• List of Articles شیراز

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Compare entrepreneurial spirit of Agricultural Extension and Education and the Horticultural Sciences students of Shiraz University
        Entrepreneurship is a process that individual entrepreneurs with new ideas and creative and identifying new opportunities and resource mobilization, attempt to create new businesses and companies, new and innovative organizations. This study examined the entrepreneurial More
        Entrepreneurship is a process that individual entrepreneurs with new ideas and creative and identifying new opportunities and resource mobilization, attempt to create new businesses and companies, new and innovative organizations. This study examined the entrepreneurial spirit of students in Agricultural Extension and Education and Horticultural Sciences at the College of Agriculture, Shiraz University. Statistical population is the second and fourth year students of these two fields. Using stratified random sampling method96 subjects were determined. The study was performed by means of a questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed using SPSS version 19. Average of four entrepreneurial characteristics is more than the average. The results showed that there is no significant difference between entrepreneurial spirits of students in two fields. Average entrepreneurial spirit of students in four-year was more than students in second-year and the entrepreneurial spirit of students who have spent more entrepreneurship courses significantly more. Compared entrepreneurial characteristics of students between the opposite sex showed that while the need for achievement, confidence and risk-taking has no significant difference between male and female students, but male students,  internal control is more than female students. At the end practical suggestions to improve the entrepreneurial spirit of students is presented. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Evaluation of Urban Smart Growth Indicators Using Factor Analysis Model (Case Study: District 1, Shiraz, Iran)
        The Smart Growth Strategy is one of the new approaches to sustainable development. The present study is based on a descriptive-analytic method using a questionnaire, where the reliability of the research tool was obtained based on the Cronbach's alpha coefficient as 0.8 More
        The Smart Growth Strategy is one of the new approaches to sustainable development. The present study is based on a descriptive-analytic method using a questionnaire, where the reliability of the research tool was obtained based on the Cronbach's alpha coefficient as 0.82. The statistical sample involved 321 citizens of District 1 of Shiraz. The data were analyzed using SPSS software. To achieve the research objective (determining the status of Smart growth indicators in District 1 of Shiraz(, a factor analysis test was used. The results of Bartlett's test of sphericity showed that there was a significant relationship between the urban Smart growth indexes studied in the study (with 0.000Sig), in fact, there was a significant correlation between variables. in the Criterion of the four factors density, "net residential density" with the factor load of 0.760, "public transport access or walking to work" with factor load of 0.820 and " using public transportation or walking to access the CBD” with: 0.790 were identified as the most important factors. Moreover, in the factor accessibility criteria, "rate of apartment living" with the factor load of 0.821, "ease of access to public transportation" with factor load of 0.570 and "rate of using public transport or walking for access to CBD", 0.539 were identified as the most important factors. Finally, in the field of mixed land use, “percentage of households in residential units”, "walking or public transportation access rate to recreational facilities" and "ease of access to public transportation" were identified as the most important factors. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Explaining the SmartMobility in Shiraz Metropolis Based on Sustainable Development Theory
        Elahe kavoosi Jamal mohammadi
        Smart urban mobility has become increasingly controversial in recent years, not only in academic literature but also in urban policies and strategies. However, in many cities around the world and in our country, Iran, smart urban mobility and mobility have been associat More
        Smart urban mobility has become increasingly controversial in recent years, not only in academic literature but also in urban policies and strategies. However, in many cities around the world and in our country, Iran, smart urban mobility and mobility have been associated with problems such as lack of citizen participation and inequality due to inefficient urban management. Therefore, in the present study, an attempt has been made to evaluate and explain the indicators of mobility and mobility indicators (including transportation infrastructure, public transportation, sustainable transportation, information and communication technology) and the social dimensions of these infrastructures, including the level of citizen participation. Use of these infrastructures) and the relationship between these indicators and sustainable development of Shiraz city should be discussed. and analyze the framework of mobility and transportation of smart transportation for Shiraz. The results show that the mobility and displacement variables are in poor condition based on different dimensions of access, sustainable transport as well as ICT. Different indices of each of these dimensions point to the same issue, as its level of evaluation (significance level less than 0.05 and average lower than the criterion) points to their undesirability from the point of view citizens. The study of the impact of smart mobility indicators on sustainable development also shows that smart mobility indicators account for 26% of the total variance of sustainable development. On this basis, it should be noted that the mobility variable does not have an appropriate position in Shiraz, and this has not only affected its development process in recent decades, but also poses many challenges for its future development. The growing trend of the population and on the other hand the various social and cultural features as well as tourism are evolving in such a way that it requires a major focus on a systematic transportation based on smart city approach. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Sequence Stratigraphy of Oligo-Miocene deposits at Ahmadi anticline, southeast of Shiraz
        Jahanbakhsh Daneshian Mohsen Yaghoobi Alireza Tahmasbi Sarvestani
        The sequence stratigraphic studies can be of great help in understanding and analysis of sedimentary basins. For this purpose, Oligo-Miocene sediments (Razak and Asmari formations) at the Tang-e-Abdi section (southern flank of Ahmadi anticline) located in Fars province More
