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        1 - A Critical Approach to compatibility of Bakthin’s Views with an Epic Work Like Shahnameh
        کاظم  دزفولیان
        Contemporary literary theorists have examined different literary genres from different standpoints. Among them Mhkail Bakhtin, a distinguished Russian literary critic, stands out from the rest. Highlighting his key concept of dialogism, Bakhtin among different literary More
        Contemporary literary theorists have examined different literary genres from different standpoints. Among them Mhkail Bakhtin, a distinguished Russian literary critic, stands out from the rest. Highlighting his key concept of dialogism, Bakhtin among different literary genres singles novel, especially Dostoyevsky’s novels as possessing dialogic or polyphonic quality where the voice of narrator isn’t dominant. In this article we aimed at examining compatibility of Ferdosi’s Shahnameh with Bakhtin’s views. Findings of the research show that some of the stories have dialogic and polyphonic quality. Manuscript profile
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        2 - The Dissolution of Panegyrist Identity in Praised Identity A Study Based on Panegyric Poems of Farrokhi in Ghaznavid Court
          Reza Zarrinkamar   Ahmad 
        In panegyric poem, as the panegyrist interest necessitates, the panegyrist identity fades away in the identity of the person who is praised. The panegyrist’s favor and disfavor are determined by the praised one’s, as “the other praised ones in shadow” are subject to the More
        In panegyric poem, as the panegyrist interest necessitates, the panegyrist identity fades away in the identity of the person who is praised. The panegyrist’s favor and disfavor are determined by the praised one’s, as “the other praised ones in shadow” are subject to the praise or blame under the influence of the will and wish of the main praised man. In this article the panegyrist and praised relationship, and dissolution of the panegyrist’s identity in the praised one’s is studied, and a historical sample is reviewed in this regard. One sample of the dissolution of the identity of panegyrist in the identity of the praised can be found during the long period that Farrokhi Sistani was in the Court of Ghaznavid during the rule of Sultan Mahmoud who could have lots of victories due to a very powerful army. During that period, Farrokhi praised not only the king but also “The others”, whose literary relationship with them was due to Sultan’s political will and wish. An example of this kind of relationship can be found in the way Farrokhi reacted to Ghaznavid cycle of ministers, which started by dismissal of the chancellor, Ahmad Hassan Meymandi, and substituting him with Hasanak, and again substituting Hasanak with Ahmad Hassan. In praising these “praised in shadow”, he does not have any personal choice or identity, and only speaks according to the “main praised” wills. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Psychoanalysis and Politics
        Mohammadreza Tajik
        Post-Freud psychoanalysis, as manifested in Lacan’s teachings, has had a deep influence on the contemporary theoretical criticism, feminism, film theories, post-structuralism, and Marxism. As a matter of fact this branch of psychoanalysis is a post-modern separation fro More
        Post-Freud psychoanalysis, as manifested in Lacan’s teachings, has had a deep influence on the contemporary theoretical criticism, feminism, film theories, post-structuralism, and Marxism. As a matter of fact this branch of psychoanalysis is a post-modern separation from Sigmund Freud’s teachings. This theory is also to some extent based on the structural and linguistic humanistic discoveries. One of Lacan’s most fundamental beliefs, as the most prominent figure of this school, is that the unconscious has a concealed and hidden structure; quite similar to the structure of language. The recognition of the world, others and self is determined through language. An individual’s precondition for gaining knowledge about himself- as a distinct entity- is language. Lacan also offers a three-angled pattern of the social-psychological world; including the imaginative aspect, the symbolic aspect and the real aspect; which has a vast and serious influence on the domain of the new political realm; post-modernism, post-structuralism, post-Marxism, and feminism. Manuscript profile
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        4 - A Non-totalitarian Idea of Human "Communality"
        مهدی  نصر
        The concept of "human communality" is the most neglected notion in the contemporary individualistic world. Interpreting some concepts of Heidegger's thought such as 'Being-with', 'community' and 'ekstasis', this essay intends to show that "communality" is one of the mai More
        The concept of "human communality" is the most neglected notion in the contemporary individualistic world. Interpreting some concepts of Heidegger's thought such as 'Being-with', 'community' and 'ekstasis', this essay intends to show that "communality" is one of the main structures of man regarded as Dasein. Although we confess that each of us has a singular and unique existence, this fact cannot be disregarded that "language" determines the totality of mankind. The fluid process of "communality" is "giving something a name". Giving names to the things by language is the action that puts together things in a world. The symmetry of this action also happens in politics as "communality"; in politics, people are located beside each other. But the concept of the political issue in the West suppresses the singularities and others and imposes the subjectivistic structures on western man. Therefore, the occident is unable to think about "communality". Manuscript profile
