• List of Articles Index

      • Open Access Article

        1 - The effect operational innovation on measures of economic performance and market-based in companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange
        Mahmoud Lari dashtbayaz
         Nowadays, the main concern of most companies, codification and implementing strategies that guarantee success and their survival in changing and complex environment. Therefore, companies more than ever to operational innovation as well as people need to be nurtured tal More
         Nowadays, the main concern of most companies, codification and implementing strategies that guarantee success and their survival in changing and complex environment. Therefore, companies more than ever to operational innovation as well as people need to be nurtured talents and capabilities existence to maintain to have good the knowledge, expertise, skills, and most importantly, the ability of creative thinking clearly. Branch operations management, innovation wide has experienced in managing manufacturing processes. The just in time method has been innovations. Managers interested in implementing this innovation operational, the question arises whether the investment needed for these innovations, resulting in efficiency is enough or not.    among these In this regard, in this study we tried to use the data of 122 companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange during the period from 2010 to 2015 and multivariate regression, the relationship as well criteria for the implementation method just in time and performance companies. the results showed that significant correlation is established between inventory turnover and economic value added, Significant inverse correlation is established between the ratio of inventory to current assets and economic value added companies and the difference between the current ratio and quick ratio and there is economic value added, Direct and significant correlation is established between inventory turnover and Tobin's Q index companies, the relationship is not established  between the ratio of inventory to current assets and Tobin's Q index companies and significant inverse correlation is established  between the difference current ratio and quick ratio and Tobin's Q index companies. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        2 - Image Processing of steel sheets for Defect Detection by using Gabor Wavelet
        masoud shafiee mostafa sadeghi
        In different steps of steel production, various defects appear on the surface of the sheet. Putting aside the causes of defects, precise identification of their kinds helps classify steel sheet correctly, thereby it allocates a high percentage of quality control process More
        In different steps of steel production, various defects appear on the surface of the sheet. Putting aside the causes of defects, precise identification of their kinds helps classify steel sheet correctly, thereby it allocates a high percentage of quality control process. QC of steel sheet for promotion of product quality and maintaining the competitive market is of great importance. In this paper, in addition to quick review of image process techniques used, using image process by means of Gabor wavelet, a fast and precise solution for detection of texture defects in steel sheet is presented. In first step, the approach extracts considerable texture specification from image by using Gabor wavelet. The specification includes both different directions and different frequencies. Then using statistical methods, images are selected that have more obvious defects, and location of defects is determined. Offering the experimental samples, the accuracy and speed of the method is indicated. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        3 - The Impact of ICT on Human Development in D-8 Countries
        Ali Rezazadeh
        The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Human Development Index (HDI) in D-8 countries over the 1990-2015 period. In this regard, GDP, openness and gross capital formation are used as control var More
        The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Human Development Index (HDI) in D-8 countries over the 1990-2015 period. In this regard, GDP, openness and gross capital formation are used as control variables, and model estimation has been done in the framework of panel cointegration technique. The results show that there is a long-run relationship between variables. Also, all variables have a positive and significant impact on human development index. Therefore, the most important policy recommendation is that D-8 countries, will further increase their human development levels with additional investments in modern information and communication technologies, along with investment in health and education.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - The comparison of human development between Iran and region countries (Based on the human development report (HDR) in 2011)
          reza alizade gholamhossein vaziri
        The industry and university partnership is one of the main driving forces to achieve the goals of the Iran 1404 outlook document. It has a significant effect on the employment of the educated manpower and on the national production and subsequently on the GNI per capit More
        The industry and university partnership is one of the main driving forces to achieve the goals of the Iran 1404 outlook document. It has a significant effect on the employment of the educated manpower and on the national production and subsequently on the GNI per capita. Since mean years of schooling and expected years of schooling and the GNI per capita are the substantial indices for human development, university and industry partnership is one of the requirements for improvement of human development indices. In this paper, the concept of the human development is tried to be explained. Measuring the human development by utilizing the indices, and also an analytic comparison between Iran and the countries introduced in Iran 1404 outlook document, is performed. The countries under our study in this paper are: the Middle East countries, Middle Asia, Caucasus and neighbor countries. The purpose of this paper is to investigate and evaluate the human development of Islamic Republic of Iran based on the human development report (HDR) in 2011. This report is publishing annually by the United Nations organization. The results show that we are not in a good position in the human development indices and our grade in the observed area is decreasing. Finally, some suggestions are presented to improve the human development. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - Cow comfort, a basis for lameness control
        Reyhaneh Sangtarash Shabnaz mokhtarnazif Ensiyeh Sajadyan jaghargh
        As the number of large-scale dairy farms increase dairy cow welfare has become a hot topic in recent years. This growing interest in animal welfare has motivated legislators to set new rules. The most important concerns regarding dairy cow welfare include whether the da More
        As the number of large-scale dairy farms increase dairy cow welfare has become a hot topic in recent years. This growing interest in animal welfare has motivated legislators to set new rules. The most important concerns regarding dairy cow welfare include whether the dairy cow is feeling well, functioning well, and performing natural behavior. Cow behavior and comfort level have a direct relationship with her production and health and cow comfort is one of the most important factors affecting the profitability of dairy farms due to its association with premature slaughter, survival of cows and reproductive life (number of complete lactations before slaughter). In this paper, we explained the concept of comfort in dairy cattle and its risk factors such as stall design, floor type, density, lameness and heat stress. Then the measures of cow comfort are introduced and the management considerations related to cattle comfort are discussed. Manuscript profile
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        6 - Analysis and comparing several climate droughts indicators and determine the best index in southeast of Iran
        zahra hejazizadeh farshad pazhoh haniyeh shakiba
        the drought is the most destructive weather events which cause significant causes both in natural resources sector and human’s life. The aim of this research is to compare the performance of drought’s indexes and determining the best index in the region of southeast of More
        the drought is the most destructive weather events which cause significant causes both in natural resources sector and human’s life. The aim of this research is to compare the performance of drought’s indexes and determining the best index in the region of southeast of Iran. To this purpose with using 30 year of daily precipitation data (1985-2014) from meteorological organization and with using 8 most widely used indexes such as standard precipitation, rainfall anomalies, percent of normal, annual precipitation, Niche, the standard score, deciles and Chinese Z in 19 meteorological stations of Kerman, Hormozgan and Sistan va baloochestan the accuracy of each indicators examined in determining the drought intensity. Also the zoning has done in arc GIS9.3 for the driest year in the statistical time period and comparing the most severe drought category in 2 selected index. The accuracy of each index analyzed in 2 annual and monthly scales. In annual scale is used the efficient measures of minimum precipitation’s symmetry years with most severe droughts in region’s stations. The results showed that in the monthly scale in order to analyze the southeast drought of the country the dynamic index of standard precipitation (SPI) in a time period of 6 and 12 month had the best function. But in annual scale the rainfalls anomalies indexes (RAI) and Docile (DI) in all the stations had showed the minimum precipitation amounts with severe droughts which determined as the best index. Also the Niche index had the weakest function in determining the drought intensity in southeast of Iran’s stations. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        7 - Assessment of quality of life and its impact on citizen participation in urban affairs case study of Neyriz city
        mohammad reza rezaei zahra Asiyabani
        Evaluation of the life quality and its effect on the citizens’ participation case study: Neyriz city Nowadays, quality of life is the most supreme level in the objectives of social-economic planning and it is the golden key of citizens’ participation for appropriate an More
        Evaluation of the life quality and its effect on the citizens’ participation case study: Neyriz city Nowadays, quality of life is the most supreme level in the objectives of social-economic planning and it is the golden key of citizens’ participation for appropriate and applicable planning in order to improve and increase the quality of life of citizens and it can be evaluated based on two dimensions, subjective and objective. The present study was carried out based on applied research and the descriptive survey research method; the aim of this research was to measure the quality of life and its effect on citizens’ participation in Neyriz. Statistical society of this research is all wardens of families in Neyriz town, which by implementing Cochran formula and simple random sampling, 321 samples were selected and questionnaires were distributed randomly among thirteen neighborhoods. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed from the perspective of scholars, and its reliability was evaluated through the use of coronbach's Alpha ( 0.80 and 0.84). The SPSS and AMOS software were used to carry out the statistical analysis. Results of the study revealed that family life satisfaction indicator with mean (M= 3.75) and health with mean (M= 3.16), had the highest mean and economic indicator with the mean (M= 2.56), had the lowest level of satisfaction in quality of life. Also, in the field of citizens participation, political dimensions with (M= 3.06) had the highest mean and subjective-spiritual index (M= 2.34) had the lowest mean. The results of the correlation analysis indicated that that enhancement of the quality of life can lead to increase of citizens’ participation in urban affairs, and there is a significant and direct relation between these issues. The Regression analysis also showed that the family life index (Beta =0.20) and the economic index (Beta =0.13) had the greatest impact on participation and totally the dimensions of quality of life can estimate 07% of participation variance. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        8 - The Evaluating of Spatial Distribution of Population and Services in Urban Zones of Tabriz
        Rahim Sarvar    
        Today one of the most important issues in urban planning, discussion of balanced and proportionate development in cities having a population of urban services is appropriate. The urban planners to collect and analyze local and spatial data and reflect the results to u More