        The sequence stratigraphic studies can be of great help in understanding and analysis of sedimentary basins. For this purpose, Oligo-Miocene sediments (Razak and Asmari formations) at the Tang-e-Abdi section (southern flank of Ahmadi anticline) located in Fars province was selected and investigated. The Asmari Formation overlies paraconformably on the Jahrum Formation, and it is overlain by the Razak Formation. The lithologic column of this section includes a succession of the Jahrum (10m), Asmari (35m) and Razak (172.5m) formations, and consists mainly of limestone, argillaceous limestone, marl, sandstone, conglomerate, shale and dolomitic deposits. Totally, 84 samples were investigated, and their age is suggested as Late Eocene for the Jahrum Formation to Rupelian for the Asmari sediments, and Rupelian to Aquitanian for the Razak Formation based on the benthic foraminiferal stratigraphic distribution. The microfacies studies were led to recognition of four facies belts including tidal flat, lagoon, sand shoals and open marine. According to field & laboratory studies, four sequences and sequence boundaries were recognized. Two sequence boundaries are of type one and the other two are of type II sequence boundaries. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Five major factors of personality and positive and negative perfectionism as predictor of symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder in adolescent girls
        Niloofar Shahidpoor Fatemeh Ajhdari Farzad Amiri
        The Relationship of Body Dysmorphic Disorder Symtoms with Five Big Factors of Personality and Perfectionism in 18-22 Years Old Girls in Shiraz. Purpose: The aim of the present study is evaluation the relation of body dysmorphic disorder symptoms with five big factors o More
        The Relationship of Body Dysmorphic Disorder Symtoms with Five Big Factors of Personality and Perfectionism in 18-22 Years Old Girls in Shiraz. Purpose: The aim of the present study is evaluation the relation of body dysmorphic disorder symptoms with five big factors of personality and positive and negative perfectionism in 18-22 years old girls in Shiraz. Method: This study was descriptive- correlation type study which was and has been Performed on 300 students girls 18-22 years old of Fatemieh and Shiraz University. Which participants was selected using available convenient sampling method. Data collection instruments were questioners of Body Image Concern Inventory (BICI: Litelton,2005), short NEO form five big factors of personality (NEO- 60),Terry-short positive and negative perfectionism standard questioner and demographic questioner used. The data were analyzed by analysis with using SPSS-21 software. Findings: According to Obtained results based on Pearson correlation cofficiene showed that there is a significant positive correlation between variables neuroticism (B=0/395), extraversion (B=0/144) and agreeableness (B=0/089) with body dysmorphic disorder and there is no significant correlation between variables conscientiousness and openness with body dysmorphic disorder. Body dysmorphic disorder has a significant and negative relationship with negative perfectionism. It means that by increasing negative perfectionism, body dysmorphic disorder also increases and also, Regression analysis results show that negative perfectionism, is the most powerful predictor for body dysmorphic disorder (B=0/477). Furthermore between positive perfectionism with body dysmorphic disorder there is an indirect relationship (B=-0/224) it means that by increasing positive perfectionism component, body dysmorphic disorder decrease. Result Conclusion: obtained results showed that among five big factors of personality, the three most powerful factors of Neuroticism, agreeableness and extraversion are the most powerful predictor of body dysmorphic disorder. Also negative perfectionism can cause to increase disorders,this negative perfectionism can cause exhibit disorders;that this negative perfectionism can be in relation with personality traits variable that is an important element of predicting body dysmorphic disorder causing creation and corroboration of disorder;although personality traits possed with positive perfectionism can explain the revrse result of negative perfectionism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Structural analysis of symbolic contrasts in Hafiz Shirazi Ghazaliat; by focusing on Roland Barthes theory
        Aliakbar Bagheri Khalili سیده فاطمه  ذبيح‌پور
        The structuralists consider human thought based on bilateral contrast and believe that reviewing that will result in understanding intellectual and thinking areas of people and societies. In their view, as ideologies give meaning to opposite elements in social domain, l More
        The structuralists consider human thought based on bilateral contrast and believe that reviewing that will result in understanding intellectual and thinking areas of people and societies. In their view, as ideologies give meaning to opposite elements in social domain, linguistic contrasts are meaningful or full of signs in a value system of language too; sign is something which lead to another thing and is rooted in social beliefs. However, semiotics is an approach to text analysis. Barthes, using Saussure ideas, states two kinds of significations: One is explicit and implicit. The sign contrast in form of words/terms are mentioned in five categories of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns and demonstratives in Hafiz Ghazaliyat. The results of this study show that sign contrast of Hafiz poems reflects the Khanqah Sufi contrast and romantic Sufi; every one of them have special signs and systems. Khanqah Sufism has two systems: one ascetic and the other prayerfully; and romantic Sufism has also two systems one is intoxication and the other is festive. Ascetic and prayerful systems focus on special signs and make a contrast between conqueror and conquered and introduce themselves as conqueror side and consider intoxication and festive as conquered side; Hafiz destroyed the signs of conqueror side and strengthened the signs of conquered side and changed the status of these two. Language and artistic methods of Hafiz makes the sign contrast of nouns extraordinarily acceptable of implicit implications. Moreover, Hafiz applied different kinds of lexical contrast like gradient, directional and complement, but implicit or deep structure implication of most of them are based on complement contrast and their aim is to reject Khanqah Sufism and prove romantic Sufism. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Criticizing Mohammad al-Forati ’s Translation of Hafez Shirazi's Poems (Case study of the sonnets 454 and 486)
          mohsen sifi Abbas  Eghbaly Reza  Shajari
        Translation as a connecting link between languages and cultures has always strengthened the link between Persian and Arabic languages, and the poems of Persian language poets have always been a source of interest for Arabic-language translators. Syrian poet Mohammed al- More
        Translation as a connecting link between languages and cultures has always strengthened the link between Persian and Arabic languages, and the poems of Persian language poets have always been a source of interest for Arabic-language translators. Syrian poet Mohammed al-Forati (1880-1978) was one of the Arab poets and translators who translated Hafez's ghazals into Arabic poetry. In this essay, using a descriptive analytical method the translation of two ghazals of Hafez by al-Forati is analyzed. Based on Reception theory, it is discussed that although the translator had a good knowledge of Persian language, he sometimes made mistakes in understanding metonymy and Iham in the poems, and as a result, he was not successful in receiving the message from the source language and transferring it to the readers of the target language. Of course, his translation is very beautiful despite the shortcomings caused by the failure in perceiving the purpose of Hafez, and he has tried to reconstruct Hafez's poetic language regarding rhythm and rhyme. It has also become clear that he has been more successful in understanding the poems that were not open to mystical interpretation. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Resurrection of Meaning in The Ghazal Of Orfi Shirazi Based on Leech’s Semantic Deviation
