• List of Articles کوه

      • Open Access Article

        1 - Evaluation of Land Use Change Using Remote Sensing Data (Case study: Nukabad watershed, Khash city)
        Hossein Piri Sahragard Mohammad reza  dahmardeh Mansour  Rigi
        Identifying and reviewing land use change can help managers and planners to identify the factors affecting the change of user and the adoption of appropriate management decisions at different levels. The present study was carried out with the aim of studying land use ch More
        Identifying and reviewing land use change can help managers and planners to identify the factors affecting the change of user and the adoption of appropriate management decisions at different levels. The present study was carried out with the aim of studying land use change and land use classes using remote sensing method in Noukabad watershed in Khash city, Sistan and Baluchestan province. For this purpose, after determining the boundary of the study area, using maps 1:50000, associated temporal data were obtained from the Landsat Satellite of the American Geological Survey. After geometric, radiometric and atmospheric correction, land use classification based on satellite images for study periods (1994-2000-2005-2010-2016 years) were determined. The accuracy of the production maps was determined using the general accuracy and kappa coefficient. After the application of the land use map in the ArcGIS software environment, the comparison of land use changes between the studied periods (each statistical period with the previous statistical period) was performed. Based on the results, overall classification accuracy of user-generated maps for the years 1994 (97.45%), 2000 (97.21%), 2005 (98.04%), 2010 (97.09%) and 2016 (97.06%) were rated as relatively good. The results of land use change trend showed that the most changes were in mountainous rangelands and the least changes were related to rivers, and in the meanwhile, agricultural lands and residential areas had moderate changes, which the main reason of these changes can be considered climate change and human intervention. These results indicate that the correct recognition of land use changes is caused, Managers identify the strengths and weaknesses of their executive plans and take steps to resolve them. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Investigating the interrelationships politic and space of city with emphasis on climatological typology
          hassan kamran
        "Cities" are among the phenomena of space that have a special place in geographic studies. Therefore, the interrelationship between politics and space in the city is one of the most important issues studied by political geographers of the present era. To understand thes More
        "Cities" are among the phenomena of space that have a special place in geographic studies. Therefore, the interrelationship between politics and space in the city is one of the most important issues studied by political geographers of the present era. To understand these relationships, understanding the natural geography is very effective. In this paper, we try to analyze the geography of the city with emphasis on the typology of cities in terms of climate and location. The question raised here is whether the natural geographic conditions, especially the weather, are effective in the manner and policy of urban executives? In this descriptive-analytical method, this fundamental research studies the climatic conditions of desert, mountainous, coastal cities and their impacts on political, economic, cultural and environmental areas and on the decisions of power holders in general. We seek to answer the question, "How does climate influence the type and manner of policies and policy making of urban managers?" The hypothesis raised in answer to this question is that "natural geographical conditions, especially climate, in the type and method of policies." And policymaking is effective for urban managers. " The results show that the importance of recognizing the existing status of cities and their (natural) geographical location in order to plan well for the future on the one hand, and the importance of scale in achieving development with respect to the importance and necessity of policy making, on the other. That geographic space and policy development are closely linked. " Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - Geochemistry and origin of orogenic gold in Qolqoleh area, Kurdistan: using fluid inclusion and stable isotope methods
         Taghipour  Makizadeh فرهاد  احمدنژاد
        The Qolqoleh gold deposit is located in the northwestern part of the Sanandaj–Sirjan metamorphic belt, about 50 km south-west of Saqqez. The rocks in the vicinity of the Qolqoleh deposit consist predominantly of Mesozoic volcano-sedimentary sequences of phyllite, meta-l More
