• List of Articles Ferdowsi

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Criticizing the wisdom in Shahnameh
        فریده  وجدانی
        This paper tries to demonstrate Ferdowsi`s concern toward the golden period of Iranian civilization in which wisdom was a distinctive factor through the application of a descriptive-analysis approach. Moreover, it aims to explain the significance of the wisdom in Irania More
        This paper tries to demonstrate Ferdowsi`s concern toward the golden period of Iranian civilization in which wisdom was a distinctive factor through the application of a descriptive-analysis approach. Moreover, it aims to explain the significance of the wisdom in Iranian ancient culture to which this poet belongs as well as the place of wisdom in Shiite religion of which he was one of its followers. None of these factors, however, have dissuaded him, the scholar who believed and accepted the wisdom by his own personal talent, from considering negative and indecent aspects of the wisdom. Hence, despite the popular belief, not only does not Shahnameh praise the wisdom but also talks about noxious wisdom and its problems. As a result, this research could remove the existed ambiguity in the reading of the fourth verse of Shahnameh`s introduction, under the title of “in praise of the wisdom”, and could attract the reader to pay attention to Ferdowsi’s point of view about criticizing the wisdom. It is necessary to point out that, in spite of seeking for the related sources, the author could not uncover any background which may cover the proposed reading of the aforementioned verse and also any related resource about “criticizing the wisdom in Shahnameh.” Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Investigating the Dramatic Aspects of Rostam and Sohrab Story in Shahnameh Based on Aristotle’s Views on Drama
        داود  حاتمي
        Among the mythological, heroic, and historic stories in Shahnameh, the heroic ones are of better ground and more fascinating perspectives for study than the others. Isolation of heroic function from the functions of mythological-king-hero character and its appearance in More
        Among the mythological, heroic, and historic stories in Shahnameh, the heroic ones are of better ground and more fascinating perspectives for study than the others. Isolation of heroic function from the functions of mythological-king-hero character and its appearance in a particular character named hero, with his own actions and feelings that are increasingly similar to a common human behaviors and emotions on one hand, and Ferdowsi’s (the poet’s) tendency to investigate and interpret the hero’s internal motivations facing epical events, on the other hand, have made the characterization aspect of the work deeper and more elaborate, and also promoted the structure of the story from a mere heroic narration to a dramatic structure with its embodiment potential, that latter effect is more prominent in some of the heroic stories. The study of dramatic aspects of these stories, in addition to understanding the dramatic potentials, helps their typology be more methodological and exact. This article, selecting one of the most well known heroic stories of Shahnameh, i.e. Rustam and Sohrab story, and through an introductory emphasis on the originality of its Iranian version, compared with the non-Iranian ones, attempts to investigate its dramatic aspects based upon Aristotle’s Poetica, as the most ancient and, at the same time, credible thesis on recognizing drama and its mechanism in the context of the classic verse and prose works; and presents its own results. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Shahnameh in the Arab World
        قاسم  مختاري محمود  شهبازي مژگان  نصيري
        Firdowsi is the famous Iranian poet who, by composing the epic of Shahnameh (The Book of Kings), secured a prominent place for himself in Persian literature. The first Arabic translation of the book was made in the 7th century A.H. by Fath Ibin Ali Bondari Isfahani by t More
        Firdowsi is the famous Iranian poet who, by composing the epic of Shahnameh (The Book of Kings), secured a prominent place for himself in Persian literature. The first Arabic translation of the book was made in the 7th century A.H. by Fath Ibin Ali Bondari Isfahani by the decree of Malek Mo’adham Issa Ayoubi. However, the translation being in prose and consequently ignoring almost all the aesthetic aspects of the book, had literally no influence on Arab writers. In the current century and thanks to the indefatigable attempts of some Arab writers and critics, such as the prominent Arab scholar Abd-al-Vahhab Izam who also knows Persian very well and has conducted many researches on Shahnameh in Arabic, Shahnameh has found its place among Arab authors and poets who confessed the greatness of Ferdowsi’s unique work. However, the stories of Shahnameh did not reflected that much in Arabic poetry. There may be three reasons for this fact: tendencies to western literature, prose translations of shahnameh where its poetic features have been lost, and the lack of an epic heritage in Arabic literature. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - A comparison between the stories of Khosro and Shirin by Ferdowsi and Nezami
        حسن  شاهی‌پور
        This article is aimed at comparing two stories of Khosro and Shirin written in two different verses. First, a summary of two verses namely Shahname and Khosro and Shirin are presented as a total framework and outline of the stories in front of the readers’ eyes. The More
