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        1 - The Rulers’ Communications During the Mythical and Heroic Ages in Shahnameh
        سيدمحمد  دادگران مريم  صادقي گیوی khadijeh tatari
        Communication can be considered as the act of communicating meanings or exchanging messages. What distinguishes human communication from the other living beings’ is its principles and criteria to successful and efficient communication, and his ability to create and use More
        Communication can be considered as the act of communicating meanings or exchanging messages. What distinguishes human communication from the other living beings’ is its principles and criteria to successful and efficient communication, and his ability to create and use symbols.The present article is to explain the development of human communication in Shahnameh until the heroic age. Aspects of human communication in Shahnameh include the rulers’ communication, the heroes’, and the people’s. The research focuses on the first type. The rulers’ communication can be studied in five levels: communication with other rulers, communication with people, communication with God, communication with nature, and communication with supernatural beings. The main concern of the present article is to study types of the rulers’ communication modes, their purpose of communication, and the result of their communication. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Analyzing the Process of Selecting Compounds as Headwords In “Sokhan” and “Moaser” Dictionaries
        روح الله افراه Seyyed Mahdi Samaaee Belqis Rowshan Bahman zandi
        This study aims to reveal whether different contemporary Farsi dictionaries lexicographers choose those compound words made by productive word-formation processes as the headwords, and whether they follow the same procedure for selecting the headwords in lexicography or More
        This study aims to reveal whether different contemporary Farsi dictionaries lexicographers choose those compound words made by productive word-formation processes as the headwords, and whether they follow the same procedure for selecting the headwords in lexicography or not. To do this, two monolingual Farsi Dictionaries have been selected based on their closeness to today's Spoken Farsi: “Sokhan” by Hasan Anvari (2003) and “Moaser e Emrooz” by Gholamhosein Sadri Afshar (2002). In this descriptive research, First, the compound words which were headwords in the dictionaries mentioned before were extracted (495 words in Anvari’s , and 605 words in Sadri Asher’s dictionaries). Then, these words have been classified into twenty five categories based on Tabatabaee (2010-2007). The analysis revealed that even those compounds formed by the productive and predictable word formation processes (e.g. noun + present verb stem( have been used as headwords in these dictionaries. It has been concluded that the concept of wordhoodness or wordness which refers to the changing of the constituents larger than words, e.g. sentence, phrase and etc. into a word is the main criterion for selecting compounds as the headwords. On the other hand, this research revealed that the lexicographers follows almost the same method in selecting the headwords. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Comparising the components of democracy with the criteria of good governance in the light of international law
        Akbar Savari Samaneh Rahmatifar Shahram  zarneshan
        The purpose of this study is to explain the components of good governance as indicators of democracy in order to end the divergence of views in understanding democracy from the perspective of the Practical procedure of international law. Good governance is one of the pr More
        The purpose of this study is to explain the components of good governance as indicators of democracy in order to end the divergence of views in understanding democracy from the perspective of the Practical procedure of international law. Good governance is one of the prescriptions of international institutions for national systems and democracy is one of the long-standing social aspirations of nations. The research method is descriptive-analytical with a genealogical approach; In this way, after describing democracy and good governance, in terms of their history in international law, the components of good governance as the principles of democracy are measured through the comparative method. The result shows that the components of good governance have the potential to become indicators of the principles of democracy and, by objectifying democracy, make it possible to measure the degree of democratic legitimacy of states in terms of international law; Thus, in international law, a legitimate state is a democratic state, and democracy means the domination of good governance over all relations between citizens and the state. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Extracting Credit Rules from Imbalanced Data: The Case of an Iranian Export Development Bank
        Seyed Mahdi  Sadatrasoul mohammadreza gholamian Kamran shahanaghi
        Credit scoring is an important topic, and banks collect different data from their loan applicant to make an appropriate and correct decision. Rule bases are of more attention in credit decision making because of their ability to explicitly distinguish between good and b More
        Credit scoring is an important topic, and banks collect different data from their loan applicant to make an appropriate and correct decision. Rule bases are of more attention in credit decision making because of their ability to explicitly distinguish between good and bad applicants. The credit scoring datasets are usually imbalanced. This is mainly because the number of good applicants in a portfolio of loan is usually much higher than the number of loans that default. This paper use previous applied rule bases in credit scoring, including RIPPER, OneR, Decision table, PART and C4.5 to study the reliability and results of sampling on its own dataset. A real database of one of an Iranian export development bank is used and, imbalanced data issues are investigated by randomly Oversampling the minority class of defaulters, and three times under sampling of majority of non-defaulters class. The performance criterion chosen to measure the reliability of rule extractors is the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), accuracy and number of rules. Friedman’s statistic is used to test for significance differences between techniques and datasets. The results from study show that PART is better and good and bad samples of data affect its results less. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Privacy Preserving Big Data Mining: Association Rule Hiding
        Golnar Assadat  Afzali shahriyar mohammadi
        Data repositories contain sensitive information which must be protected from unauthorized access. Existing data mining techniques can be considered as a privacy threat to sensitive data. Association rule mining is one of the utmost data mining techniques which tries to More
        Data repositories contain sensitive information which must be protected from unauthorized access. Existing data mining techniques can be considered as a privacy threat to sensitive data. Association rule mining is one of the utmost data mining techniques which tries to cover relationships between seemingly unrelated data in a data base.. Association rule hiding is a research area in privacy preserving data mining (PPDM) which addresses a solution for hiding sensitive rules within the data problem. Many researches have be done in this area, but most of them focus on reducing undesired side effect of deleting sensitive association rules in static databases. However, in the age of big data, we confront with dynamic data bases with new data entrance at any time. So, most of existing techniques would not be practical and must be updated in order to be appropriate for these huge volume data bases. In this paper, data anonymization technique is used for association rule hiding, while parallelization and scalability features are also embedded in the proposed model, in order to speed up big data mining process. In this way, instead of removing some instances of an existing important association rule, generalization is used to anonymize items in appropriate level. So, if necessary, we can update important association rules based on the new data entrances. We have conducted some experiments using three datasets in order to evaluate performance of the proposed model in comparison with Max-Min2 and HSCRIL. Experimental results show that the information loss of the proposed model is less than existing researches in this area and this model can be executed in a parallel manner for less execution time Manuscript profile
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        6 - A Study Of Obligatory And Situational Rules In The Iranian Legal System
        Arman  Yaghobi Moghadam Ashkan  Naeimi
        Rules based on one division in the science of principles are divided into situational and obligatory rules.There is one difference between the fundamentalists in the nature of the obligatory rulings, but there is a difference of opinion in the nature of the rulings. Two More
        Rules based on one division in the science of principles are divided into situational and obligatory rules.There is one difference between the fundamentalists in the nature of the obligatory rulings, but there is a difference of opinion in the nature of the rulings. Two comments have been obtained between principles. Some fundamentalists, such as Sheikh Ansari, consider the status quo to be detached from the mandatory mandate. Others, such as Fazel Toni, consider the nature of the status quo to be independent. In this research that in terms of practice data collection is a library, we will prove that the separation of status sentences from mandatory sentences in the Iranian legal system has many benefits. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Rational Fundamentals for Absoluteness of Collective Knowledge
        Seyed Abolqasem  Naqibi Mohammad Hossein  Soheily
        Abstract:The fundamentals of absoluteness of collective knowledge can be accurately explained in two separate categories: First, absoluteness of collective knowledge in rational terms, i.e. free from practical canonical principles. Second: Absoluteness of collective kno More
        Abstract:The fundamentals of absoluteness of collective knowledge can be accurately explained in two separate categories: First, absoluteness of collective knowledge in rational terms, i.e. free from practical canonical principles. Second: Absoluteness of collective knowledge in terms of Sharia law and with a view on those principles. This paper intends to study the first section. To that end, prohibition of the conclusive discord and the necessity of the conclusive consent has been studied. In the course of these discussions, it will become clear that although the prohibition of the conclusive discord is easily provable, proving of the necessity of conclusive consent has only two logical solutions: First, the rule of incumbency that is attributable only according to Mohaqeq Araqi’s theory of interpretation of collective knowledge. Second, absoluteness of the probability of religious duty in each segment of the collective knowledge that will be accurate only based on the negation of the rule of indecency of punishing the one who has not received the penal warrant. Also in this paper, attempts have been made to provide responses to the doubts posed by the opponents of the prohibition of the conclusive discord and the necessity of conclusive consent and the refutation expressed by Shahid Sadr to the rule of punishment of the one who has not received the penal warrant. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Searle and the Logical Status of Fictional Stories