        The Qolqoleh gold deposit is located in the northwestern part of the Sanandaj–Sirjan metamorphic belt, about 50 km south-west of Saqqez. The rocks in the vicinity of the Qolqoleh deposit consist predominantly of Mesozoic volcano-sedimentary sequences of phyllite, meta-limestone, cholorite- sericite schist, metavolcanic and granitic intrusive rocks that have undergone greenschist facies metamorphism. Geochemical studies indicate that gold mineralization occur in the sulfide-quartz veins. Based on the number of phases present at room temperature and their microthermometric behavior, three fluid inclusion types were recognized: type I mono phase aqueous inclusions, type II two-phase aqueous inclusions (aqueous + vapor), that based on Th could be subdivided into two groups: type IIa show salinities of 5–13 wt.% NaCl equivalent and Th-tot of 205 to 255 °C. Type IIb with salinities of 15–19 wt.% NaCl equivalent and Th-tot of 335 to 385 C. Type III three-phase shows carbonic–aqueous inclusions (aqueous–LCO2–VCO2) with salinities of 9–13 wt.% NaCl equivalent and Th-tot of 345–385 °C. Furthermore, the mean values of density of ore-forming fluids, pressure and depth of mineralization are 0.79-0.93 gr/cm3, 2 Kbar and 7 Km respectively. On the basis of these data, the Qolqoleh gold deposit is categorized in meso zonal orogenic gold deposit. The δ_0^18 values of the ore-forming fluids are in the range of 7.2‰ to 8‰ and the D values are from -35.27‰ to -40.23‰, which indicate a source of deep-originated metamorphic water that is partially mixed with shallow meteoric water. The change of tectonic regime from compressional to extensional in association with the continuously increasing geothermal gradient, results in remobilization of large amounts of metamorphic fluids. Mixing of ascending orogenic drive fluids with descending meteoric fluids led to deposition of gold by sulfide minerals. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Petrography and investigations on relation between deformation and metamorphism in metapelites of the Kuhe Arqoon, west of the Anguran lead-zinc mine, Zanjan Province
           Moazzen  Izadyar
        The study area is located in the West of Anguran lead-zinc mine in Zanjan province, in the central Iran zone. The metamorphic rocks of the area include chlorite schist, epidote-amphibole schist, mica schist, marble, quartzite and metamorphosed gabbrodiorite. Metapelites More
        The study area is located in the West of Anguran lead-zinc mine in Zanjan province, in the central Iran zone. The metamorphic rocks of the area include chlorite schist, epidote-amphibole schist, mica schist, marble, quartzite and metamorphosed gabbrodiorite. Metapelites are the focus of the present study, since they have recorded mineral appearances and deformational phases due to suitable composition. Petrographic studies show that three types of metapelites, including biotite schist, garnet schist and muscovite schist are present. Retrograde metamorphisms, owing to pressure and temperature decrease during exhumation are recorded in the Kuhe Arqoon rocks. The main deformational features include andaluse extinction, mineral stretching, pressure shadow and preferred orientation of minerals. Using petrographical studies and considering relation between structures and porphyroblasts and matrix (microstructures), three main deformational phases were determined for the area, among them the second deformational phase was the strongest. This deformation has produced the main foliation in the rocks. The weakest phase was the third deformational phase, which was not accompanied by metamorphism. Contemporarily with D1 deformational phase, M1 metamorphic phase occurred, crystallizing chlorite, muscovite, quartz, biotite and garnet. M2 metamorphic phase was coeval with D2 deformational phase. Mineral assemblage of M2 is biotite, muscovite, quartz and garnet. During the weak D3 deformational phase, chlorite is formed with weak orientation in the rocks. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Geochemistry, and metamorphic evolution of the Sahib Az Zaman skarns and the related intrusion in East of Kerman
        شهریار محمودی Salymah Dahgani Dashtabi
        Sahib Az Zaman Mountain is located 8 km North East of the Kerman city. Study area is part of Central Iran structural zone and Orumiyeh Dokhtar volcanic arc. In this area several young intrusions with intermediate composition intruded into Cretaceous limestone. According More
        Sahib Az Zaman Mountain is located 8 km North East of the Kerman city. Study area is part of Central Iran structural zone and Orumiyeh Dokhtar volcanic arc. In this area several young intrusions with intermediate composition intruded into Cretaceous limestone. According to stratigraphic evidence, these granitoids have Cenozoic age and produced thin skarnic halo. Based on mineralogical properties and whole rock geochemical analyses, Sahib Az Zaman skarn is a calc -silicate skarn. Based on this study, migration of silicon, magnesium, iron and trace elements from igneous intrusions towards calcareous host rock and the reverse migration of calcium and magnesium occurred from carbonate host rocks. Major minerals of igneous rocks include plagioclase, alkali feldspar, clinopyroxene, and amphibole. In the boundary of igneous rock body (endoskarn), monticellite is observed. In the skarns, garnet, clinopyroxene, idocrase, epidote and calcite are major minerals. Based on geochemical studies, garnets include grossular-andradite, clinopyroxenes are diopside and wollastonite is also present. Comparison of geochemical composition between skarns and igneous rocks, illustrated that emplacement of igneous body in the beginning, metasomatism affected the host rock fluids and after replacement and crystallization of the main intrusive body had the major role in providing fluids derived from the intrusive body. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Geochemistry, and metamorphic evolution of the Sahib Az Zaman skarns and the related intrusion in East of Kerman
