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      • Open Access Article

        1 - Petrography, geochemistry and petrogenesis of Abbas Abad volcanic rocks (East Shahroud) with emphasis on associated alteration and copper mineralization
         Rasa  Alirezaei Ahmad Kazemi Mehrnia لیلا  صالحی
        Abbas Abad ore district lies in a volcanic and volcanosedimentary belt in East Shahroud and hosts eight copper deposits. This belt is part of volcanic arc in north of central Iran. Copper mineralization is dominated by chalcocite with minor bornite, digenite and covelli More
        Abbas Abad ore district lies in a volcanic and volcanosedimentary belt in East Shahroud and hosts eight copper deposits. This belt is part of volcanic arc in north of central Iran. Copper mineralization is dominated by chalcocite with minor bornite, digenite and covellite. Mineralization occurs as disseminated, veinlet, and stock works. Four alterations (silicification, carbonatization, epidotization and chloritization) are detectable in the host rocks. Lithologies of the volcanic rocks are trachyandesite, trachyandesit basalt and trachybasalte and they have high potassium calc-alkaline to shoshonitic nature. Fractional crystallization and crustal contamination processes are involved in magma evolution. Plagioclase and pyroxene are main minerals and the most important texture (porphyric and glomeroporphyritic) has been observed in this rocks. Zoning, sieve textures and re-absorption in plagioclases, and sieve textures, the effects of corrosion on the margins of pyroxene, and roundness of mineral implies the existence of non-equilibrium conditions during solidification of magma. LREE and LILE enrichment and depletion of HFSE with negative anomalies of Nb, Ti and Ta elements in studied samples show the alkaline nature associated with arc (active continental margin). Ratio of Ba/La and Th/Ta in rocks confirm subducting continental arc for tectonic environment of this rocks. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Diagenesis, microfacies and determination of original carbonate mineralogy of the Asmari Formation in the southern flank of Rig anticline
         Kakemem hamid mirmohammadsadeghi
        The aim of this study is to recognize diagenetic processes, microfacies and geochemical evidence for original carbonate mineralogy of Oligocene- Miocene Asmari limestone deposited in the Rig anticline at Rig mountain oil field. In this area, the Asmari Formation with a More
        The aim of this study is to recognize diagenetic processes, microfacies and geochemical evidence for original carbonate mineralogy of Oligocene- Miocene Asmari limestone deposited in the Rig anticline at Rig mountain oil field. In this area, the Asmari Formation with a thickness of 364 m have been exposed as a sequence of thin, medium, thick, and massive carbonate rocks. Twelve microfacies types have been distinguished on the basis of depositional textures, petrographic analysis and fauna. These carbonate microfacies belong to four major sub-environments including tidal flat, lagoon, bar/ shoal, and open marine. Absence of turbidite deposits, reefal belt and gradual changes in facies indicated that the Asmari Formation was deposited in a homoclinal carbonate ramp environment. The main diagenetic processes includes: dolomitization, cementation, micritization, dissolution, and compaction. Petrographic evidence and variation of major and minor element and compare this information with modern aragonite warm water and calcitic cool to cold temperate carbonate and originally aragonite mineralogy of Ordovician sub-tropical carbonate, the calcite mineralogy of Permian sub-polar cold water of Tasmania, the Upper Jurassic aragonite Mozduran limestone, the Ilam carbonate formation, and the Fahliyan Formation indicate that original carbonate mineralogy was aragonite in the Asmari Formation. High Sr/Na ratio suggests original aragonite mineralogy. Variation of Sr and Na values versus Mn confirm replacement of aragonite by calcite during the two stages of diagenetic stabilization. The bivariate plot of Sr/Ca versus Mn shows that Asmari limestone have been influenced by meteoric diagenesis in a closed to semi-closed diagenetic system. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Geochemical Studies of Stable Isotopes (Carbon and Oxygen) in Mahallat Travertine Deposits (South East Arak)
        لیلا  صالحی
        Fresh water carbonates are different in geochemical characteristics, especially in isotopic geochemical characteristics. Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes of carbonates such as travertine is one of the most important methods of study. Mahallat area with large traverti More
        Fresh water carbonates are different in geochemical characteristics, especially in isotopic geochemical characteristics. Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes of carbonates such as travertine is one of the most important methods of study. Mahallat area with large travertine deposits, is talented to geochemical studies. this area is located in the southeast of Arak and this is a part of central Iran structural zone. Based on stable isotope studies, there are two types of travertine: thermogene and meteogene types. Thermogene C-isotope composition range between -4 ‰ and 8 ‰. However, δ13C value for meteogene type range between -11 ‰ and 0 ‰. Mahallat area travertine C-isotope composition range between 1.69 ‰ and 9.70 ‰ which indicate thermogene type. In addition, Another way to distinguish the type of travertine, is determination of carbon dioxide source. Low values of 〖〖δ^13 C〗_( CO)〗_2 imply to thermogene type and 〖〖δ^13 C〗_( CO)〗_2 Mahallat area travertine show -8.47‰ and this confirm thermogene type for these deposits. Also, water temperature during the travertine precipitation can calculate by oxygen isotope study. The temperature in Abegarm travertine is 43°C which it is evidence for thermogene type. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Petrology and geochemistry of igneous rocks in Lower Red Formation, Garmsar Area
        Habibollah Ghasemi
        Numerous shallow depth basic intrusions crops out in the Lower Red Formation in Garmsar area. These intrusions have gabbro-dioritic compositions and granular, intergranular, ophitic and subophitic textures. Plagioclase, augitic clinopyroxene, amphibole and biotite are t More
        Numerous shallow depth basic intrusions crops out in the Lower Red Formation in Garmsar area. These intrusions have gabbro-dioritic compositions and granular, intergranular, ophitic and subophitic textures. Plagioclase, augitic clinopyroxene, amphibole and biotite are their main minerals and olivine, phlogopite, alkali feldspar, apatite, magnetite and sphene are their minor and accessory minerals. Their secondary minerals composed of serpentine, zeolite, chlorite, sericite, prehnite, sphene, uralite, quartz and calcite. These rocks plotted in gabbro-diorite realm in chemical classification diagrams. Geochemical trends of samples in major and trace elements variation diagrams versus differentiation index and in incompatible-incompatible and incompatible-compatible diagrams indicate the liquid line of descent and differentiation relations between samples. In the chondrite and primitive mantle normalized diagrams, enrichment in LREEs and LILEs, depletion in HREEs, absence of Eu anomaly, positive anomalies in K, Ba, Rb and Sr in all samples and strongly depletions in Nb and Ta in some samples and absence of depletion in Ti and P, are the characteristics features of these rocks. This indicates the crustal contamination of the mafic mantle magma formed these rocks. These rocks rather have the features of proto-back-arc basin (BAB) alkaline basaltic magmas, not the characteristics of the subduction related rocks. The dependence of these rocks to the back-arc basin basalts can be confirmed by different tectonic setting discrimination diagrams. It seems that the primary basic magma of these rocks has been generated from partial melting of an enriched mantle source under the continental lithosphere of Central Iran in an extensional proto-back-arc basin, during Late Oligocene time and intruded in lower part of Lower Red Formation. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Geochemistry of Salafchegan quartz diorite pluton
