• List of Articles death

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The Concept of Death in view of “Qeysar Aminpour” in his First Poesy
        مهدی  فیروزیان نسیم  عظیمی‌پور
        Qeysar Aminpour (1960- 2007) is one of the famous representatives of Revolution and Resistance Literature. In the first poesy of Qesar Aminpour (poems of two books named Morning Breath and Sudden Mirrors) which are composed during war years, death and its different mani More
        Qeysar Aminpour (1960- 2007) is one of the famous representatives of Revolution and Resistance Literature. In the first poesy of Qesar Aminpour (poems of two books named Morning Breath and Sudden Mirrors) which are composed during war years, death and its different manifests are the most brilliant concepts in his poetry. He did not mention to natural death in this period and views war-caused deaths from two viewpoints: 1- people viewpoint: death is a disastrous event for innocent children and women and it has an abominable face which shows the brutality of enemy and the obscenity of war; 2- combatants’ viewpoint: death, i.e. martyrdom, has a sublime value and poet always tries to produce a beautiful manifest of death. After clarifying these mentioned viewpoints, we tried, in two sections of Martyrdom and Martyr, to introduce artistic methods of Qeysar Aminpour in dealing with Concept of Death from second viewpoint (Martyrdom) through Metaphor, Simile and Symbol- with mentioning to artistic beauties of his poetry- and finally we decoded some other of his poets based on these data and knowing his literary method and thinking system. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Review and Analysis of “Hiss” Novel Focusing on Post-modern Existential Components
          غلامحسین  ملّازاده
        Increasing evolutions, constant change in attitudes and emergence of various literary theories in this constant renewing world has affected story literature too and caused story writers – sometimes unaware and sometimes with awareness coming from a new self-consciousnes More
        Increasing evolutions, constant change in attitudes and emergence of various literary theories in this constant renewing world has affected story literature too and caused story writers – sometimes unaware and sometimes with awareness coming from a new self-consciousness - to make their stories compatible with the condition of new world, by missing out fixed principle. Since applying the narrative method of “Death of Author” in Hiss Novel by Muhammad Reza Kateb is unforgettable in comparison with other main features of Post-modern work, this made the work to have necessary and appropriate capacities for this type of special postmodern reading. Authors of this article, using library and descriptive-analytic method, attempt to show that Hiss author, along with other postmodern techniques, uses this technique particularly with brilliant varieties and differences, and by so doing he could have introduced a masterpiece into the literary community. Kateb uses Death of Author intentionally in various forms and in different parts of this novel; he also produced suitable spaces for readers to enter into the story text along with freedom of action for story characters so that republicity of voices are clearer in his work. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Sadeq Hedayat’s Death Awareness: Psychological or Philosophical attitude?
        عليرضا  شاهيني
        Many critics believe that Hedayat drives characters of his fictions to death, and this is something arising from his death aware mentality and his pessimistic attitude to life. There are some problems with Critical studies of Hedayat’s stories. First, they see the works More
        Many critics believe that Hedayat drives characters of his fictions to death, and this is something arising from his death aware mentality and his pessimistic attitude to life. There are some problems with Critical studies of Hedayat’s stories. First, they see the works full of philosophical despair. Secondly, they treat the protagonists as mirroring the character of the author. However, delving in motives of Hedayat’s stories, one can be suspicious about philosophical treatment of death of the fictional characters. Hedayat is among the writers who have especial approach to reveal psychological aspects of the characters in narrative structure of his stories. According to Freud theory of instincts, human behavior was motivated by two biologically energized instincts, respectively termed Eros, the life instinct, and Thanatos, the death instinct. When the life instinct decays as a result of failure, the death instinct takes the place of it. The research tries to study the stories in this framework. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Three Views on Death in Persian Literature
        مرتضي  فلاح
        Death is the greatest incident in any person’s life and has constantly occupies man’s mind. In the written literary texts of Iran- both religious and non-religious; before and after Islam- most of the investigations and explorations and the concern of writers, poets an More
        Death is the greatest incident in any person’s life and has constantly occupies man’s mind. In the written literary texts of Iran- both religious and non-religious; before and after Islam- most of the investigations and explorations and the concern of writers, poets and scholars was on finding a way for escaping death or overcoming the terror derived from it. The first literary prose and poetic works seriously concerned about this topic are from the mid third century after Islam; where we can notice and see such historical concern. That is of course if we chose to dismiss the ancient Iranian literature and the initial myths and epics belonging to that period. With a brief overlook, the attempts of the Iranian Post-Islam poets and writers for overcoming death or reducing its concern and obsessions can be limited to three major ideas; first, those who have admired it and welcomed it warmly. Rumi is the greatest representative of this group. Second, those who have regarded death with hatred and for overcoming it have sought to overcome it by ‘having fun in the moment’ (Carpe Diem) intending to reduce the terror and fright of death. Khayam is the pioneer and complete representative of this group. The third group is composed of those who have had a realistic attitude towards death; they have viewed life and death as two sides of a coin, tried to utilize the blessings of this world and pay service to mankind; while at the same time have provided their required supply for this life and afterlife. These have neither sacrificed life for death nor have sacrificed death for life. Sa’adi is the greatest representative of this group. Manuscript profile
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        5 - The Mythical Foundation of the Conceptual Metaphor of Death in Rumi's Masnavi
        Alireza Shabanlu
        According to the Islamic mysticism, the death is the main path to the truth recognition and connection to it.Death frees the soul from the cage of the body and gives meaning to life and defines his/her purpose; Hence, death is the fruit of life.This kind of thought is a More
        According to the Islamic mysticism, the death is the main path to the truth recognition and connection to it.Death frees the soul from the cage of the body and gives meaning to life and defines his/her purpose; Hence, death is the fruit of life.This kind of thought is also in some myths. Rumi is one of the mystics who has used mythological ideas in drawing the image of death.The current paper explored the death metaphors in Rumi's Masnavi using the conceptual metaphor method and theory to figure out the relationship between Rumi's thought about death and mythical ideas as well as the role of mythical beliefs in defining the path of mystical conduct.We found that Rumi, like most mystics, has recognized and dealt (especially the death of immortality) in the context of the "journey back and up to the Principle / God / Truth" and through this, has opened the path of mystical conduct and has introduced death as a method of the truth recognition and mysticism attainment with shown its key role in the process of receiving divine knowledge and mystical conduct.The basis of this metaphor is the principle of the duality of soul and body in the belief in the duality of the ancient Iranians, which spread in the region of West Asia and North Africa and southern Europe until it emerged from Plato's "The theory of Forms". Manuscript profile