        Gholamreza Hosseinpour
        Searle basically draws attention to the subtle differences that exist between different types of verbal verbs.According to him, speaking or writing in a language is the performance of a very specific type of spoken verb, which is called illocutionary acts.In this respec More
        Searle basically draws attention to the subtle differences that exist between different types of verbal verbs.According to him, speaking or writing in a language is the performance of a very specific type of spoken verb, which is called illocutionary acts.In this respect, the existence of a narrative discourse poses a problem for one who believes in such a view; That is, how can we understand a work of fiction, even if the author's seemingly violates some important rules of language use?Searle's great effort, in this context, is to analyze the concept of fiction but not the concept of literature. In fact, the aim is to explore the difference between fictional and serious utterances not to explore the difference between figurative and literal utterances.According to Searle, The author of a work of fiction pretends to perform a series of illocutionary acts, normally of the assertive type. He believes what makes fiction possible, is a set ofextralinguistic, nonsemantic conventions that break the connection between words and the world established by the semantic rules of speech acts and in the same sense, the pretended performances of illocutionary acts which constitute the writing of a work of fiction consist in actually performing utterance acts with the intention of invoking the horizontal conventions that suspend the normal illocutionary commitments of the utterances. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to examine, analyze and critiqe Searle's view of the logical status of fictional discourse. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Legal-Jurisprudential Analysis of Conditional Sale Option in Relation to Transactions with Right of Restitution
        Saeed  Karami
        Abstract: There is divergence of opinions on contracting or pledging in optional sale. Imamiyah jurists endorse the act and consider it as an instance of sale in nature. Sunni jurists identify optional sale as bay’ al-Wafa or buyback sale, associating it with a pledge ( More
        Abstract: There is divergence of opinions on contracting or pledging in optional sale. Imamiyah jurists endorse the act and consider it as an instance of sale in nature. Sunni jurists identify optional sale as bay’ al-Wafa or buyback sale, associating it with a pledge (rahn) contract. The conditional sale can be analyzed in two ways: First, the conditional sale involving the contractual relationship between mortgagor (seller) and mortgagee (buyer) stipulated in Article 34 of the Law on Registration of Deeds; Second, the conditional sale that does not govern the contractural relationship between the seller and buyer, and it is a real sale under articles 485-462 of the Law. The conditional sale governing the contractural relationship between the mortgagor and mortgagee is an instance of transaction with the right of restitution (Article 33 of the Law). This is why the law has considered the request for registration of the property in conditional sale as a right for the debtor, because in this type of conditional sale the buyer does not intend to conclude a contract of sale. Any negligence of this criterion will raise ambiguities: First, any conditional sale will be taken as the one with the right of restitution, whereas it is otherwise. Second, the real conditional sale has been well stipulated in Article 399 of the Civil Code; therefore, all sales stipulated in Article 399 of the Civil Code must be considered as the transactions with the right of restitution. It is clear that the existence of the element of option in a sale contract does not mean it is an instance of transaction with the right of restitution. Articles 33 and 34 of the Law on Registration of Deeds are not exclusive to provisions of Article 459, because this article is not about the conditional sale governing the contractual relationship between the mortgagor and mortgagee, whereas articles 33 and 34 of the Law govern such relationship. Manuscript profile
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        10 - The Nature and Conditions for Transfer of Professional Soccer Players
        Seyed Hamid Reza  Mousavipour
        Abstract: The transfer contract of professional soccer player is the most important contract in this sport. According to this contract, the player is committed to play for a certain club within a certain period of time for a specified sum of money. Conclusion and termin More
        Abstract: The transfer contract of professional soccer player is the most important contract in this sport. According to this contract, the player is committed to play for a certain club within a certain period of time for a specified sum of money. Conclusion and termination of this contract are subject to special international and domestic rules and regulations that are quite distinctive from other contracts. Like a person’s hiring contract, this contract is a binding obligation that will be enforceable after signing of the two parties. The contract parties are the professional player and the sports club that must possess capacity to sign a contract. This contract is of binding obligation, thus it shall be only null and void with the consent of the parties or upon a justifiable excuse. Meanwhile, the contract parties should act based on bona fide. In this research work, we will first review the nature of contracts in Iranian law and then proceed with studying conditions for validity of the contract according to the international and domestic rules and regulations. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Detection of Attacks and Anomalies in the Internet of Things System using Neural Networks Based on Training with PSO Algorithms, Fuzzy PSO, Comparative PSO and Mutative PSO
        Mohammad  Nazarpour navid nezafati Sajjad  Shokouhyar
        Integration and diversity of IOT terminals and their applicable programs make them more vulnerable to many intrusive attacks. Thus, designing an intrusion detection model that ensures the security, integrity, and reliability of IOT is vital. Traditional intrusion detect More
        Integration and diversity of IOT terminals and their applicable programs make them more vulnerable to many intrusive attacks. Thus, designing an intrusion detection model that ensures the security, integrity, and reliability of IOT is vital. Traditional intrusion detection technology has the disadvantages of low detection rates and weak scalability that cannot adapt to the complicated and changing environment of the Internet of Things. Hence, one of the most widely used traditional methods is the use of neural networks and also the use of evolutionary optimization algorithms to train neural networks can be an efficient and interesting method. Therefore, in this paper, we use the PSO algorithm to train the neural network and detect attacks and abnormalities of the IOT system. Although the PSO algorithm has many benefits, in some cases it may reduce population diversity, resulting in early convergence. Therefore,in order to solve this problem, we use the modified PSO algorithm with a new mutation operator, fuzzy systems and comparative equations. The proposed method was tested with CUP-KDD data set. The simulation results of the proposed model of this article show better performance and 99% detection accuracy in detecting different malicious attacks, such as DOS, R2L, U2R, and PROB. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Racism in Kant’s ethical view with accumbency on categorical imperative
          mohsen javady
        Racism in its broad sense, means the superiority of some others over the others on their race. Subjects about Racism has considerate in different fields including politics, sociology, law, psychology and especially in ethics. In some ethical systems, such as Kant's ethi More
        Racism in its broad sense, means the superiority of some others over the others on their race. Subjects about Racism has considerate in different fields including politics, sociology, law, psychology and especially in ethics. In some ethical systems, such as Kant's ethics, racism, as well as many other topics, is not consider. But this does not mean that the system cannot consider and investigate on racism. In this paper, we try to investigate Kant’s point of view in his ethical system on racism by using his idea on triple rule of categorical imperative and finally this result will occur that Kant, on the basis of their moral system cannot be justified racism either. For Kant, moral virtue consists of duty or act according to the task, which cannot communicate with the race of the subject of the verb. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Investigate the impact of Auditors ethical on the discovery of manipulated financial data
        Flexibility in accounting an opportunity for the company that through the manipulation of financial information، have some abuses to cover their actual financial swing. Therefore، the aim of this study is investigate the impact of Auditors ethical on the discovery of ma More
        Flexibility in accounting an opportunity for the company that through the manipulation of financial information، have some abuses to cover their actual financial swing. Therefore، the aim of this study is investigate the impact of Auditors ethical on the discovery of manipulated financial data. For this purpose the indicators information of independence، integrity، impartiality and ethical rules on how the ethics of auditors، by means of questionnaires from the auditors and CPAs were collected and analyzed. Inferential tests results of mean and confirmatory factor analysis of structural equation showed that Auditor's ability to detect manipulated of financial information is impacted by Ethical rules of auditing، independence، impartiality and integrity and ethical aspects of the audit considerably. So that the integrity and impartiality of auditors were determined as the most important factor discovered by manipulating financial data. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Right to a healthy environment in the light of the principles of jurisprudence and ethics
        Mohsen Emami Gheshlagh Seyyed Mohammad  Hashemi Mohsen  Mohebbi Vali  Rostami
        Today, the spread of science and technology and, consequently, of the industry, despite the granting of peace and prosperity to humans, have caused destruction, pollution and harm and the creation of environmental crises. An environment which is the basis of social, eco More