        Mahbobeh Nazari Shahryar Keshtgar Ali Kananian Mohammad Boomeri
        The Salafchegan quartz diorite pluton which is located at 45 km southwest of Qom, has intruded sandstone and sandy limestone of the Upper Red Formation as small subvolcanic intrusion. A zigzag pattern of major and trace elements variations in these intrusive rocks, from More
        The Salafchegan quartz diorite pluton which is located at 45 km southwest of Qom, has intruded sandstone and sandy limestone of the Upper Red Formation as small subvolcanic intrusion. A zigzag pattern of major and trace elements variations in these intrusive rocks, from margin to the center of the pluton, may indicate periodical magma chamber refreshments. These subvolcanic rocks show geochemical calc-alkaline affinity and in the case of aluminum saturation index, they could be classified as meta-aluminous rocks, similar to I type granitoids. These rocks are enriched in LILE, and LREE but depleted in HREE. In addition, they show negative anomalies of Nb and Ti, low Ce/Pb, high Ba/La and Ba/Th ratios associated with high Al content. They illustrate porphyritic texture accompanied by inequilibrium phenocrysts such as zoned plagioclase or reaction rims surrounding hornblende crystals. Based on petrographical studies and geochemical analysis, it could be suggested that the parent magma of these subvolcanic rocks was related to a subduction zone and has emplaced in a magmatic arc. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Alteration of Ore Minerals in Glojeh Epithermal Veins, North of Zanjan
        Majid Ghasemi Siani Behzad Mehrabi Mohammad khanazizi
        The polymetallic epithermal Glojeh ore deposit is located in the middle of the Tarom-Hashtjin metallogenic province in Alborz-Azarbayejan (western Alborz). It consists of four major epithermal veins, in the South Glojeh and the North Glojeh areas. Andesitic basalt and More
        The polymetallic epithermal Glojeh ore deposit is located in the middle of the Tarom-Hashtjin metallogenic province in Alborz-Azarbayejan (western Alborz). It consists of four major epithermal veins, in the South Glojeh and the North Glojeh areas. Andesitic basalt and dacite are hosting the mineralization in the South Glojeh and the North Glojeh veins, respectively. The in Glojeh area rocks include intrusive rocks (granodiorite, granite and quartzmonzonite), diabasitic dikes, and volcanic rocks (dacite, rhyolite, andesitic basalt and tuff). Based on genetic and crossed relations of vein and vienlets, mineralization in the Glojeh occurs in three stages: (1) early stage of Cu-Au-As-Sb-Fe-bearing minerals; (2) mid stage of Pb-Zn-Cu-Cd-Ag-bearing minerals and (3) late stage of hematite-goethite-Ag-Bi-Au-Pb minerals. Mineralogy and minerals chemistry studies show that galena in stage 2 (substage 2B) have inclusions of silver bearing minerals. Important silver bearing minerals in Glojeh veins are argentite, native silver, Ag-tetrahedrite, polybasite, matildite and marrite. Gold mineralization occured in substage 1B (stage 1), and is associated with specular hematite (specularite) as native gold and in substage 3A (stage 3) as inclusions of native gold and eletrum in hematite and quartz. Alteration in Glojeh district consists of propylilitization, argillization, sericitization and silicification, that have well-developed and zoned in the around Glojeh veins and extends ≈ 30 meters into the host rocks. Chlorite geothermometry in argillic zone (stage 2) and propylitic zone (stage 3) are 275°C and 200°C, respectively. Mass balance calculations indicate that Al, Zr, Ti, Y, Nb, and HREE were immobile elements during alteration. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Petrology, geochemistry and ore potential of the Samen granitoid (SW Malayer, Hamedan)
        Hassan Zamanian Farhad Ahmadnejad Akram Krami  Taghipour
        The Samen granitoid is located along the northwestern part of the Sanandaj- Sirjan Zone in the Southwestern of Malayer. Based on mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, five main facies have been recognized in the Samen granitoid which included granodiorite, monz More
        The Samen granitoid is located along the northwestern part of the Sanandaj- Sirjan Zone in the Southwestern of Malayer. Based on mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, five main facies have been recognized in the Samen granitoid which included granodiorite, monzogranite, syenogranite, alkali-feldspar granite and quartz-monzonite. Granodiorite is the main facies of the pluton and is more wide spread than other facies. Geochemistry of major elements indicates that the Samen granitoid is metalomious (ACNK=0.75) to peralomious (ACNK=1.21) and is classified as volcanic arc granites (VAG) related to active continental margins and petrochemically belongs to calc alkaline with high K rock series. Depletion in Nb, Zr, Hf, Y, Ti and HREE and enrichment in K, Rb, Cs, Th and LREE is consistent with an arc setting related to the subduction of Neo-Tethyan oceanic crust beneath the Sanandaj-Sirjan zone. The pluton has been contaminated by interaction with upper crust. In the Samen district both calcic exoskarn (grossular-andradite/augite-diopside) and endoskarn (tremolite-actinolite/epidote) occur along the contacts between granitoid and marble. The present study indicates that geochemical characteristics of the granodiorite and quartz-monzonite Samen rocks are similar to the averages for Au-Cu- and Fe- skarns granitoids, whereas the geochemical characteristics of the monzogranite, syenogranite and alkali-feldspar granite are similar to averages for Sn- and Mo-skarn granitoids. Based on oxidizing conditions and magma evolution, the Samen granitoid is characterized by relatively unevolved to moderately evolved and oxidized suites, as in most Au-Cu core metal associations globally. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Geochemistry and tectonic setting of Zargoli granodiorite in Sistan suture zone (South East Iran)
        Shahryar Keshtgar Mohammad Boomeri Ali Kananian Mahbobeh Nazari
        The Zargoli granodiorite is located in the northwest of Zahedan in Sistan suture zone. This granodiorite intruded a flysch-like unit at Oligocene and its SiO2 contents range from 62.4 to 66 wt. %. This gronodiorite is calc-alkaline, metaluminous and I-type. The Zargoli More
        The Zargoli granodiorite is located in the northwest of Zahedan in Sistan suture zone. This granodiorite intruded a flysch-like unit at Oligocene and its SiO2 contents range from 62.4 to 66 wt. %. This gronodiorite is calc-alkaline, metaluminous and I-type. The Zargoli granodiorite shows negative anomaly of Ta, Ti, Nb, Eu and positive anomaly of Rb, Ce, La, Ba, Sr in spider diagrams suggesting that these rocks have been derived from the partial melting of lower crust. This magma was contaminated with flysh- type sediments during emplacement in Sistan suture zone. Discriminative diagrams indicate a volcanic arc (VAG) and active continental margin (ACM) tectono-magmatic setting for this pluton. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Geochemistry of ore facies and alteration zoning pattern of the Varandan Ba-Pb-Cu volconogenic massive sulfide deposit, southwest of Qamsar
        Fayegh  Hashemi Fardin Mousivand Mahdi Rezaei-Kahkhaei
        The Varandan Ba-Pb-Cu deposit is located in southwest of Qamsar which is part of Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic-arc zone. Mineralozation occurred as four sub-horizons in the unit1 of volcaniclastics and volcanics (acidic tuff and andesite) of Middle-Late Eocene. Each sub-hori More