        شهریار محمودی Salime Dehghani
        Sahib Az Zaman Mountain is located 8 km North East of the Kerman city. Study area is part of Central Iran structural zone and Orumiyeh Dokhtar volcanic arc. In this area several young intrusions with intermediate composition intruded into Cretaceous limestone. According More
        Sahib Az Zaman Mountain is located 8 km North East of the Kerman city. Study area is part of Central Iran structural zone and Orumiyeh Dokhtar volcanic arc. In this area several young intrusions with intermediate composition intruded into Cretaceous limestone. According to stratigraphic evidence, these granitoids have Cenozoic age and produced thin skarnic halo. Based on mineralogical properties and whole rock geochemical analyses, Sahib Az Zaman skarn is a calc -silicate skarn. Based on this study, migration of silicon, magnesium, iron and trace elements from igneous intrusions towards calcareous host rock and the reverse migration of calcium and magnesium occurred from carbonate host rocks. Major minerals of igneous rocks include plagioclase, alkali feldspar, clinopyroxene, and amphibole. In the boundary of igneous rock body (endoskarn), monticellite is observed. In the skarns, garnet, clinopyroxene, idocrase, epidote and calcite are major minerals. Based on geochemical studies, garnets include grossular-andradite, clinopyroxenes are diopside and wollastonite is also present. Comparison of geochemical composition between skarns and igneous rocks, illustrated that emplacement of igneous body in the beginning, metasomatism affected the host rock fluids and after replacement and crystallization of the main intrusive body had the major role in providing fluids derived from the intrusive body. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Geology and gold mineralization in the west of Kasnazan, south of Saqqez, Kurdistan province
        Shojaeddin Niroomand Hossein Ali Tajeddin Saba Haghiri Qazvini
        West of Kasnazan gold prospect is located 14 km south of Saqqez. The rocks in the area predominantly consist of Precambrian and Cretaceous volcanosedimentary sequences of schist, phyllite and marble which are intruded by granitoid bodies. The main gold reservoir in the More
        West of Kasnazan gold prospect is located 14 km south of Saqqez. The rocks in the area predominantly consist of Precambrian and Cretaceous volcanosedimentary sequences of schist, phyllite and marble which are intruded by granitoid bodies. The main gold reservoir in the deposit is hosted inside a quartz syenite body that is intruded along a northwest-southeast shear zone. The high-grade gold ores belong to highly deformed mylonitic and ultramylonitic quartz syenite rocks which are associated with quartz, sericite-muscovite, carbonite and sulfide alteration minerals. Ore mineral assemblages of the deposit are simple and consist of pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, galena, arsenopyrite, magnetite, gold and iron hydroxide minerals. Gold grains with less than 40 microns in size have been found as intergrowth with quartz and also in the form of inclusions in pyrites. Fluid inclusion studies indicate homogenization temperatures between 137.4 and 240.5°C and salinity between 1.16 to 12.06 wt% NaCl eq. This study indicates that main characteristics of the geology and mineralization of the area are similar to orogenic type gold deposits. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - mythical places in folktales
        Sara  Chalak
        Mythical thought is a kind of worldview that has always saved his situation in humans mind. Mythical idea introduce itself by divide the phenomena of the world into sacred and unholy. Locality is an important mythical subject that differ from modern man’s thinking about More
        Mythical thought is a kind of worldview that has always saved his situation in humans mind. Mythical idea introduce itself by divide the phenomena of the world into sacred and unholy. Locality is an important mythical subject that differ from modern man’s thinking about place. Mythical place differ from its surrounding because it is sacred. It may be an archetype like mount or fountain, or may be it has become sacred because of the unworldly object. It has influential power to characters.it can change characters. Folktale as an old type of oral literature contain the insight, philosophic thought and life style of past human being. One of the mythical subject in folktales is locality. This places cause of the relationship with the transcendental affairs, consider as a mythical place. Most of characters in folktale, change mentally by being there and their destiny change. In this article, we tried to use the theories of great mythologists such as Mircea Eliade and Ernest Cassirer to analyze e few sets of folktales. For this purpose, the places such as mount, fountain, sea, river, garden, well were investigated.and their mythical modality was examined. my research method in this article is descriptive and analithical. . Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Kuhnian and Lakatosian's Political Order: Flexible or Hard?