        Today, the spread of science and technology and, consequently, of the industry, despite the granting of peace and prosperity to humans, have caused destruction, pollution and harm and the creation of environmental crises. An environment which is the basis of social, economic and political life, is necessary for the survival of every human being and as a platform for human life and its means of evolution, in the jurisprudential and moral discourse, a reasonable capacity for research in order to protect it as the human right and duty of the human community has it. In this regard, in order to achieve healthy environment and its importance, there are two approaches. In the first approach, for nature, as divine value is intrinsic and nature itself is discussed, but in the second approach, the necessity of preserving the nature as a tool for use In this article, the authors, while believing in the first approach, seek to explain the ethics of the environment by emphasizing the jurisprudential and moral teachings in order to protect it as a fundamental human right. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Behavioral and ethical prerequisites Managers’ Adherence to Organization Justice Rules: An Investigation into the Central Role of Managerial Motives and Discretion
        Nahid  Radmanesh Abolhassan  Faghihi Karamallah  Daneshfard
        Though substantial research has been carried out on employees’ reactions to organizational justice rules, far less research has examined the ethical and ethical causes of managers to adhere to the rules of justice. Taking a proactive approach to organizational justice, More
        Though substantial research has been carried out on employees’ reactions to organizational justice rules, far less research has examined the ethical and ethical causes of managers to adhere to the rules of justice. Taking a proactive approach to organizational justice, the present study the causes of managers’ adherence to distributive, procedural, informational, and interpersonal rules of justice. The statistical population of this research was the managers at the different levels of employed management practices selected from 34 government organizations. The sample under study included 356 people selected through cluster sampling. The data collection was conducted using standardized questionnaires. Data analysis was performed through confirmatory factor analysis and parametric statistics using Smart PLS and SPSS software. The results of the research revealed that both cognitive (i.e. effective compliance with subordinates, desirable social identity maintenance, and justice) and affective (i.e. high positive affect and low negative affect) motives were associated with managerial adherence to justice rules. Moreover, cognitive motives were more strongly associated with justice rules adherence for justice dimensions over which managers perceived less discretion, while affective motives were more strongly associated with justice rule adherence for justice dimensions over which managers perceived much more discretion. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Impact of globalization on the conflict of laws from the perspective of ethics
        Abdolmahdi  Heidari Nejad Ali  Almasi
        In this paper, the impact of globalization on the conflict of laws from the perspective of ethics has been examined. Globalization as an existing fact has replaced many works in different sciences and trends. In the field of law science, globalization has also affected More
        In this paper, the impact of globalization on the conflict of laws from the perspective of ethics has been examined. Globalization as an existing fact has replaced many works in different sciences and trends. In the field of law science, globalization has also affected the conflict of laws in three categories. First, in terms of material (material), globalization has implicated itself in the uniformization of laws, which is being implemented by international organizations, model laws, and international conventions. In the second category, the rules of conflict resolution, where there is no possibility of uniformity of the rules of law for some reason, globalization has shown its impact by trying to unify the rules of conflict resolution. In this regard, and given the mutual effects of globalization And ethics on one another, considering ethical standards as one of the commons of human societies, can greatly leave its traces. Ultimately, barriers to the implementation of foreign law, such as public order, good morals and fraud to the law, are also limited by globalization and the possibility of extending the implementation of foreign law. Manuscript profile
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        17 - The Ethical Challenges of Implementing Arbitration in Iranian Legal System
        Ali  Rasoolzadeh Farsad Hamidreza  Oloumi
        The arbitration institution has been considered by the people since the old days as a solution to the disputes based on the agreement of the parties of the dispute.This contractual system of arbitrary has privileges that make it superior to other methods of resolving di More
        The arbitration institution has been considered by the people since the old days as a solution to the disputes based on the agreement of the parties of the dispute.This contractual system of arbitrary has privileges that make it superior to other methods of resolving disputes. The most important principle in arbitration is the finality of Arbitral awards and its most important point is the enforce-ability of the arbitral awards, that supported by national and international rules of arbitration. Since the philosophical basis of arbitration are based on an agreement between the parties, this means accepting the referral of disputes to arbitration involves the parties' obligation in Optional execution.Nonetheless, if the losing party refuses to execute the arbitral awards, it is foreseen that it may be enforced in the relevant laws and regulations. In this article, with reference to the legal prin-ciples of the principle of the entry into enforce of the arbitral Awards, as well as the legal docu-ments, discuss enforce of internal arbitral awards, then outline the implementation of foreign arbitral awards within the jurisdiction of the New York Convention and outside its jurisdiction, and finally, how to implement foreign arbitral awards in accordance with specific circumstances. Manuscript profile
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        18 - An Analysis of the Ethical and Legal Nature of International Rules in International Commercial Arbitration
        amin rostami Masoud zamani manochehr tavasoli naeini
        International law books on arbitration have discussed, and in a brief and transient way, the nature and nature of the rules of international trade arbitration, and most of the books and articles on this subject have been published abroad. Since arbitration is one of the More
        International law books on arbitration have discussed, and in a brief and transient way, the nature and nature of the rules of international trade arbitration, and most of the books and articles on this subject have been published abroad. Since arbitration is one of the most important and common ways of resolving disputes in international business litigation, this research can help to identify its substantive dimensions and thus be effective in responding to existing uncertainties. And in this research, the nature of the rules of ethics in international commercial arbitration has been examined ethically and legally. And the researcher concludes that although the rules of international commercial arbitration imply a modality of ethics, but because ethics is a matter of credit and ultimately abstraction, the rules of international law in international business arbitration cannot be ethically In the conventional sense, it is examined and made clear because the relation between ethics and interest in international relations is of the contradiction. And these rules should be seen as a purely legal tool, derived from the rules of public order whose ethics are one of the constituent elements of its legal approach Manuscript profile
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        19 - Consistensy between Contractualism and Rule-Utilitarianism on Parfit and its valuation
        Seyed Taghi  Agha Miri Seyed Ahmad  Fazeli Mohsen  Javadi
        Utilitarianism and contractualism throughout its life have enjoyed a variety of readings in new and old societies among utilitarians and contractualists. The ancient utilitarians have different readings of classical and act-utilitarianism, and rule utilitarianism More
        Utilitarianism and contractualism throughout its life have enjoyed a variety of readings in new and old societies among utilitarians and contractualists. The ancient utilitarians have different readings of classical and act-utilitarianism, and rule utilitarianism treats the two differently. Parfit utilitarianism is not only different from other forms of utilitarianism, but also distinct from normative utilitarianism, rooted in the principles of general principles based on his rationality, objectivism, and anthropology. He has the same view of contractualism. Parfit says:A)Agreed general moral principles ,B)followed the rational principles that people agree on. Principles must be chosen that can be rationally formulated so that no one can easily dismiss it.This kind of contractualism wants to show, firstly, the existence of moral knowledge and, secondly, the objectivity of moral values and propositions by relying on rationality.Parfit tries to build utilitarianism and contractualism on the maximum of rationality. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Components of child sexual education from the perspective of educational jurisprudence
        Shirin  Mohammadi Panah Maryam  Aghaie Bajestani Reza  Kohsari
        Sex education is one of the main topics in the field of parentingTherefore, paying attention to this issue and teaching and applying the correct educational methods from the perspective of the Qur'an and the narrations of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) in this regard, can help ma More
        Sex education is one of the main topics in the field of parentingTherefore, paying attention to this issue and teaching and applying the correct educational methods from the perspective of the Qur'an and the narrations of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) in this regard, can help maintain the chastity and strength of families and prevent the occurrence of some moral anomalies during adolescence. And the maturity of the children.Families have a duty to access this important; In addition to being aware of the correct educational methods, in the first step, they should learn the divine commands and the Shari'a rules and practice them in this field, and then, they should give the correct Shari'a education to their children in order to finally provide Community health and achievement lead to happiness in the hereafter. This article, extracted from the treatise, with the aim of explaining the sexual issues of the child based on the verses and hadiths of the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) and based on the content analysis method, examines some jurisprudential rules in child sexual education and examines the correct education methods. . The results of this study show that it is necessary for parents to sexually educate their children and put their sexual instincts on the right path of control and satisfaction; Although children do not have sexual responsibilities before puberty, in order for education to be established and institutionalized, parents must take care of their children before they reach puberty, and this responsibility is objectively assigned to the parents. Manuscript profile
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        21 - The rule of reason for ignorance and its application in theology
