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        1 - The relationship between learning orientation ,self-efficacy and opportunity recognition among Iranian knowledge-based organizations
        saba kakapour drnemati drnemati
        The purpose of this paper is to examine the relations between learning orientation and opportunity recognition and self-efficacy among Iranian knowledge-based entrepreneurial organizations (KBEs). A total of 240 usable questionnaires were received from entrepreneurs and More
        The purpose of this paper is to examine the relations between learning orientation and opportunity recognition and self-efficacy among Iranian knowledge-based entrepreneurial organizations (KBEs). A total of 240 usable questionnaires were received from entrepreneurs and top managers. These were subjected to a structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis. The results show that learning orientation positively affects self-efficacy and opportunity recognition and self-efficacy positively influences opportunity recognition. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Relationship between achievement-motive, innovation, ambiguity tolerance, self-efficacy, self-esteem, and self-actualization and entrepreneurial orientation University’s students
        حسن محمودیان afsane lotfiazimi moslem abbasi ehsan jamali roya mahmoudi
        Abstract Objective of this study is surveying relationship between achievement-motive, innovation, ambiguity tolerance, self-efficacy, self-esteem, and self-actualization. with entrepreneurial orientation of Ardabil Azad University’s students. Sample of this study was c More
        Abstract Objective of this study is surveying relationship between achievement-motive, innovation, ambiguity tolerance, self-efficacy, self-esteem, and self-actualization. with entrepreneurial orientation of Ardabil Azad University’s students. Sample of this study was comprised of 400 students (of Bachelor’s level) in the Kazeron Azad University at 2012-2013, selected by cluster sampling. Following tools were used for data collection entrepreneurial orientation test, achievement motive questionnaire, , innovation scale, ambiguity tolerance scale, self-efficacy questionnaire, self-esteem questionnaire & self-actualization questionnaire. Results of Pearson correlation coefficient showed that entrepreneurial orientation has significant positive relationship with these variables achievement-motive, innovation, ambiguity tolerance, self-efficacy, self-esteem, and self-actualizatio(P<0/01). Results multivariate regression analysis showed that achievement motive, innovation & self-esteem have significant share in the prediction of entrepreneurship of students. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Entrepreneurial self-efficacy and lifestyle, the strategy of entrepreneurship intention achievement (Case study: University of Jahad Applied Sciences in Markazi province- Nimvar branch)
        mahtab Eshghiaraghi fateme ghanipour
        Entrepreneurship is not a profession, but beyond that, it is a lifestyle or a science that is constantly associated with the entrepreneur and affects his entire life; from choosing religion to choosing a spouse, job and method of doing it. Entrepreneurs live in a specia More
        Entrepreneurship is not a profession, but beyond that, it is a lifestyle or a science that is constantly associated with the entrepreneur and affects his entire life; from choosing religion to choosing a spouse, job and method of doing it. Entrepreneurs live in a special style and deal with problems and issues in a special way. They have an entrepreneurial life that they may or may not have entrepreneurial business in their life. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between entrepreneurial self-efficacy (Motivation and education, creativity and innovation, risk-taking, entrepreneurial skills (managerial, technical and leadership), professional experience and independence, source of control) and lifestyle in order to achieve students’ and employees entrepreneurship intention at University of Jahad Applied Sciences in Markazi province- Nimvar branch in 95-96.The used research methodology was survey. The statistic population was consisted of 140 students. Among this number 103 were selected as a sample by using Krejcie and Morgan (1970). Data was collected through four questionnaires namely lifestyle (LSQ), Smith’s entrepreneurial skills, entrepreneur self-efficacy of Vlinan, Chen and Lurz, entrepreneurship intention of de Noble and McGee. The results showed that there is a   significant relationship between the lifestyle and the entrepreneurship intention with creativity and innovation (r=0.39 and p≤0.02), professional experience and independence (r=0.75 and p≤0.03), risk-taking (r=0.54 and p≤0.009), entrepreneurial skills (r=0.82 and p≤0.000), motivation and education (r=0.81 and p≤0.006) and source of control (r=0.95 and p≤0.04). In other words, the higher lifestyle, the higher motivation of improvement and education, creativity and innovation, risk-taking, entrepreneurial skills (managerial, technical and leadership) and there is a relationship between lifestyle and source of control, professional experience and independence. Besides, the entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial self-efficacy of most students and employees are average. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Understanding the users’ initial trust of social networks
        Mohsen Akbari
        Social networks are one of the types of social media which in recent years has been influential in the lives of internet users so that forms of social communication is influenced by the new media and in the future will play a more important role. On the other hand the t More
