• List of Articles sense

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Investigating the Impact of Defenseless Spaces on Citizen Safety sense (Case Study: Tehran Bazar Neighborhood)
        Hossein Farhadikhah Ahmad Pourahmad   Seyed Khalil Seyed Alipour
        Including the consequences of defenseless spaces in cities, less safe and more importantly reduce the sense of security among citizens, so evaluation these spaces and their effects on the sense of security of the citizens is essential. The purpose of this study is also More
        Including the consequences of defenseless spaces in cities, less safe and more importantly reduce the sense of security among citizens, so evaluation these spaces and their effects on the sense of security of the citizens is essential. The purpose of this study is also evaluating the effects of defenseless spaces on the sense of security of citizens in the Bazar neighborhood of Tehran. This research has an applied aim and its methodology Library - survey (questionnaire) is. To study for defenseless space of three indicators (physical, social and social - physical) and three indicators sense of security (sense of security of language, physical and visual) are used. The sample size using Cochran's formula, according to statistical population (23,696 people), 384 is obtained. To analyze the data, two software SPSS and SMART - PLS is used. The research results show that the between physical and social indicator’s sense of security of citizens there is a significant relationship, but between the social - physical indicators by sense of security, there is no significant relationship. As well as social indicators (crowding, privacy, etc.), the greatest impact on sense of security of citizens. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Qualitative Desirability Presentation of Urban Pedestrian way with People-Space Unification Approach (Case Study: Zanjan Sabze Meydan pedestrian way)
        mohamad taghi heydari shahram mohamadi
        Urban space is involved with social strategies and this has made it a social phenomenon more than its physical aspects. In this regard, planning and design of people-oriented urban spaces has been traceable from the viewpoints of experts in this field since the beginnin More
        Urban space is involved with social strategies and this has made it a social phenomenon more than its physical aspects. In this regard, planning and design of people-oriented urban spaces has been traceable from the viewpoints of experts in this field since the beginning of urban planning knowledge. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the desirability of Zanjan Sabze Meydan pedestrian way from the perspective of unification between people and space and determining the factors affecting the desirability presentation of Zanjan Sabze Meydan pedestrian way. The research method is descriptive and analytical and has been done through library and survey studies. The statistical sample of the study consisted of 120 walking citizens in Zanjan Sabze Meydan pedestrian way Area. Preparation and processing of required data was done by SPSS, ArcGis and lisrel software. The results show that the most of the indicators are moving towards instability and relativity and the most important strategy for Sabze Meydan pedestrian way desirability is to create environmental well-being through the development of health and safety on Sabze Maydan pedestrian way. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Non-coaxial deformation in sphalerite strain fringe: A kinematic shear indicator in overturned limb of a hanging wall fold
        علي  Nakini علي  Yarmohammadi
        Kinematic evidence of shear deformation in strain fringes of sphalerite mineral in an overturned limb of a fold structure are studied. Structural observation in Cretaceous rocks of Tiran Mine Area in west Esfahan, reveals a shear deformation in overturned limb of More
        Kinematic evidence of shear deformation in strain fringes of sphalerite mineral in an overturned limb of a fold structure are studied. Structural observation in Cretaceous rocks of Tiran Mine Area in west Esfahan, reveals a shear deformation in overturned limb of a hanging-wall anticline that has generated with reverse fault in the area. Orientation of strain fibers and their rotations in strain fringes of sphalerite minerals are used for determination of stress orientations and its changes during shear deformation process. This fabric indicates kinematic evolution of the overturned limb of a hanging-wall anticline and related reverse fault during folding. In this study, amount of stretching in strain fringes and their rotation are measured by object-centre path model. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Synaestesia: character and nature
        مینا  بهنام
        This essay tries to study synaestesia with a cognitive approach to the structure of language. Its theoretical framework is provided by Joseph Stern (semantician), Stefan Ulmann (linguist), and Osgood (psychologist). The author tries to explain the symbolic nature of th More
