(Evaluation of the effect of employees' psychological well-being on motivating the employees to innovate in the company (Research in Petrochemical companies of Bushehr Province
Subject Areas :
Nasim Beheshtkhoo
fakhrieh Hamidianpour
Majid Esmaeilpour
1 -
2 - 1Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Business and Economics, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran
3 - Associate Professor in Marketing Management, Department of Business Management, Faculty of Business and Economics, Persian Gulf University Bushehr, Iran.
Keywords: Psychological well-being, Innovation, Motivation to innovate, Self-esteem, Personal growth, Positive relationships with others,
Abstract :
In today's competitive world, innovation is considered as a prerequisite for the survival of organizations. It is possible through human resources. In fact, the intellectual capital and human resources of the organization are one of the richest resources, which can bring growth and development for organization with the power of their thinking and innovation. Hence, the organization's access to innovation will be possible only through human resources and motivation of its employees. One of the factors, which can motivate employees to motivate, is providing psychological well-being and comfort for human resources by organizations. Thus, the objective of this study is to evaluate the employees' psychological well-being and its effect on motivating the employees to innovate. The present study is an applied research in terms of the objective and correlational type of descriptive-survey research in terms of data collection method. The research population included petrochemical companies operating in Bushehr province. Sampling was used due to large size of the research population. Data were collected using questionnaire. The validity of the data collection tool was confirmed through content validity and its reliability was confirmed using Cronbach's alpha method. The research questionnaire was provided to 315 employees of the petrochemical companies of Bushehr province. The structural equation method was used for analyzing the data in this study. The results of this study revealed a positive and significant effect on all of the six dimensions of psychological well-being such as autonomy, self-esteem, environmental domination, personal growth, having goal life, and positive relationships with others on motivating the employees to innovate.
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