        Social networks are one of the types of social media which in recent years has been influential in the lives of internet users so that forms of social communication is influenced by the new media and in the future will play a more important role. On the other hand the trust is one of the major causes of satisfaction and repeat use of the online service.This research employs elaboration likelihood model to identify the factors affecting the users’ initial trust in Facebook and it express that users change their attitude via a dual route including central route and peripheral route. Central cues include information quality and service quality, whereas peripheral cues include system quality, structural assurance and reputation. Self-efficacy moderates the effects of central cues and peripheral cues on initial trust. The populations of this study are Iranian users on Facebook. Data for this study through contacts with personal pages and pages of general (relating to groups, cities, activities, university, etc.) active in the social network were collected. For this purpose, link of online questionnaire to provide them on the website docs.google.com. In this questionnaire was used a five -point Likert scale from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5) and finally 406 questionnaires were collected according to schedule and Morgan Jersey, which are well to conduct research in the infinite. Questionnaire validity by the opinions of experts and university professors and its reliability through Cronbach's alpha were provided and represents optimum reliability. Data were analyzed with Smart PLS statistical software. According to the results of the independent variables in this study, self-efficacy, reputation and structural assurance respectively with path coefficient 0.47, 0.23 and 0.2 have the greatest effect on the initial trust and system quality has minimal impact on initial trust with amount 0.07. The results also indicate that self-efficacy moderates the effect of system quality on initial trust. Therefore, since the self-efficacy apart from the moderating role directly also has the greatest impact on initial trust; social network designers should be a special attention to this factor so that it's learn is easy and it's use process is clear and understandable for users. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Understanding the users’ initial trust of social networks
        Mohsen Akbari kamran zahedfar zahra ayagh
        Social networks are one of the types of social media which in recent years has been influential in the lives of internet users so that forms of social communication is influenced by the new media and in the future will play a more important role. On the other hand the t More
        Social networks are one of the types of social media which in recent years has been influential in the lives of internet users so that forms of social communication is influenced by the new media and in the future will play a more important role. On the other hand the trust is one of the major causes of satisfaction and repeat use of the online service.This research employs elaboration likelihood model to identify the factors affecting the users’ initial trust in Facebook and it express that users change their attitude via a dual route including central route and peripheral route. Central cues include information quality and service quality, whereas peripheral cues include system quality, structural assurance and reputation. Self-efficacy moderates the effects of central cues and peripheral cues on initial trust. The populations of this study are Iranian users on Facebook. Data for this study through contacts with personal pages and pages of general (relating to groups, cities, activities, university, etc.) active in the social network were collected. For this purpose, link of online questionnaire to provide them on the website docs.google.com. In this questionnaire was used a five -point Likert scale from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5) and finally 406 questionnaires were collected according to schedule and Morgan Jersey, which are well to conduct research in the infinite. Questionnaire validity by the opinions of experts and university professors and its reliability through Cronbach's alpha were provided and represents optimum reliability. Data were analyzed with Smart PLS statistical software. According to the results of the independent variables in this study, self-efficacy, reputation and structural assurance respectively with path coefficient 0.47, 0.23 and 0.2 have the greatest effect on the initial trust and system quality has minimal impact on initial trust with amount 0.07. The results also indicate that self-efficacy moderates the effect of system quality on initial trust. Therefore, since the self-efficacy apart from the moderating role directly also has the greatest impact on initial trust; social network designers should be a special attention to this factor so that it's learn is easy and it's use process is clear and understandable for users. Manuscript profile
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        6 - The Investigation of Effect of Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy on Strengthening Entrepreneurial Intention of Students (Case Study: Students of Payam-e noor University, Bijar city)
        Mehran Foladi Hamzeh Baghani
        Studies show that the trend of entrepreneurship and topics related to it has been increased dramatically in recent years. Among the raised issues in entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurship intention can be referred as the most important predictor of entrepreneurial activ More
        Studies show that the trend of entrepreneurship and topics related to it has been increased dramatically in recent years. Among the raised issues in entrepreneurship, the entrepreneurship intention can be referred as the most important predictor of entrepreneurial activities in the society. Entrepreneurial intention is one of the important variables in the annual study of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor. Therefore, studying the factors which affect on the intention and strengthening can increase the entrepreneurship intention in the society. Among these factors, entrepreneurial self-efficacy is expressed as one of the most important factors which influences the intention. Self-efficacy has six major indicators, based on which it is measured. In the present study, only two variables of "subjective possibility" (self-efficacy) and "entrepreneurial intention" of Liban’s model have been studied. This study is practical in terms of entrepreneurship intention and regarding data collection method has a descriptive survey type. The sample population of the present study includes all students of Payam Noor University, Bijar city. The results show that those two indicators have a positive and significant impact on entrepreneurial intention. Also among the indicators, the skills of identifying market opportunities and new product development and skill of recognizing the main target contributes more in term of the prediction of entrepreneurial intention. Manuscript profile
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        7 - The Effective Factors Model on Adoption of E-Learning System in Qazvin University of Medical Sciences
        Hasan Rashidi Marzie  Movahedin
        With the advent of the Internet and Coronavirus outbreak, e-learning environments and web-based learning, there has been a considerable growth and development in recent months and years, but this type of education faces many challenges. The most important of these chall More
