• List of Articles conflict

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        1 - Investigating the Relationship between Conflict Styles of Managers and Organizational Entrepreneurship of Neyshabour University of Medical Sciences
        azade taghavirad
        Our age is a time of change and, given that organizations are sub-systems of the system of society and are affected by these changes, it is necessary to keep pace with these environmental changes, create a suitable environment suitable for the emergence of new ideas and More
        Our age is a time of change and, given that organizations are sub-systems of the system of society and are affected by these changes, it is necessary to keep pace with these environmental changes, create a suitable environment suitable for the emergence of new ideas and entrepreneurship. In organizations. Entrepreneurship can be considered as one of the most important growth and development engines. It is natural that the purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between managerial conflict management styles and organizational entrepreneurship among the staff of Neishabour University of Medical Sciences, In this cross-sectional study, information was gathered using two standard and valid questionnaires of Managing Conflict and Organizational Entrepreneurship Margaret Hill, a statistical society consisting of two groups of administrative administrators (60) and administrative staff (3000) Sampling from Morgan's table 52 executives and 341 employees from the employees under the supervision of managers were gathered. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 21 software to analyze the data. Results show that there is a significant relationship between conflict management styles and organizational entrepreneurship, there is a significant difference between the dimensions of organizational entrepreneurship of the staff and the demographic characteristics (gender, age, degree of education and work experience). There is a significant difference between conflict styles and demographic characteristics (gender, age, and degree). This study suggests that in order to increase organizational entrepreneurship, employees should use less coercion styles.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Generation Difference and Conflict in Saadi’s Works
        ناصر نیکوبخت حسن  شاهی‌پور
        Of human being concerns throughout the history, was generational relations, generation difference and conflict which have drawn social reformists’ attention, persistently. Social, political, economic developments and evolution of communities and particularly industriali More
        Of human being concerns throughout the history, was generational relations, generation difference and conflict which have drawn social reformists’ attention, persistently. Social, political, economic developments and evolution of communities and particularly industrialization, have had tangible impacts on behavioural norms of generations, that, given special requirement of youth, this behavioural difference have been proved in this generation more tangible and obvious. Saadi, during short history and anecdotes, pointing to some of these conflicts and differences, considered it natural and usual, though didn’t seek to address reasons and causes of this divide. Relying on moral teachings, he attempts to invite youth to follow the elders and use of their experiences. Defending social values and traditions, he prefers behavioural patterns of the aged. Subsequently, some Saadi’ advices and his recommendations to the youth and the aged summarized in this essay, and finally the readers will judge to what extent moral teachings belong to past didactic literature might help contemporary generations to repair generational divide. Manuscript profile
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        3 - A Study on the Functions of Contradiction and Conflict in the Aesthetic Analysis of Attar’s Sonnets Imagery Based on Jorjani’s Views
        عطیه مشاهری فرد حسینعلی قبادی maryam آخسسثهده علیرضا  نیکویی
        Abdolghaher Jorjani is one of the well known rhetoricians and syntacticians of fifth century who is best known for his “construction theory” and “the meaning of meaning”. Two of his great books named Asrar al-balaghah and Dala'il al-I'jaz explain aesthetic issues of the More
        Abdolghaher Jorjani is one of the well known rhetoricians and syntacticians of fifth century who is best known for his “construction theory” and “the meaning of meaning”. Two of his great books named Asrar al-balaghah and Dala'il al-I'jaz explain aesthetic issues of the discourse. What he has expressed about these imageries can also be useful for studying other literary devices. Although he has referred to simile, allegory, metaphor, and metonymy to explain the effective elements of aesthetics, the method he has used to analyze the aesthetic value of the text, and the effective factors he presented for aesthetic analysis of the imageries can also be useful in studying other figures of speech. Using a descriptive-analytical approach, and according to Jorjani’s views, this study aims at analyzing the function of contradiction and conflict in the aesthetic analysis of Attar’s sonnets. This study attempts to show that what Jorjani had considered to be important aesthetic factors can be found in different representations of the elements of contradiction and conflict (e.g. antonyms, different types of paradox, etc.). Based on the findings, contradiction is one of the effective elements of literariness of the text. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Analysis of Iranian Family Evolutions in a selection of Persian Novels Based on Conflict theory
        حمید رضایی Ebrahim zaheri
        Changes and evolutions in society, especially the family, are studied and explained based on various theories, including the theory of conflict. According to this theory, there are different attitudes and interests in a society and also different groups, that by power, More
        Changes and evolutions in society, especially the family, are studied and explained based on various theories, including the theory of conflict. According to this theory, there are different attitudes and interests in a society and also different groups, that by power, order is created between them and social stability is provided; but ultimately the unequal distribution of resources will lead to struggle and conflict between them. The present research aims to interpret and analyze the evolutions of Iranian family in novels « Talar-e Ayeneh (The Mirror Hall)» by Amir Hossein Cheheltan, «Samphony-e Mordegan (Symphony of the Dead)» by Abbas Maroufi, and «Nimey-e Ghayeb (The Absent Half)» by Hossein Sanapour based on the conflict theory and using descriptive-analytical method. This study seeks to answer the following questions: What factors have caused conflict in Iranian families during different periods? What were the benefits of the conflict? What resources have the dominated groups used to liberate themselves? And what changes has this conflict caused in the family? The results show that first conflict and tension are created in the upper families of the society,and then the middle families and afterwards lower families.; These contradictions are due to the familiarity with modernity, and in the beginning, the character of the father played the role of agency in this field. But in the following, other members of the family, especially the son character, and then, the daughter and wife have protested against the existing order. The father benefits from the existing order and other family members are dominated by him. He has resourses such as power and wealth at his disposal to continue his dominance and the subordinated group have used resources and capitals such as socio-economic and cultural capitals to emancipate themselves. The father character seeks to maintain his power and authority in the family, and other members of the family seek individuality and independence. The conflict resulting from this situation has led to changes and evulations in the values and norms of the family, especially with regard to marriage, education, and occupation, and a new order has been formed with the collapse of the previous order of the family. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Transition to democracy and Ethnic Conflict’s Raising and Failing
        Ethnic conflict and its related factors is one of the social sciences’ main research areas, especially in the recent decades. Ethnic conflict revolutions’ parallelism with transition process to democratization, especially after 2th half of 20th century, make political s More