        This essay tries to study synaestesia with a cognitive approach to the structure of language. Its theoretical framework is provided by Joseph Stern (semantician), Stefan Ulmann (linguist), and Osgood (psychologist). The author tries to explain the symbolic nature of this linguistic phenomenon as well as the speaker’s perceptional process while using it, and its emotional and mental effects on them. When explained the formation process of synaestesia, we will study it as a neurological and perceptional category. Then, we will provide some examples from Persian literature to clarify the structure of synaestesia. At last, we will come to rethinking synaestesia in art and linguistic phenomena (poetry and prose). According to the finding of the research, synaestesias is a metaphor in which a particular meaning, common to a given perceptional domain, projects to another domain to which it no longer is usual. The basis of such a transition is a kind of similarity and interference between the two domains. In general, this possibility comes from man’s selective system of thinking and his capability to use metaphor. That is why it is frequently seen in different fields of art, including cinema, painting and music. Literary schools use synaestesia differently, not just for creating images, but to communicate special meaning, and to impress the audience. Manuscript profile
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        5 - The Dissonance of Theory and Written Word (Study and Criticism of “Sparrows Sense Heaven”)
        Alireza  Siddiqui
        Sparrows Sense Heaven, a novel, was written based on post-modernism teachings. Paying attention to chaos in narration and naturally the time of the story, super-story features, creating a false cycle using historical characters along with story characters and the presen More
        Sparrows Sense Heaven, a novel, was written based on post-modernism teachings. Paying attention to chaos in narration and naturally the time of the story, super-story features, creating a false cycle using historical characters along with story characters and the presence of the writer within the story for distorting the borders between the reality and imagination are among the features and characteristics which categorize this work as a post-modern novel. Still, and at points, one can spot and observe issues which have no relation with the post-modernism teachings. The present essay first points to the post-modernism characteristics of the novel, and then criticizes the non-relevant elements. It also shows that using the methods related to this process- which claims one of its major duties to be revealing a character as a symbol and representative of the sacred defense war soldiers- is not in its right and due place; as the post-modernism attitude and insight towards man and life does not correspond with the existing attitude in this novel. Obviously despite the emphasis of all the characters on describing an ideal character in the novel, we are not even facing a multi-voiced novel either. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Efficient Land-cover Segmentation Using Meta Fusion
        Morteza Khademi Hadi Sadoghi Yazdi
        Most popular fusion methods have their own limitations; e.g. OWA (order weighted averaging) has “linear model” and “summation of inputs proportions in fusion equal to 1” limitations. Considering all possible models for fusion, proposed fusion method involve input data c More
        Most popular fusion methods have their own limitations; e.g. OWA (order weighted averaging) has “linear model” and “summation of inputs proportions in fusion equal to 1” limitations. Considering all possible models for fusion, proposed fusion method involve input data confusion in fusion process to segmentation. Indeed, limitations in proposed method are determined adaptively for each input data, separately. On the other hand, land-cover segmentation using remotely sensed (RS) images is a challenging research subject; due to the fact that objects in unique land-cover often appear dissimilar in different RS images. In this paper multiple co-registered RS images are utilized to segment land-cover using FCM (fuzzy c-means). As an appropriate tool to model changes, fuzzy concept is utilized to fuse and integrate information of input images. By categorizing the ground points, it is shown in this paper for the first time, fuzzy numbers are need and more suitable than crisp ones to merge multi-images information and segmentation. Finally, FCM is applied on the fused image pixels (with fuzzy values) to obtain a single segmented image. Furthermore mathematical analysis and used proposed cost function, simulation results also show significant performance of the proposed method in terms of noise-free and fast segmentation. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Density Measure in Context Clustering for Distributional Semantics of Word Sense Induction
        Masood Ghayoomi
        Word Sense Induction (WSI) aims at inducing word senses from data without using a prior knowledge. Utilizing no labeled data motivated researchers to use clustering techniques for this task. There exist two types of clustering algorithm: parametric or non-parametric. Al More