        With the advent of the Internet and Coronavirus outbreak, e-learning environments and web-based learning, there has been a considerable growth and development in recent months and years, but this type of education faces many challenges. The most important of these challenges are the use of learning patterns, modeling student behavior, evaluating student support and feedback, curriculum planning, sequencing, and teacher support. One way to deal with these challenges is to find effective factors on accepting and improving the quality of education in learning systems, discovering rules and educational patterns, and using them to predict future outcomes. The aim of this study is to identify factors affecting the adoption of e-learning, based on the technology acceptance model. For this purpose, studies in this area were investigated. Variables such as computer self-efficacy, quality of content, system support, user interface design, technology tools and computer anxiety as factors affecting adoption of e-learning system were extracted. According to them, the conceptual model of this research was developed. In order to evaluate the model and relationships between variables, a questionnaire was provided to the users of e-learning system in Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. The results of data analysis by using structural equation modeling have approved authenticity of all hypotheses excluding the impact of technology tools on the acceptance of e-learning system. Findings of this research can help educational managers of university and related instructors with this system to encourage students making optimum use of the system by providing the necessary fields for the imposition of effective factors. Manuscript profile
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        8 - Investigating ICT on Empowerment Considering Social Capital and Self-Efficacy (Case study: Isfahan Steel Company)
        sayyed mohammad reza davoodi javad gharaghani
        Today, it is believed that the existing and central phenomenon of the post-industrial age or the information age is information and communication technologies. The high efficiency of such technologies has led to increasing tendencies to invest in this field and to place More
        Today, it is believed that the existing and central phenomenon of the post-industrial age or the information age is information and communication technologies. The high efficiency of such technologies has led to increasing tendencies to invest in this field and to place it within the framework of development plans and the emergence of knowledge-based development plans. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate information and communication technology on empowerment by considering social capital and self-efficacy. The statistical population of the study consists of 130 employees of Isfahan Steel Company during the period 1398 to 1399. Using Morgan table, a sample of 97 people was examined using a questionnaire and the data obtained using statistical software spss 25 and Smart pls were analyzed. The research is descriptive-correlational in terms of practical purpose and in terms of data collection. Data analysis algorithm by partial least squares method which includes: review of measurement models (Cronbach's alpha, hybrid reliability, convergent validity) and structural model fit (factor load coefficients, significance of path coefficients and determination coefficient, model prediction index, good fit), direction The four components of information and communication technology, social capital, self-efficacy and empowerment were evaluated. Fitting of both parts of the data algorithm with combined reliability values equal to 0.894, 0.881, 0.864, 0.821 and convergent validity equal to 0.661, 0.702, 0.631 and 0.689, respectively, also indicates the desirability and The acceptability of the latent structure was at the level of indicators and components, so the final model was able to properly express the relationships between the questions describing the variable. Also, the findings of this study showed that information and communication technology is effective on empowerment by considering social capital and self-efficacy in Isfahan Steel Company. Manuscript profile
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        9 - The Role of Self-efficacy and Emotional Intelligence in Predicting Marital Conflict Resolution among Mashhad University Students
        Masood Salehi Mohammad Javad  Asghari Ebrahim Abad
        Several factors affect marital satisfaction, among which we can mention self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. This study aims to predict conflict resolution based on two variables of self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. This study was descriptive-correlational. More
        Several factors affect marital satisfaction, among which we can mention self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. This study aims to predict conflict resolution based on two variables of self-efficacy and emotional intelligence. This study was descriptive-correlational. The statistical population included all married students of the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Among them, 150 people from two faculties of literature and theology were selected using the cluster sampling method. Research tools included the Shering Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (Saffari Nia & Selgi, 2011), Sherer Self-efficacy (Sherer & Maddox, 1982), and the Kansas Marital Conflict Scale (Corcoran & Fisher, 2000). Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 21 and stepwise regression. Findings show that emotional intelligence with (Beta=24.6) and emotional intelligence with (Beta= 32.5) self-efficacy had significant effect on conflict resolution (P <0.01). Based on this study, emotional intelligence with self-efficacy have an important role in marital satisfaction. So this information can help in reducing conflict between couples. Manuscript profile
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        10 - Effectiveness of Narrative Therapy on Body Dysmorphic Concern & Perceived Self-efficacy of Female Students with Obesity & Overweight
        Mahak Nagizadeh-Alamdari hadi AkbariNejhad
        The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of narrative therapy on body dysmorphic concern and perceived self-efficacy of female students with obesity & overweight. The method of this study was semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test and follow up with More
