• List of Articles کربن

      • Open Access Article

        1 - An Overview of Oil Pollution in the Caspian Sea
        Hamoun Jalilzadeh mehran parsa mohammad reza golriz eram sadati
        Crude oil is a mixture of pure compounds, from the chemical point of view, oil is a mixture of hundreds of molecular compounds called hydrocarbons. Therefore, in this article, various families of hydrocarbons are studied without going into organic chemistry. Then, oil h More
        Crude oil is a mixture of pure compounds, from the chemical point of view, oil is a mixture of hundreds of molecular compounds called hydrocarbons. Therefore, in this article, various families of hydrocarbons are studied without going into organic chemistry. Then, oil hydrocarbons and in particular PAHs, which are the main subject of this research, are being examined. Moreover, an overview of the information gathered about the effects and toxicity of these compounds. The presence of oil pollution in many years in the seas and coastlines of the world has made this topic very much to be considered. Many studies have been conducted to investigate these contaminations, some of which are mentioned in this article. Oil pollution studies related to the Caspian Sea are widely discussed in this paper. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Pale environment modeling using carbon and oxygen stable isotopes in cement and pedogenic carbonates (Case study: Saqqez river basin)
        Zahra HashemiDehaghi bahareh osanlou  
        have been used as an important tool in paleoenvironment indices reconstruction including temperature, effective precipitation and atmospheric carbonate gas concentration during carbonate formation and determining vegetation history and geomorphic processes. In view of t More
        have been used as an important tool in paleoenvironment indices reconstruction including temperature, effective precipitation and atmospheric carbonate gas concentration during carbonate formation and determining vegetation history and geomorphic processes. In view of this, 16 samples including eight samples of paleosols horizon pedogenic carbonate and eight samples of river conglomerate carbonate cements were collected to measure of carbon and oxygen stable isotope composites. The low values of δ18O showed that the air temperature during carbonates formation was 7.9 ˚C which was cooler ca. 5.5 ˚C compared to current air temperature. The δ13C value during formation of pedogenic carbonates and soil profile evolution showed that C4 vegetation is dominated that means the ecosystems with C4 dominate vegetation have growth period in warm season and considerable moisture stress. The correlation between δ18O and δ13C values was higher in pedogenic carbonates demonstrating precipitation water and CO2 in soil (vegetation reparation ratio) are main controlling factor of these values however, in cement carbonates as well as precipitation water and CO2, groundwater, organism and primary carbonates sources could be affected carbon isotope values. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Check of the hydrocarbon potential of Ilam, Lafan and Sarvak formations in The Nusrat Oil Field in SE Persian Gulf: Using Rock Eval Pyrolysis VI and gas chromatography (GC)
        Mohammad صادقی
        The best tools and methods in geochemical evaluation of source rocks are Rock-Eval Pyrolysis and Gas Chromatography. In this study, in order to evaluate geochemical characteristics of Ilam, Laffan and Sarvak formations in well NH01 in Nosrat Oil Field, geochemical dat More
        The best tools and methods in geochemical evaluation of source rocks are Rock-Eval Pyrolysis and Gas Chromatography. In this study, in order to evaluate geochemical characteristics of Ilam, Laffan and Sarvak formations in well NH01 in Nosrat Oil Field, geochemical data including preliminary and detailed Rock Eval Pyrolysis, bitumen extraction and Gas Chromatography on 15 cuttings samples (7 samples from Ilam, 6 samples from Laffan and 2 samples from Sarvak formations) were used. Results of pyrolysis indicated that most samples have a mixture of kerogen type II and III that often tend to be kerogen type II. In general, Ilam, Laffan and Sarvak formations are poor in organic matter and have lower hydrocarbon potential and maturities. Results of liquid chromatography for Ilam and Sarvak samples indicated that these samples are paraffinic in origin. Gas chromatography suggested that Ilam and Sarvak formations deposited in anoxic conditions containing organic matter mostly derived from marine environment with subordinate amounts of terrestrial input. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Geology, geochemistry and genesis of the iron mineralization in Jurassic volcano-sedimentary sequence of the Dash Aghol deposit, Northeast of Bukan, Sanandaj-Sirjan zone
        Sajad Maghfouri Mahdi Movahadnia Mehadi Moradi
        The Dash Aghol iron deposit is located in the northeast of Bukan city and is hosted by Jurassic volcano-sedimentary sequence. The main host rock of the Dash Aghol deposit includes sandstone, limy tuff and limestone. Based on geometry of ore body, two different types of More
        The Dash Aghol iron deposit is located in the northeast of Bukan city and is hosted by Jurassic volcano-sedimentary sequence. The main host rock of the Dash Aghol deposit includes sandstone, limy tuff and limestone. Based on geometry of ore body, two different types of mineralization were distinguished in Dash Aghol deposit: lenticular primary mineralization which occurred as parallel and concordant with layering of the host rocks. Ore textures of this type include massive, laminated and disseminated forms existing in sandstone, limy tuff and limestone. Second type, includes supergene vein-veinlet and open space filling mineralization which is associated with faults and related brecciated zones and were occurred in hanging wall rocks of the primary ore lense. According to the stratigraphy, ore body form, texture, paragenetic sequences, ore bearing chert-carbonate- tuff facies and mineralogy, the iron mieralization in Dash Aghol deposit is stratiform tuff carbonate-sandstone host rocks deposits, in rolcano-sedimentary sequence of Jurassic, which were precipitated in shallow marine environment. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The carbonate hosted epithermal gold mineralization in the Kavand, Southwest of Zanjan
        Nadia Partak Masoud Alipour-Asll
        The Kavand area is located in the southwest of Zanjan, in Soltanieh district in Central Iran zone. Mineralization is hosted by upper Precambrian-lower Cambrian sedimentary sequences, and it is mainly associated with the dolomitic rocks of the Soltanieh Formation. Minera More
        The Kavand area is located in the southwest of Zanjan, in Soltanieh district in Central Iran zone. Mineralization is hosted by upper Precambrian-lower Cambrian sedimentary sequences, and it is mainly associated with the dolomitic rocks of the Soltanieh Formation. Mineralization appears as massive, vein-veinlets and karst open space filling. Dominant alterations include iron-oxide, carbonate and silicic types. The ore minerals conist of hematite, specularite, gold, chalcopyrite pyrite, chalcocite, covellite, malachite, azurite, goethite and limonite, while quartz, barite, calcite and dolomite are gangue minerals. The Fe and Au are important ore-forming elements in this area. The average content of Fe and Au in the Kavand mineralization is 15.7% (Max. 28.4%) and 1.3 ppm (max. 14.6 ppm), respectively. Geochemical data represent a high positive correlation between Au with Ag, As, Sb, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Ba. Fluid inclusion studies on quartz from samples with quartz+sulfide+gold and iron oxides+barite+quartz+gold mineral associations indicate that average temperature was 277.84 ºC and salinity was 3.67 wt. % NaCl. Mineralization is likely formed under pressures below than 200 bars and a depth over than 700 m. The multi-element microprobe analyses of gold grains from stream sediments demonstrate that Au and Ag contents are dominant in the composition of Kavand gold index. The chemical composition of the Kavand gold particles compared with those from various gold deposits proves their epithermal source. The Kavand mineralization can be considered as a carbonate rock-hosted epithermal gold deposit. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Akhtarchi deposit with carbonated host: geology, mineralography and electron microprobe (EPMA) studies
        Mohammadamin Naziri Iraj Rassa Mohammad yazdi
        The Akhtarchi gold deposit with carbonate host is located in southeast Mahallat, Markazi province, and Sanandaj-Sirjan structural zone. Host rock includes impure carbonated rocks with Permian age which is affected by dissolution (decarbonatization) and brecciation in mi More
        The Akhtarchi gold deposit with carbonate host is located in southeast Mahallat, Markazi province, and Sanandaj-Sirjan structural zone. Host rock includes impure carbonated rocks with Permian age which is affected by dissolution (decarbonatization) and brecciation in mineralized zones. Mineralization is controlled structurally and there is spatial relation between faults and mineralization. The most important alterations include silicification, hematization, dolomitization, decarbonatization and argillic. Gold occurrence is seen as three forms, associated with iron oxides, siliceous (jasperoid) and placer. There are five types of mineralized veins in the area including gold bearing iron oxide, gold bearing siliceous -iron oxide, copper bearing siliceous-iron oxide, siliceous-pyritic and milky quartz veins. Microscopic studies and microprobe analyses show that gold exists in this deposit as microscopic grains inside iron oxides and as submicroscopic in iron oxides, iron-manganese oxides, carbonates, copper bearing secondary minerals and sulfides. Based on geological, structural, alteration, mineralography and microprobe studies, properties of Akhtarchi deposit have the most similarity with Carlin type gold deposit. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Investigation of Loss of Extracted Wood, Biomass and Carbon Storage of Commercial Trunk of Hornbeam and Date-plum Species in Astara Forests
        Seyede Nasrin  Ghaznavi
        In current study, in order to accurately estimate of the volume, loss of extracted wood, biomass, carbon sequestration and extraction of allometric equations of hornbeam and date-plum species, 17 trees from each of the mentioned species in parcel 729 of the series seven More
        In current study, in order to accurately estimate of the volume, loss of extracted wood, biomass, carbon sequestration and extraction of allometric equations of hornbeam and date-plum species, 17 trees from each of the mentioned species in parcel 729 of the series seven of the watershed number one of Astara forests were selected and after measuring the diameter and height their volume measured, using volume equation. The selected trees were then fallen and the volume of trees measured again. Finally, after converting trees trunk into smaller portable parts by mules, the volume of extracted wood was measured again and statistically compared with analysis of variance. Also, after weighing the fresh weight of the total parts, 4 cm disc samples were taken from the diameter in breast height of the trees and after weighing the initial weight and drying the samples in the oven at 80 ° C, the samples biomass were calculated. Carbon stock of the samples was measured by burning method in an electric kiln and the amounts of biomass and carbon sequestration were generalized to all trees. The allometric equations of the biomass of the two species were also extracted using the exponential function. Based on the results, the average loss of hornbeam and date-plum wood was estimated to be 42% and 32%, respectively. The total reserves of carbon and carbon dioxide deposited by the two species were estimated at 60 and 220 tons per hectare, respectively. In addition, the extracted allometric equations provided a high coefficient of explanation (>0.9) for both species. The results of the present study show the high loss of extracted wood and the high accuracy of the extracted allometric equations in estimating the biomass of the studied species. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Recognition of the location of holy shrines in the structure of the city and its effects on the formation of religious rituals (Case study: Shrine of Ali Ibn Mahziar in Ahvaz)