        majid khosravi   Mohammad Irani Gholamreza Salemiyan
        The anomalies or deviation is one of the aspects of "resurrection of vocabulary" based on linguistics and it is one of the new literary criticism theories proposed within the framework of the Russian school of formalism. Orfi Shirazi, the Indian style poet, has created More
        The anomalies or deviation is one of the aspects of "resurrection of vocabulary" based on linguistics and it is one of the new literary criticism theories proposed within the framework of the Russian school of formalism. Orfi Shirazi, the Indian style poet, has created the Ghazal language of this style beyond the norm of his time and he has been sometimes created an individual style and new norm in the language of the Ghazal.Therefore, the words have a variable resurrection in the imagery and semantic creation of the early Indian lyric style and Orfi Shirazi, as one of the early lyricists of Indian style, has created phenomena in a wide variety of ways in the imagination and he has challenged the mind of the audience in confronting the ups and downs of the Ghazal's image. This research was conducted with the aim of explaining the new techniques of imagination and semantics in Orfi Shirazi Ghazal with a descriptive-analytical approach and relying on the semantic deviation of "Leech"and has shown he has created techniques of semantic deviation with rhetorical and meaningful images in Ghazal. Accordingly, explanation of the semantic deviation on the imagination of Orfi in the Ghazal and the explanation of how words are used in the structure of new images, is the main achievement of the research. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - The comparative study of Arabian-Islamic Urban pattern with Iranian-Islamic Urban pattern (case study: Khartoum and shiraz)
        علی احمدیان کیسمی
        Islamic big cities like: khartom, Cairo, mashad, shiraz and… can be a pattern for other Islamic cities in the world. This cities have had different history. Since 19th century, this cities have experienced less traditional characters. Because in Africa and other reg More
        Islamic big cities like: khartom, Cairo, mashad, shiraz and… can be a pattern for other Islamic cities in the world. This cities have had different history. Since 19th century, this cities have experienced less traditional characters. Because in Africa and other region, this cities have had changes in urban culture and this trend change local Arabic urban indexex. But Iranian cities have not experienced this history. morphologic urban indexes include: rest sense, place Identity, Perception of Beauty, Ideal view and fast access and so on.This paper study morphologic factors (subjective and objective) of Arabian -Islamic Urban pattern (Khartoum) with Iranian - Islamic Urban pathern (shiraz). We use from documentary and structural content analysis methods for comparative of Arabian-Islamic Urban pattern with Iranian-Islamic Urban pattern. results show that there is no significance different between morphologic indexes for Arabian - Islamic Urban pattern and Iranian - Islamic Urban pattern. On the other hands, there is Similarity subjective (rest sense and place Identity and Perception of Beauty) and objective (Ideal view, fast access) indexes. so, even though there is different in history, we see Similarity in morphologic urban indexes specially rest sense, place Identity, Perception of Beauty, Ideal view and fast access, for this cities. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Anti-pride in self-admiring poets (Khaghani Shervani, Orfi Shirazi, Taleb Amoli)
        Gholamreza Kafi
        Anti-pride or avoidance of pride is the newly found theme in this article which is the result of the accuracy and attention in Khaghani Shervani, Orfi Shirazi and Taleb Amoli’s poetry who benefited from the proudness in their poetry. By anti-pride, it means that the More
        Anti-pride or avoidance of pride is the newly found theme in this article which is the result of the accuracy and attention in Khaghani Shervani, Orfi Shirazi and Taleb Amoli’s poetry who benefited from the proudness in their poetry. By anti-pride, it means that the proud and self-admiring poets leaves this technique in some cases and vice versa, speak with humility and modesty or speak of their problems with a broken heart and mental tiredness. This article indicates that changes of the sociopolitical, cognitive and age changes led to this avoidance of the proudness. In this article, along with implying three mentioned poets’ life and the reason for their self-admiration, three situations which led to their anti-pride would be analyzed based on different evidence obtained from their poetry. Lack of obtaining the positions and internal poets’ revolutions along with their aging moved them from proudness to the modesty gradually. Also, its most frequency is seen in Khaqani's poetry, then Taleb Amoli's, and after that, in Orfi's poetry. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The Analysis of Love in Orfi Shirazi Lyrics with an Approach to Iran ‎ Thinking System
        mohsen berahmand
        In the Safavid era the Safavid kings encouraged poets to compose poems in the eulogy of the Prophet (PBUH) and had a negative reaction to the themes of love, thus poetry lost its boom and many poets emigrated from Iran to India and this gave rise to a new style nowadays More
        In the Safavid era the Safavid kings encouraged poets to compose poems in the eulogy of the Prophet (PBUH) and had a negative reaction to the themes of love, thus poetry lost its boom and many poets emigrated from Iran to India and this gave rise to a new style nowadays referred to as Indian style. Orfi Shirazi is one of the first poets to play an important role in the construction and development of this style. This is a content analysis paper based on library resources. We have attempted to analyze the first one hundred lyrics of Shirazi Orfi from his book of poem to examine love in his thinking system. The results show that his lyrics are manifestations of love in the form of self-harming thoughts, expressing the hardships and pitfalls of love, the warmth of love and the burning of love, the high value of love, the mystical conduct associated with love, parting, the pain and sadness of love, the gay relationship, describing the behavioral characteristics of the lover, addressing expressions such as eye and gaze description, facial expression, lips and mouth, eyelashes, and stature. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Mystical expressions and interpretations in Forsat-ol doleh poetic works
        monavar sadraei seyed mohsen sajedirad samera rostami
        Islamic theosophy demonstrates the cultural, social, national and religious essence of a country which gives beauty to the works of poets and consequently acts as a valuable artistic heritage which posterity benefit from.Meanwhile the existing article investigates and d More