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        6 - A Comparative Study of Coma and General Anesthesia and Brain Death in Iran’s Jurisprudence and Law
        Morteza  Chitsazan Hamed  Hasaninia
        In this paper, we have first tried to define coma and then compare it with general anesthesia and brain death by resorting to the opinions of the jurists and latest medical findings. Unlike common belief, coma is not a disease; rather, it is a prolonged state of unconsc More
        In this paper, we have first tried to define coma and then compare it with general anesthesia and brain death by resorting to the opinions of the jurists and latest medical findings. Unlike common belief, coma is not a disease; rather, it is a prolonged state of unconsciousness that results from damage to the person’s brain. In this paper, we will investigate the nature of coma and compare and contrast it with similar states of unconsciousness in the science of jurisprudence and law. The most important outcome of this study and the aforesaid comparison and contrast will emerge in the answer to the following question: What state of life is “the person in coma” in? There is an in-depth relation between humans’ life and death on one side and jurisprudence and law on the other side, in the sense that some rules are only applicable to death and the dead person while on the contrary, there are rules that are applicable to the person as long as he is alive and become inapplicable with the passing away of the person. Therefore, a precise examination of the concepts of life and death will be inevitable toward realizing the purpose of this paper. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Intermediary Death from the View of the Holy Quran
        Nader  Mokhtari Efrakati Rezwaneh  Najafi Sawad Roodabadi
        We all clearly know the educational role of believing in the world after death and understanding its issues. Therefore, all divine religions discuss about resurrection after talking about monotheism. An issue related to the world after death is the intermediary world to More
        We all clearly know the educational role of believing in the world after death and understanding its issues. Therefore, all divine religions discuss about resurrection after talking about monotheism. An issue related to the world after death is the intermediary world to which men enter after meeting their determined death and experience a new life called intermediary life. The main question is whether all people of intermediary world re-experience death. Supposing that there is kind of death in intermediary world, do all creatures including men, angels and jinn experience it, or is a group immune from it? Contrary to most interpreters who deny death in intermediary world and exception of a group from such a death, the present paper analyzes the related Quranic verses, uses relevant hadiths, and tries to prove that in addition to this worldly death which is related to all creatures in the natural world, men and immaterial creatures such as angels experience death in the intermediary world, resurrect and depart toward the Resurrection, except a group of saints who are immune from the death in the intermediary world and its hardships. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Study of the position of resurrection in the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi by looking at the verses of the Holy Qur'an
        ali  zatali Mohammad Reza   Mohammad Reza  Qari
        The debate about the post-death world is one of the most important issues. Poets and writers have not neglected this subject in different periods of Persian literature and paid attention to it in their works. Among these poets, Ferdowsi is a prominent poet and epic poet More
        The debate about the post-death world is one of the most important issues. Poets and writers have not neglected this subject in different periods of Persian literature and paid attention to it in their works. Among these poets, Ferdowsi is a prominent poet and epic poet of Iran, who has paid attention to this issue in the place of Shahnameh. Although this valuable book has more mythological aspect and the sources used by the poet (mostly) of pre-Islamic oral stories, which have been transmitted from one generation to the next by chest to Ferdowsi and his followers , But since his poet, in addition to the aspects of storytelling and artistic creation, ... has considered the aspect of the torture and awareness of life in the world and then of the reader and the audience Prevents people from having friendship and heartfelt . He looks at the problem of death and the life of the future with a wise vision. Among the significant issues considered in the Shahnameh, and its speaker in ups and downs and happiness and failures, in wars and reconciliations, and ... has addressed it And this research is intended to investigate and address it. The discussion of human death and the certainty of the world after death (resurrection of thought) is in the eyes of the author of Shahnameh and its adaptation to the verses of the Qur'an. This research was conducted in a library study method and descriptive analytical method. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Study of the nature of death and the goals of praising death in Molana's view
        Manouchehr  Kamari  
        The nature is a term that refers to the essence and nature of the objects and phenomena of the universe and accordingly, the meaning of the nature of death, is its truth. Death in public use means the inexistence of this universe and the end of life. But writers and sc More
        The nature is a term that refers to the essence and nature of the objects and phenomena of the universe and accordingly, the meaning of the nature of death, is its truth. Death in public use means the inexistence of this universe and the end of life. But writers and scholars in different domains of thought, especially in the domain of mysticism and Sufism, have, from their point of view, explained the nature and concept of death, based on their attitude of the post-death world. In addition,Molana has a significant position in the field of poetry and mysticism. The praise of death and the conceptual relationship between the nature of death and life in his intellectual geometry with another form, been specially considered by him. He is not the first and the last person to strive to explain the nature of his death and praise. But praising the death with passion-centered and foreignization of its nature and its image, in addition to emphasizing the meaningful hidden attractions in the philosophy of life in the form of artistic imaginings, has a high and unparalleled frequency in his works. In this essay we have tried through precision and research in his perspective and based on his valuable works, especially the valuable book of Mathnawi, the nature of death, the goals and motives of praise of death and the story of his passion for dealing with this mysterious incident in addition to enumerate his sources of thought in this field, We will analyze and research. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Looking at what death is and how to deal with it inhazin Lahiji's poetry
        zohreh arab Abol-Ghasem  Amir-Ahmadi Ali  Eshghi Sardehi
        Thinking about death is a subject whose life span is as long as the history of human life; Almost no human being can be found who has not thought about death for hours in his or her life, and perhaps it can be said that few people, like poets and philosophers, have the More