        The Varandan Ba-Pb-Cu deposit is located in southwest of Qamsar which is part of Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic-arc zone. Mineralozation occurred as four sub-horizons in the unit1 of volcaniclastics and volcanics (acidic tuff and andesite) of Middle-Late Eocene. Each sub-horizon consists of five ore facies including: 1) stringer zone, 2) vent complex zone, 3) massive zone, 4) bedded-banded zone and 5) hydrothermal-exhalative sediments of Fe and Mn bearing. Main wall rock alterations in the deposits include chloritic-quartz and quartz-sericitic. Alteration zoning is observed in the deposit as chloritic-quartz at the core and quartz-serisitic in the margins of the footwall of the ore sub-horizon. Electron microprob analysis (EPMA) on the chlorite in stringer zones of the second and third sub-horizons show that these chlorites are Fe-rich chlorite and close to the clinochlor field. Geochemical studies indicate that grades of Ag, As, Cu, Sb and Sr in the stratiform ore (bedded-banded and massive) of the third sub-horizon are much higher than the other sub-horizons, and are 41, 273, 1945, 390 and 1013 ppm, respectively. All geochemical studies show that metal zoning in this deposit is clear, this is characteristic of VMS deposits. Development of zone-refining and over refining processes caused leaching of Cu from the stringer zone and vent complex facies and its later precipitation in the bedded ore facies. Among across to different sub-horizons in the Varandan deposit, third sub-horizon is recognized as economic for Ag extraction . Manuscript profile
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        10 - Hybrid fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm and multilayer perceptron for increasing the estimate accuracy of the geochemical element concentration case study: eastern zone of porphyry copper deposit of Sonajil
        Moharam Jahangiri SeydReza Ghavami Behzad tokhmechi
        Pattern recognition methods are able to identify the hidden relationships between exploration data, especially in the case of limited number of data. The geochemical distribution patterns of the elements are identified and generalized using these methods. Multilayer per More
        Pattern recognition methods are able to identify the hidden relationships between exploration data, especially in the case of limited number of data. The geochemical distribution patterns of the elements are identified and generalized using these methods. Multilayer perceptron, MLP, is one of the pattern recognition methods which is used for the estimation of geochemical element concentrations in mineral deposit studies. In the current study, multilayer neural network was used to estimate the concentration of geochemical elements based on 1755 surface and borehole samples, analyzed by ICP. Fuzzy c-means, FCM, clustering algorithm was used to increase the neural network estimation accuracy. The optimal number of clusters in the dataset was identified by validation indices and was used to design estimator. The clustering data on average showed an increase of 13% accuracy compared to normal mode. The average accuracy was increased from 75 percent to 88 percent. Elements with the lowest estimation accuracy showed an acceptable increase on the estimation accuracy by using clustering data. Mean squared error was 0.079 using all data and decreased to 0.025 while using hybrid developed method. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Study of original carbonate mineralogy of the Qom Formation using petrography and geochemical evidence in celestite ore section, Madabad, south of Zanjan
        The Qom Formation is the only hydrocarbon reservoir in the central Iran sedimentary basin. In most parts of the central Iran, the Qom Formation conformably overlies the Lower Red Formation with an erosional discontinuity and is in turn conformably overlain by the Upper More
        The Qom Formation is the only hydrocarbon reservoir in the central Iran sedimentary basin. In most parts of the central Iran, the Qom Formation conformably overlies the Lower Red Formation with an erosional discontinuity and is in turn conformably overlain by the Upper Red Formation. In the Madabad celestite deposit (south of Zanjan), the Qom Formation is composed of 190 m of medium to thick-bedded and massive limestone, marly limestone and marl. Five main microfacies are identified in the limestone units of the Qom Formation in the Madabad area. These microfacies probably were deposited on a shelf carbonate platform. Petrographic studies suggest original calcite mineralogy for limestone units of the Qom Formation in the Madabad area. Geochemical studies (Ca, Mg, Na, Sr, Mn and Fe) also represent the original calcite mineralogy in a closed diagenetic system with low dissolution rates. These evidence show significant role of fractures rather than diagenetic processes such as dissolution for increasing the reservoir quality of the Qom Formation for the oil and gas fields (such as Serajeh and Alborz) of central Iran. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Study of original carbonate mineralogy of the Qom Formation using petrography and geochemical evidence in celestite ore section, Madabad, south of Zanjan
          Afshin  Zohdi Hossein Kouhestani    
        The Qom Formation is the only hydrocarbon reservoir in the central Iran sedimentary basin. In most parts of the central Iran, the Qom Formation conformably overlies the Lower Red Formation with an erosional discontinuity and is in turn conformably overlain by the Upper More
        The Qom Formation is the only hydrocarbon reservoir in the central Iran sedimentary basin. In most parts of the central Iran, the Qom Formation conformably overlies the Lower Red Formation with an erosional discontinuity and is in turn conformably overlain by the Upper Red Formation. In the Madabad celestite deposit (south of Zanjan), the Qom Formation is composed of 190 m of medium to thick-bedded and massive limestone, marly limestone and marl. Five main microfacies are identified in the limestone units of the Qom Formation in the Madabad area. These microfacies probably were deposited on a shelf carbonate platform. Petrographic studies suggest original calcite mineralogy for limestone units of the Qom Formation in the Madabad area. Geochemical studies (Ca, Mg, Na, Sr, Mn and Fe) also represent the original calcite mineralogy in a closed diagenetic system with low dissolution rates. These evidence show significant role of fractures rather than diagenetic processes such as dissolution for increasing the reservoir quality of the Qom Formation for the oil and gas fields (such as Serajeh and Alborz) of central Iran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Study of original carbonate mineralogy of the Qom Formation using petrography and geochemical evidence in celestite ore section, Madabad, south of Zanjan
        The Qom Formation is the only hydrocarbon reservoir in the central Iran sedimentary basin. In most parts of the central Iran, the Qom Formation conformably overlies the Lower Red Formation with an erosional discontinuity and is in turn conformably overlain by the Upper More
        The Qom Formation is the only hydrocarbon reservoir in the central Iran sedimentary basin. In most parts of the central Iran, the Qom Formation conformably overlies the Lower Red Formation with an erosional discontinuity and is in turn conformably overlain by the Upper Red Formation. In the Madabad celestite deposit (south of Zanjan), the Qom Formation is composed of 190 m of medium to thick-bedded and massive limestone, marly limestone and marl. Five main microfacies are identified in the limestone units of the Qom Formation in the Madabad area. These microfacies probably were deposited on a shelf carbonate platform. Petrographic studies suggest original calcite mineralogy for limestone units of the Qom Formation in the Madabad area. Geochemical studies (Ca, Mg, Na, Sr, Mn and Fe) also represent the original calcite mineralogy in a closed diagenetic system with low dissolution rates. These evidence show significant role of fractures rather than diagenetic processes such as dissolution for increasing the reservoir quality of the Qom Formation for the oil and gas fields (such as Serajeh and Alborz) of central Iran. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Study of original carbonate mineralogy of the Qom Formation using petrography and geochemical evidence in celestite ore section, Madabad, south of Zanjan
