Classification of Entrepreneurial Values (Case Study: Female Social Entrepreneurs of Tehran)
Subject Areas : General
Mona Emami
Talieh Khdemian
Abazar Ashtari Mehrjardi
Mostafa Karbasioun
1 - PhD student in the field of cultural sociology, science and research department, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, North Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Science and Technology, Institute of Cultural, Social and Civilization Studies, Tehran, Iran
4 - Assistant Professor of Rural Development Department of Shahrekord University. Shahrekord, Iran
Keywords: Social eEntrepreneurship, Values of Women Social Entrepreneurs, Attention to others, Seeking Power, Conservatism,
Abstract :
"Social entrepreneurship" is an interdisciplinary concept proposed in the fields of management, , psychology and sociology, and it can be a suitable solution for solving social problems and a drive for social changes and economic development. During the last one or two decades, entrepreneurial actions and their types have expanded in the country, and among them, recognizing and categorizing entrepreneurial values is very important.
This article was done with the aim of sociological analysis and ranking of the components of the value system that encourages social entrepreneurship of women in Tehran, as well as the formation process of these values. Knowing these characteristics helps them to move and be more dynamic in reaching the desired level, both structurally and functionally, in the field of social entrepreneurship. By using the qualitative research approach, we tried to categorize these values while recognizing and understanding the process of forming the value system of women social entrepreneurs. Qualitative content analysis method was used to collect and analyze the findings. And through purposeful sampling and semi-structured interviews with 17 female social entrepreneurs who were known as the "founders" of the organization, data was collected, coded and analyzed, and then as a result of the process of converting concepts into categories, from 108 categories to Twenty-three concepts, and finally five sub-categories and finally reduced to three main categories. The research findings show; The most important values of women social entrepreneurs are caring for others and improving their living standards (collectivist values), seeking power and conservatism (individualistic values).
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