        Thinking about death is a subject whose life span is as long as the history of human life; Almost no human being can be found who has not thought about death for hours in his or her life, and perhaps it can be said that few people, like poets and philosophers, have the opportunity to express their views and feelings about death and their words Make history memorable. The poet, however, has a special place in this due to his artistic point of view; For this reason, in this article, Lahiji's sad thoughts and feelings about death were evaluated. In this article, using a descriptive-analytical method, he intends to critique and analyze nostalgia in his poems by examining and exploring Lahiji's sad life. Tired, the companion of loneliness and homelessness, is portrayed with a wealth of experiences of displacement and suffering caused by civil wars and so on. Manuscript profile
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        11 - The Mediating Role of Resilient in Relationship between Death Anxiety and General Health in Iraqi Immigrant Adolescents are Affected with ISIS War
        Mansoureh Haj Hosseini Zhakaw Salim Ahmed Javad Ejei Zahra Naghsh
        The purpose of the current study was to investigate the mediating role of resilience in the relationship between death anxiety and general health. The method of this study was descriptive and in the framework of correlation of study of the path analysis. The populatio More
        The purpose of the current study was to investigate the mediating role of resilience in the relationship between death anxiety and general health. The method of this study was descriptive and in the framework of correlation of study of the path analysis. The population was all adolescents aged 14 to 18 year olds living in Iraqi-ISIS war refugee camps located in the Dibegh Erbil district of Kurdistan, Iraq in 2017, (520, N) and were selected by simple random sampling and 219 adolescents were selected. The participants responded to the Death Anxiety Scale (Templer, 1970), General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28) (Goldberg and Hiller, 1979), and Resilience Scale (Connor and Davidson 1979-1991). The data was analysed through a path analysis correlation. Results confirmed the negative relationship between EA and resilience, showing the favorable fit of the pattern of the relationship between death anxiety and general health anxiety and the mediating role of resilience among them. According to the results, due to resilience, death anxiety of adolescents affected by war can be reduced and steps can be taken in improving their general health. Manuscript profile
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        12 - A Comparative Study of Khayyami's ThoughtsIn the poems of Mohammad Reza Shafiei Kadkani and Abdul Wahab al-Bayati
        ahmad Reza  Nazari charvadeh masomeh nazaricharodeh
        : Hakim Omar Khayyam mathematicians, astronomers and poets called Iran Seljuk period. Although the scientific base Khayyam literary position is superior, But his reputation further by writing quatrains that in today's global reputation. Rubaiyat have been translated in More
        : Hakim Omar Khayyam mathematicians, astronomers and poets called Iran Seljuk period. Although the scientific base Khayyam literary position is superior, But his reputation further by writing quatrains that in today's global reputation. Rubaiyat have been translated into many languages, living And an English translation by Edward Fitzgerald in 1859 AD. Has brought her fame in the West. Rubaiyat impact on world literature, he has become a symbol of the philosophy of the East and poet intellectuals popular. Although exact numbers are not known Rubaiyat today, but the influence of Persian poetry of Khayyam was so profound that researchers called the situation "the idea Khayyami" trend. Khayyam thought that themes like Seizing the opportunity, Khvshbashy and Randy philosophical astonishment and perplexity to the mystery of existence, emphasizing the short and the passing of time and regret it, and will take refuge in forgetfulness Badە in contemporary Persian poetry and Arabic is clear. In the present study, the philosophical ideas in poetry Abdul Wahhab al-Bayati, love poet Omar Khayyam, look, it's the thought of Khayyam's poetry Mohammad Reza Shafi'i Kadkani that in terms of similarities and a lot to do with al-Bayati, have been compared. The results of this study the comparative approach and interpret the content of the poet's works have been carried out show that Khayyam is less than the depth of thought, both poet and understanding of the thinking of the philosophical al-Bayati Shafi'I preferred kadkani. Manuscript profile
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        13 - The Belief in the Other World in Pre-Historic Iran (A Philosophical Analysis based on Archeological Proofs)
        Atousa  Moemeni
        Following the growth of human sciences, archeology, as one of the materialist and spiritual branches of human sciences, has recently been seeking to learn about the quality of the formation, continuity, and change of early societies. It has been doing so on the basis of More
        Following the growth of human sciences, archeology, as one of the materialist and spiritual branches of human sciences, has recently been seeking to learn about the quality of the formation, continuity, and change of early societies. It has been doing so on the basis of tangible and intangible proofs and through investigating the development of thoughts, cultures, traditions, and beliefs of such societies. Moreover, archeologists aim to perceive this process of change and development alongside rational and logical findings in relation to human worldviews as an everlasting treasure which has lingered since pre-history until now. Death and its life-related and ontological dimensions in different cultures and societies have always been among the most fundamental problems attracting the attention of human beings all over the world. In fact, humans are essentially living beings who are always thinking about death and have continually kept their connection with this concept in the course of history. Archeological proofs represent the most tangible legacy of death-related thoughts and demonstrate people’s attention and sensitivity to death, which are themselves rooted in their philosophy of the other world. In the present paper, the author has tried to deal with the philosophy of death and Man’s thanatoptic nature during the second and first millennia BC based on some archeological diggings in an Iron Age cemetery (which represents a specific age and a region with a rich ancient history and culture). She has also sought to particularly study burial traditions and their changes along with their underlying ideological foundations. In this way, with references to certain archeological studies and discovered artifacts in field excavations, the author hopes to shed some light on Man’s awareness of death and their beliefs in relation to the world after death and analyze the transfer of such thoughts and all their evolving dimensions to the next generations based on rational and logical principles. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Ontological Analysis of Different Types of Resurrection and their Relationship with Death in the View of Sayyid Ḥaydar Āmulī
        Fatemeh Kookaram Abdullah Salavati Einollah Khademi
        Resurrection commonly refers to objective resurrection, the details of which have been explained in divine religions. However, some gnostics such as Sayyid Ḥaydar Āmulī have presented and elucidated different types of resurrection based on spiritual and subjective inter More