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        5 - Foundations and Application of “Otherness” for Social- political Order on the Thought of Richard Rorty
        Khalil Sardarnus Hosein Mohseni
        Tolerance and acceptation of “otherness”, is necessary for dynamism of socio-political order. Richard Rorty is one of the important post modern thinkers and philosophers that have had special attention to otherness concept in pragmatism with social utility. The aim of More
        Tolerance and acceptation of “otherness”, is necessary for dynamism of socio-political order. Richard Rorty is one of the important post modern thinkers and philosophers that have had special attention to otherness concept in pragmatism with social utility. The aim of this research is to explain of the foundation of otherness concept and its pragmatic utility in socio- political sphere. In this study, the main question is: principally, what is the relationship between otherness concept and socio-political order in Richard Rorty thought? The final finding of this study shows that: by crticism of meta- narratives and rejecting of general truth, Rorty believes to plural order by emphasis on otherness presence and its utility for socio-political order that has been partly done in western liberal democracies with main shortcomings and difficulties. By criticism of modernity thoughts and its meta narratives and rejection of Descartes’ Cogito on the impact of Emanuel Levinas, believes that attention to necessity of otherness, tolerance and responsibility are important than the concept of “self”. In the thought of Richard Rorty, otherness goes beyond of philosophical contexts and extend to cohesion and sympathy in ethics sphere and to neo-pragmatism democracy in the politics scope. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The relationship between the Lacanian subject and the formation of theories of the failure of the constitutional movement
        Mohammad Bagheri ali mokhtari Hamdallah akvani Sadegh  Haghighat
        Throughout history, numerous movements have been formed in various societies, and after almost all of them, thinkers have emerged who have judged the failure of that movement and theorized it. Therefore, this question arises as to why, despite the influence of movements More
        Throughout history, numerous movements have been formed in various societies, and after almost all of them, thinkers have emerged who have judged the failure of that movement and theorized it. Therefore, this question arises as to why, despite the influence of movements, the subject is persuaded to its failure? To find the answer, Jacques Lacan's psycho-socio-political theories, which have a post-structural background, have been used as a method. Also, the constitutional movement, as an example, has been chosen as a case study for applying Lacan theories. The possible answer to this question, based on Lacan theories, refers to the importance of the subject's desire and fantasy in human dynamism and movement. The research findings show that the subject's belief in failure is inevitable. But this belief is not related to reality but is rooted in the perpetual and ontological gap between the subject and the other. Manuscript profile
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        7 - Facing the Other: mouffe or Habermass
        Giti  Pourzaki
        Chantal Mouffe and Jürgen Habermas's thoughts, despite their very serious differences, are one of the most important sources of thought in the field of facing the other. This article tries to retrieve the ideas of these two thinkers about facing the other due to their w More
        Chantal Mouffe and Jürgen Habermas's thoughts, despite their very serious differences, are one of the most important sources of thought in the field of facing the other. This article tries to retrieve the ideas of these two thinkers about facing the other due to their weaknesses and shortcomings, and by their theoretical reconstruction, a more complete typology offers a variety of facing the other. Another purpose of this article is to show the strengths and weaknesses of each of these types to show which of them can be more justified and rational. Accordingly, the main question of the present article is what types of confrontation can there be with the other? And which type of confrontation is more rationally justified? The main hypothesis is that the types of encounters with the other can be summarized into 5 types: becoming another, another taboo, antagonism, agonism, and another reflective understanding. Another reflective understanding seems to be more rationally justified. The method of research will be a descriptive and critical analysis. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Recognition Theory in the Absence of "The Non-Western Other" (A Critical Encounter With Honneth’s Theory of Recognition)
        Azadeh Shabani Abbas Manoochehri Hossein Mesbahian Ehsan Shariati
        The purpose of this article is to answer the question of what is the position of the "non-western other" in the theory of "Axel Honet" and what are the aspects and coordinates of non-inclusion in Honet's theory of ethics.. Therefore, the first part of this article is de More
