Study of the Function of Taking into Account Tanzil (Revelation) in the Maarej Al-Tafakor va Daghyegh Al-Tadabor
Subject Areas : Islamic theology
مصطفی عطار آبکناری
mohammad ali ayazi
kazem gazizadeh
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4 - Tarbiat Modares University
Keywords: Analysis, Function, Tanzil (Revelation), Maarej Al-Tafakor va Daghyegh Al-Tadabor.,
Abstract :
Abdulrahman Hanbakah Meidani is a Suni Quran commentator who has interpreted Quranic Surahs in accordance with their order of revelation in his work entitled “Maarej Al-Tafakor va Daghyegh Al-Tadabor”. Researchers conducted on the above book show some discussions addressing the issue of the order of revelation in his interpretations methods. The current paper analyzes the examples following the introduction to the foundations and methods. The discussion seeks to explain the accuracy and validity of this method of interpretation. In addition, the current paper is new in addressing the issue of field study methods and foundation based on the order of revelation applied in the book Maarej Al-Tafakor va Daghyegh Al-Tadabor. Having analyzed the foundation of interpretation it was concluded that in most instances better understanding would be achieved in the absence of attention to the order of revelation in the foundations and methods of the order of revelation and taking into account the order of revelation (Tanzil) is not much required.
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