        Word Sense Induction (WSI) aims at inducing word senses from data without using a prior knowledge. Utilizing no labeled data motivated researchers to use clustering techniques for this task. There exist two types of clustering algorithm: parametric or non-parametric. Although non-parametric clustering algorithms are more suitable for inducing word senses, their shortcomings make them useless. Meanwhile, parametric clustering algorithms show competitive results, but they suffer from a major problem that is requiring to set a predefined fixed number of clusters in advance. The main contribution of this paper is to show that utilizing the silhouette score normally used as an internal evaluation metric to measure the clusters’ density in a parametric clustering algorithm, such as K-means, in the WSI task captures words’ senses better than the state-of-the-art models. To this end, word embedding approach is utilized to represent words’ contextual information as vectors. To capture the context in the vectors, we propose two modes of experiments: either using the whole sentence, or limited number of surrounding words in the local context of the target word to build the vectors. The experimental results based on V-measure evaluation metric show that the two modes of our proposed model beat the state-of-the-art models by 4.48% and 5.39% improvement. Moreover, the average number of clusters and the maximum number of clusters in the outputs of our proposed models are relatively equal to the gold data Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - Word Sense Induction in Persian and English: A Comparative Study
        Masood Ghayoomi
        Words in the natural language have forms and meanings, and there might not always be a one-to-one match between them. This property of the language causes words to have more than one meaning; as a result, a text processing system faces challenges to determine the precis More
        Words in the natural language have forms and meanings, and there might not always be a one-to-one match between them. This property of the language causes words to have more than one meaning; as a result, a text processing system faces challenges to determine the precise meaning of the target word in a sentence. Using lexical resources or lexical databases, such as WordNet, might be a help, but due to their manual development, they become outdated by passage of time and language change. Moreover, the lexical resources might be domain dependent which are unusable for open domain natural language processing tasks. These drawbacks are a strong motivation to use unsupervised machine learning approaches to induce word senses from the natural data. To reach the goal, the clustering approach can be utilized such that each cluster resembles a sense. In this paper, we study the performance of a word sense induction model by using three variables: a) the target language: in our experiments, we run the induction process on Persian and English; b) the type of the clustering algorithm: both parametric clustering algorithms, including hierarchical and partitioning, and non-parametric clustering algorithms, including probabilistic and density-based, are utilized to induce senses; c) the context of the target words to capture the information in vectors created for clustering: for the input of the clustering algorithms, the vectors are created either based on the whole sentence in which the target word is located; or based on the limited surrounding words of the target word. We evaluate the clustering performance externally. Moreover, we introduce a normalized, joint evaluation metric to compare the models. The experimental results for both Persian and English test data showed that the window-based partitioningK-means algorithm obtained the best performance. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Evaluation and Ranking of Factors Affecting the Perception of Spirituality Sense in the Interior of Mosques; Case study: Nasir Al-Molk Mosque – Shiraz
        MOHAMMADREZA MALEKI Qader Bayzidi Ali Yoonessi Farzin Charehjoo
        The design of mosques in the history of Iranian architecture seems to be the Climax of Islamic art and architecture. The architecture of mosques seeks inspiration of concepts of the divine world in order to create an atmosphere that connect the material world to the imm More
        The design of mosques in the history of Iranian architecture seems to be the Climax of Islamic art and architecture. The architecture of mosques seeks inspiration of concepts of the divine world in order to create an atmosphere that connect the material world to the immaterial world and creates a single spiritual space. In this study, the effect of factors affecting the perception of spirituality in the interior of Nasir Al-Molk Mosque in Shiraz has been investigated. In this regard, first the parameters that affect the perception of the sense of spirituality are determined and then 120 questionnaires are collected from architecture and urban planning students of Shiraz University, the validity and reliability of which has been confirmed by Cronbach’s alpha. Then, by modeling the structural equations of partial least squares (PLS-SEM), it is analyzed to determine the relationship between the parameters on each other. Factors affecting the perception of spirituality are social, sensory, somatic and environmental factors that the results show that there is a significant difference in the ranking of indicators. In the following, the indicators are arranged based on the degree of impact on the perception of spirituality from rank 1 meaning the most impact to rank 15 meaning the least impact. Findings show that the greatest impact on the perception of spirituality is related to somatic indicators. Manuscript profile