        Ethnic conflict and its related factors is one of the social sciences’ main research areas, especially in the recent decades. Ethnic conflict revolutions’ parallelism with transition process to democratization, especially after 2th half of 20th century, make political sociology of ethnic conflicts focus on this scientific scope that what requirements and circumstances can be provided by transition of democracy for revolution of ethical conflicts. The main question is, whether democratization transition and its process, inevitably is concomitant with ethnical conflicts or transition process can provide an opportunity that prevents ethnical conflicts through the promotion of political negotiations in innovative democratic governments? Regarding lack of theoretical researches in this scope, using qualitative analysis, we studied the conditions through which, democratization transition provides a background both for ethnical conflicts’ moderation and also exacerbation. Institutional strategies that prevent ethnical conflicts, ethnic conflicts and democratic processes’ flourishing and authoritarian regimes’ typology across ethnic variation are the present study’s other interesting areas that have been investigated. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The Exploration of Political Violence from Della Porta’s Point of View: Hidden Violence
        Seyed Javad Salehi Fateh Moradi Niaz
        Arab uprisings, interpreted by many as spring or awakening, failed in its core objectives of achieving freedom and democracy. The path to freedom by these nations soonwas highjacked and replaced by violence. This includes Islamic Fundamentalist groups such as ISIS and a More
        Arab uprisings, interpreted by many as spring or awakening, failed in its core objectives of achieving freedom and democracy. The path to freedom by these nations soonwas highjacked and replaced by violence. This includes Islamic Fundamentalist groups such as ISIS and al-Qaeda, authoritarian regimes, and militant groups in Iraq, Syria and Yemen have displayed new dimensions of unbridled violence through the capacity of audio-visual media. In fact, violence has become an instrument for various political and military actors to represent their strength through it in these regions. Hence, the importance of this variable and the role it plays in recent developments in the countries as part of the Arab uprisings has led the authors to study the causes and consequences of the formation of violence, especially with political motives, around the question of what are the central characteristics of political violence from Dellaporta's point of view? Therefore, in this study an attempt is made to analyze this phenomenon in an intellectual and discourse format with an analytical-explanatory approach and by referring to Donatella Dellaporta's opinions in the field of political violence by referring to library and internet sources. The research hypothesis is based on the principle that political violence, especially hidden violence, is a complex and multidimensional process that has its own mechanisms. In fact, hidden political violence is the result of multi-faceted interaction and confrontation between the government and social groups and activists according to the available facilities and capacities. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The Concept of Right and Freedom in Talibov's Thought
        fardin moradkhani
        Iranian Constitutionalism as an important event of the Iranian new Ages introduces many new concepts to Iranian thought. The concept of right as well as the concept of freedom as two important concepts were put forward by the thinkers of this age and theorized about it. More
        Iranian Constitutionalism as an important event of the Iranian new Ages introduces many new concepts to Iranian thought. The concept of right as well as the concept of freedom as two important concepts were put forward by the thinkers of this age and theorized about it. Intellectuals, as one of the groups involved, played a major role in designing these concepts. They were able to acquaint Iranians with many concepts of the new era, such as law, parliament, limitation of power, freedom, equality, constitution, and so on. Talibov Tabrizi's words about the concept of right are more precise than others. Talibov's life outside of Iran and his familiarity with the writings of Western scholars have led him to carefully examine new concepts. He has spoken precisely about many modern concepts. He deals with the basis of law, types of rights, violations of rights, and conflicts of rights. It also calls for freedom as one of the evidences of right and tries to find theoretical foundations for this important demand of Iranian constitutionalism. He has the emphasis on praising freedom, linking it with the right, setting limits on freedom, and the avoidance of chaos. Relying on Talibov's works and using a descriptive-analytical method, this article seeks to examine the question of what is the place and meaning of right in Talibov's thought and what is its relation to freedom. And an attempt has been made to explain his theory of rights and freedoms as two key concepts in Iranian constitutionalism. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Impact of globalization on the conflict of laws from the perspective of ethics
        Abdolmahdi  Heidari Nejad Ali  Almasi
        In this paper, the impact of globalization on the conflict of laws from the perspective of ethics has been examined. Globalization as an existing fact has replaced many works in different sciences and trends. In the field of law science, globalization has also affected More
        In this paper, the impact of globalization on the conflict of laws from the perspective of ethics has been examined. Globalization as an existing fact has replaced many works in different sciences and trends. In the field of law science, globalization has also affected the conflict of laws in three categories. First, in terms of material (material), globalization has implicated itself in the uniformization of laws, which is being implemented by international organizations, model laws, and international conventions. In the second category, the rules of conflict resolution, where there is no possibility of uniformity of the rules of law for some reason, globalization has shown its impact by trying to unify the rules of conflict resolution. In this regard, and given the mutual effects of globalization And ethics on one another, considering ethical standards as one of the commons of human societies, can greatly leave its traces. Ultimately, barriers to the implementation of foreign law, such as public order, good morals and fraud to the law, are also limited by globalization and the possibility of extending the implementation of foreign law. Manuscript profile
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        9 - Ethical Conflict of Decisions of the International Court of Justice and the Security Council on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes
        Saeedeh  Golkar Seyed Mohammad  Hashemi Ali  Zare
        In the present study the structure, some considerations on the respective rolls of the security council and the internationalcourt of justice with respect to the “The revention of aggravation of disputes” in the domain of the pacific settlementof international disputes More
        In the present study the structure, some considerations on the respective rolls of the security council and the internationalcourt of justice with respect to the “The revention of aggravation of disputes” in the domain of the pacific settlementof international disputes or situations, according to the United Nations charter through comparing their functions and functionalities. Special focus is on the International Court of Justice (ICJ) as the sole United Nations judicial institution that carries not only the responsibility of peaceful resolution of international disputes between states and other subjects of international law but also has contributed to the expansion of international law. ICJ has a responsibility to supervise other organs of the United Nations but has failed to observe the resolutions of the Security Council despite the freedoms it enjoys to do so. The authority of the Security Council is still derived from the will of powers, not the international law which has resulted in silence and inaction of the ICJ with regard to the decisions of the Security Council in the cases of Lockerbie, Namibia, Bosnia and Herzegovinian and Montenegro; all out of political considerations. The study ends with a conclusion and a set of recommendations to minimize the adverse effects of the discussed contradictions including legal observations supported by some international principles and procedures as well as acceptance of the superiority of the decisions of the ICJ over decisions of other main UN bodies particularly the Security Council. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Ethical Assessment of Internal Armed Conflicts with a focus on the Statute of the International Criminal Court and the procedure of the former Yugoslav Court