        Mohammad ebrahim Mazhari Fattemeh Poodat Hadi  Soltanifard
        Holding rituals in the city is a reflection of collective life that strengthens social connectivity. Sacred places and shrines are an influential element in the construction and interconnectedness of Iranian cities. Religious shrines are the gathering places of differen More
        Holding rituals in the city is a reflection of collective life that strengthens social connectivity. Sacred places and shrines are an influential element in the construction and interconnectedness of Iranian cities. Religious shrines are the gathering places of different groups of people which link the flow of ceremonies and rituals. The purpose of this study is to investigate the position of Ali Ibn Mahziar’s tomb in the physical-spatial structure of Ahvaz and its effect on the formation of religious rituals, especially the mourning ceremonies of Tasua and Ashura within Ahvaz. This research is of descriptive-analytical type and employs methods of observation and field perceptions as well as reviewing the results of spatial arrangement analysis and graph modelling in order to study the adaptation of currents related to religious rites (for the movement of mourning delegations) and the existing city structure and especially the location of the shrine of Ali ibn Mahziar. Therefore, after field surveys, initial modelling was performed using graph theory approach and data analysis with centrality index and BC and DC scales, and then applying integration, connectivity and choice, space syntax analysis of Ahvaz city was implemented. The results show that the shrine of Ali ibn Mahziar plays a central role in attracting mourners from different parts of the city and strengthening social interactions and the presence of citizens. The focal position of the shrine in the configuration of the city reveals the close relation of this effective spatial element with the social patterns of the city, which over time, despite the changes, is still at the center of rituals and social interactions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Explaining the Theory of Meta-History in Henry Corbin’s Philosophy
        Seyed Ali  Alamolhoda Marziyeh  Akhlaghi Naser  Mohamadi Hasan  Seyedarab
        Henry Corbin (1903-1978), the French philosopher, is the first western interpreter of Suhrawardi’s philosophy. His thoughts are focused on the fields of t’awil (esoteric interpretation), phenomenology, and the theory of meta-history. The present study aims to explain an More
        Henry Corbin (1903-1978), the French philosopher, is the first western interpreter of Suhrawardi’s philosophy. His thoughts are focused on the fields of t’awil (esoteric interpretation), phenomenology, and the theory of meta-history. The present study aims to explain and examine this theory and its impact on Corbin’s study of Iranian-Islamic philosophy and gnosis. In the realm of theoretical studies of history, the philosophy of history derives from philosophical studies and, accordingly, investigates history and historical events and incidents. In Corbin’s view, it is not possible to investigate the reporting of the history of philosophy based on the theory of the philosophy of history because one cannot describe historical events based on cause-effect relationships. Corbin’s view in this regard is rooted in theology. In fact, he has employed a theological approach in order to interpret the relationship between history and human beings; the philosophical periods of ancient Iran; Islamic philosophy and, particularly, the philosophical school of Suhrawardi (540-587 AH), and gnosis. He has attributed the issues related to the mentioned fields to the world of Ideas. Corbin benefitted from the theories of Edmund Husserl (1859-1928) and Martin Heidegger (1889-1996) in order to pose the theory of meta-history. The present paper is a first attempt at examining and analyzing Henry Corbin’s theory of meta-history. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - A Critical Analysis of Henry Corbin’s Thoughts on the Comparison of Suhrawardī’s Philosophy with Greek Philosophy
        Hasan Seyedarab seyedali Alamolhoda Alireza parsa Akhlaghi Marzie
        Henry Corbin is a western commentator of Suhrawardī’s Illuminationist philosophy. His thoughts in relation to interpreting this philosophy are based on t’awīl (hermeneutics), phenomenology, metahistory, and comparative philosophy. The present paper is the first attempt More
        Henry Corbin is a western commentator of Suhrawardī’s Illuminationist philosophy. His thoughts in relation to interpreting this philosophy are based on t’awīl (hermeneutics), phenomenology, metahistory, and comparative philosophy. The present paper is the first attempt at addressing this subject, and it is intended to critically investigate Corbin’s thoughts regarding the comparison of Suhrawardī’s philosophy with those of Plato, Aristotle, and neo-Platonists. Here, the authors have explored Suhrawardī’s innovative ideas so that the differences between them and the thoughts of the above-mentioned philosophers are disclosed. They have also presented a general critique of Corbin’s methodology and its defects in the conclusion. Comparative philosophy, which is sometimes called intercultural philosophy, requires philosophers to deal with various cultural, linguistic, and philosophical trends with an emphasis on the fundamental principles underlying the philosophers’ thoughts and to study the differences and similarities among their views. In Corbin’s view, comparative philosophy has functioned as the gateway of the correct perception of philosophical thoughts in the history of philosophy, and that is why he has compared Illuminationist philosophy with the philosophical views of Plato and Aristotle. He believes that Suhrawardī’s philosophy has been derived from Plato’s views, which seems to have its roots in his idea that the origin of philosophy is Greece. Corbin considers him as the Plato of the world of Islam; however, he ignores Suhrawardī’s innovations, the differences between his philosophy and that of Plato, and his criticism of Aristotle. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

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        mitra tavakoli
      • Open Access Article

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        Nilufar sadat Mousavi
      • Open Access Article

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        hossin bazgir
      • Open Access Article

        14 - A Formal Framework for Dynamic Reconfiguration in Adaptive Systems
        J. Karimpour R. Alyari
        Today's advanced systems are expected to be able to adapt to environmental conditions and unpredictable situations. The first requirement for such systems is to adjust them according to customer needs, their own ability and operational environment and they should be abl More
        Today's advanced systems are expected to be able to adapt to environmental conditions and unpredictable situations. The first requirement for such systems is to adjust them according to customer needs, their own ability and operational environment and they should be able to answer when faced with problem and unexpected request. Software adaptation techniques try to cope, with adaptation contracts and reconfiguration capabilities. Also these reconfigurations should be performed out of the sight of client and sometimes during the operation so that prohibit system designers from direct involvement in the internal affairs of clients. Sometimes these adaptation techniques have an impressive role in reusing components for making new systems or improving old ones. Thins paper try to create a system that can be adapted to the environment and besides it also reduces the complexity problem. To do so, at first we use a formal model to represent the whole system and then, build a mathematical model called adaptor based on adaptation contract and client requests. After creation of the adaptor, the all configuration and transactions between the client and system are done through the adaptors and Adaptors are responsible for coordinating the internal system components. Also, to avoid complexity, the concept of hierarchical networks and services are used for building the networks of adaptors. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - The Effect of Granularity on the Design of Decimal Arithmetic Reconfigurable Units
        S. Emami M. Sedighi
        Recently, decimal arithmetic has received renewed attention in certain application domains such as financial computations. This is mostly due to the demand for more accurate decimal number representation and calculation in those applications. While decimal arithmetic ma More
        Recently, decimal arithmetic has received renewed attention in certain application domains such as financial computations. This is mostly due to the demand for more accurate decimal number representation and calculation in those applications. While decimal arithmetic may be implemented in software and hardware, the latter form offers higher speeds and better performance. Traditionally, hardware decimal units have been designed as application-specific specialized hardware modules. However, emerging designs have come with some degree of reconfigurablility. But there is no research on the effects of reconfigurability parameters, such as granularity and degree of flexibility, on the overall characteristics of decimal hardware modules .In this paper, it will be shown that bit-level granularity is not suitable for decimal reconfigurable adders. Instead, digit-level granularity will lead to superior designs. The synthesis results indicate that increasing granularity level provides an area improvement of %12 and power improvement of %13.4. Unlike adders, increasing the granularity of decimal multipliers has an adverse effect on their quality and may cause up to %75 increase in their area and power consumption. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Efficient Multicast Routing in Reconfigurable Networks-on-Chip
        F. Nasiri   Ahmad  Khademzadeh
        Several routing algorithms have been presented for multicast and unicast traffic in MPSoCs. Multicast protocols in NoCs are used for clock synchronization, cache coherency in distributed shared memory on-chip multiprocessors, replication and barrier synchronization. Uni More
        Several routing algorithms have been presented for multicast and unicast traffic in MPSoCs. Multicast protocols in NoCs are used for clock synchronization, cache coherency in distributed shared memory on-chip multiprocessors, replication and barrier synchronization. Unicast routing algorithms are not useful for multicast. Indeed, when unicast routing algorithms are employed to realize multicast operation, high traffic, congestion and deadlock are imposed to the network. To prevent from these problems, Tree-based and path based techniques have been proposed for multicast in multicomputers (and recently NoCs). In this paper, we present a new multicast routing method to decrease power consumption and multicast message latency based on a reconfigurable NoC architecture. In this line, we benefit from simple switches in our reconfigurable architecture instead of routers; we then divide the network to smaller partitions to make better trees for conducting multicast packets. Our evaluation results reveal that, for both real and synthetic traffic loads, the proposed method outperforms the baseline tree-based routing method in a reconfigurable mesh, and reduces message latency by up to 51% and power consumption by up to 33%. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        17 - Robust Scheduling of a Smart Microgrid Connected to the Grid Considering Air Pollution in the Presence of Controllable Loads
