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        1 - Study of the city in political geography and geopolitical with an emphasis on Gottman and Cox's theory
        hassan kamran   yashar zaki    
        "City" is not only a political-spatial phenomenon, but also a geopolitical phenomenon which is the basis for the achievement of national power. Due to its specific characteristics, the city is the main place to meet the mental, intellectual and physical needs of human b More
        "City" is not only a political-spatial phenomenon, but also a geopolitical phenomenon which is the basis for the achievement of national power. Due to its specific characteristics, the city is the main place to meet the mental, intellectual and physical needs of human beings in every country. Therefore, it can be said that cities and towns are responsible for maintaining the financial and material resources of the country. Cities on a global scale are powerful political spaces that enter the process of competition and interaction by controlling local events at the regional and global levels. Hence, the dramatic growth of large cities suggests that the state has provided a model for the development of the future of political geography. In other words, As the population increases The transformation of many non-urban spaces into urban space As well as by designing new patterns and working strategies for organizing urban space And the increasing political and strategic role of cities can be acknowledged Which has become the focal point of studies in geopolitical and geopolitical geography But how this phenomenon is studied from the perspective of geo-political geopolitics and geopolitics, The question that the present paper deals with The results of this research by analytical-descriptive method show that The phenomenon of the city has been studied not only in one dimension, but also in multidimensional forms, both theoretical and applied by geographers and geopolitics Manuscript profile
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        2 - Dust and Environmental Security Case Study: Southwest Asia
        Ataollah Abdi hassan kamran Qiuomars Yazdanpanah Dero Farzad Jokar
        Abstract Southwest Asia has witnessed widespread developments in recent years across the countries. These developments take place in a range of political, security, geopolitical, and social events. One of the most important events in this region is the dust phenomenon More
        Abstract Southwest Asia has witnessed widespread developments in recent years across the countries. These developments take place in a range of political, security, geopolitical, and social events. One of the most important events in this region is the dust phenomenon that has affected the lives of people in countries like Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait over the last few years. One of the characteristics of this natural phenomenon is its transboundary nature, and this feature has given it a geopolitical nature. Therefore, any action in this regard will depend on multilateral cooperation among the countries involved. Also, the reliance of some countries (the upper hand in its sources of water and its sources) has added to theories of commonly used forms related to how resources are accessed (water) and its management has added to the ambiguity of the case. But the other problem is that the countries involved in this issue are politically affected by ideological, religious, political and social conflicts, which have somewhat tense relations. Therefore, the present article seeks to investigate the fact that the natural phenomenon is round What will be the consequences of dust as a geopolitical issue for relations between the countries of the region. This article is descriptive-analytical and the tool for collecting information is a type of library study. The results of the surveys indicate that despite the domestic problems and issues concerning relations between the countries of the region, the pressure of public opinion and endangering the quality of life among affected peoples have led them to two or multilateral cooperation At least in this particular issue. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Analysis of the factors affecting Shi'a lack of convergence in Southwest Asia
        Hadi Alipoor   Rebaz Ghorbani Nejad
        Shi'ism is one of the main religions of Islam, less events can be studied in Southwest Asia, which is not related to Shiites. Shiites are the agents and agents of events, and sometimes the subject of political-social events . In spite of religious and cultural similarit More
        Shi'ism is one of the main religions of Islam, less events can be studied in Southwest Asia, which is not related to Shiites. Shiites are the agents and agents of events, and sometimes the subject of political-social events . In spite of religious and cultural similarities and common interests, the sects in the present age suffer from components that, as a problem, intensify the process of non-convergence in Shi'a societies and prevent cohesion. Considering the importance of the subject, the author in this paper uses the analytical method, the use of library studies and field studies Assuming: "The political, security, and cultural-social components of the region can affect the Shi'a's lack of convergence," the paper seeks to analyze the factors affecting the Shi'a's lack of convergence in the South West Asia region. Field research findings indicate that the adoption of Shi'a-based policy by regional powers, Salafism and sectarianism, regional power actions and policies, economic and social inequalities, geographical dispersion, territorial disputes, religious and ideological conflicts, And the support of the extreme Shiite movement from divisive actions is one of the most important factors in Shi'a disintegration in the Southwest Asia region. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Geopolitical Analysis of Spatial Planinng View in Afghanistan and Providing Strategic Model
        Atiqullah Ghamari Qiuomars Yazdanpanah Dero Zahra Pishgahi fard Hossein Hataminejad
        In the structure of the political economy of the world, some countries are developed and some are developing. Some countries are not only not being developed due to geopolitical fragility and threats and internal crises and the external environment, but also on the pat More
        In the structure of the political economy of the world, some countries are developed and some are developing. Some countries are not only not being developed due to geopolitical fragility and threats and internal crises and the external environment, but also on the path to development. Afghanistan is now considered to be one of the world's worst-hit and underdeveloped countries, with no clear prospects for development, nor at the level of the basic development theorem, nor with clear, coherent development strategies, nor with any operational guarantee document. These problems in Afghanistan are rooted in internal and external issues of geography, culture, politics and security. Therefore, planning for the country's territorial development depends on solving these problems. Strategic planning with a framework and political and security considerations can reduce security threats and political challenges and, as a result, territorial development. Therefore, this article attempts to analyze the internal and external factors affecting territorial integration in Afghanistan from a geopolitical point of view. In this regard, there are two questions to be asked: 1) What are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and geopolitical threats of Afghanistan in its spatial planinng? 2) How can the landscape of the land in Afghanistan be mapped based on internal and external geopolitical factors? This paper has been written in a descriptive-analytical manner, and the required data is also compiled in a library, documentary and bases and websites. Manuscript profile
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        5 - The explanation of conflict between the Iran and America in the Caspian geopolitical region
          hassan kamran محمدحسین  دشتی
        The Caspian Sea region is of high importance regarding energy related geopolitics, energy transporting lines and security within regional and international relation. After the fragmentation of USSR and the increase of number of the Caspian coastal countries from two to More
        The Caspian Sea region is of high importance regarding energy related geopolitics, energy transporting lines and security within regional and international relation. After the fragmentation of USSR and the increase of number of the Caspian coastal countries from two to five, the issue of determining a legal resolution for the Caspian Sea became more complicated. Thus, the regional and trans-regional countries benefits and maximize their power within the international system in the region among which the encounter between America and Iran is the most salient. In this paper it has been tried to explain this problem in the region employing the analytical – descriptive technique based on theoretical approaches of energy – related geopolitics. In this direction, findings indicate that the conflicting policy of the two countries, America's attempt to eliminate the geopolitical situation of Iran from transportation of energy in the region, the effectiveness of America on debates relative to determining a legal resolution on the Caspian region by resorting to military and security solution and threatening Iran's interests and national security are among the most important reasons for this encounter. Finally the Islamic Republic of Iran can obtain its main interests within the legal resolution for Caspian Sea and find its place as the connecting chain among producers and consumers of energy, by a correct understanding of its geopolitical capabilities within foreign policy and active and smart diplomacy. In fact, it is the best way to achieve the economic development, as well as to tie the international economy to its national security and to minimize the relative threats. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Redefinition of geopolitics of shia (by emphasizing on demonstration of Arba'een)
        Religion in politics and tie with power is discussable and investigable in category of geopolitical studies, in general and cultural geopolitics (geoculture), in particular. In this sense, geopolitics of shia means power and intensity of effectiveness of shia society on More
        Religion in politics and tie with power is discussable and investigable in category of geopolitical studies, in general and cultural geopolitics (geoculture), in particular. In this sense, geopolitics of shia means power and intensity of effectiveness of shia society on regional and international changes and policies. Main hypothesis of the research seeks to respond to this question that what position demonstration of Arba'een as one of symbolic teachings and elements of sect of shia has in geopolitical weight and power sources of shias? Several factors such as supreme situation of shias in the region, maximum hegemony of shias on energy sources of the middle east, capability of threatening Israeli regime, regional power of Iran, democratic nature of shia governments and in short, events of the region during these four decades (from Iranian revolution) provided field of establishing power of shias in the region. Although power basics of this geopolitics have caused and cause always to image fear of Shia from western– Arabian governments in the region, existing realities state geopolitical power of shier. The present research seeks to redefine geopolitics of Shia. Hypothesis is this, when a true understanding of geopolitics of shia is possible that a true cognition of root and real origin of power of shia is done .here, thoughts and beliefs and in other sense, shia ideology (Ashura, the pond of Khumm, Mahdiism, Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist, etc.) are the same infrastructure and real power of shia. In other sense, in fact real power of shia is due to these values and beliefs. One of these values that today, has been converted into dislpay of faith, unity and power of shias in the region and the world, is huge demonstration of Arba'een. Manuscript profile
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        7 - A Clarification of Sociopolitical Water-Related Tensions in South Khorasan Studied case: Districts of Esfeden and Affin
        Water is considered a major, developmental substructure in different social and economical sectors of countries. Currently, problems regarding this vital substance are among the most important issues in the world. Water scarcity, caused by population growth and water re More