        Islamic theosophy demonstrates the cultural, social, national and religious essence of a country which gives beauty to the works of poets and consequently acts as a valuable artistic heritage which posterity benefit from.Meanwhile the existing article investigates and describes mystical terms in the poetical works of Forsat ol Doleh. The research method is described to be descriptive-analytical. As a result, The aim and purpose of this article is to demonstrate and determine the usage method of mystical terms. So, the results demonstrate that Forsat has added new concepts to vocabularies like previous poets and used them in mystical interpretations and expressions such as love spring, love wall, love springe and love imagination. We conclude that Forsat is among those poets who has used pub-like expressions in serval places and created several significant combinations. We can imply that one of these expressions is astute which forms some combinations as tavern astute, arc-burning astute, bowl eating astute, clear-sighted astute and stable astute. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Methods of being influenced by Quran and Hadith in Vesal Shirazi's poetry
        amir jahadi hamidreza kharazmi alireza khodavanddost
        Mirza Mohammad Shafi Shirazi alias Vesal in the thirteenth century AH, a Muslim poet and a devout Shiite, is one of the lovers of the Ahl al-Bayt and one of the poets who in composing his poems on the verses of the Qur'an, narrations, hadiths and religious events and ma More
        Mirza Mohammad Shafi Shirazi alias Vesal in the thirteenth century AH, a Muslim poet and a devout Shiite, is one of the lovers of the Ahl al-Bayt and one of the poets who in composing his poems on the verses of the Qur'an, narrations, hadiths and religious events and masterfully He has used his religious knowledge in his poetry with a fluent and eloquent nature. In this research, an attempt has been made to show the types of influences from the Quran and Hadith in the Divan of Vesal Shirazi. One of the important aspects of this research is that the methods of reflecting the hadiths and verses of the Qur'an in Wisal Divan have been highlighted and classified among a multitude of praiseworthy and descriptive poems. It also includes showing the reflection of religious beliefs in the court and the application of Quranic verses and hadiths and analyzes their frequency. The frequency of being influenced by the Qur'an and Hadith in Vesal's Divan in terms of poetic format is firstly assigned to his poems and then to his Masnavi, and in Vesal's sonnets, despite the high number, less influence is observed in this format; Also, Vesal has been influenced by the Qur'an and hadiths, who has taken advantage of this whenever he has a suitable opportunity and has done so in various ways; These include a special insistence on borrowing the words of the verses of the Qur'an, comparing them with verses and hadiths, and turning the audience's mind to the verses. The method considered in this research is a library method based on analysis and description of quantitative and qualitative content. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Mulla Rajabali and Mulla Sadra’s Approach to Uthulujia
        Ali  Karbasizadeh Isfahani Faride  Koohrang Beheshti
        Uthulujia by Plotinus, which had been mistakenly attributed to Aristotle for many years, has influenced all Muslim philosophers, including Mulla Rajabali Tabrizi and Mulla Sadra. Although both philosophers were contemporary with each other, followed the School of Isfaha More
        Uthulujia by Plotinus, which had been mistakenly attributed to Aristotle for many years, has influenced all Muslim philosophers, including Mulla Rajabali Tabrizi and Mulla Sadra. Although both philosophers were contemporary with each other, followed the School of Isfahan, dealt with similar problems, and resorted to Uthulujia in order to confirm their own ideas and theories, they led two completely different philosophical trends in the history of philosophy and, in fact, stood against each other. Mulla Rajabali’s great attachment to Kalami issues persuaded him to believe that accepting the univocality of the Necessary Being and the possible beings and attributing different adjectives and qualities to the divine essence is far from God’s incomparability to other things and against Qur’anic verses and traditions. However, Mulla Sadra, in spite of his interest in Kalami and gnostic issues, believed that such problems could be solved in the light of his theory of the gradation of existence. Nevertheless, the noteworthy point is how is it possible for two philosophers with opposing ideas regarding different problems to have benefitted and quoted from the same book! Although the influence of Uthulujia over the philosophical and ideological principles of these two philosophers is undeniable, it seems that, since both believed that this book was written by Aristotle, whom both considered to be a divine philosopher, they tried to refer to this book in order to confirm their ideas and prove their validity. Thus each looked at Uthulujia from his own point of view and perceived its content based on his own ideas. Wherever they saw it consistent with their own principles, they quoted the related statements in order to confirm their ideas, and wherever they saw its content inconsistent with their views, they ignored it or tried to justify the case. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Explanation of the causes of the earthquake in Avicenna’s works and his impact on Qutb-al-Din Shirazi and Shirvani
        Mir Hamid Hashemi Lashenloo Arash  Mousavi
        Some of the Iranian-Muslim scholars, including Avicenna, have written about the earthquake and what causes it to happen. The study is attempted to explain the views of Avicenna, Qutb-al-Din Shirazi and Mohammad Hassan Shirvani on why and how the earthquake would happen. More
        Some of the Iranian-Muslim scholars, including Avicenna, have written about the earthquake and what causes it to happen. The study is attempted to explain the views of Avicenna, Qutb-al-Din Shirazi and Mohammad Hassan Shirvani on why and how the earthquake would happen. Following the Aristotle, Avicenna and even his followers, provided natural explanations for the earthquake. To explain the main cause of the earthquake, These books referred to a natural breath within the earth pushing the surface out. The study concluded that most Muslim scholars, following Avicenna, tended to use the natural factors on explanation of the natural phenomena, including earthquake; Thus they used a so-called scientific methodology to explain it. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Measuring and Comparing Attitudes toward Hijab and Spiritual Intelligence among Married and Single Students (Case Study: Fatemieh Higher Education Institute, Shiraz)
        Esmaeel Kalantari Fateme Taghadosi
        The purpose of this study was to measure and compare attitudes toward hijab and spiritual intelligence among married and single students. For this purpose, female students in Shiraz Fatemieh Higher Education Institute were picked as a statistical population. Among all s More