        Today one of the most important issues in urban planning, discussion of balanced and proportionate development in cities having a population of urban services is appropriate. The urban planners to collect and analyze local and spatial data and reflect the results to urban managers are trying in achieving this goal is the distribution of urban facilities and services will lead to a way that will benefit all social groups in society and lead to social and spatial justice in cities. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between population distribution and the distribution of urban services in urban regions, 37 urban regions of Tabriz and evaluation its urban areas and its population; the civil service has been made. In this study, to assess the distribution of population of the relative entropy model and to assess distribution of services have been used TOPSIS model. The method of this study is descriptive-analytical. The results of entropy model indicates that the distribution of population is proportionate in Tabriz; Also, the evaluation results the distribution of urban services in urban regions indicate that regions of zone 9,10 Tabriz which have the lowest utility and region 1 of zone 2 and zone 3 in the TOPSIS model are having the greatest enjoyment of civil service. Also, the evaluation results correlation between population rank and to its impact on the enjoyment of civil service pay, by using of the Spearman model about (0.4991) shows a high correlation between population rank and access to urban services exist. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        9 - Prospects of Iran's heat extreams based on regional mesoscale model output REGCM4
            Abdollah Ebrahimi
        With the advent and intensification of global warming, developing efficient strategies to adapt to this phenomenon is imperative. It is necessary, as the first step to understand vulnerability of different regions against climate change and develop appropriate strategie More
        With the advent and intensification of global warming, developing efficient strategies to adapt to this phenomenon is imperative. It is necessary, as the first step to understand vulnerability of different regions against climate change and develop appropriate strategies to the regional capacities for adapting to climate change. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of global warming on changes in extreme high temperatures during the next few decades in the territory of Iran. For this purpose, EH5OM database data for the period 2015 to 2050, the series 3 hours (8 times a day) under scenario A1B. Max Planck Physics Center is downloaded and the model were downscaled to regional REGCM4. The air temperature downscaled to hour data with spatial resolution 0.27 × 0.27 ° arc became the daily average as a result of matrix size 2140 × 13140 respectively. For identification the days of the extreme heat of the index deviation we used normalized temperature (NTD), so that data from the model based on of the Index and scope of the rule of heat (NTD> 0) were sorted In the next step 500 of the first day of the condition (NTD> 2) adaptable to the the order were selected. The results showed the extreme hot prospects for Iran based on self-organizing neural networks (SOM) can be divided into 9 regions. Also in the next decade in the mid-west and extreme heats maximum height strip (mountains and foothills) which will occur as extreme temperature in these areas will be greater than the inner regions and the southern coast of the country. Minimum the occurrence of extreme heat of 1st will be first in desert and 2nd in the South East regions the country. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        10 - Migration crisis caused by short-term droughts in Sistan and Baluchestan Province
        Drought is a complex phenomenon that is the definition of it is difficult. Definitions, it is presented in different areas and each of them has different definitions depending on the amount of average rainfall. Since the beginning of the formation of human civilization More
        Drought is a complex phenomenon that is the definition of it is difficult. Definitions, it is presented in different areas and each of them has different definitions depending on the amount of average rainfall. Since the beginning of the formation of human civilization so far, the drought has always been considered one of the natural disasters and catastrophic impact human activities have on. This paper describes a method of analysis to assess the drought and its relationship with the inhabitants of Sistan and Baluchestan Province migration. To understand the different effects on rainfall, water resources, leading to the return of the SPI to be used to evaluate the drought in Sistan-Baluchistan province. Data monthly precipitation (mm), the years 2005 to 1985 for four stations in Sistan and Baluchestan (Zahedan, Zabol Iranshahr, Chharbhar, Konarak) were studied. Results indicate that water shortages in drought affected areas are the result of increased immigration flora. The occurrence of severe in the region, has left the economic and social adverse effects due to the economy's heavy reliance on agriculture people in Sistan and Baluchestan this crisis has led to the phenomenon of origin and demographic balance, the economic, social and ... unbalanced and lead to regional and underdevelopment of the region. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        11 - Investigation of Shape Properties of earth's surface Based on Morphometric indices Using GIS(Case Study: Fahliyan Basisn)
        hamid babolimoakher saeid negahban
        Analysis of the Properties of the earth's surface, which can be influenced by climatic, hydrological, intrinsic properties of formations and neotectonic activities, plays an important role in recognizing the physical Properties of the Watershed. On the other hand, under More
        Analysis of the Properties of the earth's surface, which can be influenced by climatic, hydrological, intrinsic properties of formations and neotectonic activities, plays an important role in recognizing the physical Properties of the Watershed. On the other hand, understanding the physical Properties of the Watershed is one of the first steps required in morphological and hydrological studies. This research tries to study the shape of the earth's surface in Fahliyan watershed using morphometric indices. For this purpose, 6 geomorphometric indices, total curvature, profile curvature, surface curvature, TRI index, TPI index and TWI index were selected and using the relationships for each index and using relevant extensions in ArcGis 10/3 software, each map These indicators were prepared. The results of calculating the total curvature show that more than half of the surface of the basin (52.80) has a concave curvature and 47.20 percent of it has convex curvature. Also, the lower and upper limits for curvature of the surface were -2.99 and 3.96 respectively and for the curvature of the profile were -4.87 and 4.2 respectively. Accordingly, the lower and upper limit of the TPI index, which divides the mode of nodule and bulge, was calculated as <-4.2 and >, respectively. The values of the TRI index, which are somewhat different from the height of one pixel with their adjacent eight pixels, were calculated from 0 to >14. And finally TWI index values that indicate the soil moisture condition in the order of <-1.5 to >5.5 calculated. The percentage of the area of each of these indicators in the Watershed, which was obtained in the results of this study, can be used in various watershed planning including erosion and sediment, Landform Classifcation, identifying and introducing areas involved with landslide hazard, flood studies, studying and studying resources Groundwater and ... to be used. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        12 - Assessing the level of development of Iranian villages using Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI)
        Ali Hajizadeh Shima Dadfar mehrshad toulabi nejad
        Various indicators are used to measure the level of development, changes and developments of the rural development process and with the aim of planning and evaluating rural development plans. One of the important indicators for measuring rural development programs is th More
        Various indicators are used to measure the level of development, changes and developments of the rural development process and with the aim of planning and evaluating rural development plans. One of the important indicators for measuring rural development programs is the use of Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) indicators. This index is widely used to measure or compare the level of development between different regions due to its simplicity and usability. In this study, using the natural indicators of quality of life in Morris and Calpine, the level of rural development of the country has been studied. In this research, with a positivist and positivist approach that has a practical nature and emphasizes on quantitative methods, the aim of the research, which is to measure the level of rural development in Iran, was pursued. Research data were collected from sources such as the Statistics Center of Iran, data from the Ministry of Health and statistical yearbooks of the provinces. Were compared with each other. The results showed that the level of development of the country's villages are different in terms of natural indicators of quality of life. The central provinces of the country in terms of the coefficient of this index compared to other regions of the country are at an appropriate level of rural development. While the peripheral provinces of the country are at a moderate level of development, and Sistan and Baluchestan province, which is one of the underdeveloped provinces of the country, is at the lowest level of rural development. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        13 - Tectonic geomorphology of Karkheh River Basin (West Iran)
        Negin Rahimi Mehran Aryan Manouchehr Ghoreshi
        Geomorphic indices are major tools to recognize tectonics activities. These indices have the advantage of being calculated from Arc GIS package over large areas as reconnaissance tool to identify possible geomorphic anomalies related to active tectonics. In this resea More
        Geomorphic indices are major tools to recognize tectonics activities. These indices have the advantage of being calculated from Arc GIS package over large areas as reconnaissance tool to identify possible geomorphic anomalies related to active tectonics. In this research, Karkheh river basin was selected and six geomorphologic indices; drainage basin asymmetry (Af), stream-gradient index (SL), drainage basin shape index (Bs), mountain-front sinuosity index (Smf), valley floor width-height ratio (Vf) and hypsometric integral (Himatter) were calculated. Then, the values were classified in three groups and analyzed. The area of the three class as follows: Class2) 12180 km2, 23.7% Class3) 32318km2, 62.9% Class4) 6843km2, 13.3% The region has an area of about 51341 km2, so this result presents the moderate relative activity in the extensive parts of the area.   Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        14 - Ability of Felmann wells to improve the physical and microbial parameters of river water
        Mojtaba G.Mahmoodlu Mostfa Seyed Seyd Mostafa Khezri Gholam Abbas Fanaei Kheirabad  
        Riverbank filtration can be used as an effective and low-cost method for water treatment of rivers for drinking purposes. In alluvial land consisting of loose sediments (e.g., sand or gravel) with a water table near land surface, one of the most economical methods for e More
        Riverbank filtration can be used as an effective and low-cost method for water treatment of rivers for drinking purposes. In alluvial land consisting of loose sediments (e.g., sand or gravel) with a water table near land surface, one of the most economical methods for extracting water in large volumes is the use of wells with large diameter such as Felmann Well. In this study, we investigated the effect of Felmann Wells and riverbank filtration process on improving the water quality parameters of surface water. For this, Doogh River and a Felmann Well were sampled simultaneously within a 5-month period. SPSS software and T-tset were used to determine the significant difference between data obtained from chemical analysis. Comparison of water quality parameters of Doogh River and Felmann Well showed that riverbank filtration can play an important role in reducing the physical and biological parameters of water in Felmann Well drilled near the river. For drinking water purpose, the water quality of both Doogh River and Felmann Well was investigated using WQI (Water Quality Index). Hence, the WQI for Doogh River water varied from 50 to 57, which indicated the average quality of the water of the Doogh River. While, WQI value varied from 64 and 75 for the Felmann well representing a good water quality in the well. Results of this study showed that the Felmann wells which were drilled near the riverbank can play an important role in improving the water quality parameters of surface water for drinking purposes. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        15 - Active Tectonics Zonation in Saveh Area, SW Tehran
        bijan abdollahi Hossein Hajialibeigi
        Geomorphic indexes can be a useful tool for investigating the impact of active tectonics and the identification of related anomalies, especially in areas that quantitative research work has been done. The study area is a part of the Central Iranian structural-sedimentar More
