Qualitative exploration of factors motivating adolescent girls to masturbate from the perspective of growth-based family-based sexual education model
Subject Areas : Other related topics
Seyyed Mohsen Asghari Nekah
Zahra Mohajer
1 - Ferdosi University
2 -
Keywords: Masturbation, Adolescence, Girls, Push factors, Qualitative research,
Abstract :
Introduction: Adolescence is a risky period in sexual development and the possibility of masturbation or harmful habits in front of girls and families, which sometimes affects their marital life, but there are few Iranian studies on girls masturbating, so this The study was conducted with a preventive and educational orientation to explore the masturbation of adolescent girls. Method: This qualitative study was conducted in the context of counseling interaction with families and girls with masturbation complaints during 1397 to 1399. In this study, 4 adolescent girls aged 14 to 17 years were included in the study by available sampling method. Data were collected through in-depth semi-structured interviews. Results: The findings of this study showed 3 main categories and 19 sub-categories in response to the question of factors leading to masturbation, which are the priority of environmental-communication factors (such as communication challenges with parents, family stressors, unlimited communication with the opposite sex), respectively. , Psychological factors (such as sexual fantasies, and misconceptions about masturbation, cyberbullying, and pornography addiction) and social factors (such as harmful social environment, level of education, and material well-being). Conclusion: The analysis of participants' experiences indicates that communication-family, psychological and social factors have been effective in motivating adolescent girls to masturbate, respectively, and it seems that family empowerment can play a pivotal and decisive role in these factors. Therefore, preventing or quitting masturbation requires a family-centered sexual education model based on scientific principles in a broad and rich framework of religious and cultural teachings to be able to achieve sexual health in the form of family education programs in schools, national media and counseling clinics. Help teens.
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