        The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of narrative therapy on body dysmorphic concern and perceived self-efficacy of female students with obesity & overweight. The method of this study was semi-experimental with pre-test, post-test and follow up with the control group. The population of the study consisted of obese female secondary school students in Jolfa city in the academic year 2019-2020. In total, 30 people selected by available sampling method and randomly divided into two groups. Members of both experimental groups received their own treatment respectively in 8 sessions of 1.5 hours. Measurement tools were body image concern inventory and Scherer self-efficacy questionnaire. Analysis of findings through repeated measures analysis of variance test. The mean of body dysmorphic concern and perceived self-efficacy of the experimental group in the pre-test were (57.60) and (48.93), respectively; The mean of body dysmorphic concern and perceived self-efficacy in the control group were (61.40) and (49.20), respectively. The results showed that in the post-test, the body dysmorphic concern score of the experimental group (51.40) decreased compared to the control group (64.40) (P<0.001); and the perceived self-efficacy score of the experimental group (56.33) compared to the group The control (49/27) was higher (P<0.001). The results also showed that in the follow-up phase, the effect of narrative therapy on body dysmorphic concern (51.47) and perceived self-efficacy (56.47) is lasting (P<0.001). . Manuscript profile
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        11 - Study the Effect of Face to Face Communications in Electronic Mentoring and Students’ Career Path Decisions
        marjan fayyazi مصطفی ایوب زاده
        Traditionally, mentoring process was very important and it seems to be more important than before with the use of information technology. This study was a quasi-experimental study and its aim is to investigate the effect of an electronic mentoring program on students’ c More
        Traditionally, mentoring process was very important and it seems to be more important than before with the use of information technology. This study was a quasi-experimental study and its aim is to investigate the effect of an electronic mentoring program on students’ career path decisions among graduates of management and also the effect of face to face communication to improve the outcomes of these relationships. In order to implement the study, a mentoring relationship was carried out between 12 mentors and 86 mentees and in order to examine the importance of face to face meeting among mentors and mentees, half of the mentees had the opportunity to meet their mentors. The results indicate that students’ career decisions in each of the five dimension of self-assessing, getting occupational information, goal setting, planning for the future, and problem solving has been promoted after mentoring courses compared to before holding course. Other results of the study indicate that the face to face meeting create higher satisfaction of mentoring relationship and promote the career path decisions. Manuscript profile
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        12 - A Causal Model of Acceptance and Utilization to Virtual Learning among Staffs: The Role Task-Technology Fit, self- Efficacy and Subjective Norm
        Reza Fathi Mohammad Hasan Saif
        The purpose of this study was to present a causal model of acceptance and utilization in the usage of virtual learning among oil industrial staffs. It has been tried to investigate the factors such as subjective norm, computer self- efficacy, task-technology fit and the More
        The purpose of this study was to present a causal model of acceptance and utilization in the usage of virtual learning among oil industrial staffs. It has been tried to investigate the factors such as subjective norm, computer self- efficacy, task-technology fit and their relations to variables associated with the technology acceptance model, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and intention to use of virtual learning among staffs. In terms of objectives, this study was an applied research and in terms of the method of collecting and analyzing data, it was a descriptive and correlational research. The populations of this study were Oil Company employees who are familiar with virtual learning (330) included. The sample were 172(based on Morgan table), who, were selected through the simple-random sampling methods and Several questionnaires were completed by the participants, such as subjective norm Ajjan & Hartshorn (2008), task-technology fit Vatanasakdakul & et al (2010), perceived ease of use Moon & kim (2001), perceived usefulness Kim & et al (2007), and intention to use Samiento (2009) and computer self-efficacy Wolters & Daugherty (2007.To examine the research hypotheses, the path analysis was used. Findings indicated that computer self- efficacy, task-technology fit and Subjective norm have a significant effect on intention to use of virtual learning directly or indirectly, through the intermediate role of the variables perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. The greatest total effect on intention to use of virtual learning were related to the Task-technology fit and perceived ease of use and the least total effect was related to the subjective norm. Manuscript profile
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        13 - The Relationship between Stress Management Training and Employees Self-Efficacy
        Nasrin Asadi Amineh  Ahmadi Assadollah  Abbasi
        The purpose of this study was to provide a model of stress management training and its relationship with employees' self-efficacy. In terms of applied purpose, this research was a combination of exploratory data (qualitative and quantitative) and in terms of research im More