        mohsen amari Mahdi Hatami
        War crimes are one of the most important examples of international crimes and, as a moral anomaly, are within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. As long as it has been criminalized in Article 8 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court, it ha More
        War crimes are one of the most important examples of international crimes and, as a moral anomaly, are within the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court. As long as it has been criminalized in Article 8 of the Statute of the International Criminal Court, it has undergone a long process. In general, the Statute of the Court exceeded the limits of the customary international law on war conflicts in significant and perceptible cases and imposes new obligations on States Parties. In addition to the criminalization of certain acts related to the war in international armed conflicts, the crimes committed in conflicts within the countries have also been sanctioned. By 1949, International humanitarian law has not considered to internal armed conflicts, and up to 1977, no independent treaties were drawn up in this regard. It can also be found in the absence of a comprehensive definition of non-international armed conflicts. However, in the 1990s, The International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia defined a definition, while reflecting the custom of its time, influenced the development of the future custom. In this paper, The formation of resources and bases governing internal armed conflicts and its gradual and moral development will be assessed on the basis of humanitarian criteria by the library method and using fishing tools, and will show that the procedure of the Court The former Yugoslav penal code, followed by the drafting of the 1998 Statute of the International Criminal Court. And the inclusion of these crimes in the scope of war crimes has created and developed a great moral transformation in relation to the development of rights related to these conflicts. Manuscript profile
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        11 - Jews Doctrinal Challenges and Verbal Conflicts during the Life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH
        After the establishment of the Islamic state in Medina, several groups such as the Jews who were residing in the city and its neighborhood deployed against the Prophet. As The Holy Quran states Jewish were among those nations who settled in Medina awaiting the prophecy More
        After the establishment of the Islamic state in Medina, several groups such as the Jews who were residing in the city and its neighborhood deployed against the Prophet. As The Holy Quran states Jewish were among those nations who settled in Medina awaiting the prophecy of the promised one, but Because of their hostility to the Prophet (PBUH) and obstinacy in accepting the truth, they forgot the basis of their own religion and tried to oppose the Prophet (PBUH) and prevent the spread of Islam. Secularism of the Jews led them to take military actions against Islam and intrigued against it. Also, by broaching verbal and religious issues, the attempted to hamper the spread of Islam. Verbal conflicts of the Jews and their religious questions, including the prophecy of Mohammad; the dignity of Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH); and Qibla shift, during the life of the Prophet have been mentioned and appropriately answered in the Holy Quran to be a lesson for those who seek truth. Citing several verses, commentaries, and historical resources and through a library descriptive-analytical approach, this paper aims at evaluating those doctrinal and verbal challenges Jews used to confront the prophet and his followers. Manuscript profile
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        12 - Protection of Right to Life of the Child in Viewpoint of Islam and International Instruments with a Look at the Children of Yemen
        Mahdi Rahmani Fatemeh Piri Amirhajiloo
        The right to life is the most important right of any human being, especially the child. This right is the cornerstone of all human rights and any violation of it is a gross and grave violation of fundamental human rights. According to the teachings of Islam and many Int More
        The right to life is the most important right of any human being, especially the child. This right is the cornerstone of all human rights and any violation of it is a gross and grave violation of fundamental human rights. According to the teachings of Islam and many International Instruments, the child, as a human being, has the right to a decent living and life under any circumstances. Today, with armed clashes waged by global arrogance to achieve their economic and political interests in some countries, including Yemen, the inherent rights of children, including the right to life, the right to health, the right to education, have been clearly threatened and violated and every year thousands of Yemeni children die as a result of these clashes. Theis study is a descriptive-analytical and comparative study that examine the fundamentals of the right to life of child in Islam and international Instruments and the effects of armed conflict on child rights. In addition, the right to life of children in Yemen has been discussed and stated that it is essential for all people, national and international institutions and governments to provide mechanisms to secure this right and prevent violence against children in armed conflict. In addition, it is imperative that those who endanger the life of children in armed conflict be charged with war crimes, prosecution, trial and punishment. Manuscript profile
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        13 - The Relationship of Work- Family Conflict and Interpersonal Conflict with Psychological Strain and Life Satisfaction
        Abdulzahra Naami Maryam Mahmoodikia
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between work-family conflict with psychological strain and life satisfaction, considering the moderating role of recovery of work. Parties pants are employees of Aghajari Oil and Gas Production Company that one h More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between work-family conflict with psychological strain and life satisfaction, considering the moderating role of recovery of work. Parties pants are employees of Aghajari Oil and Gas Production Company that one hundred forty three individuals were selected by stratified random sampling method. Data were gathered by Work-Family Conflict Scale (Carlson, Kacmar& Williams, 2000), Recovery of Work Questionnaire (Sonnentag, & Fritz, 2007), General Health Questionnaire (Goldberg, 1972) and Life Satisfaction Scale (Diener, Emmons, Larsen & Griffin). Results indicated that work-family conflict had positively correlation with psychological strain and had negatively correlation with life satisfaction. Results also revealed that recovery of work moderated the relationship of work-family conflict with psychological strain and life satisfaction and positive correlation between work-family conflict and psychological strain and negative correlation work-family conflict and life satisfaction at individual with great recovery of work is weaker. Manuscript profile
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        14 - The Role of Self-efficacy and Emotional Intelligence in Predicting Marital Conflict Resolution among Mashhad University Students
        Masood Salehi Mohammad Javad  Asghari Ebrahim Abad
        Several factors affect marital satisfaction, among which we can mention self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. This study aims to predict conflict resolution based on two variables of self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. This study was descriptive-correlational. More