        mohamad ali tavana خلیل اله سردارنیا
        Kuhn's paradigm and Lakatos's scientific research program, as two competing methodological traditions, created new perspectives on the history of science and knowledge/truth. This article tries to bridge the methodology of these two historians of science to theoretical More
        Kuhn's paradigm and Lakatos's scientific research program, as two competing methodological traditions, created new perspectives on the history of science and knowledge/truth. This article tries to bridge the methodology of these two historians of science to theoretical politics, and raises the following questions: What political order does Kuhn and Lakatos's methodology imply? Is this political order hard (rigid) or soft (flexible)? How do these political orders change? This article tries to answer these questions based on the principle of compatibility (compatibility of results with basic principles). This article shows that the Kuhnian and Lakatosian's political order are both based on competition and conflict; But once established, they create a hard to semi-rigid order, the former accepting pluralism and change (reform) only within the framework of the hegemonic paradigm, and the latter merely on marginal issues that are not dangerous to the hard core of power. Nevertheless, the revolution in Kuhnian's political order is a little easier than Lakatosian's. Kuhn's relativistic methodology accepts that there is no superior substantive order; Thus, in a critical situation, that is, the loss of efficiency and the consensus of the elites, we can move towards a new order. But Lakatosian's historiographical methodology creates a more conservative order; Because he emphasizes that the hard core of the political order must be given the opportunity to reveal all its potential in the context of history, and it can only give way to a new political order if it does not produce empirical and theoretical content. In general, these orders are anti-dissident. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Solving Multi-Criteria Decision Making Problems Using Artificial Neural Networks
        M. abdoos N. Mozayani
        Decision making is finding the best compromised solution from all feasible alternatives. Multi-criteria decision making is one of the most applied branches of decision making. Many methods have been presented for solving MCDM problems ever since. Among these methods, si More
        Decision making is finding the best compromised solution from all feasible alternatives. Multi-criteria decision making is one of the most applied branches of decision making. Many methods have been presented for solving MCDM problems ever since. Among these methods, simple additive weighting, SAW, is the most commonly used method. In this paper, two methods are proposed for solving MCDM problems based on artificial neural networks. This paper shows an application of soft computing techniques in classic problems, such as decision making. Herein, two methods are presented based on both supervised and unsupervised neural networks. The results of the methods have been compared with SAW. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Linear modeling of effective area changes of Gol Sisakht Lake (Kohgiluyeh and Boyerahmad)
        amirhossein parsa
        In many methods of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) analysis, to account for the effect of the hemodynamic system, the response of the hemodynamic system (HRF) is modeled with functions such as the gamma function or the Gaussian function. These functions usu More
        In many methods of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) analysis, to account for the effect of the hemodynamic system, the response of the hemodynamic system (HRF) is modeled with functions such as the gamma function or the Gaussian function. These functions usually have one or two parameters that are selected by the analyst based on his prior knowledge. The purpose of this article is to study satellite imagery of Gol Golsik Lake over several years and its shoreline changes, which are modeled on changes in the area of ​​Gol Gol Manjir. Kuh-e-Gol Lake will not be mature. This lake will be completely dry in 2030. By examining the satellite image of Kuh-e Gol Lake, it can be found that the most important factors for the drying up of Kuh-e Gol Lake are natural and human factors, and the weather conditions are such that the sea should be reduced and the sea should be reduced. It was noted that the decrease in water volume of Kuh-e Gol Lake causes the decrease of animal and plant species around the lake. As a result, the decrease of animal species will cause drought and destruction of Kuh-e Gol ecosystem, which will accelerate the drying process of the lake.. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - The effect of cold mountain climate on the formation of climate-friendly architecture (Study sample of rural areas of Boyer-Ahmad city)
        hossein shahmoradi ali aram
        In the design of rural houses, we see obvious differences in them. In some villages, the houses have round and spherical roofs, flat and with a steep angle and many slopes, which have a dominant shape. Thick walls, very thin walls, small windows, large windows are some More
