Criticizing Mohammad al-Forati ’s Translation of Hafez Shirazi's Poems (Case study of the sonnets 454 and 486)
Subject Areas : Research in Iranian classical literature1 , mohsen sifi 2 , Abbas Eghbaly 3 , Reza Shajari 4
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Keywords: translation criticism Hafez Shirazi Mohammad al-Forati, Reception theory,
Abstract :
Translation as a connecting link between languages and cultures has always strengthened the link between Persian and Arabic languages, and the poems of Persian language poets have always been a source of interest for Arabic-language translators. Syrian poet Mohammed al-Forati (1880-1978) was one of the Arab poets and translators who translated Hafez's ghazals into Arabic poetry. In this essay, using a descriptive analytical method the translation of two ghazals of Hafez by al-Forati is analyzed. Based on Reception theory, it is discussed that although the translator had a good knowledge of Persian language, he sometimes made mistakes in understanding metonymy and Iham in the poems, and as a result, he was not successful in receiving the message from the source language and transferring it to the readers of the target language. Of course, his translation is very beautiful despite the shortcomings caused by the failure in perceiving the purpose of Hafez, and he has tried to reconstruct Hafez's poetic language regarding rhythm and rhyme. It has also become clear that he has been more successful in understanding the poems that were not open to mystical interpretation.
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