        Geomorphic indexes can be a useful tool for investigating the impact of active tectonics and the identification of related anomalies, especially in areas that quantitative research work has been done. The study area is a part of the Central Iranian structural-sedimentary zone, located in the Saveh area. By studying the geological and topographic maps and using digital elevation data, it was evaluated the rate of relative active tectonics of this area, using some of the geomorphic indexes such as Hi, Re ,Bs, AF, Vf, Vc, V, SL, Smf and Iat. These indexes which have been measured and compared in eight fronts and nine basins (Shur-payeinii, Lar, Bidlu, Amirabad, Shur-baleii, Eshtehard, Buin Zahra, Arab and Kharrud) resulted to present the active tectonic zonation map for the study area. The measured Hi index shows the relative maturity of all basins and the Arab basin has the most relative tectonic activity compared to other basins. The Re index shows the highest elongation for Lar, Bidlu and Kharrud basins and the least elongation for Shur-payeinii basin. The AF index shows the highest uplift for the Bidlu basin, which is located on the right side of this basin. Vf, Vc and V indexes represent the lowest rate of activity in the valleys which are located on the border between the Shur-baleii and Amirabad basins, the southern part is the Lar basin and the border between Amirabad and Bidlu basins. The Kharrud, Buin Zahra and Arab basins are the most active basins based on the SL index. The Smf index indicates the high activity for all basins. According to active tectonic zonation map, it is possible to show that on the border between the Eshtehard, Shur-baleii, Lar, Bidlu and Amirabad basins which are located in 1 class, have the highest degree of activity. These basins are affected by behavior Jaru, Gomorkan, Ipak, Takidagh, and Alishar faults. Other parts along the mountain fronts are also located in 2 class and are active. The low-lying areas (Kharrud, Buin Zahra and Arab basins) located in 3 class, have the least degree of activity. The highest rate of SL index is for Kharrud, Buin Zahra and Arab basins. This high rate resulted to the seismic and active Ipak fault. According to Smf index, Amirabad basin is the most active basins. Vf index represent the lowest rate which are located on the border between the Shur-baleii and Amirabad basins. This border is located on Jaru and Gomorkan faults. Manuscript profile
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        16 - Geology, copper mineralization and geochemical behavior of elements and their relationship with Sandstone host rock in Tupchi area, East Azerbaijan province
        Bahadin Nakhjavani Seyed Ghafor Alavi Behjat Nazari
        The study area is located in the NW of Tasuj city, East Azerbaijan province. The mineralization in the Tupchi area is of type copper. The ore minerals include pyrite, chalcocite, bornite, chalcopyrite and other minerals include malachite and azurite that occur within More
        The study area is located in the NW of Tasuj city, East Azerbaijan province. The mineralization in the Tupchi area is of type copper. The ore minerals include pyrite, chalcocite, bornite, chalcopyrite and other minerals include malachite and azurite that occur within the Miocene sandstone sedimentary rocks. Based on the Index Combined Variety, deposition of mineralized sandstone in Tupchi area, accurred in the first sedimentary cycle. This was confirmed by the presence of unstable minerals such as lithic grains, feldspar and mafic minerals. The study of the source rock and the type of mineralization that occurred in these sandstones, indicate their formation from the erosion of mafic to intermediate igneous rocks in semi-arid climatic conditions. Two and multi variable statistical studies indicate that there is a good correlation between copper –silver and zinc, which is due to the similar behavior of these elements. The Red Bed type mineralization took place in this area according to type of mineralized host rock, ore mineralogy, ore structure, type of alteration, reduce factor and mineralization control (plant remains), and finally, the comparison with known deposits in Iran.   Manuscript profile
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        17 - Hydrochemical evaluation and qualitative deterioration assessment of Gorganrud River
        Mojtaba G.Mahmoodlu Nader Jandaghi Maryam Sayadi
        In this study, the hydrochemical evolution and qualitative deterioration of Gorganrud River water were investigated in a distance of approximately 100 km from the northern margin of the Alborz highlands to Gorgan Gulf. For this purpose, the analysis results of elven phy More
        In this study, the hydrochemical evolution and qualitative deterioration of Gorganrud River water were investigated in a distance of approximately 100 km from the northern margin of the Alborz highlands to Gorgan Gulf. For this purpose, the analysis results of elven physicochemical parameters related to four hydrometric stations over a ten-year statistical period were used. Gibbs, Stiff, Piper, Durov diagrams as well as five saturation indices for carbonate, sulfate and chloride minerals were used to study the hydrochemical evolution of the river. Water quality changes in drinking (using Schoeller Diagram), agricultural (using Wilcox Diagram), and industrial (using corrosion indices) sectors along the Gorganrud River were also investigated. In this study, F test and hierarchical cluster analysis were used to analyze the variance of data and the number of factors affecting water hydrochemistry, respectively. The results showed that rock-water reaction, evaporation, and Gorgan Gulf saline water intrusion are the most important factors controlling the river water chemistry. Also, the water dominant type of Gorganrud River at the highlands margin is bicarbonate and as it enters the plain, it tends to reach full maturity, the type of sodium chloride. At all stations, river water is supersaturated with respect to calcite and dolomite but it is under saturated respect to anhydrite, gypsum and halite. However, evaporite minerals saturation increases in the flow direction. The quality of water for drinking and agriculture is suitable at the margins of highlands and as it enters the plain and the path to the Gorgan Gulf decreases sharply. According to the statistical analysis results, the most changes in physicochemical parameters are obtained between the Lazoure Station at the highlands margin and the Qazaghli Station in the middle part of the plain and after that no significant changes were observed between the quality parameters until Gorganroud outlet. Manuscript profile
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        18 - Textual analysis of central bank news in forecasting long-term trend of Tehran stock exchange index
        meisam hashemi Mehran Rezaei marjan kaedi
        Financial markets have always been under influence of media news; therefore, text analysis of news is considered as an effective method of stock exchange forecasting. Research in this context has been conducted with the help of information retrieval techniques, in which More
        Financial markets have always been under influence of media news; therefore, text analysis of news is considered as an effective method of stock exchange forecasting. Research in this context has been conducted with the help of information retrieval techniques, in which high frequency words in a document that appeared sporadically in the whole corpus received higher weight than others. In contrast, the words which appeared in many news of a corpus, during a certain time, indicate the importance of an event. In our research, to address this contradiction, a new technique of assigning weight to influential words of news is presented. Financial news of Iran Central Bank (CBI) and actual data of Tehran Stock Exchange Index (TSEI) in the duration of 2005 to 2020 AD were utilized to evaluate the proposed method. The empirical results show 64% and 41% accuracy of trend prediction when TSEI moves upward and downward respectively and about 10% decreasing in Mean Absolute Error (MAE) to compare with prevalent techniques. While, the changes of the ratio between the number of positive and negative words in news does not offer predictive or analytical evidences, our results show that, there still exists a meaningful relationship between CBI news and TSEI fluctuations. Manuscript profile
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        19 - Investigation of birds' density and species diversity of Amir-Kelayeh international wetland during a 10-year period (2007-2016), based on winter census
        Hadi Pourmosa shaykhAlikelayeh Saeid  Naderi
        Amir-Kelayeh international wetland is as one of the important wintering habitats for birds. In present study, the density and diversity of bird species (waterbird, wader and terrestrial bird dependent to the wetland) has been studied in Amir-Kelayeh international wetlan More
        Amir-Kelayeh international wetland is as one of the important wintering habitats for birds. In present study, the density and diversity of bird species (waterbird, wader and terrestrial bird dependent to the wetland) has been studied in Amir-Kelayeh international wetland based on the semi-winter birds census data, over a 10-year statistical period. During this ten-year period, the total number of 334776 birds from 46 different birds species was recorded in this wetland. Among the studied years, the highest number of 72188 birds in 2008 and the lowest number of 1877 birds in 2015 have been counted. In terms of quality and food items, this wetland and it's around paddy fields is a good refuge for the Anatidae and Rallidae family that with 64.86 and 50.06 percent of frequency depending on their diet, have the most abundant among the identified family. The biodiversity indexes showed a relatively high amounts, but with a declining trend, and also the index of species evenness indicated a stable trend during this 10-year period in Amir-Kelayeh Wetland. Considering the decreasing trend of biodiversity indexes in Amir-Kelayeh wetland in recent years, increasing the wetland ecological conservation through the management plans such as habitat structure conservation, and illegal hunting and pollution control is recommended. Manuscript profile
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        20 - Computing Semantic Similarity of Documents Based on Semantic Tensors
        Navid Bahrami Amir H.  Jadidinejad Mojdeh Nazari
        Exploiting semantic content of texts due to its wide range of applications such as finding related documents to a query, document classification and computing semantic similarity of documents has always been an important and challenging issue in Natural Language Process More
        Exploiting semantic content of texts due to its wide range of applications such as finding related documents to a query, document classification and computing semantic similarity of documents has always been an important and challenging issue in Natural Language Processing. In this paper, using Wikipedia corpus and organizing it by three-dimensional tensor structure, a novel corpus-based approach for computing semantic similarity of texts is proposed. For this purpose, first the semantic vector of available words in documents are obtained from the vector space derived from available words in Wikipedia articles, then the semantic vector of documents is formed according to their words vector. Consequently, measuring the semantic similarity of documents can be done by comparing their semantic vectors. The vector space of the corpus of Wikipedia will cause the curse of dimensionality challenge because of the existence of the high-dimension vectors. Usually vectors in high-dimension space are very similar to each other; in this way, it would be meaningless and vain to identify the most appropriate semantic vector for the words. Therefore, the proposed approach tries to improve the effect of the curse of dimensionality by reducing the vector space dimensions through random indexing. Moreover, the random indexing makes significant improvement in memory consumption of the proposed approach by reducing the vector space dimensions. The addressing capability of synonymous and polysemous words in the proposed approach will be feasible by means of the structured co-occurrence through random indexing. Manuscript profile
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        21 - Good Index Choosing for Polarized Relay Channel
        Hassan Tavakoli Saeid Pakravan
        The Polar coding is a method which have been proposed by Arikan and it is one of the first codes that achieve the capacity for vast numerous channels. This paper discusses relay channel polarization in order to achieve the capacity and it has been shown that polarizatio More
        The Polar coding is a method which have been proposed by Arikan and it is one of the first codes that achieve the capacity for vast numerous channels. This paper discusses relay channel polarization in order to achieve the capacity and it has been shown that polarization of two relay channels can be given a more achievable rate region in the general form. This method is compatible with the original vision of polarization based on the combining, splitting and polarizing of channels and it has been shown that the complexity of encoding and decoding for these codes in mentioned method are O(N log⁡〖N)〗, and also error probability for them is O(2^(〖-(N)〗^β )). Choose the best sub-channels in polarized relay channels for sending data is a big trouble in this structure. In this paper, we have been presented a new scheme for choosing a good index for sending the information bits in relay channels polarized in order to have the best performance by using sending information bits over FIF sets. Manuscript profile
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        22 - Analysis of the monthly spatial structure of OLR in IRAN
        Teimour Jafarie sayyed mahmoud  hosseini seddigh