        morteza motaghi nejad
        reverence of excessive ignorance means that a truth is hidden and a person remain in his/her ignorance or means that mentioning against truth. This sometimes is lawful and correct including mentioning something against truth and sometimes is illegal l More
        reverence of excessive ignorance means that a truth is hidden and a person remain in his/her ignorance or means that mentioning against truth. This sometimes is lawful and correct including mentioning something against truth and sometimes is illegal like as considering the miracle for false prophet which is impossible for God ; because this is considered as cruelty and breach. The rule of enormity of reverence of excessive ignorance is one of the most important ones. research and study in the domain of this rule will show that mentioned rule is used to prove issues like as incumbency of benefice to God , the necessity of duty for human , the necessity of sending prophet , the necessity of appointing Imam , certainty of chastity of prophet and imam , the indication of miracle on the honesty of prophet. This study has been carried out by library and report- analytic methods and has investigated the different uses of this rule in scholastic theology and has determined that this rule is used in important issues of theology. At the final section of the study , the most important reasons of enormity of reverence of excessive ignorance to God like as the rule of congruity of cause and effect , the rule of rational enormity and virtue and the impossibility of ignoring intention have been studied Manuscript profile
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        22 - The Principles of the Epistemology of the Rule of Law in the Legal System of Iran
        سید محمد علی آل محمد Godrat,o Allah  Noruzy manoochehr Tavassol Naini,
        The concept of the rule of law can be defined with its least constituent component which is the adherence of all groups of society especially the rulers to the law. In the discussion of the principles of the rule of law, the fundamental question is: "What is the obligat More
        The concept of the rule of law can be defined with its least constituent component which is the adherence of all groups of society especially the rulers to the law. In the discussion of the principles of the rule of law, the fundamental question is: "What is the obligatory requirement for a person to legitimize law and adhere to it?" In answering this question, from an epistemological point of view, it is important to consider the role of revelation, experience, and wisdom in man's obligation to obey the law. The most important question that has been considered in this research is the study of the principles of the epistemology of the rule of law in the legal system of Iran. According to the findings of this research, the wisdom and experience of mankind in the current legal system of Iran are only valid in the case of the confirmation of the religion. The majority of people in Iran believe that divine law provides their prosperity and perfection, and this is the most important reason for their adherence to divine law or law approved by religion. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Explanation of Characteristics and Dimensions of the Rule of Imamate Jurisprudenc
        farokh  mohseni
        Rule requirements of certain jurisprudential rules, but the rules of society, the Shiite jurists, according to the narrative of the strongest evidence base is crucial requirement The proof of this principle in jurisprudence and Jzyan agree. The meaning of the rule of ne More
        Rule requirements of certain jurisprudential rules, but the rules of society, the Shiite jurists, according to the narrative of the strongest evidence base is crucial requirement The proof of this principle in jurisprudence and Jzyan agree. The meaning of the rule of necessity, require the ingredients Imamiyyeh and Kfar rules and assignments that they believe it. This is the same meaning of the Hadith known as "Al-Zumoham Bama Al-Zammah". Therefore, from the perspective of Shiite jurists, rule that the legal requirements of a law allowing Shia and non-Shia lays in cases where there is disagreement between Shiite jurisprudence. Followers of Sunni Islam or followers of other religions are bound to their convictions, and thereby benefit though it is not accepted law on Shiite jurisprudence. On this occasion a discussion of the rule requiring a special position in law is based on some of the elders said: "If this principle is the basis for the market and Muslims remain in place.". Manuscript profile
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        24 - The effect of software innovation on identity:A social approach according to technological and science rules.
        Esmaeil Jahanbakhsh Nasrin AbSHahi
        In recent decades, it is defined that innovation rules have a determinant role in technological evolution process. According to dynamic relationships between rules and innovation, it seems necessary to have a comprehensive look on the technological processes analysis. A More
        In recent decades, it is defined that innovation rules have a determinant role in technological evolution process. According to dynamic relationships between rules and innovation, it seems necessary to have a comprehensive look on the technological processes analysis. According to increasing of usage and the effect of technology on the society especially in organizations, it is important to do socio-cultural studies in technology and science area. This study has evaluated informational technology field sociologically, in order to consider the effect of a range of the software renovation of old processes on Esfahan telecommunication customer system in the identity component. This research based on Anthony Giddnes Sociology theories, has determined the survey method and questionnaire technique by using 222 people who were selected through stratified sampling method and specified the relations. All analysis in descriptive and inferential statistics were done by Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). The results show that there are two meaningful straight relationships between the software renovation of old processes variable and the users values and theories variable (p<0.001) as well as the software renovation of old processes variable and the users basic trust variable (p<0.001). Also there are two other straight and meaningful relationships between the users values and theories variable and the users self-identity variable (p<0.02) as well as the users basic trust variable and the users self-identity variable (p<0.001). The users basic trust variable (β= 0.26, p<0.001) predicts the users self-identity variable. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Study of Social Rights and Rehabilitation of Children with Disabilities in International instruments and Iranian Laws
        Manuchehr Tavassoli Naini Minou Tabatabaie Raheleh Jagir
        Attention to the issue of children with disabilities and the necessity of rehabilitation for regaining maximum possible extent of their abilities was initiated in the mid-19th century; this trend continued with ups and downs until attention to the rights of disabled per More
        Attention to the issue of children with disabilities and the necessity of rehabilitation for regaining maximum possible extent of their abilities was initiated in the mid-19th century; this trend continued with ups and downs until attention to the rights of disabled persons reached its pinnacle at the beginning of the new millennium through the enactment of the Convention on the Rights of Disabled Persons in 2006. Meanwhile, the issue of social and rehabilitation rights of the Children with disabilities is also of utmost importance. One of the important issues that make social rights and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities more particularly relevant is the different circumstances in which the disabled are placed and throughout history this difference has caused them to be deprived of their rights. In the recent century, with condition of various laws, organizations in many countries and many international bodies have taken effective steps through legislation with respect to disability rights; and countries through adopting these laws, of which the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the most important; have accepted the rights of the disabled. However, it is noteworthy that the basis of this legislation and how to implement it is of utmost importance; whether the laws are implemented thoroughly or just being written on down. Unfortunately, the interval between codification of the law and its administration in developing countries such as Iran a huge gap is noticeable and there is a long way to go to meet the international standards. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Educating Children & Juveniles Deprived of Their Liberty & the Challenges They Face in Iran Law
        Jamal Beigi Mehrdad Teymoori
        Background and aim: Every child & juvenile, in every place & time, is equally entitled to the enjoyment of his or her human rights as an inherent & inalienable right. Whether that child & juvenile is a criminal or a non-criminal, children & juveniles deprived of their l More
        Background and aim: Every child & juvenile, in every place & time, is equally entitled to the enjoyment of his or her human rights as an inherent & inalienable right. Whether that child & juvenile is a criminal or a non-criminal, children & juveniles deprived of their liberty are among the most vulnerable groups in society whose rights cannot be ignored. Today education is considered an essential element of the progress & development of human societies & the right to education of children & juveniles deprived of their liberty is also considered as one of their human rights & citizenship. Although, having the right to education of children & juveniles deprived of their liberty can play an essential role in re-socializing & reforming them. However, the implementation of this right in Iran has several challenges. Methods: The present paper, which is written using library documents & resources in a descriptive & analytical manner, examines the challenges facing the right to education of children & juveniles deprived of their liberty in Iran & offers solutions. Results: Findings & results of the study indicate that the implementation of the right to education of children & juveniles deprived of liberty in Iran faces numerous cultural, financial, judicial, legal, administrative & security challenges that must be addressed in order to address the existing challenges using the solutions provided for each What better way to take action than to enforce this right. Conclusion: The facts show the need for societies to have places that can keep inconsistent & abnormal people out of society for a while & to make arrangements so that they can reform & return to society for social welfare. The right to education of children & juveniles deprived of their liberty is one of their fundamental rights & it is the responsibility of governments to take measures in this regard to take. So that they, like other members of society, can achieve the right to education as their human right. Manuscript profile
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        27 - The Place of the Prophet in Ibn Sina’s Ideal City
        Mohammad Akvan Fatemeh  Mohammad
