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        1 - Pathology of Materialization of Urban Plans in Iran And Providing Proposal in Respect of its Promotion Case Study: District 22 of Tehran
          jamaladin daryabari abbas bakhshandehnosrat
        Prevailing Low level of materialization of urban plans in the country may not be denied. The issue may be studied from the two following perspective: formulating efficient strategies and proper implementation of strategies. Proper formulation of strategy is related to p More
        Prevailing Low level of materialization of urban plans in the country may not be denied. The issue may be studied from the two following perspective: formulating efficient strategies and proper implementation of strategies. Proper formulation of strategy is related to plan and appropriate implementation of strategy is related to management. Therefore, in process of urban planning and management, formulation steps of plans and extraction of strategies have to be redefined. On the other hand, streaming strategies has to be explained as the neglected dimension in process of urban planning. In the research, effort has been made for the reasons of failing urban plans in implementation phase to be studied. Data have been collected and interpreted through library study, analyzing documents and expert views. Finally, a model has been proposed with emphasis on futures studies in urban planning. In the model, effort has been made to consider factors effective on failure of plans; and, to respond to those cases recognized as obstacles of materialization of plans. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Infill development: capacities and necessities of growth management and spatial rearrangement of Tehran
        The lands in cities are areas for urban development and infill development is the process of optimization of land use. Planning and growth management by infill development policy, compare with other growth policies is closer and more consistent to sustainability. In thi More
        The lands in cities are areas for urban development and infill development is the process of optimization of land use. Planning and growth management by infill development policy, compare with other growth policies is closer and more consistent to sustainability. In this paper, we are going to study capacities and necessities of infill development of Tehran, by means of descriptive analytic and by use of documentary data. Findings indicate Tehran has the capacity of development and subsequently ready to growth management and special rearrangement via infill development. More than 18000 hectares of lands with infill development capacities that occupied 30% of city areas and 52% of vacant spaces and areas with developmental goals and high availability along with distribution and increment process, from east to west and north to south, makes possible not only physical growth management, but also facilitate spatial rearrangement to balance of inequality among regions and city zones by means of the policy of infill development and topical and local capacities. Redevelopment of north ,east and south areas, new development of west area and revitalization of central area, are general strategies of infill development in Tehran. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Capacity of urban management in the empowerment process of informal settlements: A case study of five Iranian cities
        Empowerment of informal settlements has been always faced with two challenges. Firtly, Lack of necessary capacity to implement and unfamiliarity of urban management with the nature of empowerment plan to increase these capacities. Secondly, distrust of the residents of More
        Empowerment of informal settlements has been always faced with two challenges. Firtly, Lack of necessary capacity to implement and unfamiliarity of urban management with the nature of empowerment plan to increase these capacities. Secondly, distrust of the residents of these textures to urban management and consequently the challenge of attracting their participation. This study aims by focusing on the first challenge as a research problem, with analytical- descriptive approach to evaluate and compare the existing capacity of urban management in order to empower informal settlements in five cities, so that the shortcomings of the urban managment regarding this issue to be determined. In this regard, according to documents and library resources, indicators of urban management capacity has been developed in many aspects. Furthermore, in order to quantify and collect data needed for each indicator, according to experts, using in-depth interviews and avialable information in the empowerment plan of informal settlements of theses cities has been considered. To analyze the data and evaluate the final number of available capacity of urban management of each of the surveyed cities in order to empower informal settlements of each city, the FUZZY-ANP model, and for weighting of indicators in this model, professionals, city administrators and researchers were surveyed. Ranking results of the management of the cities in order to empower informal settlements from highest to lowest capacity were 1- Shiraz, 2- Marvdasht, 3-Yasouj, 4-Zabol, and 5-Iranshahr respectively. Moreover, the indiocators of 1- using participatory planning method, 2- meetings and workshops related to issues of informal settlements, and 3- the stability of income respectively had the highest significance in this ranking. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The role of urban management in the success of city development strategy (CDS) Case study: Qazvin city
          Mohammad taghi Razavian Jhila sajadi