        The purpose of this study is to analysis monthly OLR of the Iranian surface. For this purpose, the ground OLR data was extracted and analyzed from the ncep/ncar database during the statistical period of 1354-1398. In order to extract the have been used in the Gards soft More
        The purpose of this study is to analysis monthly OLR of the Iranian surface. For this purpose, the ground OLR data was extracted and analyzed from the ncep/ncar database during the statistical period of 1354-1398. In order to extract the have been used in the Gards software and GIS. Findings showed that by examining the spatial index of Gi statistic, the hot spots of Iran's OLR are 99% and 95% in August, July, June, September and October. Hot spots correspond to areas of the tropics and to latitudes below 30 degrees north; Also, the maximum cold spots are at the level of 99%, 95% in February, December, January, March, April, and the maximum cold spots OLR from the northeast to the northwest. It includes the northeastern, northern and northwestern regions of the country, as well as the northern highlands of the Zagros Mountains. Manuscript profile
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        23 - Comparative Comparative Study of Women's Development in Iran's Developed Countries and Its Ethical Consequences in Society
        Shahrbanoo  chatri
        The report of the United Nation’s human development published annually on the basis of political, social and economic information is a useful source to get familiar with the pros and cons of countries in taking proper policies to more growth and development. Since the e More
        The report of the United Nation’s human development published annually on the basis of political, social and economic information is a useful source to get familiar with the pros and cons of countries in taking proper policies to more growth and development. Since the early 1970s, considering the role of woman in development of societies and empowering women at various stages of development and the problem of solving social, political and cultural drawbacks were accepted globally as a priority. Several studies indicate that today, women have a dual position in Iran. Based on the findings related to educational and health indices and determining political participation, Iranian women are placed in a better situation than the majority of Islamic and regional developing countries. However, the fact is that Iranian women still have a long way to achieve their actual position. Therefore, the present research aimed at comparing the statue of Iranian women with high- developed countries on the basis of UNESCO human development indices. Regarding method, it is descriptive- analytic and has compared the human development index of Iran with that of high- developed countries in a 10- year period referring to valid documents and human development reports of the United Nations. This included the rank of each country and the rate of each main index to calculate the human development index in each country. Sampling was done purposefully. In fact, a number of countries chose having a much higher human development index than Iran. The findings displayed that there is a significant difference between literacy, life expectancy and annual income of Iranian women and that of developed countries. The results of this study showed that the status of Iranian women is weak compared to women of highly- developed countries which in turn require precise planning improving human development index among Iranian women. Manuscript profile
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        24 - Moral conscience and its function on the behavior of judges in the Iranian judicial system
        Yahya Jafari Ahmad Reza  Khazaei Jamshid  Masoumi
        Judgment has a high status in the Islamic jurisprudential school and the judge, as an important pillar of this school, in addition to having a remarkable dignity, is also exposed to internal and external dangers. The spread of justice, as the final goal of the judicial More
        Judgment has a high status in the Islamic jurisprudential school and the judge, as an important pillar of this school, in addition to having a remarkable dignity, is also exposed to internal and external dangers. The spread of justice, as the final goal of the judicial system, requires that worthy and pious people of will and faith in the position of this position, to issue a verdict and exercise the right, but given the existence of the essence in human existence, which He swears by the misguidance of man and in verse 82 of Surah Al-As, he says: In this research, it has been proved that although the health of the judiciary and the judge can be assured, but the role of supervision will not be negated and the supervisory body will create a map by explaining different indicators in this supervision. Manuscript profile
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        25 - Evaluation of International Property Rights Index in Iran and MENA Region
        Saeed KiyanPour
        Today, access to more efficient private sector and improvement in business environment to provide the requisite context for active economic entrepreneurs' activity is considered as an economic strategy by different countries in the world. In this paper, we will study th More
        Today, access to more efficient private sector and improvement in business environment to provide the requisite context for active economic entrepreneurs' activity is considered as an economic strategy by different countries in the world. In this paper, we will study the ownership rights in MENA (Middle East and North Africa). This index indicates that Emirates with a score of 6.9 in Index LP, Israel with a score of 7.3 in Index LPR and Bahrain with a score of 8.1 in Index PPR are ranked first. Also in overall IPRI Index Qatar with a score of 7.3 is in the first place and Iran with a score of 4.3 is considered one of the last countries. The reason of deterioration and drop of 0.1% in Iran is related to political stability. Generally, Iran has the worst performance in the areas of political stability and the protection of patent and copyright. Authority of statue and juridical independence do not change compared to previous year, while control of corruption has decreased slightly and physical ownership right with a score of 5.5 is the strongest index for Iran. Manuscript profile
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        26 - Iran in Comparison with other Outlook Countries in the Field of Entrepreneurial Growth
        Saeed KiyanPour
        Entrepreneurship is one of the most important and necessary strategies in developing and developed countries. But, the truth is that one of the fundamental steps for the development of entrepreneurship is its assessment. Entrepreneurship evaluation should be done based More
        Entrepreneurship is one of the most important and necessary strategies in developing and developed countries. But, the truth is that one of the fundamental steps for the development of entrepreneurship is its assessment. Entrepreneurship evaluation should be done based on indexes and global standards so that not only provides a clear picture to the status of entrepreneurship at the national level, But also, provides the possibility of measuring and comparing to the other countries in the field of entrepreneurship development. More than 95percent of the world GDP formed by the Members of GEM. GEM Programs are evaluated based on three indicators: "perceptions and entrepreneurial tendencies," "entrepreneurial activities" and "entrepreneurial passion". Among the 67 countries, Iran is ranked 30th based on Toddler entrepreneurs’ index equals to 11 percent. This index has increasing trend in the past five years, and its value is much greater than the other countries in Middle East. Also the Index of Entrepreneurial Intent in Iran equals to 28/22%, and our country is in 35th place among 67 countries. The Opportunity-oriented entrepreneurship index has grown among other entrepreneurial activity index, (from 5.67% in 1390 to 6.24% in 1391). This means that mandatory Entrepreneurship has decreased. Also the understanding of entrepreneurial opportunities index has increased from 32% in 1390 to 39/2% in 1391. Finally, for fear index of failure, Iran is in 39th place among 67 countries that shows the Iranian low-risk tendency for starting a business. Manuscript profile
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        27 - ICT Sector Investigation Regarding Components of Technology Management; Comparing Iran with 35 Selected Countries
        Vahid Zarrabi Bahram Salavati SarCheshmeh Iman Mohammadian Khorasani Mausome Madah
        The main objective of this paper is employing main components of technology management to analyze and evaluate ICT sector situation in Iran compared with 35 selected countries. To this end, a conceptual model for technology management in ICT sector has been developed. T More
        The main objective of this paper is employing main components of technology management to analyze and evaluate ICT sector situation in Iran compared with 35 selected countries. To this end, a conceptual model for technology management in ICT sector has been developed. Then a set of appropriate indicators have been determined and classified by expert panelists to measure core components and supportive components of proposed conceptual model. Considering proposed conceptual model and selected indicators, the cross section data was collected for 35 selected countries from official and widely accepted international reports and datasets such as WDI, ITU, etc. Finally, technology management components in ICT sector of Iran have been compared with 34 selected countries in terms of policy-making issues, facilitating innovation, research and development activities, human resources training, financial support, entrepreneurship enhancement and technology diffusion. Manuscript profile
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        28 - Performance Assessment of Incubators and Science Parks by Technology Level Index
        MOrteza Rasti bozorgi hamid Mahdavi Ghasem Moslehi
        Self assessment is an interesting subject for all managers, especially for the managers of incubators. The incubator performance assessment by indexes (IPAI) is a simple, interesting and effective method for measuring the performance index of an incubator. The system is More
        Self assessment is an interesting subject for all managers, especially for the managers of incubators. The incubator performance assessment by indexes (IPAI) is a simple, interesting and effective method for measuring the performance index of an incubator. The system is based on changing the scope of performance of several indicators to fixed scales (metrics), weighing them and combining them. Strategic evaluation is basically consists of three basic activities which are investigating the principles of the companies or organizations strategies, comparing the ideal and real results and making improvements. This paper focuses on the second part to make sure that the performance adjusts correctly with the planning programs. This paper is going to introduce an index for measuring and assessing the level of technology improvement in Isfahan Science and Technology Town (ISTTs) Incubator and Science Park. It also addresses the methodology used for these calculations. Measuring the indicators for ISTTs incubator will be discussed at the final part of this paper as a case study. Manuscript profile
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        29 - Measuring of Technology and Innovation Index in Iran Compared with other Countries
        Saeed KiyanPour Alireza Salehi
        S tudies show that activities related to technology development and innovation are the main factors of economic growth. The purpose of this article is to introduce the Global Innovation Index (GII) and technology achievement index (TAI) and to evaluate Iran in these in More
        S tudies show that activities related to technology development and innovation are the main factors of economic growth. The purpose of this article is to introduce the Global Innovation Index (GII) and technology achievement index (TAI) and to evaluate Iran in these indicators. Our country has earned 120 through GII ranking in 2014. Previous studies reported of global innovation index show that our country has not been able to improve its position. Global Innovation Index is made up of 21 main variables that our country in the variable of higher education, research and development, knowledge creation and public infrastructure is better than other variables. It earned the lowest score In variables of political environment, experience and competitive, knowledge dissemination and knowledge in comparison with other variables. It means our country has good position in Input Components especially in high education but in Components of output has not good condition. Another indicator is access to technology; this index includes the creation of new technologies, release new innovations, diffusion of old innovations and human skills that in this indicator are member of intermediate these countries. Studying Composite indicators show that policymakers should pay more attention to improve innovations until creation results of research and innovation for community. Manuscript profile
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        30 - Presenting Prioterizing Model of Factors Affecting on Open Innovation by Using DEMATEL Method
        atiyeh haghighat
        In today’s competitive world, the organizations have to bring brand new methods which would be suitable for such rapid changes and progresses. One of the requirement of development and leadership in industry is having an open innovative approach in the organization. The More