        In the design of rural houses, we see obvious differences in them. In some villages, the houses have round and spherical roofs, flat and with a steep angle and many slopes, which have a dominant shape. Thick walls, very thin walls, small windows, large windows are some of these differences. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of cold mountain climate on the formation of climate-friendly architecture. The method used in this research is descriptive-analytical and the role of mountainous climate in shaping rural housing is examined and analyzed. The studied components are rural housing types and their texture in cold climate. Data collection is through texts, sources, various sites and other research related to the subject in the study area. In Iran, the architecture of cold and mountainous areas is one of the most obvious and distinct manifestations of the impact of climate on the main form and body of villages. Significantly reduce and minimize the need for heating and cooling equipment. It is recommended to use eco-friendly materials to use the available materials that are well acquainted with its characteristics and meet the relevant needs in the relevant climatic conditions, in different parts of the building. By designing appropriate architecture and in accordance with the climatic conditions and local architecture of the region, along with sustainable architecture and saving energy consumption, free or cheaper and renewable resources can be used. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - A Comparative Study of Educational Metaphor of Journey in Islamic and Humanism Mysticism
        رضا محمدی چابکی
        The present study aims to explain the educational metaphor of the journey and its educational implications by a comparative study of two valuable educational works of "The Conference of the Birds" and "The Magic Mountain". Therefore, to achieve the research objectives, More
        The present study aims to explain the educational metaphor of the journey and its educational implications by a comparative study of two valuable educational works of "The Conference of the Birds" and "The Magic Mountain". Therefore, to achieve the research objectives, the methods of progressive inference method, and also the four-step comparative method are used and the findings of this study, in three main steps, include the analysis of the educational metaphor of the journey in "The Conference of the Birds" and "The Magic Mountain" from the perspective of seven intermediate mapping maps, including travelers or travelers, travel planners, travel destinations, travel stages, luggage, Routing and travel requirements, travel strategy, and also trips), the deduction of educational implications (principles and methods of education) in the two books, as well as the comparison of the previous two steps. Accordingly, the results of the research indicate that the educational metaphor of the journey, based on the selective basis for it, in which two bases of Islamic mysticism and humanist mysticism are introduced, are two separate paths for education that are defined by The abundance of commonality between these two paths is thought to be different for them; among them, the commonality of these two can be exemplified by the step-by-step process, the freedom and the ability to interpret and interrogate in traveler (student), and The distinction between these two can also be the place or origin of the cognition of human beings and their different ends, one that is infinite and divine, and the other is limited to the human soul. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - A Comparative Study of Educational Metaphor of Journey in Islamic and Humanism Mysticism
        رضا محمدی چابکی Fatemeh Vojdani Fatemeh Sadat Bitarafan
        The present study aims to explain the educational metaphor of the journey and its educational implications by a comparative study of two valuable educational works of "The Conference of the Birds" and "The Magic Mountain". Therefore, to achieve the research objectives, More
        The present study aims to explain the educational metaphor of the journey and its educational implications by a comparative study of two valuable educational works of "The Conference of the Birds" and "The Magic Mountain". Therefore, to achieve the research objectives, the methods of progressive inference method, and also the four-step comparative method are used and the findings of this study, in three main steps, include the analysis of the educational metaphor of the journey in "The Conference of the Birds" and "The Magic Mountain" from the perspective of seven intermediate mapping maps, including travelers or travelers, travel planners, travel destinations, travel stages, luggage, Routing and travel requirements, travel strategy, and also trips), the deduction of educational implications (principles and methods of education) in the two books, as well as the comparison of the previous two steps. Accordingly, the results of the research indicate that the educational metaphor of the journey, based on the selective basis for it, in which two bases of Islamic mysticism and humanist mysticism are introduced, are two separate paths for education that are defined by The abundance of commonality between these two paths is thought to be different for them; among them, the commonality of these two can be exemplified by the step-by-step process, the freedom and the ability to interpret and interrogate in traveler (student), and The distinction between these two can also be the place or origin of the cognition of human beings and their different ends, one that is infinite and divine, and the other is limited to the human soul. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Systematic Review of Research Papers in the Field of Tourism Social Studies
        Mozhgan  Azimi Hashemi zahra bostan
        Reviewing research in any field provides a clear understating of theoretical approaches, methods, and techniques used in that field. It also expresses theoretical and methodological developments. In addition to general issues about the nature and evolution of scientific More