        Strategic plans involve turning to collective wisdom, public participation, and democratic techniques. This approach calls for all stakeholders and development actors at the local and international levels for working together to raise a development strategy for a specif More
        Strategic plans involve turning to collective wisdom, public participation, and democratic techniques. This approach calls for all stakeholders and development actors at the local and international levels for working together to raise a development strategy for a specific city or metropolis.The purpose of this study was to analyze the role of urban management in the success of the development strategy in Qazvin city. The research method in this study is based on a survey-quantity method and the gathering of required data was documentary and field-based. In the documentary methodology, the theoretical framework of urban management and planning, managerial dispersion factors and effective elements in the successful implementation of city development strategy are described, and ultimately, the role of urban management in the success of the city development strategy approach and through assay and assessment of the affective elements on inefficiency and failure of city development strategy has been analyzed. The research community is composed of citizens of Qazvin. The data collection method is based on a field survey, a questionnaire and a library. Data were analyzed by using SPSS software, using mean, variance, standard deviation and path analysis, data analysis and hypothesis / theory testing. The results of the research show that a total of 23 factors out of 29 factors influencing the inefficiency and failure of the city development strategy are more than 50 to 92 percent correlation and it obviously emphasizes that the urban management structure leads to the inefficiency and failure of the "city development strategy" approach. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Comparative Comparison of Urban Management Model in Iran, Turkey, Malaysia and South Korea with Emphasis on Urban Management Challenges in Iran
        ehsan heidarzadeh mojtaba arasteh javad rahmani
        Urban management in Iran is not interconnected with urban planning. Unfortunately, in our country, most urban management measures have been taken from above and out, which now require a move from the bottom and from within to solve the challenges. The urban management m More
        Urban management in Iran is not interconnected with urban planning. Unfortunately, in our country, most urban management measures have been taken from above and out, which now require a move from the bottom and from within to solve the challenges. The urban management model, the country's major political system and national laws have a significant impact on the type of local government and the power of urban management institutions. Accordingly, in this study, the two countries of Turkey and Malaysia were chosen because of the cultural, religious, political, and the South Korean proximity due to the convergence of the beginning of national development and the type of political system of the same type. With regard to the comparative comparison, the main goal of urban management in these countries is to carry out urban affairs with maximum democracy by creating citizen participation both in the dimension of choice and then in monitoring. Urban management in Iran is not autonomous and can not be answered in the current state of affairs. Urban issues. Therefore, a model for city affairs in Iran should be guaranteed to guarantee the independence of the city administration from the field of management and macro power, creating civil institutions and encouraging popular participation, and ultimately preventing the creation of the power of political parties at national level in the field of management Became a city. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Telecommunications and changes in management and planning methods of future city
        رضا  خیرالدین امید  خزائیان
        Moving towards information age which is the undeniable reality of third millennium, is more fundamental than conventional imaginations about the rise of computers or virtual spaces number only. In this era, a considerable share of intra and inter-urban communications do More
        Moving towards information age which is the undeniable reality of third millennium, is more fundamental than conventional imaginations about the rise of computers or virtual spaces number only. In this era, a considerable share of intra and inter-urban communications done by Telecommunications, which is not only independent from geographical and physical environment, but also is completely intangible and invisible. Significant advances in telecommunications and undermining of time and distance constraints, in one hand, dominate a new logic –space of flows- on world geography and in the other hand, define the future city as an integrated physical- virtual phenomenon. Now the key question is that in such situation, to what extent the conventional methods in urban management based on only physical reality of cities, can manage and plan the new trends of future physical-virtual city? In this research, with a fundamental approach and analysis-based method, first we clarified the main features of current management and planning by studying the basic principals of industrial society. Then by comparing these with changes in the information era, the conformation of conventional methods has been evaluated. The research shows that these methods mainly don’t have enough correspondence with the principals of the new age. This leads to decrease in the efficiency of such patterns for the future city. These Incompatibilities have been explained as three challenges faced with current management and planning methods: challenge in concepts, challenge in method and challenge in indicators. Finally, we noted to some important point should be considered in the management and planning the future city. Manuscript profile