        In today’s competitive world, the organizations have to bring brand new methods which would be suitable for such rapid changes and progresses. One of the requirement of development and leadership in industry is having an open innovative approach in the organization. The innovation is considered to be a key-role through value creation and gaining suitable competitive advantage among the current sophisticated interprises. Furthermore the innovation increases the possibility of accomplishment and organizational development and decreases the investment risks with emphasize on reducing organization borders and applying the value creating factors from the outside. Because of the complex nature of the competition in market and the rapid changes that are happening, Since the competitive atmosphere is getting sophisticated and the giant pace of changes in current situation, it is necessary to conduct some researches in regard to performing open innovative approaches in different industries. In this regard, the research studies the relationship btw factors and the precedency of them by DEMATEL method after determining the effective factors on open innovation. The present research is a kind of survey description and its assembling instrument is through the literature review and gathering data from the elites and innovative managers by survey and questionnaire. The results of the research indicates that organizational readiness, intellectual property management, cooperation capability, absorption capacity, innovation intermediary and the business model influence open innovation approach respectively. Manuscript profile
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        31 - The Index of Research and Development Capabilities in the BRICS Countries (Brazil, Russia, India, china, the South Africa)
        Sina Laleh
        Today, research and development and related activities in order to access the modern technology is major industrial activity in the world. Despite the increasing importance of research and development activities in developed countries in the last thirty years, developin More
        Today, research and development and related activities in order to access the modern technology is major industrial activity in the world. Despite the increasing importance of research and development activities in developed countries in the last thirty years, developing countries have recently realized its integral importance. Actually, technology is an output of the research and development factory.The research and development units are infrastructure of technology and the greatest source of innovation. There are Various procedure to achive technology that reverse engineering is one of the most important. (especially in developing countries) In this essay, addition to review the literature of "research and development" and the factors affecting its capabilities, experiences of leading countries in this field (BRICS) will be checked in order to design a conceptual model to assess the research and development capabilities. In the end, we present some pieces of advice to reduce the problems and increase the quality and quantity level of R&D. Manuscript profile
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        32 - Move Towards a Knowledge-based Economy by Examining the Interconnectedness of Input and Output Dimension in Global Indicators of Innovation
        reza salami hossien mirzaee atiyeh safardoust
        In the current decade, knowledge based economy is a popular term in the scientific circles of the country. This word has attracted the attention of many scholars and experts. The global index of knowledge based economy has four foundations, and innovation is one of thes More
        In the current decade, knowledge based economy is a popular term in the scientific circles of the country. This word has attracted the attention of many scholars and experts. The global index of knowledge based economy has four foundations, and innovation is one of these bases. In the area of innovation, Iran has less privilege than the global average. In order to promote the level of innovation and, consequently, the level of knowledge-based economy, using the global statistics in the field of knowledge based economy and innovation, in this paper first of all, we recognize the important input factors influencing the innovation and then we compare the status of these inputs with the global average. After identifying the weaknesses in the inputs, the status of these measures is reviewed in the Sixth Development Plan document. According to the findings, it was found that in the sixth program of development, only gross domestic product (GDP) per unit of energy consumption was pointed out, and no direct reference was made to other measures. Comparison of measures with the global average showed that in order to improve the output of innovation, the country needs to improve the level of research and development, knowledge workers, ICT and the political environment. Manuscript profile
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        33 - Ranking General Commodities Suppliers Based on Agility and Core Values Indexes In a Service Organization
        morteza jabale Hossein Ali  Hassan pour Masoud   Mosaddegh khah
        Nowadays, the use of supply chain issues and related management play a key role in service organizations. But an organization, is capable of comete the others by not only having Competitive and powerful elements, but also having agility and valuable features. Attending More
        Nowadays, the use of supply chain issues and related management play a key role in service organizations. But an organization, is capable of comete the others by not only having Competitive and powerful elements, but also having agility and valuable features. Attending to the agility criteria and improving Institutional Relations based on the organizational value system in required for any service organization and also a part of the necessity of this research. In this article a multi- criteria decision- marking model is used to rank General Commodities Suppliers Based on agility and core values. In this context, after reviewing literature, criteria’s “sensitivity and responsiveness to market, keeping and treasury, saving, serving, accuracy, care and self-control and justice” were identified. Result analysis shows that saving and care and self-control are the most effective values in selecting General Commodities Suppliers. After that Criteria’s “servant, justice, accuracy, sensitivity and responsiveness to market and keeping and treasury” were next in ranks, then by doing fieldwork appropriate weights for General Commodities Suppliers are reckoned and Based on that Superior supplier was chosen. Finally lashe and Cronbach’s alpha formula is used to prove the validity and reliability of this research. Manuscript profile
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        34 - Designing a Model for the Realization of Economic Complexity, Based on the Meta-Analysis of Scientific Research
        Mohammad Mahdi  Ahmadian Divkoti Hassanali Aghajani meysam shirkhodaei Amir Mansour Tehranchian
        Economic growth and development are among the main goals of economic policymakers, which have led them to always look for factors that accelerate economic growth. There are different theories in this regard, each of which is one of the factors influencing economic growt More
        Economic growth and development are among the main goals of economic policymakers, which have led them to always look for factors that accelerate economic growth. There are different theories in this regard, each of which is one of the factors influencing economic growth. One of the reasons for failure in the path of economic development is lack of a model for realizing economic complexity, taking into account the experiences of other countries. This research has been carried out for the purpose of a meta-analysis of research conducted in the field of economic complexity over the past few years. The statistical population of this research is the research on the complexity of the economy between 2011 and the end of 2017. Of the 35 studies reviewed, 22 cases have been identified for proper meta-analysis. These articles have been reviewed in two sections: "Meta-analysis descriptive findings" and "Qualitative assessment of articles". Descriptive findings include the time scale, the frequency of articles, the gender of the researchers and the geographical distribution of the authors and the level of the region studied (national, regional or global). In the quality assessment section, the articles are divided into three groups based on the "Blaikie" triple indicator, why and how they are categorized and analyzed. Then, by examining all the articles studied, the factors emphasized in economic complexity were extracted and in the end, considering these factors, a proposed model is proposed to achieve the complexity of the economy, which can be a way forward for managers and policymakers in the fields Economic and industrial. Manuscript profile
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        35 - Evaluation of changes in total productivity of rice production factors in Iran, an experimental analysis based on Farperimont index.
        hesmat ollah gholizadeh shahriyar Nasabian reza moghaddasi alireza amini
        Rice is a group of basic cereal products that has a special role in feeding people in society. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the changes in total productivity of rice production factors in Iran by experimental analysis based on Farperimont index. Therefore, f More
        Rice is a group of basic cereal products that has a special role in feeding people in society. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the changes in total productivity of rice production factors in Iran by experimental analysis based on Farperimont index. Therefore, for this purpose, using the data of the sample census plan in the Ministry of Jihad Agriculture in a 30-year period from 1988-2017 and using non-parametric method and experimental analysis based on Farprimont index. To calculate changes and interest growth. ¬In the above-mentioned index and using DPIN software has been used. The results of calculations show that the average change in productivity of total Iranian rice production in the mentioned period for the Farperimont index has (10% increase). According to the analysis of the above data and the average increase in total productivity changes in this index, has been due to increased technological changes. Therefore, by using the new technology in all stages of planting, holding, harvesting rice and also in the optimal use of agricultural inputs to increase rice production, he tried to improve the productivity of this strategic product. It is also recommended as an executive work policy to achieve a sustainable productivity in the country and by reducing the import of this product and reducing the outflow of currency from the country. Manuscript profile
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        36 - Investigating the market structure and determining the competitive power between the sugar beet producing provinces of the country
        mojtaba Davarpanah hamid mohammadi saman ziaee majid shahriari
        Comparative advantage is one of the most important and influential issues in economic and commercial activities. In the agricultural sector, comparative advantage is used as a rationale for achieving efficient allocation of limited resources and facilities for greater s More
        Comparative advantage is one of the most important and influential issues in economic and commercial activities. In the agricultural sector, comparative advantage is used as a rationale for achieving efficient allocation of limited resources and facilities for greater self-sufficiency and self-sufficiency in agricultural production and achieving a more efficient and powerful agricultural economy. Basically, supporting domestic products in order to rehabilitate domestic producers, to participate and compete in the international arena is one of the important tasks of the government. The aim of this study was to determine the market structure and competitive power between sugar beet producing provinces in the country based on concentration ratio, Herfindahl-Hirschman indices, apparent comparative advantage, symmetric apparent comparative advantage and Chi-square index and their fluctuation coefficient during 2019-2020 There have been. The results showed that during a period of 20 years, the structure of sugar beet production market in the country is a multilateral monopoly and according to the index of concentration ratio of four enterprises (CR4), West Azerbaijan, Khorasan Razavi, Khuzestan and Kermanshah provinces have the largest share of production in the country. The results of the comparative advantage of sugar beet in the country also show that Khorasan Razavi, West Azerbaijan and Semnan provinces have the highest symmetrical comparative advantage and Semnan and South Khorasan provinces with fluctuation coefficients of 1.08 and 1.50 are the most stable provinces, respectively. Countries are symmetrical in the comparative advantage index. Ardabil, Hamedan and Chaharmahal Bakhtiari provinces also have the lowest mean chi-square index (χ2) during the period 2019-2020. Manuscript profile
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        37 - Exhibition of instrument to measuring the Wisdom axial in Science and Technology sectors in respect to Iran Vision Plan.