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        10 - The aim of the present study is surveying the relationship between doing religious belief with sense of social security among the students of Arak university in 1394-95
        Abbas Ali  Shahidi
        The impact of the religious in the security of society, emphasis on the theoretical functions on this subject, inability of the police to create sense of security and control , especially on the young people and student are topics which have always been considered. Th More
        The impact of the religious in the security of society, emphasis on the theoretical functions on this subject, inability of the police to create sense of security and control , especially on the young people and student are topics which have always been considered. The aim of the present study is surveying the relationship between doing religious belief with sense of social security among the students of Arak university in 1394-95. Our method was descriptive-correlative. Our population was all of the bachelor student of arak university. Samples were estimated with the randomized random sampling , according to the Morgan and Kerjsi table. They are 366. The collecting tools was questionnaire about doing religious beliefs, sense of social security. Data analysis was performed on 366 subject, with use of multivariate correlation method and regression ( 85 students of arak university, 111 students from payame noor university, 50 students from faculty of medical sciences , 117 people from arak azad university). Our finding show that, there is positive relation between doing religious belief and sense of social security among students. Considering the subject that doing religious beliefs is a good predicator for sense of security, so; we can reinforce the belief among the students with offering the best solution. Doing the religious orders is one of the best way for sense of security among students. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - The Relationship between Academic Optimism, and Teacher's Emotional Intelligence with the Student's Academic Achievement
        Salman Ghanbarlou Masoud Gholamali Lavasani Javad Ejei
        The aim of this study was to invertigate the relationship between academic optimism, and teacher's emotional intelligence with the student's academic achievement in Salmas city. For this reason, a sample consisted of 302 subjects have been selected out of about 613 teac More
        The aim of this study was to invertigate the relationship between academic optimism, and teacher's emotional intelligence with the student's academic achievement in Salmas city. For this reason, a sample consisted of 302 subjects have been selected out of about 613 teachers in Salmas's educational department by stratified sampling method and completed the Farsi version of the Emotional Intelligence Scale-41 (FEIS-41) and the Teacher’s Academic Optimism Questionnaire. The data were analyzed by stepwise regression analysis and correlation matrix methods. Results indicated that: emotional intelligence and academic optimism have been significant correlation with academic achievement, while teacher,s academic optimism is the stronger predictor for the student,s academic achievement. In the overall sample, trust in parents and students had the greatest role in predicting the student’s academic achievement. Also optimism/mood regulation, a component of emotional intelligence related with student's academic achievement. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Ontological Gradation of External Senses Based on the Transcendent Philosophy
        Furugh al-Sadat  Rahimpoor Jamal  Ahmadi
        In the philosophical tradition of Islamic philosophers, the discussion of the five-fold external senses takes place based on a particular criterion and order. Philosophers generally believe that the order of the senses from the lowest to the highest consists of touch, t More
        In the philosophical tradition of Islamic philosophers, the discussion of the five-fold external senses takes place based on a particular criterion and order. Philosophers generally believe that the order of the senses from the lowest to the highest consists of touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight, among which hearing and sight are subtler and nobler. Based on the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy, such as the trans-substantial motion, the given order develops an ontological and perfectional aspect, which is the reason why Mulla Sadra’s discussions of the soul in relation to the external senses generally enjoy an ontological nature. The ontological level of the first three senses in the given order is always fixed; nevertheless, regarding the ontological superiority of hearing and sight over each other, some pieces of evidence testify to the superiority of hearing over the other, and some others testify otherwise. In this paper, the writers have examined and analyzed the reasons behind the ontological order of the senses based on the Transcendent Philosophy. Moreover, given the particular attention paid to hearing and sight, they have evaluated the reasons adduced for the ontological superiority of these two senses. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Evaluation of trend of rainfall and temperature changes and their effects on meteorological drought in Kermanshah province