        Water is considered a major, developmental substructure in different social and economical sectors of countries. Currently, problems regarding this vital substance are among the most important issues in the world. Water scarcity, caused by population growth and water requirement to produce food, inherent limitation of water resources particularly in arid and semi-arid areas, excessive withdrawal from resources and poor water management has over time inflicted tensions and challenges on the national and international levels, hence threatening peace and security around the globe. It has also made some problems inevitable, such as evacuation of villages, irregular emigration of villagers to cities, social conflicts among dwellings, and growing political tensions. We can refer , as an instance, to the growing tensions among people from Esfeden City and Affin Village in South Khorasan Province over the past years. Considering the issues above, the main question of the study is, “what contributes to creating and aggravating of conflicts and tensions among these two neighboring regions?” The hypothesis stated is: various factors such as population growth, increasing the land under cultivation, as well as recent droughts have led to development of tensions. Methodology This is, methodologically, a case study within a geographical study framework, and it was primarily conducted with a descriptive-analytic approach. The information and data were gathered from electronic and library sources, and relevant documents, and through interviews with experts, officials and locals. The studied region is located within two counties in the northern part of South Khorasn Province. According to the latest state division map, Esfeden is a city of central Qayenat County, and Affin is a village of Zohan in Zirkouh County. Data & results The Affin River, which supplies part of the irrigating water of the area, originates from Dogerd Heights and Shirkab Heights, 67 km southeast to Birjand, and runs by villages Shirg, Sarjin, Kalat-e-mazar, Baimorgh, Baghestan, Payhan, and Fathabad, down to Affin. The water, which reaches the riverbed south of Affin, runs for 5km before it arrives at a point called division chamber, where it is divided into six equal parts, one part belonging to Affin fields and five other parts belonging to Esfeden fields and plantations. Affin’s share of water goes to Affin fields, while Esfeden’s share of water runs along The Affin River, and at some distance down the village it joins The Shour (salt) River and together they make up the Esfeden Creek. Over the past years, considering water shares and due to the rise of barberry price, the area of cultivated land for annual crops has declined, whereas the allocated land to the barberry gardens has developed. The entire area of aridable land was 227 hectares, which consisted of 138 hectares of gardens and plant nurseries and 89 hectares of fields. Currently, most of the fields have gone under cultivation of barberry trees and the entire land area of gardens has doubled ( up to 260 hectares). About 90 hectares of the gardens is irrigated with water from the river and 170 hectares with water from the qanats. Considering the population growth and increased area of cultivated land in Affin, and in spite of the fact that people of Affin are well attendant of their share of water, however, they assume excess withdrawal of water from the river an unnegotiable right of their own. Particularly in hot seasons and when irrigation is most required, they withdraw water from the river above their allocated share. In addition, because the river bed before the division chamber has been destroyed and subsequently, there is a difference up to about two meters in height, water is not properly directed to the division chamber and, as a result, there is not a proportionate division. This causes less accessable water to reach Esfeden, and inflicts a lot of damage to farmers in Esfeden. According to the experts in the Department of Agriculture, considering the vast area of cultivated land, and high costs of developing gardens, and also the long time prior to the harvest, the estimated damage due to water reduction during flowering seasons, harvest, and at the peak of collecting crops is varied. However, typically, a decline of 5 seconds in 30 liters leads to 10 to 15 percent loss of crops. Conclusion Finally, it was concluded that because of increased demand for water due to the development of cultivated gardens in the region, population growth, and dividing the irrigating water in accordance with inheritance law, the share of the limited water available per person has diminished, and disputes and tensions over possession of water in the districts of Affin and Esfeden has risen. Reduced amount of precipitation and the recent droughts has led to aggravation of water crisis, reduced quota of sustainable water per capita in the region, and rising demands for irrigation. Disagreements and disputes over water in years have inflicted financial damage to farmers, contributing to coldness of relations among people, reducing the farmers’ collaboration to clear the conveying ducts, and maintaining conveying ducts especially after floods. All these issues play a significant role in the reduction of accessible water. Implementing the plan of the concrete wall before the division chamber, directing water to division chamber, and conveying it through pipes from the division chamber to the piped route can help reduce some of the local issues and disputes Manuscript profile
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        8 - The Impact of Political Ideology on Promoting the Level of Geographic Space; Case study: Qom province
        hassan kamran      
        Administrative divisions are a clear indication of the role played by states in managing the territorial space, which is being discussed in many disciplines, especially in geopolitics .By pursuing country-specific divisions and territorial targeting, governments pursue More
        Administrative divisions are a clear indication of the role played by states in managing the territorial space, which is being discussed in many disciplines, especially in geopolitics .By pursuing country-specific divisions and territorial targeting, governments pursue specific goals and, according to specific rules and regulations, apply their own management in territorial territory. In the process of changing the level of political-administrative units, there are several factors that make up one of the most important ones, such as population, size, culture and ethnicity, age, security, access, etc. However, in some cases, it can be seen that the existence of a series of political and geopolitical considerations or religious or religious characteristics imposes these criteria on the sidelines and alone plays a key role in promoting the level of division of the state. One of these cases in Iran is the conversion of Qom county to Qom province. This article explores why and how it is influenced by it. This research has been done by descriptive-analytical method and its data and data have been collected through library resources, electronics and referring to relevant documents. The results of the research showed that political and religious factor played a major role in promoting the political level of Qom and forming Qom province, and had a greater impact than other factors. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Philosophical-Conceptual Exploitation of Urban Geopolitics
        Arash Ghorbanisepehr Mohsen Janparvar
        Developments in various fields have led to the emergence of new topics in the field of study in urban areas as spatial-geographic phenomena. Although cities have already had a prominent place in the past, changes in power and levels of power have increased the role of s More
        Developments in various fields have led to the emergence of new topics in the field of study in urban areas as spatial-geographic phenomena. Although cities have already had a prominent place in the past, changes in power and levels of power have increased the role of subordinate actors that have shaped geopolitical debates on cities. The purpose of this paper is to understand and understand the general history, philosophical nature, reason, and definitions of urban geopolitics as a new and expanding issue. Therefore, in this paper for analyzing the information, content analysis method has been used. By examining the history of the formation of the city's geopolitical concept and its existing definitions, it became clear that the concept and nature of urban geopolitics are not well defined, as is necessary and desirable. Thus, the authors consider the geopolitical philosophical nature of the city to be the geographic resources of power, with emphasis on the city, the space of cities and their sphere of influence, and its relations at the levels (local, national, regional, global). The results of the general survey of urban geopolitical conceptualizations in the researches show that proper conceptualization of urban geopolitics is not necessary. Based on this, one can consider urban geopolitics in terms of four dimensions (location, actors, function, and discourse). Manuscript profile
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        10 - The geopolitical cooperation between Islamic republic of Iran and the central Asia and effect of that to the national security
        Mohammad  Tahmineh Daniali nezamali salehi
        The movement during the years 1991 before soviet union that land the independence central Asian republic (CIS) it is very important for the Islamic republic of Iran because of we close more to these countries in geopolitical section . the argument of Caspian sea regime More
        The movement during the years 1991 before soviet union that land the independence central Asian republic (CIS) it is very important for the Islamic republic of Iran because of we close more to these countries in geopolitical section . the argument of Caspian sea regime and the effect of this sea about the people that live in literal state (five state).it is necessary that the five countries to cooperate with each other . Islamic republic of Iran in geo-economics , geo-culture and other factors as exporting petrol and gas of the central Asia through Iran to the European countries this kind of cooperating cause that to prevent from the influence America and Western countries and also for preventing drug traffickers and delivering criminal persons in the both side of the borders . And also respecting to the national value , and traveling responsible person in being level to countries and also imperilment the political reaper sensitive and special attention to import and export goods for preparing our national benefit .and also it is very necessary for us to take very strong steps a lout short time and long time strategic for improve our national benefit , the Turkmenistan is just like a window for in trance to the central Asian countries to the free world and the warm water . finally the importance of these factors are very important for both side in the region and the world and the being success needs the effort for all this countries Manuscript profile
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        11 - Syria's Strategic Position on Russia's Confrontation with America
        hamid dorj Ail  Bagheri Dolatabadi
        Syria is one of the countries that has a particular geopolitical and geo-strategic importance in Russian Middle East policy. Today, with the emergence of the political crisis in Syria, this country has become a geopolitical divide and rivalry between the two countries, More
        Syria is one of the countries that has a particular geopolitical and geo-strategic importance in Russian Middle East policy. Today, with the emergence of the political crisis in Syria, this country has become a geopolitical divide and rivalry between the two countries, the US and Russia, each playing a role in their own interests and goals.The main question of the present research is that the reasons for Syria's strategic importance in Russia's opposition to the United States? And why does Russia support Bashar al-Assad? The main hypothesis of the study is that in the US and Russia's competitions, Syria is the last winner of Moscow to maintain its regional power and stay in the major powers' jirga; therefore, Assad's defeat and overthrow of power decline in Moscow It leaves. According to the geopolitical position of Syria in the region and its strategic importance in international equations, Moscow is trying to preserve the Syrian political system by using various instruments (political, military, ...), play the most role in the future of Syria;In order to maintain the overall structure and order in the region, and to prevent the spread of Western interference and influence, especially in the United States. The preceeding article is formulated using a descriptive-analytic method and within the framework of an invasive realism theory. Manuscript profile
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        12 - The Conceptual Development of "Night" in Persian Poetry; From Mystical Symbol to Political Metaphor (As a Symbol of Indigenous)
        مريم  فيله‌كش سحر  جوانمرد مهدی  نجف‌زاده
        Linguistic changes would be analyzed this article in social context and based on element of time. Development in word role is one of the linguistic changes whose root shall be sought in social construct. “Night” is one of the concepts whose fundamental semantic change i More
        Linguistic changes would be analyzed this article in social context and based on element of time. Development in word role is one of the linguistic changes whose root shall be sought in social construct. “Night” is one of the concepts whose fundamental semantic change in literature can be regarded as signs of great social changes in Iran. Authors attempt to seek these changes by using synchrony and diachrony analysis method. We can categorize four periods of change in word “Shab” (i.e. Night), so that Night represents nature and a epical sign in classical poems. However, with a fundamental change in social context particularly in Middle Iran, Night has become a symbolic concept of Mysticism; in historical path of Iranian nation and its changing context during Constitution and emergence of Modernism, it got an indexical status and got the meaning of mishap and fate; finally, in fourth period, it is regarded as a metaphor of political authority, so it become a figural symbol along with spreading political Tyranny in the new period. Manuscript profile
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        13 - Studying the Trends in Fictions Written By Iranian Immigrants
          Reza  Shajari
        In recent decades, Iranian immigration and in particular the migration of the writers and the publication of their works have created a special phenomenon. Literary texts created by those writers and poets who are living abroad have established certain tendencies, trend More