        The purpose of this study was to provide a model of stress management training and its relationship with employees' self-efficacy. In terms of applied purpose, this research was a combination of exploratory data (qualitative and quantitative) and in terms of research implementation, it was a grounded theory approach (qualitative stage) and in terms of quantity, it was a cross-sectional survey. The study population in the qualitative section includes Professors and academic experts (psychology and social medical management specialists), according to the entry and exit criteria in the qualitative section and in the quantitative section including experts and managers who had taken stress management training. Sample size and sampling method in qualitative part based on the principle of theoretical saturation of 12 people using purposive sampling method and in quantitative part according to Cochran's formula 220 employees of Zanjan, Qazvin and Mazandaran Universities of Medical Sciences and the Ministry of Health and Medical Education in 2020 using a multi-stage sampling method. To collect data, a semi-structured interview method and a researcher-made questionnaire were used and in a quantitative section of the General Schwarvar and Jerosalm General Self-efficacy questionnaire (1992).To evaluate the validity and reliability of qualitative section data, credibility, conformability and transferability criteria were used. content validity and the opinion of several experts were used to confirm the validity of the tool in the quantitative part. The reliability of the questionnaires was calculated according to Cronbach's alpha formula. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of the researcher-made education questionnaire was 0.84 and Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.81 self-efficacy questionnaire, indicating that research tools have desirable reliability. In the qualitative part, the content analysis of the interviews was used to analyze the data, using the coding method (open, axial and selective coding), confirmatory factor analysis, heuristic factor analysis, structural equations and descriptive statistics were used. Then regression analysis was used to measure the relationship between coping methods with self – efficacy. The results showed that to deal with stressful situations, three basic strategies of problem-focused coping strategy, emotion-focused coping strategy and avoidance-focused coping strategy can be used for the stress management training model. In general, the components presented to deal with stressful situations have the necessary and appropriate validity, and all three main components (problem-focused coping strategy, emotion-focused coping strategy and avoidance-focused coping strategy) were in a good position to explain and fit.In this research, the questionnaire of coping with stressful conditions was valid and approved. Strategies for coping with stressful situations had a different effect on people's self-efficacy, so that problem-oriented coping strategy had a significant positive relationship with self-efficacy and the effect of problem-oriented coping strategy was on incremental self-efficacy (P <0.05). In other words, the more emphasis is placed on problem-oriented coping strategy, the more self-efficacy of individuals increases, and in contrast to emotion-focused coping strategy and avoidant-centered coping strategy has a negative and decreasing relationship with self-efficacy (P <0.05), As the emotion-focused coping strategy and avoidance- focused coping strategy highlighted ,the self - efficacy of individuals also decreased Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - The relationship between the community learn the profession of the self-efficacy of teachers: the role of mediator development professional of
        zhiar refaei Rafigh  Hassani Majid  Mohammadi
        This study relationship of the community to learn of in the career of the self-efficacy of teachers of the role of the Association of Professional Development of the took place. The research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of metho More
        This study relationship of the community to learn of in the career of the self-efficacy of teachers of the role of the Association of Professional Development of the took place. The research was applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational in terms of method. The population included all of the teachers involved in the education of L in the education of the L of 1398-1399 in Sanandaj 5040 were The way of life in the crash of the class is based on the typical characteristics of the Morgan 337 people in the sample were selected . Instruments included a questionnaire professional learning communities have , Inventory professional development of Chambrlayn (2008) and teachers' self-efficacy questionnaire Aschann - Moran and Vvlfvlk (2001) was . Roy Yi content and structure was approved research tool and as an oak legs of the Yi through the Q factor of the alpha of Cronbach showed that research tools legs of the Yi to accept the benefit . The decomposition of the main and analysis of L data for tests of statistical Kolmogorov name of Rvnvf , Pearson correlation and model the equations structure that was used . The findings showed that the community learn professional in the development of professional and self-efficacy of teachers in schools city of Baneh positively and significantly associated with it . Straight results showed that the development of professional and self- teacher schools in city of Sanandaj is also a positive relationship and a meaningful existence , and ultimately results showed that professional development in the relationship between community learning professionals and self-efficacy of teachers can be mediator To play . So as to be said that the establishment and strengthening of the communities of learning of each of the schools to be the improvement of the acidity of the work to be effective teachers and professional development of self-efficacy to help them. Manuscript profile
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        15 - Comparison of Hope and Self-Efficacy of Successful (without Lapses) and Failed (with Repeated Lapses) Addicts Under Maintenance Methadone Therapy
        Tooraj Sepahvand
        Abstract Hope and self-efficacy might play a constructive and important role in the substance abuse recovery process and prevention of repeated lapses in the process of therapy. This research has been conducted with the aim of the examination of such a role by comparing More
        Abstract Hope and self-efficacy might play a constructive and important role in the substance abuse recovery process and prevention of repeated lapses in the process of therapy. This research has been conducted with the aim of the examination of such a role by comparing hope and self-efficacy of addicts in maintenance methadone therapy who were without lapses and those with repeated lapses. This re- search was a causal-comparative design study. The population of the research consisted of all the addicts referred to the maintenance methadone therapy centers of Khorramabad city in the first half of 1394 (2015). For this purpose, one group of 40 patients with repeated lapses and another group of 40 patients without lapses were selected by convenience sampling. They were asked to fill Hope and Self-Effi- cacy Questionnaires. Results of analysis of variance indicated that although the scores of hope were high in these two groups, there was no significant difference between them in this variable, and they were significantly different only in self-efficacy. It could be concluded that, in order to gain positive and maintaining therapeutic outcomes, in addition to high levels of hope, high levels of self-efficacy are also necessary. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Comparison of Hope and Self-Efficacy of Successful (without Lapses) and Failed (with Repeated Lapses) Addicts Under Maintenance Methadone Therapy