        Maryam Teymouri Yeganeh Liela Teymouri Yeganeh
        Climate change is one of the natural features of the atmospheric cycle, which results in anomalies or fluctuations in the process of meteorological parameters such as rainfall and temperature. Also, drought is one of the weather and climate disasters, including catastro More
        Climate change is one of the natural features of the atmospheric cycle, which results in anomalies or fluctuations in the process of meteorological parameters such as rainfall and temperature. Also, drought is one of the weather and climate disasters, including catastrophic events. It alternates with floods and causes significant damage each year. Lack of rainfall has different effects on groundwater, soil moisture and river flow. For this reason, the study of changes in precipitation and temperature has always been the focus of researchers in various sciences, including natural resources and the environment. In this study, using the data of Kermanshah Meteorological Organization related to 30 years of rainfall, average minimum temperature and average maximum temperature in three stations of Kermanshah, Islamabad West and Sarpol-e Zahab to assess the severity of drought each year by DIC software Using standard precipitation index (SPI) and examining the trend of temperature changes using two non-parametric Mann-Kendall tests, Sensitimator and also linear regression. In order to study the drought trend during the 30-year period, statistical software was used and the results showed that during the 30-year period, all three stations are in near normal condition. Also, the results of temperature changes using the mentioned tests indicate the increasing trend of temperature and this trend is significant at the level of 99% using two non-parametric Mann-Kendall tests. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Theoretical Changes about the Faculty of Estimation in the Course of Historical Development of Islamic Philosophy
        Mohammad-Ali  Ardestani
        The faculty of estimation is one of the inner, particular, and perceptive powers of the soul that plays a significant role in particular cognitions, and without which it is impossible to organize and balance life affairs. Its potential of transcending the realm of meani More
        The faculty of estimation is one of the inner, particular, and perceptive powers of the soul that plays a significant role in particular cognitions, and without which it is impossible to organize and balance life affairs. Its potential of transcending the realm of meanings has placed it on top of all inner particular powers. Following a descriptive-analytic evaluation method, the present paper examines the development of the views of Muslim philosophers in this regard. Three important theories stand out in this process. In their quest to attribute a specific source to each kind of perception, Peripatetic philosophers consider the faculty of estimation to be independent from others, place it alongside the faculties of sensation, imagination, and intellect, and emphasize that it can perceive the nature of all specific universals. Accordingly, perceptions are divided in two four sensory, imaginative, estimative, and rational types. Among the followers of the Transcendent Philosophy, some philosophers such as Mullā Hādī Sabziwārī have advocated the Peripatetics on this ground, but Mullā Ṣadrā and ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī have criticized this theory each in their own way. Mullā Ṣadrā has promoted the faculty of estimation to the level of the intellect and placed it at the level of revealed intellect. Accordingly, perceptions are divided into three sensory, imaginative, and rational types. However, ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī has attributed the faculty of estimation to the common sense and demoted its status to the level of the senses. He acknowledges the unity of sensory, imaginative, and estimative perceptions. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Investigating the factors affecting on the perception of the sense of spirituality in mosques
        shideh parto vida norouz borazjani shervin mirshahzadeh
        The mosque is one of the most important and special buildings of Muslims in Islamic countries and the introduction of new theoretical fields into architecture, such as the subject of the atmosphere, opens new windows for designers, which may be able to cover what has be More
        The mosque is one of the most important and special buildings of Muslims in Islamic countries and the introduction of new theoretical fields into architecture, such as the subject of the atmosphere, opens new windows for designers, which may be able to cover what has been lacking in recent years in the design and construction of mosques. This study is formed by asking the question what are the effective components on creating the spiritual atmosphere of mosques from the perspective of the audience and its purpose is to read the atmosphere of contemporary mosques in Tehran based on the lived experience of audiences. The research method is based on the Grounded theory and the analyzes is based on the systematic coding method of Strauss and Corbin with the help of Max QD software.In order to measure the extracted components, six mosques in the contemporary geography of Tehran were selected and paired analysis and comparison on the parameters of the studied samples was done by an expert questionnaire by Expert Choice software.The most important findings and conclusions of the research show that the spiritual atmosphere of mosques, based on the lived experience of the audience, is influenced by 9 main components. Each has its own weight value. Among the found components, proportions are in the first rank and the components of light, sound, color, materials, decorations, access and position are in the next ranks, respectively. Manuscript profile