        The microgrid is a set of local energy producers and consumers that can be utilized with low cost and high reliability. In this paper, a robust multi-objective model is proposed to reduce operating costs and carbon emissions in which a smart grid utilizes a wind turbine More
        The microgrid is a set of local energy producers and consumers that can be utilized with low cost and high reliability. In this paper, a robust multi-objective model is proposed to reduce operating costs and carbon emissions in which a smart grid utilizes a wind turbine and micro-turbine to feed its connected loads. The microgrid also uses a battery to store electrical energy in off-peak hours and to deliver energy in on-peak hours. On the other hand, it is connected to the main grid and can exchange energy with it. Consumers connected to this microgrid are divided into two groups. The first group is uncontrollable loads with certain load pattern and the second group is controllable loads that have certain energy consumption but can be controlled by the operating time. The proposed model is a mixed-integer linear programming problem and is simulated with the CPLEX solver in GAMS software. The results show that when the price of electricity is low, the loads are often supplied by grid electricity, and when the price of electricity is high, they are often fed by micro-turbines, batteries, and wind turbines. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        18 - Prediction of carbon price forecast using time series analysis
        Roya Abedi
        Many economic tools have been proposed and used to reduce climate change. Carbon trading is one of these market-based tools that is recognized as a cost-effective way to change climate and environmental issues. Today, the issue of carbon sequestration and bioenergy prod More
        Many economic tools have been proposed and used to reduce climate change. Carbon trading is one of these market-based tools that is recognized as a cost-effective way to change climate and environmental issues. Today, the issue of carbon sequestration and bioenergy production versus fossil fuels is great concern of governments, and many efforts have been made to reduce or control carbon dioxide emissions. The aim of this study is to investigate carbon price fluctuations and predict price trends based on historical carbon price data in the time series 2005-2020. Data were analyzed by regression analysis based on Fuller augmented Dicky after eliminating inflation. The results show that the trend of carbon prices has fluctuated during this period. The average expected price of carbon is 3,303,589 Iranian Rials.Many economic tools have been proposed and used to reduce climate change. Carbon trading is one of these market-based tools that is recognized as a cost-effective way to change climate and environmental issues. Today, the issue of carbon sequestration and bioenergy production versus fossil fuels is great concern of governments, and many efforts have been made to reduce or control carbon dioxide emissions. The aim of this study is to investigate carbon price fluctuations and predict price trends based on historical carbon price data in the time series 2005-2020. Data were analyzed by regression analysis based on Fuller augmented Dicky after eliminating inflation. the trend of carbon prices has ش fluctuated during this period. The average expected price of carbon is 3,303,589 Iranian Rials. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        19 - Study of the different microbial biodegradation methods efficiency in the removal of crude oil hydrocarbon contaminants
        Farhood Navaie Abbas Hashemizadeh
        Petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants are one of the hardest compounds in terms of decomposition and control and classified as stable and important organic pollutants that have adverse effects on human health and the environment and combating environmental pollution caused b More
        Petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants are one of the hardest compounds in terms of decomposition and control and classified as stable and important organic pollutants that have adverse effects on human health and the environment and combating environmental pollution caused by them is an important issue for the world and human societies. Although the removal of these pollutants from the environment is a major problem, biodegradation (which uses natural microbial biodegradation activity) is an ecofriendly and economical approach to control these types of contaminants and has become a pivotal method of cleaning up environments contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. The present study provides a comprehensive, uptodate and efficient review of the bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants, taking into account the hydrocarbon alterations in microorganisms with a particular focus on the new insights gained in recent years. Also, the metabolism of hydrocarbons in microorganisms has been described by reviewing research presented in recent years. The results of studies show well that petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants are biodegradable using some microorganisms such as oleophilic and their removal by this method is cost-effective and economical. Microbial biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants uses the enzymatic catalytic activities of microorganisms to increase the degradation of contaminants several times more than traditional methods Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        20 - • Quantifying alkaline sensitivity of Fahlyian Formation by alkaline flooding and formation damage evaluation
        علی حسنی سید علی  مرتضوی
        Secondray and Tertiary recovery can lead to severe and Permanent reductions in permebility due to the interactions between injected fluids and the reservoir rock that is especially true in high clay content , low permebility , More
        Secondray and Tertiary recovery can lead to severe and Permanent reductions in permebility due to the interactions between injected fluids and the reservoir rock that is especially true in high clay content , low permebility , poorly consolidatel reservoir. After the fluid with a high PH value enters the reservoir , the texture of clay minerals and siliceous cement in the reservoir is destroyed due to the dissolution of clay minerals and cement and the release of fine particles produced, thus causing reservior plugging. Formation damage could be both temporarily due to the precipitation of reaction products caused by interaction between high PH fluids and reservior rock which will result in pore plugging .In this study , a series of core flooding experiments have been carried out to determine the critical PH of Alkaline fluids for plug samples of Fahlyian carbonate formation. Alkaline fluids with different PH (7, 8.5, 10 and 12) were injected into plug samples and the alkaline sensitivity of the carbonate formation has been measured in both qualitative and quantitative forms by a new applicable method .using this approach will result in the accurate estimation of the degree of formation damage .result indicate that used plugs show different behavior when exposed to fluids with different alkalinity and the degree of resulted formation damage varies form zero to serious and in certain cases are noticeable and Ireversible.therefore ,PH of injecting fluids must be kept less than its threshold value to prevent formation damage. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        21 - • Quantifying alkaline sensitivity of Fahlyian Formation by alkaline flooding and formation damage evaluation
        علی حسنی سید علیرضا  مرتضوی
        Secondary and Tertiary recovery processes can lead to severe and permanent reductions in permeability due to the interactions between injected fluied and the reservoir rock that is especially true in high clay content , low permeability, poorly consolidated r More
        Secondary and Tertiary recovery processes can lead to severe and permanent reductions in permeability due to the interactions between injected fluied and the reservoir rock that is especially true in high clay content , low permeability, poorly consolidated reservoirs.After the fluid with a high PH value enters the reservoir,the texture of clay minerals and siliceous cement in the reservoir is destroyed due to the dissolution of clay minerals and cement and the release of fine particles produced ,thus causing reservoir plugging. Formation damage could be bith temporarily due to the precipitation of reaction products caused by interaction between high PH fluids and reservoir rock which will result in pore plugging .In this study ,aseries of core flooding experiments have been carried out to determine the critical PH of Alkaline fluids for plug samples of Fahlyian carbonate formation. Alkaline fluids with different PH (7,8.5, 10 and 12) were injected into plug samples and the alkaline sensivity of the carbonate formation has been measured in both qualitative and quantitative forms by a new applicable method .Using this approach will result in the accurate estimation of the degree of formation damage .result indicate that used plugs show different behavior when exposed to fluids with different alkalinity and the degree of resulted formation damage varies from Zero to serious and in certain cases are noticeable and irreversible. Therefore, PH of injecting fluids must be kept less than its threshold value to prevent formation damage. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        22 - • Quantifying alkaline sensitivity of Fahlyian Formation by alkaline flooding and formation damage evaluation
        علی حسنی سید علی مرتضوی
        Secondary and Tertiary recovery processes can lead to severe and permanent reductions in permeability due to the interactions between injected fluied and the reservoir rock that is especially true in high clay content , low permeability, poorly consolidated r More
        Secondary and Tertiary recovery processes can lead to severe and permanent reductions in permeability due to the interactions between injected fluied and the reservoir rock that is especially true in high clay content , low permeability, poorly consolidated reservoirs.After the fluid with a high PH value enters the reservoir,the texture of clay minerals and siliceous cement in the reservoir is destroyed due to the dissolution of clay minerals and cement and the release of fine particles produced ,thus causing reservoir plugging. Formation damage could be bith temporarily due to the precipitation of reaction products caused by interaction between high PH fluids and reservoir rock which will result in pore plugging .In this study ,aseries of core flooding experiments have been carried out to determine the critical PH of Alkaline fluids for plug samples of Fahlyian carbonate formation. Alkaline fluids with different PH (7,8.5, 10 and 12) were injected into plug samples and the alkaline sensivity of the carbonate formation has been measured in both qualitative and quantitative forms by a new applicable method .Using this approach will result in the accurate estimation of the degree of formation damage .result indicate that used plugs show different behavior when exposed to fluids with different alkalinity and the degree of resulted formation damage varies from Zero to serious and in certain cases are noticeable and irreversible. Therefore, PH of injecting fluids must be kept less than its threshold value to prevent formation damage. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Geochemical Investigation and Effect of Sedimentary Environment Changes on Pabdeh Formation Hydrocarbon Potentiality in Mansuri Oilfield
        بهرام علیزاده ندا جنت مکان هرمز  قلاوند محمد حسین  حیدری فرد
        Pabdeh Formation is one of the most important probable source rocks in Mansuri oifield being under investigation . In this study, hydrocarbon potential of pabdeh formation is evaluated. Also effect of sedimentary environment changes on geo More