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        7 - A model for change governance structures for implementation theocracy based velayat-e faqih
        The Iranian people, led by Imam Khomeini revolted for the establishment of Islamic rule. Today the world's ‎dominant discourse is democracy and for this purpose, the nature of the government of Iran became Islamic Republic that ‎democracy is form and Islamic is terms o More
        The Iranian people, led by Imam Khomeini revolted for the establishment of Islamic rule. Today the world's ‎dominant discourse is democracy and for this purpose, the nature of the government of Iran became Islamic Republic that ‎democracy is form and Islamic is terms of content of government. Due to the lack of experience of Islamic countries in ‎democratic, western systems of governance was accepted to implement democracy. For Islamization of the government, it ‎placed the Supreme Leader at the head and the Guardian Council supervisory of parliament. Now, after nearly four decades ‎is essential to be revised in the governance structures. If there is a fault in the system should be desgined a system based on ‎religious approch and according to the conditions implement that in the absence of Imam Islamic roles should be ‎implemented. ‎ The study based on religious principles, characteristics of Islamic government and conditions of our country a ‎model for implementing religious government is designed. Content analysis method is used to obtain principle that should ‎be considered in the design of governance structures. For finding religious (Islamic) government a questionnaire among 30 ‎people who were selected snowball was distributed and analyesd with AHP method. For the realization of these features ‎according to religious principles and features of Iranian people, a system was designed that accordind to the idea of ten of ‎experts was revised. ‎ Keywords: neighborhood management, theocracy, theocracy structure, urban managementthe supreme leader.‎ Manuscript profile
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        8 - Management of Iranian-Islamic Cities with a Knowledge-based City Approach (Case Study: Shiraz)
        Mehrab Shahrivar hossein kalantari khalil abad Gholamreza Latifi
        The city of knowledge is one of the created concepts of the new millennium. Although signs of the concept of the city of knowledge can be traced back to a decade ago, but since the 21st century, cities around the world have moved towards the concept of knowledge-based d More
        The city of knowledge is one of the created concepts of the new millennium. Although signs of the concept of the city of knowledge can be traced back to a decade ago, but since the 21st century, cities around the world have moved towards the concept of knowledge-based development. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and analyze the level of managerial capabilities and technological capabilities and infrastructure of the knowledge-based city in Shiraz, which was done using a mixed research method (qualitative and quantitative). The dimensions and components of the knowledge-based city were first measured through a qualitative study (content analysis) based on the qualitative characteristics of the research and then a quantitative study was performed using the IPA technique (importance and performance). After these studies, the importance of the components identified in the first stage of the research was determined. Using data analysis, the priority matrix for improving knowledge-based indicators in Shiraz was also determined. The results also showed that the most important priority of Shiraz is awareness and increasing the knowledge of citizens with weight (0.158). On the other hand, decreasing paper services by weight (0.138) and increasing online services by weight (0.112) were correlated with each other as the second and third priorities. In addition, during this study, it was found that the educational infrastructure of Shiraz is in a good condition in terms of knowledge principles. Manuscript profile
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        9 - مقایسه تطبیقی الگوی مدیریت شهری در کشورهای ایران، ترکیه و مالزی و کره جنوبی با تأکید بر چالش¬های مدیریت شهری در ایران
        ehsan heidarzadeh
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Participation at Source Separation of Waste in Tehran City
        bizhan zare RAMIN KARIMI
        Nowadays management of discharged materials is considered as one of the factors influencing sustainable urban development plans and recycling waste materials is very important in the areas of environment and urban management, and source separation of waste itself is the More
        Nowadays management of discharged materials is considered as one of the factors influencing sustainable urban development plans and recycling waste materials is very important in the areas of environment and urban management, and source separation of waste itself is the main pillar of recycling.The purpose of this study is to identify and examine social factors and practical conditions for participation in source separation of waste. The study also is going to determine the roles of each factor and the ratio of their share portions. The methodology used for this research is cross-sectional surveying. The society of the research is composed of 15-75 years old Tehranian citizens. The statistical sample also includes 384 persons. Multi-stage clustered random sampling is used and data were collected by questionnaire. The general framework of the research model includes three groups of variables including social factors (social capital, socio-economic status, satisfaction of the municipality), practical conditions and economic benefits of source separation of waste. Results showed that trust in the Municipal Organizations, economic benefits of source separation of waste and practical conditions are associated with participation in source separation of waste. Multivariate regression analysis showed that 47% of the variance of participation at source separation of waste is explained by the model. Results showed that practical conditions have an important role in participation in source separation of waste in Tehran city. Manuscript profile