        In recent decades, Iranian immigration and in particular the migration of the writers and the publication of their works have created a special phenomenon. Literary texts created by those writers and poets who are living abroad have established certain tendencies, trends and particular literary approaches outside the borders of the country. The collective body of literary works created abroad, have been named differently by different critic based on the characteristics and features that they have outlined. The authors’ issues, how they have left the country, how long they have been living abroad, and the content of their works are of great importance in defining and classifying these literary works. Furthermore, different trends can be identified in stories written abroad. In the present article, stories written by Iranian immigrants are analyzed as politics-oriented, identity-oriented, and women's stories. In the '60s up-to-the mid-'70s the politics-oriented stories are the most frequent ones. This trend is emerged by political groups and activists, and focuses on the revolution and the issues surrounding it. From the mid-70s onwards, the identity-oriented trend became the major one. In this trend, themes such as the differences between the motherland and the other-land, and the ways the immigrants encounter the new world are highlighted through the narratives about identity. Also, there were many immigrant female writers who narrated the lives and issues of female immigrants from a feminine perspective. In these stories, the ways in which women face the new world and the issues they encountered in Iran are amongst the main themes. Manuscript profile
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        14 - The Political Thought of Reza Davari Ardakani
        سيدرضا ‌ شاكري
        This essay is a look into the political thought of Reza Davari. The author seeks to address two basic pivots in Davari’s political thinking; first his deliberations on Farabi’s political philosophy; and second, his critique of modernity. It is claimed here that Davari’s More
        This essay is a look into the political thought of Reza Davari. The author seeks to address two basic pivots in Davari’s political thinking; first his deliberations on Farabi’s political philosophy; and second, his critique of modernity. It is claimed here that Davari’s political thought is primarely philosophical, and also necessarily affected by the historical context of his life. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Formation of International Cooperation in Confrontation with Terrorism: Strategies, Opportunities and Challenges
        Reza سيمبر
        This article emphasizes the idea of global cooperation for confronting the phenomenon of international terrorism and it also argues that the failure to reach a consensus over the definition of terrorism is the main obstacle for overcoming this problem in global level. T More
        This article emphasizes the idea of global cooperation for confronting the phenomenon of international terrorism and it also argues that the failure to reach a consensus over the definition of terrorism is the main obstacle for overcoming this problem in global level. This article also argues that a more effective role can be taken by the United Nations and international law to confront terrorism. The United Nations should fight poverty, inefficient governments and underdevelopment, whether or not these issues are related to the terrorism phenomenon. In confrontation with terrorism, the United Nations should show terrorist acts as undesirable and detestable as possible, so that there would be less motivation for committing such acts. In other words, the crucial question posed here is: what are the main strategies of the international community for confronting international terrorism? The article argues that these two strategies can complement each other and pave the way for more international cooperations. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Mysticism and Politics from Aziz-Eddin Nasafi’s Point of View
        داود  فيرحي مهدي  فدائي مهرباني
        One of the major and most important issues of survey and study within Aziz Nasafi’s ideas is the study of his political approach in his mystical thoughts. This essay discusses Sheikh Aziz Nasafi’s thoughts and opinions (probably born in 596 A.H.); one of the seventh cen More
        One of the major and most important issues of survey and study within Aziz Nasafi’s ideas is the study of his political approach in his mystical thoughts. This essay discusses Sheikh Aziz Nasafi’s thoughts and opinions (probably born in 596 A.H.); one of the seventh century mystics and philosophers; who had an undeniable effect on Iran’s philosophical thought; especially in the relationship between philosophy and mysticism. This paper trys to reveal how Aziz Nasafi’s thoughts led to the foundation and establishment of a political thought on the basis of mystical thought in Iran. It seems that this movement became persistent in Iran and finally turned into the dominant flow. Nasafi’s political thought can be observed as a political-mystical thoughts. Therefore the present article surveys the influential aspects and dimensions of the Iranian political thought evolving from Nasafi’s mystical thought. Manuscript profile
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        17 - A Study of Adel Daher’s Philosophical and Political Views
        فریبرز  محرم‌خانی
        Adel Daher is one of the sophisticated Arab intellectuals who is unknown in Iran. Like any modern philosopher, he considers intellect as the first means of identification. Dividing intellect into two parts of theoretical and practical, he believes that besides identifyi More
        Adel Daher is one of the sophisticated Arab intellectuals who is unknown in Iran. Like any modern philosopher, he considers intellect as the first means of identification. Dividing intellect into two parts of theoretical and practical, he believes that besides identifying the means to attain goals (teleos), intellect also serves to determine the very goals. In other words, he believes in goal-oriented rationality as well as value-oriented rationality. He does not think of philosophical thought as a profession, detached from human community; rather, he considers it as bearing the task of criticizing and modification of social life. He believes that if the core of religion is truly understood, then it becomes clear that those who believe in the necessity of the relation between religion and worldly mundane life are false. The present paper studies the main theoretical framework of this Lebanese thinker’s views based on a metatheoretical approach. Manuscript profile
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        18 - The Political and Cultural Impacts of Globalization on Iranian Ethnic Groups (A Field Study on Azeri, Arab, Kurd and Baluch Students)
        علی  امیدی فاطمه  رضایی
        Globalization is one characteristic of the world today. On the other hand, ethnicity, under some conditions, provides an excuse for political tensions. There are various views on the effects of globalization on ethnicity. Some theoreticians believe that as globalizatio More
        Globalization is one characteristic of the world today. On the other hand, ethnicity, under some conditions, provides an excuse for political tensions. There are various views on the effects of globalization on ethnicity. Some theoreticians believe that as globalization grows, identity of ethnic minorities undergoes the assimilation of the values of the mainstream culture, which in turn is absorbed into the dominant global culture. However, others believe that globalization helps increase political self-awareness of ethnic groups. Overall study of these views show that political aspect of ethnicity is a function of different domestic and world factors, and is not of the same situation in all countries. In the present article, we study political and social situation of four Iranian ethnic minorities- Azeri, Arab, Baluch and Kurd. This is a field study. The data is gathered using questionnaires and interviews. Findings of the research show that while globalization, culturally, has led to a decrease in strictness of minorities over their cultural features- except language, it, politically, has resulted in a rise in their awareness and demands. Hence, to manage the demands, the government is expected to take felicity measures, including: promoting democratization, creating equal opportunities for political and economical participation of all groups, lowering the center-periphery distance through fair budget, and encouraging the national will for employment and removing deprivation. Manuscript profile
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        19 - The Crisis in Nation- State and its Possible Future
        ایوب  امیرکواسمی
        The current upheavals suggest that nation-state has lost its functional tenability; that is because the supposed basic functions of such systems that were maintenance of ideology, economics, culture, and so on at the national level are facing crises. Nation-state can no More
        The current upheavals suggest that nation-state has lost its functional tenability; that is because the supposed basic functions of such systems that were maintenance of ideology, economics, culture, and so on at the national level are facing crises. Nation-state can no longer fully implement their political ideals at national areas. In the functionalist approach, the existence of institutions depends on their functions, so with no place for their functions, the survival of nation-state will be unintelligible .The principle objective of this paper is to study a possible future of nation-states and their successors. The method of the study is reasoning. The results of this paper include two important points: the development of statehood and the formation of global political order based on democracy. Manuscript profile
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        20 - The Globalized Politics; Restructuration of Political Order in the Sphere of Globalized State
        The power of the state that was constituted under the dominant Westphalia system, and characterized by the it’s supreme power according to Hegelian tenets, has changed and decreased due to the globalization process in one hand, and the postmodernism theory in the other More
        The power of the state that was constituted under the dominant Westphalia system, and characterized by the it’s supreme power according to Hegelian tenets, has changed and decreased due to the globalization process in one hand, and the postmodernism theory in the other hand, especially regarding to the citizenship concept and international law. Globalization is such a process that globalizes politics and makes it as a network in a global village and shapes a new public sphere. In this new sphere the citizens are free from the intervention of the power possessing the sole legitimate use of power. Additionally the postmodern theory, that considers the state as one of the actors in the international relations and tries to reshape the forgotten sub-systems, form the new components of the new state. This new state is called globalized state because of the acceptance of deinstitutionalized norms in the international system and deconstruction of inflexible Westphalia system. Accordingly this article, s hypothesis is that, three lines of change, including the non-nationalized state, non stated state and politico-economic institutionalized regimes, all led to the transition of the state to the new form and content named as globalized state. Manuscript profile
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        21 - The Theory of Conventional Constructivism and Researching about International Relations and Research Implications
        The emergence and expansion of constructivism as one of the significant conceptual and theoretical frameworks in International Relations in the two last decades was accompanied by an increase in interest toward empirical researches in this framework. Researching in the More
        The emergence and expansion of constructivism as one of the significant conceptual and theoretical frameworks in International Relations in the two last decades was accompanied by an increase in interest toward empirical researches in this framework. Researching in the framework of this approach has some special implications which is unfortunately less followed in current researches and surveys, especially in students’ theses and dissertations. In addition to this, many of the young scholars in the field of International Relations who are theoretically interested in constructivism are in doubt about choosing domains of subjects they can empirically research from this perspective. The purpose of this article is to show The implications of conventional constructivism survey and it's subject domains. The applied method for collecting data in this essay is library-based and depends on the theoretical and meta-theoretical texts and empirical surveys and researches and shows that how can constructivism be a theoretical base for almost all subject domains in the field of International Relations. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Evaluating Theoretical sample of Habermas based on the relation of Ethics and Republicanism in Political Thought of Kant
        Iraj Ranjbar  
        Habermas divides political thought into two eras of Classic and Modern, in general, to explain the relation of ethics and politics. In his view, ethics and politics had mutual relations in classic era; but, in the beginning of modern era and with creation of two methodo More