        The purpose of this article is to answer the question of what is the position of the "non-western other" in the theory of "Axel Honet" and what are the aspects and coordinates of non-inclusion in Honet's theory of ethics.. Therefore, the first part of this article is devoted to the explanation of the fundamentals of Axel Honte's theory of ethics. The second part of the article is devoted to criticisms that have entered into the whole theory of Haunt. The focus of this part is to shed light on things regarding the exploited class and the humiliated gender, as well as doubting the liberating ability of the theory of values and its abstraction from the structures of domination and power. But in the third part, which is the main topic of the article, the value science is examined in connection with the non-western other. Finally, we try to explain the predicament of the non-western other, which is fundamentally invisible. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Murder and Typification of the forgiveness (A Case Study of Guilan)
        Main purpose this research is “Typification of the forgiveness based on inductive strategy”. In this strategy, the interviewees perception about the forgivness by interpretivism approach have been investigated. This research has been with qualitative method and purp More
        Main purpose this research is “Typification of the forgiveness based on inductive strategy”. In this strategy, the interviewees perception about the forgivness by interpretivism approach have been investigated. This research has been with qualitative method and purposive sampling, and individual and group (Focus group) interviews. According to the logic of theoretical saturation, twenty seven individually and three group were interviewed. Then researcher analyzed interviews with method thematic analyze. Overall,the findings indicates that there are two general type of forgiveness.The first is self- oriented forgiveness and the second is other- oriented forgiveness . In the first part exist various species such as: Forgiveness oppositions, forgiveness supporters, replaced forgiveness and intent - oriented forgiveness. Other-oriented forgiveness can observe types three: forgivenes oppositions, reluctantly Forgiveness and intent-oriented forgiveness. People reacted to the murder of their close relatives to criminal calculate and assess the benefits of forgiveness and revenge, and then act.Based on the research findings the forgivness is time and space, because it depend to the position of the offender or the victim and the time between the crime and punishment Manuscript profile
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        10 - Dramaturgy of the Animation of the Line as a Pattern for Philosophy and Children
        Nadia  Maftouni
        There are various ways and methods of explaining philosophical and theological problems for children, and giving answers to their questions. These methods can be associated with the intellectual and philosophical growth of children. One of the ways of attaining these me More
        There are various ways and methods of explaining philosophical and theological problems for children, and giving answers to their questions. These methods can be associated with the intellectual and philosophical growth of children. One of the ways of attaining these methods is the dramaturgy of the works that are produced by others. Serial of the animation of the Line is considered to be one of the most efficient products in this field. In this serial, at least, five components come to the fore in the form of animation cartoon as follows: 1-The concept of God and His Attributes and Omnipresence, 2- emanation of the many from the one and the dependence of all other than God on the Creator, 3- man-God perpetual relation, supplication, and demanding various needs, thanksgiving, and thanklessness, 4- self-knowledge, thinking of oneself and of any basic changes in oneself, 5- expressing the moral virtues and vices, encouraging to good behaviors and discouraging bad behaviors. The fifth component is included in the majority of works on children, and is not considered to be the main characteristics of the serial of the Line. Manuscript profile
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        11 - An Analysis of Ibn Sina’s View Regarding the Relationship between the Body, Death, and Otherworldly Life
        Furugh al-Sadat  Rahimpoor Zahra Heidary Heidary
        There is no doubt about the co-existence of the body and the soul in worldly life. However, there are some debates on the accompaniment of worldly body and the soul in other worldly life. Based on Ibn Sina’s principles, worldly life cannot have an otherworldly life; how More