        Mahsa Noori
        The Qom Formation is the only hydrocarbon reservoir in the central Iran sedimentary basin. In most parts of the central Iran, the Qom Formation conformably overlies the Lower Red Formation with an erosional discontinuity and is in turn conformably overlain by the Upper More
        The Qom Formation is the only hydrocarbon reservoir in the central Iran sedimentary basin. In most parts of the central Iran, the Qom Formation conformably overlies the Lower Red Formation with an erosional discontinuity and is in turn conformably overlain by the Upper Red Formation. In the Madabad celestite deposit (south of Zanjan), the Qom Formation is composed of 190 m of medium to thick-bedded and massive limestone, marly limestone and marl. Five main microfacies are identified in the limestone units of the Qom Formation in the Madabad area. These microfacies probably were deposited on a shelf carbonate platform. Petrographic studies suggest original calcite mineralogy for limestone units of the Qom Formation in the Madabad area. Geochemical studies (Ca, Mg, Na, Sr, Mn and Fe) also represent the original calcite mineralogy in a closed diagenetic system with low dissolution rates. These evidence show significant role of fractures rather than diagenetic processes such as dissolution for increasing the reservoir quality of the Qom Formation for the oil and gas fields (such as Serajeh and Alborz) of central Iran. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Study of original carbonate mineralogy of the Qom Formation using petrography and geochemical evidence in celestite ore section, Madabad, south of Zanjan
        The Qom Formation is the only hydrocarbon reservoir in the central Iran sedimentary basin. In most parts of the central Iran, the Qom Formation conformably overlies the Lower Red Formation with an erosional discontinuity and is in turn conformably overlain by the Upper More
        The Qom Formation is the only hydrocarbon reservoir in the central Iran sedimentary basin. In most parts of the central Iran, the Qom Formation conformably overlies the Lower Red Formation with an erosional discontinuity and is in turn conformably overlain by the Upper Red Formation. In the Madabad celestite deposit (south of Zanjan), the Qom Formation is composed of 190 m of medium to thick-bedded and massive limestone, marly limestone and marl. Five main microfacies are identified in the limestone units of the Qom Formation in the Madabad area. These microfacies probably were deposited on a shelf carbonate platform. Petrographic studies suggest original calcite mineralogy for limestone units of the Qom Formation in the Madabad area. Geochemical studies (Ca, Mg, Na, Sr, Mn and Fe) also represent the original calcite mineralogy in a closed diagenetic system with low dissolution rates. These evidence show significant role of fractures rather than diagenetic processes such as dissolution for increasing the reservoir quality of the Qom Formation for the oil and gas fields (such as Serajeh and Alborz) of central Iran. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Study of original carbonate mineralogy of the Qom Formation using petrography and geochemical evidence in celestite ore section, Madabad, south of Zanjan
          Afshin  Zohdi Hossin Kohestani Ghsem Nabatian Mir Ali Asghar Mokhtari
        The Qom Formation is the only hydrocarbon reservoir in the central Iran sedimentary basin. In most parts of the central Iran, the Qom Formation conformably overlies the Lower Red Formation with an erosional discontinuity and is in turn conformably overlain by the Upper More
        The Qom Formation is the only hydrocarbon reservoir in the central Iran sedimentary basin. In most parts of the central Iran, the Qom Formation conformably overlies the Lower Red Formation with an erosional discontinuity and is in turn conformably overlain by the Upper Red Formation. In the Madabad celestite deposit (south of Zanjan), the Qom Formation is composed of 190 m of medium to thick-bedded and massive limestone, marly limestone and marl. Five main microfacies are identified in the limestone units of the Qom Formation in the Madabad area. These microfacies probably were deposited on a shelf carbonate platform. Petrographic studies suggest original calcite mineralogy for limestone units of the Qom Formation in the Madabad area. Geochemical studies (Ca, Mg, Na, Sr, Mn and Fe) also represent the original calcite mineralogy in a closed diagenetic system with low dissolution rates. These evidence show significant role of fractures rather than diagenetic processes such as dissolution for increasing the reservoir quality of the Qom Formation for the oil and gas fields (such as Serajeh and Alborz) of central Iran. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Study of original carbonate mineralogy of the Qom Formation using petrography and geochemical evidence in celestite ore section, Madabad, south of Zanjan
          Afshin  Zohdi Hossein Kohestani Ghasem Nabatian Mirali Mokhtari
        The Qom Formation is the only hydrocarbon reservoir in the central Iran sedimentary basin. In most parts of the central Iran, the Qom Formation conformably overlies the Lower Red Formation with an erosional discontinuity and is in turn conformably overlain by the Upper More
        The Qom Formation is the only hydrocarbon reservoir in the central Iran sedimentary basin. In most parts of the central Iran, the Qom Formation conformably overlies the Lower Red Formation with an erosional discontinuity and is in turn conformably overlain by the Upper Red Formation. In the Madabad celestite deposit (south of Zanjan), the Qom Formation is composed of 190 m of medium to thick-bedded and massive limestone, marly limestone and marl. Five main microfacies are identified in the limestone units of the Qom Formation in the Madabad area. These microfacies probably were deposited on a shelf carbonate platform. Petrographic studies suggest original calcite mineralogy for limestone units of the Qom Formation in the Madabad area. Geochemical studies (Ca, Mg, Na, Sr, Mn and Fe) also represent the original calcite mineralogy in a closed diagenetic system with low dissolution rates. These evidence show significant role of fractures rather than diagenetic processes such as dissolution for increasing the reservoir quality of the Qom Formation for the oil and gas fields (such as Serajeh and Alborz) of central Iran. Manuscript profile
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        18 - The effect of precipitation and lithology on hydrochemical characteristics of the Karstic Springs in North Khorasan Province
        Fatemeh Bagheri Gholamhossein karami rahim bagheri Javad Meshkini
        Karstic aquifers are vital water resources which are used for irrigation and drinking purposes in arid and semi-arid regions. Understanding of the hydrogeological behavior of these springs and the qualitative tracing of these water resources are the first step in their More
        Karstic aquifers are vital water resources which are used for irrigation and drinking purposes in arid and semi-arid regions. Understanding of the hydrogeological behavior of these springs and the qualitative tracing of these water resources are the first step in their better management. There are wide outcrops of Tirgan karstic formation in the study area, in the north of Khorasan province. In this area, there are a few karstic springs the discharge rate ranges from 50 to 500 lit/s. The recharge area characteristics of these springs vary significantly with their elevation, catchment size, thickness of epikarst and degree of karstification. In this study, temporal and spatial hydrogeochemcal variations of the five karstic springs including Arnaveh, Rezghaneh, Estarkhi, Ghordanlo and Sarani and 3 rain stations are investigated during one year period. The effects of both precipitation and lithology on the chemistry of these karstic springs are also considered. The dominant rain water types are Ca-SO4-Cl and Ca-HCO3 which change into Ca-Mg- HCO3 type during ground water flow in karstic system. This karstic aquifer is recharged during winter snowfall. The EC values of the rainfall vary from 70 µmohs/cm in Namanloo station to 100 and 150 µmohs/cm in Estarkhi and Ghale Barbar stations, respectively. The summer precipitations have more EC value than winter precipitations. This is due to long trajectory of air masses through arid regions with dust particles. The time series variations of discharge value are negligible in some karstic springs except for Sarani and Estarkhi springs. Hydrochemical composition of Sarani, Ghordanlo and Estarkhi springs are mostly affected by precipitation; while, Arnaveh and Rezghaneh springs with the same precipitation composition in this area have higher EC values. This is due to soil cover in catchment area, dissolution of clay minerals and diffusion. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Structural controls on the hydrogeochemistry of Azarshahr travertine springs, NW Iran