        This article is aimed at comparing two stories of Khosro and Shirin written in two different verses. First, a summary of two verses namely Shahname and Khosro and Shirin are presented as a total framework and outline of the stories in front of the readers’ eyes. Then two versions of the story have been compared with a historic source in order to reveal that which of the poets was more obligated to the historical narration. Certainly the refer should be made to a source which had been written before the two verses were written because it is highly probable that the dates following the two verses had been effected by one of them. Meanwhile, the stories might have been changed through the history. For this reason we have chosen the book Tarikhe Tabari which is the oldest source in order to measure the two summaries. There were some points in Tarikhe Tabari, not written in Shahname or Khosro and Shirin. In such a case, we referred to the books Majmaoltavarikh and Tarikhe Saalabi written before Nezami period. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Architextual relations (longitudinal and Genre-related) in Poetic Iskandarnamehs
        Arcitextuality is one of the quintuple issues of transtextuality by Gerard Genette which analyzes genre-related relations and Arcitexuality in a piece of work and the genre it belongs to. This category is appropriate for the analysis of literary works which have undergo More
        Arcitextuality is one of the quintuple issues of transtextuality by Gerard Genette which analyzes genre-related relations and Arcitexuality in a piece of work and the genre it belongs to. This category is appropriate for the analysis of literary works which have undergone changed from their initial type, due to social and ideational, and audiences’ expectations in a specific period of time. One kind of such works is "Iskandarnameh" which consists historical epopees, but has also features from other genres which change them to something more than just historical epopees. How such features can affect the epic nature of these works and how they are related to the title “Iskandarnameh” can be analyzed in these works. Therefore, the elements of these three genres are extracted, and the relationship between different lyrical and pedagogical genres, and epic architext was analyzed. The results reveal that the overlap of the genres in Iskandarnamehs after Ferdowsi and prominent features of pedagogical genre paved the way for a change in the title of these works to Kheradnameh (letter of thought/wisdom) although the epic aspect of these works has not been lost. So in this essay, arcitexuality of poetic Iskandarnameh( Ferdowsi, Nezami, Amirkhosrow) and the type and genre they belong to are analyzed in order to determine their textual relations and the transformations they have undergone. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - A comparative study of the concept of moderation inthe advices of the sixth "Dinkard" and in Ferdowsi's "Shahnameh
        zahra delpazi Mohammad behnamfar MOHAMMAD REZA RASHED MOHASSEL
        One of the basic concepts in Iranian thought is the principle of moderation in life affairs, which is clearly reflected in Pahlavi books and advice letters, especially in the sixth book of Dinkard, the most detailed advice letter in the Pahlavi language. In Ferdowsi's S More
        One of the basic concepts in Iranian thought is the principle of moderation in life affairs, which is clearly reflected in Pahlavi books and advice letters, especially in the sixth book of Dinkard, the most detailed advice letter in the Pahlavi language. In Ferdowsi's Shahnameh, which is considered as the summary of pre-Islamic Iranian culture, moderation is one of the basic principles that has been emphasized in various advices.In this article, we have tried to represent the similarities of these two books on moderation in a comparative way and with a content analysis approach. The results show that the concept of moderation in the Sixth Dinkard and Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh are very close to one another. In both books, thr extremes of excessiveness are examples of evil, and the good that lies between them is a symbol of moderation. On the other hand, goodness equals goodwill, good thinking and good speech; Three important principles of Zoroastrian thought that are directly related to reason and guide people to a rational life based on moderation.There is also a close link between moderation and justice that evokes the concept of "asha" in Zoroastrian thought.It is noteworthy that the concept of moderation in the sixth Dinkard is more consistent with the recommendations of the historical part of the Shahnameh, especially poems related to the reign of Khosrow Anoshirvan, and sometimes the recommendations are quite similar which could be the result of the direct influence of the sixth Dinkard on Shahnameh or due tocommon sources for the two books. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Peace-sodality Iranians in the story of Fereydoun (One of Ferdowsi's Intellectual Features of his Epic)
        mohammad reza Keyvanfar Parvaneh A’del Zadeh kamran pashaei fahkri
        This article seeks to examine how the Iranian heroes think about peace in Fereydoun story. In this story, several peaceful methods are discussed. The wide distribution of wealth among the needy by Faraanak, the division of the world into three parts and pluralism in the More
        This article seeks to examine how the Iranian heroes think about peace in Fereydoun story. In this story, several peaceful methods are discussed. The wide distribution of wealth among the needy by Faraanak, the division of the world into three parts and pluralism in the method of governance, and the avoidance of individuality in the division of the world, which is the work of Fereydoun, Emphasis on dialogue in resolving conflicts among heroes and relying on finding a solution to peace and absolute rejection of violence, avoiding the use of military force to resolve disputes, not belonging to the world and avoiding stubbornness and struggle to stay in the power that is the characteristic of Iraj in front of his brothers, paying special attention to justice, and avoiding oppression and tyranny in Fereydoun's actions and speech. What Fereydoun has benefited from, as well as the actions of the words and thoughts of the Iranian heroes in Fereydoun's story, are in line with today's peaceful views. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - A Comparative Study of Bouransasani’s Monarchy in The Ferdowsi’s Shahname and Historical Sources (in a Critical Review of a Challenging Verse)