        There is no doubt about the co-existence of the body and the soul in worldly life. However, there are some debates on the accompaniment of worldly body and the soul in other worldly life. Based on Ibn Sina’s principles, worldly life cannot have an otherworldly life; however, some effects of the worldly life of the body stay with the soul until eternity and affect Man’s otherworldly and eternal life. In Ibn Sina’s view, the body plays an essential role in the occurrence of death. This is because its change and annihilation are the reasons behind the separation of the soul from the body and, as a result, the end of worldly life. Upon the beginning of the otherworldly stage of life, the unity of the soul with the material body is ruptured; however, the effects of some of the worldly acts and behaviors of the body are not destroyed and, rather, affect the quality of the final destiny of human beings and their lives in some way. The actualization of complete connection with the Active Intellect, which becomes possible through overcoming all physical barriers and limitations and the true perception of spiritual pleasures and the essence of the soul are among such effects. The behaviors rooted in the bodily configurations that have penetrated the soul remain until the next life and play a role in providing the context for the happiness and misery of the soul and determining the quantity and quality of its otherworldly rewards and punishments. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Semantics of the Appellation “Necessary Being in itself”
        Seyyed Mohammad  Entezam
        The synthetic name of “Necessary Being in itself” is one of the most important names that Muslim philosophers, from Farabi to those of the present period, have used in their philosophical theology and, based on which, discussed the existence, attributes, and acts of God More
        The synthetic name of “Necessary Being in itself” is one of the most important names that Muslim philosophers, from Farabi to those of the present period, have used in their philosophical theology and, based on which, discussed the existence, attributes, and acts of God. In this paper, the writer has tried to analyze and explore the important points and ideas presented regarding this synthetic name through reviewing philosophical and kalami sources. The purpose here is twofold: to become familiar with some errors such as the “mixture of concept and referent” and the “mixture of the second philosophical intelligible with the first one”, which has occurred here, and to attain an accurate and defensible meaning of this name. In doing so, the writer initially demonstrates that two words of this synthetic name (being and necessary) are evident, polysemous, and secondary intelligibles and explains the importance of this point in the semantics of this name. Secondly, he analyzes and investigates the most important definitions provided for this name. From among the given six definitions, he criticizes the first and the fourth of them and pinpoints the sources of the errors committed in them. Later, while confirming the second, third, and fifth definitions, following Farabi, Ibn Sina, and Mulla Sadra, the writer chooses the definition of the Necessary Being in itself as a truth which is the same as existence as the best definition in a conceptual domain. Finally, he moves from the domain of “concept” to the domain of “existence” and provides an ontological interpretation of this name. Manuscript profile
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        13 - A Comparative Study of Ibn Sina’s and Mulla Sadra’s Philosophical Principles of Intermediary Development Based on Religious Texts
        Seyyed Sadra al-Din  Taheri امينه  احمدي
        In religious sources, based on the logic of revelation, the development of the soul in the intermediate world is certain and impeccable. However, the quality of intermediary development and its probable inconsistency certain philosophical principles, such as the necessi More
        In religious sources, based on the logic of revelation, the development of the soul in the intermediate world is certain and impeccable. However, the quality of intermediary development and its probable inconsistency certain philosophical principles, such as the necessity for any kind of development to be preceded by potency and motion and allocating them to matter, makes it necessary for this kind of development to be only possible based on religious (Shar‘i) principles. In other words, philosophers might not be able to demonstrate the possibility of the souls’ intermediary development on the basis of rational principles. In this paper, the writers initially examine the traditional proofs for intermediary development based on religious texts and then investigate it in the light of the fundamental principles proposed by two prominent Islamic philosophers, Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra. After a comparative study of their views, the writers conclude that intermediary development is impossible based on both philosophers’ principles regarding motion. However, they also argue that, given Mulla Sadra’s view of the Ideal immateriality of the soul and his belief in the Ideal Otherworldly body, there is a more appropriate, but not sufficient, context for the posthumous development of the body. Manuscript profile
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        14 - Secrets of Sharī‘ah and Benefits of Obedience in Mullā Ṣadrā’s View
        Seyyed Mostafa  Muhaqqiq Damad
        According to religious teachings, religious rites and rituals, in addition to their external image, possess an internal image which creates Man’s identity and soul. In Islamic traditions, several works have been written on the secrets of Sharīa‘ah, some of which discuss More