        Mohammad محمودی میمند Ali  Rabiei MohamadMehdi Parhizgar سیدجواد میرامینی
        According to the Iran vision "Iran is a country in the first place developed economy, science and technology in Southwest Asia with emphasis on the software and knowledge production" The content analysis, analysis focusing on meaning,Focus groups and interview are met More
        According to the Iran vision "Iran is a country in the first place developed economy, science and technology in Southwest Asia with emphasis on the software and knowledge production" The content analysis, analysis focusing on meaning,Focus groups and interview are methods . First, Indexes of cultural, economic, social, political, scientific, and fiscal, in comprehensive 2100 indexes were identified. After analysis, 1178 indexes was extracted, then these indexes were classified in 20 categories and among these indexes 313 indexes were considered based on analysis focusing on meaning. Finally, using focus groups of indices based on related to wisdom axial, 40 indexes identified and ranked based on the frequency of each one.Wisdom axial consisting of three layers including a wise man, a wise organization and a wise community.It seems that the findings of this study can be used as a powerful means, to measuring the Wisdom axial in Science and Technology sectors in respect to Iran Vision Plan. Manuscript profile
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        38 - Risk-based Static and Dynamics Security Assessment and Its Enhancement with Particle Swarm Optimization Generation Realloca
        M.  Saeedi H. Seifi
        Security assessment is traditionally checked using a deterministic criterion. Based on that, the system may be considered as secured or unsecured. If an unsecured condition is detected, preventive actions are foreseen to make it secure. Recently, risk based security as More
        Security assessment is traditionally checked using a deterministic criterion. Based on that, the system may be considered as secured or unsecured. If an unsecured condition is detected, preventive actions are foreseen to make it secure. Recently, risk based security assessment is used in power systems. In this paper, risk-based static and dynamic security assessment is proposed and a new transient stability index is defined. In this paper, the risk index is used as an objective function in the generation reallocation algorithm. In this algorithm, the security is maintained using the generation reallocation. The algorithm is tested on IEEE 24-bus test system and its capabilities are assessed in comparison with a traditional OPF, in which the security is maintained based on a deterministic criterion. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm is used as the optimization tool. Manuscript profile
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        39 - Optimal Location for Distributed Generation Based on Uuncertain Data
        H. Goodarzi  
        The purpose of this paper is optimal location of distributed generation in electric distribution networks. Load uncertainty and desired voltage range has been modeled using fuzzy data theory. The objective function includes loss reduction, improvement of profile index a More
        The purpose of this paper is optimal location of distributed generation in electric distribution networks. Load uncertainty and desired voltage range has been modeled using fuzzy data theory. The objective function includes loss reduction, improvement of profile index and voltage stability index with their relevant constraints, voltage constraints and transmittable power from the line. Load variation has been shown for three different time durations (peak, off peak and average).PSO technique has been used to optimize the objective function while Max-Min method has been applied to select the answer. Results produced from the proposed model have been provided in 5 different scenarios on a 33 bus system of IEEE. Manuscript profile
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        40 - Structure-Texture Image Decomposition for Content-Based Image Retrieval
        S. Hayati S. Saryazdi H. Nezamabadi-pour
        In this paper, a novel low-level image feature extraction and indexing scheme based on structure-texture image decomposition is presented. The main idea of this work is to decompose database images to structure and texture sub-images to decrease the destructive effects More
        In this paper, a novel low-level image feature extraction and indexing scheme based on structure-texture image decomposition is presented. The main idea of this work is to decompose database images to structure and texture sub-images to decrease the destructive effects of simultaneous existence of structure and texture information in the image in indexing phase. It is also shown that precision in a typical content-based image retrieval system can considerably increase by combining the feature vectors extracted from structure and texture sub-images. An image database containing 10000 images of 82 different semantic groups is used to evaluate the proposed method. The results confirm the effectiveness of this method. Manuscript profile
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        41 - Optimal Power Flow in the Smart Distribution Grid Based on the Optimal Load Curtailment and Voltage Stability Index Improvement
        S. Derafshi Beigvand H. Abdi
        Smart grid is the result of enabling consumers in the power system in order to play an effective role in the power system planning and operation processes. The communication, control, and measurement infrastructures create a two-way intelligent communication between use More
        Smart grid is the result of enabling consumers in the power system in order to play an effective role in the power system planning and operation processes. The communication, control, and measurement infrastructures create a two-way intelligent communication between users and the network which facilitates the effective implementation of demand response programs (DRPs) such as the direct load control (DLC). In this paper, optimal power flow as an important research topic in the power systems is presented based on DLC and a new voltage stability index. Simple calculations, voltage dependence, indirect dependence to the load and network topology, and also not reducing the network into a two-bus equivalent model, have made the proposed voltage stability index more applicable to real-time calculations considering the load pattern changes. In the proposed method, the optimal load curtailment in some selected loads of the network, with the aim of improving the voltage stability index of the weakest bus is evaluated. Finally, in order to show the effectiveness of the suggested method, it is applied to a 69-bus radial distribution network as an intelligent system. Manuscript profile
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        42 - Implementation of Pulse Width Modulation Technique for Achieving Increased Voltage Gain and Balanced Voltage Stress in the A-Source Inverter
        F. Zohrabi E. Abiri A.  Rajaei
        The Z-source converter was first introduced as a buck-boost dc-ac single-stage inverter in 2003. Different structures of impedance source inverters have been introduced for improving the performance of power inverters. Due to their specific structure, these inverters us More
        The Z-source converter was first introduced as a buck-boost dc-ac single-stage inverter in 2003. Different structures of impedance source inverters have been introduced for improving the performance of power inverters. Due to their specific structure, these inverters use shoot-through state in order to increase the output voltage. Therefore, in addition to improving the reliability of systems, they create a single-stage dc-ac inverter capable of reducing and increasing voltage at the same time. Recently, a three-winding network called the A-source network has been introduced. A new Pulse Width Modulation method has been proposed to improve the voltage gain and reduce switching losses. In this new method, duty cycle of the switch is controlled using the third harmonic injection and the new reference voltages in the three-phase A-source inverter. The proposed modulation method reduces the switching losses and increases voltage gain without adding any additional hardware to the inverter structure. In this method, the buck-boost single-stage structure of the inverter is maintained. In this paper, the proposed method is partially analyzed and compared to the conventional Pulse Width Modulation methods. In this method, the third harmonic injection is used to increase the modulation index to 1.15 and thereby reduce the switching losses. The simulation of the proposed and conventional methods and analyzes, demonstrated the ability of the proposed system. Manuscript profile
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        43 - Spatio-Temporal Prediction of Vegetation Dynamics Based on Remote Sensing Data Using Deep Learning
        Elham Zangeneh H. Mashayekhi Saeed Gharachelo
        Understanding and analyzing spatial-temporal data changes is very important in various applications, including the protection and development of natural resources. In the past studies, Markov process and comparison-based methods were mainly used to predict the changes o More
        Understanding and analyzing spatial-temporal data changes is very important in various applications, including the protection and development of natural resources. In the past studies, Markov process and comparison-based methods were mainly used to predict the changes of vegetation indices, whose accuracy still needs improvement. Although time series analysis has been used to predict some indices, the method to extract these indices from remote sensing data and model their sequences with deep learning is rarely observed. In this article, a method for predicting changes in plant indices based on deep learning is presented. The research data includes Landsat satellite images from 2000 to 2018, related to four seasons in the north and east of Shahrood city in Semnan province. The time span of the extracted images makes it possible to predict changes in vegetation cover. Vegetation indices extracted from the data set are NDVI, SAVI and RVI. After performing atmospheric corrections on the images, the desired indicators are extracted and then the data is converted into a time series. Finally, the modeling of the sequence of these data is performed by the Short-Long-Term Memory (LSTM) network. The results of the experiments show that the deep network is able to predict future values with high accuracy. The amount of the model error without additional data is 0.03 for the NDVI index, 0.02 for the SAVI index, and 0.06 for the RVI index. Manuscript profile
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        44 - The Effect of Vocational Training on the Human Development Indexes
        رمضان  جهانیان
        The primary aim of this study was to identify the impact of vocational training on human development index in Alborz Province free institutions. The study was quasi-experimental, single-group using pre-test and post-test and population of this study formed on 30 frees v More
        The primary aim of this study was to identify the impact of vocational training on human development index in Alborz Province free institutions. The study was quasi-experimental, single-group using pre-test and post-test and population of this study formed on 30 frees vocational Institute with 3,800 students in these schools that have registered in the last course of 1391. According to Morgan’s table of selecting sample, 246 samples (numbers of males and females are equal) were selected by a cluster random sampling technique. The research tool is a researcher-made questionnaire. The reliability of questionnaire was examined using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient test. (0.85). the results showed that vocational training has an impact on reducing unemployment and poverty. It also increases hope to the life and improves enabling and mental health of individuals who have been trained. This study shows that, there is a significant difference between the average impacts of vocational training on components of the human development index with different gender. The results obtained in this study indicate that the vocational trainings have impact on components of the Human Development Index as follows: reduce the unemployment and poverty, increase hope to the life and living conditions, also increase enabling and psychological health. Thus all research hypothesis were approved with 99% confidence level using appropriate statistical significance 0.001 (T-dependent) and analysis of variance. Manuscript profile
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        45 - An Analysis of the Employee Training and Development System in Iranian Organizations (The Status Study)
        Mohammad عموزاد Mohammad  مقصود فراستخواه
        The main objective of this study is to evaluate the current status of the employee training and development system in Iranian organizations. The study deploys a descriptive research design and a combination of survey approaches – including field study, interviews, focus More
        The main objective of this study is to evaluate the current status of the employee training and development system in Iranian organizations. The study deploys a descriptive research design and a combination of survey approaches – including field study, interviews, focus groups, longitudinal study and trend analysis – for data collection. The main basis for data collection and analysis is a Training and Development Excellence Model, which is used for evaluating the organizations under study. The statistical population of the study is comprised of all Iranian organizations that are active in five businesses; services, manufacturing, health and medicine, finance and insurance, and education. Moreover, these organizations are categorized into (1) large and (2) small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) each of which are further divided into private and public businesses. According to this algorithm and using a combinational approach, 20 organizations are selected as the sample population from the four categories described above via purposeful single-stage cluster sampling. Apart from literature review, methods such as interviews and focus groups are conducted in the evaluation process. The collected data are analyzed for descriptive statistics including the indicators of central tendency and dispersion. Furthermore, levels of excellence are analyzed with radar logic. The results indicate that the status of training situation differs for types of business, sizes of enterprise and types of organizational ownership. Of the five types of business, organizations active in the banking and financial sector scored highest on three key indicators of training performance: the average direct cost of training per employee, hours of training per employee, and the ratio of trained employees to the total staff. Organizations active in the manufacturing sector had the highest performance only in the key indicator of the ratio of trained employees to the total staff. Moreover, large-sized organizations had a better performance than SMEs and private organizations had a better performance than public organizations in all the four indicators of performance. The findings also suggest that organizations active in banking and finance, manufacturing, health and medicine, education, and services have shown the lowest degree of overall satisfaction with training performance. Manuscript profile