        Several factors affect marital satisfaction, among which we can mention self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. This study aims to predict conflict resolution based on two variables of self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. This study was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population included all married students of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Among them, 150 people from two faculties of literature and theology were selected using the cluster sampling method. Research tools included the Shering Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (Saffari Nia & Selgi, 2011), Sherer Self-efficacy (Sherer & Maddox, 1982), and the Kansas Marital Conflict Scale (Corcoran & Fisher, 2000). Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 21 and stepwise regression. Findings show that emotional intelligence with (Beta=24.6) and emotional intelligence with (Beta= 32.5) self-efficacy had significant effect on conflict resolution (P <0.01). Based on this study, emotional intelligence with self-efficacy have an important role in marital satisfaction. So this information can help in reducing conflict between couples. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based on Therapy Cognition on Psychological Well-Being, Quality of Life and Resilience in Couples with Marital Conflicts
        Faezeh Arbabi Shahrzad Saravani Mojgan Zeinali Pour Amir  Hashemi Sanjani
        The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of mindfulness-based on therapy cognition on psychological well-being, quality of life and resilience in couples with marital conflicts. This study was an experimental study of pre-test and post-test with contro More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of mindfulness-based on therapy cognition on psychological well-being, quality of life and resilience in couples with marital conflicts. This study was an experimental study of pre-test and post-test with control and follow-up groups. The study population consisted of couples with marital conflicts who were referred to counseling centers in Qom in 2021. The statistical sample consisted of 40 couples with marital conflicts who were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group received eight 90-minute of mindfulness-based on therapy cognition training sessions and the control group received no training. Data were collected using the Conner & Davidson Resilience Scale, WHO Quality of Life Scale and Ryff Psychological Well-Being Scale. Analysis of variance with repeated measures was used to analyze the data. The results showed that mindfulness-based on therapy cognition has created a significant increase in resilience (P<0.01), psychological well-being (P<0.01) and quality of life (P<0.01) of couples with marital conflicts and these results have remained constant in the two-month follow-up (P>0.05). According to the findings of this study, the mindfulness-based on therapy cognition program can be an effective method to increase psychological well-being, resilience and quality of life. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Sociological Study of Marriage Patterns as a Subject of Generational Conflict in Families of Clergy Students from the Children’s Point of View
        zahra  movahedi saveji mansoure azam azade mahdi etemadi fard
        Transitional position of Iran from tradition to modernity, set new conditions in terms of challenges between two generations. One of these challenges is in relation to marriage. Family plays an important role in marriage culture, and actively participate in it. Basicall More
        Transitional position of Iran from tradition to modernity, set new conditions in terms of challenges between two generations. One of these challenges is in relation to marriage. Family plays an important role in marriage culture, and actively participate in it. Basically, marriage is interpreted as a family bond. In some eras, initially choosing a spouse did by family; and love marriage was limited. Such pattern has been modified over time. In this study, we seek a descriptive-analytical study of conflicts arising from marriage patterns between clergy parents and their children. Another objective of this study is to examine strategies and approaches employed in conflict resolution. This research utilized a qualitative and grounded theory approach to provide an accurate and detailed explanation of the generational problems within the clergy family. The data from this study suggest that confrontation between clergy parents and their children has three patterns: 1. Endogamy versus Exogamy 2. Haste in marriage versus delay in marriage 3. Marriage based on gerontocracy versus Marriage based on freedom. The following three strategies were identified in their children 's exposure to conflicts in marriage patterns: 1. confrontation strategy 2. Surrender strategy 3. secrecy strategy. According to this study, there is a multiplicity of educational resources as well as a difference between the discourse and epistemological system governing the thought of parents and children. Also based on the research data, children's experience of divorce and their family emotional relationships are highly influential in how they approach conflicts. Furthermore, we have found that parents' attitudes toward girls and boys differ dramatically, which could explain the exacerbation of conflict due to "gender" contexts. Results also note the role of “educational status” as a facilitator of communication, referred to as "facilitating communication". Manuscript profile
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        17 - The Relationship between of Academic Burnout and Academic Conflict with the Mediating Role of Academic Resilience
        sekineh Geraeeli Abolghasem  Barimani behrang esmaeilishad
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between of academic burnout and academic conflict with the mediating role of academic resilience. The research applied in terms of purpose and method was descriptive, correlational one. The statistical popula More
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between of academic burnout and academic conflict with the mediating role of academic resilience. The research applied in terms of purpose and method was descriptive, correlational one. The statistical population of the study included all female high school students in Behshahr in the number of 2110. The statistical sample was 325 people using Krejcie and Morgan table, and stratified random sampling according to educational level. The instruments for collecting data were Questionnaires of Salanova & Schiofli Academic Burnout (2007), Rio Academic Conflict (2013) & Samuel's Academic Resilience (2004) Questionnaire. The collected data was used for analyzed by Structural equation modeling using the partial least squares method (PLS). The results of this study showed that there is a significant relationship between academic burnout and academic resilience with academic conflict. 78.1% of academic conflict and 51.3% of academic resilience is explained by academic burnout. And the academic resilience variable has a mediator effect on the relationship between academic burnout and academic conflict. Fit indices indicate that the proposed model is an appropriate fit. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Exploring the Greatest Tourism Problems in Isfahan
        Mehri Shahzeidi Sahar Movahedi Nafise Bagheri
        Urban tourism is one of the most prevalent and lucrative types of tourism. Enjoying great cultural and historical potentials, Isfahan could be regarded as one of main destinations for urban tourism in Iran. However, while its development in terms of tourism has been def More
        Urban tourism is one of the most prevalent and lucrative types of tourism. Enjoying great cultural and historical potentials, Isfahan could be regarded as one of main destinations for urban tourism in Iran. However, while its development in terms of tourism has been defined in some legally binding documents such as "Isfahan’s 1404 Development Strategic Document" and "Isfahan Province Development Document", it has failed to be developed ideally in that regard. This study, therefore, set out to identify the most significant problems hindering the development of tourism in Isfahan. The data of this qualitative research were collected via 26 semi-structured interviews whose size was determined based on saturation effect. The participants of the study were selected through purposive sampling from among the elites, officials, and the practitioners of the tourism industry. Analyzing the data through thematic analysis, one core problem and three axial problems were identified for the Isfahan’s tourism industry. The core problem was, according to the findings, that tourism did not have priority at the macro level, and the axial problems included “inefficient management and lack of well-defined plans”, “abstinence from investment”, and “inadequate human resources”. It was also found that conflicting ideas were the dominant problem in defining the main issues in tourism. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Power Structure and Its Relation to Family Instability (National study in Iranian society)