        Habermas divides political thought into two eras of Classic and Modern, in general, to explain the relation of ethics and politics. In his view, ethics and politics had mutual relations in classic era; but, in the beginning of modern era and with creation of two methodological and topical evolutions, classic “political philosophy” was replaced by science or “social philosophy” and this causes the increasing separation of ethics and politics; thus, politics which was an institution to ensure the happiness and salvation of citizens became an institution of management and controlling technique in social relations and human instincts. Habermas extended the abovementioned evolution to Kant’s Ideas, too. The purpose of current article, based on the earmarks and features of Kant political thought, is to prove that the mentioned evolution could not be extended to Kant, since in Kant political thought like classic political thought, politic is the way of development of ethical concepts, with this difference that in Kant thought the concept of “happiness” is replaced with “solipsism” and “perfection”. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Political Pluralism: In-between Theory and Reality
        Mohsen Abbaszadeh Marzbali فرزاد  سوری
        Power, its distribution, and the quality of government relation with citizens and groups and the amount of their influence on the political decision-making processes are of the most fundamental questions encountering politics researchers. The aim of pluralism in status More
        Power, its distribution, and the quality of government relation with citizens and groups and the amount of their influence on the political decision-making processes are of the most fundamental questions encountering politics researchers. The aim of pluralism in status of a theoretical approach toward politics is specification and measurement of these issues; therefore, it defines politics as the arena of competition for different groups who have access to different sources; as a result, no single group can dominate others completely, and political decisions were seen as the outcomes of balance among forces and an open process. After specifying this approach in association with the democratic thought and the comparison of previous and recent conclusions of it, this article reviews its concrete implications in political order so as to assess the accuracy of its analyses in practice; therefore, in answering to this question that do the available political reality assert the theoretical hypotheses of the pluralist approach, it takes an intermediate status (depending on the kind of conclusion from pluralism). Manuscript profile
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        24 - Discourse Analysis of Iran and Iraq War
        Heidar Shahriari
        Islamic revolution that provided a new discourse in Iran socio-political area carrying a new discourse in foreign policy too that it contained concepts like against-arrogance (Istekbarsetizi), Jihad, poor government and … . but it did not take long from beginning that I More
        Islamic revolution that provided a new discourse in Iran socio-political area carrying a new discourse in foreign policy too that it contained concepts like against-arrogance (Istekbarsetizi), Jihad, poor government and … . but it did not take long from beginning that Iran encountered a destructive war from Iraq’s Baath’s regime that analyzing, explaining and interpreting it in different theories and approaches, can indicates its different aspects. In line with it, the main question is that what is the reason of occurring Iran-Iraq war? The forward hypothesis is that the area and context of conflict among Islamism discourse in Iran’s foreign policy and geopolitics discourse in Iraq’s foreign policy, on the one hand, and the conception and interpreting of Iraq’s commanders about Islamism discourse and its existing situation, on the other hand, caused the occurrence. The findings of this essay that is in form of library and documental method indicate that antagonism of Iraq’s geopolitics discourse (with revolution exportation contrast, Pan-Arabism and security signifiers) toward Islamism discourse of Islamic revolution (with revolution exportation, fighting against arrogance and national interestssignifiers) is clearly observable and what made Iraq as the war beginner, was Iraq’s officials conception aboutIran’s political instability situations at that time and the opposite discourse conflict with Iraq’s discourse. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Language and Politics: Pragmatic and Strategic Aspects of Language in Imam Khomeini's Leadership in the Process of Islamic Revolution in Iran
        seyedreza shakeri
        Islamic revolution realized in Iran under the leadership of a religious leader. Although the leader was in exile but he had strong connections with his followers despite his deprivation of communication means. This issue in this paper is the basis of reviewing the relat More
        Islamic revolution realized in Iran under the leadership of a religious leader. Although the leader was in exile but he had strong connections with his followers despite his deprivation of communication means. This issue in this paper is the basis of reviewing the relationship between language and politics; so the paper tries to explain pragmatic and strategic aspects of language in Imam Khomeini's leadership in the process of Islamic revolution. In the field of study of relationship between language and politics, there are two general approaches: politics as theory and knowledge and politics as power and the realm of collective action to sustain or to change the current situation. This paper, by focusing on the second approach and by using the theories of language competence and language pragmatics in the realm of media and in mobilization of mass, will try to examine influential functions and pragmatic aspects of language in Imam Khomeini's thoughts. The findings indicate that Imam Khomeini as a scholar in mystics, ethics and jurisprudence and by his own classification of Islamic sciences introduced the pragmatism as the core of those sciences and used the language along political and revolutionary actions. Mobilizing the mass, criticizing and opposing the current situation and inviting the people to realize the Islamic state are among Imam Khomeini's pragmatic aspects of leadership. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Theology and Politics in Political Thought of Frankfurt School
        Iraj Ranjbar  
        According to theoretical view of Habermas on “relation between ethics and politics” in history of western political thought, the ethics and politics in classic era and aristotelian tradition are ingrained around the concept of welfare, because the ethics defines the wel More
        According to theoretical view of Habermas on “relation between ethics and politics” in history of western political thought, the ethics and politics in classic era and aristotelian tradition are ingrained around the concept of welfare, because the ethics defines the welfare and the politics serves as achieving welfare concept. Although, in the modern political thought and in Hobbsian tradition, the ethics and politics are seperated from each other, because the politics defines its goal, not as prospering and giving excellence to its citizens, but as controlling and managing the human instinct for the creation of “security” and achieving “prosperity”. With this description and according to the theoretical framework of Habermas, the present paper believes that in the views of Frankfurt school intellectuals, the ethics and politics merge around the ethical concept like the classic tradition, the only difference is that the joining of ethics and politics is not “prosperity" concept but it is the “salvation” concepts; the concept that is compatible with “excellence concept”. We should add this point that any of this school intellectuals considers the “salvation” achievement way in its special mechanism. Horkhimer, “the objective intellect”, Adorno, “aeshetics”, Markoze, “the intellectual reconstruction of society”And Hobermas, “the dialogue” is the way of achieving the salvation. Manuscript profile
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        27 - The Relation between Truth and Politics: A Neo-Pragmatist Reading
          Mohammad Karim Mohammadi
        The idea of pragmatic truth in Richard Rorty's thought is an alternative method to search the truth, not in a way that the western philosophical tradition has dealt with heretofore. In examining the notion of truth, Rorty's pragmatic approach contrast with the two narra More
        The idea of pragmatic truth in Richard Rorty's thought is an alternative method to search the truth, not in a way that the western philosophical tradition has dealt with heretofore. In examining the notion of truth, Rorty's pragmatic approach contrast with the two narratives raised in western philosophical thought: on the one hand, with Platonic-Cartesian tradition, in which reality is interpreted as a metaphysical matter; and on the other hand, with post-modernist narrative who believes in the deconstruction of truth and claims of relativity of truth. To find an answer to the question: What are the proportions and consequences of established relation between truth and politics in Rorty’s political thought?, the authors formulate the hypothesis that "the connection established between truth and politics in Rorty's thought, leads to innovate a politics relying on social hope, based on the thesis of priority of democracy over philosophy". Accordingly, efforts have been made, by analyzing the pattern of pragmatic truth which posed by Rorty, to show that this pattern is a continuation of the same concept of truth in William James and John Dewey's pragmatic tradition in the form of linguistic turn. Also it is characterized by an emphasis on solidarity, versus of what Rorty calls “will of objectivity”. While this version is not without any claim of objectivity, and avoid falling into the trap of relativism, considers a concept that in a practical manner, is useful to meet pragmatically the objectives and solve the political problems. Manuscript profile
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        28 - From Politology to Political Practice: The Ontology of the Relation between Politics and the Political
        Faramarz  Taghilou
        Politics as a philosophy in traditional understanding and as a science in modern understanding of it, takes for granted the possibility of obtaining objective knowledge of the political as its subject matter. But contemporarily, reflective thinking about the relation be More
        Politics as a philosophy in traditional understanding and as a science in modern understanding of it, takes for granted the possibility of obtaining objective knowledge of the political as its subject matter. But contemporarily, reflective thinking about the relation between theory and practice in politics, has been concluded that thinking about the political corresponds with acting politically, i.e. intending to power. Thus, the main question of this article is that how our understanding of relation between politics and the political with regard to the relation between the ontological and the political has been transformed? Our hypotheses is that in the analysis of political ontology, politics and the political are entangled in a mutual relation in which politology and political practice act as a two sides of a coin. This relation has been analyzed in two dimensions, first: from traditional and modern perspective of the political as particular entity or something to be and second from the perspective of the political ontologically as a being in itself in the context of contemporary critical thought from existential phenomenology to post-structuralism. In analyzing the political as an entity, issues concerning the differences between political and other social entities gets importance. In contrast, the political in its ontological rendition, deals with fundamental problems about the constitution of political life through transformation in theory and practice. Therefore, concentrating on the analysis of political ontology reflectively as a method concerning the analysis of theoretical issues on the second order or meta-theoretical level that itself defines our theoretical framework, the effect of transformation in understanding the relation between politics and the political on the transformation of our subjectivity in respect to the manner of representing the political, has been studied. Thinking critically about the “self” as a conclusion of implementing reflective method in analyzing political ontology, renders critical consciousness about the transformative nature of self/other relationship as a signifier of the political and also beside detecting the negative dimension of the political as a domination and antagonism, focuses on searching new possibilities of political being positively that denotes to co-understanding, reconciliation and emancipation. Manuscript profile
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        29 - The Ethics and Politics in the Abu Ali Ahmad Abn Miskawayh Razi’s Political Thought1
        Iraj Ranjbar  
        The study of the relationship of ethics and politics in the thought of Miskawayh Razi forms the problem of this paper, which seeks to prevent any prejudice in the case of priority and Late between the ethics and politics, and their compliance. Their relationship has bee More