        Karim Taghipour Mohammad Mahdi Khatib Mahmod Rez Heyhata Abdol Rez Vaezihir Esmail Shabanian
        Travertine deposits in Azarshahr, NW Iran, are one of the most extensive travertine deposits in the world. The process of travertine deposit is currently active in the several springs. It was used a multidisciplinary approach to determine the source of fluids and struct More
        Travertine deposits in Azarshahr, NW Iran, are one of the most extensive travertine deposits in the world. The process of travertine deposit is currently active in the several springs. It was used a multidisciplinary approach to determine the source of fluids and structural characteristics of travertine springs. Results of in-situ measurements and type of travertine deposits, demonstrate that the springs are of thermogenic type with hydrothermal sources. Hydrogeochemical diagrams and ionic ratios represent that the type of spring waters are calcium carbonate, with increased sodium and chloride ions levels due to mixing with brine waters. Geophysical studies showed that these brines originated from the Urmia Lake or related brines, which are intruded through fracture systems to relay zones of faults and mixed with hydrothermal bicarbonate-saturated fluids. This phenomenon shows that hydrochemistry of travertine springs are affected by Urmia Lake or related brines. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Separation of geochemical anomalies from the background by using concentration-number fractal methods in the Veshnavah Area (South of Qom)
        Zahra Mohammadi Asl Abdollah Saidi Mehran Aryan Ali Solgi Taher Farhadinejud
        In this study, the concentration-number fractal method was used for regional exploration studies, and determining the anomalies of copper, lead and zinc elements. For this purpose, 800 samples of stream sediments were selected from the rivers in the area (i.e. from Kaha More
        In this study, the concentration-number fractal method was used for regional exploration studies, and determining the anomalies of copper, lead and zinc elements. For this purpose, 800 samples of stream sediments were selected from the rivers in the area (i.e. from Kahak and Aran geological maps, 1: 100,000 sheets) and then the anomalies of these elements were mapped. The results show that strong copper anomalies are observed in the northern, central, southern and western parts of the area and the highest lead anomalies are located in the western part of the area. Strong anomalies of the zinc element are located in the central, southern and western parts of the region. These anomalies coincide with the lithological units of andesitic- basalt lava, volcanic breccia, tuffs, dacites, small scale masses of quartz -diorite, and small-scale masses of quartz-monzonite. The obtained map from combining anomalies and faults map reveals that the anomalies are mostly concentrated in fault zones and fault intersection points in the area and faults play a fundamental role in ore mineralization. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Hydrogeochemistry of Gorganrood river in Gonbad-e-Kavoos district, Golestan province
        Abbas Teimori گیتی فرقانی تهرانی Hadi Jabari Abdol Rez Kaboli
        Rivers are the key resources for drinking and agricultural purposes and the assessment of water quality is very important. In this study, a detailed investigation has been made for identifying the natural and anthropogenic processes that offected the quality of Gorganro More
        Rivers are the key resources for drinking and agricultural purposes and the assessment of water quality is very important. In this study, a detailed investigation has been made for identifying the natural and anthropogenic processes that offected the quality of Gorganrood and its tributaries water in the Gonbad-e-Kavoos district. The Gorganrood is the longest river in the Golestan province (NE of Iran). During previous years, various wastewaters (i.e. domestic, agricultural and industrial) produced in Gonbad-e-Kavoos district have been discharged into the Gorganrood. To evaluate the chemical quality of water in the study area, 37 water and 6 wastewater samples were collected. The physicochemical parameters including pH and EC were determined in situ by an EC/pH meters. The concentration of major ions was measured using the standard methods. The piper and Wilcox diagrams were used to assess the water type and water quality for irrigation, respectively. Scatter diagrams were used to assess the hydrochemical processes influencing the chemistry of the water samples. Results of this study indicate that the pH and EC values of the water samples decrease in the city district. This is due to the discharge of urban wastewaters with lower EC and pH values which leads to the dilution of the river water. The lower concentration of nitrate in water samples collected in the city district is probably due to the denitrification process. Results show that the prevailing water types of Gorganrood and its tributaries are Na-SO42- and Na-HCO3-, respectively. The entrance of tributaries enhances the Gorganrood water quality for drinking and agricultural puposes. Along the river course, the natural processes of halite- gypsum- anhydrite dissolution and ion exchange, as well as anthropogenic factors (discharge of agricultural and urban wastewaters) deteriorate the water quality. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Geochemistry and petrology of Qareh-Dash rhyolites from Shahindej- NW Iran: Geochemical features of post- collision volcanism
        Masoumeh Ahangari معصومه  نظری Mohsen Moazzen
        Qareh-Dash rhyolites from the Shahindej area are peraluminous rocks with high SiO2 and K2O contents. These rocks are mainly composed of quartz, K- feldspar and rare plagioclase phenocrysts in a fine-grained K-feldspar rich matrix. Geochemically, Qareh-Dash rhyolites sho More
        Qareh-Dash rhyolites from the Shahindej area are peraluminous rocks with high SiO2 and K2O contents. These rocks are mainly composed of quartz, K- feldspar and rare plagioclase phenocrysts in a fine-grained K-feldspar rich matrix. Geochemically, Qareh-Dash rhyolites show enrichment in LREEs and LILEs and depletion in HREEs. Field studies, textural and petrographical relations, along with whole rock geochemistry, demonstrate that the parental magma of the Qareh-Dash rhyolites was originated from the crust. The composition of the parental magma was modified due to fractional crystallization of plagioclase and titanomagnetite evidenced by negative Eu, Sr and Ti anomalies in multielement diagrams. The chemical characteristics of Qareh- Dash rhyolites such as Rb/Nb, K/Rb, Rb/Sr, Rb/Ba and Ga/Al ratios are similar to A-Type granites/ rhyolites associated with post- collision tectonic settings. According to Precambrian age for the Qareh-Dash rhyolites, formation of these rocks might be related to extensional phases which were probably taken place after closure of proto- Thetys Ocean. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Assessment of mineralization potential using Stage factor analysis method (SFA) in Khoshnameh area, Hashjin, Ardabil province
        Samira Hoseinpore Nejati Kamal Siahcheshm seyyed ghafour alavi pouya Zargari