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        16 - The Impact of Perceived Value and Sense of Place on Tourist Loyalty (Case Study: Hamedan Province)
        mostafa taheri
        The objective of this paper is to analyze the factors that impact tourist loyalty from two perspectives: “perceived value” and “sense of place”. The study aims to answer the following questions: Are there any relations between the dimensions of perceived value and sense More
        The objective of this paper is to analyze the factors that impact tourist loyalty from two perspectives: “perceived value” and “sense of place”. The study aims to answer the following questions: Are there any relations between the dimensions of perceived value and sense of place with loyalty to the destination brand? If so, to what extent are they correlated? Which dimensions play a more important role? Sample size was determined by using Cochran’s formula. A total of 384 questionnaires were randomly destributed between tourists in Hamedan Province during summer 2016. Given the Pearson correlation coefficients, the dimensions of perceived value (Functional, emotional, and social value) and sense of place (identity, dependence, and attachment) were found to be associated with tourist loyalty to destination brand. Standardized R2 was 45.9 and nearly 45 percent of the variation in tourist loyalty was explained by the model. Perceived Functional value and sense of dependence were the strongest predictors of loyalty, followed by perceived emotional value, social value, sense of attachment, and sense of identity, respectively. Manuscript profile
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        17 - The Impact of Crowding on Tourist Satisfaction in Urban Destinations: A Case Study of Tabriz Bazaar
        Abolfazl  Haghverdizadeh Naser Sanoubar Akbar Ghasemi Saeedeh Khani
        "As tourist satisfaction plays a significant role in the economic prosperity of tourism industry, researchers are seeking to identify the various influential factors in that regard. While the findings of some studies indicate a negative impact of overcrowding on visitor More
        "As tourist satisfaction plays a significant role in the economic prosperity of tourism industry, researchers are seeking to identify the various influential factors in that regard. While the findings of some studies indicate a negative impact of overcrowding on visitors satisfaction, other studies suggest that the collective sense may affect the directionality of overcrowding effect. This study, therefore, sought to examine the effect of overcrowding on the satisfaction of visitors with the intervening role of the collective sense. Applying a descriptive-quantitative method based on library and field studies, the required data for the study were collected through surveying 384 visitors of the historical Tabriz Bazaar who visited there from March to April 2018. Moreover, structural equations and SMART PLS software were used for analyzing the collected data. The findings of the study indicated that overcrowding had a positive impact on the perception of the collective sense. Furthermore, although many visitors found overcrowding unpleasant, such factors as the joy of being together, the feeling of sympathy with other people, and the opportunity to establish widespread social communications with other tourists made the collective sense act as an intervening variable, ending in the visitors’ satisfaction. The results of this study could be used in planning the development of tourism and preparing touring packages, especially for rare tourist destinations. " Manuscript profile
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        18 - Measuring the sense of place belonging and identifying the components affecting it in urban body patterns "Case study: West side of Imam Khomeini Street, Ardabil"
        Rouhollah   Rahimi Seyed Mohsen  moosavi Nasrin  Mohammadi Irloo
        Urban bodies and their social and cultural dimensions, with a semiotic approach, play an effective role in creating a sense of belonging to a place in citizens. It is important to identify the patterns of integrated and coordinated urban bodies effective on the percepti More
