Assessing the level of development of Iranian villages using Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI)
Subject Areas :
Ali Hajizadeh
Shima Dadfar
mehrshad toulabi nejad
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Keywords: development, rural development, Physical Quality of Life Index, Iran,
Abstract :
Various indicators are used to measure the level of development, changes and developments of the rural development process and with the aim of planning and evaluating rural development plans. One of the important indicators for measuring rural development programs is the use of Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI) indicators. This index is widely used to measure or compare the level of development between different regions due to its simplicity and usability. In this study, using the natural indicators of quality of life in Morris and Calpine, the level of rural development of the country has been studied. In this research, with a positivist and positivist approach that has a practical nature and emphasizes on quantitative methods, the aim of the research, which is to measure the level of rural development in Iran, was pursued. Research data were collected from sources such as the Statistics Center of Iran, data from the Ministry of Health and statistical yearbooks of the provinces. Were compared with each other. The results showed that the level of development of the country's villages are different in terms of natural indicators of quality of life. The central provinces of the country in terms of the coefficient of this index compared to other regions of the country are at an appropriate level of rural development. While the peripheral provinces of the country are at a moderate level of development, and Sistan and Baluchestan province, which is one of the underdeveloped provinces of the country, is at the lowest level of rural development.
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