        As a divine philosopher, Ibn Sina has dealt with politics in his metaphysical discussions. Apparently, he has not written an independent work on politics and has considered it to be a part of practical wisdom. In his view, the prophet represents the “ideal ruler” and re More
        As a divine philosopher, Ibn Sina has dealt with politics in his metaphysical discussions. Apparently, he has not written an independent work on politics and has considered it to be a part of practical wisdom. In his view, the prophet represents the “ideal ruler” and revelation and tradition represent the law. Since, before him, Farabi has discussed politics extensively in his al-Siyasah al-madaniyyah (Civil Politics), Ibn Sina does not see any need to provide more explanations in this regard and deals with this field in short without presenting the details. However, he has discussed the quality of choosing a leader and devising laws for his utopia extensively. In fact, he has completed the same prophetic politics that Farabi had initiated previously. The present paper briefly deals with Ibn Sina’s political system in order to clarify the place of the prophet in the hierarchy of his utopia. In this way, the quality of establishing a utopia based on the “definitive text” as the best method of electing a ruler is clearly illustrated. Moreover, the authors demonstrate how the nature of Ibn Sina’s view of the caliphate and the Prophet’s successor bring him closer to the Imamiyyah political philosophy. Manuscript profile
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        28 - A Study of the Rule of the One from the Viewpoint of Mīrzā Mahdī Āshtīyānī
        Rohollah Adineh Fatemeh Babaeiy Adeleh Fallah
        The rule of the one or al-wāḥid (nothing proceeds from the one, but one) is one of the most fundamental rules which is referred to in philosophy and, particularly, in discussions on the quality of the creation of the world. This principle has provoked several debates in More
        The rule of the one or al-wāḥid (nothing proceeds from the one, but one) is one of the most fundamental rules which is referred to in philosophy and, particularly, in discussions on the quality of the creation of the world. This principle has provoked several debates in the history of philosophy, and many philosophers have resorted to it when explaining their own cosmological views. However, some philosophers have found it completely inconsistent with the absolute power and will of Almighty Truth and harshly criticized it. Mīrzā Mahdī Āshtīyānī is one of the scholars, who, in spite of being a well-known philosopher and presenting a great number of innovative ideas, has not received the attention that he truly deserves. He studied the “rule of the one” extensively and intended to demonstrate it based on several rational and traditional arguments and through resorting to various Qur’anic verses and narrations. Following a descriptive-analytic method and based on several historical documents, the present study initially explores the origin of the rule of the one and its historical development among philosophers. Next, it presents the view of Mīrzā Mahdī Āshtīyānī regarding the rule of the one and analyzes and examines his rational and traditional arguments. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Religion and Politics in Sadrian Philosophy
        Mehdi  Najafiafra Rohalah  Modami
        Religion and politics and the relationship between them are among the important problems in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy. In fact, the issue of politics, which is one of the noteworthy realms of human life, never escaped his attention. Mulla Sadra always emphasized Man’s so More
        Religion and politics and the relationship between them are among the important problems in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy. In fact, the issue of politics, which is one of the noteworthy realms of human life, never escaped his attention. Mulla Sadra always emphasized Man’s social nature in his works and did not consider individual life to be enough even if it were intertwined with religion. In his view, the development of Man is possible only through living a social life. He also maintained that a society which is geared to provide the context for the growth and development of its members should be governed based on Islamic laws. Politics is different from religion in terms of origin, end, act, and passivity; however, it is completely melted in religion, which is the innermost and truth of politics. Mulla Sadra considered the relationship between religion and politics to be the same as the one between the intelligible and the sensible or between the inward and outward aspects. He argues that as the knowledge of physics is incomplete without the knowledge of metaphysics, using politics without resorting to religion will result in Man’s plunge into forms and ignorance of transcendent truths. This will cause some irreparable damages to human life. A correct clarification of Mulla Sadra’s philosophy is the best barrier against secularism, which emphasizes the separation of religion from politics. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Politics and Ruler’s in Suhrawardī’s Political System
        Nooshin Naziri khameneh Abbas Zahabi Baabak Abbasi Ahmad Beheshti
        Conduct is a keyword in Suhrawardī’s political system. In his view, conduct or wayfaring begins with self-knowledge at the individual level and moves them ahead to the social and political level and, finally, to ruling over a society. Suhrawardī’s intended ruler is a ph More
        Conduct is a keyword in Suhrawardī’s political system. In his view, conduct or wayfaring begins with self-knowledge at the individual level and moves them ahead to the social and political level and, finally, to ruling over a society. Suhrawardī’s intended ruler is a philosopher who, through self-knowledge, steps into higher worlds, including the world of Ideas, which is the first world higher than the world of bodies in Suhrawardī’s philosophy. Through wayfaring in this world, the philosopher turns into an intermediary between the world of human beings and the world of God and angels. Through self-knowledge, wayfaring in the world of Ideas, and obedience to God, the philosopher further reaches the level of the spiritual leader, Imām, and leadership of the world. By considering the ruler as the spiritual leader or Quṭb and as an individual who is capable of connecting with the world of Ideas and mediating between God and human beings, Suhrawardī investigates politics, governance, ideal governance, and utopia in the light of a new philosophy. His views in practical wisdom and, particularly, politics correspond to his views in theoretical wisdom concerning some principles such as gradation, nobler possibility, wrath and kindness, and gradedness of the world. For Suhrawardī, as the world of Ideas, which among his own innovations, mediates between the world of matter and the world of omnipotent lights, the philosopher-ruler is related to the world of Ideas and mediates between human beings and God and also angels. The ruling of a ruler with the characteristics intended by Suhrawardī is never idealistic, far-fetched, or limited to specific people; rather, it is quite real and possible. Such a ruler pays attention to people’s happiness not only in the material world but in the hereafter. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Improvement of mining association rules in selecting knowledge groups in the project team with using data mining techniques combined by TOPSIS technique
        skch skch Ahmad نورنگ majid hasani دانيال  بيدگلي
        The role of knowledge management in project management is important and appropriate implementation of this is fairly effective in the efficiency of project management. Identification and using of knowledge groups is one of the principal components of knowledge manageme More
        The role of knowledge management in project management is important and appropriate implementation of this is fairly effective in the efficiency of project management. Identification and using of knowledge groups is one of the principal components of knowledge management. Using association rules to identify the relationship between knowledge groups of the project team can improve and increase utilization of knowledge groups. In order to discover association rules between variables, there are different methodologies that can lead to different results. In this study considered utilization of three methodology to discovery initial of association rules in knowledge groups between project team members.The identified basic rules are checked with multi-criteria decision making technique and then classified. The results of this study as for utilizing a combination of methodologies of discovering the association rules and final classificating rules with TOPSIS technique can introduce the association rules among knowledge groups in project teams that these results lead to the promotion of knowledge management performance in project management. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Extracting and Determining the Rate of Effect of Jurisprudential rules in designing the Electronic Communication System of the Industry and Universities in Iran
        Hosein  Aliahmadi Jeshfaghani  
        One of the biggest problems facing the country, separation industry, academic institutions, such as universities, as well. Not only can reduce the distance students find jobs related to your favorite specialty and help, but can help the industry find their required forc More
        One of the biggest problems facing the country, separation industry, academic institutions, such as universities, as well. Not only can reduce the distance students find jobs related to your favorite specialty and help, but can help the industry find their required force. On the other hand, narrowing the gap between industry and academia to further reduce unemployment and reduce costs of post-employment training will increase further the morale of students. The university Research & Donitz can be more well-known challenges in industry and research Industry needs to do more easily than before. Also eliminate the distance factor that has facilitated the transfer of innovation from industry and university technology transfer between the two helps. No doubt to create a communication system between universities and industry to do any work must one of the most important factors required to start a business, knowing the rules, standards and criteria is available and associated with this business. There are a number of laws in the country in e-commerce to create these businesses should consider all existing laws on this business. These laws include Iran's trade, e-commerce law, legal rules and technical standards, and ... well. On the other hand, there are many obstacles in the relationship between industry and academia. By knowing the rules of barriers to upstream and discovered the limitations facing the development of website and communication system implements the basic standards of the industry we are most familiar Manuscript profile
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        33 - A Secure Algorithm to Overcome Fingerprint Classification Problems
        F. Mirzaei H. Ebrahimpour-Komleh M. Biglari
        Fingerprint as a biometric has the most applications in verification and identification systems, because of its specific properties. In identification systems, input image is compared with all of images stored in the database. In huge databases, the comparison will take More