        Tooraj Sepahvand
        :Hope and self-efficacy might play a constructive and important role in the sub-stance abuse recovery process and prevention of repeated lapses in the process of therapy. This research has been conducted with the aim of the examination of such a role by comparing hope a More
        :Hope and self-efficacy might play a constructive and important role in the sub-stance abuse recovery process and prevention of repeated lapses in the process of therapy. This research has been conducted with the aim of the examination of such a role by comparing hope and self-efficacy of addicts in mainten-ance methadone therapy who were without lapses and those with repeated lapses. This re- search was a causal-comparative design study. The population of the research consisted of all the addicts referred to the maintenance metha- done therapy centers of Khorramabad city in the first half of 1394 (2015). For this purpose, one group of 40 patients with repeated lapses and another group of 40 patients without lap-ses were selected by convenience sampling. They were asked to fill Hope and Self-Effi- cacy Questionnaires. Results of analysis of variance indicated that although the scores of hope were high in these two groups, there was no significant difference between them in this variable, and they were significantly different only in self-efficacy. It could be concluded that, in order to gain positive and maintaining therapeutic outcomes, in addition to high levels of hope, high levels of self-efficacy are also necessary. Manuscript profile
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        17 - Providing a model of connection with school based on identity styles and school atmosphere with the mediation of academic self-efficacy
        علیرضا مرآتی Ezatollah Ghadampour
        Several variables play a role in the relationship between the student and the school and affect it. This research was done with the aim of providing a model of connection with school based on identity styles and school atmosphere with the mediation of academic self-effi More
        Several variables play a role in the relationship between the student and the school and affect it. This research was done with the aim of providing a model of connection with school based on identity styles and school atmosphere with the mediation of academic self-efficacy. The statistical population of the study was all 3600 first year high school students in Kangavar in the academic year 1399-1400. For this purpose, 520 students were selected by cluster sampling method and questionnaires related to Rezaei Sharif et al. (2014). School atmosphere Lee et al. (2017), Identity style Brzezinski (1992) And Academic Self-Efficacy of Jenks & Morgan (2003) Completed electronically.. After collecting data, structural equation modeling was used to test the proposed model and hypotheses. The results showed that school style and identity style have a significant and positive relationship with academic self-efficacy and connection with school. The style of school identity and atmosphere also affects the connection with the school through self-efficacy. According to the fit of the developed model, the findings show that paying attention to the variables of identity style, school style and self-efficacy can lead to an increase in school connection in students. In order to improve the connection with the school, it seems necessary to pay attention to the styles of academic self-efficacy, identity and school atmosphere. Manuscript profile
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        18 - "An investigation into the factor that influences entrepreneurship education and enhances entrepreneurial intentions among Iranian students."
        Mohammadali Nejadian حسینی hosseini
        Over the past few decades, we have faced the failure of universities to create and strengthen entrepreneurial motivation among students. In fact, there has been a mismatch between the current capacity of universities for admission and the future needs of the job market, More
        Over the past few decades, we have faced the failure of universities to create and strengthen entrepreneurial motivation among students. In fact, there has been a mismatch between the current capacity of universities for admission and the future needs of the job market, as well as the content of education and the skills required for launching new businesses. Consequently, we are witnessing graduates who mostly lack the individual capability and necessary skills to start a new venture. On the other hand, with the new approach of Iranian universities towards third-generation universities and with all the current education and the presence of risk-taking investors, accelerators, various funds, creative houses, innovation factories, technology parks, and growth centers, the number of startups that have overcome the death valley and succeeded is still low, and the number of unemployed graduates increases every day. In this regard, considering the inefficiency of Iran's national innovation system, this problem has been doubled. Therefore, this study seeks to review the literature comprehensively and take into account the points raised in other perspectives, and with a broader view, examine the mediating effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy on entrepreneurship education and students' entrepreneurial intentions. It is recommended that universities pay attention to the variable of entrepreneurial self-efficacy in their education, as education alone may not create entrepreneurial intention. Familiarity with entrepreneurship barriers in Iran may discourage students from experiencing entrepreneurship. There is a need for an agent through which students believe they can overcome obstacles Manuscript profile
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        19 - The Effectiveness of Schema Therapy on Increasing Self-Efficacy and Life Expectancy of Divorced Women and its Effect on Reducing the Initial Maladaptive Patterns of their Daughters
