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        1 - Government, Industry and University Relations, the Horizon of Iran 1404
        mohsen bahrami mahkame taati
        The relation between government, industry and university is a pivotal issue in moving towards the 20 year vision of science and technology development of the country. Identifying and detail study of underlying factors and forces are necessary for improving this relation More
        The relation between government, industry and university is a pivotal issue in moving towards the 20 year vision of science and technology development of the country. Identifying and detail study of underlying factors and forces are necessary for improving this relation. In addition to analyzing the current situations, a future study approach should be undertaken to evaluate and asses the compliance of development plans with the goals and targets of the document of 20 Year Vision. In this paper, the result of a future study of some of the factors affecting the said relation with the horizon of 1404, involving some of the specialist and policy makers in the field of science and technology, is presented Manuscript profile
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        2 - Critical Review of the concept of "development" with emphasis on the epistemological considerations of governance in Iran
        heidar Najafi Rastaghi hamid dehghanian
        The term development is a large and multidimensional concept and the product of a fundamental transformation of thought and the historical practice of the West in management systems and governance in the post-Renaissance period is a new conception of God and religion an More
        The term development is a large and multidimensional concept and the product of a fundamental transformation of thought and the historical practice of the West in management systems and governance in the post-Renaissance period is a new conception of God and religion and the world, Existence of epistemological differences and western orientation of development patterns Based on these principles, there are value conflicts in the target countries or the so-called underdeveloped which has been denied the traditional and cultural values ​​of these countries and subsequently the emergence of various tensions and challenges in the governing systems. The main purpose of this study was to critically examine the concept of "development" with emphasis on the epistemological considerations of governance in Iran. In this regard, the method of documentary study and content analysis based on a critical approach has been used. The main question of this research can be posed as follows: "What criticisms can be made about the concept of development by emphasizing the epistemological considerations of governance in Iran?". In the findings section, the critical components of the "development" paradigm with emphasis on the epistemological considerations of governance in Iran in the four axes of "critical socio-cultural rethinking", "critical economic rethinking", "critical political rethinking" and "critical philosophical theological rethinking" include economics Designed as the custodian of social planning (instead of philosophy), globalization, de-traditionalization, cultural uniformity, linearization of development, transgression of various forms of religion, rejection of traditional society, consumerism, sensitization of culture, secularization, moral relativism, etc. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Analyzing strategic effective drivers on public trust in government with foresight approach
        Mohammad Montazeri HAKEM GHASEMI Einollah keshavarz tork Mohammadreza Solhjou
        Public trust in government todays faces serious and increasing challenges which have doubled the necessity of trying to influence its future trend. This study has been done with foresight approach and aims to identify strategic factors affecting the future of public tru More
        Public trust in government todays faces serious and increasing challenges which have doubled the necessity of trying to influence its future trend. This study has been done with foresight approach and aims to identify strategic factors affecting the future of public trust in Islamic Republic of Iran on the horizon 2045. This research in terms of nature is descriptive-analytical and methodologically is based on mixed approach (qualitative-quantitative). Therefore, after conducting library studies and literature review and interviews with experts, a list of effective factors of public trust in Islamic Republic of Iran by using Delphi method was found and then these factors were minimized from 58 to 15 items. Then, by using structural analysis and the Cross-Impact Matrix was designed and by forming a panel consisting 11 experts and gathering their opinions about these factors, necessary data were entered into the matrix. By analyzing collected data, the influence of each factor was evaluated in MICMAC software. According to the results of this research, five factors including "combating corruption", "transparency", "not preferring of individual interests on public interest", "realization of social justice", and "honesty and integrity of the authorities" were identified as strategic effective factors on the future of public trust in Islamic Republic of Iran. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Analysis of histrocial and futuristic factors affecting the privacy of Iranian Islamic cities; Case study of Tehran metropolitan area
        mojtaba sabouri Rahim Sarvar Hamidreza Joudaki fatemeh adibi sadi nezhad
        Human impact on the environment is based on worldview or philosophy of life; hence, the construction and formation of the city in human civilization has always expressed the ideology and worldview of those societies; therefore, in different geographical environments, we More
        Human impact on the environment is based on worldview or philosophy of life; hence, the construction and formation of the city in human civilization has always expressed the ideology and worldview of those societies; therefore, in different geographical environments, we see cities with different roles and importance and with uncoordinated and heterogeneous growth. It has become the most severe form and the inability of urban environments to respond to the problems created, has caused cities to be constantly exposed to the uneven growth of cities and the influx of urban land uses. The descriptive nature is analytical. The purpose of studying and researching the factors affecting the metropolitan area of Tehran from the perspective of the Iranian-Islamic city, the historical trend and its prolongation for more than a few decades has led to the destruction of Tehran. The statistical population of this study 40 of them are 15 experts of the General Directorate of Privacy and the rest are experts, experts and specialists in research. The examined criteria include physical, economic, social, natural and managerial factors with specific sub-criteria, which are sub-criteria. And then in MIC MAC software as a matrix MDI, MPDI, MII, MPII are analyzed. The results show that the most direct and direct potential impact, potential indirect and indirect effects, are related to land use change with rank (473). The lowest direct, potential direct effects, and potential indirect and indirect effects are related to the finite topography with rank (267) and (465) the lowest is for agricultural lands, wetlands with rank (224). Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Analysis and classification of factors and capacities affecting the promotion of social capital by causal layer analysis