        The Khoshnameh altered area is located about 20 km south of Khalkhal (Ardebil province) and lies in the Hashjin metallogenic district. The formation of extensive serictic, argillic, silicic, chloritic and iron oxides alterations in the Chenar, Mahmudabad and east of Kho More
        The Khoshnameh altered area is located about 20 km south of Khalkhal (Ardebil province) and lies in the Hashjin metallogenic district. The formation of extensive serictic, argillic, silicic, chloritic and iron oxides alterations in the Chenar, Mahmudabad and east of Khoshnameh, as well as the copper-lead-zinc mineralization events (e.g. Senjedeh, Shalvali and Ommabad) appears to be intimately affiliated to the fluids derived from upper Oligocene granodiorite intrusions which were emplaced within the Eocene trachy-basalt, andesite and pyroclastic rocks. The key point of this research is to investigate the preference of the Stage Factor Analysis (SFA) to evaluate the geochemical dispersion of mineralization and the visualization of real anomalies throughout the Khoshnameh area. Since the concentration of rock forming elements that are not related to mineralization has a negative effect on the factor privilege of elements, then the number of factors to increase the severity of anomalies must be reduce. For this purpose, initially nine factors were calculated based on the chemical composition of the samples. At this stage, non-representative elements and elements that did not participate in any of the factors were identified and removed from the data set and factor analysis was re-applied. After applying three stages of analysis on the data, the most effective predictive and important factors in terms of mineralization were deduced. Consequently, the number of factors decreased to 5. Therefore, using this method increases the prediction rate and success of the exploration, compared to the typical factor analysis method. Thus, the probable anomalies of Ba, Sn, Pb and Mo mineralization from the first factor and As, Cd and Sb mineralization from the fourth factor are predicted and introduced. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Garmichay metapelites, NW Iran: whole rock chemistry, provenance and metamorphic conditions
        Amir Mahamed Mohsen Moayyed Monir Modjarrad
        The whole rock chemistry of the Garmichay metapelites located in the north of Miyaneh, NW Iran, is investigated to reveal the provenance and metamorphic conditions of the rocks. Petrofabric observations have revealed the syn-tectonic nature of regional metamorphic cordi More
        The whole rock chemistry of the Garmichay metapelites located in the north of Miyaneh, NW Iran, is investigated to reveal the provenance and metamorphic conditions of the rocks. Petrofabric observations have revealed the syn-tectonic nature of regional metamorphic cordierite porphyroblasts in the metapelites. C' shear band structure is another feature that is observed in the rocks. Two regional metamorphic phases (RMP1, RMP2), one contact metamorphic phase (CMP) and two deformation (D1, D2) phases are identified. The major oxide geochemistry implies two sedimentary shale and greywacke parent rocks. Based on major, rare earth and trace elements (Ti, Ni, TiO2, Zr and K2O) the igneous source rock has been an andesite to dacite/rhyodacite. The CIA (chemical index of alteration) and CIW (chemical index of weathering) parameters imply a medium degree of alteration in the igneous source area. The Garmichay metapelites, in comparison with the PAAS and UCC, are enriched in Cs, La and Ce and depleted in Sr, Nb and Ta. The representative samples lie inside the paragenetic triangles of the compatibility diagrams that imply their thermodynamically stable conditions. Finally, based on the standard pseudosections, the maximum temperature and pressure range has been determined as 535-635 °C and 1-3 kb, respectively. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Geochemical Study and Genetic Classification of Fahlian Reservoir Oil Using Infrared Spectroscopy in the Fields of Southwestern Iran
        Mohammad Ali Sahmoradi Mohammad Hossein Saberi Bahman Zare nejad Ali Chehrazi
        The first step in performing geochemical adaptations is to identify the molecular and hybrid structure of the oil. One way to match the use of infrared spectroscopy is to identify and compare the structure of oil samples. Infrared spectroscopy is a practical method with More
        The first step in performing geochemical adaptations is to identify the molecular and hybrid structure of the oil. One way to match the use of infrared spectroscopy is to identify and compare the structure of oil samples. Infrared spectroscopy is a practical method with easy, low-cost interpretation and reliable results for determining the structure of organic compounds. Also, considering the significant growth of the tendency to develop fast, accurate and reliable analytical methods for industrial applications and also the discovery of new hydrocarbon resources in the sedimentary basin of Abadan plain such as Darkhoein and Yadavaran oil fields in recent years, indicates the need for more comprehensive studies. There is a sedimentary basin in this basin. Based on this, 15 samples of crude oil from Fahlian reservoir were selected and examined in the most important oil fields of this basin, namely Darkhoein (9 samples) and Yadavaran (6 samples) located in southwestern Iran. By dividing the samples by evaluating the crude oil, different analytical goals were achieved. Using infrared spectroscopy, the functional groups in the samples were determined and then the amount of these compounds in different samples was compared with each other. Based on the results of the mass spectrometer, the oils studied in this basin are divided into three families with different genetic characteristics. In this study, it was shown that infrared spectrometer is a fast, reliable and non-destructive analytical option and a complementary or even alternative method of chromatography and biomarkers analysis to perform various scientific and industrial purposes in the oil industry, including quality measurement, Quantity and geochemical evaluation of oil. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Analysis of geochemical features of sabzevar dust, using Marble Dust Collector (MDCO)
        آرش امینی بهنام  شفیعی
        Dust is one of the atmospheric phenomena that has adverse environmental effects and consequences. In order to study dusts in Sabzevar, samples were collected at the end of each season in 1390. In this research, sampling containers were installed in 16 locations on t More
        Dust is one of the atmospheric phenomena that has adverse environmental effects and consequences. In order to study dusts in Sabzevar, samples were collected at the end of each season in 1390. In this research, sampling containers were installed in 16 locations on the roofs of houses and governmental offices based on the main and sub geographical directions and trapped samples in MDCO were measured by 0.0001 accuracy scale. For geochemical studies due to the volume of dust collected and the importance of the samples, basic oxides and trace elements of fine dust were measured using atomic absorption and ICP methods. Results has shown that the maximum dust volume were collected in the spring while the concentration of most polluting elements is higher in autumn. In terms of pollution, Cadmium and Zinc are of primary importance in sabzevar due to their very high pollution coefficient. Chromium and Nickle are of secondary importance with being in the range of moderate pollution and significant pollution coefficient. In the current situation, the pollution of elements such as copper, lead and arsenic in the dust of Sabzevar is not critical and worrying. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Separation of geochemical anomalies of gold-copper by concentration -Number Fractal (C-N) method in southeast of Nain
        B. Gholipour A. Kananian Sh. Niroomand A. Tarhani M. Fersowsi Rashed