        Resurrection commonly refers to objective resurrection, the details of which have been explained in divine religions. However, some gnostics such as Sayyid Ḥaydar Āmulī have presented and elucidated different types of resurrection based on spiritual and subjective interpretations of this concept. He refers to some resurrections which are mostly connected with voluntary death. This study mainly focuses on the question of what the relationships between death and different types of resurrection are. The findings of the investigation indicate that Sayyid Ḥaydar Āmulī divides resurrection into objective and subjective types and then divides each into two formal and spiritual categories. Later he classifies each formal and spiritual form into minor, middle, and major types and; hence, refers to 12 types of resurrection. In other, words, in his view, resurrection is of various types, most of which are related to voluntary death. He maintains that Man should die a voluntary death in order to witness different forms of resurrection. The findings of this study also show that the death Āmulī discusses leads to Man’s continuity; frees them from the limits of this-worldly life; expands their worldview; opens new horizons before them, and grants depth to their life, their selves, and their insight. A human being who does not seek a voluntary death and lives a worldly life is, in a sense, a dwarf or insignificant person. Manuscript profile
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        15 - An Analysis of Ibn Sina’s View Regarding the Relationship between the Body, Death, and Otherworldly Life
        Furugh al-Sadat  Rahimpoor Zahra Heidary Heidary
        There is no doubt about the co-existence of the body and the soul in worldly life. However, there are some debates on the accompaniment of worldly body and the soul in other worldly life. Based on Ibn Sina’s principles, worldly life cannot have an otherworldly life; how More
        There is no doubt about the co-existence of the body and the soul in worldly life. However, there are some debates on the accompaniment of worldly body and the soul in other worldly life. Based on Ibn Sina’s principles, worldly life cannot have an otherworldly life; however, some effects of the worldly life of the body stay with the soul until eternity and affect Man’s otherworldly and eternal life. In Ibn Sina’s view, the body plays an essential role in the occurrence of death. This is because its change and annihilation are the reasons behind the separation of the soul from the body and, as a result, the end of worldly life. Upon the beginning of the otherworldly stage of life, the unity of the soul with the material body is ruptured; however, the effects of some of the worldly acts and behaviors of the body are not destroyed and, rather, affect the quality of the final destiny of human beings and their lives in some way. The actualization of complete connection with the Active Intellect, which becomes possible through overcoming all physical barriers and limitations and the true perception of spiritual pleasures and the essence of the soul are among such effects. The behaviors rooted in the bodily configurations that have penetrated the soul remain until the next life and play a role in providing the context for the happiness and misery of the soul and determining the quantity and quality of its otherworldly rewards and punishments. Manuscript profile
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        16 - The Impact of the Theory of Trans-Substantial Motion on Mulla Sadra’s Kalami Thought
        Mehdi  Ganjvar Majid  Sadeqi Hassanabadi Mohammad Bidhendi Furugh al-Sadat  Rahimpoor
        One of the most important ontological innovations of Mulla Sadra which exercised a huge influence over his philosophical and kalami thoughts was the theory of the trans-substantial motion. His magnificent discovery in this field demonstrated restlessness in the substanc More
        One of the most important ontological innovations of Mulla Sadra which exercised a huge influence over his philosophical and kalami thoughts was the theory of the trans-substantial motion. His magnificent discovery in this field demonstrated restlessness in the substance of the world and human beings and proved the existence of continuous motion and change in the essence of all material existents. This was a view which the majority of pre-Sadrian philosophers considered to be irrational and impossible. The extent of the influence of this theory is so vast that, even after some centuries of research, there is still some room for further study regarding its various dimensions. However, what has been discussed and written concerning the outcomes of the trans-substantial motion so far are generally limited to ontological and philosophical results, and little research has been carried out regarding the effects and uses of this theory in the kalami-religious field. Accordingly, following an analytic and qualitative method, after posing the problem meticulously and explaining this theory, the writers have examined the data related to the influence of this theory on Mulla Sadra’s kalami thoughts while emphasizing the innovative nature of the theory of the trans-substantial motion. Hence, the findings of this research are based on inference and focus on explaining the most important kalami and religious concomitants of the trans-substantial motion. These findings include the knowledge of God, description of the eternal dependence of created beings on God, demonstration of the temporal origination of the world, intellectual explanation of corporeal resurrection, philosophical justification of the doctrine of the embodiments of deeds, falsity of the notion of transmigration, innovative explanation of the nature of death, and clarifying the universality of revivification. Manuscript profile
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        17 - An Analysis of Resurrection and its Relationship with Voluntary Death in Mulla Sadra
        leila pourakbar Einollah Khademi
        The present paper provides an analysis of the meaning of resurrection and its relationship with voluntary death in Mulla Sadra’s view. Resurrection is of five types, two types of which, the Lesser and Greater Soulish Resurrections, are among the stages of voluntary deat More
        The present paper provides an analysis of the meaning of resurrection and its relationship with voluntary death in Mulla Sadra’s view. Resurrection is of five types, two types of which, the Lesser and Greater Soulish Resurrections, are among the stages of voluntary death. The soulish type of resurrection involves the ontological changes of the soul which occur at different stages of voluntary death. Its initial stage is called the Lesser Soulish Resurrection, and its final stage is called the Greater Soulish Resurrection. Through benefitting from his fundamental metaphysical principles, such as the principiality of existence, graded unity of being, individuation of being, ontological motion, corporeal origination and spiritual subsistence of the soul, and the union of the intellect and intelligible, Mulla Sadra analyzes the different types of resurrection. He believes that going through the stages of practical mystic journey is necessary for the realization of the Lesser Soulish Resurrection. In his view, the Greater Soulish Resurrection means attaining the station of mortality. This station can be analyzed within the two systems of the graded unity and individual unity of being. In the system of the graded unity of being, in the course of the graded ontological motion, the soul reaches the station of approximation to God after going through the stages of sensation, imagination, and intellection. Later it reaches the station of fixity after change or survival after annihilation. Within the system of the individual unity of being, Man’s being is the same as relation to God’s being, and they see Almighty Truth manifested in truths. At this station, the individual becomes the manifestation of the names describing the beauty and glory of the Truth and reflects all these names in their acts. In fact, a wayfarer whose Greater Resurrection has been actualized in the world experiences all kinds of annihilation. Manuscript profile
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        18 - The Relationship between the Hereafter and Meaning of Life in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophy
        ٍSadi Saffary Reza Rasooly Sharbyany
        Some people believe that death renders life meaningless, and a limited and mortal life is not worth living, especially if it entails hardships and pain. In contrast, through demonstrating the immortality of the soul, Mullā Ṣadrā maintains that there is no quiddative lim More