        mojtaba aghili Arezou Asghari mitra namazi
        This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of schema therapy on increasing self-efficacy and life expectancy of divorced women and its effect on reducing the initial maladaptive patterns of their daughters. The scheme of this experimental study was pretest-posttest More
        This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of schema therapy on increasing self-efficacy and life expectancy of divorced women and its effect on reducing the initial maladaptive patterns of their daughters. The scheme of this experimental study was pretest-posttest with a control group. The statistical population was considered all divorced women and their daughters in Urmia in 2017. The sample consisted of 30 divorced women and their daughters who were referred to the family health clinic under the supervision of the Welfare of West Azerbaijan Province. These women were purposefully selected and divided into two experimental groups (15 people), and a control group (15 people) were randomly assigned. In the experimental group, the intervention was performed in groups of 8 sessions of 90 minutes based on schema therapy, but no intervention was applied to the control group. The instruments were Schier's self-efficacy questionnaire (1982), Schneider's life expectancy questionnaire (1991), and the short form of Young's early maladaptive schemas questionnaire (1998). Research data were analyzed by covariance. Findings showed that schema therapy has effectively increased self-efficacy, the life expectancy of divorced women, and modulating maladaptive schemas of their daughters (P<0.000). Schema therapy as a technique can effectively improve the self-efficacy and life expectancy of these divorced women and modify the maladaptive schemas of their daughters. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Design and test a model of personality relationship with corona dissease anxiety mediated by perceived stress and self-efficacy in adolescents
        Elahe Aslami Farzaneh  Khani Mehrabadi Azam  Tadayon
        This study aimed to investigate the relationship between personality traits and Corona disease anxiety by the mediating effect of perceived stress and self-efficacy among adolescents. Method: In this descriptive correlational study, the statistical population comprised More
        This study aimed to investigate the relationship between personality traits and Corona disease anxiety by the mediating effect of perceived stress and self-efficacy among adolescents. Method: In this descriptive correlational study, the statistical population comprised high-school students in Abarkooh (Iran), of whom 318 were selected via random cluster sampling. The Corona Disease Anxiety Scale (Alipour et al. 2019), the five-factor NEO Personality Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1992), The Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen et al. 1983), and The Self-Efficacy Scale (Sherer et al. 1982) were employed. The proposed model was evaluated by path analysis in AMOS and SPSS. Resalts: The results of direct hypotheses showed that agreeableness, conscientiousness and self-efficacy had a negative and inverse effect and perceived stress had a positive and direct effect on Corona disease anxiety. The results of the study of indirect hypotheses showed that conscientiousness had an indirect and inverse effect on corona disease anxiety mediated by stress and self-efficacy, and neuroticism, extraversion, and conscientiousness had an indirect effect on corona disease anxiety through perceived stress. Conclusion: Therefore, it is possible to reduce the level of corona disease anxiety in adolescents by strengthening self-efficacy as a coping resource and teaching stress management to adolescents and their effect on neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness, and use the obtained results in therapeutic interventions. Manuscript profile
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        21 - The mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between identity styles and perceived social support with academic commitment
        mitra mashallahi Mahboubeh Fouladchang
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between identity styles and perceived social support with academic commitment. The research method was a descriptive correlational study using path analysis. The st More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between identity styles and perceived social support with academic commitment. The research method was a descriptive correlational study using path analysis. The statistical population of this research included undergraduate students of Tabriz university during the academic year of 2021-2022. For this purpose, 300 students were selected using available sampling method. Data were collected using academic commitment scale (Human-Vogel and Rabe, 2015), berzonsky identity style inventory(Berzonsky,1992), perceived social support scale (Zimet et al.,1988) Academic self-efficacy Questionnaire (Owen and froman, 1988). The results showed that the research model fit well with the data collected. The results indicated that informative and normative identity styles can directly predict higher academic commitment and academic self-efficacy while Diffuse-avoidant style can directly and negatively predict academic commitment and academic self-efficacy Findings also showed that academic self-efficacy and perceived social support from family, friends and Significant others can directly and positively predict academic commitment. Besides, the research hypothesis regarding the mediating role of academic self-efficacy in the relationship between identity styles and perceived social support with academic commitment was confirmed. Overall, the findings suggest that identity styles and perceived social support play an important role in predicting academic commitment Manuscript profile
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        22 - The effect of positive self-talk on the self-efficacy of female elementary school students
        Shahrzad Kamal Khani Fatemeh Nasseri Mohammad Armand
        The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of positive self-talk on the self-efficacy of female elementary school students. The statistical population in this study consisted of female students in the second year of elementary school who were studying in t More