        The study of the relationship of ethics and politics in the thought of Miskawayh Razi forms the problem of this paper, which seeks to prevent any prejudice in the case of priority and Late between the ethics and politics, and their compliance. Their relationship has been investigated in terms of points of conceptual Intersection and Confluence as intermittent circles. A theoretical explanation of such a relation is based on Jürgen Habermas’s model in order to examine the relation of ethics and politics in the history of Western political thought. Based on this theory, the “solidarity” of ethics and politics on the axis of the points of conceptual Intersection and Confluence can be explained, as the ending of such points is considered to be the beginning of the “breakup” of these two arenas. Based on this theory, the present article seeks to analyze and process the problem that how can be explained the axis of intersection and the points of Confluence of ethics and politics in Miskawayh Razi’s political thought. Using the methods of qualitative analysis in the explanation and interpretation of the information and texts available in this regard, the present study concluded that in Miskawayh Razi’s political thought the ethics and politics on the circuit of “well-being and happiness” have confluence, and the achievement of prosperity in this world can be made possible through life in a city, with the use of the best possible ways of exercising power in the city. Manuscript profile
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        30 - A Study on Hafiz’s Political Thought Based On Spragens Theory
        Ali Bagheri Dolatabadi seyyed shahrokh mousavian
        From the past times, Iranian poets have been main factor and mediator between people and governors. Life style of poets (based on direct relations with government and governor) always protect these relations. Hafiz was not only an exception to this rule, but his life ha More
        From the past times, Iranian poets have been main factor and mediator between people and governors. Life style of poets (based on direct relations with government and governor) always protect these relations. Hafiz was not only an exception to this rule, but his life has strangely tied to the changes of the time and the Dismissal and appointment of the rulers. The main question of the research is how did these developments affect the political thought of Hafez and what was the solution to ending the problems of society in terms of Hafez? To answer the above question, we described the characteristics of Hafez's political thought, based on the application of the Spragens theory (Understanding the problem, Understanding the cause, ideal society, solution). According to the theoretical framework, the findings of the research show that Hafez saw his society political problem in murder, imprisonment, extortion, slander, corruption, insecurity and instability. He considered Hypocrisy and Abuse of power as a factor behind the emergence of protests in society. Hafez's ideal society, in various political, social and cultural spheres, was characterized by avoiding from doing bad things, the emphasis on contentment and modest life, not attention to jealous people, and disregarding the world and power. From the standpoint of Hafez, the solution to these problems is in reformism, the Cultural Revolution, tolerance, Attention to learning from history and Listening to the advices. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Analysis and study of the idea of Islamic government in “Kashf e Asrar”
        amirhossein hatami
        One of the most controversial issues about the political thought of the founder of the Islamic Republic is the difference between his political thought in the 20s and 30s with 40s AH onwards. Especially in the two books of "Kashf e Asrar", that he believes in a kind of More
        One of the most controversial issues about the political thought of the founder of the Islamic Republic is the difference between his political thought in the 20s and 30s with 40s AH onwards. Especially in the two books of "Kashf e Asrar", that he believes in a kind of supervision of the Faqih over the political structure and in the book "Velayat-e-Faqih", that he proves the necessity of an Islamic government led by a Fqih. Based on this, an important question arises. Should we not follow the idea of the Islamic government in the book " Kashf e Asrar " in the sense explained in the book "Velayat-e-Faqih"? Many researchers have answered this question in the affirmative from different perspectives. But the findings of the present study, which are mainly based on the study of theoretical and historical contexts, show that, in fact, it has not occurred a fundamental change in the political thought of Ayatollah Khomeini and the idea of Islamic government, which is explained in the book "Velayat-e-Faqih", can also be found in the book " Kashf e Asrar ", of course not explicitly. This lack of explicitness has been mainly due to historical, political and religious reasons. Manuscript profile
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        32 - The Role of "Allameh Tabatabai" Credit Theory in Realization of Transcendent Socio-Political Philosophy
        Hassan Owraei Tahereh Kamalizadeh Maryam Saneapour
        Despite the welcome of scholars and thinkers in the Islamic world and the writing of numerous commentaries and interpretations, many functions of the system of Transcendent philosophy have not yet received enough attention. The socio-political dimensions of Transcendent More
        Despite the welcome of scholars and thinkers in the Islamic world and the writing of numerous commentaries and interpretations, many functions of the system of Transcendent philosophy have not yet received enough attention. The socio-political dimensions of Transcendent philosophy are the most important neglected aspects of this school. Sayyed Mohammad Hossain Tabatabaei is one of the greatest followers of the Sadra's school who, by proposing the theory of credit, marked the extension of Transcendent philosophy in the socio-political path. This article examines the theory of credit perceptions and its role in explaining socio-political philosophy in the context of Transcendent philosophy. Credit perceptions are the mediators between human needs and his actions to meet those needs, and based on this, credit theory can be considered as the link between theoretical philosophy and practical philosophy. According to this theory, society is an irreducible reality to individuals and depends on the realization of a human group that has mutual influence and effect, the realization of this group is subject to the principle of employment. The principle of mutual employment requires mutual interaction and understanding, and consequently requires the creation of language and the continued validity of social structures, justice, power, and ultimately politics. Then, social systems are organized based on the rules and rational orders arising from nature for the good and development of the individual and society. The originality of society from the perspective of Allameh and the series of pre-social credentials in the later credentials provides a more accurate explanation of the perfectionist movement of the universe from plurality to unity and the orientation of individuals towards perfection in the context of transcendent socio-political philosophy and within the framework of Sharia. Manuscript profile
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        33 - The Roll of Myths in Shaping of the Ontology of the Cosmic Order in Tansar’s Letter
        علی جهانگیری گارینه کشیشیان حسن  آب‌نیکی ali mortazavian
        Order and justice are the most important concepts of thought that are rooted in the worldview and ideology of each nation. Accordingly, the idea of Tensor, the Zoroastrian priest of the Sassanid era, is influenced by the religion of Zoroaster and his mythological view o More
        Order and justice are the most important concepts of thought that are rooted in the worldview and ideology of each nation. Accordingly, the idea of Tensor, the Zoroastrian priest of the Sassanid era, is influenced by the religion of Zoroaster and his mythological view of the universe. In his view, myths direct and regulate the view of the pious and religious man towards himself and nature. A cosmic order in which everything has an end and everyone acts in his own duty under the supervision of Ahura Mazda in the battle of good and evil. The mirror of this upright view on earth becomes the chief-centered system in which the three elements of the ideal king, the universal religion, and the social hierarchy, establish order and justice according to the eternity law called Ashe. Justice is transmitted from the individual to society, and all its details correspond exactly to religion and the cosmic order. The Tensor Letter is one of the classic texts in which the outlines of the political thought of ancient Iran are drawn. Political thought reflected in this text reflects the norms of the political and social environment of this period and the author has theorized in the prevailing religious intellectual space, namely the Zoroastrian worldview. The method used in this article, based on Tensor's letter, is Skinner's text-context-based method. In this article, an attempt was made to represent the role of mythology in the formation of the cosmic order in Tensor's letter. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Factors and barriers affecting the Rolling of civic Ethical Politics from Theory to Practice: about the Possibility of Establishing a Moral Politics based on the Philosophy of Levinas and the Experience of Mossadegh
        حسین مصباحیان
        This article seeks to shed light on the question of what is moral politics and what is its place in the political and moral thought of our time? The article argues that the separation between the two realms of politics and ethics, which Machiavelli has largely proposed, More
        This article seeks to shed light on the question of what is moral politics and what is its place in the political and moral thought of our time? The article argues that the separation between the two realms of politics and ethics, which Machiavelli has largely proposed, may and should be considered a positive achievement for both, but the simple, classical, and absolute form of this separation isn’t defensible in our contemporary political and moral thought. For this reason, this article, based on the teachings of one of the most important philosophers of ethics, "Emmanuel Levinas", has tried to help strengthen the theory called "Ethical politics" and by defining ethics as the first philosophy and politics as an instrument to actualize the foundational ethical “Hospitality”, find a way to link ethics as teleology of peace and politics as its practical agent. The second part of the paper extracts and clarifies Mohammad Mossadegh’s notion of “the relationship between ethics and politics”—which serves as the foundation and source of his political activities—from his letters, memoirs, lectures and treatises. A presumption of this paper is that Mossadegh had developed a project within the political sphere which can be deemed as ethical in certain respects. I argue that this project can in turn be interpreted as an indication of the unity between the ethical and political spheres in Mossadegh’s thought. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Relation of Bio-Politics to Global Discourses; Liberalism, Totalitarianism, and Security
        Fateh  Moradi Abasali  Rahbar
        The main aim of this paper is to investigate Liberalism, Totalitarianism, and security as discourses that related to Bio-Politics. The goal of discourse is making subject that is identified by his/her norms and controls in daily life. In this current text we want to rev More
        The main aim of this paper is to investigate Liberalism, Totalitarianism, and security as discourses that related to Bio-Politics. The goal of discourse is making subject that is identified by his/her norms and controls in daily life. In this current text we want to reveal relation of mentioned discourses to bio-politics and body-politics. Relation of discourses to body- politics have been developing in twenty century in theories and multiple texts. On the considering this texts, legislations and actions that tending to classification of bodies and population is one of main preoccupation of discourses in recent century. Norms of economical body or body which should be a productive body of capital, other body and security comes of mentioned discourses. Part of often researches have used to Michael Foucault though, therefore in recent text we used genealogy. So, our hypothesis is the Liberalism, Totalitarianism, and security are strongly to bio-politics, and originally they comes of elements of bio-politics. Consequently, current systems has been founded as bio-political discourses, due to accruing global/ local subjects. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Arendt’s Political Thought and the Possibility of Change in International Relations
        Homeira  Moshirzadeh Arya Moknat
        According to mainstream IR theories and, in particular, realism, violence is and will remain to be an essential and inseparable part of international relations. All variations of realism view human nature and/or intentional system as inherently violent. Hannah Arendt’s More
        According to mainstream IR theories and, in particular, realism, violence is and will remain to be an essential and inseparable part of international relations. All variations of realism view human nature and/or intentional system as inherently violent. Hannah Arendt’s theory of political power as a non-violent and collective human action challenges this fundamental assumption and offers a new perspective on what constitutes the essence of politics. Arendt’s idea of “human condition” rejects all forms of essentialism with regard to human beings and opens up a theoretical space for a new understanding of international relations where human beings become the primary political agents (despite the fact that she sees the existing international relations more from a realist point of view). Contrary to mainstream IR theories in general, and to realism in particular, for Arendt the individuals, rather than the states, are ultimately the main players in international relations. In this paper, we bind different aspects of Arendt’s political thought together to offer a new theoretical perspective for a possible change in world politics. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Postmodernist Politics: William E. Connolly’s Agonistic Democracy