        Akram Joudi Nemati
        Bouran became as the ruler of Sassanid Empire just before downfall of the empire and she was praised in Shahnameh; however, at the beginning of Bouran’s reign, Ferdowsi quotes: “there was a girl named Bouran/ things do not go well, when a woman becomes king”. This verse More
        Bouran became as the ruler of Sassanid Empire just before downfall of the empire and she was praised in Shahnameh; however, at the beginning of Bouran’s reign, Ferdowsi quotes: “there was a girl named Bouran/ things do not go well, when a woman becomes king”. This verse has an obvious contradiction with next verses and and according to this verse, it seems that the decay of empire at that time was a result of her reign. In order to answer to the question of "which of the two contradictions is true" and "what could be the cause of the mentioned contradiction", the article author has compared the Shahnameh's claim about Bouran's statecraft with historical sources. Research data show that there’s no report of inefficiency in Bouran’s governance, and all historians, in more detail than Ferdowsi, have reported her governing as good. So, why did Ferdowsi compose such a poem? The author, by proposing related hypotheses, concludes that this verse is not related to how Bouran governs, but it has been due to Ferdowsi's commitment to the presuppositions that were formed in related to the religious beliefs in his time. Tracing the presuppositions leads us to a hadith of the Prophet (PBUH): "A nation that leaves its affairs to a woman will never be successful.” The hadith documents do not confirm its validity, and its not even mentioned about in early Shiite sources; But its socio-cultural shadow has led to the presumption that if a woman becomes monarch, the country will be ruined. So, the poet has remained in contradiction between those historical facts and this social presupposition, and the result has been a contradiction in composing the story of Bouran. However, the Shahnameh as a whole, does not confirm the society negative view to the women. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Study of the position of resurrection in the Shahnameh of Ferdowsi by looking at the verses of the Holy Qur'an
        ali  zatali Mohammad Reza   Mohammad Reza  Qari
        The debate about the post-death world is one of the most important issues. Poets and writers have not neglected this subject in different periods of Persian literature and paid attention to it in their works. Among these poets, Ferdowsi is a prominent poet and epic poet More
        The debate about the post-death world is one of the most important issues. Poets and writers have not neglected this subject in different periods of Persian literature and paid attention to it in their works. Among these poets, Ferdowsi is a prominent poet and epic poet of Iran, who has paid attention to this issue in the place of Shahnameh. Although this valuable book has more mythological aspect and the sources used by the poet (mostly) of pre-Islamic oral stories, which have been transmitted from one generation to the next by chest to Ferdowsi and his followers , But since his poet, in addition to the aspects of storytelling and artistic creation, ... has considered the aspect of the torture and awareness of life in the world and then of the reader and the audience Prevents people from having friendship and heartfelt . He looks at the problem of death and the life of the future with a wise vision. Among the significant issues considered in the Shahnameh, and its speaker in ups and downs and happiness and failures, in wars and reconciliations, and ... has addressed it And this research is intended to investigate and address it. The discussion of human death and the certainty of the world after death (resurrection of thought) is in the eyes of the author of Shahnameh and its adaptation to the verses of the Qur'an. This research was conducted in a library study method and descriptive analytical method. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Studying the social station Sindokht, Roodabeh, Gordafarid and Tahmineh in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh
        zohreh parsian Shahnaz  Valipour Hafshejani
        In this article there has been an overall look at some of great women's social life in Shahnameh (Sindokht, Roodabeh, Tahmineh, Gordafrid) considering their story in the book; it shows an important and influential role they played in social, political and even military More
        In this article there has been an overall look at some of great women's social life in Shahnameh (Sindokht, Roodabeh, Tahmineh, Gordafrid) considering their story in the book; it shows an important and influential role they played in social, political and even military fields alongside men. The picture of an ideal woman in Shahnameh is not just a wife at home or a beautiful wife who only gives birth to the children. Great women in Shahnameh are wise and clever people who show their ability by solving social and political challenges; and even sometimes they will be more successful than men and manage the situation. In such a way that will compensate men's silliness and mismanagement. These women they are honest in their love, they never stop safeguarding their homeland even if they resort to politics, conspiring or cheating others. Finally it can be said that each of these women has special characteristics that All these characteristics together present a perfect woman in Shahnameh. Sindokht is a symbol of wisdom and intellect in management, gordafarid is a brave person and a politician, Roodabeh typifies liveliness, freedom and honesty and Tahmineh represents love and parenting. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - A descriptive study of ethics education in Ferdowsi Shahnameh based on Bozorgmehr assemblies