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        46 - The Effect of Vocational Training on the Human Development Indexes
        رمضان  جهانیان
        The primary aim of this study was to identify the impact of vocational training on human development index in Alborz Province free institutions. The study was quasi-experimental, single-group using pre-test and post-test and population of this study formed on 30 frees v More
        The primary aim of this study was to identify the impact of vocational training on human development index in Alborz Province free institutions. The study was quasi-experimental, single-group using pre-test and post-test and population of this study formed on 30 frees vocational Institute with 3,800 students in these schools that have registered in the last course of 1391. According to Morgan’s table of selecting sample, 246 samples (numbers of males and females are equal) were selected by a cluster random sampling technique. The research tool is a researcher-made questionnaire. The reliability of questionnaire was examined using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient test. (0.85). the results showed that vocational training has an impact on reducing unemployment and poverty. It also increases hope to the life and improves enabling and mental health of individuals who have been trained. This study shows that, there is a significant difference between the average impacts of vocational training on components of the human development index with different gender. The results obtained in this study indicate that the vocational trainings have impact on components of the Human Development Index as follows: reduce the unemployment and poverty, increase hope to the life and living conditions, also increase enabling and psychological health. Thus all research hypothesis were approved with 99% confidence level using appropriate statistical significance 0.001 (T-dependent) and analysis of variance. Manuscript profile
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        47 - Evaluation of the Effect of Transformer Oil Parameters on the Transformer Health Index Using Curve Estimation Method
        Morteza Saeid Hamed Zeinoddini-Meymand
        Transformers are one of the most expensive and important equipment in power systems that are under the influence of electrical, thermal and chemical reactions The transformer health index is a standard that is used to evaluate the condition and determine the remaining l More
        Transformers are one of the most expensive and important equipment in power systems that are under the influence of electrical, thermal and chemical reactions The transformer health index is a standard that is used to evaluate the condition and determine the remaining life of the transformer by using laboratory data and field inspections. The purpose of this article is to determine the relationships between electrical, physical, chemical parameters of oil, dissolved gases in oil and transformer health index. One of the advantages of using the regression method in the analysis of transformer data compared to other methods for determining the transformer health index is determining the influence of the parameters that have the greatest impact on each other. In this article, Curve Estimation Regression method is used and the results are drawn by drawing graphs by SPSS statistical software to analyze the parameters. To carry out the simulations, the laboratory data of some transformers have been considered. Manuscript profile
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        48 - Evaluation of spatial pattern of functional distribution of settlements in Zebarkhan rural area (During the period 1375-1398)
        Nasibe Hosseini Hasan Afrakhteh Farhad Azizpour
        In this regard, with the aim of studying the rural spatial organization, the present study seeks to first determine and form a hierarchy of settlements that can be an effective framework for the distribution of services and functions at different levels, and finally the More
        In this regard, with the aim of studying the rural spatial organization, the present study seeks to first determine and form a hierarchy of settlements that can be an effective framework for the distribution of services and functions at different levels, and finally the prevailing spatial pattern in Identify the area. Therefore, in order to achieve the objectives of the research, using the centrality index and applying 35 variables, the studied settlements were classified at different functional levels (5 levels). It is noteworthy that the present study is applied in terms of purpose and based on descriptive-analytical method. The method of data collection is due to the nature of library and field research. Geographical territory of research is Zebarkhan village of Neishabour city. The findings of the study indicate that the lack of proper distribution of services and lack of spatial balance has increased mobility and movement between human settlements in the countryside. Hence, the two settlements of Ghadamgah, Darrud, have become the main places of intra-district traffic with the first ranks. Meanwhile, the villages of Bazhidar, Aliabad, Cheshmeh Khosrow, Mohammadabad, Qaredash, Qarebeik and Kalateh Lavidani are at the lowest level of development (deprived) and lack the minimum services and facilities.The results indicate that the pattern of flows is one-way relationships and no complementary, two-way and synergistic relationships are formed. Manuscript profile
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        49 - Comparison of the Ideal and Actual Affective States of Opiate-Dependent Addicts and Non-Addicts and Their Relationship to Personality Characteristics
        S. Said  Pournaghash Tehrani
        Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess the ideal and actual affective states of opiate-dependent addicts and non-addict group and their relationship to personality characteristics. The retrospective research method was used in the present study .The statistic More
        Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess the ideal and actual affective states of opiate-dependent addicts and non-addict group and their relationship to personality characteristics. The retrospective research method was used in the present study .The statistical population consisted of all opiate-dependent individuals who themselves had referred to rehabilitation centers in Tehran in 2012. A sample of 30 opiate-dependents was chosen. Also, 30 non-addicts were selected by convenience sampling who were matched on age. The two groups filled out Affect Valuation Index (AVI) and Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI). Analyzing the data showed that there was a significant difference between the two groups in all subscales of the AVI (ideal) except for the subscale of HA. Also, significant differences were observed between the two groups in the subscales of P, LA, and N of actual AVI. Furthermore, there were significant differences in the NS, RD, and SD subscales of TCI. Regarding the differences between the addict and non-addict groups, significant differences existed in all subscales of actual AVI and ideal AVI except for the LAN and HAN subscales. In short, in terms of ideal and actual affective states and personality characteristics, there were differences between opiate-dependent individuals and non-addict groups. Manuscript profile
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        50 - Evaluation of Risk Indicators Affecting Consumer TV Shopping Behavior
        Bagher Asgarnezhad Nouri Ebrahim Ebrahimzadeh Allahyar Beigi Firoozi
        TV shopping is a form of non-store business that, despite its remarkable growth and optimistic outlook, has more of its negative aspects. Consumers worry about buying a product from "anonymous" sellers without physically testing the products. Therefore, it is assumed th More
        TV shopping is a form of non-store business that, despite its remarkable growth and optimistic outlook, has more of its negative aspects. Consumers worry about buying a product from "anonymous" sellers without physically testing the products. Therefore, it is assumed that people may feel a certain degree of risk when buying a product online. Accordingly, the current study aims to assess the risk indicators affecting the behavior of television purchases in Iran. To have this type of purchase, was selected. In this study, a standard questionnaire was used online and the data were analyzed using SPSS software and structural equation modeling method in Smart Pls software. According to the research literature, 6 types of risks that could affect consumers' TV buying behavior were identified, and based on the results, it was determined that financial, operational and time risks affect shopping behavior. Based on the results, it can be said that the perception of risk in TV shopping affects consumer buying behavior and high level of this risk (s) can prevent the purchase of goods through this channel, so TV marketers need to be diligent in identifying, reducing and minimizing the risks perceived by the consumer by building trust and confidence. Manuscript profile
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        51 - Examination of the causes of the Neoclassical (Roman) Façade with Emphasis on John B. Watson's Behaviorist approach (Case study: residential buildings of the city of Shahin shahr )
        fataneh sangtarash leila karimifard
        The issue of façade and design of it in the architectural design process has always been of fundamental importance. Also, the facade is one of the most effective features in creating visual quality for the audience. While Facade design has continued with the least fluct More
        The issue of façade and design of it in the architectural design process has always been of fundamental importance. Also, the facade is one of the most effective features in creating visual quality for the audience. While Facade design has continued with the least fluctuation until the last decade in the art of architecture, today we witness the emergence of facades with the name of neoclassical (Roman) in the context of Iranian cities. This type of facade uses similar elements such as columns, entrance stairs, proportion, order, and symmetry in stone materials. Neo-classical architecture has inspired government buildings in Iran, although it has less attention to the precise proportions of classical architecture and its intellectual insight. Hence, this study aims to investigate the four economic, social, aesthetic, and fashion indicators in the emergence of the neoclassical facade according to Watson's behaviorist approach. It seems that these four indicators are important according to John B. Watson's behaviorist approach to the emergence of the neoclassical facade. The research method is survey-based. In this article, first, the origin of these facades in Greek and Roman architecture also, in the Qajar and Pahlavi eras are historically analyzed. Then, according to Watson's psychological approach, each environmental stimuli is addressed through a Likert scale questionnaire, considering the statistical population in Shahin Shahr and calculating the number of households using Cochran's formula. It is concluded that the economic, aesthetic, fashion, and social indicators, respectively, in the emergence of the neoclassical facade have motivated the purchase of the buildings with these facades through analyzing and evaluating the questionnaire, using SPSS software, and the received response from the stimulus. Manuscript profile
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        52 - Determining the Tourism Calendar Using the Climate Tourism Index (TCI) and the Climate-Holiday Index (HCI): A Case Study of Astara, Gilan Province
        Tooba Abedi Ladan Kazemi Rad Roya Abedi
        Favorable climatic conditions are the most important information that nature tourists need to choose their destination. Moreover, one of tourism climatologists' goals is to identify different types of climates that affect tourism. Therefore, this study sought to investi More
        Favorable climatic conditions are the most important information that nature tourists need to choose their destination. Moreover, one of tourism climatologists' goals is to identify different types of climates that affect tourism. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the relationship between climatic variables, climate-related indicators, and tourism in the most important tourist destinations of Astara, including Heyran mountain pass and Bibiyanlou forest park in terms of Tourism Climate Index (TCI) and Holiday Climate Index (HCI), using indices such as temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, cloud cover, and wind speed during a 15-year period (2005-2020). The results of the monthly survey of the TCI index showed that the region had a good rank in this regard in October (TCI = 65) and July (TCI = 69), a very good rank (TCI = 79) in May, and an excellent rank (TCI = 80) in June. Moreover, the results of the HCI showed that January and July had good ratings (with their HCI values being 69 and 65, respectively). The months of June and February (HCI = 75) had very good ranks, the months of May and April had excellent ranks (with their HCI values being 89 and 85, respectively), and the month of March had an ideal rank (HCI = 93). It was also found that in the early spring and summer (corresponding to the holiday season) when the climatic conditions were more favorable, the region was more visited by tourists. However, the region would probably be less welcomed by the tourists during the working and exam seasons. The results of the present study could be helpful in improving tourism activities based on climatic conditions, managing tourism in terms of providing the tourists with the required equipment and their needs during the tourism peaks, and providing for the required infrastructure to overcome the difficulties and attract tourists at other times. Manuscript profile