        Faramarz  Mirzazadeh AhmadBiglou
        Postmodernism, by deconstructing all the foundations and meta-narratives, has created a situation in which pluralism is the basis for policy-making. While some scholars have spoken of the refusal to form politics in the postmodern space, and have considered the lack of More
        Postmodernism, by deconstructing all the foundations and meta-narratives, has created a situation in which pluralism is the basis for policy-making. While some scholars have spoken of the refusal to form politics in the postmodern space, and have considered the lack of a basis for establishing political theory inappropriate, others have sought to establish a policy appropriate to this space, both theoretically and practically. Among them is "William Connolly", who, by inventing concepts such as multidimensional pluralism, onto-politics, politics of becoming, critical responsiveness, and agonistic respect, explained postmodern politics, and proportionate with multiplicity, pluralism, dispersion, and diversity of identities has proposed a practical solution. Agonistic democracy, which of course includes other founders and proponents such as Chantal Mouffe, David Owen, and James Tully, is a viable alternative to deliberative democracy and attends it as an inclusive, contingent, and accountable political life, by respectful contestation of wonderful, different and even contradictory new identities. Uncertainty, unpredictability, juxtaposition of divine and atheistic beliefs in the context of the multiplicity of gender, linguistic, racial and cultural identities are some of the components that Connolly has considered and explained in postmodern politics. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Liberal-Democratic Theology and the New Political Science: A Reflection on Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Spinoza Theological-Political Efforts as Pioneers of the New Political Science
        Shervin  Moghimi Zanjani
        The question of “what is the good?” was the main characteristic of the Socratic political philosophy. However, the modern political philosophy had to pass this question and like its enemy (namely revealed theology) present a definite and tangible definition of “the goo More
        The question of “what is the good?” was the main characteristic of the Socratic political philosophy. However, the modern political philosophy had to pass this question and like its enemy (namely revealed theology) present a definite and tangible definition of “the good”. In other words, they had to show that philosophy, in addition to being the authoritative source of knowledge, can and must be the basis for promoting human life and a guide for attaining the good in practice. The role of Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Spinoza from this point of view is so prominent. It seems that the good they defended, was the true origin of the values of a liberal democratic regime. These philosophers recognized that the necessity of the dogmatic definition of the good necessitates a theological-rhetorical expression to persuade the addresses. Therefore, without comprehending this theological-rhetorical backbone, the values of a liberal democratic regime cannot be understood completely. The modern political philosophy, on other hand, is the forbear of modern political science that its main subject is behavior and action of the citizens in a liberal democratic regime. Therefore, we can say that modern political science cannot be comprehended completely without contemplating on the ambivalent effort of these philosophers: on the one hand, their theological defense of the liberal democratic values, and on the other hand, their defense of a new scientific politics distinguished radically from ancient political knowledge. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Power in the Perspective of Neojihadism: The Presence of Neo-Jihadism in International Relations
        Tayebeh Mohammadi kia
        This paper examines the notion of power in the discourse of Neo-jihadism. The meaning of power in discourses is shaped by the new meanings they provide. Meanings raised in the new discourse of jihadism come out of the depths of tradition. Their meanings, concepts, and a More
        This paper examines the notion of power in the discourse of Neo-jihadism. The meaning of power in discourses is shaped by the new meanings they provide. Meanings raised in the new discourse of jihadism come out of the depths of tradition. Their meanings, concepts, and actions can be found in religious literature. This discourse has a religious ideology and global agents and also it has a far history of gaining power and governance. Based on this experience and mentality the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, with its short history, has been waiting for power to come back to the world arena. The meaning of power in this movement is different from power in the experienced and well-known terrorist movements. The concept of power is contrasted with its modern meaning. On the other hand, modern politics should be considered the main enemy of this movement. Modern politics has embraced the whole world. therefore, Neo-jihadism movement needs comprehensive power to fight it. This power is also displayed with a different faceSuicide bombers represent this power all over the world with their death one can say they bring the power to global politics. Manuscript profile
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        40 - The Relationship between Religion and politics In Understanding the Hermeneutics of Nasr Hamed Abu Zayd
        aliakbar asadi kaviji Abbasali Rahbar
        Nasr Hamed Abu Zayd is one of the religious intellectuals who has offered sometimes differentand challenging views on the issues of Quranic and political sciences from the views of her predecessors. This article, In the form of Skinner's historical and critical interpre More
        Nasr Hamed Abu Zayd is one of the religious intellectuals who has offered sometimes differentand challenging views on the issues of Quranic and political sciences from the views of her predecessors. This article, In the form of Skinner's historical and critical interpretation, tries to understand and discover the intentional linguistic action of Nasr Hamed Abu Zayd in the plan of separating the relation and interaction of religion and politics by examining the ideological and practical contexts and linguistic tricks used. The findings show that Abu Zayd, criticizing political Islam and traditional religious discourse to get Egypt out of social problems and modernization, sees the solution in establishing a democratic society, which is itself a consequence of religious modernization. Hence, he considered the separation of religion from politics in order to counter the foundations of the idea of establishing and strengthening an authoritarian government (in Egypt). Manuscript profile
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        41 - The study of Relationship of the ''Politics'' and the ''Happiness'' From viewpoint of Aristotle and Ibn Miskeweyh
        The Relationship of the ''Politics'' and the ''Happiness'' is one of issues that are traditionally focus of social ethics thinkers. The study and compaire of two big thinkers ideal –one from of ancient Greece and the other from Islamic philosophies- is important. The pr More
        The Relationship of the ''Politics'' and the ''Happiness'' is one of issues that are traditionally focus of social ethics thinkers. The study and compaire of two big thinkers ideal –one from of ancient Greece and the other from Islamic philosophies- is important. The present research has been aim to clear the circumstance of the relationship of this two topics in analytical-applicational ways and also to explain the points of their ideas participations and differences in this text. Both Aristotle and Ibn Miskeweyh believies the earning to happiness is aim of the politics and political society and proponde the elements of earning to happiness, principles of obtaining to desirable political society, similarly. In attention to effect Aristotle viewpoints upon Ibn Miskeweyh thouthghs, the difference between this two thinkers ideologies, has been cause difference in some of the discussions. Aristotle believies criteria of desirability in political society and earning to happiness is living on base of virtue, but in according to Ibn Miskewayh's monalistic ideology, he believies the religion is inseparable element of politics and introduced the best politics is divine politics Manuscript profile
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        42 - Typology of Child-Related Policies in Iran
        Maryam Sha’ban
        This research was aimed at "the typology of child-related policies in Iran." After defining the sensitive concepts of the research, they were identified by the exploratory methodology of policy making, and then we analyzed the qualitative content analysis method. Findin More
        This research was aimed at "the typology of child-related policies in Iran." After defining the sensitive concepts of the research, they were identified by the exploratory methodology of policy making, and then we analyzed the qualitative content analysis method. Findings and results show that child-related policymaking in Iran can be summarized in three phases of typology, respectively, which include domestic policy-making, include: 1. Sovereignty; 2. Government policy making; 3. Bureaucratic policy making (bureaucratic institutions); 4. Civil society (NGOs and charities), as well as policy making Foreigners included two cases: 1. The policies of the international community; 2. The policies of the Islamic world. As a result, child-related policies are widespread and broad in Iran, covering a wide range of aspects of children's lives. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Philosophy and Religious law in Spinoza’s Theologico-Political Treatise: Admist Averroism and Textualism
        Reza  Najafzadeh
        Given the Multi-cultural nature of the development of philosophical systems, it can be claimed that Baruch Benedict de Spinoza formulated his view of the problem of the possibility or impossibility of concurrence of philosophy and religion in line with the tradition of More
        Given the Multi-cultural nature of the development of philosophical systems, it can be claimed that Baruch Benedict de Spinoza formulated his view of the problem of the possibility or impossibility of concurrence of philosophy and religion in line with the tradition of Latin and Jewish Averroists. A major part of his Theologico-Political Treatise is devoted to responding to this problem. Spinoza’s philosophical thoughts were influenced by several philosophical and political traditions. Inspired by the naturalist philosophers of the Renaissance period, he advocated the radical republican tradition and played a significant role in developing the radical Enlightenment heritage. In unity with such trends and while being influenced by the Protestant religious reforms tradition and having a Jewish educational background, Spinoza was continually occupied with the important problem of the possibility or impossibility of reconciling theology and philosophy or religion and rationality. This radical philosopher of the Enlightenment Period encountered holy texts in the light of the Islamic and Jewish legacies of rational thoughts. In order to provide an answer to this problem, he openly dealt with the rationalist and textualist trends of Judaism. Given the huge contribution of Islamic rational thoughts to the rise of the Middle Age Jewish philosophy, his thoughts also dragged him to the domain of Islamic rational philosophy. In comparison to Muslim and Jewish textualists and rationalists of the Middle Ages, he chose the middle way and defended the reasons for his choice in the theological parts of his Theologico- Political Treatise: he argued that neither is philosophy at the service of religion, nor is religion at the service of philosophy. Based on this Spinozist idea, two hypotheses can be postulated: 1) the impossibility of the unity of philosophy and religion in Theologico-Political Treatise does not necessarily indicate providing some secular principles for the public domain; 2) following the historical hermeneutic approach to holy texts, this treatise provides a fideist theory which frees the vast field of living in the modern world from meaningless sterility and coldness. Manuscript profile
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        44 - The Place of the Prophet in Ibn Sina’s Ideal City
        Mohammad Akvan Fatemeh  Mohammad
        As a divine philosopher, Ibn Sina has dealt with politics in his metaphysical discussions. Apparently, he has not written an independent work on politics and has considered it to be a part of practical wisdom. In his view, the prophet represents the “ideal ruler” and re More
        As a divine philosopher, Ibn Sina has dealt with politics in his metaphysical discussions. Apparently, he has not written an independent work on politics and has considered it to be a part of practical wisdom. In his view, the prophet represents the “ideal ruler” and revelation and tradition represent the law. Since, before him, Farabi has discussed politics extensively in his al-Siyasah al-madaniyyah (Civil Politics), Ibn Sina does not see any need to provide more explanations in this regard and deals with this field in short without presenting the details. However, he has discussed the quality of choosing a leader and devising laws for his utopia extensively. In fact, he has completed the same prophetic politics that Farabi had initiated previously. The present paper briefly deals with Ibn Sina’s political system in order to clarify the place of the prophet in the hierarchy of his utopia. In this way, the quality of establishing a utopia based on the “definitive text” as the best method of electing a ruler is clearly illustrated. Moreover, the authors demonstrate how the nature of Ibn Sina’s view of the caliphate and the Prophet’s successor bring him closer to the Imamiyyah political philosophy. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Religion and Politics in Sadrian Philosophy