        Some people believe that death renders life meaningless, and a limited and mortal life is not worth living, especially if it entails hardships and pain. In contrast, through demonstrating the immortality of the soul, Mullā Ṣadrā maintains that there is no quiddative limit either for the truth of being or for human beings, and human life is not limited to the world of matter. Man’s motion begins with worldly efforts; however, it continues with death, and true and supreme life is attained in the light of death. Life will have its complete meaning provided that it attains immortality in the hereafter. Mullā Ṣadrā defines some mediocre and supreme purposes for human beings and believes that the level of happiness depends on the level of soulish perfection. He also argues that Man’s reality is mirrored in their theoretical intellect, which brings about true happiness. Moreover, he believes that the motion of practical intellect on the route to happiness paves the way for the transcendence of theoretical intellect. According to Mullā Ṣadrā, the world is a symbol of purgatory, which is a symbol of the hereafter. For him, the world and the hereafter are the same graded existence; they do not have any conflict with each other, and the hereafter represents the world in its most perfect form. Resurrection means attaining a kind of ontological openness and reaching an intellectual level which is the same true stage of Man’s existence. At this stage, all human beings will have a common grasp of the meaning of life; nevertheless, the true and maximum meaning will only be available to those who have attained the supreme stages of existence and the level of immateriality. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Anthropological Explanation of Death in Mullā Ṣadrā’s two Systems of Graded Unity and Individual Unity of Existence
        Abdollah Salavati Fatemeh Kookaram
        This study discusses the problem of death based on Mullā Ṣadrā’s two systems of graded and individual unities of existence and intends to explain death relying on anthropological principles. The most important of such principles include Man’s multi-dimensional nature, o More
        This study discusses the problem of death based on Mullā Ṣadrā’s two systems of graded and individual unities of existence and intends to explain death relying on anthropological principles. The most important of such principles include Man’s multi-dimensional nature, ontological gradedness, corporeal origination of the soul and its spiritual subsistence, the problem of the soul and its relationship with the body, human stations, and being the manifestation of divine names. Mullā Ṣadrā divides death into three natural, premature, and voluntary types. In his view, the soul plays an active and key role in death. The main question of the present study is what the principles of the anthropology of death are in Mullā Ṣadrā’s view. He believes that death is an ontological affair in the sense of the soul’s voluntary, forceful, or generative desertion of the world of sensibles. In Mullā Ṣadrā’s two philosophical systems, death has two different faces; in his system of graded unity, it means severing the relationship with the body in the light of ontological gradedness and, in the system of individual unity, it means cutting the relationship with a name and joining another name in the light of various manifestations. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Voluntary Death in the View of Seyyed Ḥaydar Āmulī: A Gnostic and Psychological Analysis
        Fatemeh Kookaram Abdullah Salavati Einollah Khademi
        This study investigates voluntary death and its different types in the view of Seyyed Ḥaydar Āmulī and aims to provide a gnostic, psychological, and philosophical analysis of the issue. The authors believe that each type of voluntary death is a kind of practical wayfari More
        This study investigates voluntary death and its different types in the view of Seyyed Ḥaydar Āmulī and aims to provide a gnostic, psychological, and philosophical analysis of the issue. The authors believe that each type of voluntary death is a kind of practical wayfaring. The main question of this study is how one can provide a gnostic and psychological analysis of different types of death as viewed by Seyyed Ḥaydar Āmulī. The findings of this study indicate that the common feature of all types of death is detaching oneself from worldly belongings and moving away from them. Examples are different and could include moving away from hunger, wearing specific clothes, etc. As mentioned before, this study provides a gnostic and psychological analysis of voluntary death; for example, green death means wearing cheap clothes. Therefore, by avoiding expensive and luxurious clothes, the wayfarer dies a voluntary death. Green is the symbol of balance and subsistence, and the wayfarer attains balance and immortality through voluntary death and keeping away from worldly whims and desires. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Social and cultural impact assessment of city of Tehran’s homeless shelters
        سمیه  مومنی هادی  درویشی
        The purpose of the study is to assess social and cultural impacts of Homeless Housing Assistance Center of Tehran Naft District 5th District Municipality And providing Corrective and compensatory solutions to make this project work better. The descriptive-analytical met More
        The purpose of the study is to assess social and cultural impacts of Homeless Housing Assistance Center of Tehran Naft District 5th District Municipality And providing Corrective and compensatory solutions to make this project work better. The descriptive-analytical method has been used with stakeholder analysis approach to achieve this goal. On the one hand, it can be said the negative impact of Farahzad Valley’s neighborhoods on the function and the image of the businessman by regarding the geographical scope of the impact of the surrounding environment of Homeless Housing Assistance Center On its function as The main focus of the social damage is the Naft area By creating urban defenseless spaces, The presence of homeless people And trash exacerbation On the function and the image of Homeless Housing Assistance Center And on the other hand, in the social domain, one can claim that If one of the main goals of the construction of Homeless Housing Assistance Center is to prevent the deaths of addicted and homeless people in public roads and to preserve urban furniture and to eliminate these people from the city’s face rather than rehabilitation, The findings and data of the research indicate the success of the 5th District Municipality in creating a comfortable dormitory space for clients. But, in the end, two main damage to the function of the Homeless Housing Assistance Center can be identified: 1. becoming Homeless Housing Assistance Center to Permanent residence of clients and their precipitate and 2. Discontinuing the Empowerment Cycle of Clients and as a result the loss of Retrospective nature of the collection. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Trans-Substantial Motion of the Soul and its Consequences in the Sadrian Study of the Soul
        Rouhollah  Souri Hamed  Komijani
        The soul goes through elemental, natural, mineral, vegetative, animal (Ideal immateriality), and rational (intellectual immateriality) stages in the cradle of its fluid existence. Therefore, the soul’s belonging to the body is a part of its identity and, thus, it can be More