        forozandeh jafarzadehpour
        The structure of power in the family is an important issue that affects the stability of the family. In recent decades, various changes have taken place at different national levels and also within the Iranian family, which has left an impact on family stability. The ma More
        The structure of power in the family is an important issue that affects the stability of the family. In recent decades, various changes have taken place at different national levels and also within the Iranian family, which has left an impact on family stability. The main purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between power structure and its relationship with family instability in Iran. This study has investigated the relationship between two variables using the secondary analysis method of 3819 married people in the National Family Survey data. The structure of power in three indicators of power construction, freedom of action and exercise of power, the method of exercising power with relevant sub-indicators and family instability in three indicators at the levels of action (marital conflict, and violence) and attitude (attitude to divorce) were studied under sub-indicators. Findings show that while the overall power structure in the Iranian family is significantly symmetrical, some indicators of power such as freedom of action and the exercise of power and methods of exercising power have significant effects on marital conflict, violence and divorce attitudes and increase family instability. In order to reduce divorce and increase family stability, it is necessary to allocate various programs and services, including counseling, etc., to families with more marital conflicts and families where more violence is reported. Men and women also have different attitudes toward the power structure and attitudes toward the consequences of divorce, and women are more tolerant of the consequences of divorce. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Conflict of Interests in International Arbitration with Emphasis on IBA Guidelines
        مهدی  فلاح همایون  مافی
        Lack of adequate transparency and uniformity in application of the existing criteria of international arbitration, and existence of conflicting interests in international arbitration, have led the International Bar Association (IBA) to launch a range of practical and su More
        Lack of adequate transparency and uniformity in application of the existing criteria of international arbitration, and existence of conflicting interests in international arbitration, have led the International Bar Association (IBA) to launch a range of practical and substantive recommendations known as “IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration.” The present paper tries to look into the performance and achievements of the IBA Guidelines, especially when compared to other bodies of arbitration rules and regulations? The paper argues that although the Guidelines are not in tune with other rules of arbitration with respect to certain issues such as imposing restrictions on subjective standard of disclosure, the impact of non-disclosure, and the effect of the investigations on the arbiter’s decision, they can still blaze a new trail which could lead to a higher level of coordination among various procedures of international arbitration. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Challenges Facing UN for Democratization of Ethnic-Religious Communities(Case study: UN action in Africa following the Cold War)
        قدرت  احمدیان ندا  حیدری
        The United Nations is the most important international organization which has been founded to protect peace and security especially in international arena. The UN considers protection of peace and democratization as an effective mechanism to reduce and limit conflicts, More
        The United Nations is the most important international organization which has been founded to protect peace and security especially in international arena. The UN considers protection of peace and democratization as an effective mechanism to reduce and limit conflicts, especially in ethnic-religious communities. Following the Cold War, ethic-religious conflicts in Africa have become more intense. Since national governments have been unable to control such conflicts and the conflicts pose a threat to international security, international community has taken action to manage these conflicts. As such, the UN has embarked on democratization of African countries in the form of the second generation of peacekeeping operations. However, despite such efforts, the aforesaid conflicts have not been reduced, but continued unabated. Inefficiency of the UN model for management of conflicts is an important problem. The present research aims to find reasons behind the failure of the UN conflict management model; that is, democratization as a solution for ethnic-religious conflicts in Africa following the Cold War. The present article takes advantage of the theory of institutionalism for the analysis of transition to democracy before discussing reasons behind the failure of the UN action on democratization, failure of democratic rule, and continuation of conflicts in Africa. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Rules Governing Use of Water Resources During Armed Conflicts
        Ebrahim Rahmani Seyed Davood Aghaee Siyamak  Moazeni
        Human’s impacts on his perimeter environment are reached to a level that has gotten global essence and importance. The human beings existence and his health are depending on safe and pure environment. Fundamental mission of United Nation's Organization is to save future More
        Human’s impacts on his perimeter environment are reached to a level that has gotten global essence and importance. The human beings existence and his health are depending on safe and pure environment. Fundamental mission of United Nation's Organization is to save future generations from scourge of war and UNESCO main goal is to assist in order to save peace and security through expansion of cooperation between nations by taking assistance from culture, science and education. During recent century, numerous international and non-international conflicts is targeting the most vital external element of mankind survival by many aggressions and made man engagment to itself. From the beginning of human civilization, water management is the main challenge of mankind and water as the first source of life, has limited human and economical communities. In 21 Century, managing and saving water sources (rivers, installations and subterranean waters) need common ambition in hostility time. Therefore in July 2010, General Assembly added a new right to human rights covenant called “public right of accessibility to clean water” and it announced decade of 2005 to 2015 as water decade with the motto of “Water, Third Millennium Treasure”. The aim of the article is to review the subject that human rights are consist of principles and rules that are observing on the method of supporting and saving water in all of its forms like rivers, water installations and underground sources and how military forces face to this resuscitative material. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Rules Governing Use of Water Resources During Armed Conflicts
        Ebrahim Rahmani Seyed Davood Aghaee Siyamak  Moazeni
        Human’s impacts on his perimeter environment are reached to a level that has gotten global essence and importance. The human beings existence and his health are depending on safe and pure environment. Fundamental mission of United Nation's Organization is to save futu More