        The purpose of this study was to measure and compare attitudes toward hijab and spiritual intelligence among married and single students. For this purpose, female students in Shiraz Fatemieh Higher Education Institute were picked as a statistical population. Among all students in 2021-2022, 233 people were selected as a sample by random sampling method. In this research, descriptive and ANOVA mean comparison test was used, data were collected using the King Spiritual Intelligence Scale (SISRI) and the standard test of attitude towards hijab. Findings show that attitudes toward hijab are significantly higher among married students than single students. Also, the attitude towards the hijab decreases with age. In addition, spiritual intelligence is higher among married students than single students, but this difference is not significant. Spiritual intelligence also increases with age. The findings of this study have important policy and managerial implications for policymakers in higher education, especially the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution and the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, also the directors of universities and higher education centers. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Formulation of the design principles of physical elements of the mosque with emphasis on form hierarchies in order to increase attendance (Case Study: Mosque of Qajar period in Shiraz)
        Hadi Keshmiri ali akbar heidari fatemeh emad
        In the last decade, more than before, there is a need to find a solution to increase interest in attending mosques. With the modernization of human life, human’s spiritual need for worship has made them need to attend mosques. However, human beings are less interested i More
        In the last decade, more than before, there is a need to find a solution to increase interest in attending mosques. With the modernization of human life, human’s spiritual need for worship has made them need to attend mosques. However, human beings are less interested in using and staying in these spaces than before. This research first seeks to find the answer to the question, what is the formal hierarchy of mosques during the Qajar period in Shiraz? And secondly, what are the principles of designing the physical elements of the mosque with an emphasis on form hierarchies in order to increase attendance? The purpose of this article is to find principles for designing mosques with emphasis on shape hierarchy in order to increase attendance. For this purpose, the principle of hierarchy in mosques was first discussed with field studies and library surveys. Then the design proposals were prepared according to the criteria of visual ecology obtained in library studies. These suggestions were evaluated in the form of a questionnaire among experts using the Delphi method. Then, the results of this questionnaire were analyzed in SPSS v25 software to check compliance or non-compliance, the degree of influence and the importance of the proposed solutions in the Qajar mosques of Shiraz. According to the analysis carried out in this research, the most effective solutions that can create a formal hierarchy, as a result of increasing spirituality and interest in attending mosques, are solutions such as increasing "additional and decorative elements" and "Make the roof lines more visible" in the design. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Presenting a theoretical strategy to create an event-based academic educational environment in the field of architecture using the theory of constructivism (Case Study: Shiraz Architecture Universities)
        Maryam Dastgheib Parsa Vahid Shali amini Vida Norouz Borazjani
        The environment is one of the most important factors in education. Considering the characteristics and criteria of environmental design can construct new understandings and knowledge for learners. This study aims to present a theoretical strategy for creating an event-b More
        The environment is one of the most important factors in education. Considering the characteristics and criteria of environmental design can construct new understandings and knowledge for learners. This study aims to present a theoretical strategy for creating an event-based architecture education environment using constructivist theory. The research question is what are the characteristics of appropriate architectural education spaces with event-based and constructivist education? This research is qualitative with practical consequences. The descriptive survey goal is cross-sectional in terms of time and inferential regarding logic. The indicators of constructive and event-based educational environments are identified from theoretical studies. Global experiences of constructive-learning environments have been explored. Then, Shiraz universities' graduate students, educated in the third and fourth semesters, have been selected as a sample. And the criteria of constructivism in their educational environments have were assessed with the tools of observation and questionnaire. After identifying and prioritizing the challenges, solutions were provided to create event-based learning environments. The results indicate that the lack of relationship between the educational environment and the work environment is the most important factor in the inefficiency of the university environment. Cooperation with libraries, museums, construction workshops, and urban spaces and equipping spaces for simultaneous use of city's universities, holding exhibitions, and group judging between different universities can be influential by applying constructivist theory to increase the efficiency of academic environments. Manuscript profile
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        19 - The Merits and Demerits of Kings and Rulers in the Poetry of Hafiz Shirazi
        Mohammad keshavarz beyzai
        Hafiz’s Divan deals with political and governmental themes though it is considered as mystical work. Hafiz’s interaction with kings and rulers of the time, attract his attention to their norms, politics and moral which made some of his poems. How Hafiz views the values More
        Hafiz’s Divan deals with political and governmental themes though it is considered as mystical work. Hafiz’s interaction with kings and rulers of the time, attract his attention to their norms, politics and moral which made some of his poems. How Hafiz views the values and anti-values of kings and rulers, as well as the extent, examples, manner of use and purpose of using these concepts in his poems is a worthy subject which is not considered seriously until now. Therefore, this article, with a descriptive-analytical method It seeks to answer these questions: what were the merits and demerits of the rulers in Hafez's poetry and for what purpose were they reflected in his poetry? The findings show that Hafez, influenced by the general patterns of Iranian " Policy writing ", some of the moral and political merits of kings, such as: justice, culture, property management, generosity, establishment Security, and some of their inadequacies, such as: oppression, bloodshed, bigotry and arrogance in a clever and artistic way, in his poems for instructive and instructive, as well as to soften the spirit of the rulers of the time and reduce their tyranny and violence. Has done. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Management of Iranian-Islamic Cities with a Knowledge-based City Approach (Case Study: Shiraz)
        Mehrab Shahrivar hossein kalantari khalil abad Gholamreza Latifi
        The city of knowledge is one of the created concepts of the new millennium. Although signs of the concept of the city of knowledge can be traced back to a decade ago, but since the 21st century, cities around the world have moved towards the concept of knowledge-based d More