        Pabdeh Formation is one of the most important probable source rocks in Mansuri oifield being under investigation . In this study, hydrocarbon potential of pabdeh formation is evaluated. Also effect of sedimentary environment changes on geochemical and hydrocarbon potential variation is studied ,To achieve this , hydrocarbon potential of Pabdeh Formation with Rock Eval Pyrolysis was investigated .Besides that, gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry data were utilized . Based on this study , in the Late Eocene age , relative sea level had raised , while in the Oligocene age, falling in sea level was occurred .Variation in sea level caused Pabdeh Formation to be heterogeneous in hydro carbon potential . Pabdeh Formation in Mansuri oilfield from geochemical aspects is divided into three divisions. Lower ad Upper zones I this formation, have fair (0.5-1%TOC) to good (1-2%TOC0 hydrocarbon potential and contain Kerogen type III. These zones have gas production potential . Middel zone, has very good (2-4%TOC) to excellent (TOC>4%) potential and contains Kerogen type II and III.Middel zone has oil production potential . Rock Eval data as well as thermal history modeling demonstrate that; Pabdeh Formaion is in early oil window, started yielding petroleum since 5-6 million years Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        24 - Geochemical Investigation and Effect of Sedimentary Environment Changes on Pabdeh Formation Hydrocarbon Potentiality in Mansuri Oilfield
        بهرام علیزاده ندا جنت مکان هرمز  قلاوند محمد حسین  حیدری فرد
        Pabdeh Formation is one of the most important probable source rocks in Mansuri oifield being under investigation . In this study, hydrocarbon potential of pabdeh formation is evaluated. Also effect of sedimentary environment changes on geo More
        Pabdeh Formation is one of the most important probable source rocks in Mansuri oifield being under investigation . In this study, hydrocarbon potential of pabdeh formation is evaluated. Also effect of sedimentary environment changes on geochemical and hydrocarbon potential variation is studied ,To achieve this , hydrocarbon potential of Pabdeh Formation with Rock Eval Pyrolysis was investigated .Besides that, gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry data were utilized . Based on this study , in the Late Eocene age , relative sea level had raised , while in the Oligocene age, falling in sea level was occurred .Variation in sea level caused Pabdeh Formation to be heterogeneous in hydro carbon potential . Pabdeh Formation in Mansuri oilfield from geochemical aspects is divided into three divisions. Lower ad Upper zones I this formation, have fair (0.5-1%TOC) to good (1-2%TOC0 hydrocarbon potential and contain Kerogen type III. These zones have gas production potential . Middel zone, has very good (2-4%TOC) to excellent (TOC>4%) potential and contains Kerogen type II and III.Middel zone has oil production potential . Rock Eval data as well as thermal history modeling demonstrate that; Pabdeh Formaion is in early oil window, started yielding petroleum since 5-6 million years Manuscript profile
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        25 - Klinkenberg Permeability Prediction by Using Absolute Gas Permeability in Carbonate Hydrocarbon Reservoir Rocks of South-West of
        حمید شریفی گلویک
        Permeability is one of the main parameters in the study of hydrocarbon reservoirs which are needed to be measured correctly. The conventional methods are well testing and direct permeability measurement on the drilled core samples. Absolute air permeability of core p More
        Permeability is one of the main parameters in the study of hydrocarbon reservoirs which are needed to be measured correctly. The conventional methods are well testing and direct permeability measurement on the drilled core samples. Absolute air permeability of core plug samples is often measured in the laboratory which is cheap and fast. The absolute air permeability of a rock sample depends on the flowing mean pressure and type of gas and varies with changing them. Hence, measuring liquid permeability of fully saturated core sample or determination of corrected gas permeability which is equivalent to the liquid permeability is essential. This needs to spend enough time and budget. Klinkenberg investigated the effect of gas slippage in porous media and measured absolute permeability of different gases in various mean pressures. He yielded an equation for correcting absolute gas permeability and defining equivalent liquid permeability. The aim of this study was to present some practical relations for determining Klinkenberg corrected gas permeability of carbonate rocks by using their absolute air permeability, which has not been reported yet. For this purpose, Klinkenberg corrected gas permeability of 541 core plugs, with various petrophysical properties from different carbonate formations in the Southwest of Iran was measured. Exponential relations were obtained with very good correlation coefficients. Considering vast petrophysical properties of the studied samples, the yielded equations can be used to predict and determine equivalent liquid permeability of carbonate core samples of Southwest of Iran from their absolute air permeability Manuscript profile
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        26 - Effect of multi-walled carbon nanotubes to improve hydrocarbon wells annular clearance space
        Mohammad سلیمانی سعیده رعیت دوست
        Proper drilling fluids has vital role for achieving to hydrocarbon reservoirs by using Drilling operation. Some important problems such as friction, stuck pipe, slow drilling rate, high torque and drag, lost of materials, density variation of mud can be happened due of More
        Proper drilling fluids has vital role for achieving to hydrocarbon reservoirs by using Drilling operation. Some important problems such as friction, stuck pipe, slow drilling rate, high torque and drag, lost of materials, density variation of mud can be happened due of poor hole annulus and cuttings down falling that induce expensive drilling. Various drilling fluids have been widely used in the wells drilling to improve lifting capacity of drilled cuttings. In this paper, the experimental results have been studied that conducted on effect of Multiwall Carbon Nano tubes (MWNTs) as additives for lifting capacity of water based mud. The effect of Useful parameters such as amount of MWNTs used, cutting size and mud annular velocity on the drilling fluid cleaning capacity have been studied. The results show that lifted cuttings increase as the amount of MWNTs added increases. MWNTs associated with water based mud displays the stability against base mud since surface forces easily balance the gravity force and attached to drilled cuttings, resulting in increase of drag force acts to drilled cuttings and easily lifted cuttings to the surface. The MWNTs also will improve viscosity which will significantly increase carrying capacity of the mud. For small and medium cuttings, the improvement relatively simplified compare to the big cuttings. The impact will significantly Manuscript profile
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        27 - Comparisons of intelligent systems and empirical equation results in permeability prediction: a case study in one of the southern Iranian carbonate reservoirs
        الهام عزیز ابادی فراهانی مجتبی رجبی
        Prediction of permeability that is one of the most important parameters in oil and gas reservoirs is probably the most challenging issue geologists, petrophysicists, and reservoir engineers have to deal with. This parameter control fluid flow in production stage. The mo More
        Prediction of permeability that is one of the most important parameters in oil and gas reservoirs is probably the most challenging issue geologists, petrophysicists, and reservoir engineers have to deal with. This parameter control fluid flow in production stage. The most reliable data of permeability are taken from laboratory analysis of cores. Since coring is a costly and time consuming operation, researchers have tried to predict this parameter from other methods. Empirical equation is one of these methods, but results of these equations are not satisfied for all lithology and reservoirs. So far, several studies have been carried out for the estimation of reservoir parameters using intelligent systems. These studies indicate the successful role of these methods such as fuzzy logic, neuro-fuzzy and genetic algorithms for reservoir characterization. In this study, we try to compare results of these two methods (empirical equations and intelligent systems) for permeability prediction in a carbonate reservoir. For this purpose, petrophysical and core data of four well in a carbonate reservoir in the Southern Iran were used. At first, using empirical equations permeability was calculated for the test well; then using data of three wells, intelligent models were constructed. A forth well (test well) from the field was used to evaluate the models. The results show that fuzzy logic result (with R2= 0.88) is the best method for prediction of permeability in the studied reservoir. Also between empirical equations, result of Wyllie-Rose equation is better than others. Finally we offer the constructed fuzzy model (as a best predictor) for permeability prediction in the studied reservoir. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Sedimentological studies and Petrophysical interpretation: An approach to reservoir characterization of Sarvak formation in the Dalpari oil field
        علی اصغر عنایتی
        The Ilam and Sarvak Formations of Bangestan Grouop are the second important potential reservoirs after Asmari formation in the zagros basin. Integration of petrographical factors and Petrophysical parameters resulted in better understanding of reservoir qualities of More
        The Ilam and Sarvak Formations of Bangestan Grouop are the second important potential reservoirs after Asmari formation in the zagros basin. Integration of petrographical factors and Petrophysical parameters resulted in better understanding of reservoir qualities of these formations. In this study , 250 thin sections were collected and subjected to microfacies and petrography studies. As a result eight microfacies from three sedimentary environments were identified: Lagoonal (L1 ,L2 ,L3),Barrier (B1 ,B2) and Open marine (O1 ,O2 ,O3) and in three different of digenetic environments such as marine, meteoric and burial. This Study shows Sarvak Formation is being formed on Carbonate Rimmed shelf platform. Petrophysical interpretations by using of IP software shows Sarvak reservoir is divided into 3 zones (4, 5, 6). This study reveals that zone 4 contains the best reservoir quality in compare with the others by having (17m) oil column. porosity (more than 8%) and water saturation less than(14%) in this field. There is also decreasing of water saturation in Pay zone 4, but no significant changes has been observed through out zones 5&6. In zone 4, shale volume increases in zones 5&6 (Vsh more than 25%). Crossplot K-Th and K-Pe reveals that Chlorite_Montmorilonite are the dominant clay minerals in this reservoir. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Comparisons of intelligent systems and empirical equation results in permeability prediction: a case study in one of the southern Iranian carbonate reservoirs
        Amir Mola jan Hoseyn Memarian
        Prediction of permeability that is one of the most important parameters in oil and gas reservoirs is probably the most challenging issue geologists, petrophysicists, and reservoir engineers have to deal with. This parameter control fluid flow in production stage. The mo More