        In this paper, concentration-number fractal method was used to study regional exploration and geochemical anomaly separation; also anomalies of index elements including gold, arsenic, silver, copper, antimony, lead, zinc and molybdenum in the Qalehdar exploration area ( More
        In this paper, concentration-number fractal method was used to study regional exploration and geochemical anomaly separation; also anomalies of index elements including gold, arsenic, silver, copper, antimony, lead, zinc and molybdenum in the Qalehdar exploration area (Isfahan province) was investigated. For this purpose, 336 samples of rock units were collected and analyzed by ICP-MS. Then the chemical analysis data were categorized and prepared after replacing the sensor data for processing..Using concentration-number fractal method, elemental anomalies in that area was identified and the anomalies were mapped. The results of geochemical studies in the area showed that different geochemical anomalies of Au, Mo, Cu, As, Sb, Pb, Zn are closely related to alteration zones and shallow plutons. These studies also led to the identification of a geochemical system.. After drawing the geochemical maps and identifying the anomalous regions, the anomalies of the various elements were correlated and a zoning was recognized. In this zoning from the center to the outside of the system,the anomalies respectively, include molybdenum (Mo), copper-molybdenum (Cu Mo), lead-zinc (Pb Zn) anomalies and finally the gold-arsenic anomaly (As Au) which is located at the periphery of the system. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Mineralogy, geochemistry, and fluid inclusion characteristics of the Madanjoo skarn iron deposit, Sangan mining district, NE Iran
        M. Fotovat Jami Masoud Alipour-Asll
        The Madanjoo prospect is one of the eastern anomalies in the Sangan mining district. This area is located in the eastern part of the Cenozoic Alborz volcanic-plutonic arc. The geology of the area includes Jurassic shaly sandstone, lime mudstone, and sandstone, Upper Cre More
        The Madanjoo prospect is one of the eastern anomalies in the Sangan mining district. This area is located in the eastern part of the Cenozoic Alborz volcanic-plutonic arc. The geology of the area includes Jurassic shaly sandstone, lime mudstone, and sandstone, Upper Cretaceous limestone and dolomitic limestone, and Upper Eocene tuff and lava flow sequences, Middle Eocene skarn rocks, and Quaternary sediments. The most important occurrence in the Madanjoo area is the penetration of ferrous fluids into terrigenous and carbonate formations, skarnization, and iron mineralization, which is characterized by the presence of magnetite and calcsilicates minerals. based on type and frequency of calcsilicates, The skarn zones include olivine-pyroxene-garnet skarn, garnet-pyroxene skarn, garnet skarn, pyroxene-wollastonite-magnetite skarn, magnetite skarn, phlogopite skarn, tremolite-actinolite skarn, and epidote skarn. Iron mineralization occurred as massive, banded, vein-veinlets, breccia, and disseminated forms mostly in the Upper Cretaceous limestone and dolomite rocks and along NE-SW fault zone trend. Magnetite is the main ore mineral accompanied with pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and secondary iron minerals. The composition of the Madanjoo garnet, pyroxene, and olivine are andradite-grossular (mostly andradite), diopside-hedenbergite (mostly diopside), and forsterite, respectively. Thermobarometry study based on pyroxene chemistry show that pyroxenes crystallized in temperature range of 458-689 °C, pressure of 2.21 kb, and depth range of 1-2.5 km. Three main paragenetic stages of skarn formation and ore deposition were recognized in the Madanjoo deposit: (1) a prograde stage developed with prograde garnet and pyroxene forming at 330° to 410 °C with a fluid salinity between 33 to 58 wt.% NaCl equivalent, (2) a retrograde garnet, tremolite- actinolite, and calcite which formed at 120° to 300 °C with fluid salinity of 16 to 49 wt.% NaCl equivalent, and (3) a post-ore stage with calcite and minor quartz veins that developed at 95° to 190 °C with salinity range of 2 to 15 wt.% NaCl equivalent. Possible iron ore formation mechanisms include: fluid mixing, boiling, and dilution with meteoric waters along with decreasing temperature. Finally, the Madanjoo iron mineralization is introduced as a magnesian exoskarn iron deposit. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Investigation of petrographical and geochemical characteristics of carbonate deposits of the Jamal Formation in the Chah-Riseh section, northeast of Isfahan
        Behrad  Zebhi Kamand محمد علی  صالحی Ezat  Heydari Ali Bahrami
        The Middle Permian Jamal Formation have been investigated for sedimentological and geochemical aspects in the Chah-Riseh section, northeast Isfahan. According to the field studies the Jamal Formation with 251 m thickness divided into eight lithostratigraphic unit. Lower More
        The Middle Permian Jamal Formation have been investigated for sedimentological and geochemical aspects in the Chah-Riseh section, northeast Isfahan. According to the field studies the Jamal Formation with 251 m thickness divided into eight lithostratigraphic unit. Lower boundary of this formation with an unconformity is underlained by the Sardar Formation which belongs to the Carboniferous period and upper boundary with an unconformity reaches to the Lower Triassic Sorkh-Shale Formation. Facies and microfacies studies of the Jamal Formation led to the identification of two petrofacies and 14 carbonate microfacies. According to the recognized carbonate allochems, petrofacies and microfacies of the Jamal Formation and some evidence such as transitional microfacies changes, we can consider a depositional environment of a shallow mixed siliciclastic-carbonate ramp platform. Petrographically, four types of dolomites are recognized in the Jamal Formation. The dolomitization model for the type I dolomite is considered forming in tidal flat and burial dolomitization for types II, III and IV. Geochemical studies including major and trace elements analysis comprised of elements such as Ca, Mg, Sr, Mn and Fe. Using ratios of the elements and also by plotting some of these elements cross carbon and oxygen isotopes in various diagrams have been used in determining the original mineralogy of carbonate deposits and efficient diagenetic system on the Jamal Formation. The results indicate that the dominant diagenetic environment effected on the carbonate deposits of Jamal Formation was occurred in a semi-closed system and the original mineralogy was aragonite. Evaluation of major and trace elements contents of the four types dolomites, confirmed different characteristics of theses dolomite resembling crystal sizes in petrographic studies. Carbon and oxygen isotopes data of dolomites also defined their diagenetic situations. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Extraction effect of deep and semi-deep wells on water table decline and groundwater qaulity parameters in Gorgan Plain
        M. Pakdel M. G.Mahmoodlu N. Jandaghi A. Fathabadi Y. Nick Ghojogh
        The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of increasing uncontrolled drilling of water wells and subsequent extraction of renewable capacity of Gorgan plain aquifer on the decrease in groundwater level and some water quality parameters in a specific peri More