        Reviewing research in any field provides a clear understating of theoretical approaches, methods, and techniques used in that field. It also expresses theoretical and methodological developments. In addition to general issues about the nature and evolution of scientific knowledge, Paradigmatic topics and new studies on tourism (which can provide theories on the evolution of tourism knowledge), systematic reviews provide verifiable and firm conclusions about the evolution of research on a relevant topic. In order to reveal insights and social thoughts about tourism, this article utilized content analysis to review the social studies of tourism in scientific journals in Iran. According to Cohen’s sociology of tourism, tourism social studies are classified into four categories: (a) the tourist-his motivations, attitudes, reactions, and roles; (b) the relations and perceptions of tourists and locals; (c) the structure of the tourist system; and (d) impacts of tourism. Research findings show that the structure of the tourist system is the most prevalent social issue in the Iranian scholars’ research. Tourists, impacts of tourism, and the relations and perceptions of tourists and locals are in the next places respectively. The results show that tourism is not popular among sociologists in Iran. Geographers are more active in producing and publishing social issues of tourism, and they have published most of the articles in all of the four categories. Results do not show growth in interdisciplinary studies of tourism but they confirm multidisciplinary research that was carried out mainly by using quantitative methods and through surveys of stakeholders and experts. The results show that there are many conceptual and methodological gaps in the development of knowledge between the tourism industry and its impact on policy-making, development, and management of commercial tourism in Iran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        16 - Genesis of Dochileh copper deposit, east of Mayamey; based on geological, mineralogical and geochemical constraints
        Mahboobeh Zafarzadeh F. Mousivand Ramzan Ramzani Umali Amir Mahdavi
        Dochileh copper deposit is located 72 km east of Shahrood, 15 km east of Mayamey, in North Central Iran volcanic belt. The stratigraphic sequence of the region comprises a considerable amount of volcanic and volcanic-sedimentary deposits of Eocene. these deposits are More
        Dochileh copper deposit is located 72 km east of Shahrood, 15 km east of Mayamey, in North Central Iran volcanic belt. The stratigraphic sequence of the region comprises a considerable amount of volcanic and volcanic-sedimentary deposits of Eocene. these deposits are locally covered by Neogen and Quaternary deposits. The volcanic rocks hosting mineralization are composed of different rocks including basalt, andesite basalt and trachy andesitebasalt rocks that often contain plagioclase and clinopyroxene phenocrysts. The copper mineralization mostly occurred along the faults and fractures with the dominant trend of NW-SE in the basaltic rocks as vein-veinlets and open space fillings. Ore minerals including primary native copper and hematite, and secondary minerals such as malachite, goethite, hematite. gangue minerals such as calcite, zeolite and analcime. The wallrock alterations in the host rocks include chloritic, carbonatic, analcime-zeolite and iron oxide. The oxidation of mafic minerals such as pyroxene and magnetite were responsible for copper reduction and hematitic alteration. Geochemical investigation indicates that amounts of Cu and Ag are up to 5.11 wt% and 7.8 ppm, respectively. According to field studies, mineralogy and alteration, the Duchileh copper deposit appears to be formed during diagenesis and burial metamorphism, and dominantly during the orogeny and uplift processes, due to enterance of hot ore fluids along the fractures and faults perpendicular to the fold axis. The Duchileh deposit have a large resemblance to the basaltic copper or Michigan-type copper deposits in terms of tectonic setting, host rock, mineralogy, metal content, alteration and ore controls. Manuscript profile
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        17 - A Survey of Loneliness in ShafieiKadkani’s Works: (Aeeneh-e barāyesedāhā, Hezāre-ye dovom-e Āhooyekoohi, Tefli be name Shādi)
        seyyed alireza kashfinia Ahmad  Tahan Mohammad Mahdi  Torabikhah Jahromi
        Does loneliness merely mean willing or unwilling distance from the people surrounding us? or are there any other kinds of loneliness?From a long time ago, although some philosophers and psychologists have defined loneliness and its kinds, it’s not an easy task to define More
        Does loneliness merely mean willing or unwilling distance from the people surrounding us? or are there any other kinds of loneliness?From a long time ago, although some philosophers and psychologists have defined loneliness and its kinds, it’s not an easy task to define a definite borderline between kinds of loneliness. These experts have suggested that some kinds of loneliness can be merged and in some cases loneliness can be either the causes or forms of loneliness occurrence, not a specific kind.In a descriptive-analytical design, this theoretical research tries to examine the kinds and causes of loneliness in ShafieiKadkani’s poems through library and documentary methods. According to the findings of the research, among the factors of interpersonal loneliness in ShafiiKodkani's poems, we can mention the separation that is the result of his first poems.From this point of view, ShafieiKadknai is a romantic poet who mainly followsthe images and themes of the poets known to have Indian Style. With regard to intrapersonal loneliness, the poet shows a tendency for seclusionwhich is resulted from his frustration from the political and social events and his nonconformity with a group of people with whom he sees no affinity. However, there is no sign of existential loneliness (i.e., a subcategory of intrapersonal loneliness) in ShafieiKadknai’s poems. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Paradigmatic Shifts and the Emergence of the Modern Western Nation-State