        The soul goes through elemental, natural, mineral, vegetative, animal (Ideal immateriality), and rational (intellectual immateriality) stages in the cradle of its fluid existence. Therefore, the soul’s belonging to the body is a part of its identity and, thus, it can be said that the soul is a material-immaterial substance. Given the existential fluidity of the soul, Mullā Ṣadrā has reinterpreted its various characteristics. Accordingly, the soul’s faculties are levels of its continuous truth that flourish one after each other. Moreover, natural death is the result of the soul’s ontological gradedness and losing interest in elemental body. At some stages of this ontological becoming, the soul attains immateriality and, hence, its survival after death become necessary. Because gradedness and, as a result, attaining immateriality are essential to the soul, its incarnation and return to elemental body is unjustifiable. Therefore, after death, the soul begins its purgatorial life in an Ideal body that is created based on its moral habits, and the natural form that is created in the matter of elemental body opens the path towards purgatorial perfection before it. One of the most important consequences of the soul’s trans-substantial motion is its entrance into divine worlds and annihilation in active, attributive, and essential oneness. Interestingly enough, based on the trans-substantial motion, this significant achievement is possible at the moment of the soul’s belonging to elemental body and is not necessarily limited to the moment of occurrence of natural death. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Discourse Analysis: Ideology or Method? Reflections on the Philosophical-Ideological Foundations of Michel Foucault's Discourse Analysis
        Mari Eftekharzade Farhad soleiman-nezhad
        In this paper, it will be argued that, contrary to the prevailing practice in Iran from the mid-1990s to the present, Michel Foucault's Discourse Analysis (FDA) cannot be used separatelyas a mere method in various fields of humanities andwithout considering its philosop More
        In this paper, it will be argued that, contrary to the prevailing practice in Iran from the mid-1990s to the present, Michel Foucault's Discourse Analysis (FDA) cannot be used separatelyas a mere method in various fields of humanities andwithout considering its philosophical-ideological bases. FDA stems from his particular ideological perspective of the course of modern times from the renaissance to the end of the enlightenment (14th to the 18th century) and derives from particular philosophical and ontological sources that Foucault deeply believed them. In other words, there is an organic unity between FDA, as a method, and its philosophical content, and the fact that Foucault turned to Discourse Analysis and adopted it as a seemingly new method in analyzing the history of the new age was notarbitrary but a deliberate choice. In fact, it came from his own philosophical logic; alogic that is consistent with G. W. F. Hegelian historicism, which Foucault ostensibly opposed.Hegelianism, with its deterministic logic, develops an organic view of history that is consistent with Foucault's structural and institutional view of power. . On the other hand, Hegelian historicism does not place importance on the role of humans in the formation of historical events, and this feature is also fully compatible with Foucault's theory of the subject's death.Thus, one can use Foucault's discourse analysis only as a method of analyzing various subjects if one firmly believes in its ideological foundations, such as the death of man. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Mullā Ṣadrā’s Strategies for Reducing Death Anxiety and its Philosophical Principles
        Manouchehr Shaminezhad Hossein Atrak Mohsen Jahed
        The present study investigates Mullā Ṣadrā’s strategies for treating death anxiety and its philosophical foundations. It also aims to suggest some philosophical and ontological strategies to decrease modern Man’s anxiety when thinking about death based on some of Mullā More
        The present study investigates Mullā Ṣadrā’s strategies for treating death anxiety and its philosophical foundations. It also aims to suggest some philosophical and ontological strategies to decrease modern Man’s anxiety when thinking about death based on some of Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophical principles, such as the principiality of existence, the union of the intellect with intelligible, the trans-substantial motion, theism, religiosity, and believing in the Hereafter. According to Sadrian philosophy, Man’s life is meaningful and purposeful, and being has been created based on divine emanation. The human soul is corporeally-originated; however, its essence changes because of its union with the intelligible and its own trans-substantial motion and attains higher levels of being though going through different existential grades. This developmental move continues until reaching the origin of being and does not end with death. It also grants meaning to Man’s life and decreases their death anxiety. Mullā Ṣadrā is an existential philosopher who advocates a supernaturalist, theistic, and procedural approach to death. The reality of death in Mullā Ṣadrā’s philosophy is a part of Man’s process of existential development. Some of the strategies that can be inferred from his philosophy to reduce death anxiety include following a teleological approach to the world, being’s view of God as pure connection, believing in the Hereafter and Man’s resurrection after corporeal death, advocating ontological evolution, and having a developmental view of death. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Confronting death from Quranic and Psychological viewpoints
        حميدرضا  ايمانی فر
        Objectives: death has complicated meaning that can be along with abundant pain and suffering. Comparing psychologists view about the way to face with pain and suffering death view with the Holy Qur’an that based on Muslim thoughts describing the most comprehensive(Maida More
        Objectives: death has complicated meaning that can be along with abundant pain and suffering. Comparing psychologists view about the way to face with pain and suffering death view with the Holy Qur’an that based on Muslim thoughts describing the most comprehensive(Maidah, 3) and moderate (Baqarah, 143) life styles and approves the principles of all divine religions(Nisa, 162)- views can be greatly noticeable. Methods: With Library Research Methodology, the death was examined by psychology point of view and with the content analysis, the death concept was extracted from Quran point of view as far as time and ability permitted to do so. Results: Both views emphasized to human trend for eternity and death fear and admit that the kind of emotional reactions in facing death and its acceptance in people is completely related to actions, Behaviors, thoughts, personality structures, and his ability to face last problem and difficulties during his life. But the most important difference of these two views is their belief and disbelief in after death life that causes to differentiate in operational defining of death quality, treatment goals, and the style of facing with death. Conclusion: psychology is trying to reduce pain and suffering of dying patients with different psychologicaltechniques and advice to reduction level of consciousness and palliative care, Althoughit has been succeeded in physical pain reduction, but In reducing psychological suffer always is along with problems, as they had no theory for eternal life. In contrast, The Holy Qur’an not only agrees with the reduction physical pain, but also, It has theory for eternal life. Despite the fact that his pain and suffering reduction comparing to the hugeness of resurrection day (Zumar, 13) is of second importance and The final goal of working with dying patients- advising to will and religion tasks have not been done - is their preparation for doom journey, It is able to decrease psychological suffering reduce better than views contemporary psychology views that has been built according to the principle of the pleasure and secular culture. Manuscript profile
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        26 - A Comparative Study on Effectiveness of Logotherapy with Acceptance & Commitment Therapy on Death Anxiety and Quality of Life in Women with Breast Surgery Experience
        Narges  Shamsozan Nasrin  Kashefimehr hadi AkbariNejhad
        The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of logotherapy with acceptance & commitment therapy on death anxiety and quality of life in women with breast surgery experience.This was a semi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest, controlled design with More