        The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of increasing uncontrolled drilling of water wells and subsequent extraction of renewable capacity of Gorgan plain aquifer on the decrease in groundwater level and some water quality parameters in a specific period of 30 years. For this purpose, the trend of rainfall changes, drilling wells, groundwater level fluctuations, as well as some physicochemical parameters were investigated in the studied period. Data analysis of variance was used to investigate the statistical differences between quantitative and qualitative parameters. The annual changes in drilling of authorized and illegal wells in the province shows an increasing trend in the number of wells drilled in the Gorgan plain, followed by an increase in the volume of water extracted since the early 1980s. The results of statistical studies, histograms of annual changes in groundwater level of deep and semi-deep wells as well as hydrographs of deep and semi-deep aquifers studied show a reduction in groundwater level in both semi-deep and deep aquifers in the study period. Since the average annual rainfall in the study period is almost constant, the drilling of shallow and deep wells followed by uncontrolled abstraction of deep and semi-deep aquifers is the most likely major factor in the decline of groundwater levels in the study plain. Based on the statistical results, a significant difference was observed between most of the physicochemical parameters of semi-deep and deep wells in the old and new periods. However, these changes are greater in semi-deep wells than the deep ones. Also, the two parameters Cl and Na, which are the main factors of water salinity, show the greatest changes. Hydrogeochemical diagrams of plain aquifers show an increase in soluble solids as well as changes in the type and hydrochemical facies of groundwater in the new period. However, the trend of changes in the shallow aquifer is more intense. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Geology, Alteration, Geochemistry and Element distribution in Alteration Zones of Nughdoz- Zaylik Area, Arasbaran Magmatic Zone
        M.R. Hosseinzadeh S. Maghfouri Mohsen Moayyed Z. Hadavi Chaharborj Nasir Amel
        The study area is located in 25 km SE of Ahar and 40 km NW of Meshkin-Shahr around Naqadouz village. Hydrothermal alteration has resulted in the developing of Argillic, Argillic - Silicic, Silicic and propilitic zones in this area. Based on petrographic studies, the alt More
        The study area is located in 25 km SE of Ahar and 40 km NW of Meshkin-Shahr around Naqadouz village. Hydrothermal alteration has resulted in the developing of Argillic, Argillic - Silicic, Silicic and propilitic zones in this area. Based on petrographic studies, the altered rocks are basaltic andesite, andesite, dacite, rhyolite and lithic tuff in composition, with porphyry, glomeroporphyry, hyalomicrolithic and microlithic porphyric textures. The XRD analysis of altered samples show cristobalite, natrilite, kaolinite, quartz, albite, sanidine and orthoclase as the main minerals. Geochemical studies indicate that the alteration fluid has hydrothermal source and supergene processes are more important than hypogene processes. In this study, we use the immobile element method to calculate mass-changes and trace elements transmission amount during hydrothermal alteration. The Eu/Eu* ratio is higher in altered samples than relatively unaltered samples and the ratio of Ce/Ce* is more than 1for the relatively unaltered and most altered samples. The ratio of (La/Yb) n indicated that the depletion of HREE in altered samples is more than LREE, and LREE enrichment can increase this ratio. The lower ratio of (Tb/Yb) n in altered than unaltered samples indicate less depletion of HREE relative to MREE. Considering the distribution pattern of REE’s in alteration zones, it seems that the behavior of elements are controlled by pH, T & P changes, Eh, preferred absorption by clayey and iron oxide minerals and ligands frequency including SO2-4 , PO4+3 , CI-, F-, CO2-3 . Manuscript profile
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        32 - Geochemical and environmental assessment of cadmium in rhizosphere soil and leaves of 11 grape varieties in greenhouse conditions
        Hoda Karimi shahryar Mahdavi Nasrin Hasanzadeh Rouhollah Karimi
        <p>Cadmium is a toxic metal that has significantly increased its entry into the soil and food chain with the rise of environmental pollution. In this study, 11 grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) were exposed to three levels of cadmium (0, 50, and 100 milligrams per More
        <p>Cadmium is a toxic metal that has significantly increased its entry into the soil and food chain with the rise of environmental pollution. In this study, 11 grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.) were exposed to three levels of cadmium (0, 50, and 100 milligrams per kilogram) in a factorial experimental design based on a completely randomized design in the research greenhouse of Malayer University. After applying the different cadmium treatments over a period of approximately 4 months, leaf and rhizosphere soil samples of different grapevine cultivars were collected, and the concentrations of cadmium and zinc were measured using an atomic absorption spectrometer. Significant differences were observed among grapevine cultivars in terms of cadmium and zinc content in leaves and rhizosphere soil. The cultivar "Bidaneh Sefid" had the lowest cadmium content in leaves, while the highest cadmium content in rhizosphere soil was observed in the cultivar "Rish Baba." Moreover, the cultivar "Turkmen 4" had the highest zinc content in leaves, and the cultivar "Rish Baba" had the highest zinc content in rhizosphere soil. Geochemical indices including Igeo, Ipoll, CF, and BAC were evaluated in the surface soil compared to the standard shell and earthworm. Based on the results of this study, in the examination of soil indices in different grapevine cultivars and the impact of different cultivars, according to the Ipoll and Igeo (M&uuml;ller) indices in the shell, in non-stressed soil without cadmium, it was considered slightly contaminated, and according to the standard shell in the earthworm, it was considered quantitatively contaminated. According to the Igeo index in the shell, in soil under 50 milligrams per kilogram of cadmium stress, it was considered slightly contaminated, and according to the Ipoll index, it was considered slightly to moderately contaminated, and according to the standard shell in the earthworm, it was considered heavily contaminated. According to the Igeo and Ipoll indices in the shell, the results of soil under 100 milligrams per kilogram of cadmium stress, were considered heavily contaminated, and according to the standard shell in the earthworm, it was considered severely contaminated. The results of these indices indicated that zinc was in the non-contaminated category.</p> Manuscript profile
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        33 - Geochemical study of the soils provenance of The Gysian-Silvana-Urmia ophiolitic region
        zainab sadeghi Hossein Pirkharrati monir modjarrad Reza dehbandi
        Gysian ophiolite is a remnant of the Neotethys, located in the north-west Iran at the intersection of the ophiolite belts of south-eastern Turkey, north-eastern Iraq and north-western Iran. The geochemical comparison of the soils with the average of global rocks and the More
        Gysian ophiolite is a remnant of the Neotethys, located in the north-west Iran at the intersection of the ophiolite belts of south-eastern Turkey, north-eastern Iraq and north-western Iran. The geochemical comparison of the soils with the average of global rocks and the study area led to determination of the composition group of the region soils. The geochemical evidence of the first group of soil samples with low silica percentage by Harker and triangular diagrams is close to the position of ultramafic rocks of the region (serpentenites) and primary mantle and expresses their compositional similarity. The second group of soils ranges in the area between the earth's crust and basalt, and they show more distribution near basalt. The normalized pattern of REE rare earth elements in this group of soils is similar to the mafic rocks pattern in the region, also in the minor elements chart, they classified in the mafic group. Soils with high percentage of silica in the diagram of major and minor element oxides are located near the positiion of meta-plates rocks in the region, in the range between the earth's crust and global shale. So, this suggests the intermediate composition of their origin. Most likely, the tectonic setting of the three soil groups is based on the oxides of the main elements of the active continental margin. Manuscript profile