        Human’s impacts on his perimeter environment are reached to a level that has gotten global essence and importance. The human beings existence and his health are depending on safe and pure environment. Fundamental mission of United Nation's Organization is to save future generations from scourge of war and UNESCO main goal is to assist in order to save peace and security through expansion of cooperation between nations by taking assistance from culture, science and education. During recent century, numerous international and non-international conflicts is targeting the most vital external element of mankind survival by many aggressions and made man engagment to itself. From the beginning of human civilization, water management is the main challenge of mankind and water as the first source of life, has limited human and economical communities. In 21 Century, managing and saving water sources (rivers, installations and subterranean waters) need common ambition in hostility time. Therefore in July 2010, General Assembly added a new right to human rights covenant called “public right of accessibility to clean water” and it announced decade of 2005 to 2015 as water decade with the motto of “Water, Third Millennium Treasure”. The aim of the article is to review the subject that human rights are consist of principles and rules that are observing on the method of supporting and saving water in all of its forms like rivers, water installations and underground sources and how military forces face to this resuscitative material. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Family Cohesion and Parent Abuse: The Mediating Role of Domestic Violence, Marital Conflict, Self-Esteem and Resilience
        Zabihollah Abbaspour Razieh Nazarian Samani Khadijeh Shiralinia
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of domestic violence, marital conflict, self-esteem and resilience in the relationship between family cohesion and parent abuse in first and second grade male and female high school students in Shahrekord. The More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of domestic violence, marital conflict, self-esteem and resilience in the relationship between family cohesion and parent abuse in first and second grade male and female high school students in Shahrekord. The statistical population of this study was all male and female high school students in Shahrekord and their mothers, 779 of whom were selected by convenience sampling. Instruments in this study were Parent Abuse Scale (PAP-bv), Parent Abuse Scale (PAP-gm), Child Exposure to Domestic Violence (VCED), Parental Marital Conflict Scale (PMCS), Samani Family Cohesion Questionnaire (SFC) Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RIS). The model evaluation was made by path analysis method. The results of correlation coefficients showed that there were significant positive correlations between domestic violence and marital conflict and parent abuse, and that there were significant negative correlations between family cohesion, self-esteem and resilience and parent abuse. The final model showed good fitness. The results of path analysis showed that family cohesion has a direct and indirect effect on parent abuse through domestic violence, marital conflict, self-esteem and resilience. Manuscript profile
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        25 - A review and critique of Oliver Leaman's views on the conflict between the revelation and philosophy
        Alireza Asaadi
        Oliver Leaman (1950-) Orientalist, Quran researcher and Western commentator on Islamic philosophy, has studied the relationship between the Quran and philosophy in some of his works. Although he has a more moderate view of the impact of Quranic teachings on Islamic phil More
        Oliver Leaman (1950-) Orientalist, Quran researcher and Western commentator on Islamic philosophy, has studied the relationship between the Quran and philosophy in some of his works. Although he has a more moderate view of the impact of Quranic teachings on Islamic philosophy than many orientalists, and has accepted the role of the teachings of the Holy Quran in the formation of Islamic philosophy, But on the issue of the conflict between the Qur'an and philosophy and the solution of Islamic philosophers for it, he has made some thought-provoking statements. This article examines and critiques his view in this field with a critical descriptive method and while explaining his view and the truth of the conflict, shows that first of all, the conflict occurs only between philosophical rational understanding and human Quranic understanding and the perception of the conflict between the Qur'an and philosophy among orientalists stems from the analogy between Islam and the Qur'an with Christianity and the Bible. Second, contrary to what Oliver Leaman says, the solution of Islamic philosophers, including Ibn Rushd, does not require the subjugation of the Qur'an and revelation.Third, if opponents of philosophy in the Islamic world or orientalists have accused Muslim philosophers of such beliefs as denying the divine knowledge of the details of time or bodily resurrection and following Aristotle in the matter of the soul, it is because of a misunderstanding of their words. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Explaining the prediction model of students' marital conflicts based on basic needs
        Kobra Ghasemi moghaddam Abdollah  Shafiabady Asghar Sharifi
        The aim of this study was to explain the model of predicting marital conflicts of students based on basic needs. This study is of descriptive method and the design is correlational based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population included all married st More
        The aim of this study was to explain the model of predicting marital conflicts of students based on basic needs. This study is of descriptive method and the design is correlational based on structural equation modeling. The statistical population included all married students of 4 Azad University of Tehran in 2018. A sample of 172 students of Islamic Azad University (131 females, 41 males) were selected by cluster sampling method and within each cluster through purposive sampling method. Data were collected using marital conflict questionnaire (MCQ) and Glaser's basic needs questionnaire (GBNQ) and analyzed using spss-22 software. The findings indicated that there is a significant positive relationship between the levels of satisfaction of basic needs. The correlation between marital conflicts with the need for love and belonging and the need to pleasure is also negative and significant. The correlation between the five basic needs is positive and significant; therefore, marital conflicts can be predicted using basic needs. Manuscript profile
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        27 - The prediction of marital conflicts based on marital quality of life and communication patterns during quarantine of coronavirus outbreak (Covid-19)
        Mohammad Vahidi Kooresh  Zare Shibani
        This study aimed to investigate the prediction of marital conflicts based on marital quality of life and communication patterns during coronavirus quarantine (Covid-19). The descriptive-correlation method was used. According to the random convenience sampling method, 38 More
        This study aimed to investigate the prediction of marital conflicts based on marital quality of life and communication patterns during coronavirus quarantine (Covid-19). The descriptive-correlation method was used. According to the random convenience sampling method, 385 married women in Shiraz were selected by the Cochran formula as the statistical population. The selected population was asked to answer the Marital Conflict Questionnaire (MCQ) (Barati and Sanaee, 1372- solar calendar), Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS)(Busby etal, 1995), and Communication Patterns Questionnaire (CPQ)(Christensen and Sullaway, 1984). The data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression. Findings showed a significant correlation between marital life quality and communication patterns with marital conflicts (P<0/01). Regression analyses also revealed that %27.4 of the variance of marital conflicts was explained by the marital life quality and communication patterns. This study demonstrates that marital life quality and communication patterns significantly contributed to marital conflicts prediction during quarantine (Covid-19). Manuscript profile
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        28 - The role of emotional dyslexia and parents' conflict resolution style in children's psychosomatic manifestations by mediating the quality of parent-child relationship: a causal model
        زهرا محسنی حبیب آبادی fariborz sedigh arfaee asghar jafari
        <p class="a" style="line-height: normal; mso-pagination: none;"><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; letter-spacing: -.2pt;">Psychosomatic disorders refer to physical symptoms caused by psychological causes. Considering the increase in the prevalence of psychosomatic symptom More
