The mediating role of metacognitive beliefs in the relationship between anxiety sensitivity, responsibility and obsessive-compulsive symptoms
Subject Areas : Psychology
Morteza Aghaeimazraji
Mahmoud Najafi
Mina Shirmohammadali
1 - Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
2 - Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan University, Semnan, Iran.
3 - Master of Clinical Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences, Azad University, Roudhan Branch, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Anxiety sensitivity, Metacognitive beliefs, Responsibility, Obsessive-Compulsive symptoms.,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research was to determine the mediating role of metacognitive beliefs between anxiety sensitivity, responsibility and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in the general population living in Tehran. The descriptive research method was correlation type (path analysis). 300 people from among the general population living in Tehran city were selected through an internet call, according to the entry criteria in the accessible sampling method. The tools used in this research include the Revised Obsession Scale (OCI-R); (Foua et al., 2002), Anxiety Sensitivity Inventory (ASI) (Rice et al., 1986), Responsibility Attitude Scale (RAS); (Salkovskis et al., 2000) and metacognitive beliefs questionnaire (MCQ-30); (Wells, 1997). The data showed that anxiety sensitivity and responsibility have a direct and significant relationship with obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and metacognitive beliefs have a mediating role in the relationship between anxiety sensitivity and responsibility with obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and the indirect effect of metacognitive beliefs in the relationship between anxiety sensitivity, Responsibility and obsessive-compulsive symptoms were significant.In general it can be concluded that anxiety sensitivity and responsibility can cause the emergence and continuation of obsessive-compulsive symptoms by increasing metacognitive beliefs. According to the research results and the mediating role of metacognitive beliefs in relation to obsessive-compulsive symptoms, planning to improve people's education in the field of anxiety sensitivity and responsibility can play an important role in reducing obsessive-compulsive symptoms through metacognitive beliefs.
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