        The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of logotherapy with acceptance & commitment therapy on death anxiety and quality of life in women with breast surgery experience.This was a semi-experimental study with a pretest-posttest, controlled design with follow-up. The study population consisted of all women with breast cancer who were undergoing postmastectomy radiotherapy in Tabriz in 2021. In total, 45 women were selected by a purposive sampling method, and divided into three groups, 15 each. The ntervention groups received their respective treatments over 8 sessions of 1.5 hours. The control group did not receive any intervention. The measuring instruments were Templer death anxiety and quality of life questionnaires. Data were analyzed with repeated-measures analysis of variance. The results showed that logotherapy and a acceptance & commitment therapy in comparison with the control group, in the post-test, reduce death anxiety and increase quality of life of women with breast surgery experience, and these results also show a lasting effect in the follow-up stage. Also, these results also show a lasting effect in the follow-up stage. The results also showed that the effect of these two treatments on death anxiety and quality of life in the post-test and follow-up stages were not different. Logotherapy and acceptance & commitment therapy Reduces the death anxiety and increases the quality of life in women with breast surgery experience. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Death in the View of Abul-ḥassan ‘Āmirī (with a Focus on its Historical Place)
        Einullah  Khademi
        Death as one of the most definite and certain events in human life has always attracted the attention of numerous thinkers. Modern philosophers have shown special attention to it particularly in their discussion of the meaning of life. Abul-ḥassan al-‘Āmirī is one of th More
        Death as one of the most definite and certain events in human life has always attracted the attention of numerous thinkers. Modern philosophers have shown special attention to it particularly in their discussion of the meaning of life. Abul-ḥassan al-‘Āmirī is one of the thinkers in the Islamic tradition whose view of death is of great historical significance. ‘Āmirī mainly pays attention to death while focusing on sensory soul and defines death as the annihilation and separation of sensory soul from the body. He considers sensory soul as the link between the soul (as an immaterial thing) and body (as a material thing) that is annihilated along with the body at the time of death. However, the rational soul is not destroyed. It can be said that ‘Āmirī had a medical approach to the problem of death and was influenced by religious texts at the same time. From the philosophical and religious aspect, ‘Āmirī rejected the M‘utazilites’ view of death and used the term nuz’ (dying) in order to provide a more profound concept and understanding of death. He also presents some arguments for the immortality of the soul and, at the same time, benefits from the concept of “vision” and its different types for a better perception of death. He believes that fear of death is one of the obstacles to a deep understanding of death and maintains that the attention to the necessary joys of life and luminous world and a change of view of death are critical for a more accurate encounter with this issue. One of the weak points of ‘Āmirī’s discussion of death could be lack of a focus on different types of death, particularly voluntary death. Manuscript profile
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        28 - fear of death in philosophy of epicurus
        Seyednima Salehi Ahmad asgari
        this is a philosophy paper about epicurus and what is his philosophy of death and why he thinks that death is nothing to fear and his arguments for this thesis. our problem here is that first to know that what exactly is the epicurus thesis and why it can be enterpreted More
        this is a philosophy paper about epicurus and what is his philosophy of death and why he thinks that death is nothing to fear and his arguments for this thesis. our problem here is that first to know that what exactly is the epicurus thesis and why it can be enterpreted differently second we want to know that why he thinks what he thinks and at the end we want to know that who were his predecessors in the philosophical and cultural context in general. this work is important because if we interpret it without knowing its context it can be misleading and we may think that we know what he says but we are wrong. main problems of this paper are what is the foundations of epicurus thesis that fear of death is unjustified and wether his argument for this is sound or not? we see that in philosophy of epicurus soul is mortal and this means that death is annihilation. despite this is not the reason for not being happy but fear of death is actually an obstacle to happiness for this reason he thinks that fear of death is unjustified and say to us how we should face death. in this paper first we try to understand the thesis in the cultural and philosophical context and history of it and then we try to show that the fear of death is distinguished from fear of dying to clarify what epicurus argument really says. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Fear of Death in Epicurean Philosophy
        Ahmad Asgari Seyednima Salehi
        This study investigates the basic principles and arguments of Epicurean philosophy in relation to the baselessness of fear of death and whether his reasoning in this regard is justified. In Epicurus’ philosophy, the soul is mortal and, thus, death means annihilation. He More
        This study investigates the basic principles and arguments of Epicurean philosophy in relation to the baselessness of fear of death and whether his reasoning in this regard is justified. In Epicurus’ philosophy, the soul is mortal and, thus, death means annihilation. He believes that although this idea does not negate happiness, fear of death impedes happiness. Hence, he provides some arguments to prove that it is unjustified and explains the correct way of encountering death. Here, while presenting a new interpretation of Epicurean view of fear of death, the author tries to propound and evaluate his views and arguments in the cultural and philosophical context of this problem and emphasizes that one must make a distinction between “fear of the process of dying” and “fear of being dead” in order to clearly understand the Epicurean view in this regard. Manuscript profile
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        30 - The Relationship between the Personal Values and Death Anxiety among MS Patients
        Omid Hamidi masoud gholamali lavasani
        The purpose of this research was to explore the relationship between the personal values, and death anxiety among MS patients in Tehran. For this purpose 167 patients (103 female, 64 male) from the Tehran MS Society were selected by random sampling. The instruments used More
        The purpose of this research was to explore the relationship between the personal values, and death anxiety among MS patients in Tehran. For this purpose 167 patients (103 female, 64 male) from the Tehran MS Society were selected by random sampling. The instruments used in this study were the Schwartz Value Scale (SVS) and the Death Anxiety Scale (DAS). Multivariable regression, Pearson correlation coefficient, and t-test for comparisons between female and male patients were used for data analysis. The results showed that there are significant correlation between personal values and death anxiety and there are significant negative correlations between all subscales of personal values (except for power) with death anxiety. In the prioritization of values, there are significant differences between men and women. Also from the morphological values, conformity, achievement, universalism, and tradition can significantly predict death anxiety. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Transcendence and Man’s Existential Width in the Ontological Systems of Mullā Ṣadrā and Heidegger
