Study of the different microbial biodegradation methods efficiency in the removal of crude oil hydrocarbon contaminants
Subject Areas : Chemical Engineering (Environmental Pollution)
Farhood Navaie
Abbas Hashemizadeh
1 - Hakim Sabzevari University
2 - Hakim Sabzevari University
Keywords: Microbial degradation, Petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants, Biodegradation, Bioremediation,
Abstract :
Petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants are one of the hardest compounds in terms of decomposition and control and classified as stable and important organic pollutants that have adverse effects on human health and the environment and combating environmental pollution caused by them is an important issue for the world and human societies. Although the removal of these pollutants from the environment is a major problem, biodegradation (which uses natural microbial biodegradation activity) is an ecofriendly and economical approach to control these types of contaminants and has become a pivotal method of cleaning up environments contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. The present study provides a comprehensive, uptodate and efficient review of the bioremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants, taking into account the hydrocarbon alterations in microorganisms with a particular focus on the new insights gained in recent years. Also, the metabolism of hydrocarbons in microorganisms has been described by reviewing research presented in recent years. The results of studies show well that petroleum hydrocarbon pollutants are biodegradable using some microorganisms such as oleophilic and their removal by this method is cost-effective and economical. Microbial biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants uses the enzymatic catalytic activities of microorganisms to increase the degradation of contaminants several times more than traditional methods
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