        Urban bodies and their social and cultural dimensions, with a semiotic approach, play an effective role in creating a sense of belonging to a place in citizens. It is important to identify the patterns of integrated and coordinated urban bodies effective on the perception of the audience in order to create social life, social interactions and place identity. The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of urban bodies on creating a sense of belonging among citizens and to determine the patterns of urban bodies that are effective on the sense of belonging to a place, which has been studied in the body of the west side of Imam Khomeini Street in Ardabil, the main and oldest street of this city. The research method is applied and descriptive- survey type and it was carried out by a combined (quantitative- qualitative) method. To collect information, library studies and field survey methods, observation and questionnaire have been used. Based on the findings of the research, the sense of belonging to a place among citizens is influenced by the social- perceptual components of the urban body; It is possible to increase the sense of satisfaction and sense of belonging to the place among the citizens by coordinating the shops, suitable furniture, revitalizing the destroyed buildings, appropriateness in color, appropriateness in the skyline, favorable facade design and suitable vegetation. The result of the research in the case study shows that the high age, proper access and the holding of national- religious rituals have created a sense of belonging to the place. Also, structures that are familiar with the culture and identity of citizens create a sense of belonging to a place. The use of urban walls related to identity and historical and native culture for national religious rituals can encourage people to be in the street and create memories and mental images for them and consequently increase the sense of belonging to a place. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Social welfare and its relationship with social capital and sense of security
        milad abdi
        Social welfare is an expression that is more focused on a multifaceted economic, social and political situation, and preserving the dignity of human beings and society's responsibility towards it and promoting the ability of the whole society is a definition for the wel More
        Social welfare is an expression that is more focused on a multifaceted economic, social and political situation, and preserving the dignity of human beings and society's responsibility towards it and promoting the ability of the whole society is a definition for the welfare and comfort of the whole society. In this sense, in the concept of social well-being, it is assumed that it is possible to measure personal well-being, and compare the well-being of people with each other, and create a balance between this individual well-being and the overall well-being of society. Security has penetrated in all environmental, economic, political, social and cultural dimensions. Also, the feeling of security and the high security factor are indicators of development and the state of Basaman, which, as one of the most important indicators of social welfare, overshadows other indicators of this category. The feeling of security is subjective in this category and it can be said that it has all aspects of security in it. This concept is one of the important and influential concepts in social welfare issues. The purpose of this article is to describe social welfare and its relation to the feeling of security and social capital in society. By examining the concepts and perspectives, we come to the conclusion that there is a direct relationship between social welfare and social capital, and there is also a significant relationship between social welfare and a sense of security. The article is the result of documentary and library study. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Pentagonal Model of Knowledge Sources and their Comparative Order in Sadrian and Cartesian Structure of Knowledge
        Hassan  Rahbar Kazim Mosakhany Eshaq Asoodeh Hamid  Eskandari
        Epistemology, which deals with the possibility, whatness, sources, and realm of knowledge, bases one of its most important principles on discovering Man’s sources of knowledge. Contemporary epistemologists refer to five sources of knowledge for human beings: sense perce More
        Epistemology, which deals with the possibility, whatness, sources, and realm of knowledge, bases one of its most important principles on discovering Man’s sources of knowledge. Contemporary epistemologists refer to five sources of knowledge for human beings: sense perception, reason, introspection, testimony, and memory. Descartes, as a philosopher of the Western world, and Mullā Ṣadrā, as a philosopher of the world of Islam, have provided some theories regarding the problem of knowledge, particularly its sources. Their views are compatible with the pentagonal model proposed by cotemporary epistemologist in this respect. Mullā Ṣadrā and Descartes believe that knowledge acquisition begins with sense perception and ends in reason. Nevertheless, the difference is that, although reason in the Transcendent Philosophy is the last level of perception, it does not mark the end of the way, and it is intuition-based introspection that ends the acquisition of true knowledge. In the cognitive schools of Mullā Ṣadrā and Descartes, sense perception, intellect, and introspection are responsible for producing knowledge, testifying to its transfer, and functioning as social and general sources of knowledge, and memory is responsible for maintaining and safekeeping of knowledge. Manuscript profile