        Prediction of permeability that is one of the most important parameters in oil and gas reservoirs is probably the most challenging issue geologists, petrophysicists, and reservoir engineers have to deal with. This parameter control fluid flow in production stage. The most reliable data of permeability are taken from laboratory analysis of cores. Since coring is a costly and time consuming operation, researchers have tried to predict this parameter from other methods. Empirical equation is one of these methods, but results of these equations are not satisfied for all lithology and reservoirs. So far, several studies have been carried out for the estimation of reservoir parameters using intelligent systems. These studies indicate the successful role of these methods such as fuzzy logic, neuro-fuzzy and genetic algorithms for reservoir characterization. In this study, we try to compare results of these two methods (empirical equations and intelligent systems) for permeability prediction in a carbonate reservoir. For this purpose, petrophysical and core data of four well in a carbonate reservoir in the Southern Iran were used. At first, using empirical equations permeability was calculated for the test well; then using data of three wells, intelligent models were constructed. A forth well (test well) from the field was used to evaluate the models. The results show that fuzzy logic result (with R2= 0.88) is the best method for prediction of permeability in the studied reservoir. Also between empirical equations, result of Wyllie-Rose equation is better than others. Finally we offer the constructed fuzzy model (as a best predictor) for permeability prediction in the studied reservoir. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Comparisons of intelligent systems and empirical equation results in permeability prediction: a case study in one of the southern Iranian carbonate reservoirs
        الهام عزیز ابادی فراهانی Kazemzadeh Ezatolah ELham Aziz Abadi Farahani
        Prediction of permeability that is one of the most important parameters in oil and gas reservoirs is probably the most challenging issue geologists, petrophysicists, and reservoir engineers have to deal with. This parameter control fluid flow in production stage. The mo More
        Prediction of permeability that is one of the most important parameters in oil and gas reservoirs is probably the most challenging issue geologists, petrophysicists, and reservoir engineers have to deal with. This parameter control fluid flow in production stage. The most reliable data of permeability are taken from laboratory analysis of cores. Since coring is a costly and time consuming operation, researchers have tried to predict this parameter from other methods. Empirical equation is one of these methods, but results of these equations are not satisfied for all lithology and reservoirs. So far, several studies have been carried out for the estimation of reservoir parameters using intelligent systems. These studies indicate the successful role of these methods such as fuzzy logic, neuro-fuzzy and genetic algorithms for reservoir characterization. In this study, we try to compare results of these two methods (empirical equations and intelligent systems) for permeability prediction in a carbonate reservoir. For this purpose, petrophysical and core data of four well in a carbonate reservoir in the Southern Iran were used. At first, using empirical equations permeability was calculated for the test well; then using data of three wells, intelligent models were constructed. A forth well (test well) from the field was used to evaluate the models. The results show that fuzzy logic result (with R2= 0.88) is the best method for prediction of permeability in the studied reservoir. Also between empirical equations, result of Wyllie-Rose equation is better than others. Finally we offer the constructed fuzzy model (as a best predictor) for permeability prediction in the studied reservoir. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Sedimentological studies and Petrophysical interpretation: An approach to reservoir characterization of Sarvak formation in the Dalpari oil field
        Abolhasan Ahan kar Abolhasan Ahan kar
        The Ilam and Sarvak Formations of Bangestan Grouop are the second important potential reservoirs after Asmari formation in the zagros basin. Integration of petrographical factors and Petrophysical parameters resulted in better understanding of reservoir qualities of t More
        The Ilam and Sarvak Formations of Bangestan Grouop are the second important potential reservoirs after Asmari formation in the zagros basin. Integration of petrographical factors and Petrophysical parameters resulted in better understanding of reservoir qualities of these formations. In this study , 250 thin sections were collected and subjected to microfacies and petrography studies. As a result eight microfacies from three sedimentary environments were identified: Lagoonal (L1 ,L2 ,L3),Barrier (B1 ,B2) and Open marine (O1 ,O2 ,O3) and in three different of digenetic environments such as marine, meteoric and burial. This Study shows Sarvak Formation is being formed on Carbonate Rimmed shelf platform. Petrophysical interpretations by using of IP software shows Sarvak reservoir is divided into 3 zones (4, 5, 6). This study reveals that zone 4 contains the best reservoir quality in compare with the others by having (17m) oil column. porosity (more than 8%) and water saturation less than(14%) in this field. There is also decreasing of water saturation in Pay zone 4, but no significant changes has been observed through out zones 5&6. In zone 4, shale volume increases in zones 5&6 (Vsh more than 25%). Crossplot K-Th and K-Pe reveals that Chlorite_Montmorilonite are the dominant clay minerals in this reservoir. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Biostratigraphy, sedimentary environment and sequence stratigraphy of the Asmari Formation in well no. 4 of Lab-e Safid oil field (north of Dezful embayment, SW of Lurestan) and Tang- e Lendeh (Kuh-e Safid, NW of Dehdasht)
        Selahedin Arab pour Ali Seyrafian Ali Rahmani
        In this research biostratigraphy, microfacies, sedimentary environment and sequence stratigraphy of the Asmari Formation in well no.4 of Lab-e Safid (north of Dezful embayment, SW of Lurestan) and Tang- e Lendeh (Kuh-e Safid, NW of Dehdasht) has been studied. The tota More
        In this research biostratigraphy, microfacies, sedimentary environment and sequence stratigraphy of the Asmari Formation in well no.4 of Lab-e Safid (north of Dezful embayment, SW of Lurestan) and Tang- e Lendeh (Kuh-e Safid, NW of Dehdasht) has been studied. The total thickness of the Asmari Formation is 360 m and 260 m in the Lab-e Safid and Tang- e Lendeh sections, respectively and composed of thick, medium and thin bedded limestone. The correlation of recognized biozones in the studied regions with other regions in Zagros (Bangestan Anticline: tang-e Band, tang-e Nayab and Tang-e Bulfares, Parsi oil field, Kuh-Asmari and Khaviz Anticline: Tang-e Bibinarjes) indicates that Asmari Formatin in Tang-e Bibinarjes, Tang-e Band and, well no.4 of Lab-e Safid has deposited earlier than other regions. Four different sub environments were identified in the Asmari Formation based on microfacies analysis including tidal flat, lagoon, shoal, open marine. These depositional environments correspond to inner, middle and outer ramp. On the basis of deepening and shallowing patterns in the microfacies five and two third-order sequences have been recognized in the Lab-e Safid and Tang- e Lendeh sections, respectively. In order to study the changes of depositional environment of the Asmari Formation during the Oligocene-Miocene, the recognized sequences in this study have been correlated with those recognized in other parts of the Zagros basin. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Origin of seeping hydrocarbon gases from onshore mud volcanoes in Makran coast of Iran
        Mahin Farhadian Babadi Behzad  Mehrabi Adriano  Mazzini Elena Poludetkina Ata Shakeri
        Mud volcanoes are geological structures formed as a result of gas emission, mud-fluid mixing and variably sized rock fragments in onshore and offshore settings. These structures are different morphologically which considered as significant marker of modern crustal movem More
        Mud volcanoes are geological structures formed as a result of gas emission, mud-fluid mixing and variably sized rock fragments in onshore and offshore settings. These structures are different morphologically which considered as significant marker of modern crustal movement and neotectonic activity. Occurrence of numerous mud volcanoes on the Makran accretionary prisms in Iran and Pakistan are reported which caused by the convergence of the Arabian and the Eurasian plates. In this study, origin of discharged hydrocarbon gases from three active onshore mud volcanoes; Ain, Borborok and Sand Mirsuban in Makran coasts of Iran were examined. The released gases of all these mud volcanoes are dominantly methane with concentration between 97.24-99.18 vol. % and minor amount of ethane (0.04-1.2 vol.%), propane (0.001-0.194 vol.%), n-butane (226 ppmvol.%), iso-butane (5-363 ppmvol.%), n-pentane (37ppmvol.%), iso-pentane (1-66 ppmvol.%), hexane (1-78 ppmvol.%) and CO2 (0.07-0.4 vol.%). Carbon and hydrogen isotope ratio of methane and its heavier derivatives indicate thermogenic source for emitted gases of all investigated mud volcanoes and evidences of the absence of biodegradation. CO2 with carbon isotope ratio of -11.1 to -14.3‰ is organic in origin. Our research suggests the presence of hydrocarbon system and active source rock in Makran active tectonic area. Although the occurrence of an exploitable gas reservoir in this area has to be confirmed by geophysical measurements, geological survey and structural settings. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Effect of sequential pressure on petrophysical properties of carbonate reservoir rocks
        Ali Moradzadeh yaser Salimidelshad Ezatollah Kazemzadeh abbas Majdi
        Today, oil industry significantly relies on the precise determination of rock reservoir properties, which reduces the costs and risks of production planning. The reservoir rock always is compacted by pressure drop of the reservoir, which rises effective stress, reservoi More
        Today, oil industry significantly relies on the precise determination of rock reservoir properties, which reduces the costs and risks of production planning. The reservoir rock always is compacted by pressure drop of the reservoir, which rises effective stress, reservoir compaction and alterations of reservoir properties. As these pressure variations can considerably affect petrophysical properties, in this study, several carbonate reservoir rock samples with different fabric and porosity type (according to CT scan and Archie classification analysis) subjected to cyclic and short-term loading from 600 to 6000 psi. Their petrophysical and compressive properties including pore volume, permeability and compressibility were measured using CMS-300 apparatus. Moreover, structural analysis and heterogeneity of core samples were analyzed by CT scan images. By performing this study, it will be possible to identify the value of the hysteresis effect on the reservoir rock samples as a result of increasing and decreasing of the pressure during cyclic loading. The obtained results show that, pore volume and permeability are both decreased due to loading, whereas reduction of the permeability is several times than the pore volume ones. Moreover, this reduction of pore volume is less severe in vuggy porous samples that shows the effect of heterogeneity and porosity type on hysteresis. Also, the results obtained from the behavior of the reservoir rock under various pressure conditions can provide a suitable design for gas injection studies to enhance oil recovery and also natural gas storage. Manuscript profile
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        35 - The impact of microfacies and diagenesis characteristics on the reservoir quality of Asmari Formation in the Gevarzin gas field, Zagros basin, south Iran
        Karim  Mombani   Ahmad Yahyaei
        Asmari Formation from the Gavarzin gas field have erosional unconformity boundary on marl and pelagic limestones of Pabdeh Formation and gradually change to evaporate cap rock of Gachsaran Formation. Cores studies from the one of wells of Gavarzin field is 183 m in thic More