        Fatemeh  Ghadimi Paindeh Monireh  Sayyid Mazhari Zeinab Sadat Mirshamsi
        Heidegger has provided some innovative interpretations regarding several topics particularly in relation to human existence. His views about human beings are comparable to those of Mullā Ṣadrā in certain respects. One of them is their belief in man’s transcendence and e More
        Heidegger has provided some innovative interpretations regarding several topics particularly in relation to human existence. His views about human beings are comparable to those of Mullā Ṣadrā in certain respects. One of them is their belief in man’s transcendence and existential width. Both thinkers maintain that man is not an entity imprisoned in itself; man, who is the source of many possibilities and is aware of them, is subject to “becoming” and can become what they are not at the present time. In other words, man can go beyond the existing situation and attain transcendence. Although there is a similarity in this regard between the thoughts of these two thinkers, it should be considered that in Mullā Ṣadrā’s ontological system, the human soul, owing to its essential immateriality, always enjoys a perception and understanding of its identity as connected to an unlimited being and infinite truth. The human soul, which entails the whole limits of being in itself, tries to grant meaning to its existence through gaining proximity and similarity to that infinite truth in the course of traversing its out-of-itself stages. The soul’s developmental journey for reaching the ultra-rational stage also continues after death. By contrast, in Heidegger’s ontological system, truth is based on Dasein, whose being real indicates that it is the only existence in the world. It also means that, without being connected to a mysterious and transcendent power, Dasein always possesses a pre-knowledge of everything that comprises the world and continually perceives things with no cover at highest levels of clarity. Therefore, Dasein relies on itself in transcendence, the continuation of which is motivated by actualizing its existential possibilities until it dies. Death is the last existential possibility of Dasein upon which it attains its end. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Indigenous model of commercialization of complex technologies based on partnership in the ICT sector
        Mahdi Fardinia Fatemeh saghafi Jalal Haghighat Monfared
        The ICT industry is one of the most complex industries with superior technologies. Sustainable growth of companies in this industry is ensured by successful commercialization, which due to the complexity of the field, knowledge sharing between companies is essential. A More
        The ICT industry is one of the most complex industries with superior technologies. Sustainable growth of companies in this industry is ensured by successful commercialization, which due to the complexity of the field, knowledge sharing between companies is essential. A careful review of the literature showed that there is no model for how to succeed in commercialization and its relationship with interorganizational participation in the ICT sector. Therefore, this issue was determined as the goal of the research. By reviewing the research background; Factors affecting the success of participation-based commercialization including internal and external drivers, participation, esources, dynamic capabilities, executive mechanisms and extraction performance were drawn in the form of a conceptual model. Then, by studying multy-case study, technological projects of ICT Research Institute, including (Antivirus Padvish, Native search engine project, SOC native operations center, communication equipment POTN) and content analysis, main and secondary themes of the model were extracted. Then, using a focus group consisting of experts, the results were validated and themes (propositions) were confirmed. The relationship between the components was also confirmed in the panel of experts. The final model is a combination of these factors that, according to the indigenous experiences of Iran, has led to the success of commercialization and can be the basis for policy-making for successful knowledge-based products. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Modern Immortality in the Teenage Novel (Case Study of Novels:"SanjābMahiy-e aziz"and "Shekārchi-ye Koose-yekar")
        Fatemeh Hadideh Mona Valipour
        The domination of science in the modern era and the effort to have a realistic attitude to all aspects of life have made people today unable to adopt the solutions of the ancients (such as eschatologicalimmortality) to face death. By examining different types of pre-mod More
        The domination of science in the modern era and the effort to have a realistic attitude to all aspects of life have made people today unable to adopt the solutions of the ancients (such as eschatologicalimmortality) to face death. By examining different types of pre-modern immortality, including ancestral, cultural, mystical, mythological, and eschatological, the present article has shown that their common components, i.e., communalness, certainty, and imagination, are almost opposite to the components of modern immortality. The components of modern immortality, which include individuality, uncertainty, memory (as opposed to the imagination), and the concept of eternal nature, are prominent in teenage novels of the 1390s. This research first reviewed the stages and tasks of mourning. While checking and determining the components of pre-modern and modern immortality, it has been showed the correspondence of each stage of mourning with different types of immortality. Then, relying on the novels of "SanjābMahiy-e aziz "and "Shekārchi-ye Koose-ye kar", the issue of death and the role of pre-modern and modern immortality are investigated in advancing the storyline, accepting another's death, and completing the tasks of mourning by the characters. It should be noted that the analysis of samples is based on qualitative content analysis with a descriptive-interpretive approach. The research results show that in both novels, resorting to pre-modern immortality components traps the characters in the initial stages of mourning, i.e. denial, searching, and bargaining. In contrast, the maturity of the characters with the completion of mourning tasks and reaching the stage of improvement and organization through the components of Modern immortality (centered on memory in the novel "SanjābMahiy-e aziz "and eternal nature in the novel "Shekārchi-ye Koose-ye kar" is realized. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Pleasure and ethics
        alireza alebouyeh ali reza  SHeikh
        Undoubtedly, hedonism can completely encompass human life and give it a hedonistic meaning and concept. This issue has caused the question to be raised, to what extent is hedonism morally correct? And in the field of theory, what relation can it have with ethics? Can he More
        Undoubtedly, hedonism can completely encompass human life and give it a hedonistic meaning and concept. This issue has caused the question to be raised, to what extent is hedonism morally correct? And in the field of theory, what relation can it have with ethics? Can hedonism be justified and moral? The research method in this article is descriptive-analytical. The findings of the research indicate that the relationship between ethics and hedonism is drawn from the way of examining the idealism of pleasure and the nature of hedonism . Despite the fact that a group of moral philosophers have gone so far as to consider pleasure as an intrinsic good and consider the criterion of moral value and moral judgment to be dependent on it and have organized hedonistic ethics; But pleasure cannot be an intrinsic good and the criterion of moral value, and hedonistic actions can be considered moral only in some cases. According to Islamic teachings, Although pleasure is not an evil thing and the pleasures of the afterlife are real and original; However, it is not the ultimate purpose. Manuscript profile