        Fingerprint as a biometric has the most applications in verification and identification systems, because of its specific properties. In identification systems, input image is compared with all of images stored in the database. In huge databases, the comparison will take large amounts of time; Consider FBI databases, for instance. Image classification is one of the approved methods to increase the identification speed. Only one class is assigned to each fingerprint in tradition absolute classification. Various reasons like noise or lack of all the singularity points in captured region, cause the problem in determination of an absolute class for all the images. In this article, a new method based on probabilistic classification is presented. In the proposed approach, a set of classes are considered for each input image with a specific probability. These classes are searched in order of their probabilities priority in matching stage. Experiments on well-known FVC2002 database, exhibit the effect of probable classification clearly. Using only the second and third classes assigned by the proposed method, the identification system achieves about 18% increase in accuracy and 2-3 times speedup in compared to the traditional methods. Manuscript profile
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        34 - State Estimation of Nonlinear Systems Using Gaussian-Sum Cubature Kalman Filter Based-on Spherical Simplex-Radial Rule
        Mohammad Amin Ahmadpour Kahkak بهروز صفری نژادیان
        In this paper, a new algorithm of Gaussian sum filters for state estimation of nonlinear systems is presented. The proposed method consists of several parallel Cubature Kalman filters each of which is implemented according to the simplex spherical-radial rule. In this m More
        In this paper, a new algorithm of Gaussian sum filters for state estimation of nonlinear systems is presented. The proposed method consists of several parallel Cubature Kalman filters each of which is implemented according to the simplex spherical-radial rule. In this method, the probability density function is the sum of the weights of several Gaussian functions. The mean value, covariance, and weight coefficients of these Gaussian functions are calculated recursively over time, and each of the Cubature Kalman filters are responsible for updating one of these functions. Finally, the performance of the proposed filter is investigated using two nonlinear state estimation problems and the results are compared with conventional nonlinear filters. The simulation results show the appropriate accuracy of the proposed algorithm in state estimation of nonlinear systems. Manuscript profile
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        35 - A Novel Method Based on Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Dimensions Reduction
        Mehdi Hosseinzadeh Aghdam مرتضی آنالویی Jafar Tanha
        Machine learning has been widely used over the past decades due to its wide range of applications. In most machine learning applications such as clustering and classification, data dimensions are large and the use of data reduction methods is essential. Non-negative mat More
        Machine learning has been widely used over the past decades due to its wide range of applications. In most machine learning applications such as clustering and classification, data dimensions are large and the use of data reduction methods is essential. Non-negative matrix factorization reduces data dimensions by extracting latent features from large dimensional data. Non-negative matrix factorization only considers how to model each feature vector in the decomposed matrices and ignores the relationships between feature vectors. The relationships between feature vectors provide better factorization for machine learning applications. In this paper, a new method based on non-negative matrix factorization is proposed to reduce the dimensions of the data, which sets constraints on each feature vector pair using distance-based criteria. The proposed method uses the Frobenius norm as a cost function to create update rules. The results of experiments on the data sets show that the proposed multiplicative update rules converge rapidly and give better results than other algorithms. Manuscript profile
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        36 - The Merits and Demerits of Kings and Rulers in the Poetry of Hafiz Shirazi
        Mohammad keshavarz beyzai
        Hafiz’s Divan deals with political and governmental themes though it is considered as mystical work. Hafiz’s interaction with kings and rulers of the time, attract his attention to their norms, politics and moral which made some of his poems. How Hafiz views the values More
        Hafiz’s Divan deals with political and governmental themes though it is considered as mystical work. Hafiz’s interaction with kings and rulers of the time, attract his attention to their norms, politics and moral which made some of his poems. How Hafiz views the values and anti-values of kings and rulers, as well as the extent, examples, manner of use and purpose of using these concepts in his poems is a worthy subject which is not considered seriously until now. Therefore, this article, with a descriptive-analytical method It seeks to answer these questions: what were the merits and demerits of the rulers in Hafez's poetry and for what purpose were they reflected in his poetry? The findings show that Hafez, influenced by the general patterns of Iranian " Policy writing ", some of the moral and political merits of kings, such as: justice, culture, property management, generosity, establishment Security, and some of their inadequacies, such as: oppression, bloodshed, bigotry and arrogance in a clever and artistic way, in his poems for instructive and instructive, as well as to soften the spirit of the rulers of the time and reduce their tyranny and violence. Has done. Manuscript profile
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        37 - the legitimacy of Causalityin juridical texts and statute i.r.i
        seyyed rohollah aghigh meysam nemat ah allahi mojtaba farahmand
        One example of the involvement of individuals in committing crimes and social crimes is the issue of accusations of crime. Although the word causality has a general meaning and is also used in civil law, the prevailing meaning of this concept is in criminal law, More
        One example of the involvement of individuals in committing crimes and social crimes is the issue of accusations of crime. Although the word causality has a general meaning and is also used in civil law, the prevailing meaning of this concept is in criminal law, which is more in line with jurisprudential texts. . This word, which is an effective and important application in law, is one of the most challenging issues, and there are many disagreements over it. Some argue that the appropriation is the same (not dictated), and it is a rational rule that has a strong autonomy and Jurisprudence has also used examples of it as examples of it. Some also believe that the mentioned cases (from Bob causality) in jurisprudence are exclusive to the mentioned cases, and the emblem is not an independent jurisprudential and rational basis, therefore, it should be considered limited to the cases mentioned in the texts of jurisprudence. The research has been gathered with an applied and analytical and descriptive approach, utilizing library studies, and its findings indicate that the appropriation of a rational rule is in accordance with this rule as an exemplary statement of some of the cases. And these examples are in fact only examples of this rule, the legislator, instead of expressing several examples of it, would have been better off by limiting the material to the explanation of the subject matter and avoiding the ambiguities that made ambiguities in the comprehension of the audience. Avoidance Would have Manuscript profile
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        38 - study the principles and foundations of competition law based on the legal laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran
        mohammad saeeid shafiei hamid samadifard shirin shafiei
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        39 - Analyzing the problem of rule-following in education with emphasis on Wittgenstein’s Paradox
        Mohsen Bohlooli Fakhoodi
        The rules are components of our biological experiences that shape all social institutions and human activities, including education. When we invite others to follow the rules, there is always a presupposition in our mind that we and others have a common and clear concep More
        The rules are components of our biological experiences that shape all social institutions and human activities, including education. When we invite others to follow the rules, there is always a presupposition in our mind that we and others have a common and clear concept of the rules. Wittgenstein believes that one can be trained to follow the rules. But he puts forward an important paradox about the rule of law, according to which one cannot speak of a conformity or non-compliance with the rule. The logical dimensions of this paradox have attracted the attention of educational philosophers. Following the rules of education in the school and classroom space is one of the most prominent examples of compliance with the rules. But do we have enough reasons to persuade our children and students to follow the rules? The two views of rationalist and authoritarian are among the most important approaches in the area of education to the question of rule-following. Relying on Wittgenstein’s context-based approach to escaping the paradox, this paper claims that the best way to understand the category of rule-following is to form a tacit agreement between the community and educational environments, which can only be expressed in practice without being expressible. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Necessity and Possibility of Judicial Supervision over Security Council’s Performance in UN Legal System
        حسین شریفی طرازکوهی ساسان  مدرس سبزواری
        The issue of judicial supervision over the Security Council has two different, but interrelated aspects. First of all, the “necessity” of such supervision should be discussed. The present article assumes that the Security Council should be committed to the principles of More
        The issue of judicial supervision over the Security Council has two different, but interrelated aspects. First of all, the “necessity” of such supervision should be discussed. The present article assumes that the Security Council should be committed to the principles of international law, the goals of the United Nations, sovereign rights of member states, fundamental human rights guarantees, as well as the basic structure for the division of powers among various organs of the UN. Then it studies the Security Council’s procedure to show that this institution has been frequently found in violation of the aforesaid legal bounds. Security Council’s inattention to the limits of its powers can cast doubts on credibility of the entire UN system. It has been also shown that the “necessity” of judicial supervision can be proven on the basis of the requirements of the “rule of law.” Another aspect of this issue is the “possibility” of judicial supervision in view of the current state of international law. The present paper has shown that although the Charter of the United Nations has remained silent on this issue, it can be confirmed if final goals of this document are taken as basis for its interpretation. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Challenges Facing UN for Democratization of Ethnic-Religious Communities(Case study: UN action in Africa following the Cold War)