        <p class="a" style="line-height: normal; mso-pagination: none;"><span style="font-size: 10.5pt; letter-spacing: -.2pt;">Psychosomatic disorders refer to physical symptoms caused by psychological causes. Considering the increase in the prevalence of psychosomatic symptoms in childhood and adolescence, it is important to investigate the underlying factors of this issue. The purpose of this study is to explain the role of alexithymia and parents' conflict resolution style in children's psychosomatic disorders by mediating the quality of the parent-child relationship. In this descriptive-correlational study, 120 parents of children with at least one psychosomatic disorder were selected using the available sampling method, and the Toronto Ataxia Questionnaire, Rahim's conflict resolution style, Pianta's parent-child relationship, and Takata's psychosomatic complaints completed the collected data were analyzed by SPSS and smartPLS software. According to the results of the research on emotional dyslexia, parents' conflict resolution style and the quality of the child's parent relationship have a significant relationship directly with the children's psychosomatic manifestations. Also, emotional dyslexia and parents' conflict resolution style have a significant relationship with children's psychosomatic manifestations indirectly and by mediating the quality of parent-child relationship (P&lt;0.50). The structural model of the role of alexithymia and parents' conflict resolution style in children's psychosomatic manifestations with the mediation of parent-child relationship quality had a good fit, and the mediator's role in the model was confirmed. In general, the family environment and parents' characteristics, including emotional ataxia, how to resolve conflicts, and the quality of the parent-child relationship play a role in children's psychosomatic disorders.</span></p> Manuscript profile
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        29 - Oliver Leaman’s View of the Conflict Between Revelation and Philosophy
        Alireza Asaadi
        The problem of the relationship between revelation and philosophy or the conflict between reason and faith is one of the most famous and challenging discussions in the history of Islamic philosophy. In fact, it has occupied the minds of prominent Islamic thinkers, both More
        The problem of the relationship between revelation and philosophy or the conflict between reason and faith is one of the most famous and challenging discussions in the history of Islamic philosophy. In fact, it has occupied the minds of prominent Islamic thinkers, both Shi‘ite and Sunnite, since the advent of Islam and, following this, has been discussed by Orientalists in the field of Islamic studies as well. Oliver Leaman, the Orientalist, Qur’ān researcher, and Western interpreter of Islamic philosophy, has dealt with the problem of the relationship between the Qur’ān and philosophy. While adopting a more moderate standpoint in comparison to many other Orientalists, and while acknowledging the consistency of revelation with philosophy, he believes that Qur’anic theorems and teachings have influenced the development of Islamic philosophy. Moreover, he has propounded a number of noteworthy points in his analysis of the theory of conflict of reason with revelation and evaluation of Islamic philosophers in this regard. Following a descriptive-critical method, this paper clarifies and criticizes Leaman’s view of this theory and demonstrates that, firstly, the conflict exists only between the human intellectual philosophical and Qur’anic perception of this problem, and the hypothesis of the conflict between revelation and philosophy among many Orient ologists stems from comparing Islam and the Holy Qur’ān with Christianity and the Holy Book. Secondly, the author states that, in contrast to Leaman’s claim, the solution provided by Islamic philosophers, including Ibn Rushd, does not necessitate undermining the significance of the Qur’ān and revelation and accusing Muslim philosophers of denying God’s knowledge of particulars and corporeal resurrection and following Aristotle regarding his theory of the soul, which originates in a misunderstanding of Islamic philosophers’ views of this conflict by opponents of philosophy in the Islamic world or Orientalists. Manuscript profile
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        30 - The Method of Facing the Religious Families Toward Identical Confliction Statuses:Comparing two Generations
        Javad Hatami
        The aim of this study is considering the method of facing the religious families toward identical confliction statuses. 30 families (including 30 parents and 30 children) were selected. At the first step, modern, religious and national identity questionnaires were appli More
        The aim of this study is considering the method of facing the religious families toward identical confliction statuses. 30 families (including 30 parents and 30 children) were selected. At the first step, modern, religious and national identity questionnaires were applied. At the second step, participants were asked to grade these three conflicted positions: 1. Levels of tension 2. How much this feeling are logical 3. How much the others are right. The result revealed that there is no difference between young and adult generations in the religious and national identity, but there are significant disagreements in national and modern identity. Also the younger generation had less stress and much more right to others than the old generation. Manuscript profile
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        31 - Comparison of anger rumination and interpersonal conflict in employees with and without depressive disorder symptoms
        Mehdi  Zohravand Zahra  Rezaei parviz sabahi
        <p>The aim of the present study was to compare the rumination of anger and interpersonal conflict in the workplace between employees with and without depression symptoms. The present research method was descriptive and causal-comparative and practical in terms of its pu More
        <p>The aim of the present study was to compare the rumination of anger and interpersonal conflict in the workplace between employees with and without depression symptoms. The present research method was descriptive and causal-comparative and practical in terms of its purpose. The target population was all the employees of Arak University, Islamic Azad University of Arak Branch and Payam Noor University of Arak in 1400. Based on available sampling method, 112 people were selected and placed in two groups of 56 people with and without depression symptoms. The data were analyzed through multivariate variance analysis and SPSS-23 statistical software. The results showed that there is a significant difference between the components of thoughts of anger, thoughts of revenge, memories of anger and conflict with colleagues between the two groups with and without depression symptoms. So that the group with depression symptoms had obtained higher scores of all these components than the group without depression symptoms. There was no significant difference between these two groups between the two components of knowing the causes and conflict with the supervisor (p&lt;0.05). It can be said that by identifying factors affecting depression in the workplace (such as anger and conflicts in the workplace), depression in employees can be prevented.</p> Manuscript profile
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        32 - The Effect of Relationship Marketing On Customer Retention through Customer Engagement Considering Customer Citizenship Behavior
        Reza Pourmohammad morad rezaei dizgah
        In these years due to intense competition companies have forced to use tools and methods for enhancing their customer retention. There effective and common strategies for improving this issue. One of these significant and important strat More
        In these years due to intense competition companies have forced to use tools and methods for enhancing their customer retention. There effective and common strategies for improving this issue. One of these significant and important strategies is relationship marketing. This research accomplished in order to investigate the effect of relationship marketing on customer retention through customer engagement considering customer citizenship behavior within broiler manufacturers in province of guilan (north of Iran) . This is descriptive survey research based on data collecting. Statistical population were selected among consumers of broiler industry’s products by non-probability sampling method. Data collecting tool were questionnaire and sample size were 150. For testing reliability cronbach’s alpha test was used. For analyzing dates used Amos Graphic and SPSS. Results showed that trust and conflict handling as relation marketing elements have positive and significant effect on customer retention through customer engagement , and also results showed that customer citizenship behavior has no significant effect on relationship of customer engagement and customer retention. Manuscript profile