        Saeed Attar Mohammad kamalizadeh
        In this research, we aim to trace the various paths that ultimately led to the emergence of the modern nation-state and its implications in contemporary political structures worldwide. What we now recognize as the modern nation-state, which continues to exist in various More
        In this research, we aim to trace the various paths that ultimately led to the emergence of the modern nation-state and its implications in contemporary political structures worldwide. What we now recognize as the modern nation-state, which continues to exist in various forms of political systems, has its roots in ancient and gradual transformations in the West (Europe). These developments can be depicted as a paradigmatic narrative of the dialectic of needs and responses. This narrative begins with ancient Greece and its devotion to rationality and freedom, and continues along different paths, on the one hand, with modern evangelical traditions and the exploration of Roman legal structures, and on the other hand, by passing through historical, social, political, and economic contexts, the great Western powers (England, France, Germany, and the United States) have pursued different paths towards the emergence of the modern state. In retracing these various paths, we have utilized Kuhn's paradigmatic approach. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Stratigraphy, facies and depositional conditions of the Asmari Formation (Rupelian-Burdigalian) in the south-eastern folded Zagros, Bandarlengeh embayment (Khamir salt mountain section)
        Peyman Rezaei Seyedeh Akram  Jooybari Abdullah  Najafi
        Asmari Formation (Rupelian-Burdigalian) is one of the most well-known formations in Iran. In order to investigate the stratigraphy and sedimentary environment, a section of this formation was selected in Khamir salt mountain section in Bandarlengeh embayment. In this nu More
        Asmari Formation (Rupelian-Burdigalian) is one of the most well-known formations in Iran. In order to investigate the stratigraphy and sedimentary environment, a section of this formation was selected in Khamir salt mountain section in Bandarlengeh embayment. In this number, 70 limestone microscopic thin sections and 3 marl samples (XRF) were evaluated to identify the microfacies and the sedimentation conditions.The petrographic study led to the identification of 10 microfacies belonging to the facies belts of tidal, lagoon, carbonate bar, open marine, which were deposited in the homoclinal carbonate ramp environment. The composition of marl facies oxides also indicates the presence of carbonate minerals, quartz and clay minerals, which along with field observations and alternating calcareous facies suggest that this facies was deposited in an open marine environment. Finally, it seems that the facies and fossil diversity of the Asmari Formation in the mentioned section is such that during the Aquitanian stage, this formation was located closer to the coast line and during the Rupelian and Chattian-Burdigalian times, it was located at a further distance from the coast line. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Indigenous Architecture in the Sustainable Design of Rural Settlements (Case Study: Venan and Kohandan villages in Qom)
        Mohsen golriz seyyed ehsan mousavi
        <p>Unlike many contemporary urban constructions that have lost their Iranian identity and are developed without consideration for cultural values and principles of sustainable and Iranian architecture. Still in the villages of Iran, due to its high age and Valuable text More
        <p>Unlike many contemporary urban constructions that have lost their Iranian identity and are developed without consideration for cultural values and principles of sustainable and Iranian architecture. Still in the villages of Iran, due to its high age and Valuable texture, a proportionate and homogeneous collection can be observed, in which the connections, functions and roles of the spaces in housing encompass a proportionate socio-economic and cultural system. The villages of Venan and Kohandan Baft are relatively valuable in terms of native architecture and worthy of study, with the existing types of rural housing in this article being among the examples examined in this research. In this study, the villages have been studied in terms of settlement, appearance, landscape, texture, and housing, and they have been analyzed from two perspectives: the assessment of the climatic pattern and the assessment of the spatial-functional pattern. In this research, since the characteristics of the village need to be examined, a qualitative method is used to describe the data and examine a case study, and an analytical method is used to draw conclusions from the collected data. Furthermore, the method of collecting information involves using library sources to gather basic information, followed by field studies through visiting and observing the village sites.</p> Manuscript profile