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        1 - Immortality of the Qur'an and its relation to the Quran commentators (Ahl al-Bayt (as))
        Maryam  Ishaqzadeh Seyed mohammad  noorollahi
        The other features of the universe are its immortality, while the Qur'an, with its fixed principles, is progressing along with its time and place; it is discovered in every time and forever, new and inferior, and eternal (immortality). The proper axis is to link these a More
        The other features of the universe are its immortality, while the Qur'an, with its fixed principles, is progressing along with its time and place; it is discovered in every time and forever, new and inferior, and eternal (immortality). The proper axis is to link these attributes of the Qur'an. In particular, the principles and detailed descriptions of the Ahlul Bayt (a) are that the Quran expresses the general lines of the basic principles. And from the important issues that have been examined from almost all perspectives in almost all the Qur'anic texts and interpretations, It is a matter of magnificence that is addressed here from the angle of eternity of the Qur'an. Certainly, part of the verses that are due to the failure of the words are in expressing deep and profound meanings of the Qur'an. It is the same as the Qur'an. It is directly guided. The other features of the Qur'an, which are rooted in the immortality of the Qur'an, are unkind and obscenity. It is very important that the language of the Ahl al-Bayt (as) is repeatedly emphasized, it is the recognition of the unconscious and the dwelling. The reason is clear, because what should be known what is good for Allah? And it is from the interpretative guidelines of the Ahlul-Bayt (as) that there is a need for a precise understanding of abusive and obscurantism and the use of that interpretation.. Manuscript profile
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        2 - A Comparative Study of Muṭahharī’s Theory of Fiṭrah and Kant’s Practical Reason
        Omid Arjomand Ghasem Kakaie
        Murtaḍā Muṭahharī, one of the prominent thinkers in the field of Islamic Philosophy, and Immanuel Kant, one of the great thinkers of Western philosophy, have presented some innovative theories in the realm of philosophy. The “theory of fiṭrah” is one of the most signifi More
        Murtaḍā Muṭahharī, one of the prominent thinkers in the field of Islamic Philosophy, and Immanuel Kant, one of the great thinkers of Western philosophy, have presented some innovative theories in the realm of philosophy. The “theory of fiṭrah” is one of the most significant theories in Muṭahharī’s philosophical system. He maintains that Man possesses three levels of nature, instinct, and fiṭrah (primordial nature) and also divides fiṭrah itself into two parts: “fiṭrah of knowledge” and “fiṭrah of interest”. Most of Muṭahharī’s innovative ideas, particularly when explaining some topics “such as God, eternity of the soul, and ethics, have been presented in his discussions related to fiṭrah of interest.” On the other hand, as a distinguished and influential philosopher, Kant has criticized metaphysical issues, particularly problems in connection to God, immortality of the soul, and freedom, and transferred them to the realm of “practical reason” from theoretical reason. Muṭahharī’s theory of fiṭrah and, particularly, the discussion of fiṭrī interests and the related issues, such as demonstration of God, immortality of the soul, and ethics, are completely comparable to Kant’s theory of practical reason, specifically the discussion of the essential principles of practical reason, including freedom, eternity of the soul, and God. The purpose of this study is to compare Muṭahharī’s theory of fiṭrah and Kant’s theory of practical reason and to explain their common features, that is, the similarity of infinite perfection with supreme good, the similarity of their methods of demonstrating the eternity and God, and the similarity of their views as to status of philosophy of ethics. The author has followed a descriptive-analytic and comparative approach in order to conduct this study based on the data collected from these two thinkers’ works. Manuscript profile
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        3 - The concept of soul in the Mahabharata system
        Hamidreza  Barati Pour Ghorban Elmi Abdolhossein  Latifi Jamshid  Jalal Sheikhjani
        In the historical study of the philosophical ideas of the land of India, we come across common themes that have caused much intellectual debate among the thinkers of that land. These debates have been in such a way that each of the sages and thinkers of that land have d More
        In the historical study of the philosophical ideas of the land of India, we come across common themes that have caused much intellectual debate among the thinkers of that land. These debates have been in such a way that each of the sages and thinkers of that land have dealt with it according to their views and have expressed their opinions and reasons for that position. One of these challenging topics is the issue of soul or its fate. It is after separation from the body that has long been considered by them. All the historical traditions of India have accepted the basic hypothesis that there is a moving and vital aspect of man that distinguishes life from death and shows it in the form of a worm cycle in most schools, as in the schools of" Samkhaya" and" Vedanta", where, one is "the duality of denial of thought" (Porsche and Percret), and the other is "the unity of existence" (Atman and Brahman). This is also reflected in the Mahabharata system. In this article, we try to examine the concept of soul first in general in the religious literature of Hinduism and then specifically in the book of Mahabharata and answer the following questions: "What is the meaning and nature of the soul in Mahabharata?", and, "what is it's end?" For this purpose, we will analyze the concept of the soul in this book in an analytical way. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Problem of Immortality of the Soul in ‘Allāmah Ṭabātabā’ī’s Philosophy
        Ghasem  Pourhasan Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari Alireza  Kolbadinezad
        ‘Allāmah Ṭabātabā’ī’s view of the immortality of the soul is based on his monotheistic worldview. He has tried to respond to the most challenging discussions and objections in relation to the immortality of the soul regarding the problems of essential happiness and affl More
