Hezaveh Narges Sadat Mirpoor Shah Abolghasemi Zahra Mohammadi Manesh Mohsen Allameh -
Open Access Article
40 - Enhancing Speaker Identification System Based on MFCC Feature Extraction and Gated Recurrent Unit Network
M. Sharif-Noughabi S. M. Razavi M. Taghipour-gorjikolaie