        hakem ghasemi Mahdi Nikooye Shahriar shirooyehpour
        Social capital is an asset and credit derived from social relations. Having this capital will facilitate the advancement of affairs, reduce costs and save capital. Its importance is such that its existence leads to the effectiveness and optimization of affairs for the e More
        Social capital is an asset and credit derived from social relations. Having this capital will facilitate the advancement of affairs, reduce costs and save capital. Its importance is such that its existence leads to the effectiveness and optimization of affairs for the exploitation of other assets. However, so far the measures taken to prevent the reduction of this valuable capital have not been successful and it is also necessary to identify the factors affecting the state of social capital and the effects and consequences it can have. In this study, using the method of layer analysis of causes as one of the future research methods to deeply investigate the cause of a phenomenon in different layers, the factors affecting the state of social capital in four layers have been identified. Accordingly, these factors are defined and categorized in four layers of litany, system, worldview and metaphors, and based on this, the existing capacities in the province to improve the status of social capital in these four layers have been determined. The results show that paying attention to the effective factors in the lower layers such as worldview and discourse as well as the effective factors of the myth and metaphor layer can greatly help the problem of reducing social capital and by applying strategies based on this method can be He was more hopeful of promoting social capital. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - Identifying the key factors affecting the using of futures studies in policy making
        Sahar Kousari
        Sahar Kousari Abstract Policymakers should make policies for vague and uncertain futures. Considering that futurist have an important role in the policy-making process, but future- oriented research is not considered a part of policy-making. The purpose of this More
        Sahar Kousari Abstract Policymakers should make policies for vague and uncertain futures. Considering that futurist have an important role in the policy-making process, but future- oriented research is not considered a part of policy-making. The purpose of this article is to identify the factors that improve the futures field and policy-making relationship. The identification of these factors has been done with the method of library studies and focus groups. eight factors improving the communication between the two fields of future studies and policy-making were identified, of which eight factors specifically improve the relationship between policy analysis and futures studies, which have the weak relationship; These factors include: the level of uncertainty, the type of subjective judgment towards the future, the type of policy analysis, the conditions of the policy environment towards the future, the approach of the agents towards the future, the understanding of the system in facing futures issues, the institutional conditions of openness to alternatives and time horizonis about the future. After that, the alternatives of each of these factors have been extracted to expand the vision towards the future, which can be the basis of different scenarios of supportive decision-making models in future research. rs. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Problem-solving and Futures Studies in Veterinary Programs and Services
        Alireza Bahonar Hamid Sharifi
        The increase in population and the need to supply foodstuffs have raised the importance of animal health and veterinary activities more than ever before in the country's food security and development. In this paper, which focuses on veterinary activities in the field of More
        The increase in population and the need to supply foodstuffs have raised the importance of animal health and veterinary activities more than ever before in the country's food security and development. In this paper, which focuses on veterinary activities in the field of food-producing livestock, the concepts of need, supply, and demand are defined, and the methods of determining and prioritizing health needs in the livestock population of the country are presented. In the context of problems in setting priorities, there are also important points such as livestock population statistics, lack of human resources, rapid management changes, economic factors, management considerations, the traditional structure of animal husbandry, insufficient training of producers, and technical health officials of livestock farms, lack of inter-sectoral cooperation and necessary support. From the country's veterinary organization, the lack of sufficient information about diseases and animal health status in neighboring countries, especially Iraq and Afghanistan, and the weakness of border and interprovincial quarantine systems have been noted. Factors affecting the use of animal health services points such as access to services, feeling of need or demand, assurance of quality, price and cost of services and insurance coverage have been mentioned. On the other hand, in recent decades, issues such as climate change, changes in international laws and regulations related to animal health and environment, transgenic products, bioterrorism, and drought, each of which affects the health and livestock production in some way, the need to pay attention to Proposes futures studies. Futures studies are a science that helps to better see these changes and prepare for them. The emergence of some new fields such as artificial intelligence, remote medicine and veterinary medicine (Telemedicine), personalized medicine and veterinary medicine, the emergence of robots in medicine and veterinary medicine, etc. paid attention. The sum of these issues should make us think about how much preparation there is for the future and these changes. It is suggested to make changes in the important fields of veterinary medicine such as education and research, veterinary structures at the national and international levels, and jobs related to veterinary medicine, in line with foresight and futurology. Manuscript profile