        ‘Allāmah Ṭabātabā’ī’s view of the immortality of the soul is based on his monotheistic worldview. He has tried to respond to the most challenging discussions and objections in relation to the immortality of the soul regarding the problems of essential happiness and affliction, cancellation, excommunication, and immortality in chastisement. Relying on rational principles and the Transcendent Philosophy and through benefitting from some principles including the principiality of existence, the graded trans-substantial motion, the unity of the truth of the soul and gradation of existence, ‘Allāmah Ṭabātabā’ī has provided a new interpretation of the resurrection and eternity of the soul. Through propounding the problem of eternity, the present paper aims to explain its relation to human purposes and ultimate goals, which are the same as the realization of the true totality of human beings in the light of the soul’s resurrection and eternity. In line with this purpose, the authors have discussed the innovative aspects of his view concerning immortality as well as its epistemological consequences and outcomes. They have also tried to respond to some of the objections raised against the immortality of the soul based on ‘Allāmah’s principles. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Modern Immortality in the Teenage Novel (Case Study of Novels:"SanjābMahiy-e aziz"and "Shekārchi-ye Koose-yekar")
        Fatemeh Hadideh Mona Valipour
        The domination of science in the modern era and the effort to have a realistic attitude to all aspects of life have made people today unable to adopt the solutions of the ancients (such as eschatologicalimmortality) to face death. By examining different types of pre-mod More
        The domination of science in the modern era and the effort to have a realistic attitude to all aspects of life have made people today unable to adopt the solutions of the ancients (such as eschatologicalimmortality) to face death. By examining different types of pre-modern immortality, including ancestral, cultural, mystical, mythological, and eschatological, the present article has shown that their common components, i.e., communalness, certainty, and imagination, are almost opposite to the components of modern immortality. The components of modern immortality, which include individuality, uncertainty, memory (as opposed to the imagination), and the concept of eternal nature, are prominent in teenage novels of the 1390s. This research first reviewed the stages and tasks of mourning. While checking and determining the components of pre-modern and modern immortality, it has been showed the correspondence of each stage of mourning with different types of immortality. Then, relying on the novels of "SanjābMahiy-e aziz "and "Shekārchi-ye Koose-ye kar", the issue of death and the role of pre-modern and modern immortality are investigated in advancing the storyline, accepting another's death, and completing the tasks of mourning by the characters. It should be noted that the analysis of samples is based on qualitative content analysis with a descriptive-interpretive approach. The research results show that in both novels, resorting to pre-modern immortality components traps the characters in the initial stages of mourning, i.e. denial, searching, and bargaining. In contrast, the maturity of the characters with the completion of mourning tasks and reaching the stage of improvement and organization through the components of Modern immortality (centered on memory in the novel "SanjābMahiy-e aziz "and eternal nature in the novel "Shekārchi-ye Koose-ye kar" is realized. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Nature and Eternity of Human Soul in Descartes
        Asieh  Bistooni Mohammad Akvan Mahdi Najafi Afra
        <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-indent: 1.0cm; line-height: 130%;"><span style="mso-ascii-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ascii-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-hansi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-hansi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roma More
        <p class="MsoNormal" style="text-indent: 1.0cm; line-height: 130%;"><span style="mso-ascii-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-ascii-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-hansi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-hansi-theme-font: major-bidi; mso-bidi-font-family: 'Times New Roman'; mso-bidi-theme-font: major-bidi;">The soul is one of the most frequently used terms in Descartes&rsquo; philosophical works and one of the fundamental concepts employed in the structure of his philosophy. In fact, without considering the meaning and concept of the soul, one cannot perceive the essence of his philosophical system. He views the soul as an immaterial substance that is different from the body in the real sense of the word and can exist without the body. Descartes maintains that the soul is an essentially immaterial and decomposable substance that, after its destruction or the postmortem decomposition of the body, continues its life in the light of its essential immateriality bearing the memory of its union with the body. He has posed certain arguments on the immaterial nature of the human soul, such as the possibility of doubting the existence of bodies, the needlessness of the concept of the soul from corporal attributes, God&rsquo;s power as to creating two elements with each one being clearly and distinctly perceivable, and the oneness and indecomposability of the soul. Accordingly, he believes in three substances of God, soul, and body in distinction from each other. He intends a true distinction when he refers to distinction of substances; however, this reference has become problematic for him, and he must clarify how two truly distinct substances can affect each other in unison. He has tried to resolve this problem by placing the vapor soul, the &ldquo;pineal gland&rdquo;, and the faculty of imagination as intermediaries or by establishing a kind of balance or even substantial unity between them. Nevertheless, the more he has tried to resolve the problem, the more he has been challenged. He has also presented two completely different standpoints regarding the eternity of the soul, which must be demonstrated based on rational and philosophical arguments. However, in his second stance, he introduces the mortality of the soul as a completely religious category and states that the eternity of the soul cannot be realized merely within the framework of the natural intellect and without seeking help from faith. Descartes has also been unsuccessful in this regard and failed to prove his claim. </span></p> Manuscript profile