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        11 - "Evaluation of integrated urban management policies in Iran with governance approach"
        Mohammad  Ramian Azade  Arbabi Sabzevari
        In recent decades, the issues and problems of cities have become more complex, and integrated urban management needs a transformation and an attitude beyond the attitude and performance of the previous traditional management system. The multiplicity of management and in More
        In recent decades, the issues and problems of cities have become more complex, and integrated urban management needs a transformation and an attitude beyond the attitude and performance of the previous traditional management system. The multiplicity of management and inconsistency of public and private organizations and institutions in charge of urban affairs is one of the basic issues in the field of urban management; Nowadays, the proper administration of cities is not possible without integrated urban management. Realization of management and changes in management approaches happen in a platform known as governance platform. The concept of governance is related to the concept of government, but it is different from it. Instead of focusing on the government, governance flows power inside and outside the official authority and government institutions in the form of three pillars: "Government", "Private Sector" and "Civil Society". In addition, the foundation of governance is the process of decision-making and implementation of decisions, which determines how the three mentioned actors with different priorities and tastes reach harmony. In this way, the topics raised in the category of governance include power and its distribution system, how to make policies, priorities and accountability. In this study, various aspects of governance and integrated management have been addressed and obstacles and challenges of governance in Iran have been investigated. The results show that components such as "the lack of a city and a basic theory to define the city in Iran", "the lack of formation of a powerful and influential civil society", "the lack of development of the concept of planning in Iran", "the lack of the place of the concept of citizenship" ", "the place of urban management in the laws and documents of Faradast", "lack of integration in urban management" and "unstable financing of municipalities and its related problems" are among the most important obstacles in this field (Ashnavar and colleagues, 1400). Manuscript profile
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        12 - Identifying Factors and Indicators Affecting the Development of Urban Management Based on Modern Intelligent Communication Technologies Based on a Qualitative Approac
        Mehdi Askari Kachoosangi bibi sadat miresmaeili afshin Mohammadi HamidReza   Hoseini Dana Seyyed Reza  Naqib al-Sadat
        Based on the purpose, this research is an applied-developmental research, because it seeks to find a suitable model for new intelligent communication technologies in the development of urban management. On the other hand, based on the method and time period of data coll More
        Based on the purpose, this research is an applied-developmental research, because it seeks to find a suitable model for new intelligent communication technologies in the development of urban management. On the other hand, based on the method and time period of data collection, it is a descriptive (non-experimental) research that was conducted with a cross-sectional survey method. Also, this study is based on a qualitative approach from the perspective of the nature of the data. In the first part, based on library studies and then expert interviews, the indicators of new intelligent communication technologies in the development of urban management have been identified. After the qualitative analysis stage, questionnaires were distributed and data was collected from experts in the field of media and urban management. The statistical population in the qualitative section includes 17experts in the field of study and media activists and urban management of the country. The qualitative results of this research showed that the optimal pattern of new intelligent communication technologies includes the categories of causal conditions (digital world, virtual world technology), contextual conditions (urban management), central phenomenon (new technologies), intervening conditions ( governments and citizens), strategies and actions (smart city), consequences smart transportation and environment, smart government and economy, smart people and life, (smart city). It is worth mentioning that MAXQDA software was used in grounded theory analysis Manuscript profile
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        13 - Analysis of Innovation System Elements in Modernization and Industrial Growth in Iran, England and Denmark (Example of the 19th and 16th centuries AD)
        sayyed atollah sinaee abazar Ashtari Mehrjardi
        The path of modernization and growth of industrial technologies passes through the historical developments of countries, and in this sense, industrial growth is a complex process in which many factors play a role in its realization. Based on the historical experiences o More