        According to religious teachings, religious rites and rituals, in addition to their external image, possess an internal image which creates Man’s identity and soul. In Islamic traditions, several works have been written on the secrets of Sharīa‘ah, some of which discuss them in general and some analyze specific rites and rituals. In this regard, reference can be made to al-Futūḥāt al-makkīyyah by Ibn ‘Arabī, Asrār al-sharī‘ah wa aṭwār al-tarīqah wal-ḥaqīqah by Sayyid Haydar Amuli, Mahajjat-al-bayḍā by Mullā Muḥsin Fayḍ Kāshānī, treatise of al-Tanbihāt al-‘aliyyah ala waza’if al-ṣalāt al-qalbīyyah by Shahīd Thānī, and Asrār al-ṣalāt by Imam Khomeini. In two parts of the book al-Shawāhid al-rubūbīyyah fil manahij al-sulukīyyah, Mullā Ṣadrā has also discussed the secrets of Sharī‘ah. The present paper investigates and analyses his views regarding the secrets of Sharī‘ah. Manuscript profile
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        15 - The Other and Individuation in Mullā Ṣadrā’s Philosophy
        Zahra  Karimi Majid Ziaei Ghahnavieh Alireza  Hasanpour
        The problem of other was propounded for the first time in Western philosophy by Emmanuel Levinas and its efficiency in justifying several ethical principles is undeniable. Moreover, it seems that the majority of present issues and complications in social and internation More
        The problem of other was propounded for the first time in Western philosophy by Emmanuel Levinas and its efficiency in justifying several ethical principles is undeniable. Moreover, it seems that the majority of present issues and complications in social and international relationships can be resolved through a profound consideration of this problem. This discussion has apparently been developed during the contemporary period; however, several early philosophical views and ideas are also capable of resolving the related issues. One of the early philosophical schools with such a potential is Mullā Ṣadrā’s school of thought, which comprises the principles that are based on his ontological thoughts. The employment of the principles of the Transcendent Philosophy as a method of living can at least lead to some changes in People’s worldviews. For example, by lining up some philosophical principles such as the principiality and gradation of existence and the theory of existents’ manifestation, a new definition can be provided for the principle of individuation. Moreover, through a comparison of the principle of individuation with the Sadrian oneness of being, a number of noteworthy conclusions can be derived from this discussion. Manuscript profile
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        16 - (Evaluation of the effect of employees' psychological well-being on motivating the employees to innovate in the company (Research in Petrochemical companies of Bushehr Province
        Nasim Beheshtkhoo fakhrieh Hamidianpour Majid Esmaeilpour
        In today's competitive world, innovation is considered as a prerequisite for the survival of organizations. It is possible through human resources. In fact, the intellectual capital and human resources of the organization are one of the richest resources, which can brin More
        In today's competitive world, innovation is considered as a prerequisite for the survival of organizations. It is possible through human resources. In fact, the intellectual capital and human resources of the organization are one of the richest resources, which can bring growth and development for organization with the power of their thinking and innovation. Hence, the organization's access to innovation will be possible only through human resources and motivation of its employees. One of the factors, which can motivate employees to motivate, is providing psychological well-being and comfort for human resources by organizations. Thus, the objective of this study is to evaluate the employees' psychological well-being and its effect on motivating the employees to innovate. The present study is an applied research in terms of the objective and correlational type of descriptive-survey research in terms of data collection method. The research population included petrochemical companies operating in Bushehr province. Sampling was used due to large size of the research population. Data were collected using questionnaire. The validity of the data collection tool was confirmed through content validity and its reliability was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha method. The research questionnaire was provided to 315 employees of the petrochemical companies of Bushehr province. The structural equation method was used for analyzing the data in this study. The results of this study revealed a positive and significant effect on all of the six dimensions of psychological well-being such as autonomy, self-esteem, environmental domination, personal growth, having goal life, and positive relationships with others on motivating the employees to innovate. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Explaining Managerial Factors and Indicators of Talent Development of Iranian Banking Industry Managers
        hasan asheghi
        The managerial nurturing paradigm as one of the approaches to sustainable development alongside economic and social approaches has been considered by management science experts in recent years. The purpose of this study was to identify and explain the managerial factors More