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        21 - The problem of prophecy from the point of view of Farabi and Ibn Meimoun
        Mohammad Ali  Akhavian
        The issue of "prophecy" has long been the focus of philosophers' discussions. This research uses a library method to analyze the truth of prophecy between two philosophers, one from the Islamic school and the other from the Jewish Sharia. From the point of view of both More
        The issue of "prophecy" has long been the focus of philosophers' discussions. This research uses a library method to analyze the truth of prophecy between two philosophers, one from the Islamic school and the other from the Jewish Sharia. From the point of view of both philosophers, man was created to achieve true perfection and happiness, and the only way to reach true and lasting happiness is through the existence and guidance of the Prophet, and following the Prophet's instructions will make them reach It becomes perfection and happiness. In this research, firstly, we independently stated the views of both philosophers in relation to prophecy, and at the end of the research, we determined that their views are the same in relation to the truth, necessity, attributes, levels of prophets, duties and prophetic revelation. However, in the parts related to distinguishing a prophet from a non-prophet, divine law from non-divine, the best of prophets, and the ways of receiving revelation, their views differ from each other. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Consumer Rights Of Food Products
        Mahvash Abolghasem Kashani
        manufacturers produce unhealthy and defected works that not only wastes our resources but also makes a poor economy that leave us in a vulnerable state in this ever-Due to the uncompetitive economic status of our country, some food developing world. The most important m More
        manufacturers produce unhealthy and defected works that not only wastes our resources but also makes a poor economy that leave us in a vulnerable state in this ever-Due to the uncompetitive economic status of our country, some food developing world. The most important matter to be considered is that it inflicts damage on the community health, while it distorts the public discipline and change the balance between production and consumption.  Introduction of basic customer rights across Europe, triggered formulation of a special law for protecting customers in Iran. However, it is imperfect due to the ambiguous method of compensating for losses. Hence, based on the principle of no harm, this essay tends both to find a legally protective umbrella for customers and develop a robust economy as a remedy for the inefficient laws enacted regarding civil liability and protecting customers against the complications of market. For this purpose, this essay introduces a food manufacturer as a sufficient and primary cause that inflict harm, and specifies that the manufacturer’s failure plays role only in ascertaining of the causal link; It also set asides the liability resulting from food production failures and substitute it with manufacturers’ sense of responsibility for the final results , safety assurance, and a perfect responsibility based on legal and jurisprudential principles. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        23 - Clarifying the dignity of self-examination in proving the absolutism of imagination in supreme wisdom
        reza jamalinezhad Seyyed Sadroddin Taheri Abolfazl Mahmoodi
        In transcendental wisdom, imagination is one of the levels of perception, and the power of imagination is considered one of the types of inner senses. Malasdra has established several proofs for the isolation of this power. In the present article, first, one of the most More
        In transcendental wisdom, imagination is one of the levels of perception, and the power of imagination is considered one of the types of inner senses. Malasdra has established several proofs for the isolation of this power. In the present article, first, one of the most important proofs of the power of imagination It is investigated and after that, it has been tried to explain its aspects in the issue of abstraction of the imagination, considering the importance of self-importance in relation to perceptual forms. In the transcendental wisdom, considering the dignity of the soul, the ratio of the power of imagination to imaginary forms is not the ratio of ability and passivity; Rather, it is an active and emitting relationship, that is, the soul invents and composes imaginary forms. The mentioned claim is based on the fact that the soul goes through the process of perception, including sensory, imaginary and intellectual perception, and is the subject of sensory, imaginary and intellectual forms in each stage of perception. At the beginning of creation, the soul lacks all levels of perception; But during the path of physical movement, it gradually reaches the stage of creating and composing images. The above theory has some ambiguities, ambiguities that also affect the celibacy of the imagination, and without solving these ambiguities, the proof of the celibacy of the imagination is not free from problems and problems. The expression of these ambiguities can be clear and precise when in The present research can be aimed at explaining, evaluating and investigating these uncertainties. Manuscript profile