        The city of knowledge is one of the created concepts of the new millennium. Although signs of the concept of the city of knowledge can be traced back to a decade ago, but since the 21st century, cities around the world have moved towards the concept of knowledge-based development. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and analyze the level of managerial capabilities and technological capabilities and infrastructure of the knowledge-based city in Shiraz, which was done using a mixed research method (qualitative and quantitative). The dimensions and components of the knowledge-based city were first measured through a qualitative study (content analysis) based on the qualitative characteristics of the research and then a quantitative study was performed using the IPA technique (importance and performance). After these studies, the importance of the components identified in the first stage of the research was determined. Using data analysis, the priority matrix for improving knowledge-based indicators in Shiraz was also determined. The results also showed that the most important priority of Shiraz is awareness and increasing the knowledge of citizens with weight (0.158). On the other hand, decreasing paper services by weight (0.138) and increasing online services by weight (0.112) were correlated with each other as the second and third priorities. In addition, during this study, it was found that the educational infrastructure of Shiraz is in a good condition in terms of knowledge principles. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Investigating the Impact of Green Human Resources Development on Sustainable Production in Manufacturing Companies (Case Study: Shiraz Industrial Town)
        Mohammad Saeed Mozafari Mehr
        Green human resource development is a new approach to job design that is based on employee innovation and if it is done based on economic, social and environmental goals, it can ultimately lead to sustainable production. Due to the importance and scope of the subject More
        Green human resource development is a new approach to job design that is based on employee innovation and if it is done based on economic, social and environmental goals, it can ultimately lead to sustainable production. Due to the importance and scope of the subject of this study, the purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of green human resource development on sustainable production in manufacturing companies. The present study is a cross-sectional research in terms of exploratory purpose and method and time period of data collection. The statistical population in the qualitative part includes 19 experts in the field of human resource development and active managers of Shiraz Industrial Park and in the quantitative part includes the staff of Shiraz Industrial Park. The sample size was estimated to be 212 people using Morgan table and sampling was done by simple random method. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview and a questionnaire that was validated by structural validity, convergent validity and divergent validity. Using Cronbach's alpha and combined reliability, the reliability of the questionnaire was as desirable. The partial least squares method and Smart PLS software were used to validate the green HR development model. Based on the results, it was found that the development of green human resources affects green self-efficacy, green behavior of employees and green citizenship behavior. Green behavior of employees as an important factor in this regard also affects green citizenship behavior and self-efficacy and affects sustainable production. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Comparative Analysis of Urban Contexts around Subway Stations Based on Indicators of Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), Case Study: Mirza Shirazi and Namazi Subway Stations
        Ali Reza Sadeghi Seyedeh Tayebeh Hosseinipour masoud dadgar
        Transportation issue has always been considered as one of the major urban problems. The rapid economic and demographic growth of cities, the increase of private car ownership, the limitation of urban transportation infrastructure, the increase of intra-city travel and t More
        Transportation issue has always been considered as one of the major urban problems. The rapid economic and demographic growth of cities, the increase of private car ownership, the limitation of urban transportation infrastructure, the increase of intra-city travel and the disproportionate development of urban spaces will increase the traffic problems in cities. Today, to get rid of these problems and increase the quality of life in cities, urban spaces are developed based on the transit system. The benefits of TOD have been widely demonstrated, from reducing carbon emissions to achieving a range of other inherent socio-economic benefits in sustainable cities. The increase in car ownership in Shiraz, whose population has overgrown in the years after the revolution and the intensification of the use of private cars in this city, caused many problems such as heavy traffic, air pollution, and noise pollution. This revealed the necessity of attention to transit in this city, and as a result, the urban train was considered an efficient transit method. The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate and analyze the urban areas around the public transportation stations in Shiraz based on the TOD criteria. The case study is two selected stations from Shiraz metro, Mirzai Shirazi and Namazi stations. In this study, first, the principles of TOD have been identified. After that, the characteristics of the case study have been evaluated with the TOD criteria and the ITDP standards. Then, the stations were analyzed using SWOT. This study shows that Mirzai Shirazi station is in a bronze condition, but the Namazi station is not even in this condition. Access to local services, proper non-residential density, and transit options at the stations are the strengths of this approach. Housing density in stations is low and needs to be increased. The findings of this study can be used to assist planners in evaluating actions taken in intra-city rail development. Manuscript profile
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        23 - The Sociological Impacts of Tourism in the city of Shiraz: an exploratory mixed method
        moslem bagheri payam shojaei samaneh asghari jahromi
        Nowadays, tourism is a leading industry and plays a pivotal role in the economic, social, and environmental issues of many societies. This study considered the sociological impacts of tourism and provided a comprehensive model. The paper used an exploratory research met More
        Nowadays, tourism is a leading industry and plays a pivotal role in the economic, social, and environmental issues of many societies. This study considered the sociological impacts of tourism and provided a comprehensive model. The paper used an exploratory research method. In the qualitative section, using meta-synthesis, we presented a model of psychological consequences with two concepts, six dimensions, and thirty-nine indicators. In the quantitative part, we determined the significance of the indicators of this model using the Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) and a survey of experts in tourism sociology in Shiraz. The results showed that improving employment, cultural activities, and the social and cultural life of the local community were the most significant positive consequences. In contrast, fraud and extortion were the most negative sociological impacts of tourism in Shiraz. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Identifying and Prioritizing Different Aspects of Tourist's Experience Quality from Viewpoints of Foreign Tourists Traveled to Shiraz
        mahdi farmani Mohammad ghaffari Navid Shafiei mostafa zandinasab