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        53 - The Index of Interdisciplinary Quranic Studies Journal
        mahdi ganjour
        One of complicated issues in the field of research is knowing and having access to sources researchers need from among a huge number of scientific texts. Today, indexes are among the main facilitation tools for researchers, organizations, universities, etc. The objectiv More
        One of complicated issues in the field of research is knowing and having access to sources researchers need from among a huge number of scientific texts. Today, indexes are among the main facilitation tools for researchers, organizations, universities, etc. The objective of indexing is to boost users’ access to sources related to the research subject. Journals try to provide readers with their research data based on accepted and categorized criteria. Accordingly, the Journal of Interdisciplinary Quranic Studies, which has published researchers’ papers for more than ten years, has published an index of its published papers. The index has been compiled in three sections of subjects, keywords, and authors’ names, concurrent with the publication of the journal’s 20th issue. Manuscript profile
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        54 - Investigating the relationship between climate and tourism trends in the northeastern half of Iran
        abdolmotalleb  karimzadeh Rahim Bardi Anamoradinejad elahe moradi
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between climatic conditions and the effect of climate on the development and trend of tourism in the eastern half of northern Iran. In this study, circulation climate index (TCI) and 7 climatic variables have bee More
        The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between climatic conditions and the effect of climate on the development and trend of tourism in the eastern half of northern Iran. In this study, circulation climate index (TCI) and 7 climatic variables have been used to calculate the values ​​of major and minor TCI indices. These climatic data for a period of 20 years from 1990 to 2011 related to the synoptic station of Khorasan Razavi province, north and south were received through the website of the Meteorological Organization. In order to zoning the tourism climate conditions of the northeastern half of Iran from the conversion of station point information to surface information, GIS software was used. The tourist climate conditions of Northeast Iran were studied on a monthly basis using the tourist climate index. The results for each month are presented separately in the research findings. The results showed that the TCI index in different regions of the study area has a great variety. According to the annual characteristics of the index (TCI) in the provinces, May, June, July, August and September (May, June, July, August and September) have the best conditions in terms of climatic comfort of tourists and the month January, February, November and March (December, January, February and March) have the worst conditions in this regard. The study and comparison of the results obtained from the TCI index for different regions of the province indicate the concordance and appropriateness of the research results with the climatic realities of these regions. Manuscript profile
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        55 - Examining the Status of Iran in the Global Innovation Index
        AmirAli Karimi Ali Maleki
        Today, many countries look at the phenomenon of innovation as a tool for economic growth and development. The existence of many complexities in the path of creation to the application of innovation has caused many scholars to consider innovation in the form of an ecosys More
        Today, many countries look at the phenomenon of innovation as a tool for economic growth and development. The existence of many complexities in the path of creation to the application of innovation has caused many scholars to consider innovation in the form of an ecosystem. One of the reports that measures the innovation ecosystem in detail is the Global Innovation Index. This index examines different aspects of innovation by using seven pillars, each of these pillars has three sub-pillars and each sub-pillar has a number of indicators. With a history of 12 years in the report, Iran has gone through a growing trend, so that it has reached from the 120th rank in 2014 to the 53rd rank in 2022. The study of Iran's situation in various indicators shows that the country has a very favorable situation in the world in the education of university graduates, scholarly publications and domestic patents, while it has an unfavorable situation in the indicators related to the business environment and innovation collaborations. Due to the lack of data or not being up-to-date, Iran's situation in some indicators and sub-columns cannot be accurately cited. This point clearly shows that the policy maker must have an up-to-date internal database to evaluate the innovation ecosystem in order to adopt effective and flexible policies. Manuscript profile
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        56 - The effect of misery index on health index in Iran
        seyed mohammad mostolizadeh
        Introduction: Health means having complete physical, mental and social well-being, and it is not only the absence of disease, disability and disability. Considering the entry of health economics into the economics literature, it is necessary to study how economic indica More
        Introduction: Health means having complete physical, mental and social well-being, and it is not only the absence of disease, disability and disability. Considering the entry of health economics into the economics literature, it is necessary to study how economic indicators affect health. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of misery index on health index for Iran. Method: This research is a descriptive-analytical inference method in terms of regression and correlation and in terms of time and type of research design is a post-event method. The self-regression method with distributed intervals (ARDL) was used for Iran during the years 1361-1398. The data used in this study are a composite index (life expectancy index, per capita health expenditure, mortality of children under 5 years old), which contains information about life expectancy from the World Bank, health expenditure from the budget law and calculations and death Mortality of children under 5 years old UNICEF data and data on misery index, Gini coefficient and GDP per capita have been extracted from the Statistics and Economic Indicators Center of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The model and tests required for the research were estimated in Eviews 10 software. Findings: The results show that the misery index has a negative and significant effect on the health index. Also, based on empirical findings, income inequality has a negative and significant effect on the health index, while GDP per capita has a positive and significant effect on the health index. Discussion: Based on the results of the model, the misery index variable has a negative and significant coefficient on health costs. The index of misery is lower and lower in the lower classes of society. Due to rising inflation, the purchasing power of the lower deciles of society has been severely damaged. In addition, GDP per capita has a positive and significant effect on the health index. Higher per capita income leads to better health by improving living conditions such as access to safe drinking water, better roads, proper nutrition, and so on. While income inequality has a significant negative effect on the health index. By reducing income inequality in society, the possibility of investing in education, health; Employment is provided for more people. Manuscript profile
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        57 - Evaluating the Degree of Iran's Economic Resilience and determining the factors affecting it: Pre and Post JCPOA
        Farhad khodadad داود  حمیدی Maryam Khalili Asl
        Dawood Hamidi Maryam Khalili Asl Farhad Khodadad Kashi Abstract In this research, the Iran's economy resilience before and after the JCPOA and the factors affecting it are evaluated. A composite index is used to measure Iran's economic resilience. This inde More
        Dawood Hamidi Maryam Khalili Asl Farhad Khodadad Kashi Abstract In this research, the Iran's economy resilience before and after the JCPOA and the factors affecting it are evaluated. A composite index is used to measure Iran's economic resilience. This index covers the three dimensions of economic stability, welfare effects, concentration and export variety. The results confirm that Iran's economic resilience has changed from 0.31 to 0.51 during the period 1995-2016. It should be mentioned that the size of this index decreased to its lowest level in 2013 due to the sanctions imposed by the United Nations. In addition, variables such as economic complexity, economic freedom, good governance and capital formation have positive and significant effect on the Iran's economy resilience, while the openness of the economy had a negative effect on it. The estimation results of the model show that JCPOA has had a positive and significant effect on Iran's economy resilience. This agreement has had a significant effect on Iran's economy and world markets by canceling and removing nuclear sanctions against Iran. The implementation of this agreement has facilitated the entry of technology and investment of the world's oil companies in Iran. Manuscript profile
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        58 - The effect of misery index on health index in Iran
        seyyed mohammad mostolizadeh
        Seyed Mohammad Mostolizadeh Abstract Introduction: Health means having complete physical, mental and social well-being, and it is not only the absence of disease, disability and disability. Considering the entry of health economics into the economics literature More
        Seyed Mohammad Mostolizadeh Abstract Introduction: Health means having complete physical, mental and social well-being, and it is not only the absence of disease, disability and disability. Considering the entry of health economics into the economics literature, it is necessary to study how economic indicators affect health. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of misery index on health index for Iran. Method: The self-regression method with distributed intervals (ARDL) was used for Iran during the years 1361-1398. The data used in this study are a composite index (life expectancy index, per capita health expenditure, mortality of children under 5 years old), which contains information about life expectancy from the World Bank, health expenditure from the budget law and calculations and death Mortality of children under 5 years old UNICEF data and data on misery index, Gini coefficient and GDP per capita have been extracted from the Statistics and Economic Indicators Center of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The model and tests required for the research were estimated in Eviews 10 software. Findings: The results show that the misery index has a negative and significant effect on the health index. Also, based on empirical findings, income inequality has a negative and significant effect on the health index, while GDP per capita has a positive and significant effect on the health index. Discussion: Based on the results of the model, the misery index variable has a negative and significant coefficient on health costs. The index of misery is lower and lower in the lower classes of society. Due to rising inflation, the purchasing power of the lower deciles of society has been severely damaged. In addition, GDP per capita has a positive and significant effect on the health index. Higher per capita income leads to better health by improving living conditions such as access to safe drinking water, better roads, proper nutrition, and so on. While income inequality has a significant negative effect on the health index. By reducing income inequality in society, the possibility of investing in education, health; Employment is provided for more people. Manuscript profile
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        59 - Investigating the Relationship between Depression and Physical Activity Index Following Short-Term Stress Induction: An Animal Study
        Maedeh  Poureskandar Saleh Rahmati Zahra Entezari Marzieh  Balali
        Background: Examining the impact of short-term stress on depressive-like behavior and motor activity in rats is a crucial aspect of behavioral and neuroscience research. Short-term stress can influence rats' depressive-like behavior and decrease their motor activity. Th More
        Background: Examining the impact of short-term stress on depressive-like behavior and motor activity in rats is a crucial aspect of behavioral and neuroscience research. Short-term stress can influence rats' depressive-like behavior and decrease their motor activity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of short-term stress on depressive-like behavior and the running index of male Wistar rats, as well as the relationship between the two variables. Materials and Methods: Examining the impact of short-term stress on depressive-like behavior and motor activity in rats is a crucial aspect of behavioral and neuroscience research. Short-term stress can influence rats' depressive-like behavior and decrease their motor activity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of short-term stress on depressive-like behavior and the running index of male Wistar rats, as well as the relationship between the two variables. Results: Short-term stress significantly increased the 24-hour running index (P=0.01). The depression-like behavior of rats after stress induction did not show any significant difference. There was no significant relationship between the amount of running and depressive-like behavior (P=0.13). Conclusion: Based on the present findings, short-term stress caused an increase in the activity of male Wistar rats, which was not related to depressive-like behavior. Manuscript profile