        Mehdi  Najafiafra Rohalah  Modami
        Religion and politics and the relationship between them are among the important problems in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy. In fact, the issue of politics, which is one of the noteworthy realms of human life, never escaped his attention. Mulla Sadra always emphasized Man’s so More
        Religion and politics and the relationship between them are among the important problems in Mulla Sadra’s philosophy. In fact, the issue of politics, which is one of the noteworthy realms of human life, never escaped his attention. Mulla Sadra always emphasized Man’s social nature in his works and did not consider individual life to be enough even if it were intertwined with religion. In his view, the development of Man is possible only through living a social life. He also maintained that a society which is geared to provide the context for the growth and development of its members should be governed based on Islamic laws. Politics is different from religion in terms of origin, end, act, and passivity; however, it is completely melted in religion, which is the innermost and truth of politics. Mulla Sadra considered the relationship between religion and politics to be the same as the one between the intelligible and the sensible or between the inward and outward aspects. He argues that as the knowledge of physics is incomplete without the knowledge of metaphysics, using politics without resorting to religion will result in Man’s plunge into forms and ignorance of transcendent truths. This will cause some irreparable damages to human life. A correct clarification of Mulla Sadra’s philosophy is the best barrier against secularism, which emphasizes the separation of religion from politics. Manuscript profile
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        46 - Foreword
        Seyyed Mohammad Khamenei
        Culture, Government, Cultural Politics
        Culture, Government, Cultural Politics Manuscript profile
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        47 - Politics and Ruler’s in Suhrawardī’s Political System
        Nooshin Naziri khameneh Abbas Zahabi Baabak Abbasi Ahmad Beheshti
        Conduct is a keyword in Suhrawardī’s political system. In his view, conduct or wayfaring begins with self-knowledge at the individual level and moves them ahead to the social and political level and, finally, to ruling over a society. Suhrawardī’s intended ruler is a ph More
        Conduct is a keyword in Suhrawardī’s political system. In his view, conduct or wayfaring begins with self-knowledge at the individual level and moves them ahead to the social and political level and, finally, to ruling over a society. Suhrawardī’s intended ruler is a philosopher who, through self-knowledge, steps into higher worlds, including the world of Ideas, which is the first world higher than the world of bodies in Suhrawardī’s philosophy. Through wayfaring in this world, the philosopher turns into an intermediary between the world of human beings and the world of God and angels. Through self-knowledge, wayfaring in the world of Ideas, and obedience to God, the philosopher further reaches the level of the spiritual leader, Imām, and leadership of the world. By considering the ruler as the spiritual leader or Quṭb and as an individual who is capable of connecting with the world of Ideas and mediating between God and human beings, Suhrawardī investigates politics, governance, ideal governance, and utopia in the light of a new philosophy. His views in practical wisdom and, particularly, politics correspond to his views in theoretical wisdom concerning some principles such as gradation, nobler possibility, wrath and kindness, and gradedness of the world. For Suhrawardī, as the world of Ideas, which among his own innovations, mediates between the world of matter and the world of omnipotent lights, the philosopher-ruler is related to the world of Ideas and mediates between human beings and God and also angels. The ruling of a ruler with the characteristics intended by Suhrawardī is never idealistic, far-fetched, or limited to specific people; rather, it is quite real and possible. Such a ruler pays attention to people’s happiness not only in the material world but in the hereafter. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Editor note
        Seyyed Mohammad Khamenei
        culture cultural politics football
        culture cultural politics football Manuscript profile
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        49 - Prerequisites and Features of Transcendent Criminal Politics
        Mohammad Mirzaei Iman Amini
        Criminal policy entails scientific planning and practical prudence in dealing with criminal phenomena. Since it is related to criminal acts and events, it is influenced by the existing norms and values in society and must be organized accordingly. In a society or system More
        Criminal policy entails scientific planning and practical prudence in dealing with criminal phenomena. Since it is related to criminal acts and events, it is influenced by the existing norms and values in society and must be organized accordingly. In a society or system in which religious ideologies and values are dominant, one cannot expect the necessary efficiency from imported policies or reports rooted in the principles accepted in their sources of origin. Therefore, it is of great importance to develop a model of criminal policy that conforms to the prevalent principles and values in the target society. Transcendent criminal policy is theoretically rooted in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Transcendent Philosophy. This model, in addition to its inclusiveness regarding the provision of material and worldly advantages, unlike the common criminal policies, enjoys some metaphysical and spiritual dimensions that conform to Islamic religious beliefs and teachings and common fiṭrī (intrinsic) and human features. The ultimate goal of this policy is to enhance the luminous development of individuals and society and, at best, provide for Man’s happiness, and guide them on their path to gaining proximity to God. The present paper, similar to an Introduction, aims to explain the features and elements of this model based on the existing laws in the country. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Celebrityization of Politics: Shaping Forces and Indicators
        Ahmad Naghibzadeh mohhamad taqi shariati shiri
        Since the entrance of celebrities into the modern political arena several decades have passed. The increase of personalism, populism and the dramatization of politics are only a few of the consequences of the presence of celebrities in politics.. Despite this, this phen More
        Since the entrance of celebrities into the modern political arena several decades have passed. The increase of personalism, populism and the dramatization of politics are only a few of the consequences of the presence of celebrities in politics.. Despite this, this phenomenon has been intentionally or unintentionally left out of serious academic discussions or completely ignored, and therefore there is a great theoretical void felt within it. Although some thinkers have set forth the new concept of celebritization of society, the subject has largely remained at the level of sociology and has not been extended into the political science. This is where the upcoming research tries to fill th the gap of theory in the field of politics and to pave the way for further research on such a common phenomenon in today's politics, to identify the forces that shape the celebrityization of politics and elaborate on its indicators..To achieve this goal and by using the theory of celebrityization of society, the authors put forward the hypothesis that the forces that shape celebrityization include network governance, mediaization, and presidentialization of politics, which lead to the following indicators: politicization, informalization of politics, decline of parties. Politics and the emergence of new citizens and everyday makers. The method of collecting documentary and library information and the method of judging the data is based on referring to the first category sources and analyzing them to provide the documents needed in examining the hypothesis. Manuscript profile
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        51 - An analysis of the continuity of elements of ancient political writing in the Qajar
        soudabeh dastitork soheyla torabifarsani naser jadidi
        Although political works have been written in the field of politics and political reflection in Iran and Islam with the aim of recommending appropriate behavior in political life and influencing the political behavior of power-holders, they also address ethical and soci More
        Although political works have been written in the field of politics and political reflection in Iran and Islam with the aim of recommending appropriate behavior in political life and influencing the political behavior of power-holders, they also address ethical and social issues. . At the heart of the discussions of political scribes is the presentation of the framework of the ruling power, its maintenance and reform. The guidelines have based their interpretations and justifications on principles such as the coherence of religion and politics, justice, ethics and religion, the experiences of ancestors, and wisdom and wisdom. The purpose of the guidelines is to show how to "gain power" and "maintain power". Political guidelines address how the political system works and how factors affect the production and distribution of political power. The findings of this study showed that the main purpose of Qajar periodicals is to find practical solutions for the removal of the country and the slavery that they generally regard as deplorable. From this point of view, the Qajar era's instructions differ greatly from those of the predecessors. One of the reasons why the Qajar-era prophets have been included in the scripts is that many of them, like the texts of the ancients, are the first person in the country. The most important aspects of continuity in Qajar policy are topics such as justice, focus on the king's power, the law, the relation of the king and the slave (people), and the relation of religion and politics. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Youths and Escape Experience in Urban Spaces
        Fardin Alikhah
        In recent years’ urban sociologists and anthropologists have also focused on youth and urban public spaces. On the one hand, there are studies that have proceeded from a criminological point of view and on the other hand, researches that have considered concepts such as More
        In recent years’ urban sociologists and anthropologists have also focused on youth and urban public spaces. On the one hand, there are studies that have proceeded from a criminological point of view and on the other hand, researches that have considered concepts such as marginalization, exclusion or inclusion of social groups in urban spaces. They address issues such as exclusion by official institutions and youth resistance, and raises the question of how young people try to register their signatures on place by adopting strategies such as personalization of place and territorialization in the heart of public spaces. The present study is based on urban ethnography on the pedestrian-only zone of the northern Baradaran Muzaffar of Tehran. The main purpose of this research is to identify different layers’ marginalization strategies by official institutions and local community, which some urban researchers refer to as "place refinement", as well as different strategies of young people to cope, neutralize and resist marginalization. Ethnographic fieldwork shows that the Northern Baradaran Muzaffar pedestrian-only zone is a place for young people to escape the gaze of official institutions. The strategy of exclusion applied by the official institutions and the local community has not been successful and has led to the resistance among the youth. Manuscript profile
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        53 - Investigating the Role of Interpretation in Politics-Cultural Heritage Interaction in Terms of Developing Islamic Republic of Iran’s Cultural Tourism
        Mohammad reza salehi pour akbar pourfaraj Seyed Mojtaba Mahmodzadeh Ahmad golmohammadi
        The development of cultural tourism depends on the interaction of a wide variety of factors. On the other hand, considering the fact that the process of cultural tourism is influenced by Politics and that cultural heritage is regarded as a constructive source for cultur More