        Asmari Formation from the Gavarzin gas field have erosional unconformity boundary on marl and pelagic limestones of Pabdeh Formation and gradually change to evaporate cap rock of Gachsaran Formation. Cores studies from the one of wells of Gavarzin field is 183 m in thickness, which includes 1.30 m from the top of Pabdeh, 162.4 m from the Asmari Formation and 19.30 m from the base layers of Gachsaran. Asmari Formation includes alternation of limestone, calcite dolomitic, claystone and shale with green marl. Petrology and facies analysis of the sequence of these formations identified 12 microfacies, a carbonate ramp from deep-sea to sabkha environments and formed in a retrograded sequence. This ramp includes deep environments, open sea, patch reef, bio-, clastic-bars, lagoon and tidal environments, which confirms a changing environment due to rapid facies changes and deposition of evaporative sediments in Gachsaran as a restricted environment. Diagenesis processes are considered as the main factors in carbonate reservoir quality of Gavarzin field. The diagenesis history of the Asmari carbonates of the studied cores is summarized as A) marine phreatic diagenesis, bioturbation, micritization and cementation processes occurred. B) vadose zone diagenesis, where the crystallization, cementation, and dissolution occurred. C) burial diagenesis, comprises compression-induced, pressure dissolution and fracturing are common. The microfacies show a wide varieties of reservoir characteristics and therefore a heterogeneous reservoir has been formed. Micro-fractures, however have strongly influence on the reservoir quality in the section. The simultaneous presence of dissolved spaces and fractures in the reservoir the permeability greatly increased. The best reservoir quality in the Grainstone/Packston facies are coated grains with moldic porosity that were created by the leaching of Ooid-bearing Packston lithology during the diagenesis of atmospheric waters. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Comparison of ΔlogR and mineralogy-based methods in estimating organic carbon content of Pabdeh formation in Ahwaz and Rag-e Sefid oilfields
        Mahdi Shafie Seyed Hassan Tabatabaei Morteza Tabaei Nader Fathianpour Ali Opera
        One of the most common and relatively accurate methods for determining the amount of organic carbon in rocks in the oil and gas exploration potential is the Pyrolysis family, a standard example of which is the first rock pyrolysis method. Based on the study of the core, More
        One of the most common and relatively accurate methods for determining the amount of organic carbon in rocks in the oil and gas exploration potential is the Pyrolysis family, a standard example of which is the first rock pyrolysis method. Based on the study of the core, this method explores the potential of oil and gas resources in rocks. One of the important and valuable parameters in determining the potential of oil and gas resources is the determination of TOC. The purpose and motivation of this research is to compare the ΔlogR method and the mineralogy-based method for calculating the total amount of organic carbon in the source rock. It has the desired accuracy and relatively low cost. The fields studied in this study are two fields of Ahwaz and Rag-e sefid. These fields are among the potential fields of southwestern Iran for more detailed investigation and estimation of organic carbon content. In this research, software studies have been performed through IP software, using which the petrophysical data of each field have been calculated and compared, and finally, its results have been compared with actual TOC values. Input data in the mineralogical data method include density log, neutron porosity log and gamma log, and input data in the ΔlogR method include acoustic and resistivity logs. According to the fields, the most appropriate methods (in terms of R2) in Ahwaz and rag-e sefid fields are the mineralogical data method and the ΔlogR method, respectively. Also, in terms of cost, precision and accuracy parameters, the best method discussed in this research is R2 mineralogical data in Ahwaz and Rag-e sefid, 0.94 and 0.61, respectively. After this, the ΔlogR method comes second. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Biostratigraphy, conodont biofacies and CAI of Late Devonian-Carboniferous deposits in Anarak section, Central Iran
        ٍٍElahe Sattari Ali Bahrami Hosyen Vaziri moghadam Ali Taheri Sandra Isabella  Kaiser Peter Königshof
        Study of Late Devonian-Carboniferous (Mississippian-Pennsylvanian) conodonts Anarak section (NE Isfahan), Central Iran, led to identifying 67 conodont species belonging to 18 genera. 22 conodont bio-intervals were separated; 15 biozones belong to Late Devonian and 7 b More
        Study of Late Devonian-Carboniferous (Mississippian-Pennsylvanian) conodonts Anarak section (NE Isfahan), Central Iran, led to identifying 67 conodont species belonging to 18 genera. 22 conodont bio-intervals were separated; 15 biozones belong to Late Devonian and 7 biozones belong to carboniferous (Mississippian-Pennsylvanian) time interval. Based on field observation and sedimentological featurs and charactristics the section, subdivided into 5 lithostratigrafic unit. The Color Alteration Index (CAI) reveals the hydrocarbure potential for the Famennian stage of the studied interval Manuscript profile
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        38 - Microfacies, Sedimentary environment and Sequence stratigraphy of Anarak section (Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous), central Iran
        ٍٍElahe Sattari Hosyen vaziri-Moghadam Ali Bahrami Ali Taheri sandra kaiser Peter Koneigshof
        Anarak section in northeast Isfahan, central Iran is evaluated regarding to sedimentary environment and sequence stratigraphy. Field studies and micro-facies analysis led to the identification of 12 micro-facies related to the open marine, the shoal, the lagoon and the More
        Anarak section in northeast Isfahan, central Iran is evaluated regarding to sedimentary environment and sequence stratigraphy. Field studies and micro-facies analysis led to the identification of 12 micro-facies related to the open marine, the shoal, the lagoon and the tidal flat environments. Micro-facieses gradual change, lack of calciturbidite and lack of expanded barrier reef indicate the deposition of a sedimentary interval in a homoclinal ramp environment. Two type 3 sequences were identified by sequence stratigraphic study. Both of these sequences are separable TST and HST packages. The age of first sequence is Late Devonian (Bahram Formation) and its thickness is 42.3 meters and the second sequence with a thickness of 70.7 meters is Late Devonian-Early Carboniferous (Upper part of Bahram Formation and Shishtu2 Formation). The sequence boundary between first and second sequences is the second type boundary due to the lack of evidence for exposure. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Analyzing of Henry Corbin’s view in Symbol Exegesis and Active Imagination role in understanding of Islamic Theosophical texts
        عبدالله  راز
        Theosophical texts are among the most important and considerable part of our heritage. These texts include useful experiments for today addressees. In different periods, interpreters and addressees according to different mind and knowledge fields had different views More
        Theosophical texts are among the most important and considerable part of our heritage. These texts include useful experiments for today addressees. In different periods, interpreters and addressees according to different mind and knowledge fields had different views about these works. Nevertheless it can be said that the way of texts exegesis is always opened. These texts must be reviewed according to different views in different ways. Also their teachings and their fluid mystical language are interpreted according to needs and mental fields and also internal tendencies of addressees and researchers. Manuscript profile
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        40 - -
        Farzad Mehrjo
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        41 - Photo-transformation of hydrogen sulfide environmental pollutant to hydrogen fuel using a carbon-based magnetic nanocomposite catalyst
        Majid Ghanimati Mohsen Lashgari Mahchehreh Sabeti
        Hydrogen sulfide is a dangerous, corrosive and flammable environmental pollutant that is generated at large scale in sour oil and gas industries. One of the sustainable strategies to remove this environmental pollutant and convert it into hydrogen clean fuel is the use More
        Hydrogen sulfide is a dangerous, corrosive and flammable environmental pollutant that is generated at large scale in sour oil and gas industries. One of the sustainable strategies to remove this environmental pollutant and convert it into hydrogen clean fuel is the use of a renewable energy source (photon) and synthesis of semiconducting nanoenergy materials. To this end, in the present project, a nanostructured magnetic semiconducting MgFe2O4 compound was synthesized and applied for the production of hydrogen fuel through photocatalytic splitting of an alkaline H2S solution. The empirical evidence revealed that the synthesized material has an appropriate potency to reduce proton and produce hydrogen. Furthermore, by the synthesis of CNT/MgFe2O4 magnetic nanocomposite, the boosting effect of carbon nanotube (CNT) on the activity of the aforementioned photocatalyst was examined. A significant promotion in hydrogen production was observed in the presence of CNT and justified in terms of increasing the photocatalyst surface area, retarding the electron-hole recombination process and enhancing the photon absorption. The rate of hydrogen evolution was 1284 µmole/h per 0.2 g photocatalyst, indicating that the synthesized nanocomposite material has a high ability to remove the pollutant and produce hydrogen fuel. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Investigating the impact of complexity and economic growth on carbon dioxide emissions
        Mohammad Arrekesh Salmasi seyedkamal sadeghi
        The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between the Environmental Couzens Curve (EKC) and the Economic Complexity Index (ECI) as a differentiating element of the production volume for Iran. To investigate the relationship between the variables of More
        The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between the Environmental Couzens Curve (EKC) and the Economic Complexity Index (ECI) as a differentiating element of the production volume for Iran. To investigate the relationship between the variables of the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) for the period of 1389-1399 Dynamic least squares, modified least squares, collinearity test and Johanson test were used. In order to investigate the factors affecting the emission of carbon dioxide gas, the traditional variables shown by the environmental Kuznets curve data of 1389-1399 have been used. These variables include GDP per capita, urban population, electricity consumption (kilowatt hours per capita). ), foreign direct investment, import and export of goods and services (percentage of gross domestic product) which was prepared from Iran Statistics Center, Environmental Organization and Central Bank. Mann (2009) was used. The research results show that economic complexity has no effect on carbon dioxide emissions, but increasing production and energy consumption and increasing exports and decreasing imports are effective on carbon dioxide emissions. Also, between increasing per capita income, capital No significant relationship was found between direct foreign investment and carbon dioxide emissions. According to the research results, it is suggested to use renewable energy in production and export and import laws should be based on reducing environmental risks. Manuscript profile
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        43 - An investigation on sedimentary facies and hydrochemistry characteristics of carbonate deposits in the Ab-e Ask region, Southeast of Damavand volcano
        S.  Rahmani Javanmard Mohsen Ranjbaran V. Amiri
        Calcareous springs of Ab-e Ask are located 85 km northeast of Tehran, in the southern range of the Damavand volcano. Microscopic studies represent the existence of four abiotic and two microbialite facies in the Ab-e Ask travertines. The travertines are the main deposit More