        Nowadays, tourist experience and tourist destination choice are the main focal points in the tourism industry and tourism-related subjects addressed at universities. As modern tourists are value-oriented, tourist destinations could only be successful if they create valu More
        Nowadays, tourist experience and tourist destination choice are the main focal points in the tourism industry and tourism-related subjects addressed at universities. As modern tourists are value-oriented, tourist destinations could only be successful if they create value for their visitors. Moreover, the Quality of tourists' experiences is a key competitive advantage for tourist destinations. This descriptive-survey study, therefore, sought to identify and prioritize different aspects of tourist experience quality from the viewpoint of tourists visiting Shiraz. The statistical population of this study comprised of those foreign tourists who visited Shiraz in April and May of 2019 and stayed at the Grand Hotel of Shiraz. To collect the required data, a questionnaire was administered on 400 visitors who were selected via convenience sampling. The questionnaire's construct validity was measured and approved by experts, and its reliability was confirmed by Cronbach's Alpha. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted to identify different aspects of tourist experience quality and validate the identified aspects, respectively, using SPSS and LISREL software. Moreover, to prioritize the aspects, the Shannon Entropy method was implemented in EXCEL software. The study's findings indicated that tourist experience quality consisted of ten aspects. It was also found that perceived interactive experience ranked first in that list from the respondents' standpoint. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Comparison of Khamriyat of Abu Nuwas and Saqi-Nameh of PartoviShirazi (From the Soil to the Sky)
        marjan aliakbarzade zehtab Farzad  Farzi
        Saqi-nameh and khamriya-saraei are one of the most pleasant lyrical types of poetry. Many poets and mystics have written their poems based on themes and concepts of Khamr poetry. The comparative study of the themes of the poems of Abu Nuwas (133 AH-196) and Hakim Partov More
        Saqi-nameh and khamriya-saraei are one of the most pleasant lyrical types of poetry. Many poets and mystics have written their poems based on themes and concepts of Khamr poetry. The comparative study of the themes of the poems of Abu Nuwas (133 AH-196) and Hakim Partovi (870 AH-941) is the main issue of this article. This research, with descriptive-analytical method and relying on library texts, seeks to answer the question that what are the differences and similarities of the poetic themes in Abu Nuwas'sKhmeryat and Hakim Partovi'sSaqi-Nameh? The results of the research show that both of these works are similar in terms of descriptions, similes, use of musical instruments and tunes, as well as tavern vocabulary, and the difference that can be seen in these two is that wine, tavern instruments ,Saqi and PirMikdeh in Abu Nuwas'sKhamriat had an outward aspect, but in Saqi Nama Partovi, it is beyond the outward meaning and expresses a kind of philosophical and mystical thought. The concept of wine and wine drinking in Abu Nuwas's wine has the aspect of pleasure-seeking, and in Partovi'sSaqi-nameh, it has the aspect of mystical drunkenness and reaching closeness to God. He somehow tries to reflect high mystical thoughts in his poems by using seemingly infamous Khmer words. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Reviewing and analyzing the content of separate and integrated curriculum in Iranian schools
        محمد  ایلخانی پور
        Building information modeling as an efficient tool to optimize, manage and plan construction projects has created a revolution in the construction industry in recent years. But the slow expansion of this powerful technology in third world countries, including Iran, has More
        Building information modeling as an efficient tool to optimize, manage and plan construction projects has created a revolution in the construction industry in recent years. But the slow expansion of this powerful technology in third world countries, including Iran, has caused many concerns in this field and it has many problems and obstacles in front of it, and with the passage of several years since the introduction of BIM in it, an effective action to inform and introduce This process has not been done by the government to the country's construction industry, as well as the evaluation and creation of grounds for its implementation and application. Considering the importance of the topic, the purpose of the research was to investigate the reasons for the inefficiency and use of building information modeling (BIM) in Shiraz city. The research method was applied and of the descriptive-correlation type. In this research, using library studies and interviews with experts, the reasons for the ineffectiveness of building information modeling were identified. Then, using the DEMATEL technique, the internal relationship between the identified components was determined. Identified parameters were calculated by applying the network analysis method (ANP) in the form of pairwise comparisons and the weight of each factor, which shows their influence, was calculated in the Superdesign software. The results regarding determining the weight of the criteria and prioritizing the effective factors indicate that among the factors, financial criterion with a weight of 0.31, technical criterion with a weight of 0.38, human resources criterion with a weight of 0.13, and time criterion with a weight of 0.19 respectively have They were the highest ranks. Manuscript profile
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        27 - Complaint and explanation of its intellectual foundations in Hafez's poetic thought system
        Tayebeh Alizadeh mohamad reza asad majid azizi
        Complaint is a kind of lyrical literature in which the poet tries to explain the cause of his suffering and annoyance to the audience. In general, complaints can be divided into five categories: personal, philosophical, social, mystical, and political. Hafez is one of t More
        Complaint is a kind of lyrical literature in which the poet tries to explain the cause of his suffering and annoyance to the audience. In general, complaints can be divided into five categories: personal, philosophical, social, mystical, and political. Hafez is one of the prominent poets of the Persian language who has addressed various complaints in his poems Is. In the present study, which has been done by the method of content analysis, we have complained and explained its intellectual foundations in the system of Hafez's poetic thought. Based on the results of the research and considering that the poems of each poet are a symbol of the inner workings of that poet, it is obvious that what made Hafez complain and criticize is in fact a reaction to the demonstrative behaviors of hypocritical religious people, preachers, tyrants and political situations. And the unsettled society of that time and beyond On these is determinism, which is rooted in the philosophical view of existence and time, and in fact it is this philosophical view that has formed the basis of Hafez's theological thought. Manuscript profile
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        28 - recitation of Mirza Shirazi's fatwa on tobacco ban; A reflection on the analysis of the effectiveness of religion and fatwa in the context of social changes
        Hamid  Rezania Shirazi Seyyed Alireza  Dana