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        33 - The Relationship Between Macroeconomic Indicators and Collective Conflict
        Ismail  Jahani Dolatabad taha ashayeri Hossein Heydari
        Collective conflict refers to the conflict, conflict and physical tension of more than two people, which is affected by the social, economic and cultural conditions of the society. According to surveys, and based on the data of the Forensic Medicine Organization since 2 More
        Collective conflict refers to the conflict, conflict and physical tension of more than two people, which is affected by the social, economic and cultural conditions of the society. According to surveys, and based on the data of the Forensic Medicine Organization since 2013 to 2121, the amount of conflict has increased in the provinces of the country. The main purpose of the research is to study of the relationship between macroeconomic indicators and collective conflict in the period of 2015-2018. The research method is the secondary analysis, data were analyzed using Spss software. The results are reported in the form of descriptive, including frequency tables, and charts, and central indices, as well as inferential statistics, including bivariate and multivariate tests. The results show that the increase in inflation, unemployment and Gini coefficient between 2015 and 2018 has been effective in increasing the amount of conflict in different provinces of the country. According to this, with economic disorder (economic disorganization), due to the increase in unemployment, inflation and class gap as well as the reduction of social resilience, mental instability, the feeling of scarcity of resources (crisis of production, distribution and consumption) and the feeling of economic abnormality, people's social behaviors has become more radical, violent and aggressive. The important reason for the collective conflict in the provinces of the country in the above period of time has been functioning of economic institutions. Manuscript profile
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        34 - The moral legitimacy of the theoretical and practical conflict between non-ruling jurists and ruling jurists based on its consequences
        Abdol Rahim  Zare alireza asgari Ahmadreza  Tavakoli
        Although there are two theories of selection and appointment among jurists in relation to Islamic governance, but based on rational and narrative reasons, all qualified jurists are the general vicegerents of Imam Masoom (a.s.) and it is necessary that among them one of More
        Although there are two theories of selection and appointment among jurists in relation to Islamic governance, but based on rational and narrative reasons, all qualified jurists are the general vicegerents of Imam Masoom (a.s.) and it is necessary that among them one of the jurists who All the necessary conditions, such as knowledge, independence, and the power to run the Islamic society, must be fulfilled and he must assume this responsibility for the implementation of divine decrees. It is natural that if one of the jurists undertakes this duty, the other jurists should support him and not disturb him by interfering in his work; One of the debates in the field of jurisprudence is the conflict between jurisprudence and jurists, which is referred to as "the interference of a jurist for another jurist". Whenever a jurist is unique in an era, he himself becomes responsible for the province and performs his duty in all areas related to the implementation of divine decrees and the administration of Muslim affairs. But if there are many qualified jurists in one era, the question arises, how can multiple jurists in a single era all have the authority and government, which requires the plurality of independent rulers in a single time and place, which is contrary to the way of reasoning and building. It is the governments and if the guardianship and the government are for one person, then the question that can be asked is what will be the fate of the guardianship of the other jurists? The result of this conflict, in addition to being an immoral act, is considered an immoral matter, and it means the interference and opinions of people in matters that do not concern them, which, in addition to psychological damage for themselves, has harmful social consequences. also has; Because sometimes it causes moral vices such as turbidity, enmity, sedition and chaos. Therefore, in Islamic hadiths, this immoral work is strictly prohibited. According to many jurists, the Holy Sharia itself has thought out ways to do things in this field, and in practice such a problem will not occur, and when one of the jurists starts to form a government, citing two Muslim principles of jurisprudence, it is not permissible for others to work. He has interfered and interfered in the performance of his duty, whether it is in the form of interference in the principle of the formation of the government or in the form of interference in some of its affairs; These two principles, one is the necessity of the sufficiency of the authority of the jurist and the other is that it is not permissible to disturb the jurist in one another's work. Manuscript profile
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        35 - The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran: the field of conflicts and conflicts
        Qasem Qasemi bivarzani Fariborz Letafati Roqaye Bahonar
        There are severe conflicts and conflicts in the various principles of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Constitution. These matters are also seen in the principles related to the judiciary. Principles 36 and 167 of the Constitution are among these. And conflicts and confli More
        There are severe conflicts and conflicts in the various principles of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Constitution. These matters are also seen in the principles related to the judiciary. Principles 36 and 167 of the Constitution are among these. And conflicts and conflicts have spread from the text of the constitution to other laws. For example, the ambiguity in Article 167 of the Constitution has spread to Article 220 of the Islamic Penal Code approved in 2012. And this law, which, as a normal law, should contribute to the transparency and elaboration of the principles of the Constitution. It has suffered from abbreviations and generalizations, the result of which will be the abandonment and ineffectiveness of Article 167 of the Constitution in practice. Manuscript profile
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        36 - A research on the historical development and literary skepticism of the Holy Quran
        Karamat Miri Seyyed Mohsen Mirbagheri mojgan sarshar
        Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the word of God, but critics of the Qur'an have always tried to create doubts against this divine book in order to cast doubt on the divinity of the Qur'an Considering the spread of these doubts in the recent centuries and the contexts More
        Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the word of God, but critics of the Qur'an have always tried to create doubts against this divine book in order to cast doubt on the divinity of the Qur'an Considering the spread of these doubts in the recent centuries and the contexts of the emergence of this doubt, in this article, in a descriptive and analytical way, while explaining the literary doubt and the factors of its occurrence and emergence, the course of the emergence and development of such doubt in five The period from the era of descent to the late period has been investigated.The most important findings of this research are: In the era of the descent of the prophet's wisdom, he blocked the way of casting any doubts, while the lack of compilation of the rules of the Arabic language at that time ruled out such a doubt. During the period of the Imams (as) and companions, factors such as; The phenomenon of different readings, weakness in the Arabic script, the presence of similar verses and difficult words, became the basis for literary disputes in this age, which was met with the response of the Companions and the wisdom of the Imams (AS). By moving away from the age of texts due to the spread of conquests, the increase of new converts to Islam, and the hostility of Zandaqah, literary doubts have increased, Islamic thinkers tried to answer these doubts in their writings. In the recent period of disregard for literary rules and the hostile view of some orientalists, literary doubts have developed in a new format. Manuscript profile