        niloofar sadat abdollahi
        Ferdowsi's Shahnameh is one of the leading texts of Persian literature, which also expresses educational and moral concepts in the form of stories. Therefore, some parts of Shahnameh, such as educational literature texts, have educational uses. One of these sections is More
        Ferdowsi's Shahnameh is one of the leading texts of Persian literature, which also expresses educational and moral concepts in the form of stories. Therefore, some parts of Shahnameh, such as educational literature texts, have educational uses. One of these sections is the Bozorgmehr assemblies during the reign of Noushinravan. Assembly is one of the methods of admonition that is commonly used in the court of kings and at the head of it was a wise person who benefited the audience with his advice and his advice was recorded for the benefit of others. Bozorgmehr's advice on the subject of individual and social ethics is expressed in a codified way and using the techniques of eloquence that influence his speech. In this article, we have divided and analyzed the content of Bozorgmehr meetings with a descriptive view. We have also expressed the educational status of educational ethics and ethics education in Shahnameh. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Deception and concealment in the story of Rostam and Sohrab of Shahnameh
        Mohammad akbar sepahi Saeed  Damani
        Abstract Shahnameh is the most famous epic work in Iran. Works such as Shahnameh, along with the narration of heroic stories, by performing norms and anomalies in front of each other, also perform the task of teaching virtues. The story of the battle of Rostam and Sohr More
        Abstract Shahnameh is the most famous epic work in Iran. Works such as Shahnameh, along with the narration of heroic stories, by performing norms and anomalies in front of each other, also perform the task of teaching virtues. The story of the battle of Rostam and Sohrab, although a small part of the Shahnameh, is one of the most famous stories in this book. This article looks at the story of Rostam and Sohrab Shahnameh Ferdowsi from the perspective of educational literature and the topic of truthfulness. At a glance, To the story of Rostam and Sohrab, Appears from the beginning and end of the story, The reader thinks that Ferdowsi, like many people of that time, considers destiny without the active role of man as the most important cause of the tragedy of Sohrab's death, But with a closer look at the story, It seems that Ferdowsi, in arranging the conversations of the characters in this story, shows that everyone is involved in hiding the truth. And their work has gone hand in hand with concealing the truth, leading to disaster Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - The Phenomenology of Organizational Training: the lived Experience of Staff in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
          رقیه فاضل  
        The purpose of this Phenomenological study was to understand the lived experience of staff in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad from training organization. Qualitative findings through deep interview with 9-target participation Showed that they comprehend the education as More
        The purpose of this Phenomenological study was to understand the lived experience of staff in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad from training organization. Qualitative findings through deep interview with 9-target participation Showed that they comprehend the education as a human right and the phenomenon intertwined with other aspects of human resources management. In addition to professional training, moral and personal training make them satisfied finally, in this research an exploratory model was extracted from organizational education in University of Mashhad. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - The components of Aristotelian tragedy in Ferdowsi's Shahnameh
        shirin ghaderi Mirjalaluddin  Kazazi خلیل بیگ‌زاده
        <p>Tragedy as a kind of dramatic literature is one of the most important components of Aristotle's thought in the philosophy of art and his book " Poetics". According to Aristotle, the first person to explain its constituent parts, tragedy has several components that he More
        <p>Tragedy as a kind of dramatic literature is one of the most important components of Aristotle's thought in the philosophy of art and his book " Poetics". According to Aristotle, the first person to explain its constituent parts, tragedy has several components that help to understand tragedy as well as possible, and it has characteristics that create balance and spiritual balance in the viewer, and put it in a higher place than the epic. Ferdowsi's Shahnameh has stories that can be measured with the components of Aristotelian tragedy and understand its hidden dimensions. This research aims to explain the components of Aristotelian tragedy in the Shahnameh with a descriptive-analytical method, and it has shown that there are many of these components in the Shahnameh that are in line with Aristotle's opinions in the Poetic, although some minor differences can be seen, which are rooted in fundamental differences such as literary genre, cultural, climatic, religious differences, etc.</p> Manuscript profile