        Contrary to what some materialists have thought, religions contain different effects and functions. One of the examples of this efficiency in the Shia school is the fatwa of its jurists. By referring to the history, we can see many cases of influence of fatwa and its ef More
        Contrary to what some materialists have thought, religions contain different effects and functions. One of the examples of this efficiency in the Shia school is the fatwa of its jurists. By referring to the history, we can see many cases of influence of fatwa and its effects; In the meantime, Mirza Shirazi's fatwa banning tobacco is considered today as a symbol for the crystallization of the power of the fatwa of Shiite jurists. By examining this fatwa, one can understand the wide effects and consequences that a fatwa can create in different strata of society for different times and even different nations. The short and decisive fatwa penetrated the hearts like heavenly verses and created the most glorious people's movement that was unparalleled in history up to that time and led to the Islamic revolution a century later. The research method in this article is analytical-descriptive and data collection is also documentary. Research findings: 1- The fatwa of jurists, including Mirza Shirazi, is one of the cases of the crystallization of the power of religion. 2- Religion, while influencing various social layers and levels, definitely plays the greatest role in people's lives and is the most powerful form of religious life. It is cultural, social and political. 3- The influence and acceptability of fatwa among people is a sign of the connection between society and religion and the crystallization of social religion. 4- The acceptance of fatwa in society as a divine decree is an indication of the worship of the society in terms of religious orders. 5- Fatwa is also an expression of divine decree. It also affects the lifestyle and popular culture. 6- Society's norms can be formed under the influence of fatwa. Manuscript profile
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        29 - A comparative study of the concept of home among children of two cities (Shiraz and Noujin)
        Fahimeh Abbasi Tahereh Nasr Keivan Mohamadpur
        <p>Abstract The concept of &ldquo;home&rdquo; transcends its physical existence, manifesting as an intellectual image. In essence, a house is a place to live and reach peace and comfort. The term &ldquo;house&rdquo; encompasses two distinct aspects of meaning and concep More
        <p>Abstract The concept of &ldquo;home&rdquo; transcends its physical existence, manifesting as an intellectual image. In essence, a house is a place to live and reach peace and comfort. The term &ldquo;house&rdquo; encompasses two distinct aspects of meaning and concept, which are different from each other. The aspect of the house meaning is an objective reality of a place where a person resides, but the concept of the house is a mental perception. Understanding the concept of home necessitates a thorough analysis of each individual's mindset regarding their living space. The purpose of this research is a comparative assessment of the home concept among 9-10-year-old children residing in Shiraz and Nojin cities. The research methodology involves content analysis utilizing argumentative analogies along with information gathering through library and documentary studies, Persian and Latin articles, and field research. By analyzing and examining thirty samples of children's drawings from these cities, it is possible to identify the similarities and differences in their mental images of the home concept. Result of this examination and analysis is anticipated several conceptual codes can be obtained. From the summation of these conceptual codes, the home concept among the children of these cities can be found, encompassing themes such as peace, comfort, comfort, security, and prosperity.</p> Manuscript profile
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        30 - Investigating the Relationship Between Rumination and Perceived Stress with Life Satisfaction in Married Women in Shiraz
        Fatemeh Dinakani reza chalmeh fatemeh abdolahi
        <p>The aim of the present research was to explain the relationship between rumination and perceived stress with life satisfaction in married women in Shiraz. The research method was a descriptive and survey-based. The statistical population included all the women of Shi More
        <p>The aim of the present research was to explain the relationship between rumination and perceived stress with life satisfaction in married women in Shiraz. The research method was a descriptive and survey-based. The statistical population included all the women of Shiraz city, and 210 individuals were selected as the statistical sample size using a convenience sampling. Data were collected using the Hoeksma and Maro's Rumination Questionnaire (1991), Cohen et al.'s Perceived Stress Questionnaire (1983) and Diener Ammons Larsen and Griffin's Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (1985). The findings revealed that among the dimensions of rumination, the two components of preoccupation and depression had a negative and significant relationship with life satisfaction. However, there was no significant relationship between reflection and life satisfaction. In conclusion, the overall score of rumination was negatively and significantly related to life satisfaction, and ultimately, perceived stress is not a significant predictor of life satisfaction.</p> Manuscript profile
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        31 - The Effect of the Quality of the Support Spaces of High-rise Complexes on the Satisfaction Level of Residents Case Study: Residential Complex of Chamran street, Shiraz
        mohammad kazemi Hadi Keshmiri Zeynab Barzegari Jeihoini
        <p>Housing has other objectives such as providing multiple services and providing the needs of people living in that place. When the decision to determine a specified location for the residence, it is important to provide an acceptable level of satisfaction. People are More
        <p>Housing has other objectives such as providing multiple services and providing the needs of people living in that place. When the decision to determine a specified location for the residence, it is important to provide an acceptable level of satisfaction. People are satisfied with their residence time that they meet their needs. People are the most important factors in architecture; therefore designers and architects need to try and work towards providing and promoting the level of satisfaction in residential complexes. In order to investigate the promotion of satisfaction and its influential factors in high - rise residential complexes , support spaces are considered. The research method is descriptive - analytical and based on the applied goal. The method of data collection was library method and for main data of research , field method was considered. The data collection tool is edinterviews with residents of residential complex in chamran campus using questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed by using spss25 software. The results showed that the first priority of supporting space related to service spaces such as the existence of lift and &hellip;, after that the existence of garbage dump in the complex, then existence of safe spaces with safety and perfect security for children and existence of shops in order to meet the needs of collection for residents were important.</p> Manuscript profile