        قدرت  احمدیان ندا  حیدری
        The United Nations is the most important international organization which has been founded to protect peace and security especially in international arena. The UN considers protection of peace and democratization as an effective mechanism to reduce and limit conflicts, More
        The United Nations is the most important international organization which has been founded to protect peace and security especially in international arena. The UN considers protection of peace and democratization as an effective mechanism to reduce and limit conflicts, especially in ethnic-religious communities. Following the Cold War, ethic-religious conflicts in Africa have become more intense. Since national governments have been unable to control such conflicts and the conflicts pose a threat to international security, international community has taken action to manage these conflicts. As such, the UN has embarked on democratization of African countries in the form of the second generation of peacekeeping operations. However, despite such efforts, the aforesaid conflicts have not been reduced, but continued unabated. Inefficiency of the UN model for management of conflicts is an important problem. The present research aims to find reasons behind the failure of the UN conflict management model; that is, democratization as a solution for ethnic-religious conflicts in Africa following the Cold War. The present article takes advantage of the theory of institutionalism for the analysis of transition to democracy before discussing reasons behind the failure of the UN action on democratization, failure of democratic rule, and continuation of conflicts in Africa. Manuscript profile
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        42 - An explanation of validation in Islamic thought: ethical jurisprudence
        tahereh pournemati shams abad Maryam shahrivar
        With the advancement of technology and the need for new systems and institutions, legislators need to legislate in accordance with the needs of the day, to legislate on the use of these technologies to reduce the abuse of this technology as much as possible. One of the More
        With the advancement of technology and the need for new systems and institutions, legislators need to legislate in accordance with the needs of the day, to legislate on the use of these technologies to reduce the abuse of this technology as much as possible. One of the issues facing the world is economic corruption. Corruption such as money laundering, which requires legal action and solutions. Countries have resorted to civic accreditation to combat moral corruption and reduce legal conflicts. In Iran, the scheme is still not legal, and financial and credit institutions and banks are required to provide credit to their customers, which is not limited to finance and has a wide range of issues. The subject of this research is the place and role of civic validation in ethical rules. Ethics provides us with guidelines for a valuable and transcendent life. It lies in human beings and in order for human beings to reach their worthy perfection, they must also flourish this aspect of existence; And this perfection is possible by practicing a set of moral rules; In all societies and eras, individuals have regulated their relationships within the framework of rules and regulations that have been the basis of these ethical rules. Morality speaks of goodness and ugliness or merit and indecency. The present study will examine the place of validation in ethical rules and what effect they will have on each other. Manuscript profile
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        43 - The position of legal rules in international environmental law
        mahnaz farajpoor
        The increasing growth of environmental pollution and destruction and the formation of successive environmental crises caused governments to seriously think of a solution almost four decades ago, based on this, international environmental law as one of the branches of in More
        The increasing growth of environmental pollution and destruction and the formation of successive environmental crises caused governments to seriously think of a solution almost four decades ago, based on this, international environmental law as one of the branches of international law. Public was formed by the international community through the establishment and implementation of binding and non-binding legal rules and in recent decades it has developed in terms of content, form and structure considering that the importance and fundamental role of the environment in human life and development is undeniable. Therefore, the basis of the global decision to protect the environment became concrete with the formation of the first United Nations World Conference on Man and the Environment named "Stockholm Convention" in Sweden in 1972, so that the human right to enjoy a healthy environment is equal to Human rights were recognized. Based on this, in the present study, we intend to answer this basic question by using the analytical descriptive method with the help of library tools, what is the position of legal rules and especially customs in international environmental law? The research hypothesis states that customs had an important impact on the formation of rules and agreements resulting from international environmental law. Manuscript profile
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        44 - A Horizon for Sentiment Analysis in Social Networks based on Interpreting Contents
        Maryam Tayefeh Mahmoudi َAmirmansour  Yadegari Parvin Ahmadi Kambiz Badie
        Interpreting contents in social networks with the aim of analyzing the sentiment of their narrators is of particular significance. In this paper, we present a framework for such a purpose, which is able to classify the messages hidden in contents based on using some rul More
        Interpreting contents in social networks with the aim of analyzing the sentiment of their narrators is of particular significance. In this paper, we present a framework for such a purpose, which is able to classify the messages hidden in contents based on using some rule-type protocols with high abstraction level. According to this framework, items such as prosodic of a content's narrator, context of disseminating a content and the key propositions in a content's text are regarded in the condition part of a protocol, while the possible classes for the message in a content are considered as its action part. It is to be noted that the proposed rule-type protocols can equally be used for other languages due to the generic-ness of the above-mentioned items. Results of computer simulations on a variety of different contents in the social networks show that the proposed framework is sufficiently capable of analyzing the sentiment of the contents' narrators in these networks. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Principles and rules of Islamic educational jurisprudence in the scope of Teaching and learning
        esa bahrami Abbas Ali  Heydari mahmud ghayumzadeh
        The purpose if this study was to investigate the principles and rules of Islamic educational jurisprudence in the scope of teaching and learning. The research method was documentary-qualitative and the statistical population consisted of published documents in the field More
        The purpose if this study was to investigate the principles and rules of Islamic educational jurisprudence in the scope of teaching and learning. The research method was documentary-qualitative and the statistical population consisted of published documents in the field of education in Islam. Data has been collected by index cards of the library. Descriptive-analytical method was used to analyze the data. In this study, there were three hypotheses that were explained and analyzed. The results of the study show educational jurisprudence in connection with educational sciences provides a good basis for using the useful science because this link, in addition to determining the correctness and punishment of what has been learned, it determines its effects and blessings in the world and in the hereafter. Teaching and learning is not rich enough if it does not pay attention to its jurisprudential rules. Human doings have meaning when they are more compatible with divine and jurisprudential values. Since Educational jurisprudence and the rules of teaching and learning have common sources, they are correlated and interdependent. Their sources are the Holy Quran, narrations and the Prophetic tradition. Commitment to the rules of teaching and learning ensures the effectiveness of the education process in individual and social dimensions of life. Manuscript profile
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        46 - An Analytical Study of the Theory of Violence in Carl Schmidt's Political Theory
        Samad  Zahiri Sattar  Zanganeh Tabar reza nasiri hamed
        Violence is one of the most important aspects of the history of human political life which appears in the form of physical and mental suffering in a person. Political thinkers and theorists have tried to explain the phenomenon of violence within their political theory. More
        Violence is one of the most important aspects of the history of human political life which appears in the form of physical and mental suffering in a person. Political thinkers and theorists have tried to explain the phenomenon of violence within their political theory. Carl Schmitt is one of the most important political and legal theorists of the twentieth century who has explained the concept of violence. Schmitt divides human life into diverse and relatively independent realms of thought and action, including ethics, aesthetics, economics, etc. The realm of politics and "political" is one of these realms with the criterion of friend-enemy distinction. The political premise of the state and the state is the manifestation of the nature of politics. Politics is also the decision of the ruling person in an exceptional situation. The ruler is the one who decides in exceptional circumstances. The government, or the ruling person, has a complete monopoly on the use of violence. The ruler, who decides and assigns tasks for it from outside the legal system, is forced to use violence, which is called sovereign violence. This article attempts to explain the theory of violence in Carl Schmitt political thought. Manuscript profile
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        47 - The Effectiveness of Behavioral Parent Training on Reducing Externalizing Problems in 7 to 9 Years Old Children
        Saeed  Ghanbari
        The effectiveness of behavioral parent training on externalized problems (aggressive behavior and rule breaking) in 7 to 9 years old children was investigated in this study. Sixty parents whose children(aged 7 ta 9) had received the highest scores on the Child Behaviora More