        The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of positive self-talk on the self-efficacy of female elementary school students. The statistical population in this study consisted of female students in the second year of elementary school who were studying in the 20th year of 2019-2020 in Tehran's 20th district. This study was based on a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test. First, two schools were randomly selected from among the girls' primary schools in Tehran's 20th district, and then one class was randomly selected from each school from the sixth grade, and through random sampling of students, one of the schools was selected as the sample. The experimental group consisted of 34 students and the other school was selected as the control group of 34 individuals. The students in the experimental group received eight sessions of positive self-talk training for one month. Univariate analysis of covariance and Bonferoni post hoc test were used to analyze the data. The results of analysis of covariance and Bonferoni test to compare the means showed that positive self-talk had a significant effect on increasing students' self-efficacy. Manuscript profile
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        23 - The effect of scientific inquiry teaching method on mathematics lesson and self-efficacy of fifth grade female students of Boyer Ahmed city
        Sattar  Bahadri Fard
        The purpose of this research was the effect of the scientific inquiry teaching method of math lesson and self-efficacy of the fifth grade female students of Boyer Ahmed city. The statistical population of this research is all fifth grade female students of Boyer Ahmed c More
        The purpose of this research was the effect of the scientific inquiry teaching method of math lesson and self-efficacy of the fifth grade female students of Boyer Ahmed city. The statistical population of this research is all fifth grade female students of Boyer Ahmed city in the year 1400. The research method was a semi-experimental type with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group, for this purpose, 20 fifth grade female students of Boyer Ahmad city were divided into two groups with the same grade point average using the available sampling method, and they were divided into two experimental groups (10). (and control (10) people were included. The data collection tool was the math self-efficacy questionnaire by Tez and Hackett (1983). The teaching method of scientific exploration in mathematics was conducted by the researcher in the experimental group in 6 sessions of 45 minutes. The data were analyzed by covariance analysis. Analysis. The results show that teaching the scientific inquiry teaching method in the mathematics course has increased self-efficacy, mathematics creativity and its dimensions of innovation, fluency, expansion and flexibility. As a result, the scientific inquiry teaching method has an effect on the self-efficacy of fifth grade female mathematics students in Boyer Ahmed city. And it can be used in schools. Manuscript profile
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        24 - The role of self-efficacy entrepreneurship education in primary school students
        Gulnar  Salehikhah Roya  Sarat nehayi Moghaddis  Ali Mohammadi
        Entrepreneurs have a great impact on the economic growth of a country, therefore, raising the generation of entrepreneurs and preparing them for economic activities is very important. What makes entrepreneurial talent come into action and manifest is entrepreneurial sel More
        Entrepreneurs have a great impact on the economic growth of a country, therefore, raising the generation of entrepreneurs and preparing them for economic activities is very important. What makes entrepreneurial talent come into action and manifest is entrepreneurial self-efficacy, which ultimately leads to entrepreneurial intention. Considering the necessity of entrepreneurship education in promoting entrepreneurship and the appropriateness of childhood to create a deep attitude about entrepreneurship, educational programs of primary school should be targeted and implemented in order to raise awareness and strengthen attitudes towards entrepreneurship. And as researchers increasingly pay attention to entrepreneurship education, there is a lack of empirical evidence on how to prepare for entrepreneurship education at an early age. Therefore, this study investigates the effect of outdoor learning environment and entrepreneurship education on students' entrepreneurial self-efficacy. The findings showed that the outdoor learning environment is closely related to entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Second, entrepreneurship education plays an important role in mediating the relationship between outdoor learning environment and students' self-efficacy. Our research provides insight to future researchers that early education plays an important role in the growth and development of self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intentions. Manuscript profile
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        25 - The Impact of Collaborative Learning on Social Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement of Female Students in Multi-Grade Classes
        khadijeh aerab sheibani khadijeh alipor AMIRHOSSEIN gholami
        <p>The present study examined the impact of collaborative learning on social self-efficacy and academic achievement of female students in the Qur'an lesson of multi-grade classes. The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design and a control g More
        <p>The present study examined the impact of collaborative learning on social self-efficacy and academic achievement of female students in the Qur'an lesson of multi-grade classes. The research method was semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design and a control group. To measure the variables, Ladd and Wheeler's social self-efficacy questionnaire and the academic achievement test in the Qur'an lesson were used. Two classes were selected through convenient sampling, one was as the experimental group (n=15) and the other as the control group (n=15). Pre-tests were administered to both groups using the academic achievement test and the social self-efficacy questionnaire. The experimental group received Qur'an lessons through collaborative learning in 15 sessions (45 minutes), while the control group was taught using traditional methods. Post-tests were administered to both groups after the intervention period. The data was analyzed using covariance analysis. The results showed the significant superiority of the experimental group in the academic improvement in academic achievement for the experimental group in the Qur'an course, but no significant difference was observed between the groups in terms of social self-efficacy.</p> Manuscript profile