        The path of modernization and growth of industrial technologies passes through the historical developments of countries, and in this sense, industrial growth is a complex process in which many factors play a role in its realization. Based on the historical experiences of societies, various theories have been presented regarding industrial development and growth that may emphasize aspects of this phenomenon. This research is based on the research project of Boras and Landvall, comparing the government functions and the historical experience of Iran, regarding the creation of the ball casting and metal melting industry and industrial modernization at the beginning of the 19th century with similar experiences of Cannon, Gun and Butter in two historical periods in England and Denmark and then examines the technology policy of these countries in the form of innovation system theories. The main question is that despite the factors of the innovation system in Iran's industrial modernization experience at the beginning of the 19th century and government measures in this regard, why did the industrial modernization program of Iran not succeed? This research is historical comparative in terms of development goal and in terms of institutional method, and its data was collected by library method. The results show that the lack of institutional evolution and the formation of a systematic interactive relationship between the elements of innovation caused Iran's industrial modernization program and technology policy did not succeed. Manuscript profile
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        14 - The Role of Urban Management in Increasing the Architectural Quality of Residential Buildings
        akram mohammadi mona babakhani ilnaz sadeghi
        <p>Nowadays, increasing the architectural quality of residential buildings is a topic that has challenged scholars interested in urban issues for a long time. Therefore, the current research was carried out with the aim of the role of urban management in increasing the More
        <p>Nowadays, increasing the architectural quality of residential buildings is a topic that has challenged scholars interested in urban issues for a long time. Therefore, the current research was carried out with the aim of the role of urban management in increasing the architectural quality of residential buildings in Tehran. This research is correlational in nature and content. In this research, the information related to 373 employees and managers of the Tehran Municipality have been analyzed at the level of Tehran in order to investigate the relationship between the variables to test the research hypotheses. The collected data were analyzed by structural equation method using SmartPLS software. The results showed that the municipality, the city council, the chamber of commerce and other organizations have an influence on increasing the architectural quality of residential buildings.</p> Manuscript profile
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        15 - The Role of Urban Management in Enhancing the Quality of Historical Building Maintenance
        ilnaz sadeghi maasoomeh chaharmahal akram mohammadi
        <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; background: white;"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; mso-ascii-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-hansi-theme-font: major-bi More
        <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal; background: white;"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif'; mso-ascii-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-fareast-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-hansi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-bidi-theme-font: major-bidi; color: black; mso-themecolor: text1; font-weight: normal;">In today's world, urban management goes beyond its traditional roles and functions as a strategic responsibility with far-reaching operational implications, establishing inseparable interactions with the domains of power, politics, society, and urban economy. In this context, preserving and maintaining cultural heritage, especially historical buildings, embodying a civilization's identity and culture, play a pivotal role in sustainable urban development. This research aims to examine the role of urban management in enhancing the quality of historical building maintenance in the metropolis of Tehran. This research is correlational and involved gathering data from 373 employees and managers of the Tehran Municipality to examine the relationship between urban management variables and the quality of historical building maintenance. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) and the SmartPLS software. The findings revealed a significant correlation between the variables of municipality, city council, chamber of commerce, and other organizations and the quality of historical building maintenance. These results underscore the crucial role of urban management at various organizational levels and in collaboration with other stakeholders in elevating the maintenance quality of this invaluable heritage. Urban management holds a fundamental responsibility in preserving and enhancing the quality of historical buildings, which serve as symbols of urban identity and culture. The research findings highlight that constructive interactions between the various organizational levels of the municipality, city council, chamber of commerce, and other stakeholders, along with effective planning and policy implementation, can significantly contribute to improving the quality of historical building maintenance.</span></p> Manuscript profile