        The effectiveness of behavioral parent training on externalized problems (aggressive behavior and rule breaking) in 7 to 9 years old children was investigated in this study. Sixty parents whose children(aged 7 ta 9) had received the highest scores on the Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL) and their problems were also confirmed by the Teacher Report Form (TRF) were selected.from a pool of 360 parents in two randomly selected schools in Tehran. Subjects were divided into control and experimental groups .the Experimental group received BPT for 4 weeks, twice a week sessions lasting tow hours. Results were analyzed using covariance and indicated that parents in the experimental group reported a significant decrease in externalized problems and aggressive behaviors as compared to the control group. In regard to rule breaking behavior, no significant difference was observed between the groups. The emerged findings can have clinical applications in prevention and treatment of child behavioral disorders. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Typology of Rules of Quran and Tradition in Comparing and Contrasting Criterion of Contradiction in Principle of Conditions
        Mohammadreza  Khalilzadeh
        The important status of the principle of conditions in jurisprudence and the rights of undertakings is something clear. The recent version of this principle excludes conditions countering the Book (Holy Quran) and tradition. Identifying the conditions countering the Boo More
        The important status of the principle of conditions in jurisprudence and the rights of undertakings is something clear. The recent version of this principle excludes conditions countering the Book (Holy Quran) and tradition. Identifying the conditions countering the Book and tradition and putting forth a regulation to help the experts in Islamic law, jurists, and in cases the judges in comparing and contrasting instances of contradiction to the Book and tradition, will be very helpful. The classification of orders by the Book and tradition into positive and imperative rules, and the imperative rules into mandatory and non-mandatory, the researcher came to know the difference in the existence of criterion contradictory to the Book and tradition. This paper has embarked on typology of Quran and tradition and presenting a criterion for readdressing the condition contradictory to the Book and tradition. Manuscript profile
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        49 - The effects of defamiliarization in Abhar al-Asheqin with the approach of adding rules and rules of straw
        Manzar Soltani Azar Firouzi Rad
        Part of the mysticism of the 6th century is the result of the thoughts of "Ruzbehan Baghli". In the book "Abhar al-Asheqin", Roozbahan Baghli has mixed dynamic thought with creativity with poetic expression in the form of prose and intertwined the boundaries between p More
        Part of the mysticism of the 6th century is the result of the thoughts of "Ruzbehan Baghli". In the book "Abhar al-Asheqin", Roozbahan Baghli has mixed dynamic thought with creativity with poetic expression in the form of prose and intertwined the boundaries between prose poetry and poetic prose. In the study of the language of "Abhar al-Asheqin" in this research, defamiliarization components were identified in his prose with an emphasis on the opinions of "leach".For this purpose, descriptive-analytical method and library resources have been used. In this book, Rozbahan's language has a special system, and the methods of defamiliarization, rule-making, and linguistic rule-enhancing, influenced by Rozbahan's mystical experiences, are well expressed. Grammarization through the process of verbal repetition is in the form of a balance resulting from lexical repetition, and among these, there is more incomplete phonetic repetition than complete phonetic repetition in the form of parallel (parallel and opposite) and congruent words. As a factor in creating defamiliarization in the form of personalization, simile, and metaphor, defamiliarization is the most frequent form of fantasy in "Abhar al-Asheqin" and the combinations of words that are mixed in an artistic and innovative way defamiliarize the language. The succession of additions and the use of verses and hadiths and contrasts are also among his tricks in this work. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Moral autonomy in the Holy Qur'an
        mohsen bagheri seyed ahmad fazeli
        autonomy is a concept that has been in the field of politics since ancient Greece, but Kant assigned a fundamental role to it in ethics. He believes that the moral subject, in addition to being subordinate to the absolute, as the moral law, is also its creator. After Ka More
        autonomy is a concept that has been in the field of politics since ancient Greece, but Kant assigned a fundamental role to it in ethics. He believes that the moral subject, in addition to being subordinate to the absolute, as the moral law, is also its creator. After Kant, this concept found other definitions and positions such as personal autonomy and rational autonomy. In his book about autonomy, Dworkin gave a general formulation of moral autonomy, in which the axis is " owner to moral principles" with various meanings. In this article, the concept of autonomy and its components such as self- constitution, self-control, rationality, and independence have been explained from the perspective of philosophers, and then through these components, a reading of this concept in the Holy Quran has been followed. It can be said that autonomy is mentioned in some of its meanings in the Holy Qur'an and is considered one of the components of the moral agent. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Pregnancy: Right Or Duty
        Neda Akbar zade
        Matrimony is a sacred event and different affects and consequences arise from it. One of the purposes of people in marriage is having baby, a baby who is the plenipotentiary representative of his/her parents. However, sometimes husband is opposed to her wife pregnancy w More
        Matrimony is a sacred event and different affects and consequences arise from it. One of the purposes of people in marriage is having baby, a baby who is the plenipotentiary representative of his/her parents. However, sometimes husband is opposed to her wife pregnancy without any compelling reason. The question is whether childbearing is a right? And if the answer is positive, it is the right of both wife and husband or just one of them? We can understand from the context of jurists and Islamic scholars that childbearing is a right of both parents (not merely a right for man). As husband has the right of getting pregnant, the wife also has the right to become pregnant.According to La Zarar (no prejudice) rule and the assumption of husband’s misconduct, the wife would have the right to divorce if the right of wife (become pregnant) be ignored and man refuse to have a baby. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Analytical study of the rule of urgency in Islamic law and jurisprudence
        Abbas Ali  Bahari Ardashiri Sayed Mohammad Shaffiey
        The set of actions and conditions that a person or persons inflict on a person or persons to avoid a current threat is called a state of emergency. The rule of urgency refers to a ruling in case of which a person refuses to perform the obligatory rules by the rule of re More
        The set of actions and conditions that a person or persons inflict on a person or persons to avoid a current threat is called a state of emergency. The rule of urgency refers to a ruling in case of which a person refuses to perform the obligatory rules by the rule of reason and frees himself from that severe danger by committing a forbidden act and causing harm to a person or other persons. But this damage must always be as great as the danger that is created and more damage must be avoided. Article 206 of the Civil Code, while validating an emergency transaction, states that if a person enters into a transaction as a result of a personal emergency, it is not considered contempt. The cause of external urgency is the ruling of the Cairo power, so it eliminates the causal relationship between action and distress and harm. Accordingly, the distressed person is not liable unless it can be held liable under civil liability. Components of fairness or non-fairness of contracts include abuses of the position of a person or persons in a state of emergency. This article examines whether an emergency can relieve civil liability or not, and examines the contracts that are made with distressed people, as well as the ruling on their invalidity or non-invalidity. Manuscript profile
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        53 - A Framework for Sentiment Analysis in Social Networks based on Interpreting Contents
        Maryam Tayfeh-Mahmoudi َAmirmansour  Yadegari Parvin Ahmadi kambiz badie
        Interpreting contents with the aim of analyzing the sentiment of their narrators in social networks, holds a high significance due to the role of a content in disseminating information to the corresponding human groups. In this paper, we propose a framework for analyzin More
        Interpreting contents with the aim of analyzing the sentiment of their narrators in social networks, holds a high significance due to the role of a content in disseminating information to the corresponding human groups. In this paper, we propose a framework for analyzing sentiment on complex contents in a social network according to which a set of if-then type rules defined at high abstraction level, would be able to classify the messages behind these contents. According to this framework, items such as prosodic, context and key propositions are considered in the condition part of a rule and possible classes of message are taken into account in a rule’s action part. It is to be noted that the rules proposed for interpreting a content do not depend on the considered language due to the very inherent property of the items which are considered in interpretation. Results of experiments on a wide range of different contents in a social network support the fact that the proposed framework is sufficiently capable of analyzing the sentiments of contents’ narrators. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Explanation of the relationship between God and the universe according to Mirza Javad Tehrani (RA)
        Ali Akbar Haeri Movahhed yahya Kabir Mohammad   Saeedi Mehr abbas zahabi
        The purpose of this research is to answer the question, what is the relationship between God and the universe from the perspective of Mirza Javad Tehrani? For this purpose, his written works were analyzed by means of content analysis of sources in a library manner. Sage More
        The purpose of this research is to answer the question, what is the relationship between God and the universe from the perspective of Mirza Javad Tehrani? For this purpose, his written works were analyzed by means of content analysis of sources in a library manner. Sages in response to this question of rational assumptions such as; They have used the principle of causation, falsification, composition, the principle of oneness, the subject of manifestation, etc., and by proposing a separation between the first creation and the first emission, they have considered the relationship as an existential matter. Mirza Javad, one of the thinkers of the separation school, while not accepting the aforementioned principles, does not consider the claim of the sages to be free of problems. He believes that determining the example of the first creature and expressing the type of relationship is beyond the realm of human knowledge, so we must obey the Sharia texts in this regard. Therefore, the relationship between God and the universe is definitely established. Although its quality is unknown to us. Manuscript profile