        Calcareous springs of Ab-e Ask are located 85 km northeast of Tehran, in the southern range of the Damavand volcano. Microscopic studies represent the existence of four abiotic and two microbialite facies in the Ab-e Ask travertines. The travertines are the main deposit types of these springs. Based on sedimentation sequence and lithofacies these travertines are categorized as first type (vent and channel), second type (pound, dam, and cascade), and third type (laminated) travertines. On a δ18O versus δ13C plot (VPDB), these travertines are plotted in the oncoid and crystalline crust lithofacies fields. These facies show the character of hydrothermal spring and set the spring in the thermogenic group. Positive values of the Langelier Saturation Index (LSI) for Pashnak, Nadaali, and Zagh springs indicate that these water samples are supersaturated with respect to calcium carbonate, which leads to considerable sedimentation around the springs. In contrast, a negative LSI value at the Sare Pole spring indicates the water is undersaturated with respect to calcium carbonate. Therefore, this spring has a lesser role in travertine deposition compared to the other springs. Also, the position of the samples on the modified Gibbs and Van Wirdum diagrams, suggests that the interaction of water with carbonate and to some extent silicate rocks is considered as the most important source of Ca and Na. Manuscript profile
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        44 - Investigation of petrographical and geochemical characteristics of carbonate deposits of the Jamal Formation in the Chah-Riseh section, northeast of Isfahan
        Behrad  Zebhi Kamand محمد علی  صالحی Ezat  Heydari Ali Bahrami
        The Middle Permian Jamal Formation have been investigated for sedimentological and geochemical aspects in the Chah-Riseh section, northeast Isfahan. According to the field studies the Jamal Formation with 251 m thickness divided into eight lithostratigraphic unit. Lower More
        The Middle Permian Jamal Formation have been investigated for sedimentological and geochemical aspects in the Chah-Riseh section, northeast Isfahan. According to the field studies the Jamal Formation with 251 m thickness divided into eight lithostratigraphic unit. Lower boundary of this formation with an unconformity is underlained by the Sardar Formation which belongs to the Carboniferous period and upper boundary with an unconformity reaches to the Lower Triassic Sorkh-Shale Formation. Facies and microfacies studies of the Jamal Formation led to the identification of two petrofacies and 14 carbonate microfacies. According to the recognized carbonate allochems, petrofacies and microfacies of the Jamal Formation and some evidence such as transitional microfacies changes, we can consider a depositional environment of a shallow mixed siliciclastic-carbonate ramp platform. Petrographically, four types of dolomites are recognized in the Jamal Formation. The dolomitization model for the type I dolomite is considered forming in tidal flat and burial dolomitization for types II, III and IV. Geochemical studies including major and trace elements analysis comprised of elements such as Ca, Mg, Sr, Mn and Fe. Using ratios of the elements and also by plotting some of these elements cross carbon and oxygen isotopes in various diagrams have been used in determining the original mineralogy of carbonate deposits and efficient diagenetic system on the Jamal Formation. The results indicate that the dominant diagenetic environment effected on the carbonate deposits of Jamal Formation was occurred in a semi-closed system and the original mineralogy was aragonite. Evaluation of major and trace elements contents of the four types dolomites, confirmed different characteristics of theses dolomite resembling crystal sizes in petrographic studies. Carbon and oxygen isotopes data of dolomites also defined their diagenetic situations. Manuscript profile
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        45 - Polymer Networks as Hierarchical Porous Carbon Materials: Synthesize, Properties and Applications
        ziba shirini kordabadi Fatemeh Rafiemanzelat
        Porous materials have different types of pores in the micro, meso or nano range, each of which plays a special role in porous materials application. Among these materials, porous carbon materials have a special share due to their unique properties such as: mechanical, c More
        Porous materials have different types of pores in the micro, meso or nano range, each of which plays a special role in porous materials application. Among these materials, porous carbon materials have a special share due to their unique properties such as: mechanical, chemical and thermal stability and their reasonable price. There are two main methods for synthesizing porous carbon materials: 1) template method and 2) pyrolysis/activation method. The template method is basically time consuming and tedious due to the use of the template and removal of template. Thus the method of pyrolysis/activation is widely used to prepare porous carbon materials from porous polymer precursers or waste and biomass materials in the presence of the physical and chemical active agents. Replacement of heteroatoms including: N, O, B, S and P in carbon materials leads to increased efficiency and development of their new applications; For example, the use of porous N-doped carbon materials as electrodes in superconducting cells increases the efficiency of energy storage and in the field of adsorbents materials increases the efficiency of CO2 uptake. Due to their unique properties, especially high surface area, low weight and high adsorption capacity, porous carbon materials are used in hydrogen storage, contaminants removal fron air air water, electrodes and as catalyst support. Manuscript profile
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        46 - The effects of US sanctions on the production of carbon dioxide greenhouse gases in Iran
        fateme ahmadi
        In 2019, Iran ranked eighth in the world in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide produced and polluting the earth, and higher than England, France, Italy, Canada, Turkey, Mexico, Indonesia, etc. But the environmental realities of Iran are even more terrible than these More
        In 2019, Iran ranked eighth in the world in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide produced and polluting the earth, and higher than England, France, Italy, Canada, Turkey, Mexico, Indonesia, etc. But the environmental realities of Iran are even more terrible than these statistics. Because by calculating the destruction of surface and underground water, forests and pastures, this country is facing a much deeper crisis. Iran has a very fragile environmental situation and is at the forefront of the fight against global warming. This vast country is located in the desert belt and dry and crisis-stricken region of the Middle East and between war-torn countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. With the destruction of underground water resources and the forests and pastures of the region and the increase in the use of fossil fuels, irreparable damage has been done to the region's environment. In such a situation, economic sanctions against Iran make the situation worse. This issue has not received much attention from politicians and even environmentalists. How will the air on the planet become hotter and more polluted with the sanctions on Iran, and its smoke will reach the eyes of all the people of the world, including the embargoing countries? Manuscript profile
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        47 - Design of New Ternary Flip Flops Using CNTFET in Nanotechnology
        katayoun rahbari seyed ali hosseinoi
        Using multi-valued logic can reduce chip interconnections, which can have a direct effect on chip area and interconnections power consumption. In recent years, due to the ability of Nano electronics in the design of multi-level circuits, research in this field has flour More
        Using multi-valued logic can reduce chip interconnections, which can have a direct effect on chip area and interconnections power consumption. In recent years, due to the ability of Nano electronics in the design of multi-level circuits, research in this field has flourished. The sequential circuits, flip-flops are important components of processors and VLSI circuits. In this paper, for the first time, a ternary flip-flop with a pulse generator has been proposed, and also a ternary binary-decode flip-flop and the first flip-flop using a buffer have been introduced. Then these flip-flops are compared with themselves and previous circuits. Also, these flip-flops have been used in the design of the ternary counter. The simulation results with HSPICE software show the correct performance of the proposed circuits. There is a 20% improvement in delay and a reduction in the number of transistors in the STI pulse generator flip-flop model, 30% in the SP flip-flop, and 30% in the buffer flip-flop. Also, in the comparison table, the advantages and disadvantages of each have been examined. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Global record of oceanic anoxic event in the carbonates of the Daryian Formation in the northern High Zagros, Zargran mountain (Gadvan)
        Mazaher Yavari M. Yazdi Hormoz Ghalavand Mohammad Hossein Adabi
        The recording of oceanic anoxic event al record and the time of this event in the shallow carbonates of the Dariyan Formation in Zargran mountain (Gadvan) section in the east of Shiraz, was studied based on carbon and oxygen isotopes, microfacies and fossil data. More
        The recording of oceanic anoxic event al record and the time of this event in the shallow carbonates of the Dariyan Formation in Zargran mountain (Gadvan) section in the east of Shiraz, was studied based on carbon and oxygen isotopes, microfacies and fossil data. In this section, thickness of the Dariyan Formation is 287 m and 191 samples were taken. Based on field data, the sedimentary sequence of this formation, , begins at the base with thick-layered to massive gray limestones containing orbitolinas and rudists, and in the upper parts it includes medium to thick-layered gray limestones including abundant benthic foraminifera, such as orbitolinas. In the mentioned section, based on the study of the embryonic cells of orbitolinas, a late Barmian-early Aptian age was determined for the lower part of this unit, which is the beginning of the formation of anoxic oceanic deposits. The carbon isotope curves between the C3 and C6 curves in the carbonates at the base of the Daryian Formation show disturbances. These changes and the appearance of the Lithocodium-Bacinella facies in this part of the formation confirm the existence of an oceanic anoxic event. The oceanic anoxic event indicates warming of the environment and greenhouse conditions, which was accompanied by abundant rudists in this section and can be a confirmation for the weather conditions of this event. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Application of electrospun nanofibers for gaseous pollutants adsorption
        hanieh shaki
        Carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas that is released in large quantities into the atmosphere. Excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a problem for earth and increase the temperature and creates problems that affect human existence, such as severe tor More
        Carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas that is released in large quantities into the atmosphere. Excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a problem for earth and increase the temperature and creates problems that affect human existence, such as severe tornadoes, storms, floods, droughts and acid rain. The largest source of outdoor CO2 is fossil fuel combustion, which are the main source of energy used to meet human energy demand now and in the near future. In recent years, nanofiber membranes have been highly regarded as pollutant adsorbents compared to conventional adsorbents, they have properties such as porous structure, high specific surface area, high penetration flux and selectivity, low pressure drop, high flexibility and targeted adsorption. So, electrospun nanofiber membranes have excellent potential for adsorption and separation of carbon dioxide from the air. In addition to the extremely high surface to volume ratio, modified electrospun nanofibers have different functional groups that improve their performance. Therefore, electrospun nanofiber membranes have excellent potential for adsorption and separation of carbon dioxide from the air Manuscript profile
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        50 - Investigating the impact of complexity and economic growth on carbon dioxide emissions
        seyedkamal sadeghi Mohammad Arrekesh Salmasi
        Sadeghi SeyyedKamal Arrekesh Salmasi Mohammad Abstract The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between the Environmental Couzens Curve (EKC) and the Economic Complexity Index (ECI) as a differentiating element of the production volume f More
        Sadeghi SeyyedKamal Arrekesh Salmasi Mohammad Abstract The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between the Environmental Couzens Curve (EKC) and the Economic Complexity Index (ECI) as a differentiating element of the production volume for Iran. To investigate the relationship between the variables of the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) for the period of 2019-2020 Dynamic least squares, modified least squares, collinearity test and Johanson test were used. In order to investigate the factors affecting the emission of carbon dioxide gas, the traditional variables shown by the environmental Kuznets curve data of 1389-1399 have been used. These variables include GDP per capita, urban population, electricity consumption (kilowatt hours per capita), foreign direct investment, import and export of goods and services (percentage of gross domestic product) which was prepared from Iran Statistics Center, Environmental Organization and Central Bank... to obtain economic complexity (ECI) from the model proposed by Hidalgo and House Mann (2009) was used. The research results show that economic complexity has no effect on carbon dioxide emissions, but increasing production and energy consumption and increasing exports and decreasing imports are effective on carbon dioxide emissions. Also, between increasing per capita income, capital No significant relationship was found between foreign direct investment and carbon dioxide emissions. According to the research results, it is suggested to use renewable energy in production and export and import laws should be based on reducing environmental risks. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Isotopic and Geochemical comparison of Bangestan and Asmari Oils to determine origination
        ashkan Zardashti Morteza Tabaei mahmood memariani
        In order to analyze the geochemical characteristics, the oil samples of the Asmari reservoirs and the Bangistan group in the Kopal field were studied using various geochemical techniques such as asphalting technique, gas chromatography technique, gas chromatography-mass More
        In order to analyze the geochemical characteristics, the oil samples of the Asmari reservoirs and the Bangistan group in the Kopal field were studied using various geochemical techniques such as asphalting technique, gas chromatography technique, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry technique and carbon isotope measurement technique, were subjected to analysis. the purpose of This research is a comparison of carbon isotope and geochemical properties of Asmara and Bangestan oils in Kopal field to determine their parent rock and origin. Considering the results of the testing technique and analysis of biomakers of the esteranes and terpanes family extracted from saturated cutting, it can be stated that the oils accumulated in the Asmari and Bangestan reservoirs of the Kopal field have the characteristics of oil. are paraffinic, which indicates the existence of light oil with good quality, mature, low viscosity and high sulfur. By placing the ratio of biomarker parameters against carbon 13 isotope and examining the general results of the graphs, it was found that the oil samples of Asmari reservoirs and Bangestan reservoirs in the studied field are from a common generative rock. have been found and have the same characteristics and only slightly differ in maturity, degree of fluidity, and the amount of migration processes between the source rock and the reservoir rock, and similarly, the transformation course of the source rock organic materials has occurred naturally in the Copal field. The values of carbon isotopes in the oils indicate the average maturity of the rocks producing the oils. The graph of the ratio of the aromatic carbon 13 isotope against the saturated carbon 13 isotope showed that both field oil samples The subject of study belongs to marine environments. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Reconstruction of Asmari Formation Sedimentary Environment in Asmari and Gurpi Anticlines in the oil field of Masjed Soleiman (Southwest of Iran)
        Navab Varnaseri Davood Jahani Nader Kohansal Ghadimvand Mohsen Pourkermani
        In this research, the process of lithological changes and diagenetic processes of Asmari formation with Oligo-Miocene age has been investigated. For this purpose, 400 samples were selected and collected from a section of the Masjid Suleiman oil field and the surface sec More
        In this research, the process of lithological changes and diagenetic processes of Asmari formation with Oligo-Miocene age has been investigated. For this purpose, 400 samples were selected and collected from a section of the Masjid Suleiman oil field and the surface section of the Asmari anticline in the Dezful depression and the Gurpi anticline in the Izeh zone. Petrographic studies revealed 18 sedimentary microfacies that were deposited on a ramp-type carbonate platform. Among the significant diagenetic processes in the region are the process of micritization, bioturbation and the influence of burrowing organisms, cementation (types of cement related to marine, meteoric and burial diagenesis environments), dissolution (meteoric and burial dissolution), dolomitization (in different phases), silicification, pyritization, phosphatization, mechanical compaction, chemical compaction, fracture and porosity. Based on the identification of the sequence boundaries and following the facies depth changes, the carbonate sequence of the Asmari formation in the subsurface section and the Asmari anticline section are introduced in the form of 3 sedimentary sequences of the third order shallowing upwards, which are the former Aquitanian, the late Aquitanian and Bordigalin belong. Among the dominant porosities in the Asmari Formation, we can mention the hole, mold and fracture porosities. Manuscript profile
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        53 - A Review on the Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Polymer Composites
        Ahdieh Amjadi Fereshteh Barragh Jam
        Advances in the synthesis and industrial production of carbon nanomaterials, particularly carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been widely used in the polymer materials industry in the past few decades, leading to the creation of a group of carbon nanotube-reinforced polymer co More
        Advances in the synthesis and industrial production of carbon nanomaterials, particularly carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been widely used in the polymer materials industry in the past few decades, leading to the creation of a group of carbon nanotube-reinforced polymer composites that exhibit the potential to be used in several applications, such as military, transportation, aerospace, automotive, and sports equipment. The advantageous thermal, electrical, and mechanical properties of CNTs, in conjunction with their low density, which encourages researchers to use them in making polymer composites. Polymeric composites have been welcomed by many researchers and industrialists due to their special properties including low weight, favorable mechanical properties and diverse production processes compared to other types of composites and other engineering materials. On the other hand, CNTs are unique as mechanical reinforcement components for structural applications due to their nanometer dimensions and extraordinary strength. Therefore, in this review study, an attempt has been made to examine the researches carried out in the field of mechanical properties of polymer composites reinforced with CNT. The implications of several factors affecting mechanical properties of CNT reinforced polymer composites such as amount, shape, and contact area of the reinforcing agents with the polymer matrix, have been highlighted. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Identification of gas in carbonate rock using wavelet transform
        Hassan Omrani Hashem omrani
        Gas can be diagnosed in clean sand rock by petrophysical log. It is not easy to determine the gas in carbonate rock by petrophysical log. The R.F.T. tool is used to determine the gas in carbonate rock. The fluid density in the rock is determined by calculating the press More
        Gas can be diagnosed in clean sand rock by petrophysical log. It is not easy to determine the gas in carbonate rock by petrophysical log. The R.F.T. tool is used to determine the gas in carbonate rock. The fluid density in the rock is determined by calculating the pressure difference related to depth. The R.F.T. tool has some disadvantages, such as being expensive, taking much time to run, and rock having a neutron porosity of about 15%, and sometimes the R.F.T. tool is stuck in well. This study applies the wavelet transformation, a recent advance in signal analysis technique, to detect reservoir rock fluid. The porosity and water saturation are denoised using the "demy" mother wavelet. At last, the pore hydrocarbon saturation, porosity denoise by the "demy" wavelet, pore volume plot and R.F.T. tool are plotted together in one figure to identify the kind of fluid in sand and carbonate rocks. Manuscript profile
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        55 - The effect of renewable energy and financial development on carbon emissions based on consumption in Iran
        seyed jalal tabatabaei
        The current research has investigated the effect of financial development and renewable energy consumption on carbon emissions based on consumption in Iran by controlling the variables of economic growth and electricity consumption in the period from 1990 to 2021. After More
        The current research has investigated the effect of financial development and renewable energy consumption on carbon emissions based on consumption in Iran by controlling the variables of economic growth and electricity consumption in the period from 1990 to 2021. After examining the Manai test of the research variables using modified Dickey-Fuller and Ziot-Andrews tests, Bayer and Hank's cointegration test was performed to check the existence of collinearity between the research variables. Then, autoregressive distributed lag estimators, fully modified ordinary least squares, dynamic ordinary least squares and gradual shift causality test were used to investigate the long-term relationship of variables and their causal relationship. The results clearly show that financial development and renewable energy consumption reduce carbon emissions based on consumption in Iran, and economic development and financial development increase carbon emissions based on consumption. The results of the test of gradual causal changes have confirmed the main results of the estimation methods used. Therefore, policymakers in Iran should encourage research and development in low-carbon technologies and also target investments in renewable energy and reduce the level of non-renewable energy imports and avoid investing in high energy consumption sectors that lead to an increase Avoid carbon emissions based on consumption. Manuscript profile