        The managerial nurturing paradigm as one of the approaches to sustainable development alongside economic and social approaches has been considered by management science experts in recent years. The purpose of this study was to identify and explain the managerial factors and indicators of managerial development within the framework of the model. According to the exploratory approach of the research, the method of mixing was selected based on the priority of data collection, first the qualitative method and then the quantitative method. The statistical population consisted of 21 managers of cooperative banking and 429 managers of cooperative financial services. Purposeful sampling and structured interview information and questionnaire were collected. The validity of the study was determined by face validity and reliability by Cronbach's alpha coefficient and composite reliability. The findings showed that three factors and 27 managerial indices are necessary for managerial development. The results indicate that for nurturing managers with a managerial approach, the three-factor model of self-management, management of others and business management should be considered by the planners. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Social and cultural impact assessment of city of Tehran’s homeless shelters
        سمیه  مومنی هادی  درویشی
        The purpose of the study is to assess social and cultural impacts of Homeless Housing Assistance Center of Tehran Naft District 5th District Municipality And providing Corrective and compensatory solutions to make this project work better. The descriptive-analytical met More
        The purpose of the study is to assess social and cultural impacts of Homeless Housing Assistance Center of Tehran Naft District 5th District Municipality And providing Corrective and compensatory solutions to make this project work better. The descriptive-analytical method has been used with stakeholder analysis approach to achieve this goal. On the one hand, it can be said the negative impact of Farahzad Valley’s neighborhoods on the function and the image of the businessman by regarding the geographical scope of the impact of the surrounding environment of Homeless Housing Assistance Center On its function as The main focus of the social damage is the Naft area By creating urban defenseless spaces, The presence of homeless people And trash exacerbation On the function and the image of Homeless Housing Assistance Center And on the other hand, in the social domain, one can claim that If one of the main goals of the construction of Homeless Housing Assistance Center is to prevent the deaths of addicted and homeless people in public roads and to preserve urban furniture and to eliminate these people from the city’s face rather than rehabilitation, The findings and data of the research indicate the success of the 5th District Municipality in creating a comfortable dormitory space for clients. But, in the end, two main damage to the function of the Homeless Housing Assistance Center can be identified: 1. becoming Homeless Housing Assistance Center to Permanent residence of clients and their precipitate and 2. Discontinuing the Empowerment Cycle of Clients and as a result the loss of Retrospective nature of the collection. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Investigating the Influence of Human Resources Management Activities on Customer Loyalty in the Hoteling Industry Using a Multilevel Approach
        zahra Nikkhah-Farkhani Mohammad shaykhzade
        Considering the fact that customer loyalty is regarded as one of the most important concerns of hotel managers, this study sought to investigate the influence of human resources management activities on customer loyalty using a multi-level approach. The statistical popu More
        Considering the fact that customer loyalty is regarded as one of the most important concerns of hotel managers, this study sought to investigate the influence of human resources management activities on customer loyalty using a multi-level approach. The statistical population of the study comprised of managers, staff, and customers of four-star and five-star hotels in Mashhad. Moreover, the statistical sample size of the research at the organization level consisted of thirty-four, one-hundred and forty, two-hundred and forty managers, staff, and customers at organizational, staff, and customer levels, respectively. On the other hand, Sam’s 12-item questionnaire (2008) and the 17-item questionnaire developed by Al-Rafiei et al. (2013) were used to measure the human resources management activities and the staff’s satisfaction and loyalty, respectively, whose validity and reliability was tested using the Content validity method and Cronbach's alpha, respectively. Finally, HLM 7.02 and the SPSS software were used to analyse the collected data. The results proved the positive influence of human resources management activities on the staff’s satisfaction and loyalty, and in turn, on the satisfaction and loyalty of the customers. Therefore, it could be argued that hotel managers can increase the loyalty of their customers by emphasizing human resource management activities and improving their staff’s satisfaction and loyalty, which would increase the profitability of hotels in the long term by reducing marketing costs. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Semiotic analysis of female identity and life in the novel "Va Digaran (And Others)" by Mahbobeh Mirqadiri
        Sepideh Seyed Faraji Farhad Tahmasbi Ruqayyah Sadraie
        Reading stories and novels is one of the ways to study the sociology of society and get acquainted with its cultural and social issues. One of the social issues that has been considered in sociology and has been the focus of storytelling in literature is the issue of bi More