        The development of cultural tourism depends on the interaction of a wide variety of factors. On the other hand, considering the fact that the process of cultural tourism is influenced by Politics and that cultural heritage is regarded as a constructive source for cultural tourism, it could be argued that the success of cultural tourism is contingent upon the interaction of Politics and cultural heritage, between which interpretation can act as an intervening factor to establish such an interaction, playing different roles in this regard. This study, therefore, sought to investigate the functions of interpretation as a factor that establish an interaction between politics and cultural heritage and identify the status of such functions in this regard to help the IRI’s cultural tourism benefit from them. To this end, such potential functions were identified by reviewing the related literature and analyzing the qualified experts’ opinions as follows: recalling the spatial identity of historical sites, learning from the ancestors’ works and history, altering the politicians' attitudes towards cultural heritage, strengthening national identity, preserving the historical sites’ structure and spirit, bringing the stakeholders of historical sites closer to each other, fighting against racism and ethnocentrism, correcting historical misunderstandings, converging different cultures, and developing mutual understanding between politicians and the public. Moreover, the surveying phase of the study identified the aggregate opinions of experts concerning the priority of the aforementioned functions using the fuzzy Delphi method. The study’s results revealed that recalling the spatial identity of historical sites, strengthening national identity, and preserving the historical sites’ structure and spirit were those potential functions of interpretation in the interaction between politics and cultural tourism in which the experts had the highest consensus. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Iran's Energy Geopolitics and EU’s Approach
        سیدشمس‌الدین  صادقی
        Since the common denominator among EU members is increasing dependence on imported oil and gas, security of energy supply is a major concern for the European Union. When assured about security and effectiveness of energy market, those countries will be able to continue More
        Since the common denominator among EU members is increasing dependence on imported oil and gas, security of energy supply is a major concern for the European Union. When assured about security and effectiveness of energy market, those countries will be able to continue increasing consumption of energy. However, the rising energy price, especially with regard to natural gas, has led to questions about future situation of energy supply security for the EU members. Therefore, this paper first focuses on the rising demand for gas and the risks of overdependence of the EU members on gas supply from Russian Gazprom Company, which may lead to repetition of Ukraine experience and the international gas crisis in 2006 and 2009. It then analyzes geopolitical and international aspects of future energy supply security for the EU and strategic plans developed by its members to handle these challenges. In conclusion, the paper introduces Iran as a good alternative source for ensuring energy security of the EU due to its geoeconomic conditions. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Iran's Energy Geopolitics and EU’s Approach
        آرمین امینی الهام  حسین‌خانی
        Since the common denominator among EU members is increasing dependence on imported oil and gas, security of energy supply is a major concern for the European Union. When assured about security and effectiveness of energy market, those countries will be able to continue More
        Since the common denominator among EU members is increasing dependence on imported oil and gas, security of energy supply is a major concern for the European Union. When assured about security and effectiveness of energy market, those countries will be able to continue increasing consumption of energy. However, the rising energy price, especially with regard to natural gas, has led to questions about future situation of energy supply security for the EU members. Therefore, this paper first focuses on the rising demand for gas and the risks of overdependence of the EU members on gas supply from Russian Gazprom Company, which may lead to repetition of Ukraine experience and the international gas crisis in 2006 and 2009. It then analyzes geopolitical and international aspects of future energy supply security for the EU and strategic plans developed by its members to handle these challenges. In conclusion, the paper introduces Iran as a good alternative source for ensuring energy security of the EU due to its geoeconomic conditions. Manuscript profile
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        56 - Feasibility Analysis of Formation of Arabian military coalition in Persian Gulf; with Emphasis on Geopolitical Backgrounds
        Reza Rahimi Kiumars  YazdanpanahRahimi
        The geopolitical region of South East Asia has been influenced by some geopolitical factors including the efforts of Arabian states to form an Arabian military coalescence in the years ending to 2020. These agents have given rise to a plenty of changes increasing tensio More
        The geopolitical region of South East Asia has been influenced by some geopolitical factors including the efforts of Arabian states to form an Arabian military coalescence in the years ending to 2020. These agents have given rise to a plenty of changes increasing tensions and conflicts in the region. The military coalescence outlined under the influence of geopolitical backgrounds in Persian Gulf, posed the questions that how such a coalition can be realized in the near future. This present research, based on neo-realism approach, has addressed the geopolitical factors effective in shaping the coalescence. We have used cross effect analysis techniques and experts opinions to examine the feasibility of forming the military coalescence. The results of this study have indicated that some more powerful interrupting factors can weaken the possibility. To reduce tensions in the region, therefore, the neighboring states have to develop new military and security collaborations to eradicate the war in the region. Manuscript profile
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        57 - Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in the Global Economy and International Politics: Analysis of the Behavior Pattern of the FATF towards Iran
        Rahim Baizidi
        The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) was initially established to combat money laundering, and later objectives such as combating transnational organized crime, countering the financing of terrorism, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction were added to i More
        The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) was initially established to combat money laundering, and later objectives such as combating transnational organized crime, countering the financing of terrorism, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction were added to its mission. The activities of FATF are based on the 40 main recommendations of this institution, the interpretive texts of which are also attached to these recommendations. The basis for the legitimacy of the FATF recommendations is some UN conventions and resolutions. This institution gained more power, especially after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, to the point where it is considered one of the most important international regimes in the field of financial and banking standards. The main issue in this regard is the position of the FATF in the global economic system, international politics and also its behavior pattern towards Iran. In response to this question, it has been hypothesized that the FATF is part of the international banking and financial regime, which, by referring to international conventions and UN resolutions, has increased its international legitimacy and sought to It has expanded its supranational authority and influence in the fields of global economics and international politics. To address this question, we first examine the important international instruments in the field of combating money laundering that led to the formation of the FATF. Following is a trend study of the historical development of the FATF to use the descriptive-analytical method to examine the position of the Financial Action Task Force in the global economy and international politics. Finally, a comprehensive analysis of the FATF's exposure to Iran over the past two decades is presented. Manuscript profile
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        58 - NATO's Political and Military Strategy for 2030 and Global Implications
        Rahim Baizidi Asgar Safari
        The dynamic nature of the international order and distribution of power has transformed the international environment into an arena of rapid political, military, and security developments. The establishment of NATO was also the result of one of these developments, inclu More
        The dynamic nature of the international order and distribution of power has transformed the international environment into an arena of rapid political, military, and security developments. The establishment of NATO was also the result of one of these developments, including rapid expansion of Soviet's military and geopolitical power. The organization has faced many challenges throughout its life, one of the most important of which was the collapse of the Soviet Union and the disappearance of its founding philosophy. But in the post-Cold War era of international relations, NATO not only sustained its life by relying on its strategic concepts, using Russia's in its domestic power transition, as well as highlighting emerging threats such as terrorism, but also increased its members from 16 countries -before the collapse of the Soviet Union- to 30 countries in 2020. Despite NATO's high level of adaptation to international developments, the global distribution of power is changing rapidly, posing fundamental challenges to the organization. The present study seeks to address three key issues, including the challenges and threats facing NATO in assessing the international political and security environment, NATO's strategy for dealing with these threats, and finally its consequences. Using a descriptive-analytical method, while extracting the system of threats facing NATO, this article deals with some of the most important pillars of NATO's strategy for implementation until 2030. Finally, the global implications of NATO's new strategy are analyzed as well. Manuscript profile
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        59 - Analysis of the Relationship between Sports Diplomacy and International Prestige of Countries; A case Study of Qatar Hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup
        Hossein  Polvandeh Farzad  Rostami
        Modern sport has been dramatically internationalized and the strategic, conscious and purposeful use of sport by countries to create interaction, information and positive indexing and increase international credibility to increase activism and pursue foreign policy goal More
        Modern sport has been dramatically internationalized and the strategic, conscious and purposeful use of sport by countries to create interaction, information and positive indexing and increase international credibility to increase activism and pursue foreign policy goals can be attributed to related on sports diplomacy. Sport has a positive role as one of the tools in diplomacy and politics. Sports diplomacy has become a tool for governments to use to improve their positions and credibility. Therefore, it is important to address the issue that in addition to military or political power, there are other and less costly ways in which countries can achieve their goals. Qatar is one of these countries that, despite its special geographical location, is using this type of diplomacy to achieve its regional and international goals. In this regard, the main question of the forthcoming article was how sports diplomacy affects Qatar's international prestige. Using descriptive analytical method, it is hypothesized that Qatar has been able to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup through sports diplomacy, with four components: becoming an important regional player, an important opportunity for public diplomacy and power. Soft, participation in peace and security and attracting public opinion, play a serious role for itself and ultimately increase its international prestige and prestige. Manuscript profile
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        60 - Machiavelli and his Relation to the New Political Philosophy
        Masoomeh  Hajati Mohammad  Akvan Amir Mohebbian
        Machiavelli’s thinking opens a new window of politics on the world. The cornerstone of that world is independence and humanism. Machiavelli is the first political thinker who paves the way for modern political theory by defining the concept of politics as the function o More
        Machiavelli’s thinking opens a new window of politics on the world. The cornerstone of that world is independence and humanism. Machiavelli is the first political thinker who paves the way for modern political theory by defining the concept of politics as the function of power strategy. Machiavelli’s two main books are The Prince and Discourse of Livy. A study of Machiavelli’s The Prince defines politics in terms of power and law. Due to this reason, he advises politicians to have a strong army and a codified law. A strong army is to protect the territorial integrity and defend the borders of a country and the codified law is to keep people and states under a single flag. For law enforcement, he first recommends the study of history and then the correct conclusions of events to historians and politicians. This is because whoever knows history is in control of the situation of the people. Moreover, this is why historical events are usually repetitive. Machiavelli’s other book, Discourse of Livy, is an instruction for a prince or a president. This article deals with the influence of Machiavelli’s theories on later political behavior in five chapters and a conclusion. Manuscript profile