        Reading stories and novels is one of the ways to study the sociology of society and get acquainted with its cultural and social issues. One of the social issues that has been considered in sociology and has been the focus of storytelling in literature is the issue of biosexuality. The issue of this research is the search for the biosexuality of Iranian women in the novel "Va Digaran (And Others)"and how to explain it with a semiotic perspective. Knowing this in novels can provide a lot of information about society and the views of people in society; One of the tools that can make this possible is social semiotics. In this article, an attempt has been made to clarify the hidden angles of the identity and biosexuality of Iranian women by examining the social signs of the novel "Va Digaran (And Others)"by Mahboubeh Ghadiri using the semiotics of Giro. Findings show that identity is the most important concern of the author and also the main character of the novel (narrator) as the second wife of a married man, seeks to explain aspects of his sexuality that have not previously appeared in the literature. The most important social symbols used in the novel are "place, language and name". Through the language, the narrator reveals women's bio-sexuality with hidden and overt references to female sexual experiences such as puberty, motherhood, abortion, and so on. Mir Ghadiri also well has represented and implicitly has objected to the patriarchal discourse order through the codes of social etiquette (customs). Manuscript profile
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        21 - Social Impact Assessment of BRT Line Displacement in Mowlavi Street
        Zahra  Khastoo
        Deputy of Transportation and Traffic of Tehran Municipal Region 12 has presented a plan to displace the BRT line from the south side of Mowlavi Street to the middle in order to increase safety and organize public transportation. This paper aims to study the social and c More
        Deputy of Transportation and Traffic of Tehran Municipal Region 12 has presented a plan to displace the BRT line from the south side of Mowlavi Street to the middle in order to increase safety and organize public transportation. This paper aims to study the social and cultural impacts of this intervention on the social life of Mowlavi Street in accordance with the stakeholders’ needs, situations, and opinions. The main methodology of this research is based on qualitative approach and phenomenological method using in-depth interview and focus group techniques. Accordingly, relying on the theoretical framework of livability. several concepts such as sustainability, sustainable transportation, quality of life and safety have been brought forth. The findings indicate that the displacement of Mowlavi BRT line can increase street safety; however, this requires a high level of organizational cooperation of Traffic Police on this street. On the other hand, one-way to two-way street conversion which is also aligned with the local residents’ and businesses’ social and economic benefits in Harandi and Takhti neighborhoods, can increase the transportation demand for Mowlavi Street. Manuscript profile
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        22 - A Comparative Study on the Concept of Other’s Subjectivity from the Perspective of Lacan and Levinas Focusing on the Educational Implications
        Ali  sattri Batoul Shahi Maryam  Esfahani
        The present study aims to investigate the concept of the other’s subjectivity from the perspective of Lacan and Levinas with emphasis on the moral subject and their educational implications. In order to achieve this goal, the analytical-comparative method has been used More
        The present study aims to investigate the concept of the other’s subjectivity from the perspective of Lacan and Levinas with emphasis on the moral subject and their educational implications. In order to achieve this goal, the analytical-comparative method has been used and the results of the research indicate that in Lacan's belief, the innate human tendency to dialogue and recreation of discourse forms in linguistic structures, paves the ground for the acceptance of the other. Criticizing the sameness view in the traditional ethics that emphasizes absolute good and the great other, he points out the symptom of reduced others in the moral system and mentions the superiority of other-oriented ethics. Levinas also condemns the reduction of otherness to the "same" matter and in the priority of ethics over philosophy, he talks of an other-oriented and responsible ethics. Some implications can be obtained from the other’s subjectivity for the educational system, in the realms of curriculum, teaching method, and teacher-student relationship. The ideal educational system from Lacan's point of view, based on the two concepts of the Ego-ideal and the Super- ego, arises from a social and moral subject according to which moral subjectivity requires interaction and social action between teachers and students particularly in the realm of curriculum. According to Levinas, the ideal educational system is achieved in the face-to-face relationship between the student and the teacher, and having the focus on the otherness of the student, it requires a curriculum focusing on the marginalized persons. A combination of Lacan's and Levinas's approach in highlighting the relationship between "I" and "the other" leads to the notion of "moral subjectivity". Manuscript profile